rf!5:.... -..ftt:i'.. ' :?;- Tin: Ml-HI'.. A thousand f.md affections Hart A UkmkuvI ties stla tha soul, , . And wrat tlit fstltrt round tbt heart. , And 4 et oft tht gushing trar, rrofUSm thou tarthi tht'iM wtrt rivea, Ikluded ir.n would lin jer here, Unearned of nit attift beaten. But ah ! tt nffcriiif wreti h can telL Ifow, one by one, they ces to cling t .Par, Hem breaks tht sfJL - Aim! mij sorrow snaps string. . Jf t aaolrwr, Here tet my wife, who kitted berwsl, AO ofkwa accord Tbe Lord that gave, bath taken awty And blessed bt the Lord." I Of all J"b W, ! Waory telU i plain. Old p him duublt poniont hack again, Cod did takt hie pUpiy wifr.Ma ru 1kt couM t)t palitnl sua tuvt dona wiih H viaairaa. m - 'i'-'B MAKQm DC LA FATtTfE. Ai thit dinlinguihed ptnooart hi of late become uy'tc oi geoeral con versation, the follow inff accouoti of hit penonal appiarancr, given by an entertaining writer io tbe Village Record, will not be unuccepublc to the reader. "The MarquU.de la Fayette wis one of the fr;tt baking men in the ar my, ootw'tthatandtOR hii deep red hair, r fiich then, at now , at r itbcr in rcpute. llii fonhrad fin-, thuunh recedinjf hU eyra tlear huztl hit m.-alh and thin d licatrlv formed, aid exhibiting botnv rather than strength. The etprcion of bit coun tenance waa strongly indiealive of the reneroui and tallant spirit wliich am- mated him, minglrU with aomeihing f .,- nf ronkcinu mjnlinei. Hit mico wa nobb his mannera frai k and amiable, and hi movements licht and efaceful. Me wore h hair P,. P rir -.u pliin, and never complied ki lar with the faahidni of the times as to pow ler. A gentleman in Philadelphia having annniincrd hit intention ol writing n life - f this eminent mar, perhap. the following not'ne of his drparturr Ir m France to aid the U. S ates in tbeir atruggle for liberty, my not be unac ceptable: Pans, April 4, 1777. One cf the rirhett of Our V'tincr nfilit. thr IMara'i'a de La Fvr'tr rt latior. of the D'ike de Niili, between 1" and 20 years of ag', has at his own r penie, hired a Irigre, and provided every thing nfcfsnarr for a voyage to America, with two officer, of bin ac quaintance. He set nur lat week, having told hii ladv n I latnily that he waa goinjr to Italy. He to serve as Mjor-Grntr;d in the American ar mv. On the other hand, the Count BulVclv, n Irish gtlemtr, wb is a Mnjor-Gen-ril in tbt- Frn ch s- r ic , Is point, witb th! le.ive of Ms M.'j - to tffer himself to the Kt; "I Great Britain, to atTve agacst the Americans." As to the Irish Count de H Jktly . ! .aa,J k'ie, ta, t M . I I ! K. Si I a nere mrnnnnn.. t lentr bur tne narr- ol 1-avette ill e rem. mbered as lor g as private wor n and public patriotism are known and respected among mm. SOW Tilt RATIOS 4L cairrrt. In the- month of March last, Baron WrantteK a Russian offii er, mndt a sec ond attempt to perform a journey fiom the mouth of the Kolyma to the north ward, over the ice. In the first attempt he was stopped bv n open sea, on which neither ice norland was visible in any tlT irn In the second-he -had nearlt perjshea. nrnm tcstoit """""" " ty wersts, when a Rule of wind broke up the ire all around him, and he found him aclf on an open sea, tossed bot on s floe f ir eiirhtv futiioms lohtr and forty ire broad, floatrd about at Ihr mercy ot tne wind und current, which