PKoruvH TicKirr. fa(t J f -f by t Vsi 1 VtWin. the ni Ktw Mt, J of f rtdat m4 Vkt twiitA a Mt f rwwty I JHVf"1 "1 ,n"? JW V-. IJeo-JaoK Mk M W Citf.-r4 da. Jm JK'Oe, jwa tW,a. of W-ae da. Jor. oW. of k0 a 77 . BlmMs of Crovea do. SfVXSao) Otovwa, of PeroUl A.- ItttUam t, of HJ.faS . MiffM . IVlUf, of Kneik"r j..W JWt w,iirio nofM pp u WeB received by Mr. lortirr. trfbuthn had been leviea "7 .V" nnt of tU Republic (Induing the t ry) and eorpnrotUt, of q;"" dcJhr 00 each poll. male and f "' I and L....uinoa mltrt biff J"Ur of cpitl oer trtr JoII.r- Tb proctu T collection wmm7i nJ btton ot to Interfere Uh lb or dinnr cone en of pemmM. A trtf c.r aiif bctireen th foem tnent of CoJotnbU Bueio Afrct, h.4Ucn r.ti&ed. The be wrffrtjaii disr iDDeirtd to eiUt beteo thi 1 Bil ti'h teot Jh Kwe"""1"!1... ur- dli of tho Bnthh oemroroi in ior nwnf rknoUdinK their Independence. The United State continue to be bib Ir rtinccted. nJ denominated the cUttic union fUtbe wettern nemiipoer. A public dinner hod been ren to Gen erol UiDAiiKTA.on hUeMomin tbe Su pre me command of the Deportment of Zo!l. . It hod been propoted to oboliih the per pefuitr of the o of femlei oho uke the rcll. and 10 allow them to renew them erery third or fourth yeirf or to rejoin mocitt j Cmtittri. - - . Trrnn Heico. Arm 0mt, July 27-A letter dated Perotte. M June, from a reinecteble pe on employed b the Meiicen govern went, ond oddrewed to a jenileraan of thi city, bo fovorcd ui with a neroiol of U, atttei that tnere woo 01 en v-m French frltjote which wai uid to have brought on oent with powero to treat with tlie author'nieo. There were aho at Altorodo four KnRliih friafei at the die poaidoa of the Mcxiron gvversment. From Lomlon popen. .f The monvtroui obutc thot bare Crept into the Uni'e-I Church of England and Ireland are oueh aa to leore it little to booit orer the Roroiih rtetni even al lowlng'ibotan which I reported of Ihc lotter ii founded on foct Below we read jj!ni:j?J,iJ?iib9J5i'0;-?t,jPl Inn himself on onnuol income ol nearly nine thounnd do'Jar auOTert the cathedral over which be i placed to go to ruin, ra ther than curtail hi eipenditurea on monfaihionobir ojeci v I hn Dean, too, tnut follow the example of hi iftiritual auperinr, ond fotteni ot eae, while hi DariohlonrM f iimh for the want ol bath le m mi ril wd Ipi rl t u 0 1 c 0 mfort: The Cithedral of Deny; In Ireland, i In ruin, the Cathednd of a diorese whoae rental Is estimated ot 20,'OO pounds terlin. The BUheh who erti SOfwH jtoundt ottrtfnf fur avium from tlir t'io eeas. km not been whin ut wul- w many yeo. The Dean, who hao 4000 lOtindt sterling, has not performed w- vire i' ii or two near. A late number ( ic Dublin Fvenin Pist enntoino l.Mer or the subject, from a member of P-iilutntnt from the county of Deny, a minis'trul 1st and supporter of the Church, in which be t-ondemns the conduct of the Biihup, DeoU, and Ch'pter, ond mtmionsihat thr Church,Iitiand- u lAe richctt n gurofie, and that wh-ht the t's'A edral of Derry had betn fuiling, the endow tnenttjf the Bithoft and Deanery had been iacreaung in wealth." . Madrid, Jane 29 A kind of Congress formed of the A mbasTSrorrblthirHol iMItHiice, is Bow talked of. I he hciuI situation of Spain, tbe occupation of Ca diz, and the future destiny of the Balea rioo Islands, we said to be subjects -upon which the conference will take place. It is not known what part England will adopt, but fear are entertained that she wiU not foil into tbe views of other pow ers; ' . .. . J It is said that tne king jsiore deter mind than ewr not to TecoRwze the in dependence of xmy of hii .American pos- '1 hp. chain of cohvicto set out to-rlay for the galleys. Among them "are youths only 1 5 years old. A number of these unfortunate persons, who committed no o'.he crime than expressing themselves in favor of the Constitiirlonrare confoun ded with thieves and murderers, and most of them have cot even been tried. rtr.vnzsTUi nzxt ll IifHf riJiiubwi U ttJ Uff.t4o0tfrloi cftbe V-Mafe- htUrtottr, -not lt.i charocur w . a? f f . ho are the tupponc't focd-otltbe rtUf4 fptti't nfn ' ll Is intimated, tft deilCCOiy IMI " " " ' " " , In foe of the Cuf erwJil I wr our counlr f ttvU J ell l mm 10 it.. k.i k found amonc th PrU' ut i w - - 1 Mat d U trtttry W V I rtaurr. Uck of UU of ttnUctiMA. i.rrJiVd A lttr from S.Cir out4 t Mhf U conirtry to mj hi lUr. ftliiivtiBli wror AIb mm, wert Hi ia u tk.i or oihr camlkUt tbtn 1 v 1 . . Ct. JikivM uM rtccl M luppon Suuth CaroUnUni art lmo uiwnimoul fr Mm." There oooeor lo bo but oni MRtimcnt here o the preidentUI queoiion ; Jt om ond ('amove will receive the tinon ifonua aupport of the democratic party. Ciavrofto'anameitocarcclf tneoticmeu. The Providence Gatctte havlnj decla red for Mr. Cnvzford, the auUcriber to it In Smith field adopted rcantutlon to ony more of the Cotette. So much for public aeo timcnt in Rhode I aland ! LWi-SometSinr wai lately toid in the coucua paper of paucity of the friendt of Jock too in thit Uote, partlcu larlf in the county of Jockoon. Thi waa one of the weak Inventiooa of the enttr.y, ot the following will hew t Lrlrml f m Uttrr frtm O gmtlrma Jutkttu nlp tm lJU tthltr lit IIHmmt (imlfitr, frinUd mt ULtmmnHmm, daU4Julj 15, 1824. The county of Randolph, I am 'well aiiured, will five decided majority to Jatkion. Tbe next would be Adomt or Clay, but Jmtkm atjainot tbe field olanda cood. Jatkttn in Jackaon county will fro about fiv to one againat tbe whole to gether." Pofiular Indignation A correapondent inlbrtnt that a few day oince two mem ber el tbe Auembly from Seneca coun ty, were bung in efliey, and afterward burnt, and Navn powder having been deposited in their u mental mapeiioe." We have no objection to aeo the whole Junta Party blown aky higb through tbe ballot boxe . Aro- Jerk paficr. Two-third "of all the member of tbe legislature of Louisiana, ere atated to be tbe avowed frienda and aupporter of General Jacxior. tb. A new paper exiled The Ifettrm Vol unteer, i about to be published in r rank feH, Kentockrrand will tuppott Gcnerat Jacksom for tbe presidency. It i a remarkable fact, that three of the Presidents of the United State, viz : George Washington, Jamea Madison and James Monroe, were brn in one county In Virginia. I be county which hat been tbusprolibcin great roen,i ll etfmorclaud, SWALLOWING SNAKES. At Upper Canada paper asserts, that a boy swallowed an adder three feet long, which was destroyed in his stomach by the application prescribed by a physician. Fables of this cast are frequently fabrica ted to puff ofT quacks, who have no other way to obtain celebrity. More Gold. We hove een, in the pos session of R. Clendenin, Eq. a piece of fiure virgin. Gold, l.itely found in Lincoln County, N. Carolina, near King's creek, a shod diManre above the place where that creek enters this State. The piece was found rcidmHy,mo wot about the size and shape of a grain of Indian Corn : No further search has yet been made. Yorkvilte Pioneer. The Norfolk Herald describes a ma chine, invented by Mr. Cbaile Brodieof that town, br hich the workmen lately' descended 18 feet under water, and re placed o plank on the bottom of the Del awute 74, which had rotted in conse quent