EMN CAROLINIAN. m ri trrni SALISHUIiY, N. C. TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1821. VOL V. NO, 215. WH ftllltait Br HUM) WHITfl, A n lAt L'mt4 Stmtr. A List of Letter irntr erntainanr U it io office at Itli. Th Urn of Ut Wsier CaroCnUn v'JI thereafter be M Mol i fa fr'- - -i :1a Lm i uuta n rrrM are faM."" . AJrtniMicirf will bo Inserted '. Any real Mr mftvt M Ib Brat ineertiast, and tarssVtDvt cent fur tack fuHwqtMiit tM, A Mtr sLlrcaard la th Editor, mutt M or they will met be alter lea to. Lilt of Letters Yl RMAfMN'O ! Uit Poet Ofltea at Conawd, 1 1 W It II. Cowan Xt North Carolina, on the in or jmy, 15. iCor4( sapr Lock Atwtfl Jacob Adam Henry C. fcutt) . Adam Bet ir ioh Bird Alexander Brando) (.rmttrJlUU, JobuCtrur Ely Carrol Judy C. CbannsM Joseph Cftflov Kcw Aiiortraent 1 'Doct.WUU(imU.TretU rtiM tubsrriLer bit rr ttAlp ml4f ft Ttjtvin..,t..t,!.f .t u,-.i burr i N. Candina, Juni A. U. 1524. 41 fro FT-Udlii, r J J Vtroon, offer hi smiett to J. K.Jsrrett I IktUWtr, Jm.M . . , ...I n i ' I Mth. ahh iKj assortment be "fli r T ' I " . I' T7 , . i lu k'.. ii -n llfSJns , I Cf rv n "wn time, WHI -T Ntu4 to taJi, and siando fur lAensjasrasTri EDwABU Cmuf.' 41,. !, 1813. 70 Tttooui Kt Lufl KhlrM JKn KMcf, EUmo, Urnky, i Um Lowrr WUUm Liuk CWrt of County Court lubrt Monro John Mloun, 7 Mwr I. ArrlMbokl WtUiom t AWitmlrr Ioooo If. Alcnwkr TAxtm Akusdor. 'Joho Ika4 (korr fforriekfain4 Samuel or Jubn BUck. Muoro Conine Ifutrh CMipUll, William Culp JkOttb Caonnn Jtacph C:mf.rJ Robert CimpbII CWin . rhiiliolm M CmmIs Mi CUv Henry l-ruer )Ain tjotkt Jacob Lyerfjr. M. Murr AmetU MllVr Parid MiOcr Jamct I. Mrrk Jamee Nt'tUbo Utofnaa Matty KHaoMorrio Abirmil Momaoo Andrew C. Murriaoa John H'netihimer Matilda Mt'alebo Wiltiam B. Menejr Boben a. Ncaoo. Jhn Kicrler. David PerUne Alelander fieklno aitHicl KkVeaa I)r. W. II. 1). Oiatian. Robert Pitkin lawah Devtet. 1 WawM trmim Phillip PtjcU. Pf trr Pink Mifhrll lleroinj A. FfMer. Cbrialian Goodnight Franklin Harm lKct. tlm I Una jtxj Hrnrvciit Kabrrt llarrn Anhibald lloiiotoa M illian I. llama Oorfa Hill, ) tin Jliniaon Hut Jnte. Daniel Linker Hrnry N. ptiart Natl-a Pfcilfipe. tbervood Roland. Majcir 8tiU fcwxh Koiith Martha Ann ffmilh tlrnjanun filiinn. V illiam Tboflipaon. IHthI Yi ni-tit M illiafn. Watldingtoo rhiiiin Hajpicr Juarpb Welch bamucl Wallace Oeonre Whitlry Hichrl Winnucotigh Pamucl W lute I(c. John M. Wllaon. D. STORK E, .f. P.M. Cbarlee CburcLell I Praatut Ca Wide Coati Mary Crkkr IJobnCraver Prodenck Com Juhn Campbell A lei. Ciiuninrtiam Daniel CkaUcker I Jamd Cofjrtnc Doiiflat DimIco. Henry P.Ui I Jamrt Eaton Manr Rrrrrtte rredcrkk Filer Willuuo Prflntb I Phillip Fael IJotiai rfU Jaoiee KUia, Mary Pmbock Preeland ImI t ilham Puhi 10. I Fretiww. Wm. GUacork Charlet (;rifTclh Jraae Oillrhaa Chariea (ilwer (icorre Uondntan Ceorte Murr Hairnet Morpn John M'Hae John Martin Wdham Montforocry Joaeph Maaufi Dunkio Mall AUunder Madder Wil.ro M'Carro John Menfrllierf Wititn Muure Timothy Milbouro EIJa Marfm John Martin. W itliby NicUlt. Nancy Owen Wilham thhruh. Jacob Pool Enoch Pbiltipa. Catbarine Kaxlleman Natlian Wiley John Kccd L. R. Roae Jebit Rawllr wan. Henry ftnaaanan Kathaniel StuitU Jamei 8trward Jamra Smith Andrew Snider Wm. P. Htorlon Coppcnraitliln. TWe CopperamitUar, and Tm Plate bv tine at, neretofuN tMnaaetad bv II. Crm ten. ill in luiu re e cMMjut6 by ke, at tM aama pla. Thoee bo faeof mm olik their cum. n.av J. pend on karinr their oork done oih neatnca o-irauiiiiy ami aetaun. w.V. rwr.Fis. II. (.ih-a. Clerk of the Wm. II bteclman 8uprrior Court, 3. Fpp Hpain List 'of letters T) FM AIMNO in the Poat Office at Charlotte, John llolmei I Williafnaon HarrU Alfred Ham Mary Hatch Itharlr W. HarrU John tlrmlly Hannah IMI Jame H. Hendrkk Iticliard Many Docior lUiMUTord DotiKtaa P. Iladen, 3 Kuth Hairia North Caruiioa. on the lit of Julv. 1824. Henry Hill Wm. Auatin John Jone t.eorjre licarn Barbara Johnaon. Andrew King. Juhp Little erta m f Sila Alexander P.liaa Alctander jynj, J. AJfitnder. 