'Tjr;iCirTriT7l 711) TAP C!MQLIJTMM ; VOL. V.l HAMHIMJUY, N.(WnJivSI).Y, OCIOUKU 5, h2I. tNO. 230. Ic r--S. Hi showed that war, f Bjg'o!, tir 4 truh 10J luppotted her l!oU JiirfKt. wai th alternative i hclcnro, far J$ VesM, and what t$jti I Jf(Hifcuu4 ib ability of the nation of rner or profit ri iH4 glva to m T- r4 int3t;tfs!tbir jnrahcondld,Nottb-CsrJinif While- lh hit tip alalia rtu. ? , nr rii i M) wjiitj:. -T'-Urj, (,wpt a rt-aa U thr wero iotVtr. !ri Cal. bcr owe citueei, tod (o mrjKfthtr aftS rAif) mJ art amartfMar iL boufl VII IppotflteJ ti dnw up the Itatc, sht hid icarcc! 'permitted AJ.ir- a t-',r' wWfcslo, uulog forth l)c-if N.iih.Cftno4 1 t liWr up iti frar. ri, ' " lU. psper hai iptly bee. cal. meats-she u tlrea ul Sari. fnRruiwi j.jl. . in tht CAt'Ct'8. a a a a a,. a a A a a m m . Aj aJ.tr4 I U aM.tr. pmat m led Ul atC0n4 Declaration 01 iRdrpcD.I Urjr of Legation, iad Cairoiionrr i.iiM. MfMc. Uot hit, Calbouo vh onto arbitrate the contested value t-fito. &! out of tfci moiiiif iilrlu thitlUn negro tUiei. brought oo lU war i after It viide.l A rrr.drraao thi other dir. la the . . . - i - . . iUr.rurtnwMt iJ4j.j lUarcd. mow ai saor active i del debate on Mother luMecL asked live Dot, ilr, Hid Mr. fiihfr. these ire rising the vayi and mriiursi for vU wUhcd i part of the loavei and fih pot th only mistake! ratdc by Mr. coroui prosccuiloa of If, la ergsnit. tif" I boldly answer, ves! OjrtJot. Crawford. la hi mauii report fog the nsvyand the irtny. During ernment, iirt U fouodrd o the prio- 0II82O, rif eonraittea aa error oi thfaolo( that coouit, he itd to clpie of reprcicntani that principle nrifl 3 millioaiofd Uri, wh'chvai hit pott la Congrcit, batUiog it iih ihoutd be felt, and pretcrved id each detedrd by Mr Calhoun, lit made the Federal phaiani, and cheering up coordinati brioch of goveromcBt, it a fcW report to correct the Ent,irul ihtipirita of tht lUpublicaai. Hut well ai In the LegitUtive. The Con. the aeond rrport vn alto iororrrct Hthe norm of var blew over, and the luitution, laid Mi. Y, tecurrt ui ou ht nadf a third onr, td thti, too, la tun-thtoe of price broke out oo the aa. weirM in the Legislative branch, or, tht oploloa of Mr. LownJei, Mr. tiou. If tr. Calhouo wat activt io he doubted North-Cjrolin would he Srgemr, and other able Coinclm, carryiegoa the war, be ai eot Utiao neglected there f. At fr atf, vai till wide of the mark. I ha!l wbeo peact came, io deviting menu tir, I aeithcr ctptct nor deiire any notice only oot otner tiuunce oi tnc rci to repair tht tucctt of tht wir, and omce io tht gilt ol wovernmcnt j but I Secretary i miiminigrnunt of the ia luiting thiogi to a ttate of peace. wih to kc Norlb-Caralina receive (umJ rJ ih imoit ll Id conociioo Tht war taught ua a lcton of experi her due portioa. She na lorn of (a. with tht bid vent Uauki. liy volun- rnce i and a nation like aa individual, lenlt, and of worth, wbn would till Ury loiOl to thru Oaoki, or imprv thoulJ profit by experience. JSfr. Cat- with honor to therntlveitnd the n. dent drpotiii, tht eatioo will lote houa wai foremoat io detiing a iya lion, any office in the Gvernment nearly tni mMsn of dollar, aecor tern of national defencethat ) ttera hut, at long at we follow Virjiuia, they ding to bk own report. In oot Bjok which the Kadicali have lbored io will rimain io olncurity. ,od, what alone, (Vincennet) ht placed i turn hird to dettroy. Srlly ifier the war better thingt can we expea.il Wm. wetter than the total capital of that Mr. Monroe wai elected . President. II. Crawford ii elected? Ic it the Dink. New, iirf theit thing proe He placed Mr. Calhoon in the Depart. Virginia candidate he wil le under oneoflwocencl(jiooi either that Mr. ment of War. Ai durior the