e of the accidental removal of the copper thereon, at the lime the ship waa hunched. On the old plan, it is said, the cost of repairing it would have been from 25,000 to 30,000. Toast drank at Ballston Spa. New York, by a back woodsman, on the last Anniver sary of A merican Independence. W -Lt.:i.7iXT-1&?zr;x-?r- Kmgs, Queens, and KNAVLS- Let at receive tbe Yankee malediction : " ComstatVs twiat your half, ' Cart wheel roll round you, . Creat dragon Carry you ofT, . And mortar pestle pound you." S cheert Jiogufi Jhrth, . mm. m m m I r. 1 uJim 1 - uf our t J prml U (W uv. 3 tWi Vort k Mum MM m lb Porf.fic.tkn of Wf W kfaM( rttry ll k Ut t rtk of ! Urn, k rrs V coi-ot i ' To mr -tnA mr tU rot Mouotaln,1 w otsH btWfy rrph, by pondy'toff ki ova doftml Km i Cape, sttrtcb, woWr" m yi Sftay, YH, vtry vH J" loow Vr. 'U. Hit a frwo NO ooaa, Jolio KhAtrv, my Jot, We retuni lha eomimiucotiM U the oflico whr k vm aooilel "Uv ' CES.LA rATCTTf- We kavt iltd a Urjo spoea hi thU week' piper, to tbo delMW the roreptto ot, and the honor Jiowa to, Gra. La Fayette, H city M ..-i6rit fVi tpmm brkf wotteo of tie ccrrmonxs attovlirr hio drputaro t foreoatwori Wt thought could awt III o portioa of aer eohimno mora acceptably to our readm. ' fko um of t Fmyrtw la ao cloKly bkntifStd with lU atoat iaUreoting era ut tho hutory ot tbe U. S tbe otruftHo of our fatkew fur a aattoiul ttioteoct i bWotrvicea in behalf of our beloved coun'.ry, at that dork aitd portrttouo period, were ao aclfdeToted and airtikli and bl aflorto ia furtaereace of lha riajhto utj Cberties of oaao ia every quarter ol the rlobe, aoa ao diotntercoled ond puilaatbro- pic, that we ohouU ouppoM there vo aot a rtaJ A nwrica io our atk, boa oranl would aot be delighiad lo are thi UluMnouo lorttrner Itailcd oo the benrfactor of Antrriro, oad the firfa bieadoftbo libettir of fea people. How ever we may be divided by tbo political fault of tho time, let aa untta ao Jmrhtmiu, in paying bonure to that noblefteoa of soul, oo character, touc of tbe dipntjr of bomoo nature, bkb prompted lai favrHe to renounce frienda, for tune, honuro, and every domestic bliaa wbkh could catlear life to man, for tbe haxardoua, ond at liaf time, olmoat bopetea uniggta of the British American colonies, against tb tyranay and uourpatioa of tbe mother country. If wo feel a lov oad veneration for the immortal WaaaivoTv, by a natural sympathy, we cm not but extend at lemat a portion of it, to hia diotin. jiiiijird and intimate friend and companion. La Fayette. Patriotiam, morality, and Religion, all combiaa hi prompting ua to rvrerence, respect, oral honor to seoloua on advocate and champion SifJhclitira. iia!ttjm4lkrighii of Ire e. men. FURTHER INDICATIONS. The following result of different balloting on tbe Pre side acy, have been received since our last: Sneedsboro', Arwon county, 18 for Jackson, 79 for Adams, 2 fur Crou ford. CaptiH ahon's company, m Granville-, f t Virginia tine J all for Crawford. Hunter's mill. Gates county, 100 for Jackson, 1 for Adama. Elizabeth City, Pasquotank .county, 270 for Jackson, 30 for Adam. Murfreeaboro', Hertford county, 130 for Jackaon, 12 for Adama, 6 for Crawford. Strwartirille, Richmond county, 18 for Jack aon, 89 for Adams, 1 for Crawford. FURTHER ELECTION RETURNS. Rutherhri-' William Green, senate. John Carson, and James Graham, eommon. Halifax L 'Matthews, senate. William Ala- ton, Robert B. Daniel, commons. inaifcWilUauiv ,8cnatCi JU Jw. Good: man, Jamea Coxe, commons. J trihaMpiaJno. Pccblra, aenate. Roder ick B. Gary, Thomas Bynum, commoni. 