3 Bcaj. Lindaay Jamre Ile, 3 Darid M. Lee Secretary of the rh Unx Lodge Abram C. Labatt Thonia I. Ijndaay, Mwer Trr-Alennderr Tebwtoit Morrhi; 3" Marraret AOiaon Abraham Aftderaoa Wm. T. Alexander SojnnM Atin Joaeph Alliann Noaee W. Alexander Joaiah Alexander I John Hughe I John Hurra Math. Howard I John Howard I Philip Jacob I J. H. Joyce I John Jone Fdward Southard Robert Spence Jame Stafford Win. Plckti . Racbacl Smith Henry Sloan Wm. Stephenaon tlitha Sinim Geoixe ftmitheel Henry I-echlcr Henry Stirewalt. Mary A. lownacnd Suaan M. Hiurman Chnetian Tarr. Wood h Kridcr Alfred Wood Absalom Wall Nathan W ell Robert White Peter Walton. SAVURL REEVES, P. M. Dimolution. IIUVR deeCned actiag a a partner with John Mumhv. in l'ia mrttmtiuU huwu Cm. Cord, ith nitctmjent, and bee rthwiuUhed all claim to any i.art or portkin of the profit of we concern or Murpuy k ntiitn. 98 .Ur i, IBi. KATIf'l. BCTTO.N. Vf, Blore, n ConeorA. 'ffUP. aubarriberha formed Copartnership wita ttiiiia-n nmwn. in toe mercanuir tmsinm, a Conrerd, CaSnrru co.mli. North I Carolina, under the firm of U Brrw i wnere uey vtj opemg a irean aamrtmrnt of Dry Good. Cutlery and Hardwire elected with notch care, in Philadelphia and He w-York, iA bought on the bel U rm. They deeign to continue the buamra at ( -cml for time yearn and u Mr. Murphy iU tiait the northern ciliea annually, to procure Mjpplir, tbeir aavirtment will be renerali aad will be diapoaed of at fair price for rah, or on credit, to punctual cuetomcn. 1 heir frteml and the public generally, arc respectfully int ied to call, examine (ualiUea, hear prices and judge for tbenuchrc. JOHN MIRPHY. John Alurplij, Has alio, at hi tor In ftalfSnr, a Urre atmrtmenl of GOOD'S to auit ciuirtit, town and country ptopfe to be diipoacd of KimaJl)lo, I foe eaah, or country produce. 1 Mansion Hotel, &.UJ5BURT, .Vt)BTII.CJROlLV.t, BT EDWARD YAHBHOL'GH : IV HO rennectfullv informi the pub ftynl 1 T lie, and hia frienda, tliat he hat ILjLlkeo the eitenaivc and ekirmnt etab inliabitaiiie ul the titiiiil. la the ariou drpartmeauof lie profct- Jit hil ( food ftjpply gf mJtimM, lkh he M dfpoM of oa i if urtm ' ha lialinieiit, aituaUd at the north earner of the Court-HouK, (lately occupied by Mr. Jame Huie.) The conrenience of thi tirnation for buainr!, i eoual to any ii the place. The Hottae contain a number of pritate room, well calciilated for the accommodation of Vraeller pVrio"r. to'aoV inbVpieUl-i'r1: Wlnfinr and attentive llotJcr hm tabic anJ bar, will be supplied with tbe brat the market afTords; and the rcrulation pf hi lloue, ucb a be hope wiil give entire aatiafaction to thine BOjnay UunE. proper ta call. on lumb al! he Coach Muling. Tl E auUctiber offer bi err nee to the pub Be ia ike above line, and Halter bimaelf, from long eiperienre and (trade appbrai'ion fur nuioer of yrara, in Ivtrope and Amrrwa, to e gnrral tiTa-ium to tnoae wlto may bvnr yo b tneir work. Carriage of all devriptinna, ParmclM and SImA Cie. nulkrra. he. RaU ami rrnaire.) on reanneble term. SAM'L. LANDP.B. i.Mry, .fan 2, 1 K4. 