1. Dr D. limn j the tomb or pasted l'-M")rASkiniIonft' 3cr hrrtf wlfc! there worship, ln-( vurf , Beejimln F. JWfwood, of Ra- 14 u?purtlh: Due and irnulna KfpuUl i, prUlpUi which Inspired our f.ibrt enters. ' 2 J. Our Utile natf U Mi enulred fer lilf ntr Win nime 4 cheers. ' firr wbUh the fullowlnr; o!unUf toasts tr given I. Dr 3iniul llrrU mif the Wab Jnrtotdin iftum f Kovtmment be ban ded down, utiimplrc(5t to lht latest jx. ifnii I theirs. ---, ....... .. fit Li atesd of atom to the' Mr temple of - Ameilcan UUrij cheers. . 3. Df M. iuot E). Ccn. Phlfer, Orator oflhe 1 (h genuine Republi can and inji Pjtrlot, bit tale-me and north cannot be loq blghlr estimated S chura. Df J. L. Beard our worthy Pas tor, Rat. John Robinson always rfill gcnt and Indefatigable In !h promotion of virtue, tod supprtitiou of vice 4 cheers. 9. Df Jame A. Means, Esq. 1 the na tive of Bouth-Caroline, thr hero of Or leans his military services, politic! ex perknce, and Incorruptible integrity, de mands the loppbrt of til true Republi cans, to the firti the highest gift of our nation 6 cheers. Sonjf. bv T. Kerr New-Orleans, or Huntert o' Kentucky 6 chrert. 0. Df John E. Mahan j May Ameri can, iirthe election of President, recol lect the virtue and talcnta of Jobn.Q Ad tint 6 cheer. T. B Gen. John N. Phifer ; Ameri can!! In the Choice of roof Presidents, i beware of military chieftain, n1 let the usurpation of larsar, Iromwcll, and Napoleon, be ever freh in your memory j cheer. 8. By Doct. A. M'Kblef the here of New-Orleans by hi moit eomumate prudence. talents and briery, he hat achieved tor hlmvrlfsncl hit country, im mortal honour neer exceeded r-i cheers 0. Dr John 1 -or lie; Cen. A. J.irkson genuine in prinriplea. splendid in tal ents, and surpassed by none in ptihlir ser vice J he it pre eminently qubltfird to be the ruler oft free people $ cheen. 10. Dr D'tIJ ( . Houttoii ; thr citizen of North-Carolina niav thev he tnrlr mind enliiflitncd nd their eve opened to their be' interett, the calling of a Convention 6 hrtr. . II. Df dpi. Jime M'Ree; the mi Ii'la of the Union may they poei the energy and pvuiouwa of tb imtnortal Wa King ton 4 therrt. ""11," Df Tho'l. Krrrj mij our lovely fttr never want pri .tiim to emulate the noble example or the Ltdica of New Or leant 4 cheer. Song, by I horrid Kerr the Star Spangled Dinner 6 cheet. 13. Dy John Most, Eq-t may the friend of Amlic Jckno ulways po .teat health of bodft-pare of mind, clean thirt, and a mprr.ee 6 cheer. 14. By Dart. William Datis ; thr Pre -jWetrt of ttrrthrfrittr-friTTten iiTier al in hi public iew, economical n his private affair, and one of our bet Malts men 6 checra. The iLin n urAnowa to mi,tnlil I fr rninuttt Ukre lb Ulloti cr counted out t ' The follovlnf young fenticman bava been admitted by the baprcme Court, whltb It Bow In cUon, to practite law In the Superior Court of thl Htti to wit t Cturlci L Torrance, of S!Ubury WlllUra Miller, of DUdea) Dillon Jor don, jr. of FaffttafUte. A alt bote boe ramea loliow, navm Irlicbi Ilrnrr' Miller, of do. t Jmea L. GInt, of Moore county Henry. A. Martin, of Stoke county t JametJCDal deo, of Faytttatllle lluh IcQuecn, of Moore county and Tbomaa Sumner, of Ilcrtiord couotju . t Ircilrll IV.Mo fiocic (jr. the IttbU 4-.lf i lrUa tuvutf hoi.1 in nwil fitf In Jrtiir.n. It k tt ptu4 lUt tb litv. Mr. t'. !jf, t4 .LxHw, Tht mtnin t4 tbe Wy are rttf r. nuritM 14 (uI a4 an v """k-i m the auifl of tl4 CKf vl U U.e lu. tre Invited lo tub Ml t4 V, a ht bly d enoWn't boj. It 'H ?!r le ikM. kiMi