.?''. f Hi 1 I t i i f . ft' .. .. '1 I I iW--- ! - J. -1 1 , !i4m . II ; ; i. v Mil' if I .V Tin: Mt?r.. . LA f AUTif, HV lMfU fft fnHrtal', . ' . pVwkf.1 by U U WMit.Ta! Il.l, tpi) b a Y k Jd W J WmU r ohTt mkI IU4, kwy MTwr U fat m I t j f rver weWte to tht tborr, k y outMul elikt thy tM. p pmHj i AA Ji)Ws t a d snl bMra, Tdt vt5i vicr iaad t ertatt fijrrTrf rt foi a' f4 ' Hull U lk mim 4T Lt FiHTtl. t , W b fj ki11 ruh U frt-W Vnrl i WVom turjr il U twntriiif tovir, , Al gmp Um UikI of U fitm. 1 K pt fe of virtvr, boNor, Uim- " T l?'! lefW ptl 'i ' Vt hil rnl ftov tbt tnkni liM ru1 of u ilull fft(w Ull tvta pr J T. pk TUI urg 4 (1m Mil uf U Ttirm. . l'txvtrr round iky bJiod k 4 t til mk lit Uc at ihy rrpM, B v lor ttd duy kd i A4 UwU lUl Vl mi buMNM ftt, n.mi bf tiiMErring wUlon k -Tl I votg vwmunttnt thtH b DOSTUM BARD. I um ad cMMpmd. .We vtticrdaf u UuoJred Dollar Bill, of oo of our ciif btakt, upon tb tuck of which rt burlbed lh lioci which follow., W preiume It bad been prcMnted an offering 4 th thrlo ol GrecWo Liberty 1 Co from my USf purw I or dot (n peace, H'bl)l tbrmldom b, or iman prl on (tec 1 Xor Ur?7 till lh votil'i from bund fret, ad xu Hfbta deck etVy kd aaj 1 .. Tbca teO tbe mm i bo atk thy dwnVi gut 11KMI arf emitted from a freeaWi aoul. 7 hit remind b of a poeilol Uk of an amicnt author, h reference to the tuiccit of hit w jtk Uy lli'n bxk coiiiinut In motion," Ar t iltUavt ever; b unfurled. Till an H t ih tVf drinkt iht ocean, And a tortuirc cr It ever tbt world.! .UUCEUjASEOUS. v - ro Tti "ntt rr uiriiv. - THE SPROUT FAMILY. The Sprout family m exceedingly numerous In the viliagr of Arrowford, which is situated about fifteen miles above the Alesbury Fll, and was quite wealthy. They had settled the p' cc principally, having removed from the eastern parts of Pennsylvania, tome twenty years beforcj in number then, about half a dozen familiea j wh'CS had' inreastd aod multiplied until almost every respectable sign board in the place had the name of Sprout tin it, and ' two thirds of the Farcus around were called Sprout I arms in oohsvquence of being, or hav iog been, owned by them. - They were thriving, but a close dealing and cau tious set of men, always active and en terprising in matters relating ta thtlr ixici in ineir own dealings witn otners and with, each other, and possessing juii at mutii puutic spirit gener- osity and charitable feeling as is Com mon to that class of men. In their emigration they had left one solitary branch of the family, and that one, be ing poor and unable to join the more f jrtunatr, was of course soon forgot ten, so that in the l;ipe of so many y ara, it kid grown almost utterly oui of remt mlr.ince. tnert, u;.res and cousins to each oiher, ai.d the yt'ungt-r branches in pursuance of their faihtr'a original plan, were ad -pting the rule of intermarrying, for the s ife preservation of. the familj--wcalThT" One of tlioie "affairs in which love and interest were, so intimately connected, that the reader would feel little pleasure in being introduced to the panies. was in w.p.Mi.. fine summer morning, when I happen ed to be in the village on business. The birds were flying about and sing- jg ccuy nuicinK iuc irecs wnicn ckuHfd Viji Inur Kirni.. ili- nralL ' k. I - non vs-t v. v ...w a WW .WiUl vv.n II . I1U v.MedjiffttDUhe of some; of th their chicks bearing, visible marka of the industry of the morniog, some of them looked indeed as though they had been rubbed a little, with coarse towels, or had been in contact with rough fa ces. Every thing seemed lively and tiffrfdl tn.l t fry rcitL7 U r.c i.J.w i( t'n Uer:ilr.fC-oui, thst I miKl mirk Ofttt nat jfiSf g furrJ wii!ilianJtSthmii. 