204 N. 9. Carrares nf all deafriptiona, bourbt arnl K'li on eommaaiwn. P. H. t jonrnema wanted at the above bu- nnea to whom rood nacre ill be given. He till be rmj.1 yeJ on wood aork, aHogrthrr. . CTT" Ine uhacnber keeo two Uit for Hire, 1 thirb nill alaa be kejit in rrauiicai, with od liirneM, for the acrommolat'ion of tboac a1o may, at iy time, eiah to ri le on plraaiire tit on b'iainea. S. I.AN'DP.R. W aii'veiL u an Apprentice at the above bAwoeea. a tounr man from 14 to IS trart of gt , and of correct and uvduatriiiua habit one from the country mH be preferrtd r to whom a I'mhI chanre be given. Marlln V. Vee, Tailor, A iMIPfH thi lin ot informing the citizen il of Mahtiir, and i' vwuiity, ui general, Uial be hki commenced the TuiloriiiK BusinrM, in part of John t lniwn'v liouaa, ituatrd in Market Ntrcrt, a few dor from the Eaat corner of the Court-llouaet ahere he ia prepartd ami will be happy to accommodate "y gentlemen who are diapoaed to pitnnie him in hi line ui buaincaa, in tlie neatert aiwl moat falionablr tyle, or to plraee fancy. He flatten liinrlf, from hi long eipericnce, that there are hut few, if any, in the country, that can urpaa him in the lutulion of hi work. A fair trial ia all he aik. to Drove the above aaatrtion. The change of faahion sliaJl he itrictly attendel to, a be ha left a correpomlent in the Diatrict of Columbia, (where he i Ut from) who will amd him the faahiona on, ia their regular traaoua. He hone by atrict attention to busmen, to re- ceive a liberal anare oi puuiic pa-nmar, nr i determined nothing ahall be left undone ta render general satisfaction. 8aU.tury, May 5, 1B.'4. Joseph Black Harry Bolaee Jame Black Joaeph Blackwood Jame Bark ley Robert Rantett Shad rick Bond Lorin Rate. 3 Doct. J. I). Boyd Jame W. Baker. , Job Crovrrtt Wilaon Crockett Thoe. CukSon Dickey Craig A aariah Coburn Eraatut Caaa Danl. P. ChrUtenbury Braley Oate Ira II. Cuihman John Oaborn. John M'laughlin Jame M'Cullah Jamrt Martin Jame Mason Wm. Morriaon Samuel Moore Alexander M'Hae John F. MWeely Phillimnn Mnrii Roilefick MCally Cmt M'Ltto --- Jnlm MTar )ta Mm M'Lure John M'Le k! Estate of Jas. M'Knilit, sen. I TXoee'indeliled' loloe estate of Jaineil aaaure them, that no paint ahall be spared to N'anigbi, sen. tec'U. either by note or (render their star comfortable and plcaung. 96 bok account, &re requested to come forward February 24, 82A diligence cannot be given. AH thoee having Klltertainmeilt claims against aaid estate, are requested to bring them lorwani, legally attested, lor settlement, ta ij rf inftrminr ni, fornAt ind the ithin the time prescribed by law, or this notice JJipublie at Urge, that he has now finished will be pled in bar. repairing his house, and has fitted it up in the ........ ai-.... i nrst rate styie lor me accomrnodatMn m irmvri. TATP. of North-Carolina, Stckee county. O Court nf 'leas and Quarter Sessions, June term, 1824 : Gabriel AAtfiby w. The t im at law. of Jonathan Daltnn, dee'd. Hcire Facias, for the condemnation of land. It appearing to the aat. iifaction of the court, that Hubert Jackson, who at law of 5Sr.alhan taRon, flrr'37T wiSln'tn! habitant of this state, it is therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Western Carolinian I for six week sJhat JhC said JRbcrt ckfon tp- pear at the next term of our aaid court, on the second .tfmdsy in September next, and shew cause, if any he has, why the land descended to him as one of the heirs st law, shall not be con demned, and sold to satisfy the plaintiff ' de mand. it'19 MATTHEW B. .WOOHE. r.r. Crmuinrtn, June 22, 1824. J'rice adv. g2. State of Korth-Carolina, MiCRLiaii'ko cnt'XTf. COURT of PUa and Quarter lessen, May term, IU24 1 Jmei Ctark, U. James I). W (. krr Original attathri eiH, levied in the bands ofJohn Mly. It rppi aring to the court I list the defendant it not an i babitaiH of 14t I's'r. il w therefore orJetwl, that pubfieaiHin be a U tJirrt Jiiontbt m the V i stern Carolinian, giv ng (Wa aaUl fi Jet dnt In spfw.r 4 ) next roart of pies ami Quarter ration e b bald for aalj county, at the Csetrt-fl'Miat in Charlotte, on the forth Moealay In Anguat nes, to replevy, pttfl, or demur, otbertiaa Ju1g men! will be rut -red ssinst Lim, and taccsv tios awsrded aceerdingly, Tratt aV. ALEXANDER, r. It. e. Price adv. fl4. 3mri'4 STATE of Nortb-ramfins, ftokrs County. Court of rlrss ami Quarter rssion, una term, 1024 1 fiabriel anhy, ie. Ibe nr at law of yn(han ttahem, dee'd. Scire Facias, fir h condemnation of laml. It sppesring to the tiafaction nf the rourt that Molcn Jm kaon, Iks iiitrrmsrrird with Suasii Dillon, one of the heir at law of Amtthan Dahon, dre'd. is not n lijab Hint of this state, it is therefore) onlera.1, that publication be niade in the Wrstrrn Carolinian for sis weeks, thai the aaid Robert Jckauu ap pear st the next trnn f our sai( cirt, on tlie second M'im'aj in Krtitemher next, amt l-rw cause, if anr he has, ah the Isnd detrrndtd ! him as one of the heir at law, shall not be r'Ki. demned, and sold to satisfy the pU nt ifl 'sdrmaud. it'l'J MATIHP.W R. M(M)HE,r.c. Crrmanltn, Juft 22, IBJ4. Price sdv. State of Xorlli-Cnrolinii, (KM JOUX M'KMCUT. 'fuiu U 1874.- ' John U. Maxwell. Allen G. Orr Store-House at 3Iocksvilie, TO RLST. I'nilE subscriber wishes to rent the following 1 w-w nd trt otheri who may feel diiposed l3"clfl on turn. His House is in Davidson county, on the main road leading from Salisbury to Salc.n, bv Lexington, ate. twelve rnihs from Salem, eight from Lexington, ami twenty-four from Saiiaburv. Gentlemen travelling from south to James L. Cst heart Thomas Cttshon James Catbcart Hoyle, Son k Cos Eleazer Cochran Rbt, Cochran John Coslen Jeremiah Clorctx. Sugar Dulin Wm. Darnsll tames Dinkin. 3 U.ewi Dinkins, 3 Mrt. Harriet Dinkins Miss Jane R. Dinkint pmes Dougherty Alexander Davis, Caleb Erwin, Joseph Fairet ohn M. Fullwood, 3 loseph Flinn ( Its. N. Ftamktn. ' ilfter John Gradirk' Villiam Goforth ixrrict SGraV P'iver Gray Poet. Sanri. Greer le Gyre. "net C. Hunt 'ncy Hoguelin eorre Houston "hn Hutaon par.'Ji'art lamuel ffenmran ohn mi ell flary fenderson. " nomas Jerome. lulUit Jonet ohn Jennings Charlet, Wm. or Geo. W.Polk J. JVrry huaaunah Presley Wm. Pyant James Pervians John T. Paacball. Thomas Rice Exekiet Robinson Miku Robinson James Kobinson Doct. Jas. W. Ross. Wm. P. Springs James Sloan Wm. Sloan 8herod Smith -Mary L-Silvester Rebecca 0. Simons Elizabeth Spratt Kobt. Sloan Jacob frpaht Washington Strictland J. S ea Smith, r,,,M. d- nn. v.f . .rm nt north, or from north to south, arc invited to call, years, to wit : A lot at Mocktvilte, Rowan eoun- M,e,rer? cnieiiee of refrraliments forthem- ty, on which a spacimia store -bouse, with a good ,ur "'" cellar, and a large two-story bouse, divided intt "a 'v wiu. m convenient snd useful apartments, are erected. ducfd Pnce rf provuKHM and other nrcesaane .n.r4mn. .M M4H uuccu pnte m provisions any ouicr nrccaaancs. fnrl..ll. i. ,K..t U Ik nh nf lh.i UaVUMH f JUtU I, IKJ4, Ull section of Rowan, known U the Porks. As that part of country, both