;!; , I 4- i 1 f i i. I M I.I 11 J . ' i -1 it;: m m u J k f T I , ."si v V I i 4 I 4 1 Iff-' ilti 'I' (lit .vi r V'lf-tOfaMr ! WjM aM r lirrM of Vm, who 'n of deep woa Ar Watki) witb the alt f kum tMil , Thoa aWtUm lood, ch U lli) lb and flow CL-tlH la LmiU of awocUllty I Ami tick of pry, yt beating 00 ff Pe, Tiit U.jr mk m m bihpill br. Trttcktrwu la tabu, ad UmlU ia rWrs H bo tbatl put fcnh m tb, I'l&luNwallaaWar 1XHO, 08 Tnt UDICt' iXDCAIf. Ilo bard U In furtoa of H VMM kind f For tub, fere eorinodi Our p arani Mtri m mntil trt !, Our bMbMtli tMb u4 Ui rtil df our firt. L'lUJJ v lot, v ir not rtmli m MOttl; ktfuuk, eomptl'il U cmcmI Di4l tvtry cvttfuH f lit U tnjoy, WVr V .'r kind, mm! 'r bUa'd if tN eojr. " TAITK, WITH A VR5CKANCE. 11m danct ru p'tr, tcli gtlUat b'd A mi u frota 'oMnf trovJ ttl kf itfc ttJcf cut. thn lwJd rwiiHl im cooling lc, of vtriout bur i Cke fnjiu, tnl to forth, In t trk( For etch twnt girl lo cImum. I piWd MtrU'i hkAd, mm laid, My rh viUyou Ukt t ftlandMiwngo, ic man, or kflaonadt, Or jally tth ieakof Or Im porkapo om ampro noil anau I oroer mr Tk duc taka all audi traah, laid ab t i'u titi a oiam or on, ' MISCKLLK()L8. raoa rat aorrasaa caaoaicuu The TreaMury Office. Th it the houie th Jack built. The Public Mry. Thli it the maf thai lay in the houac that Juci built. W, H. Crawford. Tbia ia the re that rai the malt that la io the houae that Jack built. Ninian Edwards. Tbia ia the Ca that caught the rat that eat the malt that lay in the houae that Jack buili. The Radical Factions ia the dog that worried the col that caught the rat that eat the malt that lay io the boute that Jack built. Public Opinion. Tbta it the Hon that crushed the dig that worried the cat that caught the rat that eat the malt that lay ia the house that Jack built. Cellege of William end -JUary. A prrtpoial has been made U remwve thia temiflary from Williamsburg, where it was established more than hundred and thirty year ag", to the city of .f Richmond, Tbe CU.mmon Hall HIchmond lately roted, in case the vi. ttera and the professors shtll be in fa tour of the removal, and the LtgUla ture authorize it, to procure a site ai.d erect suitable buildings for the accom modation of the Cdlegr , provided the cost shall not exceed thirty thousand dollars. Execution at Madrid. .On the 13th of M ay, a handsome and grnteel young nan was executed at Madrid, for hav ing made use of the following exprcs- ion: Mu sabre ts tarnished j I wish could briehtcn it in the blood of the king. Hi fate excited a great deal of ; i commiscrauoD, particularly among me females. If we with to make a matter public, the best way ia to whisper it to a friend tinder the injunction of profound se crecy ; we may be sure then that in a few days the whole neighborhood will ring with it. Cure for Ring-Worm. -Rub the parts where the eruption prevails frr. quentlv with common mushroora'cau aup. This remedy, simple as it ap peartf hat never been known ia fait trr removing the ring-worm, itch, or any other cutaneous eruption, when every other nostrum has failed. The feast of St. Isidore was to be celebrated at Madrid, May 15, and it waa expected the whole , populace Would get drunk, and many persons be poignarded, in honor of the saint. , Regard fir the Sabhctlh. The great transportation companict lately estab lished on the canul between Albany and Buflalb, have set an example wor thy of imitation -they start no boat on the Sabbath, and one of the companies Ttquires them to ttop from t A,2t, to P. m. on that day. !0RAT fini TUXICIOCS. ; Our S4iftur h.a taUghtui. many avAa r ImI willhefrtt, and thai mann uh are ril will bt kt, Oa thia aolcroa dr, lb