war. Virrinia influence, and N. CarIma Cn ford ii not capailt of naaagiog ibit d:partmcnt vat the one through may expect from him Virginia neg. thtdutici bflhe TrcuurTor, if be which the operation! were chiefly di- Icct and diidaio. IJuf, i we may doei potteit the Decenary ikil), that rccted, it wai found by the new Secre. hoje for better trratrnent from John thca be bai throogh carrlettnett or tary io the greitett diorder. He C. Calhoun. He cornea fr a aute. deiign, greatly roitoiaoigcd the Coin, found oo the boa it more than fifty bearirg hlf of our name j ind poitei- eel of the nation io cither retult, he niiiliooi of untettled accouott. He ing the ame interettt and feelings certainly canootbt a proper per too for tet the proper olliceri to work j in letl with ouraelvet: a stte, tto, that it Pmldcnt of the V. Statrt. than three yean, the balancet were amaller than our own, aed the will Mr. P. laid be would patt over nearly all aettled. He found defrctt find it oeceMary to conciliate her larger tome other acta of tht Treasurer, on irt the lyitera of accountability puMic titter by acti of kiodneii and conf.. vbich ht Intended Co remark, aod roor.ey wai girca out, badly diabumed, dence. Uetidet thi, air, already hat come to bit connection with the Radi' and itill worte acttuuted for. He in- Mr. Calh.un given proofs of hit hijh calt." It it not ncceitary, lir, here to troduced important changrt, and ex. regard and friendtlup for North.Car. give the nittory of thit new party, fur. acted rig'iroui punctuality from all Una, and of hit attention to our inter- turr than to ttatr, lbt it it rt"tc ; rutlie teentt. ITie contrancnce ii. ett. Sir. it it to him. and to him aed of tht cSoict materiala of either of that the Ijrgr lomt which now putt alone, that we owe the acquisition of the old partiei, but it tnado up of the through the War Department, are dit. the Cherokee Laodt an aquitttion fag-ends, the ditappointed and di. burard with lettlottthan ever wat be. which has already brought a Urge mm affected of both. Thii party it oppo- fore known in this or anr other Gov. into our Tre.istirv. and willbrirti much led to the present Administration j to crnment. He found defect! in the sya. more i but for the pneedi of these iis policy ana leading mrasum, and tern of lupplies -be recommended an lands, our works of Internal Improve- fir. Lrawtord is the loown bead of I entire chance, br which thousands of I meni would era this have atopned. .I.! t II. 1. A.!. .. . . ' ' .. . . I wt . .1 V 1 iaia raiDgrc sei. iie is tneir caoui. dollars nave been annually saved to the i nereis yet anmner instance or nit d.te thtrt ll not a nodical in the nation. By ecooonsy and manage- regard fur equal rights and for North lation but lUPDorti biro. Thou eh a mrnt. he hat reduced the nntniea of Carolina. The Academv at a West member .of the Admiuittrailoor.s(thOrdranee I)rprtrnff)t. Ordnance Point it a National Institution j br heads a factioa hostile to the wiselofall dcscriniions "afe now obtained fore Mr. Calhoun came into office, it measures adopted by Mr. Monroe, (cheaper than ever before known, waa supplied with young men, chieflv ind which are Generally approved bv I There it a aavintr cm muakets alone, from Vireinia. and a few other states t of the Federalists at well as by I of nearly S3 a peice. Dy care and North-Carolina had but little sha Till! In 1 1 ui l-m Lar'iAjr rrttlt fnU aWa. iiAf fron lt ic-a i4 lU law AMrmhlr, a Ute it a MkUa af- fTi;lM rMftl. tkm, avt enj j.rr Uia Limn at Mr, JHri. w w., n,, a arviua'e t'um u 'm t trtj, ls awrin ! Utijftv, pun tU wmmI iUJcuri rrW t4 ha fMil(uln sm! s?if;!y, If iw wmmt& to u ruitm as lb pulhe. 