Ki'.VtnKf. fl'fit.n In Kmiuikf f-f Cover r.of Ciofnof, fteprcsetita lUrllolt U' and national legislature, t,,a rctcntlf terminated. Central . JrA tit Urn fUtttJ Uomnor, Mr. trsjrt cow i'Jf rUi majorities. The f!!olni n iltreocompo lh lepren!ttl'n from Lcntuckf t lb IJthcorrtti Mtttr. )evld TrlraM. TkV Metcalf, Ilcorf City i Rotiert P. Utchefi Jsmtf Johnson, Jostbh Utomptt Tbo'i P. Moor, It lea- H A. Ilockncr.C. A. Wkkllnt, IWIt Johnson, KoUrt I. Ifcnrjr, and PhlSp Thomson. ' ' . , ' JriUf Trow taint Coupet to fcen lie mm la Kf Orlesne, ty u I n let lament of Mr.' JuHcn Poydrtt who lately fled here ut been opened. Il ap pear thai ibi food. I rut excellent nun.' made the following le;cirtf For Col ks Point Coup fciO XWO Fr mar i rlC portion to poor girl of il J Parish f,Jn0-. To each bf hit UM ioni and (tod diucMcri.fjtOOFormtrrtirtpor tioni o poor girts tf West Biton Kwjt 30,000 To llit charity hospital or Ne Orleans, LU bouso on levee, between St Lout tnd Contl street, tnd hit house la Bottrbo treet To the Poydrt Femtle Asylum, all Mi boose In Poy dnt-ttrtet and en (b Bailor To Mit Ctllailn S 10,000 To hit t tumcntiry executor who ere Met. Cut Richard and Bctudur liyfiL Th rtmslnderof bit fortune joe to bit. family." T1) Baroh de Chsrnptgne, of Utile Switzerland, hit trtntmittrd to the Cor responding Secretary of A4 Board of Commission rt for Foreign Mil lions, the torn of 8300 gtOO of which, it for the Amerion Education Society Tb rerotininji 300 are Intended tt pre trntt in equal part, to tbe Rev. Hiram Binehtra tnd Tbot. IJopoo, at the ntnd lch Itttndt. Tbe former donation! of the Barnn de Cbtmptjrne to the Ameri. can Botrdi amount to R873. The Biroo it wholly tinacqoalmed with our language. bat fcelt tuch an inter tt In our reliRtout inatitution, thtt be contribute! liberall towards tbeir tupport. Southern InteWatctr. Jlhlarvf trme&ti One of the treat ett inconrrnienret in our cHmtte. tt thit action of the ear, tt occttioned by the anla cttilnjc on our drctcd provuiont, hch miket them renenUy very dit tuttlnr, panicultrlr to delicate pertont, and preclude t the tdranttge of the ute of cold mtttt, which are mott tfreetble to . w . . wtrnt weather. The method it extreme It liaiole. conreoieDt and ufc. Take i wine gltt well cleaned, and place it in your ttfe urnide dow and put the d'uh or plate' which contain your meet on it. It mti be here balanced with the grrttett aafety, and I will warrtnt thtt tt will be free from tntt, provided you tike care thtt the meet and diih or pltte, be free from them when you place it in that lit ation. The aboTe mentioned remedy wtt diKorered by t tufTcrer after trying all the common remediet. X meetine wat hrld it the City of London Tttem on the 26thof Jnne to eatablith a line of ttetm p.cketi to tail weekly from the excellent htrbor of Vt- lentia, In the with ' wet extremity of Irelind, to the rity of New York. The harbor of Vtlentia it the nearett point of Europe to the American continent. It it 507 mlt morewcaterllbjia- Ftl: rrjTOthr.aiid:nj--W' Jeacttcd from Lon don in SO hourt tnd 40 from Liverpool, by traveller, ho wrH thut tavexllthc