i r v ft i t, 4"! , f ' I u r. t R'i'. i ,.. a mi. U liri-Ub ! ki t r j !,,r. Iff Iff d U trfrt"!f frofrt I s!irvu!H f, 1 H!lf4l fliklh July mail. rp(aiti Cl.tinh rem I p h Itii V m( finnj( wild llit Iftlr I.e., and poind, lun.Uhrd til ulih lUii piper to If (h lm: whkh conul rs f(!from l-ftfulm paper to Jgfy y(h. Jnrtu.lfe. The Packet kft J'aWovtli ot( I fib tilt. loimea.ictT li. Mi our painful duty to record lh di loJullofl of M Sandwkh hither, The nd event look ni tcttrrfif momln hiw". wi, me uovcnor,anj ike ml erM it nn iu(jjonlm iil(r Jlortl Matter lee ( the Cii of th .,. A I ! Mjey perctletn iU kxif of J1 tiitoiuiioe io ijiprwi, be ffjiLtjud me t rents genu, mm vno eccompapied lm to thli country to e iprtu Mi earocti desire ibii Mi remain, together with bo ef kit Uif beloved wire,' hoold I removed lo hit native Islands a Kwn it the Governor end Mi attendant were uf- Scleutl recovered lo wt ihit melancholy duty performed. No final decision t understand hit yd been com to by Hie Majesty' Govern ment tpoo I be tubjeel of (be application of the Ulna; of Portugal tot military aid. The nie(ioo, alibo' one of considerable difficulty and great delicacy , hu ot much of itt poUikal Importance bjr the declare lion of France, that the bit no Intention cf Interfering In tbe elfalr of Portugal, and that br Ambmsdof. Hyde de Neu Yillc. exceeded bit Instruction in offering xntlrtarr uitterwe to Ibe June. Turley OrteeeXh Creek are endowing, lo rle an cipediiion to pro- reed again! the Turk who oerupf aev ertl point in Macedonia but It it feared in! ,oj . ii...iu... defensive for the rreent, at the Vu he of Tr.lt it preparing lo if ltd a fleet lo Can .. ... J ti l as manned wun nutininana iaiy sat br. The Oreek bare, It it aaM, resolved to deote a great portion of their loan to the vetsels, which Hiejr will convert lo lo vessel of war. Since the death of Ird riyron, roost of the F.nglish olTiccrt have quitted tbe Creek army. Among the number ii Col. Siinhope. 10WDOW, iCIT 17. Bf the private lettert from Cab otta of the 16th of march, it apneart that the wir with the Onrmete would in all prolMt.ilitj prove one of rontiderble tnairnitude end he CfOvernor Cveneral 1 ww intHnr d to tk a terioutview of the aflT-lr. The ad vice atate that after the defeat a bod of tbe Burme and Atumeae bv a detach mrnt of native troop under M.jor New ton that oflficer'a partv bad been empow ered by a superior bode of the enemy and OH K.rk with aoma Icm. .f, JWy I t-Ttve Miniatert of xraoce, rtuiini, Rotiia and Frutaia. at Johannisburjr,. continue their - confer, ince. No Engliah Plenipolentlarf hav ing joined them, tlili ciicumitance give te to unou coniecture. It it howev er firmed, that Sir. II. WeUetlev, Bri tith Miniver at Viennara invited tike tbe other Mioiatert, by Prince Metternich, to vitit Johanniaburg, but that be derl'tn- . r(,-.-- . . " The dnly'reiuirof the r conference yet known that ihoJVVirtemburg Minister lonrelgia AnjTr ha succeeded In hi m'mion, to obtain the eMablishment of the diplomatic relation between the cabi nett of Vienna and Berlin, and the Court of Wirtemburg. xrw ORt.EAKS, AfO. 9. rruimiuE. bite been politely favored with the ' following Iettcrlroughf Ty thePot: Dor - - ....... AUlt, AVG. 4 til , 102. T rAe EJitort tftht Mrrantile Athertiter. Cxntlkkcx : Br t!ie shooner Perse verance, just arrived from Soto Lamaria, and through Mr. Capaz of New Orleans, and capt. Capas of New Orleans, and capt. Castagnola, I have obtained the fol lowing information, and have not the least doubt of it authenticity. On the IStb July an English brig arri ted off this port, and in the night the Ex Emperor