.U2A VOL V. NO. 223. t sui-ia. tttf ru.- I ..I I, k .l . r i . . n t hi " " f Pafn.y.fi!,f .in be indivpen-aUo hetber wa conte mplt 0,t Uioatl,0 of thoM whn .re connected with Ibe lion or ibe laws, or of e-thrra wbe may Have e-preiMj ihemse!,,, tF M able attachment m tb Trore the (( . r ) N-iUj f4i. Tie OiitUb rarllameni llt lml -l.i .... . ' .j...uiikii-w publitH the di 9W ictM 1 entouMer the distant in 1;,;,. .. a,.,.., i'"r ,r' w,,w ,r', M r,"" kiiiiiiurriiiAfit. ba w T ii. siscsr Tr-"-? 'B:ih":;M-'t'X i-'r 'j ! i&Gtt&JSUSazz: t&wri .vtesM. i - - - . . , i ------- - was tiVMiui ui niiinr I ' ' wee liu ui nuni ifi i. mofiincrof ikm iBir,ii. "". in . aa. if UeB ,o0 r ptrmlited lo act whbcrut the dufgence ef beaveo. b w. ,u A.-, ?C(M,,Jktl Mitout cnda-ort " - . .....r ""'" n-u,. ; . r . II,. .. i. i ' . , r : n r ' iw i m Mr - lfl -mmm f I... . lit I i .i. nit ti I whb p.cinc w um? pwrr pna ntppmtu, which , c twhW - U hhUj Inwrrtcibo,- Mii. oPjk,mI tb. moM eiceptlon. '"notinc. lo yen,. ,hM diidnr your rece. nt lh ehirtcurof Mr. CilUtln from lKm rttrrr,A . . .k!. I! hnve been (LnM f ' " "i,","f 'f i ii lu rrc i .h ooiun MiKhed onrorMMrtldpf ht member, iticctclcd la Mlinrr . It U due, h.Wter, toil cb.r.e t 7 nmenK;,w' wMf Iwur BredftKd, who bd come there etpre! ",f our toferamenl, "d lolu .ublJi.f, 1 1 '"'"i vi t mi i ii mtitm vnu ii t iv in iwry ii a a -I!- .1 . r i . . . t . in rn vauiuii k. i. . ft . l red lo irulh, nd the Ulr fm of Piel- Yti Hrif,rf'. f.rtL, 1. 1. ...M.Mtf ord.r. (rew m nhfiJi ik. I , ,t' ...... . .1 , ... . , I ' w " '-'" wv igi uw ' - r U ,ri l V F 7M,-UfKe ,Flf Tf of (bete rtndcmen lo an I' 1 would uin aK lrir. Oilei k Sea-In II , . , , , , I miinni iHivimiiz I v, H nu ll h. kM, when (He tn ftjfwjr port lh,nhfy badoMnlr joined Iht oppo Pdint to exerdto ib ridiUii.e . plc In their piper lo tbt anliJa in i:Jon,nd for a while it m btHtui, F"r Vt6 by iba coliuUo th s,.c..,, . ni.uiMiug p uccn occ-iin3 increited iha number of their idle- "eJa,Molijr - weaticii rit.rf to a Uri;a mtetina; contcnad at rental but It nlurallr biouabt lian ,n maiorttf of '. acartely .n h 'turj,Mch (Secured, among! other correction, for it brought about a free jecloa w. Heard to hia mwia ef m -nj, urn mrf woma periiu in errry uminuf!caiion mlth ihi-i, o that realle "l,n me lnflcco' "rni at '"""M me crcuuon before tU armr nwrclied froiii in c-n- ,,fM concciegt mmi "'kj wtrc orwntfl hoheld nflKra fur tK cgfTcdfofl ir,. fien'l irnreftrVirtft-wili br 'f00 ,,, P''',- .1 the duly under It) a unwonhjf f ,hdow of an enrmr to conb, nor hJ - . J PeljZ?!2 1 Cre rcirfrWiidaMpi that ihev would bait no ihere eerlren .iiorKnlMd rotce. Acn ,,fice of men, bo Kedforw Vue'n- i :ercoure or deliiK iih them j with- 0f tilence bad tern commil'ed, audi at ' ncf oer ihe t,jjj 0f oihera bi the tui .1 l from I hfm ever atti.tmce. and 1r,UnrA knnl x.nt.l n.tniifl ihr ciiiin. nce tS llirir .....t ! . ulibnold all the cort.rorta of life which iry io rie in rebclli.m ; but the men, ho om r r and violence Ii U well rpended upon lho duiiea which, at h-d occaionaIlr met l im, lud not Imv; knon V "u"raa did noi heaitete to tien and fellowHama, (bay owd to ba diaparaed and at borne. bfWthrir C"fnme the compU. . i itn oincn n wuuiu, uwn ph i iruof cooiea uown io a ucirree WPI'Ilie- ioni. tfeitthem ith contempt j end if rolled the Idea or fijrMinj;, and ll that we ,K ,''r. Gallatin did oo!, at a lubaeijuf! pe- rttA 0f the happy influence of the im;o- ' iiid. vdemnly and publicly etow bia pr- tin force drawn toge-her on ihe otri- ''' ... ... , . iiinnt would permit. Hut lheimnrta.1... whltl, ttll ttfulmrin wnmAm t.w ik- J! k lorce drawn tocr'ner on I lie otri- v.. .ia:onifmeu, pauon in that tnaurrectton, by ac UJon. I. on, the aljnir ol the ,!.,-. To " lur.,l)ono '" wnuut dcwried : nowkdrinf, (penilentlally it i lo be understand it we mut rerur to few un "" w u"-ro were no lnrercon iioped,) to the IiUture of l'tnnla (iUctioni.b!e faria. P"1 t0 tne "or of dcai-nin,; ji.J'uid a. that it waa bia onlr m.lttiril in f III 1.1 Tl utmin'ur.iinn kt. ,r Mfir. Calea k Seaton were auoriaed .. rAA .1. .rn.. tierm mn. ,m I 'he ery lorlxarance to nrtM nrrcau ftheae facta when they publiahed the dfr color of that nrou.ion in (he Judiriair 1 w" nunierprei. imo a ir af lirca referred to, without luatinr com Lrf whirh .lilu,iiu, the Judm to wtln ,he exeruuon of the l-wi, and aa rivtnt or rrmark. I would mil i: to their Mn i-Uii.mkn.