dcclaritto will briotob waodtt fully accocnpliihtd. Oa thia dij, thott ha wcrt win men afur the fifih ho taleota a toohhed manliod, and whoaa rcicarch ci emailed oa them the admiration auJ pplaua of warld, will dciCend from tbeir cavicd clcvotioa to coatcropt and Infamy nd act ralaed Incalculably tbor ibim, th lo!y, igoorant, tod dcapiaed cbriatiao, ha believed, aod obeyed, that freacM ifc the frw, which lo thii world Ucy cttccmcd the moat dci!cab!t folly. Ilia morfarch. who ia tho preteot life, wbi itrvcd. flittered, and idolized oy rua cunier ad regarded by ih milliona whom U gofcrocd, ooly with twt and temr, will here find nil power aod aplcoor, the pride of diatioctioit, aod the ia ceme of homage, vaoiahad from Aim tad hinaclf deprcitcd lower, than wat io thia world, the meaocat wrcuh, who hruok from hit nod, or lived tinon hia smile i while that vtrv wretch. perhapa, hia now caat off all hit for mar autre t dcbaacmcBt tod audcr inr, and riaeo to diauoctioo and glory ineiprcaiible. Here ht hero, the foiicrthild of fame, the conqueror ol rralma, the murderer of natioot, and the plunderer of a world, will ace him aeti poor beyood tbe puoreat, low be neath the lowcai, and deapiaed more than the moit dcipicable j powcrleaa, lunk aod miaerable, io a degree out runniog concrpiioo. Hia mtaery will be mightily enhanced, alao, by the aight of muliitudea, whom in thia world he trampled in the mire, tortured, buicb ered, and gone to be food for the fowla of beavca, looking down upon him from a height to which he never raited hia imagination, and commeaciag the proceaaion of dignity and cajoyment to which do limit ia pretented. Geo. erally, there will be weeping andgntuh i "X f teeth uh Vlhi? wofld ' i hn h r,ch 'he Pd.d, inc poiiinca, ana mc nooic, ocnoiu uic down, the beggar, and the alave, sit ting down in the kingdom of Cod -with Abraham Isaac and Jacob, tnd them selves thrust out. At the same time, it is to beremem- brred, that these will not be the only disappointments undergone at this aw ful period. The rich, the learned, a'nd the great, will not be condemned, because they posiettcd wealth, knowl edge, or power j but for the measures by which they acquired thcte posses ftioM, or the unworthy use which they made of them. Nor will the poor amHewfy" be accfpted-tm-accPUTit of their poveny, their ignorance, or their rusticWr j hut Inr the dispensation which they experienced, and the manner in which thry conducted themselves, io their humble circumstances. Wherev. er this has not been their disposition, and their conduce they too will be rc-J Virtue-and -aia-extst -sn-tbe i heart, and are never necessarily con nected with our external condition. Let the rich consider how dreadful a contrast it will be, to have been opu lent in this world, and to be in wsnt of all thing, beyond the grave. Let the poor remember, how deplorable must be the condition of being despised and wretched here, merely as a prelude to endless poverty, contempt and misery, in the world to come. Nor will the changes br less affecting, which will exist among those who, in the present life, were found on the same level. Were we to select a single neighbor hood, and go-w itn oir inquiries from house to house i what mighty altera ti"ns in their relative condition, what affecting terminations of their former friendly intercourse would be presen ted to the eye, even of the most ex- pansive charity ! In what an affecting manner wouldthe wealth and poverty. the reputation and disgrace, the enjoy ment and the suiiering. be exchanged ! To what a height would these in the mott lowly circumstances. -begin in many instances, to rise n this awful day ! .To what a depth, those who are the most prosperous, begin to fall " Still more afflicting, more full of disappointment and anguish, will be the distinctions made in families, There" will be'instahces, in,' whic the parents will ascend to glory inexpres sible, accompanied sometimes by none, sometimes by one, sometimes by two, sometimes by three and it is to be hoped and believed, sometimes by all their happy Offspring. At other times, the parents themselves will be left be- tea hcirtf, w!l fuHow dur cUJrca riming a the htavtBi, and Viddiag il.rm evcrUiting fartwtll. Sach will be, tot I rc.pecta I n aU reaJv Uan. the ifptraiion between JtUham and hli Ka Abijah, Urtth. rca aod tliUa uxupealaWy be. lovtd lere and iuch of then wen devoted to tlo, warneu, rcproveu, anu borne to ruravc on wings of prtytf by tho-l ftho tooiecrtttd thmselvet U Cod, will be parud asundir to meet no note. No Uwgtt brothers aod tlt un.bot strangt" nd u,ol Mmi ! then will bo vetnU of aaercy, UitftiU neti ks4 booorr. la the houto of their Knheri ttd others vessels of wrath in thi mansions of wve. Mott distressing of all btttbaads rnd wives here united in the otarett of all earthlr rclatieot, aad b the under- est of !1 butnso sttachmeatt, will then not oofrequendy be seated, one on the right hand, aod the other oa the left. One will ascend with the Judge to the world of glory I the other, lost ia the host of evil beings, go down to the re gions of despair. One will advance, ia witdnm, worth, aod joy, throughout codlcsa ages i the other, make a dread ful and melancholy progress io guilt and lorrow forever. UOBAL CONDITION OF f tRU. We have been favoured with the peruial of a letter from an. Americas gentleman io Lima, to the Hev. Ab ner Morse, late of Nantucket from which it'apcars that Ihe of rtJU gioa aad taorality ia that country, it lamentably lowm Men of 'principle and uleota, who engaged to behalf of the Patriou, are often frustrated in their benevolent desigos, by the envv and jealoosy of those whom they seek to benefit. Much of the influence of the Roman Catholic k prietta it lost j but where they have influence, thev exert it to the utmost in defence of all the superstition and bi.try of the Church of Rome." Geoerally speak ing, the clergy are profligate men j and do little or nothing to discountenance the alarming vices which every where prevail. Mr. Lynch received a quantity of Testaments from England, and distri buted them among the people in Li ma who," says the letter 44 throng ed hit houte While he had any, aHl were very aoxiout to obtain them. He Vat in consequence very much bused by the Calholick priests j who 4 endeavoured to persuade the people, that, unless their own notea and ex- pLiuatiunt were affiled, the Bible could not be understood aright. Thus souls are deceived to tbeir own destruction." A number of Bibles have since been sent to Lima trr.m thia Don i but in eorueotenoflheobslacle isiaclesm the way of distribution, the were afterwards . . brought back is far as Buenot Ayret. At prctent. the establishment of mis swouariea here would be far more dif ficult than io Pagan countries. raM ni tiiitoi tro attie. WHAT I'VE SEEN. I have seen worth humbled, and an worthiaea exalted j yea even so, that the last was first, and the first was last. 1 have seen men of little intrinsic merit, rising on the tide of fortune, and running with the popular current of the day, until by dint of impudence and perseverence, tbey ve grown into con sequence. I have seen persons far more atten tive to the concerns of tbeir neighbors, than their own, and prying into private affairs for the worst of purposes. I have seen stupidity