Iturbide, in company with an Italian by birth, bearing the title of Cen tral, and two Priests, came on shore from the brie. Iturbide was soon recognized, Mi the-wboUof thoao that landed made prisoner. On the 16th they were sent to a town in the'interior called Padilla, here on the 20th Iturbide, and hit com panion, General, were shot. The Priests ert still io prison, but It was expected ieJL.wouldare-mlUtfiteiIhc 1 w.'fe of Iturbide and family remained in the brig until h Mm ho where they remained when the Persever- nee left. - Those gentlemen gave other" particulars which I have not time to give. ; I remain your obedient ejrvan, . . P. DEMEUANVILLT. ' &ro.f. This animal was een by 1wo gentlemen of Portsmouth, (N. II.) on Wednesday afternoon, near the Little -.BoarVHead, North Hampton. Uis pa ge through" (he water was exceedingly wiR, Teavjng a long wake behind. A ii.oiMii- itu'n.r. -A If iter fV (;fttn nitm , , ...Mr., .Hq niuiMia. K Th were p "tf a i.r ih wen f .r ilf emph,ed tolflngbitk dturtrrt ana were overtaken. I he a.d,?irt , detr rnlted rol to ( tikn, md when tke hdlant rame within muikn rfl.unee, wine. nf Qi,4nr rcoult I S-dJrenkHlcd j IndUni Co 4 "mii'iiil ii i ... . -Aiwurtelbt Cdilofl oflhtl rjanrrln. form thm of the deceaM of one efVtlr labKrlUrt at Nahltochei,LoyI ana. In the titlef tat comprtbtotlvo termn Mbrottvoo Mill it dead. If wat &M44f4 in or loa a few nlhi. l OBLIIVI. 4C0. I. The Board of Health are under iha painful herrniir of announcinr la iLa ci'lsemof New Orleani that the Yttlm fever bat made in appeamnr t, and that Ihejr bare mry reaton to believe that it ill rerjr ooon become epidemic. 1 her. nr re lore, bee; leave to tri?rt lo tucb ttranger a are In the civ the Drotutttv of leaving ( at toon at poMiblc. The Qrrtk T.fcar-Mr. William Pul lard of Black Hork, Pennsylvania, former ly an lrMer In the Navy of the United State, ha received from the Oreek an Ihotitiet io London, commWtion at Can t .ln In the Grecian army j and will em r-.l.V k.. ' Mir mat tuunu j. Cm. I Fayette. WhiUrGenerel I, Fayette receiving vitit at New York, an elderly Cart man, in hi frock, anpHtd (or admittance, ami wat refucd. He de clared he would not go out of the room ithout speaking lo the raneral.and at ler.gih got into the room. Waiting a fa vorable moment, be went up lo the Gen eral, and opening, the breast of hit frock. aked if he knew htm. i be General rccog nizrd him, railed him bv name, and ci- teti'Iine; hi hand. A l, M Ye, you attiMed meulTlhe Eeld of battle, when wounded." The chooner Charlotte ( ordat, captain M'liean, sailed from thit port yoterday fonllaytt. Prom fftr to a hundred free people of color went patsenoers in her, and we understand that upward of two hundrrd more are waiting with Impatl anc For a rnnterrnre. Our ci'y it t warming with negroes, hose condition is deplorable in the ex treme, and without any ptwpect of Im provement but by emigration. They have become too thirk to thrive. In an ofiVlal letter from the Secretary of War lo the Governor of Georgia, ii is announced that the United States has de termined at an early period, to direct a survey (or a national road fiom the seat of government to New Orleans. nVFFALOi AVO. 17, Comfirtition Two mer- Mercantile chants from New-Orleans, were in this village, last week, offering Orleans su gar, in large lots, at rates something low er than the New lork prices. I her proposed delivering it by the way of the Misiouri, Ohio, Lake l.rte. tec We are informed that, owing to the immense rem petit ton io steam nvtgtiuft on ihose- rivers, this, is practicable, and at very bandsomc advance lotho owners. Ltnr fianiaee The