1 (mi 1 rvwae s art save (4 the M. IU n1aA trtikb cm rlac4 M rvcvmntrii. diwnawr Ihia aautra i tMt, kavirf wHimwm4 tl.w fiwi MrvaMM t4 in yowtii, m wxirmit tixl ltriuir, Mf ittt ymrwton if Mr. WSa UnUrfint !' ptrtentuMS aa4 pert blil. wni rruN frvn katinf th Uht rs o( both ! rwrtmrnta M Ilia button, UrtUirr s lS tb kt t. Mr. tJAr. rtmlnt la U Awlrmy built inr leff Ury will rtiiMiallr watrb uvi I. a i . a . a a r. a. pip.k i tltcy camtrt huX ak thw mtkaa bo vi.h io fit thrir ama ft roller, or to rtrt Vwm a liMtiU vh tiiiiM k rtiiKaiHm, Io impure bcthf Ike fMllHir aTuf kii al Uiia inlituUua are rA, n !(, rqial lo any in tl atalc. uy owcr oi u nar-i. 3mt?o Isaac t. Avr.Rr. VrtwU Utot. TUP. auWribrr ar rrcririnjf, aikl opfninr, al tlirir .111) UK in ConcoriL iUtrr (rtxn ltullrlbta and c-Yk,a larrt an4 gMrJ auurUnrnl i4 All Lind of (;txxli: nA U tI rrmfcrrmcn't to rtf'nm from l ftt, mmnlK'j, m fi.nlirf mi lltal miV Im ettmry w irtiru wim rarr, anu UmI m ai pritta lll enable tlirm In aril rry lu. Ti-if mW'tfiM-ra. ami ll.e tiublc at uiv-, ar r ctfiilly ini'.J to ull, raaminr, an.l Imtj r thrmitWea. Mllil'HY k IIKUUN. fTJ" t'otmlnf Prwlucf , of all kiivit, rccieJ in rachanrc twio.li. I'aclets fur Philadelphia. mill". autri!f r hinr t'aflilif 4 a line M I Vadrt Marrn l'hila.UIliia iivl Uil- Biinjlon, N. ('. takra tliia mrtliud Io acnint ll.e Mililtr, liit a rl l e M ilmii.rion fcr t'liilailptpliia rrrry ten H.v. 1'nxline in. tr m!r fer ilm comeMi.fr, b rrcirJ ami rr irilcil hv Ihinran 1 Ikoioc, Ym. of lay- f llrillc, N. (,'. and Wrwt. Mime . Whttiirr, ni ilmingion, N. C. il tltc lorrt nin nt Irt igM, ml k ail r xpcnr pwulilp. IUnr tlirrc kiI c.vli in llic tr!c, comtnifulni b) cart ful fp- in. til ac'uaintcil aith the oat, raliini rli filled up lr the arcnmnHxUlion ol 'uitrn rrt. He tbrrt furr tniKa io mcrt m illi cneuur. rrment. fluladelpliia awl n emirona, hu lwcm to rrrl a manulrtur.nr plce, tai cotton can ba auld toaume e xtrni ml nlvnt)c o the owner i Ilia Cfmmmption bein(r, at pna. errf, about twentr tlounni tui per annum, and will, no doubt, be aoon far rrtater. JAME.3 rAi iu jr. Ctmminitn Mrrrhimt, ,V. Zi nrlh 'rinl Slrrrl, l'Kiladclpha. 8fft. 1, 124. ifo4r. most oi tnc icderaiistt as well as by of nearly S3 a peice. Dy care and orth-iaroiina nai but little shares all the true Republicans. While Mr. economy, the annual expense of each but since Mr. Calhoun has been in o( Crawford is thas blundering and stum- solJier has been ixduced more than hce, he has established a principle of bling along in his department j while R135. In short, documents ihow,! equality, and North-Carolina has come . i iujr uil itia.vyfiMwiawiuiiinaL. oy saiu. sysicm. aua ccoaomv. m iuvwi wur-- w vwwvi rnrnaican, :o Ucstrov every braoch Mr. Lalhoun. in the management ot man from rayettcviiic, ( .ir. dtranrc. . of the system of national defence, let us the War Department, annually saves toi tells us that he is a Virginian, md ilut I l Warning. rTSlIE aubacribera barint; been duly appoinlel. JL at Lincoln Court, Jul) acann, itr.s, a miiMitratora of the eitale of llenrj' Conner, ilecM. late oT aaI4 county, hereby notify ail alio are indebted to the ertatr, to come foraard, aithout delay, and make payment, or enter in to anch trranjrrTnrntt ai iritt be wrttitu tory ami aafe to Uie AdminUtratura. All dvbts ahich nty wt lie ao arranged previoiii to the Lincoln court in October nest, ill be put Into the hand of an Attorney for collection. Like iie, all pcraona havinjf c'aima aeainrt the wiiJ es'ate, are iniited to prraent them for ncttlenicnt, properly authenticated, within the time prescribed by law. JOHN f . IIKKVAKII, Ftalo of Norlh-Carolina. rilJIR tuMi Tt, U,t,r il.a .