-Si. r..r.;,l i ...f. aocwiiona of men betan to denounce c.nuor io aiaie inir motive wr nomgrthe procrat of the courte. 11, ana ttiua Riving currency 10 me SIw. Without an? annronriation what froaft and moat unfounded hlxl upon eer, the Adminiatrarion hi drawn out hhirarjer and reputation of General 0f (he 1 re aaury about a million and a nance of that armr. And, after all tbia, it i not to le won- TopUe thi "Gentleman of dWtfotr t on. laa Mtaara. Galea k Co. call the uritrr of the anirle alluded lo.) aa well i a hie encomufctic backer, in thel' true iht, and to ahew what aort of a M dia- inction" they merit, be plraaed to publish Ie ktur. bciided J I'be NVhiikey Imur Hon and immediately after it, the olloing extract from Gen. Waahing- un a apcrch to Coriieti, delivered the tbrexta against ibe officera employed r rom a bchct, that by a more krm.il con- crt, their operation might be defeated, certain self-created societies anumed the tone of condemnaiion- Hence' while the greater part of PcnnsylvKiiia i.elf were coniorming themsehea to the acts of ex dered at that bearea and earth ahould be cie' hw coun rre reaolrediofrua moved to mainir ih nrtk!i. ik., Itrate them. It waa now perc eiveJ that iated, or the benenta that ensued. Ktt ,Pccil"on fni the tenderness cutive ir.Ouenco had been exercised oer wh,ch. ,""d beeo hhert pursued, wis a Judze of tb Ui.iied Sut. fJurf unirailinj;, and that further. d;Ia could Will.f,n t ftKr.-.n - ,.rt;fi,- kL?i. on'y create an opinion of impotencr Congresa could never bkve coniemplated '"wm, ' h Covernment. mnA k,.. i a . a r. . I'tKI process was, therefore, deliver 19th NVcmbcrrl7J4. Tbia will enib'.e Caotain'b a-u,rd. .nd.. Finrfle, ed ,0 lhe rnarshaU against iba riotera and ii .. . .. i r n ' - - - i .ii... n puunc .o t.rat propeny tne enons actually obtained without the pluciio.. resistance desperate, prevent the effusion of lh'js who in order m tlenr a mrrvf I r. .;,..i. .rr..i. J ia J JtotDgx.waa.heaukratood to -o-etv-U rciT i rr rr t "j , . " 7 1 --itww-iiiiw imaiiM ui BUT UlUVI t w I VI t III. C 1 . . . , , , , - if J fortifier ; who is the w.ng the cud ,h.n aome letters, and the ground of pub B"5ed. m thu du,V ,bn ,h nK"n of i ine iiiMirrrcilw, wiuie nc 18 nopinff 10 Mir notorielf. War hiirf. in firt. hn ",v" " "vu u i . ... . . i - , ... , th rnaliirnant of their dana-ar. kkniiti frultlM, roiliiary fvrte might be prtDa rd to act, before the seaton abould U loo far advanced. My prvtUmeilon of the 7tb of Ae'rati .... . . av, waa accortJingly Uaued, and accom aanled by the eppoioimriit of commit- siwera, who were charged to repair to iba wt ounaurreciion. I hey were author A to confer with any bodiea of men, or muiiwuaJt. I hey were Inatrurted to be CanJi and etDii(it. in atwinc iK un.. tions whieir had been excited in the Kx ccutivei and hie earnest wish to avoid a resort to coercion j to represent, howa rr, that without aubmisabn, coercion must be the reson x but to invita ihem. i the time time, to return to the demeanor j" laithlul cltiaens, bv such atcommoda 'one m lay within the aphere of the ex cutiva power. P.rdoe, loo, waa tender "o t he to by ihe government of iha K"iiej Mates, ,d that of Pcnnsvlvania. "n wfter conwiton than a utistac Arra'ioirmnw - w. -. .. .k . ,. si oners marts their firmness and abilities, and roust unite 11 sinuous men, by show ing that ihe means of conciliation have bi exhausted, all of those who had comrniceJ or