fortunately drove him at length half dead with cold and lumper, to the A si-tic ahorefnot far from Bhering's Strait. In 1784, an American vessel imported 8 bags of cotton into Liverpool whirh ..were .aeized.br one of his mjestv's ffi cCrsof the customs, as supposing they vere not the growth of Ameiira. In 1823, there were imported into Liverpool 4ID9.670 bajrs of cotlon- - 1824 March 16 Vessels arrived 737 1833. March 16 Do. . do. 462 -. . r .t . Increase; 265 At tha anniversary of the New-Vork Male Sunday JSchool Union, celebrated on Montby a h"e re present about four thousand scholars. tit AtrnoniTT. Ta Ik tU lmijf to i1'"i!l"Tr" Cat rhrlr in terum cmcs. f-tV. MVH 1Uty H I .!,e,r,(l(i f mrUH fulT shall be kNMl awning to la, if we w ; U "-? . - . ,..., 4 ilmVf Koi tMiW4 U tht ow.wt burtr, tun, in rtNnMn to njr prt uh. b tht tmUd !", b rk4 M. vnrr tf wvl crew of tuth h11. ...:.r.. .mw K.tv iU la tht (wl IrulUf of tit Treu-'fT. tht ., .Of k of kJi immI, b tdlitUd U tht wt bounty m ad la f"H. ' . tec. 3. H fil" wwtijt TUt wr Tr mcI bkli Ua baft ewnpWtad hfr tt Urtn. uhwat to tha ott,ttilWd "A i in kintlon to, and aherrfi. a an act. tatltkl Aart layUif tduff o teijwrtad aalt, frwiV u. . w... a turVL .1 AJi t irofUL and fc nrht humtrvd awl wan, attd whkh aUll, in rumin(C ta anjr port in tht Untied BUUa, Mt .rrrkrrl ut kiat. tht OVACr Of 0Mn tnd .u-h fikihvHrLhalhavt tUflfcled ta th'm rte prviiwM of tht An. KCt'um ofl tUiacC If. CLAT, Speaker of the HvtM of KrprtenUUe. DAXirXD.IOMPRlXS, Met Prtaidcat of tht V. fuiei and rrrtultol of tbt Kciute. truihinffn, M,iy 2a, lS.'i. Appned; . JAMU MONROB. AN Act to ni llt Weatani boundary lint of tbt 1 erriiory of Arkamaa, and for otbtf purpoaea. E it twn4 by M WJ aaf Ihmt f Rf rrrnttitii1 tf tk I'milrJ Stain fjmtritm in frnfrrvt ew That tbe ctrrn boun dary line m the lemiorjf or Artanaaa naii oe gin al a point forty ! a cat of lb aoutba rat corner "f the dale of Miaaourt, ainl run MMitb, o tbe niftit bank of ib Kfd hr, and thence, lon Hie rier,aml a ith the Meikan boumlarr, to the line if the itate of l.miiiana, any law hrn-tufora made, to the contrary notai'.hUnd- inr- ....... . . .. See. ?. ,f iul b il furttr marita, I nai ine sum of aot.,.u.H ., i.ura, o ur.rar wr ev , . . T . .1 . .1 .. pei ol ruimiK 'i "'fing wimun Ur, ,o be e.iAle.l unr the d.reetinn. of prTt;.ni .r th- tVm-d !,iic, h-t ami the tr.e hrrth- i. pjinjrlicJ, to be piid ut uf monfyintht i reairy. not ou.eraue ap- pnipriateil. rc. 1. .f ' it f rlhfT nartnt, lliat m-ich of tv a-nnarit of fie thmiaanil d""'. n.- b tK n ot tlie il f March. eiifhti f n hnit.lrcd ir,.- twemr Jnr, fur earrrmg ,nti rffVrM,,r f ,!te hieemh of Octo. hr, ei).ilcen hii hI-mI a id taentv, with the Cha.law i .uciit liuliai, a rrnuitia unci- , ' a ,(C tn,lJ,),V(.(, for lUf piiiff'srs nirntioi.nl in the aai'l art ol .lil ol Varrli, eih'een hundrrd ami iwmty-ouc, any law tu the rui'trsr) not iihtAnilui(f. fee 4 .in,l If il further e'Uulr.L Tht the sum ' ten tliounnil dollar, to he paid imt of anv nioney in the Trcas'irv, not othi-rwise sp I pn pnat. il, be, nrt the tan e is herthv, apprn :j)rijti(!. I" di fray the extwnses of tresting aith the fhacUw fhocta ) Indisns, to oh'sin a mo- il fi iitiun of ihr treat ol Ortobtr ncliteentn. m' liuiul iglit bm dfed and twenty. pp-(Hril : nAi .Mi'JT .o, la.t. A A"t rrai niiig to the Vysndot 1 rlbe of In dian a certain tract of Urn!, in lieu of a reaer a'ion made to thorn hv 1 naty. Ul". il ri ie v..' hy thr Srnntr ami n'e tf Rep rr,. ;U-tmi nf the United Statf of .Imericu l tnjrn ii.n-mWni, That liter be, and here. . hv in. rcai.rvcJ. 