( t4 1 tbt M AmVf, f,ChpiHt) lot IU rU uf IM inil.w, ,4 1K I WrAt Unda bamnfiar M wnlcr lU aiVr.ry t4 ' a1Mr, Mranfinwf t r,rl an-l rvUr f. tue ba d. tt h.i M U I. ln4,i.rMi an bring ar!o1 drairwia Iktt ibrf .! ar..I lUri.-t if Il.a f.ior and l;wJi.V 4 lHa ai, tbw rmiiy aH wactpv-ira4) ft. liKjeJ a I an.fi'r.t lo tim t awl J.., ihL lo nut from hiititalf the nainnt urceWif of parfwrntiftf tie truly Irk anna and rrv tw pleaMiil Uina iwjulrrd 4h'm If tM tI Ait in iba atrnt f U filr i4 IN Pun Uarrt, or any 4 Ibem, tn a. lhrn lias 4 rtl rvitrrvus h i arrwrnmo-Ulii f priii.ii ukrt lk til er, ly, Si a friend Ik rixh aorrd la aid and aai. la Inautowat a kiatiry lin.ii.d al-.I.i,U nU tainjrf lU paaMeanl lU Art af m-tmmi',, lo aNiM aw) tairrat all cvnramJ ttai thrv prwp'lT ami Indnwriouah' W lb nertawry firpwnm, and arnd la lUWtgn iil.in tba bnta bled and limited by Um l.w, ami tUi aail tbenM3raif it kind aivl Imlulrni pro- iiMOfia, nlMiuU any mrtnaarf aunt-r lbs pm k lit opportuniiv In paaa a ynlrnprovad, ito Traaaurcr it fufly oeraut.U-d ikat no ;'iibatMn fur otbrr or further indxljrencr c4 Ilia hka kin-1 JL at any lime Itertaftrr, rrof aucccaWul. of be fcifainrd. 1 he la-MlWur haa a1rral rnn an ur aa ! tone ao much, in the I r (erred I", lhat fW imlred en hntr, or ecn m)i it to do more. I Ue Pubue Treaaurer aay paaibly br mia. lake i Urt Wa eertamly and IruH duct b r' ad C4Mirflcv al hope or erp.nanon uf fu'nt l-rw.tic inieifrrtnee, or of ftirihrr e int'ulrnrr, in regard It llr momea ilur of K. coming i lor from ll.e I'urrliaarra of t'lirt'.lfa I jihIi aa afuretaid, a being entirely hope haa and furbim. fry t Hr b rne in mln.1. tliat Ilia 31 of OtiMmt het ii the dai (irl on by laa-, a tm. iting the nw io ahU h the indulgence uflired or fraiileil Ii ctemled. I.DWAKl) YAKHKtll 1.11 : J 110 reipeetfulU inform the pub. r r iw. anil hi friend, thai be haa n IK f.fiiirr .nil . faanf hiliment, aitualed at llie horlh rornrf of Iho CiNfrtdlutiar, (lately occupied by Mr. Janief Huir.) llie coneenirnre of this situation f"f himi.ru, i eijiial to any ri the place. The M'Hiae contain a numtvr of prira'e morra, well rah'uUted fur the arcnrr.modaiion nf 1 ravrllrrt aiHl Iloarderai ihr SiaMii are equal, if hot eo iirrior, to any in the pl-e, and a'trndr.l to by oblipn? ami at'entite Hott r i hia table ami bar, iU he Bipplird i'h the brat I he market kfTonlt; and the regiilal lona of ma llou, aorli aa be hope will gi retire mtfcrion to tboo a ho mat tlunk nroprr In rail on him awl ha amirei tliem, that no pajju .ajialthe (pared u reml"r their atae comfortable and pleaning. FrWrrnrSt. 1824. 96 npfiat roiinfy C4irt, the subsmhrr ob unrd letter oi aumimstraiKin on ine ea- turn, sir, to Mr. Calhoun, and exam.l the nation not short of a million of do!-1 he is proud of his birth-place, sir, me hia "public services" to the nation, lars, and yet we have heard a membcrl these are very natural feeling", and it John C. Calhoun entered Congress on this Boor, without any other proof is to be expected that he would act tin- about the year 1811 at a time when than his empty assertion, accuse him der their influence j but he will permit our aflTiirs had reached a crisis, which of extravagance! But this is nat all. us, who were born in North-Carolina, threatened war, or national degrada Under hit direction the system of na- also to cherish the character ol our na tion. . He stepped at once on the thea. tional defence has been established, tive state. Sir, said Mr. F. I admire tre of Congress, a political Roscius; and is progressive, and if not destroy- Virginia, she has produced a race of by the force of his talcnti, he aoon ed by the Kidicals, will in a few yean great men, and of high-minded politi. gained a standing that attracted the at- be completed. cians j but this is no reason why