1 he WavJtQPl Happcnca ta w trothcr of U jrooir, J b tHe courtc of tf.e mombg the Sprouti iticroUeiJ then pretty $crera!!y, to ith Puot aaJ amckt aetr with lh wailUf happy maO Jo bal ihotc tht aJo, at hi! pott, prooabljr iront connarra tioni of iueri;r Dtllhy , for tvi p!et Id village U V reiDecuUeiilhe U Ug Inn, ei?nllr if U be kept by a mm wt I enca W WUIoa aner wen wcU dftmJ, decent act of pro )ly wiih i geed deal if P5,rcD, toiilr criJc. and rtmarkaUr fonj of the term uncle, cooaio, Etc. if one mlghl jaat from their endleil oh of inoic coonoia j apptjiiuoHt. . Towirdi 0000, irenerabb pedti- trlao, did lit ai oU thrtaJbire coat, velvet brccchei, soiled tfaticoit, and ht and aboca at Icait at vcoe-able b aroearance a himtelf, armed with rough walkbr atiek, and atembg much fatigue J, ..wat acta trivtmog down the atrecta tawardi the Ino. I "he Bovcltv of the aieht attracted every rye 1 but the uolaowo havinc arrived oppotit the the Ino, deliberately uoca ed a oaif of sDecUctee. and having aur vcVed the also 1 few momenta, made for the hoote. The way wae cleared for hlro. and when he reached the mid dle of the bar room, he inquired for Charlci Sprout the landlord: Charlet ing forth ht handi at the time t couata Charles however, appeared wholly in disposed ta hia familurity with one who did out look like' having a 1 00 it five-oennv rVicein hie tweket. andtr. plied ahruptlv, drawing back 44 who! are jouf I dn t know you. iMot I now me,w replied the old roan. " I am Nicholas Sprout, your father's own brother, and am come down, that, 1 may aee my dear relations in this plea, sant town, before I die." I gucsa," said Charlet. emiling contrmptuoual.ljnT-a,.iOB,wcre M piety BOvnd as it annlil hir been mt well to nave died at home t how are we to know who you are ? assertions do not pass current here, when coming from men of your appearance." There was a general tit ter at this colloquy smong the young nsen 1 but one Sprout, who sat in the corner, having looked sharply all the while at the stranger, kit the room and caHingto one tf the bys, This is a bad business for some of y'eff,' ?aid he, "sure aa the world it is Nichcolas Sprout, and.he'll be easier admitted than gotteo clear ot, my word for it a poor soul, he's come down for a maintenance, no doubt, and the disgrace of our family comes with him mi he tff. however. bc thai vcav lnni trntl hina to me" aavine which he took hia way," and soon disappear ed. . A general whisper now epread around, and operated like a shot among a flock of nuaUi. In fifteen minutes, . ? - -1 C ... I"..... fares te mere was oui inrec spwuii ! . maimng. l neseine oiu man w !" sidcaini whether to visit or not. The poor old maof however, wished to go to the weddinar they objected to the ted on his going away, until at last the tears rolled (low his furrowed cheeks and with a full heart he turned aod went out of the house. Compassion and curiosity induced me tp foiiow him, which I did, leaving the trio of young Sprouts, well tickled with the idea of having gotten clear of their troublesome vituer. cut I was thunderstruck when I reached the street, to find every door where a Sprout lived, shut tightevery sbul cone fromrthetrecrrriritoodrd" saw tne old man go to three of their doors in succession, and knock and go away. At last he came back and sat down on the curb stone opposite the tavern, and 1 confess my heart was too full to go to hiv, as he hung down his l I i .: i ... . icuuu wipcu away mc tears witn an old handkerchief. He had not remain ed there long, however, before a cen " aw olarant horaf. rnAtt nn w Mini, uiimounroa, ov UUWD ueailiC him, and entered into conversation. There was something so singular in this, that the Sorouts. betrinnintr to .L i. .. . tusptct tneir reijinin mi gnt not.ee tne poor frieoftflw soul they supposed. "one f L . . - . - . .