allied to wealth, producing a display of splendid ignor ance highly disgusting to a tound judg ment. . " I have teen an affectation of benevo Vence covering the lowest cunning and drkesLintriguejyeaerilyKairulf m theep a clothing. I have seen a little animal so inflated with pride, as to be almost full to burs ting. It resembled a man, too! I have seen men put on airs of war and blood shed, who would almost run from a lizard. I have seen men who were " all things unto all men," and I have seen all men suspicious of them. ' " I have seen men strive to exalt one who they knew to Ge unworthy, mere ly for the purpose of Repressing a ri val. . I have seen enough of this wicked world, its acting and doing, to caute me to exclaim, in the language of the black man. 11 white folk very unsar. tain n JlKimkU SEE-ALL; J1UT OLIl WOltKMl'N I IiBtstrra Du atnM r t,K M to all WW- .M VflVi.. y.o to !-brr i ik W.H-r U k prrpwtd -t Inia boota. akt tWt"S l'fln kt. to. U at fco.Wo S t of .or and 00 M tr Mrt M T lboIOkO ko Koflk. Ca-oC'M. A tao crt"t tmunij wm u .u klikxaT. aaA wtlt l0 MM SHtt tM tat of wortiMh eao pWp I1 (Wo wU SMV kf kkl a U.Kf patrooafo. IM aboo b m Mo otrooW onto IM . .L.i.u.kiL(iUawfLMtl. io .kiu am tmtitti U Irv IM mrt Ifi"! St If Uwrv a tot the atWld, thy oaw y aoottoe awo. - - Wcescjj-. 'Ratlin K WVV, 'AWn AbOPTt tiU pla of Woroih tM citltoot of taGabor, and l( kUJi;, ia gtatral, ibat M tai tH(oea4 Uo la part of Joba t'Una'i hooao, oituoiod la MarbH Itr-ft, a Urn 4mm from lU Uat ooroor id lU Court Homo lro M ia prtpo-fdaod Jt bo kanev to auMBOjodolo aoy rtrtU-a Ho aro ttpwn4 lo potrooiM kiat lo b fcoo of kwanooi, la Uf afloat aod looot lWiotLU trk. or to DkaM fcr. Ho latter aJaota; rrooj bio te"r tiptW-o, that Itore era bot few, if awf, lo the couotrr, otal cm oarpaoi a no UthoirciUMofbk work. A Urinal k all L a.ka. lo brofo IM aboto aaatrtio. Tba tlium of fMltioo oKaH U Uriel ly aiuikd UK aa bo baa left a correapondent ia lb Diotrkt of Coluwtia, (wbert h b kn frwa) obo will ord hi it (oiiiow on. la tbtir regular ataaon. II bopc by Uriel aneoiioa to boaiwoao, lo r. eio a literal oSar of pukM pairooag. a b k tUtcrmiood aodiiot; aball bo kft omJom to rtodor trooral aniafaetioa. SMM0y, M, i. IMA. 30 .VoUee. rpitR Wlowinf irwna of land wAD bo K.U, oa 1 Monday Um XHb day of September ocH, at the CoorUtouM in I jncolnioo oe oo much t)tcrc4 u m ill ducharf tbo tax dtto tbettoo for lb rrar 1122, and tbo continrr nt cnairn i 200 acre, Ihrwf oo lb Colooba river, joining lancla of WiU.ua rUndrrwMi tn oin, u Drotxrt of M iltiam iHrtJjK. (not tated.) ii ama. ririe oo lK oaun of lb Call aba. Joining lamia of LotiDa k PotUr and otbera, tb protierty of Aacl Croat, or aUrack, (do. do.) 7i aetra, Mng on Naked creek, joininr kfrb of WilUaoi Cvonii aod otbon, lb property of L nah Davia. (do. do.) 34 acrea, bine oa lb waters of tb Cataoba, Joining knda of John Noll and otbera, tb prop- err of rbillip BliToe, (ik do.) 2J2 aerea, Uinr on Ui water of Maiden creeks joining binda of Joba Fulenwiilrr, (icoeg Uils aod otben, uie prvperty of Jarrclt a Leg aleea, (do. do.) 198 acrea, lying oo tb waitra of Dutchman's creek, joining land of John Little and other, to property of Jvnn rnngle Legatee, (do do.) JNO. COLLTr.H. krrf. Lands, at Public Hale "N 1 ueoday, of th pert HupeHor Court of W Ai Aabe county, will be offered for tale, at tne Court-Houte of said county 1000 acres of Lnnd ia oaid county, of an exectlebt quality fur grua, or. tarrning. t'erma, on half tb purcbaa mo ney payable io nine tootha, tbe other bxlf in ciirfaieea month. Boitd aod approved aectih. to be gSten to 10it32 S. SPEER, CiMrotM H lA AWrt wwt trn f Vuluatle" Lai ttTsr TorSaT ie. I ' rN tlie Uih of September next, will be tokl, a tb dwellinr of William (.ay, in Iredell county,-! the land of Jame Cay, dee'd. that bave not yet been dupoaed of Any peraon wishing to purchaae, can see the knd by ap plying to either of ua. Theic knd constat of about 900 acrea, ia different trMta, lying in the w. mini r.f .nj ne I 1 1 Attendance, and credit, giwi by ntv WILIJAM GAY, Ijremnwt. JlMty h2. Estate of Jacob Agncr. 