tfotion of the whole nation. He wis These, Sir, said Mr. F. are some North-Carolina should come and ga compared to. the aageiofthe old Coo of the reasans why I prefer John C. to her beck and nnd. I would wish gress. Before the end of that Con- Calhoun as President and why I ob- to see North-Carolina unfkrthc influ gress, he stood at the head of the Com- ject to Wm. II. Crawford I believe ence of no state. I wish to see her niittee of. Foreign Relations by far that for the nation Mr. Calhoun would act on her own lights, and worthy of most important Committee in Con- make the best President his past life the character of a great state. Until 8rfs at that period. and public services show it. But, she does act in that way, she will e-' ' It was Mn Calhoun, and a few oth. Sir, there is yet another reason, that ver abtain her just influence among (r distinguished Republicans in Con. operates on my mind against Wm. II. the other statei of the Unian. 8rt, who waited on Mr. Madison Cfawford. He is the Virginia Candi- Wd hinr-that thoim-rcquired datev-At a native af North-Caroling frugal A-Jatta received by a gen decisive and enerfretie menaure , or. with the interest ind honor of the V Kt York from Lisbon, dated ... . . I.L OI.. f I,.t M.nti.... lk.1 Ih. ! tio .131 vi tfuij, iiivuuuiia iiiaw oi.ib of things there and throughout the coun try is growing worse and worse. Com merce is almost reduced to nothing. Im prisonments and banithrnenti continue; and the expressions of public dissatisfac tion are so frequent and unguarded, that uot and Shoe KstuMUhiiicnt If BF.NKZF.R DICKM1N takes thia method to J inform his cunt omen, and the pubftcat Urjjr, that he haa removed hi iAor-A from the houu- he formerly occupied, and haa taken the hmiae owm-d by Mr. Thoina l odd, nearly opposite Wm. II. Slaughtcr'a houte of rntrr tainmrnt, on Main-atrrk t, Salisbury where he will carry on, as tiauul, the Hoot and Shoe ma king busim-ws in all it varion branchea, in a atyle of neat net and duiahility which, he be lieves, cannot be aurpaed by any in the atate. All orden from a du'.ncr, for work in his line, Kill he faithfully attended to. AViiiAu'ra, 'Sept. 17, 1824. It 4 T A" l tame tate of Krederiek llinkin dee'il All perna liarinr demand arain.t aaid trte'e. are rco'ie. ted lo remler thrm In lo the mharribrr a aoon aa convenient, that proviiion may be niade for the payment thereof. Aln, Ui"e imirbteu to aaid ealale, arill pteaar to make pa ment aa aoon u poaaible, u no induUrrnee can be given. j atriMd-, .fAaV. MccUenburg ct. .V. C. Jur. 28, 18.'4. 31l37 lftl eVNtVJ I!I10M the aubrrilcr, oo SunJav nipht, the 19th inat. a nr?t- man, by the name r.f LEVI ; about 5 feet 6 or 7 inchf hijfti, tolera bly bl.nck complexion, middle aie, haa a acar c.iuaed bv a rut itb a kuTc serosa the back of one of hi hand, and a amall acar on the riht "VMLl. u run.ui. . ... , ,l . 1...I. ii, K ... . i.i I - T SJ ll'St S lltl I, ll'in.in Bin ww'a.. a ng I rriiii:ilile reward mill be riven to any Demon a ho will give information to the aubaenbrr, wsthin three mile of Concord, Cariarni county, a. c. where the aaid negro ia, or may be had, and all ncceaaary chargca will be paid. IJANIKI. f LIVE. Sept. r.l. 13?4. 3ii27r ror Sale, the Celebrated Hone NAPOLEON. nHK auhacriber ofTers for X aale thia much admired frfef Stallion ; winch, if not aold ICJL previoua to Tueflay of Octo ber bupenor Court, will, on that day, be expo sed to public auction. Terms tnado known on application. MttiMAr.tr MMVr. SaHibvry, Sept. 21, 1324. 