diawrreeabl riaka of channel naviEttion. The packeta are to be IQOO torn burden, and renerally to brine 400 tone of coal, beiidct ptMengcri. They ire expected, when eaisblrsbed, to reach New-York in little more than two week. Mr. Ran solpk wat expected at the mcetine t but lie did not attend. Franklin Gazette. Io the Houte of Lords, on the 94th of June, in answer to tome rrmarkt Hr the Jtarquit of Lansdown, respecting the re- toniuon or tne indcpenqencrot poutn. America, the Earl of Liverpool taid Thtt his majesty'i government wtt un- Am .11! . - : : . - I . ...J w no ooupauon wnneer, wnicn couia prevent the recognition of the Statet of South America, whenever it thould ap pear to be consistent with the interest! nd character of the country to make iTCh recognition i that hiTMaiettv'a min- tert had to obtain the necessary infor tuition respecting those States, tnd would tct upon that Information at soon as they received U.H Tkeodorick Jlland, Etq. has been ap pointed Chancellor of the state or Mary land. Tktmai Xell, Esq. of Baltimore, bat been appointed Attorney General of "ryland. . Irteltigence Jrora-CUjl, to May 1. an-. m ncet the appcrtntmetit V Mr,a mm tninister "from tbat country -to the tnated States. A French naval tquadron expected in the Pacific, and the, Asia 7 nd brig Achilles, Spanish men of war, ero ajo ipokjtjr 0ff the Ftlkltl bland. . ' franklin Uazcttc. ttrKiN'.nN'cof f.rr.t. Tli trutad iJ luuitutiurt ire Ii3p py ta tiinouwt ti 11 put'ic the ilectlon of DtKlur Nti!l. ff I'MlidcfrihU, to the tf f',a of IVhdpil of ih I acuity, in il.t rton tf Mr. M.aon, rt)ncd ) and that Uf. Nil!l bicccpidtheppiritmetjt, Hitdutlct will commence whhthftntu bf MtaiwOf oa the ftrtt cf 2k)xc ruber BIU Eotr n. Dcittr, Hfj. bo Ute! died tr PioUarci without lMUit hat left iht whole of hit real eutte with tbe ex teption of few email leg tele i to the town of Pnldncet f r the bcocvolc&i purpoie of erecting 4 ylum, and tup porting the poor In wa; that thai! am Ibrtte their coouliiyn. Hit propcrt it citimtud lo be worth COOO dollar. Lxlrmti a lUr frm tin lilcrite J tSt HimH tf CmUum, t tit PkUtr ih CUum. DiAti bit Yotj tiy thtt report art afloat and Industriously circulated with von. thtt Ceo. lack son Is to bo withdrawn at candidate for th presidencf In favor of Mr. Adams, and tbat Mr. Calhoun and hit friendt are to tupport Mr. Adam in any event, cither the one or the otber of lb propusuioot It true, and are pro Citely tuch at are raited for the purpose oi ocsirovma; ana oiviaing me irienat both of Adimi and jKkson, and of to wekening their tnfluenco a to make ..,iurl.WWw.n.i,. vra-ioru. II ucn report it the ire to Dave weight ii. in enugnunea cmtent o. vour p.n M iKo all Oil a antliitl It MaMt o. Ieta4tM k. .... r . U.UU... .-t. wb.