abetted the tumults did not subscribe the mild form, which was pro posed as the atonement ; and the indica tnsof a peaceable temper were neither autliuemly general nur conrlusive, lo re commend or Wbrrant the further suspes siun of the march of the militia. Thus the painful alternative could not be discarded. I ordered the militia to march, after once snore admonishing the insurgents, in my proclaaUoo of Ibe 2Mb of September last. It was a UhX too diflkull to aKertaln. itli precision, the lowest degree of lorce competent to the uelling of the insur rection, r rom a respect, indeed, toecoo omy and the ease of my fellow-citiiens belonging to the militia, it would have w"""a rnm tt rrnmr1Uh inrb an eatl mate. Mr verv reluctance ro auuc iw much importance to the opposition, bad its extent been accurately seen, would have been a decided inducement to the sraalleat efficient numbers. In this un eenaintv. therefore, I put into motion fifteen thousand men, aa being an army, which, according to alt human calculation, would be prompt and adequate in every view, and miht perhapa, by rendering I .4 . I ' - , ;rowc me icpiiDiican amuranth ol preal clared, and prtparaaona made for carrying - rntnl power, do not acruple to slander , on ,,,,; , parl 0f t,e COunirv-, with- 'he memory of a man w ho was " first in War, firat in Peace," and is still first in be hearts of bis countrymen." a vmcixuv. out submitting the subject to Congress, and an immense sum drawn out or the Treasury, in direct Violation of the Con stituuon, It required much to reconcile the people tot heat higb-handedrneaHOKe and, among other things, that the few who dared to raise a- tUmor about them vaoa mi anaisa amurta. TtlE WIIISKKY l.NSl HKKniON. Eitractof a letter from a gentleman of dis- should be quelled or brougnt into sui.ii ttnetion, to his friend in the State of North- odium as not to be listened to. Carolina. The principal of these was Albert Cal- M I comply with pleasure with your re- latin, and such was the overwhelming in 1e, to give the truth of the affair of the fluence of his antagonists, at that time, Whiskey Insurrection, ao far as Mr. that it required all hU undaunted firmness, ('illalin waa implicated. It ia a period of tranquil perseverance, and prompt appre- our history with which every man ought henoiott, to lift him above the persecution lobe, and very few really are, well ac- he underwent. quaintest. It was the very crisis of the I Uh you may be able to get his speech, powers of party, end of the developement ror ;t wti printed in a pamphlet, andnot of the dangers which threatened our con- or,T that speech, but many that he made dilution from the prevalent dogmas of the before and after, to which the opening of ir. Mr. Gallatin has labored under otle the people's eyes, at the time, ia mainly of the ereatest misfortunes to which , hi utrihuted. We have forgotten our efflieTliatroirni TlrUn1tRrtme-iiBlfit mc' that, jwted, that of having his history written Lefj ,ard in those daya to make head in the counties of Washington and Ai- "T hi enemy ; but I will venture to against the doctrines that would have en B'tintaintfaat in the eyea of an impartial gulphed the Constit.yiiort. ' " posterity, the part he actedin the drama of gut think what would have been the j!1 day will fill the brightest page of his conscquence, if the Administration could "'"Rrnpl y. TiltJUtejdilaIndcil k.i,-i.drmiaraewwarad-x- landing the Uue history of that 9 (fair are pendcd million from their inherent pow- nlJPlriiab"1? VnrrlunVlr- ,H"TC,AUme "iT- Vi thcie had been no one to sound met vrrthoand very iiltiein.CiiK'rtJ' - W.fi jjj ?ijfftVuVl iichcVw.r0, of pow era oocJk bore truth upon the face of H, ,be'pfischt day ? " Put down t,he rooh y of IJ.MBLKv'a doea; and ita details ,tc j factt applie1 to the RepubUcan vo,, ' - -V rccmraenu lo party. " Strengthen the arm ol govern the pcrsoa) and property of the inspector of the revenue. They