as to fertility of soil and population, is not inferior to any, a profitable result mieht be anticipated from a mercantile I v" inp Wilkes county court week) the under I establishment at that place. Gentlemen in that signed commissioners will tell at Public Auction, biuinen, and wishing a situation, are invited to in the Town of Wilkesboro', agreeably to act nf sTCoWce. fS Tuesday, the third of August next, (it be- I call and view tbe premises, and judge for them selves. ELIZABETH M. PEA "SON. MochtviUe, May 22, 1824. '09 House and Land for Sale, ON LOW TERMS. IfTVdE subscriber it fully authorised by the last I JL will of Henry Rrunrr, dee'd. ana also by Assembly, several lots, laid off from the public square in ssid place t two of which are the most eligible ttsndt for business in the town. Terms, nine months credit j bond and security will be required, and a lien upon the property will be retained, until payment is made Also, at the tame time and plaee, the aaid com tnissioncrs, by the authority aforesaid, will let OTA l'E of North-Carolina, Stokes county. Court of Icas and Quarter Scsaions, June term, 1824 r Pamuel Kerbys idiiiiriistisfori, r. The Heirs st la of Jonathan Dull on, dee'd. Scire Facias, for the condemnation' of Isnd. It apnearing to the satisfaction of the court, that Kobert Jackson, who intermarried with Susan Dalton, one of the heirs at law of Jonathan Dal- ton, dee'd. is nut an inhabitant of this state, it is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made in tne n etem Carolinian aix weeks. that tbe said Robert Jackson appear at next term of our said court, and shew cause, if any he 1-as, why the land descended to him ss one of the heirs at law of Jonathan Dalton, dee'd. shall not be condemned and sold to satisfy the plaintiff's demand. tt'19 MATTHEW R. MOORE, r.e. Germanlm, June 22, 1824. J'rice adv. R2. tTQKKl COtSTT. RT of Pkaa and (quarter caioii, Jnio wm, ) Mi. Awxlraw Uuautan, i. ItuUet Tindry: Original attarhmtnt, levied on land. It appearing to the satiafartion of the rtmrt, tlikt the drfeiKlant it not an inhabitant of thit tstt it it therefore ordered, that puMiea'tun be n.ajj in the Wrvtem Carolinian for three monilit, that unlet the defendant comes forasr I before tho 2nd MoimIsv of Srpten.brr next, and replevy ami plcsd, that judgment will be entered, pro confetsv and pniperty levied upon will.be con demned to the plaintiff's recovery. By order, MAI I HEW II. MOORE, c. r. Price adv. t. ItJ State of North-Carolina, MICttrsilSG cotsTt. T a Court of Pless and Quarter Session, Mat station, 1HC4( Kolxrt Blark tc-'in-t Hillitm llartt original attachment, fc-vied on 80 or "Wafers of land. It appearing to tin court, that the defendant in tbit case is not sn inhabi' tsnt of this state, it i therefore orderr.!, that puhliration he made six wrekt in the WtMem Csrolinian, that the defendant appear at cir next Court of PIris and Quarter Sesior to bj held for the county aforeaaid, at tlie court-'ioiiao in Charlotte, on 4he 4th Monday in Aujfu.t next, to replevy, plead, or demur, otherwise jui'.L-iiwnt final v. ill be entered against him. and execution Irat; laxAtJ At.rt ANDEW, r. w. c. A State of Noj-th-CaroJina, aiao 3T I .... k, . k:..i . ,l. l..;m: f . the legal represen atives,toell the well known CwiTt.Hou, the undertaker of which will be Pl.ntat.on whereon the deceased did hve, about irrd t dnt KCurity for fi miles east rrom the town of Salisbury, on . of the ttme. 1he;pkkn the south , tide of mam Yadkin, containing 189 -V. Cot.rt-Houio will