7 own tf Halifiuc Jesae A. Bynum. Hertford I. Cope land, it-nate. Iaaae Carter. John ann, commoni. G'rtie Jcise Speight, senate. Richard H. LltarperClmrei Edwanls. commons. Columbia Thomas Prink, senate. Luke R. Simmona, Itichsrd Wooten, commons. A Presbyterian Church ia about to be erected at St. Augustine. The Trustee will receive Proposals for buildinc the walls and plastering the Church, fcc un til the lit day of September, next. . , Charleston Courier. M..a0a-; . One vtte inert fw Mr, Crawford, Let ut 9ove it-lct u't count itiue way never look ufion it like again.- The Ra leiirh Register, of last 1 uesdar at a rausterrgrou3d"In CraM tn- a place, vorttertng' pn the Virginia tine mark that! elrery member af Capt. JL C. Walton' company, and a number of old and firm planters declared their prefer ence for WnS.IL Crawford. Some of those on tho borders are not clear of their shackles yet Cajolinia Obtervcr, , . ,i- inH Mr. Ii I M your taper oi a In. in, I. a (i'imnt v a vw'i w ' I k, i.a isirn mi tr.nan tote 01 l"a t,o wiin, county, giving lJe ote as follow t for Jackson, 464 for Adams, 9 traaford, of lha bliliii ofT.cer oi -too iM. statement It Dubilihed with the express design to remove on Ill-founded pinion, thai thlt county it h favour of Adtmt.M l be comrounnauof, lished la your pr ImmedUtely over the abovei wa not forwarded with any design to lmpo4 on tbe community at loegef they wore merely statement of facts, and will bear t cernprl,0Q tbe above for cot rectnett. " ; ' Tbl Regiment of Cabarma consist, at ttiosont.of II comnan!ee of MllilU, I do. f light bfontry, and alto Iroop of cavalry the above la vote oi o miino companies, and I cavalry, giving jocasoo 484 totrt, leavrmj ,r tl the? wet wnat crulned which, by giving Jackson an thing like an equal proportion r the bal ance, would give Kim an overwhelming majority f a four fold vote over Adams. Now, air, to try the correctness ol statement, let ut examine the whole vote of lb county, at taken In by regular boxet, opened for the purpose, at the different election ground, oo the 2nd Thursday of thit Instant l Gen. Jackson got 460 odd, and Mr. Adams 270 odd and nearly, if not all, voted who are enti tled to vote for Elector for President. In subscribers statement, a little more than the balf of tbe county, he bat 57 votes, 464 of them for Jackson. In a true statement, made by the clerk of the different electloot, there were tut aoout y bum two iMff unty, ane not to many for Jackson as the subscri ber gives him of a little more than balf of tbe county. Iet our good friend, a subscriber, reconcile these facta with a desire of removing an M ill-founded opin ion" from the mind of the people. You may, sir, receive the assurance of the frienda of Mr. Adam in thi county. that tbey will not jeopardize their own right by dividing the People' Ticket between Jackson and Adam. We will unite, heart and hand, in electing the Elector brought forward by the ople, Kememen presented on tbe pub which, I think, he will not be able any more .lron.i, dittoed to aunnort C,n. to get to tne ugnt, that nts aeeos may be made manifest Where be may sit la darlnesa and despair, Bearing that punishment too great to bear Cursing the day that ever be woo born. To bear tbe printers' laugh, or bear the plough boy t acorn. Mput 25M, 1824. PUBLICS. Not baring a state of the poll m nw possession at preaewt, I think the abovo io ouu-1 stsnUaily correct, r. roa ri was-raoo csoousuw. NORTIIABOLLNA. Mr.dUar: U is to be rerretted that there It oo Hitory or Geography of "AiT Sb as ? V . , . . .onn-arouna. n is true, mat not ! ft i . ..! t many years since, a air. s v imamson puo