'oi tht ue of the chaTs anrt tnhe of Hamlot Indians subject to the condi - tior.s and I m.i.ttions of the forme r reservation, "the northeast (inarter of the section numlwreil tun, in ioui:'iip two, and rine aevtnteen, mill o' the ' Imi, ol Uiui, in uie ueiawarc l and Diatrirt. in the State of Ohio, in luu ot .i . e j .1 - r. .. npe hundn 1 a.id ity acres of land, on the west aide of. and adjoining, the Sandusky R v er; and ta liicli was rcn rcd to said tribe of In liaiN h a suiitilcmoiilary treaty between the I nitcd 'stes and certain tribes of Indians, held at St. Mar', in the state tf Ohio, on the seven, teenlh ilav ol x-ptemher, eighteen hundred skI ( un)Iot ,rhi. fim KymtWth , ,be l nited Su)m m (he H(fh tht r (, cUimf of tM eiL'liTien : on cnr.umon tuai mr imi m wu tribe, to thr one hundred and sixty acres land, reserved by said supplementary trrutv. Approved : Jf oMngton, May "6, 1 8-4. AN Act for the relief of certain Distillers in the United States. Wk r I 1., ,L. C...f. nm,l Ifntt nf HrH- I . . (t. tritmj vttiim r ' in Covtrrr., arm,lcd. That the Scretary of t-d to the Secretary of the Department War the lr. asun be.aml he is hereby, authored ly an act, approved the twenty-fourth hy of an ! required' to refund, out of any monev in the February, one thousaml eiht hundred am I n asurv, not otherwise appropriated, to distill- nnetcen, to issue warrants for the military land ers . spirituous liquors, or their legal repre-.bounties, to persons entitled thereto, ihajl be rT,?ati -of anr state-or--.Htrie-withtn thet continued ft force for the temrot ri.it.-d Mates who, at any time since the first "ears- lav nf lartiarv. one thousand enththumlretl and f uMr Mr en. - Wt,,ed stills made- according to II, , ,y iter's improvement upon ak erson a ctmdt nsmg tub, and w ho have paid a duty upon tl., .anacity of the globes of such stills, all the mo vTTaircTMftrrllstiiiers may nsTerrespecr- tivi 1, p:iid, as a duty, on the capacity of the globes of their said stills. Approved : ll'aihington, May 26, 1824. AN Act rewarding the officers and crew of two gigs or small boats under the command of I.ieu!enantFraiicis H. Gregory, of tlie United States' Nary. 1E IT EN ACTE) by the Senate and Home of t 19 ttetnwntativet of the Umled State of Amer ica in rwrmi us -third, That the President of the Tnited States be, and he is hereby, author ized. to have distributed as prize money to Lieu tenant Francis II. (".letfory, of the l nited States' Navy, and the officers and crew of two gTbys their legal representatives, the um of three thousand dollars, for the capture and destruc tion of a British gun-boat, called the Ulack Snake, in the river St lAw rence, on the nine teenth of June, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, and that the said suni of three thou sand dollars be, and the same is hereby, appro priated; for the purpose aforesaid, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropri ated. ' Approved : Wailiingm, May 4, 1 824. ATI t TfwlU r,rn.l,mrlt tf t rr tNAcrr.0 fJ'f"" .Htu nn