-.. -Iuwa-i (a m,K!I.H M.. ... norts. Thera la. bmL. ..... l ,k. Uitloo where ihi genUemao tut fewer Mend, and nona where ha haa a few. who are more owvrty hit devote rs. Ceru Jackson vultnat withdarw, and his own character and firm nest and the character of hit friendt are on abundant guarantee itinit uch an atpcrtion ; un- Its indeed tome greit and unexpected national good could be promoted by it, or some grei natiooai evu cooid thertoy a a a a . be avoided. Should it become indUpcn sably necessary to keep from tbe pre si dent itl chair an aspirant whoso adminis tratloo would distract and expose tbe na tion, who would set tin for aale bit nub ile oflcc and stain that tctt which bat hitherto been holv tnd Dure then I would hope that Jack ten or J Jam, or any other great and distinguished patriot would magnanimously withdraw. l-eoeral Jackson and Mr. Adami and -! ..If a al mcir inenns, re utterly mcapsDie 01 tiooping to coalesce ana otrgaio lor the nignoinceaoi toe govet nment, ana equal - l I -1.1- I. SjT- --11. j I ij iui.aiuiv nr. vainouq anu nil cjl I. r .-! l-. j! r.t - trttUC " The litter gentlerain i known to be Inumatclr and conbdenually friendly with Gen. J.ckton. Ha it believed, in the tame tituttion at it rerardt Mr Adams. They hive long tnd faithfully served in the tame political cabinet, in the laborious, able and faithful discharge known I of their public duties, and are J.Mkit to baved - tcl aam enlightened rv.lic. which has dia- "" '" r "v--w " tioguished, supported and irradiated Pre sident Monroe's administration, redound ing alike to his immortality and tbe good of the nation. It was therefore natural that the? ahould have become, in tome , . ,;rj j . i i i araaaaaa iirirrrr. iiiFiiiiiiru iiir.ii aaa a irr '. ' i i ' pica ana ujniucuii,.cicu ucu iucv But at to bargaining and coaleacinn and T vm 1. chaffering for officea. among eacA asm, the thing never did, nor cm it ever exit! Between wen Jackson and Mr. Adama, Mr. Calhoun ia tbe mutual friend nd atands neutral, a honor and justice IC'IUI T lillll iv Diauu. juih-x.hi vu i na and Pennsylv.nia, bc. the great bulk of requires him to stand. In South Caroli Mr. tilhoun't friends will tupport Gen. Jackson, though many of his other friends in each state, will support Mi. Adams, nor could he, nor will he attempt to con- troul them in their free and unbiassed choice." . TcBt Fevtrin Charkitn. The existence of this dread diaeate in Charleston, ia ap reading alarm and consternation among the inhabitantt of that City.' The Board of Health hu reconv mended all those whose meant will admit, to leave the city. On Saturday, the 14th ult. two new caaet were reported i on Monday, the 16th, 1 oneuaJl'uesday. thtl7UuioiirtJYednc5dy. 18th, five and on Thursday, the 19th, three new cases. , MARKETS. FJTETTEF1LI.F. PRICES, Jug. 26. Cotton, II to 13) t flour, fine', 5 ; superfine, 5 50 s wheat, new 80 ct. a 90; whiakey, 32 a 35 1 peach brandy, 55 a 60 1 apple do. 50 to 55 1 corn, 45 to 50 i bacon, 9 a 10 aalt,1tirks Islamb. ; 70 1 80 per bushel ; molaases, 27 1 29 j sugar, mus covado, 10 a 10 J i coffee, prime, green, 22 to 25 ; Sd and 3d quality, 20 a Vit esflyton, jsl W il 20 : flaseed. 75 a 80 ett t tallow, 7 a 8 ; beeswax, 31 a 32 1 rice 3, to 4 per 100 Ibsitrbn, 4J to5 pr. JOOlb, t -tobacco leaf, a 4j t mamitactutjed,- w pr.-ewt. oBiTiar ..