Russian ship Bo reas, tw hundred day$ from Lisbon for Rio Janeiro, put into Terceira, June 25, with loss of roaintopmast, tec. and in the greatest distress for provisions. This is probably tbe longest passage on rerord the voyage between Lisbon and Terceira usually occupying about tux days. High Prr$ure.Yt have already, says the National Advocate, referred to the rivalry existing between the North River Steam Boats, and the importunity of agents to induce persons to take pas sajerln one ortbe other ofthe boatsi Some complaints of assault and battery have already reached the Police ; and we learn that passenger was so jostled be tween these rival agents, that he fell into the river, and both sides had nearly lost him. ) 'V.t. - XULt COTTOW. aloud ov cotton oune present year a nop had alreadv been broueht to market ; and we remark that a waggon load of cotton of the ptesent crop was brought to the warehouse at Hamburg (S. C.) on the 17th of the month. In the latter case, tho arrival was i month. earlier in the sea son than ever known before. Courier. JOforVlVw. A packet of Greek hews papc raJately, eftived in LjOndon 1 ,t he jpptt Vge of whicVwaionly ftf 0s.l: Tt riur M 7f ".'TiJr it ti l luiuta'tii r, fOf. whLft'rJff.t Scvtr.J biv kfn kfn atttn.fcd io M wtfa, kf Utn UnuiU,f 4id over liil ixt iratt, Thrv hII all rcrde aiMitloi. j 1 iirae, a ttnif merlti may .all Lr. WH i . xm Pr. 1M pT-. ifme o apeetkr AVkrereJ U the It-, tf Z ma M iffwajure, m ttr. rirri k.'k, ru"4nr tt KfW t?PrtUi "7 '"'Unf rrvaUewtMl la 4 y frm,ij,vun4 a tihoMj l, tit viae SVH hl, tUt they may thereto U hMurrd a iu J-rerklaf4MietiUafWr Aad U fdrr thai Mr reader mtt M UHv ad fairlv adiUtC of lU wkg Amutvt Ky fma. aa.1 1 hie mhm o4 wkked arkeoiei tftlmM the rood peapl f the falftdkiaUa. U.aJl pwbt few inofa of the apterket dkrd la our Lm IspJtiur en the aul.ject, aa Uing lb mtM ehVta J ntran w,i1ji, am reach, al t,U tie, aiTueUj Ifceaa ike aca4ruew. tioo, , roiry of ft tUr.iT. TL at uf l HI I1 rfeeltofi a anrmLer 4 ilia (iim.. im, ij ltroch of llrji, it, tltW sutr, Ulrfatra aa incrraae of poniiUl , M lacreaae al vvraaa, la tM mtitmt Ura. Jt toy Foe Mf. I'ottae, 23 Mr. Bywini, .... 3 A jeara tinre, die tnetettfj ramlkUif r. eeired hut voe. W rvjrelure, Out a t, mumXm f al the n ia tku ..:. tl.r 49 orr, lUi and ,(,. in IUf f.1, Ua at rmirh Miiir rifHit aa mm fJUmanil wlute Oiwt hre, in tuinjr tA ih cmnlift. n"'skr.r r.vj) nr.M rme of the onj., jetton, ob- jret to liia vote in tlie t u , Mnie, oo .nrra rum. lie oed to ferrate tte duty front the then r tiitina; lar rT, to 41 fenti Jcr gallon. We Uit tlM-re ,t' mme r-aaon by tliia roe ahmild bo unpnpuUr wtth tlie hvert of forrirn rim (or herrafter they will l.e to pay a fi w centa more on the fallori 1 but, on the other hand, with tbe dmkrn of vKttlfy it xirit lo he pofMiIar. Abte all, Ibe rtaaia, rrukdo, otirit not to prumljU at a vote kick wu intended, and U calculated, lo rtiae 'he price of h'i corn and email rrain. Nor can the moral tat object to tbia vicar of tbe eubject. If the People of the I'nited Statu will drink apirita. ia it not better to conaume our own prodocta in dinj it. than to import tbe fury element from me wear irwiear We will further remark, hat It appe art atranre tbe friendt of the f jwf eandMUte aitouu object to Cen. Jaekaon for voting to protect uomcatic apinta, waea it la known that .1..:. 1... t... .i.