fired upon the marshal, arrested him. and detained him tome time, as a prisoner, fie was obli ged, by the jeopardy of hia life, toie nouncc the service of other pioccs, on lllicw cia aide otlbc ALc jbeDjt muuuiiiui and a'depi'lation was alterwarda uut to him to demand a aurrender of that wnich iV hud served. A numerous body re peatedly attacked the house of the inspec tor, seized his papers of office ; and finally destroyed by fire his buildings, and what soever ihey contained. Both ol these ol- hcers, from just reirard to their safety, fled to the seat tX. government ; it bciiu; avowed, that the motives ta such outra ges were to compel the resignation or the inspector; to withstand by lorce of amis the authority of the United States, and thereby, to extort a repeal of the laws of excise, and an alteration in tbe conduct of government. Upon the testimony of these fact, an associate justice of the supreme court of ii. V , . ' Vi .7 . , I mem, oy accuniuiaiiiiK ku" declares that Gallatin, Bracken- u Sunnort the Administration," by Rc' nd himself, in common with manv i...: ;. :. i na u jrou, ri,.. mil.. 4 . . -' . s- . icmiiK ii uo as u uicc, ". - --"-v "rr .rllion nl ninnun.nl .i.nriinnp. at. I . . . .. -.. . . n:..: M r-r--- vv' v..... b, iinecorasoi auecuon wun wreni uwwiu. rid CI1(W;I the meetinir for no oibr.r- nnrnose I j:t- t .k:nn. r.m ,kn iafi J f r r i ncse xeilCIS Ullicr ill iiuiiiiuj, v.." i.ixsv .'tl n O tnodctate Or control ihe measures I .i a: r:i'..! itai 'lint r-'- ioi ine wemocrauc . pariy m i.-w. wu. lUISH TlSDIIT, r cotit ..4 late Tencrable Re that Adhrinistf ation had the indiscretion Pw ntotiv. rJL' L. : ii., to do acts, which let in the light upon the - w " I . legheny, in Pennsjlvania, laws ot tbe United Statea were opposed, and the exe cution thereof obstructed by combinations toi powerful to be suppressed by the or oary j:fAirjeudicialrwegs by the powers vested in the marshal of that district." On this talf, momentous in the extreme, I aougU -and weighed the one hand, the judicial; was pronoun ced to be stripped of ita capacity to en force the laws: crimes,' Wiich reached the very existence of aocia order, were perpetrated without contrd t the friends of government were iniittcd, abused, and overawed into aiiencefor an apparent; acquiescence ; and to yieW to the treason, able fury 'bf to small a portion of Ibe United States, would ' be- to violate the fundamental principle of rAir constitution, prhicfcCTpmthrtth orbloodrCTudlas "had been assigned to the atatei of New-Jersey, Pennsylvania. Mary land and Virginia ; the governor of Pennsylvania having declared on thia oc casion, an opinion which justified a requi sition to the other statea. As commander in chief of the militia, when called into the actual service of the United aJe sulhave. itsiiedAbe plAcei of-i genr rf rendezvous lo obUiii more exact information, and to direct a plan for ulte rior movements. Had there been room cure trom ooatruction ; that ice civi magistrate m able to bring to justice such of the most culpable aa have not embraced the proffered terms of amnesty, and may be deemed fit objects of exam pie ; that the fiicnds to peace and good government were not in neea oi inai uu and countenance, which they ought always to receive, and I trust eer will receive against the vicious and turbulent, I should have caught with avidity the opportunity of restoring the militia to their families and home. But succeeding intelligence has tended to manifest the necessity of wbaihjisbcea.jdonei.U being now . con fessed by those who were not inclined' to exaggerate the ill conduct of the insur gents, that their malevolence was not pointed merely to a particular law ; but that a spirit inimical to all order, has ac tuated many of the offenders. If the state of tbiug-s had afforded reason for tbe OO Ik. Jith JJM, by ,b, HnK'lm Jl io ibia i " - ! am bappy to see yc-o aeain, my Loeda. . 