- CHARLESTON PRICES, Jug. 23. Cotton, S. Island, 23 to 26, stained ,do. 14 to 18 1 Maine do, 23 : 8antCe.f 22 to 23 1 short sta ple, 13 a 14 Whiskey 29 a 31 ett. i BacOn, 8 a 9 cts.: llams, 11 a 12; Urd. UtUii lagging. " A (il i 14 1 ?! i CV 11 l ..f. ii !, Hal", a it. I at fcrr km 11 trfrr'ia lunk H i 3 a 3J rr . . Ci lr ami MUr, 3 1 a 4 ptt tt. (VfMMM trw aUt U rl t'i'.i.l. bt t tliU ia.k.VHill at 11 ru nftnur 'ul.tUt UtiM proW) lt M Uhv - - - . MJKKIZD, On the 34 uh. by Wat, NraUtt, t. Me, thuitl &lfl to Ml Tvmj f prtccr, da!f 4 tk IU. Wtt, percf !! lWkt cotaniy. It kW4l county, the 30tb nit. by Jfm W. tttj, fj. Mr. H m. VT. toibtrt to Ifm CtW- tit founor, .jiznrr,.;; -. , At Cbtptl ll'Jl, en lamr-liy, the 21 t W. Mr. t(M Mnatoa, In the I9ih jreaf iVhUara, Tbi young f eatlrmraj waa t native Ruat County, and waa, fur ahmit two yrtra, a (xipa the ktmUmy of thit tow. fur imuUcMM Stpomium, mMin uf tamper, irvl HhaTreU J pkif, we never knew him rirclirj la Abbtin D'tatrict, . C. on tl.a ?! ,UI of a cancer it her bret, Mn. j.n, w!kP. relkt of Mr. Jovph Walkup, of M. ek. Wburf county la Um ataia. 11trw wtrt but I dayi txiaeca tU death f Mr. WaJkois ami ItUtu but (. tg,i chUMren ba t moum Uu) deatli of tbrat alectioaU ud ifcJulrti.t ipartntt. I oa kiow(r k M tn tjotr iterion Tni2,;p , Moronxry county, PeonavWinia. tl VenrralW (M y rjr. u ,jlt 9Slh h, llf WM J ,ht ,(rtllous rtf ; t I ' mmn eonacaea who ute uorj o Amencan Ir-lepaa-lence Jearrve more honor lUn IJ. in I referenco boh to kit Pu.Src mmI pria mt rre,-7 U UeoU 117 tonrreaa, tbe hurl eiLlnca of 'xxlr ld f 'be country, and tbe pmonal rnptoftl'betanJTtUttofie Amcr- I A't. Cat I In Frankta county, MUouK, on the ntit of tbe 6th uh. Jm JtTt, Lq. (bratber of the Preaideotof the I'niledSutei) Dewa a mat of warm heart of umloubted iulccntr. I m 9 of plibed education, anj incatlmalle onh. M: ItitlLpnrtr. tlr SATUBDAY'8 JIAIL. Tbe hat ICIUboro' paper aanouneettbe death of tbe Rev. Dr. Dm4 CaUwlt, of Oiilf..rJ county, In the hundredth year of Um tf e. Dr. 1 CaUveB waa, perhapa, the oldest preacher of I tbe goapcl In tbe United Stales. Foe more I that fifty yctrs, he haa been a feithful, reapec ted. and revered miniiter of Cad. Ir his memory be cberibed with tWnxiat affee a tfonate rerorJ, by the citiiena of U.tfurd, hk! tl) v. I tmt.tlv In rmtmu fmm lllinnl. m nLrt... I to the 18th Conm, bv a bandwiaie maiuritv er Mr. Bona, ne ute Governor or that ue. Mr. Bond v. as au.pected of being fricndl to the IcaiicM meaaarca, LATEST FROM FRiNCE. We learn by the Boston Courier, that ,ne 'P Capt. Woodbury, arrived - - - ' - r r. . ""'rc' nng papci. iu JUi, The king presided at t cabinet councii on the 1 4th. the Chamber ol l'ccrt assembled on the same day, but no bui nessof general interest was transacted. ihe Uuke de la Chartre, duel gen iiciiicii oi . I iic aniE a viiutuci ucu wu I - f . L l : 1 . ,1 i..H A-A the utn of ;uiv .-. . . , . , I.r..7lT.. .