it... w .J. am : UmU of t!, l'nitl uiee, rave .........,, . . . i p4 rt,ft t4 forth' w4. k U PUiot.t f an aet, par4 at coad March, . .... . a J ataill. Urd An act de tht r I tf of tht purchar af puh:i kn.!a prior to tbt Br 'f timant iM huivlred and twtf," o of tht irtl atppltaaantary tbrto of thf twantUtb of AnriL tit tbouaand tlM tMindtd and ta-enty lira. Vd Ibtrd of M-rb, tbootad ek-M kumbad d ...; Uraa, P" Uininf aaab cert.W, OT tht IrfU hokjaf tUertb, aliaO bt alload, at an ff ttM. tenth of April, one tbnu-nd tight boadrad and wray4t,to tL with tbt iepatef ef tht Und OSitt, in tbt diairict h'ft Mch bad it imateiL a ralinouiaUme b wnlmg, of wy Kdton. half section, quarter swUon, of kfjl ...i. i U a fnctiutl arction. nadt aerord- Inr to tbt proUoiii in tht e lining Uot, la re K to tbt re, and salt of fubfij Lands, i ... rti.ni mule, an anf tract of Und, to rliwHUed, shall bt applied to tbt payment of tht amount due on any tract rctainrtt n purcbaer. or legal holder of a eertifieatt of a porch i which reUoquiJiment abaU bt allow .A Mw m etMMlaion that an SKh purcbaaer, or legal waiter oi a cenuicaie w parvus, innU aufneient quaatiiy of land thereby to ampleie h or b-r payment aue to lot twiw (t.tcs, or any Un.U reiainl, or pay tbe balance l ie, and ahlch my afterward become due, in (to ey, before or at the time of h relin.un Arm . an.1. on the DMnvent of aiieh baUnce in nontj, there ih.O be allowed, on the amount so pvd, a drduction of tbe rate of thirty -aeen i id a Ulf ier centum i frewU That nothing hein eMitined, tall entitle the person na kirg wch n liiwmiibment to claim any repy mem from the LnileJ tates, on account of any land so rrhiKiuiUied ; .M pridJtJ atrr, I1iat nmbiiir bernin contained ahall autbrue tny diconU upon pa)ments made by rthav uui.hmcnt. . 5 L ii fink raritL That all pur chaarrt. Of Icrd hi.ld. r -f any certificate of pureh of any of the fuhhc IaikI of the i-r,;t.,t Riaira. mho mav have iihuined a certifi- Kll nww Ung calr nf rurtJier crrai'. unucr uic Hnniu... - . . , .t W to 0.vm.nU pretu, . to b ", Apni, eiemeen numimi .-."-," rv 'nn'almeot now due, ami ahieh ahall atter- ilhecone pahle, shall be allowed, upon Ihr amount ao paid, a deduction, at the rate of lliirtr arei and a half per centum. Hre. 3. Aiui S U further tnotttd. That it ahall hMhe dutftle Ketiter and Reenters of the Land Olurrs of the L'nitrd 8tatrt,im-l med'atety aA.-r he 10th of April, eighteen hundnd and tent -five, to return complete litts of the owl rrlinquiahed to the United States, within their dUtricti t and auch lands hilt be espoaed to tale, as other public lande of the t 'nited Sutea. h re. 4. ,fW U further rnaed. That the RrKier ami KrceWer of any Und Oflire. aliall br allowed double the fees giren them by the act of the aeennd of March, one tluniaand ciRht humlrrd and twentyine, for like servkci, to be paid by ihe person or persona avaUuig them aeWes of the proiiona of this act. Srr. 5. .ef be it further enacted. That the provision of this act be extended to town lots tnd out lo'S reacrreu iot uiai purpoac, aiiu by the t'nited 8tatct on a credit. Approved : H'atMnrien, Mag 18, 1824. AN Act providing for the appointment of an Agent for the (Huge Indians west of the State of Missouri, ami Territory of Arkansas, and for other purposes. r R i enacted h i the Senate and Jim ( Ret- I) mmlutiiv f ihe Lnited State f America 1 .