- . . and stood upon their sills, -while one or two ventured to strolUdown the piazza of the Inn f here the three young gentlemen whom we left in the bar room had taken their seals, and were listeninor to the conversation over the way. The respect and farailiaritJ tSe gtn'.!cmitt treated tic ol 4 rM tnt f' lJ ConCrra thne u;iUi.m, th 'tiE00 dcalof tnoonu. "Mjj aiftij the Sprout party aoo f ,), J I turmiie wl tcrcaJ a J, i ) la half art lour tlulra or rn'ite ere c jlltctej at t!M.Ion, end several vralartd ta gl our, to the strangers Jmt i this crttM, i aplfffidid g!g tk ami as ele gnt young man (jtof it, exclamlng la Fi drove ti iprunjr iheri wUt'a the matter H 'Wothlog my eowwea tfe reply, "only vyr good nhiioos for the tatst pan hire lorrotua vi, and those who teenbtr arc a4 bun that e mutt go dow.Q to the cross' rudi and pat up for the Bight." . The aecret ferealed, it was amusing to set how the , faces of the mistake reUtitrs of the gool old man, changed from wltc to red, and back agata they lockfrj at each other, lost ie atnatement ttuyidiy coougn to te sure. At length tUrleiyeoturtd to j . a tar. aa a. says "tpr ycarancie, uyou wiunoo or my hoasc so much, yot shall have every accommodation it fan aOord. rf o, bo. I would not put ytu to any in conrtflleftce fnr the world j we will g to the crnts rotd, " Indeed you shall not, said a dozen t once, for all the Sorouts came flock inr wound hv this ume, every one laving their dear re. lative hone pressing him, entreating him, alirott palling him by force in tutmg Here rere no acconmodattuoa at ihe crs nd. .thWKene wst going 00, tne trang- gUmn, ho had come 00 horseback stepped over to th nd whiletlraining gl ol puncn -i,;...-.f Mrt. Sorout that, old Mr. Sprout was worth a hundred ikn....n,i .-,t .har hia relativra would WaVouod sum. probably, by this un.rW f,r,aeh. Ihe news spreau l'k eVctric, fire throuph the village, and the orien and children came run. ning out ace their rich relaiivr,and teara of iV at meetinR, and God bleat- you and the mint pressing cheap, as grnbladej in toe meaaow. rhe villaee and all it contained, one would have thought at his service, but he constantly shook his head it was fnr thrm. nit!, and UUS1 m w 1 1 hia tlothea'werc old. his mean appear ance he might disgrace them he would at any rate, go back to the next tavern on the road, and from his .pur pose all the protestations' of leisure, the praise of his person, and even his old clothe, with the effer of new ooea on loan ia abundance, could not move him, and that night he slept at lilue ridge inn, on his return home, where he related the story with treat humor. Kro.n this tace, this mornings he had set out ml out for Arrowford, leaving his attendants behind, that he miht nuke a iial or the value his long im vikitcd relatives set upon htm, and which he deemed could only be fairly !estiBtatedb preseh-irwr himself befo ,tj.em in the garb of hTZorjmnai pove 1 re er- Reader, perhaps you may tnile at .1 t. al- r ..... , trua simpic j juuucw you incv the Sproulaa aet of rascals but look at home low do you esteem a po t-i I fcour conscience do notcon. uemn vou. renttr aa l : but set down as a truth, tic SiVouts are not the only people in the world who