a cU t i4nJie of tW bHiflpWt a4 eondect eT rtit Jtocf, tb at la U.r ef palrwuf, a4 aT IM tJa n mi mi koutd be aucb aa to nMmtA tW jH-m u their eonadwa U the ajt af Ihm tHal Uty fiO if ifd W the &'if wb - . . . V. Jtifki W KL -.iW . A . a M . . If ' Lut of Uttcn . UtMAIMVU the fiM nrk ! Cnrm. North CuoCajL oe the I it of JuK liii. iamei AHUoe Henry tticr , Atknm ti.u uuf 4 f,o M ui d.v, f''r.ll'M,fMf IM1lrpr III m v, lih urj', U iU U4 kbUn rtU 0 ibew Mmi and 4.!ls dine ee Mtf i4 and it-W. tth kI ip and tihj atwr e mJ t a "7r I IH he ( LaI Ttk awt, h apply id it a MVn ihv tut i Ik that n(tt ibtb Lot UW Umk ad larw ihe , 1(4 (Mt, Mtuml Llm ib kM of a Horn rU4 la liinr IU t(t Jk tUmt IH tUm'd L loUca, nv4 rink Vd bn bee, t IfyUe tM Mtn U ll U lu W. Ti And Nat WifD, In k Niry inL w kh ibi crupper aftft and lb pomirwlUUr. .1 ayrfindce tMilM d at the h-Uroi Jt iiimt4 lh ton t irt tt trigtit. rk lookj M 1 oudrnM, Ih.l be iImmM prrlrwl TV dWiiH M K,n i K blgrvUr i m. Ihm the d I d fog kno. be K.lr i'J. Hlut y,M lM;b , I'm luinfUirUa' ' orrBitriti or ioadi. Rowan county, May tntkmt, 1K24 1 Ordered by the Court, that all oveneera of rotda rtlum J qJJ. link Atlifm H'lll.M, L AlriMtfW their Order on itonday- of Aofuat Court next JOHN GILES, (V. TATlTTtflLLT. TRICtX, J, 1. Cotton, 14 to 13) flour, fine, 4 niprrfln, i)MWi nrit, W orntij bkry, V) a 32 i peacb bniKty, 55 a 60 1 apple do, Jo to 5 5 1 onra,Ot4Jt bK4n,0) 9 It.TurkililiJMt r0i8ypr buihcl i mol , Ki2linr, aw. ttfimla, 91 a IU4 1 cotfe. prime, rren, 71 to 73 1 3.lMd3JquiJlty,30a?iilr.bvwn.ft30 al 20 j flittccd, fj a 80 eti UJlow, 6, brnwi. Jla42inee3k4prr luO lb, i irr, H to I pr. IW lb, tobacco lea, J 3 maiuifacturtd, 5 a SO pr. ewt, Our martet f erery article of exportation, and fur Cotton partictdariy. kring n-fvlaied rn tircly by the prirei abruad, e taaiMH fflnl a better criterion by which to judr of the pri. era and damand berr, than by publiibin what tbete art ta the markcU to wiitch tbte aHicki are acnt. (Mmtr. CB-tRLZSTOX r BICES, Jw 28. Cotton, 8. Idand, 33 to 30, Kainrd do. 14 to H i Maine do. 21 ntee, ?2 to 2.1 1 ihnr. alt- pie, 14) a Iftj Whi,kry2la30ct. i rUrun,8ay Ocorrt ltarr&lrafnd DanUI float Joarph Bifrar John Lorke Jacdb Li iffr, M. Uurr Aavba M.IWf t.,id M.tb-r taavi I. trf k Janri MTalcbe lliomai Itatiy f.Ut Mum Samuel or JohN Black. Abirail Mriaon Btoar Conine MurH Campbell William Culp Jacob Cinnon Joarph CrofTord tUitrrt CaniibeD CalainLCbiaholut VTilUan) Cauda Jolm CUy Amlrew C. Morriaon John Miamh inter Matilda MValrU ilU B. Utvney Robert S. Mcana. Job Kktler. David PeniaM AleuiMlcr Pickina Manuel Pkkrnt Dr. W. II. D. Crutian. Robert r,ckim laaiah Deweet. Thooua Emu PtuUp Katie. PeUr fink HJ'rncO HemSnr A. ToMer. Chrtitian Coodniftit. FrftnkSn Harris lloet. Eiaaa llama Levy Hone-yea Kobert llarrit Archibald HouHo) William f. llama Oufr 1118. John Jimiaon , by an exploit certinly '-i llamslUallj UnlJOlSi DartSna;. Hm JiMtice. d, perhapt never equalled Jfr 'r.?'M tur"' f? r r 1 I Pnnw Green. 19; Inf. to rood, 15 a IB. Daniel Linker I North'arvlitu Itank llill. 