1 LL persona indebted to tbe etate of Jacob IX. Agner, dee'd. are again earnestly desired to come forward snd make payment to the subscriber, on or before November court next,! for the eatate will then be finally vttl.il it n. I aible i and all person who bare my demand .. a . . against said eatate, and bare not presented' ln. . J t-.r.. . . time. CMKIS11AN BKINGI.E, Mm. .fur. 24, 1834. 3if23r. All Persons vtmn ntT i.ii. .m . I Iwucn i iu w tne uDcriDer, are respecuul - ly, but earnctly, requested to come forward rf li'a i . . . . ... dittgreeable necesshr of placing- their account! in the naiult of an onio r for collection. STEPHEN L. FERRAKD, SaUtbvn.Jur.7. 1834. 18 Private Entertainment. fTIIlE subscriber has opened a house of Pri- JL ate Entertainment i where Traveller can be accommoUatcd. He nromnct all who call on him, good treatment, ' with a plenty of the uci to cai ami anus. 14 H. B. 8ATTERWHITE. rT7retftrwyfi, June 26th, 1824. Military Eauinments. 'c. IT' OH tale, a good and fashionable uniform coat. J. a cbapeau and plume, and a (word, behrf fco. And also an elegant and excellent double barreled Gun i all of which will be disposed of on very reasonable term i apply to the subscri ber., GEORGE W. GK1MKS. ' Saliilniiy, July 26, 1834. '16 Three" JCowpera .Reward. , RAN away on the nit of the 10th inst. my muliittaapDrentice, JUx Mt,Hi is 18 'or 19 years old ; rather tall, well made, wajka with a kind of easy, careless gait, bul is generally very active i has a smooth tomrue. and a JmWlikp phiz. Whoever will bring Lex back, glmll be entitled to the reward at the head of thii notice, but no other charges, from me, HENRY AI.l.F.MOW. August 23, 1824. 3i22 5 ThMtvta UttititA Wil l, U p4 1- ' ftkifcilPf i(k4 mtf itf ut .t,(wika y ft k. aWt lyrr fn u, M( rf ft h'rh, aod laWraLly . il a.uo year t.1,1, fcl bUb Ae4, and 7 kktly, tktf krourM frwa lb Karo ,r uf kteW Um htoUr, t ran tiy lb Bit, hmi, and M doubt or atUoipiUf r bark. iv,. will aim to pa tkromgk albry, Uiinrv, UeMbor'( UiUK)ir, Mm HU r?. UnWf. ' . Any Inf iTiMtiM, flWt4 to HwrUj. aVMibolota, wdl k MWlf rlnj. , iOWi iriosci, rrk PtiS t. foraloa, U4-fH in. . Fiftcca Dollars , W J ! V paid M rprtkrwdtaf tad log la g4, lbtrty4 tarf ar. toLrably black. I f.t f or locket hir, leg rbr abertcr tkaa tk oOWr i b i n Um& at coatpaay m'tih lb oboe aeacribod rpv h bake" ft I lb Ut of Cape Jatoet fuu, lUwfd. ' ot3t trsnuvt HOBROW TaUorlng Bunlntn. TIIK aubosrloor rpctfuBy Uf'm W friend snd tb twbbc it larfo. thai k k mrrWtd bia tdio (llneM of Ik frr, m ik4 bo eao attead to bi ahen agaia. II kept ik bit cmummt stay not turjet to colt oo im at wmaL aa tkera Hll bo nothing lacking t rea. iff lba goneral oaliafactioa in tk aba kw mm b pwnwa. Tboa that My plrai t cJ oo lb aubtenber, M doubt will b m ploaotd a id lay otbf sbop in tk low f RalMbtiry. h it not ry aeecaamrj to mmm diaat favor a som do. fur gontlcotes sr tb babit of bating a particatar (mKio t nut tHamMW la dma i I will r.ag to bat a good work 1om a eaa be dono io lb to a f aabaUiry, aod pT tbo omI MairabW Irnna. Aku, cutting aad repairing wiO bo duty ar.ca. dodto., M. B. iMHf pcHece eaa k out, or awle, tb arateot fa, at tb uhamkar'l W oppoaita tk