value rich re altors higher than poof ones. A new Rutc ef Subtraction. A. la- borUg man purchased a cow of a far mer, in the state of Maine, for thirtv dollars, one half to be paid in cash and tne other halfm labor. One diy while at wore threshing a Ihe farmer s barn not knowing that any one wis. near himTTiS banlo solVloaurae inther fnt. lowing mannr1: 4 Take one from two leaves three j alidtwo from two leaves four and three from two leaves five. J hat's the case j my master's cow ne. TfJLwULbe paidfbrjLThe farmeroTen hearing the soliloquy, stepped into the barn, and told the laborer if he would prove it to be the case he would give him the cow, and pay him for wjb;i bor he had defye. f he lU. agreed to do it, and began in the followirig manner; 44 late, now been married nearly fojir jears ; the first year my wife had a chid, th .it's one from wl5PProBOuncctl the name of the Camn. ana leaves Ume the secOnd year she ! ilajUni,M..two ff o'kjoJin-dJ J 1 -. ' . - - 2 1 temfTtnTlnrfarns1i another, which 3 from 2 arid leaves five. Now I nAye'five instead of two to support, and I fear I shall never be able to pay for the' cow. The farmer immediately pad him for his labor, and gave up his dou for, the cow.- Salcm Caz. mvN-TATvrr.ni cr attt i Mr. t.fnt.!U, U. A(f.i U rn-h-"i H' )',! ft, c.KrTtr S pi.tt AmMMn"i ,MMiiUtMr U ll;u t t'wiv.arw vrW. "They are a secluded people, de voted tu peace, and the simplest modes of life. When the Uland Is in pratr, they come down front the heights ol the mountains and cultivate their lit lie lotion lis sides, fr wander io the i!ot)iritr forests 1 and sometimr s, ihouth very seldom, and io few numbers, rn ter the large matset towns 1 ue land, They raUe cotton, wlrth tiiuufuire mto coarse cwta lor their owb uir, also tc flee and vegeta bles enouith for their owb coosump tiuo 1 but very seldom carry rn any trade, or cfTer any of their productions or sale. 0 y alarm of war, they mmcdiatrly retire to their caves and glens la the heights of the mountains, and are no more seen till the peace U restored. What their numbers are is not known., They have do letters nor education, speak language peco af to them, thon it is evidently 01 French origin io part. I hey are whites In completion their hair also white, but woolly like the Africans. I hcv are but little known, as they take no prt 10 the transactions ci me gov eminent, and seem only solicitous to live separate from the rest or mankind, unknowo and unacquainted with the world." of honor, said, in the Undgcport Courier, to have taken place ia New. town,(Cemn.) between UO "young blood " who, alter hring at eacn omer without effect, accused the seconas 01 charging the pistols with powder, only, and agreed to decide theoiMterwiiri their fists. The ring was formed aod a furious arf-ffl commenced, which ai kept up with great spirit, in which much scientific facing was exhibited, and many knock down arguments were advanced, until by the rules of pugdi tic law one of the champions declared him-wlf sat'ufied with, the punhhment rercived, ard humbly implored the forgivnetsof his honoratU antagonist. Tins new mode of settling a dispute, not appearing to the civil authorities of Connecticut to be strictly to for ma lic to the lws of honor," they we aul to have immediately taken mrasutcs 44 to biing all the panics concerned to answer lor their conduct before ihe civil tribunal j but they im mediately put in practice the old max im of ihe poet that, " He' ho fighti and mm avar, Slay lire to fight another day." PauUor.es.