2 a 2) prr rent I dii. i Georgia Rank Hilla, I) a 2 p r cint. iLa. , Cape Pear and Nebern, 4 per cent. dia. Vtttvuj t he market haa been unuau Jly flat. We continue oir uotationi ai nominally tbe aamr, but to tflYct tale, a reduction of J to ) '. a rent in the pound, on t'plandi, nwrt be tub , mit'ed to. Courier. Henry N. PWarr Na'Jn Pttuti' Iberwoft KvUnd. Major It.p Sarah ftniaV nnfta i Denjemln fJnn. WiUamiaoooo, David Wcbt WUt'iam fwldinrUMi pb'Uip Joarph Mckh Samuel WiPwrt Geoere Wtiiley Michirl Wuiwcotifh f amuel Whuo Kcv. Joha M. Wilaon. D. STORICr, .f. T. M. Mansion Hotel, UUSnVHT, MlkTJICIMnLLY.I, BT a a m a mj & ti,.i,ii l.linAHU 1 HHKIII l. II ItflHI rerrtfut, lnfifWMlhe pub If t. and .i, frMMwla, that bf ha. ken l eitrnaive and iterant lab. (en), ai'iuir I l the nortb comer of lic Cwrt tlottte, (latily orriied by Mr. Jam llii.) Mr contrniehce of lltii filiation for buuieaa, i equal lo ant i the plar. Tbe Houm cmiaina number i4 iiri,ae rooma, well calculi td fjf the a rneiimuUiMm of Traveller and Ibtdeni the Hiabbi are lual, if not eu penor, la any in the Ure, an-1 altrnde to by ohliginr and aCrniitf llot'lem bii lab!e anl lr, mitt be tppLed ill, lite bevt the market anrii anil ke reritalioui w im iiouar, in V he hope II rite entire atiafacton to lhoe bo may ihii.k proer to call on himi im! he amina them, thai no paina abalt be apared to rimkr their lUr Cimforuble and pla. Vn,e,24, i.'4. M List of Iftters RP.M AIM.VG in the Poet Office at Charlotte, North Carolina, on the lat of July, 18. '4. LET THE PEOPLE BE BE.1RD. Mr. H'hitr : We tee you often publish the aentimants of the nt-onle on tbe Pre ldencrascertaked.ALmilitu-nutert4 fee; you will therefore obl'iee many by giving the following a place in your pa per At a muster aeven or eight mile from Salisbury, of Capt. Lents' company, on. tbe 3d day of July, it was proposed by the captain, after the exercites of the day were concluded, to take the voice of the company and spectators, on the Presiden tial quettion. A friend of the people, who was present, on a request of the cap tain, made a few observations, explanato ry ol the subject, and of the views and claims of the several candidates now be fore the people Jor the presidential chair. vote was then taken when tt appear ed there were For Andrew Jackson, 193 No other candidate got a vote. Alter this, a free and general wish seemed to pervade all present, that tbe Hero of Or lpanjxhouId-prealde-over-the-nation was thereupon unanimously Retofoed, That we highly approve of the nomination of John GUet, Eq. as an Elector on the People Ticket and that e will, .s such, give him our undivided aupport. f JV. C. Jy3,18l4. Mr. Wfiite: I have jusi time toiay to -ywi that on this day was held company muster at this place ; and after the usual exercises of the day were over, the cmpany undertook jto express,' by ballot, helPicmem "Presi dential Election : the result of which a,-. ' For John Q. Adams, 34" Andrew Jackson, 24 Wm. II. Crawford, - 13 This took place without any previous no tice, or any electioneering bj arijr person. MARRIED, At Littleton, M arten county, North Carolina, on tbe 10th im . by the Night Her. Biabop Ma vtneroat. Col. Kb W. If 'aid, c4 Onalow county, to Miai Cynthia Little, daurhter of h'm. P. Lit. tie, Bw. DIED, In Roan county, on Saturday evenlnr, the 3d intt. Mr. Jacob Albrirht, in the roth year of hie are. He had been a citiaen mt thi county for up warda of 50 yean, and jrae one of tboae who aa and shared in the trouble of tbe rev. olutirm, in w hich he took an active part, from finrt to hurt : ever since that period, he hu lived in peace ami quietness with all hit neighbor an murh ac that he nearer bad A 1W. suit Kitt any of them. In lAe tileni grave amy Ai bily ml Bit rtu be 5y ill Ltnl and Savitmr blttt. coanroicATiD. In the vicinity of .Worpnton, on the 24th ult. Richard Itutler, infant ton of CoL John E. But ler, ared two yean. In Uiii county, lately, Mr. Smith Blair, after a Mm. AuHirt Rila Alexander PJiai Ale sander Wm. J. Alexander, 2 Wallace Alexander Margaret Alliaon Abraham Anderaott Wm. T. Alexander Sumnna Auatin Jnaeph AlUton Moaea W. Alexander Jneiah Alexander Moa W. Alexander. Joaeph Black Harry Bolaee Jamei Black , Joseph Rlarkvood Jamea Rarkley Robert Barnett Shadarick Bond I-orin Bate, 3 DuctJ.D.Boyl Jame W. Raker. John Crowrll Wilaon Crockett Tboa. Cuion Dickey Craig A uriah Cob urn John J one Barbara Johnton. Andrew Kinr. Joha Little Jame Leper Bnj. Lindiar Jam.