(,,.l.l ..... their acatt and I stand their chances, on accepting public " K j .V . function, for re-election, was negatived in secrit committee, 177 to 130. M. Ue Valleio, Spanish minister at Naples, lound upon his arrival at Byon ne a prohibition to proceed further. I he i . . . . . . P.tion was tinned by tbe trench r ... . . . f. t. a tsv .itl eaiivj vuvn wa aveaaa w. drid on the 5th Jul? for the waters of Sat ednn. A man was condemned to death by the court of assixrs upon conviction of issu ing base coin df 10 mus each. An attempt hud been made in Corsica to poison two priests. I he two conse crated wafer had been replaced by two that were poisoned. An emetic being immediately taken, they were evacuated and the piiests were on the recovery. On the 25th" June, the populous and 6ourishine town of Waalwvick, in ilnl la ndw tilde sola tcdbyadrcadfulrcj which destroyed about 50 houses, inclu ding' the two town halls, and 16 barns. About 70 famuiet were depuved of shel ter. Iiurbide. On the 10th inst. an English brig arrived at Havana that bid Conveyed the ex emperor Iturbide from England, and landed him on the coast of Mexico nc wat suia to dc tncog The Board of health of New Orleans, KPOJtsd QQ.Jhc,26th.flf, July, one case of I-4m Vver-but "it-, is added-that :4 rro other case than the one reported, is known to exist ; and although the excessive heat has durationthe parallel of which has never been known, yet strong "hopes arc entertained that we shall be jecmpted from an epidemic this seasoa." . n i- ' i 1 f ,r ffl , I ' , (.11. II, a . a i the Ctaih of C'l. Jo mn Ttuea.of ttro hne, w:a iienarted U,l life, at Lia i.t 1 that county, on Saturday evrnlnf lt .'urine, I"": M utlul life, C4.T. had filled variMis Important puhlle t)U;t ottk credit In hlniwlf and bcniftt to his cmin try and wa Uk 3i4inguUhed a a law er, ttatesman, tnd erricnJturUt. IN wtt Senator toCoflgrctt fiom VlrifinU, ai i n nme oi nil Oram. H'f. lUrmli. f1" . . i ii " . 'J Taclcti for I'liilatlt lnhia. rtinr. wiirarriber bating a linr f a rtfifit betaeea r,baa.tlj.tlit an. a. minflon, ft. C. lakes this WMihud ta trfpiaint in pmiir, ium a veaarl WUI ra H fur fblUdrlphU evaty Um iyt. fft-hjet la. tvtdd ftjetWconveaac. Mill ka mvik..! furwarded br Uunraa Hpaoe, fan. ef ray. Hie. lie, ft. C. ami Mrvvt. fttoAe k It biitier, f Hilmmfiox, C. at the loweet rates tf freirtrt, tnd WW rni- po.ble. Itavtng three jrw-l trrl In the tra-te. rewnankrd bv tuttulttL tilni, writ t")ua:nlcd ft'tih lUa Coaat, and Cahina rii nuati up u tbe arrojftltxm nf - f. He tlirrt tniu lo av-a wtibfMUHir k'rmrnt. MnUUIj.liia anl Its environ, hu "Vme an freat t fniiKif. Ijnnf plaee. that OAtoneaa brauU to aofnae slant ami advanlaf t to t oaerai the cnunHMn being, at prea. tnt, al...H laenty IAimmimJ bales per anrmn. u viii, no utxtui, be am r.r rjvrr. JAMKn NATION, jr. ' Sltrrt, ftuhtJrlhUa, in iiHoIulioii of (!oiartncn!iin. VI V. ruparlncraltip lMtrr14or esiating unUer 'I the firm t4 tare a, KuruMti. ia UiU rlav illjt.t, by n.itual ronarM. All prfanna kav. ilt eUima airaiiiat tie n firm, vitt prvaent thrn for .xnn , rvl all tbove ikbtrillO tbe atne, a ill ilrae to cat) ana arttla the at. com in a frtiliaiih, to their agent, Wahrr J. Kanv , in ttalitbun, aa it w irnlioenabl that the buaineaa aliouU be rocediK cbned. iVrti -r. pavacm, II. KUNSMAN. Sattihurf, SrfM. t, 18:. Clock find AVatcl malinir. Tbr '. e bww'K-.s connected a lib the aiU vrrainithinK, in all it tanoue branclirf, will be tan-.rd on in the rttiblidintent furmerij occu- pird by a ar & Kunwnan i and every esrrtion, in reawn, nuile tn rive aatitfaction, by tbe pub 1 i....i.i.. . ' JOHN T. lAVACR. 