--By a singular accident, says the N. Y. American, a Urge col Ictiioa of criminal letters to this cele brated man, have been recently found in a huskfttcr's shop in New York. Among them, are the copies of a great number of his own letters, which are completely illustrative of the character of the individual. Of the genuine ness of these documents and Istters, there is not the least doubt, for hand writings of such men as I. a Fayette, j Bri mi j n j V!" '. f n r rar.kltn, John Adams, others like them, cannot be unurisuiiu tnr papers are now in the possession of Mr Wiley uho has submittal them to ihe inspec tion of the gentleman of his 44 Den," with a view to a publication of a part. There are said to be 700 letters alone. Family Animosity. U is known the Campbells of Argyle, and the Ma cleans of Mull, were sworn enemies j and that the enmity led to the acauisi- tion, oy tne former, ol the pnncioal f . t . . estates ot tne latter B.ltflough .a.ftur minot possesaions stiil belonred to the iiacMns. ui their rancor towards thejjupplanters of their race, the fol lowing anecdote affords an instance s A venerable Madeari was, one Sun- armeTenray--ev,bgrktifg in his ttbawrha and heariu his grandson read the bi. ble. The boy read of the prosperity of Job in his letter days.- ' H Hm had fourteen thousand sheep, sand camels," "Show me the bible, boy?" said Maclean,at thef'last word. I which was pronounced txactly as they bells. ' 'lire bible was shown him. 1 11 -rtr 1 m i " ' " . . . " IE. M ' yt Vi.ili f.. 9 Uawmels ! th ri.il. i -ia"hr"-i'w attVrf-lri-st . -i-...,-.., w.k. tut, piuii,! ( uiav luuiu never Oc in tlitf bibirrforffhe hid thTbTiro1 v , b " " natio that cawmels, och J the never an ot or a sheep they'd left him " jThe Cfflonist, At it riot front- tlie nostetaion of arnnwlorlnw but from the display cf U,at ronttn ceatct to be feminine. Vrttu.iMo Vr nprrt', fuf f-u,., Mt li t t'jfiiit ll-iuMi !-f ti li,,' !,. ia h auLt, U SUf' a.U.1 tfia f..!nu. trtMlttU rtaJ ! ru4 iBJ pfr" aJ tint U i)f o riiUf .1, luU't erttk. at hi j ' a iih tu t'aiaab. r, and tltamhin, I. I f Vk.ir.t.W tlian. aluftf iht l't Hr, t-1Jrtnif tW UivU U ft fjawrwi, W tuft, and tfibttt, UH.lit id ,m ttrIUH ami talitalW fim MWi, tm'n,, tbrtt ronrtNM'M rt, all, at ptraM, H repair, aaJ aiiuaicl m it atrvta tfTmli.f, t trry tamton, a tu flic (wry fcf trairf ft ,)w rluM purport f n-tl.1R.r7. 1U UhI i (g lpa4 ta th culture i4 tUm, urn, UL AUo, th.rj pft ut 5.7 UM of Vr JJ btrt hwt hl"jf oa ttt i'ftof Mti(fl Creek, a-ll-artitf w f riiibWr, AW tmthr. I iuk. and lAlun, and tJ.utt M IntiluuMlillt minet inn vr, . . , A I l.krtjf mtg, mm ii vh it ia cctlrnt hammrrma", bloet and funrt erpai(, AH the proprty nf CU. Ma, llUck, tm led at the Uw'anct U J. f, Brertrd and ll. H, furney, admiaratort of the tataUt of Hm Connor, dceeaa4 - , And, aJtn, ZM arret of land rm VaTs emk, nljoi-tioa; tht abttaid traet of t t4. tUa k inUudln; a comfurUbU dadlmf hen, iM y, t mtataary a,! Iniil.lilip, gttul gi't f mill, cmton gin, lie. the property if a, ben tmmtnon, titcuud at the luaUMt af o aafiw. Ihe fertinty of the Sml, and keahhy tim'i, of the ilwl Ub.li, ot and fx' the htnki ef the Ca'avba rtrer, a rrer vhkh bids Ulr, , aonte Mure day, to 1 (lord a trett awn 4 caJth 9 the weferw tKtioaj ti our atu, fci. inf aid Uitir other and rrriaJraici,o-jj'.: to be aunrirnt inducrmtnlt fur fmrrliaacr 1 ai i it it la U hotM-d that rxrwi i4 jnr t oh1, . great bfina, will ww tlM prraJte, and at Und tli aale. .' - " fACOB roBNty.i.. .. n vr 1 1 - I IpOIi tale, a tod J Wuufub'.t UliifiTti eoa', a clwpeaa and plum, atwl a oH, bh. hr. And alwaa elegant