-i Lvle, 2 Daid M. Lee Secretary of the Pha lanx Lod(r T . Abram C.Labatt Thnwiai L lindaay. Zebuloa Motria, 3 Joha WLaurUia Jamet M'CiiTlah Jamri Hartia Jamei Maaon M m, alornaon Samuel Moore Alexander M'Kae John F. MNeely Phillimon Morn Roderick M'Caily Cvni WUre Joha kfCav Mr. Mun M'Lure John M'Leod John AT. Maxwell. Allen G. Orr KMatc of Ja,. M'Kniht, icn. A 1 1- tltoK iikdcblcd to the irfl'e of Jame it M'Knlh', arn. deed. ekbrr by note oe 1 t. rfftitrlrA V Mje forward ami wake pivment immeiljali ly, at further in dulgence rmr'art be gien. All thnae kaeinr claim attiirt a"trxtr, am re'ittc(l tobrirr thlft foe ait, h-ralU aMe1ed, foe aettlrwient. witlun the time I r, acribed by uw, or thii noUce- WUI bC pkd in bar. JOr.pM M KMOIIT.) r JOHN M'KMCIir, ,-'"w,r, S1 In Morranton, on the 24tb ult. Jutrph Hugh Jlerander Tate, infant ton of Dr. Samuel l ate, aged seven month. What follow, accompanied the above notice of the death of Dr. Tate' child, with a request that it might be published with it : M The bloom of his season rivil'd the rose. lie caused the beauty and perfec tions of the day to sink beneath tbe hurl ing commanda of his person, and his an gel smile commanded the respect of all who saw or knew him for to see him, was to love him. But amidst the height and bloom of his perfections, the rude Irost ol Heaven venomously nips tne ouo, itarriet s. Gray . : , ri jr V. i-tt f ----- - and the rose himseli talis, and becomes an adonled member of the family of his mo that tnh fminittl' Gr' ...... . r . j a .. ' Jamei C. Hami great, intelligent, pci icn ann ihhuhi); He forced the love his age, he possessed of his parentage to become in a growing state of irreaistibilityf-and cau&ed therotW',m-JI-H to frown, with indignation, upon those who dare to retard his progress. But now they look upon death with the amari- tude of his sting, as the destroyer of that which hitherto touched theif bosoms so tenderly and unspeakable" ! ! ! ! Enurtus Caae Danl. P. Chrittenbury Braley Oate In II. Cuahman John Otborn. Jamri L. Cat heart Charles, Wro. or Geo. lliomai Cuahon W. Putk James Cathcart J. Pern , llo)le. Son & Cox Suaannah Presley i EWaMt jCuBhraa. Yftm Pyaaw rr. - jamei rirviana John T. Paacball. Tbomai Hice Ezi kicl tobiiiion Milal Kotniwon Jame Hubiiaon Doct. Jai. W. Roa. Wm. P. Spriar Jamea Sloan Wm. Sloan Sherod Smith Mary I. Silvester Rebecca B. Simon Elizabeth Spratt Robt. Sloan Jacob Spain WaahingtOQ StrictUn4 J. S Jame Smith. oTm'T&idVT John M. Thomas J. O. Torrence Sarah Taylor M m. Thompion. Miss Jane W allaci John Williamson 'onnJB'ilion Bcuj. 8. West Wm. Wallace Wm. Winched Saml. Wilsoi Col. Ju. Wdboro uliua U.ralke2 Doct. rm. Ifbile. M. SMITH, P.M. Robt. Cochran John Costen Jtremiah Cloretz. Sugar tfcdin Wm. Oarnall James Dinkina, 3 Ix is Dinkins, 2 Mrs. Harriet Dinkins Miie Jane B. Dink in Jtme Dougherty Alexander Davis. Calrb I'.rwin. Joseph Faire John M. Full wood, 2 Joeph Plinn Ju. N. Flanikin. Matter John Gradirk William Gofoith TATE of North-J'arolina. fitt.kei