be made John Todd, 3 John M. Thomu J. 0. Torrenco 8ah Taylor Wm- Thompson. , Mist Jane Wallace John Williamson John Wilson W&JYest W"m. Winchester SamT. Wilson iCnL Js. Welborn -Julius H. Talker, 3 Doct. JVm. White, seres: about do ot winch is ot tne best river bottom in-Worth Caroline. There-is on rhe mites, a rood and larre dwellinr-house, and bam, apple and peach orchard, with many oth er conveniences, to justify tne in saying that it is one oi tne nest riamaitons, agreeaniy 10 ma number of acres on the river. It is now offer ed at private, sale : the payment! wdl be made easy i a credit of one and two years, or if a pay ment It made of one half, a credit of two years. But if not sold at private contract, it will be ot ltS.JSaitrA on w ishing to purchase at private tale, may, at any tune, apply to' JA. US HE It, recf. July 5, 1824 , 7it'19 k now n by either of the subscriber! when ap puea io. JAMES WELLBORN, 1 JAMES HACKET, 1 Camnas HAMILTON BROWN, f er. H. B. SArrERWHU Ej June 26, 1824, 4it'16 Coach Making. THE subscriber begs leave to return hit grateful acknowledgment te hit' friends snd the public, for the verr librpatronape he .CI-! : r "a."- Wtirwii and infiirms uisni, mi iic uas procured a nuiuuer ur .... men frora Philadelphia and Newark, which enables him to finish work ia at vie rarelv seen J ..I n... . 1.. i ' . I 4l.l . ..l tvu .... .v ; .t 1 WISH to-niml'nraT'ftw-SmrMmwstWA r-r---Tr:r. .- i -.'-T'-r. tiVfeWV fnyanaTTKWitshiOna rpanerf Pi on the second Mondty of September nrxt, niaTtrrs, ,mmed. ely i good w ages and ttea- ke con$Untlv on h P reduced - , -a.. a. - a . i uv PiTiniovmpnT win nm mvn. . i . . rr . - . Atraiil inna n I rT. n tianir I J r - . i in stauilt v.. I., a?.. 1 1.7 I BB employment will be given. ASA THOMPSON. rfr4.Mfly 24, 1824. '00 intend to take the denraitinna of John Itenv. Mward Collins, and others, at the Court-House 1 Russelsville. state of Ifentuckv. to be read as f .yidence in the suit by petition in linooln Supe-1 v. - r .t K Court, North-Carolk where I am plaink "r,ntln5?v F iBrV deSCfiptlOn, ,,(i you are defendant i-jwhen and wpere you I TjROMl Pl.t executed at this office, in a style (from a distance thankfully received, and punc-'P-y attend, to cross exatime. 4it'15 IX of workmanship corresponding with the J tually attended to. J. ,G. MORbE. z io, am-j, iXtAJililTl StVLNa. improyemuiu ot tua time. . I Vhamttt, .Vatth 1, 1824. V7 for cash only, Sulkies, Stick and Panncl Gigs, t.nanotees, toacliees. Landuus. Phxtons. Ba rouche, Landauleta, Caravans, and Mail Stages, of a uperior construction. '' Repairs done at the shortest notice, and in the best manner. Orders STATE of North-Carolina, Stokes county. Court of less snd Quarter Sessions, June term, 1824: Samuel Kerby's administrators, vt. The Zctrs at law of Jonathan Dalton, dec d. Scire Facias, for tlie condemnation of bind. It sppesring to the satisfaction of the court, that Robert Jackson, who intermarried with Susan Dalton, one of the heirs at law of Jonathan Dal ton, dee'd. is not sn inhabitant of this state, it is therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Western Carolinian six weeks, that the aaid Robert Jackson appear at next term of our said y C A BAIRl'S COl'NTT. OCRT or Pie is and Quarter Sessions, April Term, 1824: Caleb P. Alrxander, -rrm$ James Pickens; original attachment, levied on lands, &c. It appearing to the court that tlu defendant in this rse is not an inhabitant of this state, it is therefore ordered, that puhlira tion be made three months in the