'Vftktn up 4 ND commiiicd to ihe jail of Cabamis un- il ty, on titer 281 h mat. a nrirro ntan, alio aa . hit nmne i. M, tnd brbmra lo a Mr. Hrtiben i Limlary, U,-k,trbn eM.i,ty, North Caroli-1 na iic ui ne i aiHHji Ai)(tn om i nr it a Uius i fci-t 41 indict biv'h. TIm: oa ner it de ird to prole proerty, pay cbargct, and take Iiiuj out of jxil. JNO. E. MAllAN, JtuJcr. Wank of StulA-Cftroiitt. Af MtUF.AS, Counterfeit Note of the de I V nominal iant of Sl'W arvi of git), puqMr tine to Lava bea iacl bv tliia Itank. have ht-fm discovered to be in circulation of the former, : during the Uat year, and oCUie latter, recently ihe Hank, Iticrvtorv, deem it atlvuablc to rau tmn tlie public against receiving any of its IlilU, of, thoae two denuminatiims tnd requcata the At Oilers of eticJi aeiaf Inem tn. to be eichan- ged for other Hills, The Hank will not iaaue any more UiIU of tbe aaid to denoniina'iwns until new. plaiea can be procurrd. THOMAS W. UACOT, CoA,er. June 6, 1823. (T The Public are ftirthcr informed, tluit all TTfeTinTs'orSTOTuwl V.ioae oT glO, which a 're called in by the above notice, are etgncd by the late President, 7'. J-htw, since which the Hank haa procured new plates uf the denomina tion of glOOj w bich Hills are aigned by the present President, Stating .v.. and are now I . . , . ' in circulation ro new Dina m ftiu nave been issueu. IHU. w. HAtOT. Catnier tf the flrti.t f South-Carolina, r' ..m.rf it iuu ' V n Tb, tTl.,r nf n.n, ! X-.rmlC.wi Carotins, GWl-ffiaamrTcn.Kaaee. iiu.yre.Klcr a! armcr to the public, by inKrtinrthe above In t their columns 4ifM aVolkta rnHF.KE will be sold, at the late residence of 1 Jacob Albright, dte'd. ten miles aoutli-west I of 8aliburv, on the .9tli ol October next, all I lie personal nmurrtv belunt'inir totlic eatate of, tbr 1. rr.n-d rnniiitinir of liorscs. Cattle. Iloa-i and Sheen i a Watrrm tnd tJcirt,- Mheat. Corn, Oat and Hay; Household and Kitchen ' Furniture, and sundry other articles Terms, made known on the day of aale Due atten, dance by u, JOHN ALniilttHT, JACOB ALBIUGHT.S Un'rt. Soli,hury, &. 3, 1824. 6t'27 State of Noi'th-Curolinsir MONTGOMERY COUVTT. KNOW all men by these presents that I, Pleasant Epos f the hiaia and county aforesaid, do certify, that Daniel Conner, of said county, never did ateul or. pilfer any corn or any thing else from me or any body else, as I know" of. Given under my hand, tins 31st day of Au gust, 1 824, in the presence of William 1 aylor, and Eli Harris hit PLEASANT EPPS. lw. mark Uoftcli Making. THE tubacriber bega leave to return hit rrakiful acknowledgment! to hit friendt and Uie public, for the Very liberal pairontjre he hat received in hit line ol biisineat ; and informs them, that he haa procured a number of work men from Philadelphia and Newark, which enables him to finish work in a style rarely seen in the western part of the state, lie-also luu a continual supply of materials of the beat. qual ity and most fashionable