- pLix. a... ... .............. , ,ur . ai'rwr fUllalln. aetoallv fomented an Inatmretion airaiiwt lb fore-wnenr. hee-uae i-onpeaa, ou- ring the Presidency of On. WaniTea, laid a amall iu on nhi'trey, the Moniieur'i darfing beeerag. Lr them remembtr the whiakry inaurrcction, audaay no moret, FURTHER ELECTM RETURXS. SL.mhn 1 boma Bnkia, arnaie. D. lTn- dcmoml, and n t'nimplar, commona. Catn .afcralwni llarrel, acnitr. John Wal ton, am Y. S'cdmao, ronimona. trimiwtck -J. . naicer, Knare. Altred Moore, sml tacob Ionard, commona. Jila hn P. Shipman, aeiute. Mr. Sineleton, ami Me. W'MilUn, commons. H-thiVMt Cibba, aenata. WilLam Wat- aon, aod Ur. Jam 1, conimoi, The election in rrrferrf county, it appears, waa cloaelv contested : .1 ..f..l r.mli.kte 1 till W V.jl. w.. for the Senate received 151votfi; the olh", 127. Now Int many countiet are there in the weat, that rive from twetre to finn hundred aenate votea Yet UrrifurJ baa N1 weight in the General Asembly with the largest county j in the State! Thia ia equality, and Rcpubli caniam, lor ye ! ! At tbe General Election in the county of Lawrence (Alabama) for Members of the State Legislature,: tho vote upon the Prudential ouestion was taken tne election prcincls7wlHClneiuTleorfotH lows: Jackion, Adams, Crawford, Clay, l- 849 86 93 63 Perhaps there i no county in the Nor thern part of the Stare (remarks tbe Ala- pled all the other Can&Utet together. A letter from Wajne county, to the Editor of the' RaleiiA Star, tate that 4t a muster of Capt. (irraway's company, at Revells, on tbe 29h of July, tote on the Presidential qtistion wataken; when Jackson received all the votetof the company,, with the-.fxeeption of three, which were for Craford- ' Another letter, t the Editor, ' from WkkTunjponw m m m ... yinii ;-.n.w,,.itfl,,;lfw f t.f tin. J(kn it PftuJtM." U llllLll I.. t ..l . .. I . . .tt: 1 t 1 M ttt publtc fctl.ng IrtlMl part of lb country , re.peetlog ,N condwe, tf ih. Hen... I their 1.1. muU. On. nte ring h. tom. iractid bur att.m ... L. , l.f .. w,iMf "K irvm puow,. approving r.r, und ,hem LUtle J llcSX if4 Crft 1'nlae arrifalbf id l 1 Um i, . I nrwi hh even taifted IledS. d and tk..,.r ,k .... kin be Ulli commenced lolling, nd w ...iiiunr Null fauni . bled. Mr. R. thoueht Ii hn.,1..! .1... . n, peopie, nowerer, loofi purtoL soout 3 rrnrrrwjftr A.7) kliJl Mug In effigy before tbe boos. Ii U a.U. rnostw inemcmhen from thltptn of I it a a ft . a . .... . nare Taiea the canal, lo avoid the village. ! tmdorstand, however, tke uochefer boy art ore oared i l,m iK.m uliabl reception on their arrival ibere. MP. 8. tloiavi. A few more ipecl- Ztn,b FAk Mon. At Urov, Hr. Redheld'eoen tiilaee. ba wat ii.ra yetteraay, m vut Mtjt ndeedt ( vn Mlieve to indivUual In tkia.lIrUi. uare to advocate the t ooduct of ike senate." twnae 1IAIIKKT8. TATtTTTMlir. MiCKX, y. 1 Cotton, II U.J3J, our,f,o.,4li auoernne, Ji au e-w j a II rt., bU,, Jji , 3i Jrh brtidr.tJW.airt.Uijii. !TV 1 b". a 10 , aah. Tiirka ItUmt, e oraOo. (J s lOf , coffee, rmwe, r een, 3 J io 21 , 1 StMt II n.,,t. ?,,.. Hi tnr.LriiSOrliil .Itiw T, k... . 31 a M, ru-e 3 in 4 oer pJOlla. 1 Iron, 41 to J f.r. HXJ lb. . vWt0 U,f, J , jj , majmrVture,!, i . Jo c.i.errav pictAt- so- Cotton, . Man.1, 23 to 26, Wained do. 14 to Hi Maine do. 23 1 fi.ntee, 33 to 21 1 abort aU ptejla 14 Whiakey 39 a 31 fit, i Baron, 1 1 9 ct. Hams 11 a 17 , lard, U a H, H..rrNC. Dundee and Inrrmeat, 41 inrh.) 24 a 3S , 0t ffire, I'rin Green, IH 19 Inf. to rood. IS a 17. Nurth Carolina Rank B.lta, 3 liar? cent dia. 1 (rf-orfia tlank Itil's 3 a 3J Oer cent. T.a. t Cape rear and Nevbem, J a 4 pee rent. 0.4. Citu Cofit'miic nomintlly tbe same aa tarf week aalrt connned lo tome few kria of C Umlt. . Cttnrr. MARRIED, In thit eoonty, oa tke 33J nit. by Mraback I'ink tt on, T.u. Andrew Swicernod, Tm. nf )- DIF.D, tn thia town, on Welne!ay, th. tat inatant, altera tedioua and protracted illneaa, Mrs, Eunice Taylor, a(rel upwardaof ane AtmirWarora. Site waa the oldeat inhabitant of the town 1 and bad , ben a retidet of thit phr as far back aa the memonet of our oMeat chiaena extend. She VM t remarkably induetnoua, frural. and wor thy old lady. ( Alao, in thia town, on WVneaday tle 8lb inat. Mr fhaHee nii, in the 3th rear of hia in. I ... Aiao, in una eoumy, on tbe I at inaC afters nmlrtn '.li.u ki. u..k.