lished, in two octavo volumes, what he calls a history of North Carolina but I am certain it does not merit that annella lion. I he geographical sletcKes hither to published, are, if poasible, worse than the History 1 nothing haa been noticed as worthy ol attention, but tbe miserable products of fiitch fiinetni ground fient ! I he hxecutoraof Ikniamin Warner. of Philadelphia, published, last year, uaroy edition of Brook' Gazetteer, in an octavo volnmc of upwards of eleven' hunrtretf page. irif trated irrth entitle page, that ample additions and improve menta have been mode in thit edition i but by an examination of the content, the same old ttory of the ground-peas ana pncn pine is repeated 1 and the same account of Salisbury is civen, that waa written 30 or 40 yeara ago! and to ofl neorly every thing else. This i humili- a legislator in his own taie, and a Sen ating, and ought to be uflkient to arrest tor in Contrres : all which he dischanred the attention of our literary and publick- spirited citizens. it win be readily perceived, from what W. a . . ... I ha been atated, that we want a Historv.f Geography, and a Map of North-Carolina, The History and Geography miithl be eomprRecT iri one WTwd volurnei. i hope this subject will receive that at- tention which its importance seems to de serve. HOMO. When God from chaos, gave this world to be, tmi-uituin luiiu uu flkiunii a aim iq tic rree. i Mr. Unite: his tha hann nrivilecr. of the American people to be free in the exercise and right of self-government ; and ata republic, our welfare and pros perity ultimately dependt on the wisdom. virtue and intelligence of the citizens. It is, therefore, of the utmost importance in our public functionaries, to have a aingle eye to those fundamental principles of our institutions, on which our government is w.. I.UIVII vu (i,i iiuiciii ill founded ; and which can only sustain our r. -SI. ' .v 'i- poiiiicai laoric. more especially, in se lec ting -those to w horn we -com mit the IfusrM orgatft of the Administra- tionrwbetber itr the legislative, judicial, or, executive departments, &c. I he time is nearly at hand, when we shall be called on and directed bv the con- ttition tf our country, to- elect a Presi dent and Vice President of the United butei an imperative and solemn duty, I'UbUr r w.Mol.Iy, 10 trUff or ii,fy j .... ,tr1f . u, ,ilfj . i w I ..f iki , . i .1 . - rit. t.t f.ii, riil..K.t .... . in proponvon lome njfjiiHuua oi th tf Cce, In our preference of a c!iUn b4 talent and atili.Ut would f II the meatnre t pear at postiMe. On reading tL pi r:r from the different part of the tif.icn, discover great coovuMoo w the potiil cal atmopbre, confiailt.g opinion, . riout cotnblnatlort, and much caniasoin, who t and who i not, worthy lo all the Presidential chair, after tbe ensuing tle lion. And it evidently appear, Ia4 ih frienda end opponent have tough! out many Invention in giving tit, In detail, the light and shades, In high colors, ar4 dlmcilflf joint by Hn, tnatomlilr r eta ry nerve ol tbe standing and t a y f the several candidate l oomlealioa lor President. But If the trumpet give aa uncertain aouid, who ihall prrpare bit, tclf for the Utile and, witbaQ snd after all, their ttrkiuret htvf left tit nearly where they fouud ut, In the poset4ri of the high privilege of M we the people having right to exercise our conuito. tl'tful franchise, to judge for ourselves and our country, But with tbe many aearchet, and re ftearchet, and inqolrict Into the merit and quaKfi(aii)M) of tbe several candidates, 1 have not teen e tingle proposition of in quiry, oor hat