4H27 that the national character would sink. State near at heart, I am free to say, Mr, Madison communicated hia war that of two candidates, equal io merit, message, and the House of Represen- the one proposed by Virginia, the oth tatives referred it to the Committee er not, I would go against him to of Foreign Relations. That Commit, break the charm of Virginia influence, tc was composed of some of the old. and think and act for ourselves. est and ableit men of the party in Con. North-Carolina has the name of being! the- writer thinks a change of some sort Kress: butwhen the ouestion of war led bv Vtrciniat true or false,, wej cannot be far off. The letter is couched wa brought before them, they ap. should give proafa that we are now In very generallanguagc, Dut clearly inti proached it with deep apprehensions, free. We have followed Virginia uo- that the country is in a state of ur fVWMPvy?r'tncn febejide.. til her politiciani fancjrjwe darcnpt 3!S11,. y our Gcefiimenti' anct moreover part from Kef J tell them that Nbrth- corpor ate"le ar ki'xoT ' "ere was a powerful patty in the coun Carolina will not vote feij-their candi- j ' mayor of a country town cdnceiv 7 opposed to 't: The Committee date,-and they irilHaTjgh you to scorn. ;nfr that the word clause was in the plural ci urn oi doubta and apprehensions. Sir, my state pride revolts at the number, would often talk of a tlav in the ; Assembly reiativ to tu miJitimup to thia date, ai Calhoun addressed thein at great thought. We have followed Vir-J act of the legislature. i.-A!e.theorf"tke writeraCawBraan Strayed away V "IROM the aubacriber, on the 15lh of Anr i I last, two COLTMt one three year old I'illy, lijjlit aor Sljr.tv with a laree atar in ber fore head, fourteen hand high j one bay horae colt, one year old past. Any person wno win give the aubacriber information of the aaid colt, by ivriting to the post-office in Salisbury, or other wise, shall be reasonably rew arded. VALENTINE BIRD. Saliibiiry, Sept. 7, 1824. 3it2ti REVISED Mid jmWrtbed thia year, undrrnhe direction of .theA(jiitnt General, and omprisitifc a" t.ie'lawa passed by the general Store-House ot Mocksville, TO KFT. fPHE aubacriber wihe to rent the ftillowinff 1 property, durinfr one year, or for a term of year, to wit : A lot at Morkville, Rowan coun ty, on which a apacioo itore-hnuar, a ith a jcood cellar, and a large two-alory houae, dividtd into convenient! and useful apartmenta, are erected. Miilenntle ia near about in the centre of that section of Kowtn, known aa the Forkt. A that part of country, both as to fertility of aoil and population, it not inferior to any, a profitable remit might be 'anticipated from a mercantile eatahlisliment at that place. Gentlemen in that buiine, and wishing a situation, arc invited to call and view the premise, and judge for them aelves. EI.I7.M1F.TI! M. FEAPSON. Mucl tviHe, May 22, 1824; W TnEthsertbrrimfnlTyrifins friend and the public at large, that he haa survived his tedious illness of the fever, ao that he can attend to hit shop again. He bnpet that hia customers may not forget to call on him as uual, aa there shall be nothing lacking to ren der them general atifaction in the above busi ness he pursues. .Those that may pleaie to rail on the subscriber, no uoubt wm be aa well .pleased aa in any other shop in the town oft." Sababury. It i not very necessary to mention distant lashiona a home do, for gentlemen are in the habit of having a particular fashion to suit themselvea in drcsaes: I will engage to have as good work done a can be dime in the town of Salisbury, and on the most desirable terms. Aha, cubing and repairing- will be duly trttcnv ded to.. N. Br llir prliecrarrn he ctrr, or manV, 51y the neatest fahi n, at the stubacriber's shop. opposite Uie State Bankj in Salisbury . - SAilLfcl. fKlV.1. i.7ir JO, 1824, it'2 V 1 Hi 4 t ' i ,. ; w i r U r it i I-. I : - n ' i r ; 'K I1 It "Si i 4 1 ' . . I