tountv. Court of "lea arvl Qiitiier Heinn, J me term, 1 W24 : Gabriel nbr n. The Hrtr al laa of nnalhan Uallnn, decd. Sere Paciaa, for tlwr condemnation of land. I' appearing to (lie aal. iafaction of the court, that Robert yackann, ho intermarried with Suaan Dallon. one of the heir at law of Jixiailian Dalttwi, dee'd. ta not an in hahitant of ihia Mate, it n therefore onlereil, that KMication be mad- in the. Writer Carolinian ' ail aeeka, that the aaid Robert Acktim a p. pear ai the next term of our aaid court, on the second .Vomtay In SeDlrmber Deft, ami aliew cauae, if any he has why thr land deacemled to him a one of the heiri at law. shall not be con demned, and told to satisfy tbe plaintiff' demand. i'19 JkfATTHEW R. .VOORE.c.e. CrrauuiM, June 22, 1824. Vice adv. g2. IJr HATL'HDAY'K IAII It appear by lU aonUm pap'ta, that a fmttira tlnin,trr-aofa naa nptrUnr d ee h Tk an4 3oth nh. U all lb eowairy bttwt PbiladelpbU and RUkaaond. la aotne ptrea, lh damap tnatalned front the tlTecuW the f jbtninr and wind waa very mt. rHtsiisTo, rt?tv I. Ourtltf hat dx four days paat aufcrtd under an inte ntenm and conilnuation of beat actdomt If ever, ciperienccd hart before, We have endured, almoat titer ally, an atmotpherc ( irt. Several y al' bible lite hve fallen victims to the it ceiaive warmth. Cturirf, , (IT have not been rrtrreri t hot wiatber in HbHry for one time naet...kul w have all, thu far, Mtbved hi nvlttnf rtfacta) On the 19th ull- a man dropped down at the corner ef Barclay and Church aireel. New-York, and expired In a few minute, lo cotiKquence of drinking cold water. foi )ay-The Richmond Virginia Compllertate that a spirit thermometer, graduated by Fahrenheit's Kale, Mood in the thadc, on Sbockoe hill, al one time, at 98 degree. A public notice wa given requeuing a meeting of the friends of Mr. Crawford, t Mount Holly, New Jersey, on Saturday, the 36th of June. A most ludicrous ac count of the meeting I publitbed, bf whith It appears, Ihst but one Individual altrndad.a Mr. Kxeklcl I) , who acted a ChrriMn and Srrrrrary. eddrest rd the meeting. In a very grave manner, as the account roes, in favor of the M regular ly nominated inJUt bf ltt ranrim" andclfarcd tundry retoluil'Hi which were hnanimotttly adopted. " Ezelicl D , iM was then nominated a candidjto (or I. lector, to le supported by the mett 'ngtn and thus eu ed the farce. Mint and wfrnlant rm S(xxi. We are informed by our attentive ror reipondcnt of the Boston Courier, that the ship Coral arrived at that port on Sun day lil, from Gibraltar, hrinin letter frorn Cadit dated the 24)J of May. la one of thec it u stated as certain that 21.000 troops were to enter Spain imme diately, and that severs! regiments hid been ordered from Csrtbagena to Cadiz, where preparations were making to re ceive them. ' I he movement (it Is ad ded) in Spain, with the recent cventa in Portugal, lead many to believe that all is not well, and that nar it brewing.- A. Y. Ev. Pt, 29fA ult. STATE of North-Carolina, Stokri county. Court of 1-aa and Quarter Seaeioni, we term, 1824: Samuel Kerb) 'a administrators, ,e. The Heir at !a of Amalban Dahon, dee'd. cire Facias, for the condemnation of land. It speannf lo the aaiiafaction of the court, that Robert yckon, who intermarriH with Snaan Dalton, one of tbe hein at law of Jonathan Dal ton, dee'd. ia not an inhabitant of tliit Hate, it ta 4hercfore lertd by the Court, that publication be mftil in llir 1 1 rn Pftnilinittn v..kt that the wid Robert Ji.ck"tUppar al millerro