-v d:-v r .- a amta- a a) iifkwviit CM 0d knt rrnectble citiaen of the coontv. Alao, in thia county, on the 3d inat Mr. Win. 0 Swann, aged about 20 years. Alao, in thia county, on Saturday, the 4th inat Mr. Jamea Julian, ajed about 22 year. In Lincoln county, at hit residence near tbe laland Ford, Mr. George Smirh, in the 30th year of bit age. He had been to Charleston, and waa ' on hit return, within 100 mile of home, when he I waa taken sick with the South-Carolina fever) he had no one with him but hit little ton, Noah, only nA years old thia child waa obtifred to drive and take care of the korae and waron till he pot home, the7 whole dtfance of 100 miles, his child wai taken aTck, wTtlim one mile of horne and the father died aoon after felting there. ' " "'V " "K -P'"7 people not to go sotith so late in the tcaton, In the village of Markaville, Louiaiana, in Juno last, on hit way from IxMiiaiana to Georgia or Alabama, aAer a short illneaa of eight days, Mr. John W. Monroe. Mr. Monroe wu a native of thia county and, about three years since, wu preceptor of Salisbury Academy. At Richmond, Va. on the 2lst ult. after along indispotition, Pr. William Foucl.ee, aen. per haps the oldcat inhabitant of that city 1 a moat accompliihed Physician i the Postmaster of tlie city 1 beloved and respected in a high degree by alhrho kmnrhim-Hewrat-iiHhe-ffthyear f hia age. By SATURDAY'S MAIL. LATEST FROM EUROPE. v nnAm, mum nf tnlv 91 and Psria date to the a4tn ot mat momn, nave oeen receiveo in New-York. The war between the Brjih and unon them bv the natives. An expedition wu preparing at Madras to obtain possession of Rangoon. The summer hu been very hot in England. w A Turkish squadron of 70 saJL for the Inva sion of Greece, had arrived ott the island of Scopola, the inhabitanta of which were prepa ring to defend themselves. The intelligence of the recent defeat of the Turks at 1 hcemopyla;, tud been further confirmed by accounts receiv ed at Behrrade and Scmlin. , Talaru", tlie Trench ambuSador at Madrid, , ii said to be appointed minister of foreign aflairs by the king of France, and Chateaubriand a!out r.. UlM.n f,.- iL, . , . f H i t", a n--'d a.;...ry af ;'-c-f n.Ta. rPtle U ..t.r.1, UuttnkZ and all ' 1 T. T' M 7 ft,!, aerltM rtH t Nf.lk ft tKirXn iw, r(i ""T ".f"" rw. fjnw wnwiiM, 4 mi mat, Aip f, K rnvt irl.ka.a.,4 at rVe..a.k,fi,en ' " in r af va FJIKSIl aoom. milt aber.ber U welrlftg al a ktnrt ami rrneeJ uiMd r .rt 1 r. 7 , w b akdey, tnm Pb U-del,- aa4 N Vk 1 ao4 kaa aaa. aeeaota. we U r.e..a fa Mh f,Ucea, mmA, any funker aupply that y be n-Wor.l itk rare, and laid U al trk iLi kin ...i u kim to arH vary low. 1U mwomert, and tK pubbc al Wire, are eeanecirullr initJ 1.. ,.ti etaxninr, and Jid fur tbeowcrrtt, . , A . . J. MtHrilY. Xati. Krt. 1:i. lUita H. R. t ogfHrr Prodoee of tl klrwU m...i in etcl.tnre. Vnlimlilf lentil, for 8a!e. IVlT. auUrriber, iJi.pt; to rernor. to the md -a .Jt - . . .1 , - ' " enneaaee Me lime in tl.e aonnr IW1. J1 ten, at a.te W. at U d.rf. JTi,an lh day ivuer aest, e plutfano bemm be now Bret, conu.iv. "C l3 ar rra of Und, on bb there W a fo fltllme booae, ham, and wil Kootn wnud roeadi a. and an orchard. Vti an Of rlrared land, fit fur cuhitalion, of h.rk 40 on aibicb there la a rrat ipiantity of mk riluaHle fur raila ami boiUtng i lb aod, lou, ia of an etcrhVot quality. Alao, saother tract, adjwmnf Tneotafcl Inti. Ane oerwMi oiablnr lo nunktaw.good Un.lt. ill do well to rail on the tuhtcrihee, eomHin prevWwf to ibe aale, and view the pren'Mr. 1 cmta vill be Raadc known on the dav of aale. J. W. WALTON. aVAaW, 14, 1824. 