-- Ctnrreu n$tembled. Thit the President of ,he t nitcil States be. and he is hereby, author ;,e, aniioint an arrnt for the tHare Indian Wr,t of the State of Missouri, and territory of Arkanwis, who shall n-ccive lor his compensa . . f . . i i i ii . 111 Uon the sum ol iiitrcn numirra uonars, in iuii. and that all rations orotlu r allow ances made to him. shall be deducted from the sum hereby allowed. Sec. 2. Md he it further enacted. Tint it shall he th- duty of each Indian Agrcrit to reside and kr-p his aerney within, or nesr the territory, r'liinrd bv the tribe or trile of Indians for which he may be agent, at such places as the frtsidpf of the t'nited States may designate. Approved : n'aMnirlo May 18, 1824. A Act to allow further time to complete the uuing and locating of Military Land War rants. BE it enacted by the Senate and ffoute of Rep. retentatiiet of the United State of .imerica ii Olnrt rw aurmbled, That the autlionty rran np""eu : ii.iwi..., , . . q . . , Ulc tcrm of cer. . . w . fc fc irC(J b ,imita. . r - ' ' v' M-P retenianve oj ine i mien oiuic, y mkiui in tonrrea aitembled, l hat tlie pensions nere . f S . I 1 a -A a I a , tnfnre trranted. and naid out of the Privateer Pension Fund, to the widows aua orphans oi r ----- -.-...., . such officers, seamen, and marines, as were lain, or died in Consequence of wounds or casualties, received While in the line of their dutv. on board the' private armed shins of the t'nited Stats. and tne verms TOT tlie ratrment of which had expired by limitation, before the ninth day of April, in tlie year of our Lord one thousand tight hundred and twenty-four, be, and the same are hereby, revived, and exten ded to such widows and orphans, with all the advantages and in the same manner, as if their respective terms had not expired i subject to the prwisionv restrictions, said. limitations of an act, passed on lue.jM.ntn cay oi April, in ine tear bf our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twent v-four. entiUcd " An act extending the term of pensions grafted to persons disabled, and to the w idows and orphans of those who liaVe been slairt. or who have died in com quence of wounds or casualties, received while in the line of their duty, on board the private armed ships of the United States, during the late war.'.' , Approved : "Jathinfton, May 26, 1824. Mansion Hold, lusnuur, .s-vnTiic.iitoi.LVJ, nr - W lie, hi. fnUu. th.r bt h t.kmtU extensive ana 'y". , . ik Minu-r of tht Court (UJy tup' V aituaut ai we . nn iiMiir. tt4,r vv -- . h.j lua tonventence -- - ' .... .;iniiuit tor .. .. . -.t. tJ tirlvatt rooms, a . . ara.l.k A CaD Msorct inrm, vr F 7 " render their eta; eomtorUbW ana pa rt .1 It. ! 1)IJVA noillii lauajii aj.iuv. I Ceninty Court, to bu.Ula u . 1..! .-.rwnlfl bt anwB, wouin laaia rni . . Creek and the Point, will rcceWt propoade fur . .. a art ' t tl..aaA altaatbeaawd Id tfiOtV tract fJr .Ik same,1 wiD Specify to Jbr rfth. .. .i.uh. .l,u-h uiev can uo Cotnmiaarunera ne wru v.. ;., .1.. 11. . 1 ... . ;ti iuuftaiha uiat inrre ute joo. 1, vii w , . tbe Bn.ire.s stone Frr" IIT Tl,. to bt well smngtna snu m: ....-- ---brU will require to be two hundred feet long. ALriO.ll anvnil I jau)ii ntiir.R. JOHN IL mttlJNC, VCeai'rs, DAVID MHitlRr, JOHN ttr.AKD.jr. J Aa-r,. 