U'te plaa ofMr-Town'i, weathrTbotr'ed Xftd ofonr aaid ewirt, and aliew catuc, if anrhe has I . wpponeu oy mrei none picra. le of thr heirs runner information win ue comnuiiucatcii Houtli Yntlkin BriJc. THE Commiaaioners appointed by the Coun ty Court of Rowan, to contract for tho erection of a Rnttgt or er the South Yadkin river, will meet at the Court-house in SaJubury, on Saturday, the 24h inst. to receiv propoaala. liter have selected a aie ir the HrW ge, on tho prroiiaca of David Craire and Zackariah .'c Atee. Feraont wishing to contract, can liar a the place pointed out to them by either of tho Vrtn. tYajft i. Tbe Brulre n to be built on whv the land drarended to him a one at law of Jonathan Dahiin, df-e'd. ihall not be condemned and auld to satisfy the pUinlifT's de mand. it'19 MATTHEW R. MOORE, e.e. Germanltn, Ju nr 22, 1 824. Jrice adv. $3. STATE ol North-Carolina, Stokes county. Court of PVaa and Quarter Seaaiona. June appbcaUon to either of the eommiaaionrn. JACOB FISHER. JOHN II. FKEELLN'fs IltVIII M't.' IKE, AI.FKK1I MACAY, JOHN ltF.ARD,jr. .Vii ihHn. JulyU, 1824. I on 2il15 term, 1824: Samuel Kcrby's sdminittralor,.! ine rroiiw ar law or Jonathan IHnon. rtcca.i-vN ll,,r the next Superior Court Sore Facia, for the comdcmnation of Und. It f Aghf f0;n,v be eH,.r,.d for appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that , y., CourUlm.ie If aaid count v ltobcrt Jackson, who intermarried with Suaan . i ' t s Dalton. one of the heira at Uw of Jonathan nal- OCrCS Ol IMUl , ! ii Inhabitant of Utii aute, It la J lii aaid county, or an excellent q tiali', for graat, therefore ardcred, that publication be made in J or fanning, t erms one lialf tlie -urrhe mo. the Western Carolinian six weeks, that the said ' nev pavable in nine montha, the other hilf in Kobert Jackson appear at next term of our aaid eighteen months. Bond and approved security, court, on the second Monday of September, and j to be given to 1 B a a .a a a I n Oliver Grav Ooct. Sam'l. Greer T Salisbury Academyfcj'V iiuS&h rfo'ndav the :9th day of July. As th present tntfPiictcr has ever felt a rehjcN ance in governing youm oy me siavisn aisci pline of the rod, he wishes only to receive such children-a. can be governed by a generous love ctfdniitctioim learning. SUch, he confidently believes, will find the situation both pleasant and profitable. He would prefer receiving none under hi care, who cannot "read with some readiness. Should, however, any such offer, as lhey require more time, and are usually more difficult to govern, th ir tuition must be the same as that of the next grade of English scholars. Jul 5th, 1824. Nancy Hoguelin . George Houston John Hutson George Harklesa Samuel A-nnigan John ) ell Mary Henderson. Thomas Jerome. Julius Jones John Jennings shew cause, if any he haa, whv the land descen-1 nru io mm ai one oi uie nein at law or me asm Jonathan Dalton, dee'd. ahall not be condemned, and sold to aatiift the plaintiff's demands. it'19 MATTHEW R. MOORE, e. I. Grrmmim, June 22, 1824. Price ad. g2 10.t22 Lana aiid 'Mill. I OFFER for sale, my premise: whereon I re. aide, called Mill Grove, lvine ca Rockv River. Ckbafrus county. "This tract dl land contains 300 acres s the soil of which is feffile in all kinds of productions, natural to the clintkte. ' On these premiserare machinerfes, ybiclj are in fotnt trfitncomrj efjrtal o any m tit Slate"! vix. ohe corn mill, and a French Burr a saw mill and a cotlon machine alM, a Tan yard, Store-house and a Smith-aliop. There is also a comfortable