3t?S N. It. lie will alao aril, on tl.a tame day, and at die aa.ne plafc, a great (juajilily of eicclknt TUB ibcribera are reeeirine;, and onenine;, at tbeir STORK in Cortconl, direct fmot rtllwJrrptnwwnd MwVork,w4argw aod general aaaurtment i f All kinds of Goods 1 and have made arrangrmrnta to rrtJie front M place, tmnitu'y, any f.irber aiippt that may be nrefwary elerted with care, and laid tn at price that will enable them to tell very low. Their cuitomera, and the pul.l at tartr, ire reapectfiillr invked to call, rttm.nw, and yudga rue tbemaeives. Mt'UPIIY ft BKOWN. Cemnl, Srf. 1824. t48 (CT Country Produce, of til kinds, received ctrbmee fie Coo.1. For Sale, A TRACT of Und, oa Dutchman's creek, in i the Forke of tbe Tatlkin, formerly owned by George Slumlord, Eaq. and by him aohl to Droailfoot, containing about tre bundrcd arra. For terma, which will be liberal, apply to Baa well Gaither, Kerf. Mnckaville. i. M. HAn,.ff,ra, fit. N. II. The public are cautioned aipunat tres paawtig on, or trading fur,ud Und,u 1 have a warrantee title for the same. J. M. HAM). .. K, 18:4. 3tlS Runaway Negro. NOTICB. Taken up, and lodged In the jail of Aabe county, a. c. on ibe J b inat. a negro man, who cafla liimaelf llukm, about 5 ft el 7 Inchce high, yellowiah eomplrxion, about 26 yean of age, and aaya he belongs to William Johnaon, of Snredsboro. "The owner wouk) do well to eomr forward, prove. properfy7pay charrea-andukjehimawav. . . Jfern, a. e. Aug. Z 1824. 2mtJJ I WILL pay an adrqoate reward to any per aon, ho will apprehend ami secure in jail. a nerro rirl named AW. She ran away from me eomc time in August, and ia believed to be in company with a negro man named Villy, the Dronertv of Jamea Huie, of tbia place. She i of ordinary aize, apt to amile when spoken to, and ia between 25 and 30 years nf age. 8AMI EL LAVtlF.II. Suiirr, Sf. 7, 1B24. 3t25 Negro Kcllace. RANAWAY from the mbacriber on the third day of the present month, a negro man by the name of k'ttlat e, about twenty two or three years of age, nearly sit feet high, inclined to be yellow, with long legs and arm a, and otberways aIeWermiuIe, and" atoopaToraird when walk ing 1 he hu a scar on the side of the instep, oc casioned by the cut of an axe, has one or more knota just below the shoulder blade, speaks short and not plain. Ako, wns taken ahoot tho time be ran away, ont of my house, about fotir hundred dollar i one hundred and fiftv-two or thece dollars in sirvrr, thirty odd dollars of the silver in cbanre, and the balance in billa, a, one t artfiina. arrotrier- ntmdrrtr oointr tJiii'tfn ttta Dank, of Darien, or the Mate Hank of Georgia, and tlie other fifty in amall bills. Also, t Aen at the same time, a number of papers and note to the amount of upward of thirteen hundred dol lar and bUla cf aale and titles to land. One hundred dtlfart will be given for the re covery of the above papers and money, or in proportion for what ia got, and tventy dollar for tbe aaid negro, if secured in any jail so tlial I get him, or if brought home, all reasonable charges paid Any communication on the abovo A:mA tt. i v.i -1.1 District, South-Carolina, wijj he thfnkfojlyrcV ceived. EUWAUU IIAUIUSON.

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