7. IL Wholenalc HAT Store, 279 A7f V-rerl, aSar lA Mertkanfl Bfi. avstptt iU MiKfii! a reneral asaortmrnt U of 1st, 2nd, and 3d quality black snd drab Ucuvcr Hats, orsl, baO and high crowns, ami enrtes shaped, wide and narrow brims, late fadiiona. Also, Caator Hats, dittoi men's and youths fine Koram ditto, warranted elastic water proof men's ami youth's Koram Hats, of an mfi nor quality. All of which they warrant oi umut own manufacture. . Men's ami boy't coarse, fine and rery nne black and drab aool Hutsi morocco caps, from Philailclpliia and New.York i Hatter's Tnra minra, Bow Strings and llruslics, Lc. low for ea.h. Charle.ln, J!, 1824. UitU New AHsortmi'iit. a 1 THR atihsrriber has sery recently receos.i from Vhiladelphia, an assortment of Ih-y tiih, Cn'.lery, and Hard-H are, iPimetlic ; which, with the assortment he esperts to re. ceire in a short time, will enable bun to sell t eatisfactory prices. The public are respectfully invited to call, and examine for themselves. KUWAIU) CUtSS. Salitbury, .titf. 16,13:3. 70 (' uppers rftitliinj'. The Coppcrsinithing, aid Tin PLoe bniinesj, heretofore transacted by I). Cress, sen. will in future be conducted bv'me, at the aame place. Those who favor me with their custom, may de nend on having their work done with neatness, K .... . . .a ni.si'lt (Mlt'Qa durability and ilespatcn. Mmu, v.nr..-.-. Dissolution. 1 HAVE declinrd acting as a partner with John 1 Murohv, in the mercantile business in con eonl, with biseonsrnt, and have reiinpiis:iri an . . , i i ii claims to any part or portion of the profile of the concern ot Murphy & Mi'ton. vo .Wore 12, 182. NA I'H'L. SUTTON. aVtvw Storey In Com ant . rjlIIF. subscriber has formed a Copartnership I with William Brown, in the mercantile bu-iness a Concord, Cabarrus count) , North Carolina, under the firm of .Murphy U Jlrtvm where they are openig a fresh aasorUnent ol Dry Good, Cutlery and Hardware, selected with much care, in Philadelphia ami New-York, and bought on the best ternis. They design to continue the business at Concord for some years i and as Mr. Murphy will visit the northern cities annually, to procure supplies their assortment will be general ; ami will he lisposed of at fair prices for cash, or on credit, to punctual customers. Iru-ir trie nils ana the public generally, are respectfully inviti d to call, examine qualities, hear prires and judge for themselves. JU11N MUIU'IU. John Murphy, Has also, at his store in Salisbury, a large assortment of GOODS, to suit citizens town and country people i to be disposed of unuaual!) low, for cash, or country produce. CoacTf Mating. rpiIE subscriber offers his sen ices to the pub 1. lies in the 'above tine,- and flatters himself, from long experience and steady application for a number of years in Europe and America, to give general satisfaction to those who may lavor aim mtulhcuLBorK Carriages of all descrintions Pannel'd and Stick Ci, Sulkcys &c. made and repaired on reasonable terms. SAM'L. LANDERS. SaSibury, April 26, 1824. 204 N. B. Carriares of all descriptions bought and sold, on commission. P. S. A journeyman wanted at the above bu siness to whom good wages will be given. He will be employed on wood-work, altogether. f0The subscriber keeps two fiijr f Hire, which will aty av be. kept in reaihness, with goKl harness for lie aeeommolation of those who may, at any time, wL.Ii to ride on pleasure or on business. 