It been ttked, who tmoog tbe number, and If anv, who It the man, that fear God and eschew evil f Wfc make KrtifiTn the rule of hi heart, and guide of bio lifef ( Which mut be ac knowledged by all, a aupreme qualific- llmt tie a rkUf iri.o. A-W combined and aosocuted with alrq'iate powers, would be a President indeed, worthy of all acceptation but without which, he who sect all thing right, ha pronounced all, without exception, u sounding brass or tinkling eymhol." Yet, with due consideration, and the rev pect we entertain for the alvcral candi dates, our charity excites'st to cherioh a hope that they all, indiscriminately, weir the cloth of their country, and subscribe to that excellent system, laid down in the scriptures, as our national creed. But with due deference to the merit of Jutkltn 1 Preirlent. Hit eminent ser- I ,,. l:. rnnAM.,A ,n...u in fence of bit country, the rspldhv of hit movement and exertion at tbe points of danger, well timed ond successfully exe cuted ot the propitious moment, leaves conviction in every mind, thot he polari se distinguished military talents, and ia a military capecity, has done all that mis could do for his country t While in some in the annals of history. From his mili tary operations, and successful adventures, many were accustomed lo view him in the same light that Virgil did Scipio, it the'tbunderbolt of war; merely an' aV I ... r lracl military character, raiaed up and I . ' . . . . . appointed by an invisible agent, to defend the rights, and repd the insults offered to our injured country, and then place hio dctvjjLtojrLvjkb-bkitllQK all the honors acquired by bit military iame. But since be has been brought into view, and proclaimed e candidate for the highest office in tbe gift of the people, hH light begins to thine, and we willinelr subscribe to the old proverb, that it u tb property of good metal, the harder it it brushed the more bright ond brilliant It wurappear And from the most full ata - " ; --- -"" ..- i- free inquirv into the talentt and abilities oi wen oi.wnon, i nara (van 10 nre vnr clusion, that he poesessei th nereasary -f r i . l , - - -- quahbeations for President t that he com bines and associates the citizen with tha soldier, having filled highly responsible offices in civil life, aa a Judee, a Governor, with integrity and ability. And from tail hard earned experience in the different deoartmenta. it must be believed he po . aesies a comneteut share of eeneral in- formation, having tasted human life in euch irreat variety, in almost every shape rwdToFrnTlmust beeffef eaalified-i know, see, and feel the want and necei- titles ol hi Tellow-citizens, ana oave mars nrfirt knnivlilirii of the interests of the nation, than if he had been,,plsced nd let in the cabinet Troni his youth up; "p "iu ,u pyj.i... nm mu - , ympathelic feehne for hitTeUovTman pt ltres, or in danger, the bet dispow ? of the human heart yet it it remarked . i & i : . i ..: !:.:. - inniucios inai no is rauicr tihuiiiv wy whan irritated i be this as it may, he that is without fault among us, let him cast the first stone. ' ' With the views, here presented have concluded to cast our mite or i"'" enr into tha amle of Andrew Jackson : , 1 --- ... , L ', n for President, sincerely wishing tMi xih i i k , nm.. in: fill W or atiy other that comet in, may lu executive aiid administer the governmen aiweiiMWmtiS 0 .La and bit coutry. . . :. Jin old warrior of tne fievow - Uameood ca. J . ft Aug. 17, 1824. Law Suits.-ht.a a man pe lm he 'need never expect to back a?ain,n .

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