, , . --- -V MWinKNTIA!; , rut rr.orir.M'n r it kit. ' 11 uwv.f r iM u ;!ts fu Wf tU J af (Wa, n-i f J N...Uf MM, fc Ukw f rWU ai Tkt rrtJ4 tf im JJ ClU, ( Ha t , a tfkr JV Vwf. af LU-ia d. ,J.r. A M f wtUee de, mm .Mr JW.I (WA kt d. J. f iui a fri. , u f Cravtw do. n3.Xofl rafpotaek do. M A of wtluwptoa de. WW A XWif, of W.bwinf'' n rurww( u it &k., fcew-d Vy eocUntJ eowUr si kaUlfh, U pl(riUni for W. It Cre.fard a rWdtwt, J .l!ir, C-?. Vke w lrt M to lb ffik an We! ppk, jtak. their- "r4 .r bwk iWt ;a kof (r tht ft the -nM tkket, Ibrattd hjr t eombloalioe cf firing fAfkl rm TktW John Paitoo, R other rlt llnWk FriuUin, Surry t Kobert Wlttlamsntt, Lincoln! James Ugrend, MoMromrry Abraham Philips, H Inrh.mi Air Gray, Ratvdolpht Deni- II Covington, Richmond Tbo. RufTio, Or V.tk.nel Jonc. Wtkt J John 11.11. Wirrtni Ccortt OuiUw, cn lurtli Chi. E. Johnom Oon i Tho. V. mcifdK Bufori John 0en, Bl0n i WillUm DUckUdjc, tea. L mir. JUDICATIONS. . rtuMikait from thr cha'Tmin .j aw lkioa cMnnnltct fr the r(f Obio, tothe kcrcUrjf uf Jck commiw Sl I I m olicilout ol opeftinf cor reipenHcoc the Hendt nduppof ter of Gen. Jf kvft, In Virginia, md not UlnjfperooHr acqualnJed hh pt gen tlemn oflhal MU ho WpuMicIf knoo to be n d e of bW eUciion to the ext Preilency, I hm tAcntbe liberty cf widrtlng you. In the firt place, with k t thai object. The fri?idi aod mpportert of that Incorruptible patriot nd rM.viaieot republican, in thh aectlon of tho Uowo, look to Virginia at lUU time v rontetnDlate the political moerotnta f your atate with mingled feeling of ri,!e and pleature. W e a powerful fwiy,whoM priociplet and conduct are ncooitent with the Mr knd marki of the great Republican Tamily, errayea gainat the People in aupport of tho Cau cus Nomination at Waahington. And we view with pride and pleature IDC txer vrhIWn.iiud-aMjUlUr4c making for the Hero of New Orleans t but we are without wy psrucnur anu certain informaiioo on the subject. In OAio, the cause of Jackton ha ad vanced with a rapidity and success be yond the moat sanguine eipectationtof his warmeat friends, until it is now reduced n .'nor certaintu he will obtain the electoral vote of 4buSutcWilhiil ) wo 1 momhs, he has thrown Mr. Gay in the back ground, tod is now ahead of cither Clay or Adams ; so that we calculate with great cooEi'ence, not only that he will re ceive the eli i toral votes of the state, but that be will obtain them by majority over all the other candidates. The abuse iml calumnies which have been poured out incessant Ir upon the public and private character of this distinguished chieftain end statesman, by the partisans of Clay, bat produced reaction in the public sen timents of our people, which has prostra ted the hopes of the Kentucky caudidate, in Ohio, forever. Indunn, within the last three months, has come out boldly for the hero, and pla cer) that state on the same high ground which Ohio now occupies. In Illinois, Jackson is sure of two of tbe three votes of that State; while Missouri, ihhe Leg hlature chance the electoral law, and give the choice of electors to the people, will be for him by large majority. Tennes--tr-MWfcippiraad Alabama, have-long been for him. Louisiana, having come out o full in his favor, at the late state elec tion, Is helping us very much, as It has already had a very perceptible effect in all the western states north of the Ohio ricr. , It is now seriously believed, here, that Mr. Clay will soon be withdrawn, as it is n ascertained that the vote of New tt ill ha piven to Mr. Crawford, and of course he (MfTrClay)cannot gef 4nto Congress as one 61 the three candidates, in nrh an event, all the nine Western Mhdithwestem-late-w-ali-be'iQtJck.; eon, which, with, Penn8ylvania, North and Soulh Carolina, will make hi in decidedly the strongest candidate. If it were pos ible for tbe votes of Virginia to be given to him, we hould have much conhocnciB in his election bj the Electors. T. ft(.".