8. LANDERS. ..WanteiJ, asjm Appre.ntke .at the above bmmesa7a'mingm'an "from 14'' io' 18 years of age. and of correct and -industrious hubits one from the country would be preferred : to whom a good chance pe y ven. . The Militia Laws, REttfSEn and published this year, under the direction of the Adjutant General, and comprising all the laws passed by the General Assembly , relative to the militia, up to this date, for sale at the oflice ef the cstcrn Carolinian; hpui i w oa place, anu n"""" - Lblitt aJatUntirt M- I Mat, and h. rwl bt auppbed with tbt bsst Ut rnarkH a- Imi .U rive tntiiw aatialaetiow to tnoat ow Ltm i and M I frleml tnd the Mibl.C gtneraHy.ihat U luat rrerled the Ulcat thion from Londim, U ' ..... in. ..it.... i. ii . . . ' ay or roiiaii'!"". .n un, mhu. y, and tht svtiaent fonntry, l.Mflg faal,i.ma. Ut clothts niawU. tan Bo bt arcimimo.lte hy tht suharriher on a siion boikc. ah oeurt from a distance, rW making any kind of gmle. mtu'l gtnncnt witt bt uu.ly and ttoaaly CBeoiWd, snl braanlrd aeonltig l directiowe. ucmirwara ara wnneo w jie me auhcrtberB shop a fair trUl they will the bt better nblt tt i'f'zn whHher he drarrvrt their atmnagt Of lit. THOMAS V. CANOH. .Canicntcriojj Uuiincus.. ,r f 11IIR ascrma bega kae to baVrea the X c it lien of Mow an and tht adjoining eon, ties, that bt Intends earning Of) the llonee Car. penter'a Buainrat In all ks various branch!. and it now ready to malt fnpremenii with any peraon wlahing to bat work done In kia nne. lit ww rimiOTT none put tnt oett : workmen 1 and bt lattrrs bimaelf that, from bit long eiperienct and strict attention to tht biai. neaa, bt will bt abb) to diarharrt any auch work in tht moat faslilonabtt St) It of tht day, and oa tht moat re asonablt terms, lit (eels no hV taiion ia saying that those who may favor him with their custom, will bt fully satWied ai la price, durability aeatneas, and deanateh. ISAAC EAHMIAIT. SaU Avry, Aae 14,1824. ' t'liv Martin Y. lit? tl, Tn.for, VDOPT this plan of informing tht citiani of Saualiury, and its vicinity, in general, that be bat commenced tbt Tailoring Htniness, in part of John tit-man's boose, situated ii Market Street, a few doors from the taat corner of tht Court-House i where he is prepared l will be happy to accommodate anr gemlma who art disposed to patron ir him in his Ime cf Luaineas, in tht neajrat ami moat fadixmiMi si) le, of to please fancy. He flatten bii.vli; Irom bis long esperienct, that there are but few, if any, in tht eountrj-, that Can surpass h-ni in tbe etrcution of Wt week. A (air trial ia vl he ask a, to proto tht above assertion. 1!n changes of fashion ahall ke strictly attended to, as be haa left a ceyfTetpondent in the District !" tlunibia, (where be is Ust from) who will sead him tha fadiions on, in their regular scaauM. He botes br strict aitenlWm to business, to n. ceive a liberal share of public patronage, as be is determined nothing shall be Uft undone render general satisfaeiion. Sttbihtry, Mtio 5, 1 5 J. VO State of North-Carolina, Caaaaact cocwtt. COI RT uf PUat and Quarter Sessions, April Term, 1324 1 Caleb P. Alexander, ter$ James I'ickcusi original attachment, levied on lamia, 8te. Jt appearing to