dwelling-house, with all necessary out houses, suited to the circumstance of any person wishing to purchase. Terms will be made accommodating to tbe purchaser. HUGH HAYR. June 25, 1824; 3U'M QTAI'E of North-Carolina, Stokes county. O Court of Pleas and Quarter Seaaiona, June term, 1824: Matthew M. nghet, tw. The 7eirs aLkuLof onathan Dalton, dee'd. Scire Facias, for the condemnation of land. , It appearing to the satisfaction of tbe court, that Robert Ack on, who intermarried with Susan Dalton, one of the heirs at law of Jonathan Dalton, dee'd. is not an inhabitant of this state, it is therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Res tern Carolinian six weeks, that the said Robert JacksmT-apear-at-theexterffl"orT)Uriai(I court, on the second Monday in September, and anew cause it any he has, why the land descen ded to him as one of the heirs at law of Jona than Dalton, dee'd-. shall not be condemned, and sold to satisfy tbe plaintiff's demand. it'iy MATTHEW H. MOORE, e.e. Germanttn, June 22, 1824. Vice adv. g2. 8. 8PEER, Guanttan In the hrir of June 18, 1824 H ilUam It' Cknjfin, Jcc'd. Doct. Wintaui tt. Trent, mL HAVING settled himself at Mount croon, offers his services to the inhabitants of the vicinity, in tiie various departments of his profession. He' has a good supply of medicine which he will" oT-pb'se or on reasonable terms. Jny S, 1824. 3it'lJ -Land for Sale. VC.REEABLY to the last will snd trttamrnt of Wm. Patterson, dee'd. will be )M, A public aale, on a credit, a valuable plautut ' , eontaming 4w acreJymg on mxh ifr 'tt-r St ATE ot Nortti-t:aro1ina, Stoku county. Court of Pleas and Quarter Session, June term, 1824: tiabriel anby, v. The cira at law of Jonathan Dalton, dee'd. Scire Farias, for Uie condemnation of land. It appearing to the natixfiiction of the court that Robert Jurkaon. lio .....2 . : i ...:.k i. r . i. . i i liHtriuiii ncu witu puaaii lk'iwuii, ui,c ui uiojieira ai law (if Jonathan Dalton, dee'd. is not an inhab itant of-thw'statei irtlMrottiIir''1haf publication be made in the Western Carolinian for six weeks, that the said Robert Jackson ap pear at the next term of our said court, oh the second Monday in September next; and shew cause, if any he has, why the land descended lo him as one of the heirs at law, shall not ba con demned, and sold to satisfy the plaintiff's demand. it'19 MATTHEW R. MOORE.Ce. Germanttn, June 22, 1324. Price adv. g2. , gar UrccR, witmn IJ miles ot C harlotte I he 1 fertility of the soil, the elegsnee of thr sna. lion, and the improvements, all st'rve to render this an object of attention. The. aale ia to taka place on the tixth dni if.lufutt nrrt. DAVID M'DONALD, fxeruttr. J,me21,mi. 3it'14r . Kiiu'i-calninent. . m m pALEB SMOOT, Ukes this rar'bod flr?l VJ of informing bis friends and i!ic JiiijLp'iblic at large, that he haa now fiuijitd . repairing his house, and haa fitted it up in tliw first rate style for the accommodation of Travel. ler; and all others who may feel disposed to ell tle mam road leading from Salisbury to fcale.n, by Lexington, ke. twejve miles from Salem, eight from Lexington, and twenty-four fiotn Salisburj'. Gentlemen travelling -from south to north, or from north to south, are invited to call, as'every convenience of refreshments tor them-" selves, feed for their hones, fcc. will be afforded them at rates to correspond with the general re. duced price of provision and other m-cesui'u:i. . Uuvylnmct Junt 1,1824, .lOitJ

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