Italo aUak, in SalUknty. lAkltCJ. PUCE. Jytf 30, 1S34. k 8tatc of ort!iCarolina, aowao eovavf. Cni'lT of Equity, April term, 1324 : Hrory Blotter and bi wife Rarbary 8 toner, Jol Waller and tua wife Ee, tnubetb Emhini and Adam Lopoaaer, oeraa Cunrad KJIkit, Mary Itibelin, Mar Inullr, Henry Eamkart, Uorp Boll a awl Peggy bia wife, tb beir at kv of Chriatian Kiboe, dee'd. i Petitkw lor talc of real efrfe. H appearing to tbe aatuietion of tb eoun, that the defendant!, ComA kiW, Mary Itibrlin, Mary Bonitber, Henry Earnbanlt, Grorgt Bull, n and Pnnr hi wife, betn n be of CltrUtiM Kibor, dec d. do not rcaule witkia Uie Cmiu of tU aUte, it 1 three far onlmd, Ibat poblif ation b nod Ibr OS wcekaMerr. ieely, bt tb Weoierw (Wmi, that tmkai they' appear, at tk aext Coort of Erjuity u b boldea for the county of Kowaa, at tb courU bouat in 5ariUii7,on th 2nd Momlar after tk 4th ktotMlav in bpteaber next, and plraJ, awer or demur to tb bid, the nam will at ta ken, pro confeaio, a to them, aad tbe earn V art down for bearing es port. &i'34 Copy from tH Bumite. Teoti tiP.ORCE LfXKE.c.i.s. State of North-Carolina, ITOESS COVTT. TtOURT of Plena and quarter mwJqim, Jtftt J Urm, 1824. Andrew Bowman, . RoWrt Tinalert OnpnalattnchiMiiLkviedon knd. It appearing to th intiafaction of the court, tba the defcixbuit i not an inhabitant of thii U)t it ii therefore ordcrod, that publieaitoa be waJ in Ihe Weatern Carolinian for three nion'tt, tint Tun rrn rne Tieremcim eoinr irmrara -oewrc 2nd Monday of September next, and rrpVy aad plead, that juilgntent will bo enterrd, f eonfeaao, and property levied upon will be demned to tbe plaintiff' reeoeery. By order, MA H HEW K. UO0!lE,c.t Price ad, g. H"5 j - State of North-CttrolaUa, I ' iBIDtLl COtJWTV term, 1824. John Neibtt, v. lliarlu U Conner i Orriginal attachment, returned, fcc. B i ordered by the ctxirt, that tbo defer'', (ho i not an inhabitant of thi State) tnwer on or before the next tern of th'u court, to b held for the county aforcsaiil, at the court bouse in Statesville, on the third Monty io Aueust nest, other ia tbe plaintiff viU bt heard ei parte, and have judtne nt pro confra ; ,l further ordurcd, that thia notioe be pub- l!.L.J f . .1 t aar a. frikm bshed for three month in the Wester Cat lini.n T. . U KlunNTTtN. Ctk. I Price ade. 4. State of Nortli-Carolina, 1 ,niIBT r PU.. .j a.,., .eanion. Mar C2.LTk?2 anA,Qirte Zl MicxLxaavao couTr laFrfn. inii jamrii. irx. iw. juiicsv " attachment, levied in the hand. the defendant is not an iniiabitant of this State, it ia therefore ordered, that publication beraaflo three months in the Western Carolinian, gifint notice to ihe mud deft-ndant to appear at tM next Court of Pleas and Quarter Session to t held for said county, at the Court-Home rhirlntlff. an tlia Gmrth Unnitav in Auinist MA toJP,5Jrt Pi?kJr demur, otherwiK ment will bo enU-redliistfilin, aiid'eleC tion awarded accordingly. Teat i ISAAC ALEXANDER, e. Price adv. R4. 3rnit,24. State of Nortli-CaroHna, BtRKK COOMTT. rr Equity, March term, A, 1). 1824. Merm Burgin, v. Phillip Coodbread. It PPr ing to the satisfaction of the court, that . rjiwlliwo.l ),va nnt Mtiil. uithin the lilTH1 thi 8tat, it is therefore ordered that puhB' tion be made! for three mnnths siiccessivt'y " the Western Carolinian,- that nnles the- Phillip GooUbread-appear at the next court tne-xomtAtHwelirMoTjttn auy oi sepiemucr.ntxi, uen "'y'r. r -i answer or demur, jtidgmcnt, -pro contev' be taken, and the same be heard ex parte. 8. 8, EUWli, r. - -Price adv. S4. it A Indictments ! For ault knU battery, for sale at th 1 4 r 1 'V , ' .'. 1 1 '. t 1i

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