1 ,ff V bece disturbed br -(be Iriib ' I bope yen will kern a iL.m t.w .... n that quarter I am on pretty good terms wi'b tb lely Alliance I thank you for so much money--. ! see you have dune eomeihW tat tU manufjriufea I an glad that wa iret alona- ao wll w aa " -- f and. I bope you will behave vouraelrea al homeGood Evening. We are glad to Itarn, thai Charles . Haines, esq. of this city, has preacntad lo a distinguished ciilten of tbe Repub lic of Colombia, a work In MS. of some three or foor hundred p-;ea, entitled, S&" "VlV JJATCe to. HI ular style, and presenting the most sim ple view of tbe General and Sute Gov ernments, and their concurrent epwration on the geniua and resources of the same people. Such a book is much wanted in South America and in Europe. It will be publisher! in Spanish, and no douM be widely circulated. A. Y. Com. Adv. xvoTnr.tt i.ih uutii. raaa vaa utiuu mmh. Lrtrxirl tf a It iter fnm a gmttrwm ITaPl Curtly, .V. C. It a jrti icma f Htiki nglti, JattJ 16U tH44. 44 Several gentlemen of tbia neighbour hood, at an accidental mettle some daya since, had a talk n tbe I'ltaidcniUI election. The followng table exhibits our opinion as to the result of the votes for Prtsidvnt, by (ha elector.! (ollcges and aa the National Journal goea rut broad mmA ft have I ,riwh xW ..'2 have no objections thai tbe Editor, if he thinkt proper, abould accompany It wii any remarks of his own on the subject. At he appears to be a man of cl v minJ, and ' a man of troth, we would be glad to tee If he has any objectiofli to cnir as sumptions. Indeed our object ia t'thtt . we would be at free to elicit the esll matea or opinions of oihera, as lo dissem inate tboae enta ruined by oursatwwa. Jutimn. JJamt. Penn)lnia 23 Maine North-Carolina U New Hampshire Pouth-Carolii 11 Mmaeliutia AUbama S Connecticut IMii-iana 5 ltbtxte-ULnd Miauippi 3 Vemont slUfHin 3 New-Jersey Tenn-ee 11 1 lelwara .... Mar-ikad r- UaejfbuMU- -: continuance of my presence with the ar my, it would not have been witbbolden issue, as will redound to the reputation and strength of the United Statea, I have judged it most proper to resume ray du ties at the seat of government, leaving the chief command with the governor of; Virginia. " Still, however, at it is probable, that in a commotion like the present, whatsoe ver may be tbe pretence, the purposes of mischief and'xevenge...may not be laid aside, the stationing of a smajl force for a certain pemd- feje.fuar-wxsiera.cjauli!.! Cnrtfifd. (ieorria 85 36 9 Clay. Kentucky Indiana Illinois Mar) land 9 IS 69 14 i 3 1 33 Should Clay be withdrawn, which ap pears probable, we should calculate on an increase of 38 votes far Gen- Jackson, which would give him 123 votes- M Should Mr. Crawford be considered -out of the question, w,hici we alwrthink , probable, taking into view his weakness of body, and political weakness, we should estimate the votea of Virginia and Geop gia foe Jackson, (33,) whic h., would secoro his election by the people. He wbhld then nave 156 votes 131 only being ne cessary to decide the efection. ' In the event, of Mr. Crawford rot being voted for, Mr. Adams would certainly have New-York, which would give him 10 , votes i or should the votes of Virginia, as well aa New-York, be given to him, (and not to Jaetson, as estimated by us,) bo " --- ...... a a " It appears to us here, that the elec tion by the people, or the House of Re prcaentatives, is entirely between Gen. Jackson and Mr. Adams. The election of either would be agreeable to great majority of the people of this state, and, we hope, the Union. Gen. Jackson is the first choice of the people of North-Laro- tiria Mr. Adam secdrid. vMr. Craw: ford could not now obtain - more than- one out of every ten votes of this State, and iiJunluniJia.pQpttlati f 1 tBUIJj Y : kL T, t ' A- t . V.. t - X 1 'V l T i . : . if I ... . . r 4 . a ' Y'J "a? a i. ft.. v. s if" -1 -"tT i J I r

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