the court that the defendant in this esse is not an 'inhabitant ot' Utis state, it is therefore ordered, that psibhra. tie i be made three months in the Wntern. (r (Anion, git ing notice to said defendant to appear at the next Court of Picas and Quarter Sesiiis to be held for said county, at the) court-booee in Concord, ornhe Third Monday of Jutv new, to replcvy, plead, or demur, otherwise Judgment final w in bat entered against him, and cieculiou awarded accordingly, . - . Test: DANIEL COLEMAN, e.e.e. Price adv. 4. . if 16 State of North-Carolina, " VILKCS COfHTT. finrrtTof Pleas ami Quarter Sessions, Vsr J Trrm, 1HC4 : James Irwin vi. John llt orJ ; original attachment, levied on two tracts of lanj. It a.itirarino' to the court that the dclernlan'. i ' . .... . . i lVP, o,,t f tins atate, it is thervlore oMrred, that publication he madeor three month in the W estern Carolinian, that the defendant, SppiT at the neit cimntv court to be held for the coun ty of Wilkes at the eourt hoiw in WilkcsburoV. -onthr firstMrmrhy m Angmtt next, andrrpVw nd plcaI to issue, or judgment will be entered against him for planlifl 's demand. i'.'ISe Test: It. HUItTIV.r. w. e. e. State of North-Carolina, BTRKK COVSTT. I NT Equity, March term, A. I). 1824. Mernt Buririn.' v. Phillin Goodhread. It anpeir- ing to the satisfaction of the court, that Phillip Goodbread does not reside within the limits of this Mate, it ia therefore onk-red that publica tion be made for three months successively in the Western Csrplinian, that unless the said Phillip Goodbread appear at the next court of Equity to be held tor the county of Burke, at the court-house in Mnrganton, on the 4th Mos day of September next, then and there to plead, answ er or demur, judgment, pro confi sso, will be taken, and the same be heard ex parte. S. S. ERWIN.r. w. a. Prke tdv.S4, loif22 State of North-Carolina, Iredell county. esnt7TlT of PUaa ami Quarter Sessions MiT 17 term. 1824. John N?sbTt. v. tnarTes ITT Conner ; Orriginal attachment, returned, See. H is ordered by the court, shtAMmefeJJdW (who Is hot an inhabittTrt of this Stated fil--h answer on or before the next tcrm of this court, to be held for the county aforesaid, at the court th third Monday m Amiii.. nllmiii n I If alTailllifT a ill b ii'usi i,ca", wii" miu jiwi..-..i : heartlex parte, and have judgment pro cnniesw. It is further ordered, that this notice be pub lished for three montha in the Western Caro linian. Test : R. S1M0NT0X. Cffe Price adv. g;4. State of North-Carolina, . . ASHE CqVSTY. ' WORMS BAKER, f. Alexamle.r Johnson, and James Baker, Sen. et alias: OrigiM' hill in Equitv.' Whereas, it appears to the satis faction of tins court, fliat Polly Halcer, rehct ot Jeremiah Baker, dee'd. James Baker, Reuben Baker.'Lucy Ann Baker, Sceberry Baker, Nat cv Baker, andJeremiah Baker, infants and be"' ,aWUw,oC,aforesai4. Jmife, ', are inhabitants of. another state, it t tJ'erJ:"7 ohiered; that pubficaniou he made m the Ui tern Carolinian, published in Salishury, for" weeks, for the aforesaid parties w nppx-ar a answer, plead or dfmur, or judgment, pro co fosso,. will be taken agajiist.lbein, and the c heard exparte. Witness James llatborn, cki of the court of Equity, for the county and ' aforesaid, March term, 1824. ' . ' :.. JAMES UATB0H'.f.& Price adv. S2. 50.'