nntrrn Cur. tHiiinn, giving notice to said defendant to appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Section ho. be held for smkl eonnry, at the court-house in : Concord, on the third Monday oi July next, t replevy, plead, or demur, otlierwise judgment final aill be en'ered against him, and execution awarded accordingly. Test: DANIEL COLEMAN, r. r. e, Price adv. St. it'16 State of North-Carolina, WILKCt COCKTr. Ol'RT of Pleas snd Quarter Sessions, M.iy Term, 1824 i James Irwin w. John M'Lord i original attachment, levied on two tracts of land1. It appearing to the court that the defendant lives out of this stste, it is therefore ordered. that publication be made for three months in the Western Carolinian, that the defendant, appear at the next county court to be held for the coun ty pf Wilkes, at the court-house in Wilkeslmro', on the first Monusy in August next, and rrplcvy and plead to issue, or judgment will be entered against him for plantiii 's demand. .it'lRr Test! R. MARTIN, c. w. i . r. State of North-Carolina, BCRKE COUNT. N Equity, March term, A. D. 1824. Men-it Burgin, vt. Phillip Goodbread. It appear- ni tn th aatiafartinn nf Ilia rourt. that I'hillin court, on the second Monday of September, and Goodbread does not reside within the limits of new cause, n any lie uas, wuv mc laiiu ucrccn- ... stat. it ia tharafnra nnlei-wl that nulilira. Awl a Uttn www nf vK Kpm f lw nf thaaatrl - - t r. T - r " ;t " "J r " T Jonathan Dalton, dee'd. ahall not be condemned, and sold to satisfy the plaintiff s demands. t'19 MATTHEW R. MOOKE, c. e. Gertuanltn, Jw 22, 1824. J'rice adv. g2 STATE of North-Carolina, Stokes county. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, June term, 1824: Matthew M. fughes, ft.' The Airs at law of Jonathan Dalton, dee'd. scire racist, for the condemnation of land. It annearinar to the satisfaction of the-conrt,that Kobert Jack son, who intermarried with Susan Dalton, one- f k. k..M -.t. law of Jonathan Dalton, dee'd. is not an inhabitant of Una suite, ii is tuci . onVred, that publication be made in the Mcs- teruCarolimansixweekB Jackson.Appear at . the . next . term of our said court, on the second Monday in September, and hew cause if any he has why the land deseen-' ded to him as one of the heirs at law of Jona than Dalton, dee'd. shall not be condemned, and sold to satisfy the plaintiff's" demand. H19 MATHIKW-rH. tWKh,ele. Gernunfh, June 22, 1824. J'rice adv. R2. " Kntry-'faker's Warrants Fur tals at &i Office. Ton be rftaJeTor three months ncceHiverjrTn the Western Carolinian, that unless the said Phillip Goodbread appear at the (text court of Equity to be held for the county of Burke, at the court-house in Morganton, on the 4th Mon day of September next, then and there to plead, answer or demur, judgment, pro coiifesso, will be taken, and the same be heard ex parte. S. 8. ERWIN, c. si. i. Price adv. g4. . 13it23 State of North-Carolina IRIOELIj lUlilllli J term, 1824. John Nesbit, tt. Charles I). Conner ? iirualattachmentrretuTOed,aVe,i,lt..- i ordered by the court that the --defendant,-- who it not an inhabitant of this Stale) file hia answer on or before the next term of this court, to be held for the county aforesaid, at the court-. house in Statesvillc, on the third Monday in August next, otherwise the plaintiff wiil he heart! ex parte, and hxve judgment pro'coiifefeo.' It is lurtlier ordered, that this notice be pub. Iinhed for three months in the Western C:it'i linian. Test : Ii. SIMON TUN. Cl'k.- Pricaadr. 4. it?2 n, v