an4 etceuchi iWjIc mi tcry reanablc term 1 aflv ta tl mn ber. CKOKGK YV. CIUMKS. AVJUf 18J4. '16 8tutc of Norlli-Cnrolina, auattf covsrr. X rquitr, March trrw, A. D. Mrtr a.p.n . t'Li'llo Umibra.L It aiiixr. ing to tf.t utiafiaetiim af lU enift, ttt rdiLp rMmfrtd lr IK mid Mtain tUe lmt 4 iln Hute. it ia Uicrctire orkrrd lUt tl'.x. tiou he made for three moudia aocfcainlj it tk!" Wrdera Carolinian, that lu.lcta tlw -l Phillip noctfirm! arpr at the imi leoun A F r4.tr r in b fceVd fnr the county of fiwrkr, it the ert-houae In Mifloit, wi the 4b V. da) of SepttmUr not, then and there to pltnl, amacr or dernuf, jmlgnietit, pru coiiftiin, Ui bt taken, and tuc tame b heani es pan. 8. S. EHVTIS.e.n.B. Pr!re k It. 84. Stite of Xortli-Carolina, MCCXtrtRl'HO C0CTV. COURT of Pleat an-l quarter Krtslon, Mi trrm, 1824 Jamct Clark", W. J.-uneT). V 7" kerj Oripntl attachment, leried in the hnH of John lQnay. fl tpjKarinfcr to the emm tV. the defendant it not an inhabiiant or thi Vi-, it it therefore ordered, that putHf.ion b mxit flirre mon'ha in the Wet'erw Carliin, giix tdtice to tlie taid dcfemlant to apprartt ?t next Court of Pleat and quarter Setniont to h held for taid cmintr, at the Conrl-Honw Charlottf , on the f Jtirtli llonday in AujjhM ar. to renlerr. olcad. or demur, otherwise it hr- meut aitf be ent.Ted Sjnlnit him, tod exe- tinn awarded tPewUnf'V. Tct: Prke tdf. ISAAC ALEXANDER, r. . f. ..amit'Ci State of Xorth-Cnrolina, 'iRKOKLL COVKTV. ('lOfllT of Pleat and Quarter Sewonv Jh J term, 1 C4. John Netbit, t i. Charh i I' Conner i Orrnmal attachment, rrturneihc. is ordered bv the court, that the defcrdiil, (aim i not an inhahitant of thit State) file fc" tHf cr on nr beforv l9 .pest term of thia ewi. In h hkl for tit county aforeauU, st thtf ckjtI- boniw in StutctviUe, on the ihirJ Slowi) a Auirv4.Bet-"tlf-,-Vw r ni-aruex Diu-te. aikl haee iiKirmcut rru com. It ia furtlirr nnlcrrd. tli-it thia until e be P '1-'- lifdiejLJbr three ntontht in the Vrtm '" linian. Teat! R. SIMONTON, Ci'i. Price adr.Ji. . , HVJ State of Noi;tli:Caroiina, STORKS CUWTY. ("lOrilT of Pleat and Quarter Session, June J term, 18CI. Andre Dowman, r. K"lrt llnalcy: OriinalattflC?tmrnt,lerifdonbnd. It appearing1 to the titikfaction of the court, thil the defendant it not an inhabitant of thit rfatc it it therefore ordered, thai publication be nne in the Western Carolinian for three month, tht nnlrMihdjJuitcccacaia 2nd Mondv of September next, and replevy and plead, -ilfaf Judpihent Will be "entered; : p eonfcMn, and projerrf levied upon will be cpu donned to tht pfaintilT't recovery. By order, MA t'THEW It. MUOIlR,e.r. Price adv. J54. j ItS Statef-Kort3aroliaaf - ROWAN COVSTV. COURT of Equity, April term, 1824 1 . IfraiJ Stoner and hia wifr n.rK.m- Stnner. J'" Waller and. hit wife Eve, Elizabeth Earnh.tr. V2J,nMStttt?nZ brnhart, Geo. Bullen and Peggy hit wife, the heirs at law Christian Kihor, dee'd. 1 Petition for le w real tut ate. It annearinir to the aatisfaCtinn Ol the court, that the defendants, Conrad Kihor. Maty Rihelin, Mary Snuthtr, Henry wrnn of Christian Kihor. dee'd. do not reside w thitl ' J the .limit -.of the. atafe. it iaihetefore owenw, tkirrr nilir.tu K mwt- fn- avekaW:H? (..---.. . ',) fK1WtCad they appear, at the next Court of EouU) w " holden for the count? of Jtowan, &t the court- lions in SalUhtirV. ah th 2nd MnndaT i'tcr "' 4th Mondar in September next, and pk ter or demur to the hill, the tame will e kent pro Mofctao, as to tliem, and tian eau set down for hearing ex parte. ;'. be. Copy from the minute. Test; CEOKCE LOCKF.C . 1 1 Mi ll