patterns, lie intends keeping cuiistautiy'.on hand, at reda.c.ed,.prtef i for cash only,"8ulkiei. Stick and Ptnnet A&g, Chariotees'"'Coaehee8, Landaus Phwtons Ba rouches l-andaulets Caravans and Mail Stages of a superior construction. Itepairs done at the shortest notice, and in the beat manner. Ordi-rt from a disjiancu UuwkJUlly received, and punc tually attended to. J. O. MOUSE. Vharhtte, .Harsh 1, la24, SJ it it wiih uticht.ed rrrrei t tfcofd A Fitu.itlon, x-nntril. ' 4 fi ,Nfi r.n, ), it t.t rrtC 1 na.t m a ' ,d,a i fr r.y n-rt in t a..i..t, r tt Aft-Uiny, II .i V'f t UatH all tU.I t larM 4 'lr n.ira. A b fr it rrr 1 1 . it. tut,, IU,lra44B ewutt, alUl, aittk4 (Jlifttp Hclifpom Tracti. a f IIJIR aailcnlf baUf beat apr-jMr.l trvM I -vt) Aarwnlvir-l.i,.kM.. Ceivad f'n tbe enerl iWpis.lwry, I ywat V. rUy of intrrvtMif rl'MS Trail, v.UmIi ba it iiiairwied tnard al ti.s rate t4 lutarraiaea ftni, (Ai pajca .. n rem, kt. MinmIvis of ib OjnrL l.iatrueter of toiith. henevulrnl aa. ieil-n4 iml.rU uU, art rMpeelfuty iMMrd , pubricatiinit. ; liAMfcL t Mi, DvtiL'l.t'n 'IlitnloTV. fllllltl J..a-lvel.bratd aoH has ondetrmo I aevra or eirht tllliin k fnjfland. "ItU n pMbUhed tKeni n a pocket form it bee. tog been preiioual at. retypel, m artav and rfiiarto." t. t'onvrrae of Ncv lltten, haa por. cbaard the eofif Hrbt of rt.i. annal rtift Jk, fr tbe I nWrtl Siatea, and hat already pubtitlied tan or three atrrrot)p etbtiona. Mire linn one hundred cupUs of hit editions have, within a fcw months been circulated h vVeatera Carolina, M ia bebevad, t the turner, aal aaliafactlMi of au!rnHrr, The Prevent editwn ia, hi tQ respect, lo be epial to bit (W. rr biuia, Iba Pfiet of the Dreamt an.l ftiiure etjitiona, aril UhiimI, ia I'Jeven fkdlara t aubacnlwra, I afie UIUn lo non-aiibacnhara. nubrhHioM to ba paid oa tba acbtavy of tba IWk. in Ieetnber neat. fcibarftptiont received by the genttcmen who took 'ben taat jear, and in general by the Cler gy of Concord rrediitcry, .fi,j It, 183. r.i2J rptlg aubvenber having bem diiry appnirrird, I .at Incoln Court, Jury anaton, KM, Ad tji'lor, ,4 t,e efltle iUnn, dec d. Ute of m rnjm;, m ,rr wWv an nv are irxIcMtd to die ertale, lo co-no fur ant. iiliMit drlay, and make fiavnient. or enter in to ete ajrranaMMma aa ilt ba aatiataHorr anl tafc to tbe Admiuiatratiira. All iUb ilnrh may nt be o anangrd previou to tlie I jnroln OHirt m fKrtiJK r net, ill be put into the hands of an Attorney for colU-ction jkir, all pertiMia bating elaima aesini the aaid eatate, are invl'ed to preat nt tlx m for artilrnirnt, jimperlv authen'.icaicd, aiibin the time prcacri!ed by Ua. jomn r. mtr.VMtn, I) tMF.L M. KOUNKV. iJHttlt ca.(e 3 ltf, 184, 6.IV6 (ilintt .MlvVtll" ltliiltia VU " 1UU V ,UUKU' Uine8 nni-;'l"ir. auuicniirri rranecrniiiv miorm the nnb ! 1 lie, Uiat thty mtewd earoinr on tbe CuU. HH ALilntf Bnmnr, in all itavamma branches at the old stand lomicily occupird by A. Frew, ofipoaile FM M. HroiMOti'ti lie re they (will keep constantly on haml, 'tidrHoanta, llreaiia, Was fables UeibvcatU, Cradlra, Cribs Watli aiid (tandte-atands a.c Tbrv arc at tliia lime annptied with the beat wood that iHia cutintrv anurds and e inert to receive, daily, aolid UahoKany, and Tcneecing boe, by tbeir superior atvle tf work, and strict attenfon to buaineas to merit a aliare of public patronage. WILLIAM COHNWF.LL t.toiM.fc KIClIt)L?, Ckir14i, vf nt. 22,,1 824. 3123 N. II. 11ie subscriber also intern! camlnr na Fancv and Windsor f'hair Makinr. harini? nro eured firatrate workmen fmm the north. CORNWELL k MCIIOU. -Store-House Mwkrfll7 TO MEA T. t HUE subscriber wishes to rent the mlloaing i property, during one year, or for a term of yean, to wit : A lot at Mocksville, Rowan oiin- ... i i . l . ... . W'T ' P-c,ou mx-no,,ae, wi n a gona cellar, ami a lam-twntorv huikf. litrl.U.I .ni., convenient and useful apartments are erected. . . , V , MtckrtiUi ia near about in the centre of that section of Rowan, knoa n at the Forks Atthat V? COUIltryboth U..ttt fertility of JKd-ait- "1"'"?n: " r "). proHsnta R.",..?!hL.b "V1 fom rwda taiaoiiaimieni aj inai piace. Miitiemen ia Uiat Dimness anu wianmg a airuaiuin, are invited to call and view die premises tnd judife for them selves. KU51AIIK Ml M. f KAWNOV. Sffktvitl,, Muf 21, 18.4. W Anotlicr Wutclt Stolen. gTTAR stolen from the aubwriber's bed-room. by aomedarii.jr villain, on TueUy nieht. Y!,c 10,h "Mrt- ,',v'r' f"1'. "P" d "'rA - n,"e u "on. LiverpcKii, ino.uuo , and, also, at the same time, a black fur hat. about ball worn. Ihe street window or the room in which I usually alrep bring left open on that night, the hardened rogue crept in, and took the atch tnd hat from one tnd ol tli- room, while mvaelf and family wi re asleep a: the otli- .fl Ld-A rr awjiable rc waii jBLbr pauUor. apprrliemling the thief and returning the stolen t rticks or lor Ihe thief alone. All waUh-ma-kers and others tre requested to stop the watch, should it be ofliered for sale, or far Terror.- CIIA1ILK3 litf F.3. Saliifmrg, Jug, 13, 1824. ' 19 P, S. It is ascertained that lr 0ua,a Pint. way from Henry Allcmong, (who is described xy I.. J .v ' jL 1 l. I 1 nt aiivemaeinem j v ine tiui who ruuitnii house of the above-mentioned articles C. B fn.-iMi24, 1824. Houe and Sin Painting, 61 GEORGE W. GRIMES' informs hit friendt tnd the public, that he f ill continues to execute all kinds of Ilouae, ?iffn, Coach, Wind. v tor Chair, and Ornamental Painting, in a stvae of .workmanship equal to any in tlie country. Gentlemen having work to do within 50 or 60 miles of fealiabury, can engage the subscriber' services on very abort notice. The wibacriber Ukea thia opportunity to rr turn bis sincere thanks to all those who have. generoitfilv TSfendd their Favors toliinr! and by bis tailbfuuicaa and 4ixlulrym Julure, hopes still to merit their f rietxlid tip aod ptiiMUMjc SUibury,July 3,1824. '14 N. B.' The subscriber will keep on hand,,for sale, all mannier of pninti and colors prepared for the accommodation of those who may wish to do small jobs of painting, but w ho may not aavc tnu paiuu), or expetieuce to prepare them. M - ' - : t x. ": i X r i A'! '; a; t - 1; Az ; V . " ' ' ; i ; 'il v 4 f .- V-1 " ; ii 1 yf . . ' - .! j V?

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