-i cf ymif ca.rf.;. " h.u ijUft.tM'l-M''?11 t1 .1 ,..r..!i i.d4 I ' IVf,. lUt w. !.. kw wU.tj htMtii thtre ae " --- v:i yon re im gw'- " , ; glre me tuth IofaritUi of tht rtU'ire iaiilnfhtWlalcaiMll4tMrof Haiti nd U MarjUnJ. M ? w y pooer, end wch whar UUmatlmi m 04 I km iki hohor to be, air, wlk tf,u 1 W jMwaOt., It 4 xaia " "V" raaiwet.AVO. 16, IIJ4 I received tour Utter of lat month. Votl may U ared Mf. Crawford can rxx gt the oaa of tW. M woda lrtomtanre. CeB. Jackioo, from all the Information I Can fcaUl, M ! tote of the atate, ! ihla county, end ...k klUi. Adimiwlllauccecdlbut at we vote bf General Ticket, Jeckano li tar lain of aucxeae. A roe ting t Vloreoee In AUUma, at Kirk Ctoaral John Coffee prtiled, re- olre) that they wwM PTof1 funeral Andrew Jackton (of tko offrfe of Preal- dent of the Unled 5ute. ai ' in tttimttiv a lA kr Wij4e. In Lauderdale county , In that atate, the ote wtm 51T for General Jackauo, 31 for Mr. Adam, and 7 for Mr. Clay. At meeUnt In lIunuU!e. propoUiloo w at atihmitted to declare Mr. Claj the aecood choice of AUbamta Imji the meeting de eld.J thai at General iackaon would cer tainlv receive the oie of that atate, It would be be i pedicel to make a aecood choice. At the late atate election, lo Miuourl poll wa opened for Pre Mdeot in S Charlea, the nreaent eal of roernme nt and the mea were 96 for Jckon, 13 Adama, and J3 Clar. At St, Francii all the votes were for Jackson but one, and that was for Adams. Kentucky The sheriffs from sitty nine counties in Kentucky, convened at Frank ford oo the twenty-aiilh of Augui, lo make return! of the election of Gover nor and Lieutenant Covernor, agreed to compare sentiments on the pretideniiil election- The result of the firat tote j 38 for Mr. Clay, 9 for general Jackson, and 2 for' Mr. Adorns. Leading Mr. Clay out, the result of the second vote waa 31 far Ceneral Jackson, 20 for Mr. Adams, snd 17 for Mr. Crawford. A vote was then laken for Vice President, aeveralofthe sheriffs having previously left the room, end the result was 25 for Mr. Calhoun, 14 for Mr. Sandford, and 9 for Mr. Gallatin. Taking these votes as fair indication of public sentiment in Kentucky. Mr. Clay is her first and Gen eral Jackson her second choice for Preai- dentt Mr. Adams is me mim, ami r. Mr. Adams is the third, and Mr. Crawford the laH ,Mct olAer, tWfMf . for vice Pre tident, Mr. Sandford her second, and Mr. Gallatin Arr last. Notwithttanding the rreommttulation of Mr. Sandford as Vice President, by the friends of Mr. Clay in the Paris convention, it is believed that the electors of that state will gie their votes to Mr. Calhoun. We think that the office of Vice President has been In second fate bands long enough t it n time" th.t ii were restored to its original and intended dignity and importance- trankhn Ouz. JACKSON IN KEWJERSET. In an address of tbe N. Jersey conven tion, by whom electors favorable to Jack ton and Calhoun were nominated, an elo ouent and powerful appeal is made in fa vnr of the hero of Orleans. 44 Venerable remnant of revolutionary patriots, (say thev.l Jackson is one of you. At the age of fourteen, his tender arms shouldered a musket in his country's defence, and with vou. he csn expose his scars as a memo rial of his participation in the eventful struggle. Children of the heroes of the revolution ! his blood was mingled with that of your fathers, nobly shed, to pur chase the liberties we now enjoy. When our frontiers were invaded a few years since by bands of ruthless savages, and whole families were butchered and seal ned in cold blood ; when children were tern from their mothcraibreails, an J their brains dashed out in vindictive malice, or cruel sport, Jackson left the comforts of his peaceful retreat, and. at the head oi his brave volunteers, appeared like a guar dian angel, and brought security to the distressed inhabitants. Days and weeks he marched tbe trackless desert, deprived of food and rest, and returned not till a series of brilliant successes had dispers ed and yearly destroyed the ferocious foe. Need we remind you of the eighth of January 1815, the most glorious day upon which an American sun has set since the jdQe:pJ,lhfijmto was the presiding genius on .that trium phant occasion, when Briton's choicest troops bowed before American valor as grain before the sickle ? Need we recall to your recollection New Orleans saved ; an invading foe exterminated; the repu- & . a . Ait ihtte i::g,H'' dil ''"f1'""' AmerUM gfit.M!t finnm n. . . r,l,tf, Uf tJ k'S" i"f " Antxt l,ih M wlim4 the b,.ia U fsttrt t w aow atterxit Ms wiy , gts wa Mmst trails th.t wt are M ogitiW, Mt M the tls of Jkaoo lht lie unrimtro- Ma I hi U ei tsuca7 im f rTT i.f rjrtrrt. I A ft.. t.eJbiAfementi acooot of ike waatker, lh spltwUd General UF.u? tiiwh place UMfte- nine, the deUf hating g' uw ' ltftUtefPrstlotia. WebalartfWtwng la Mt log, that U was t.he tnoat migolBctW tcte. glrefl twr ftrrir, in i;o " T- . kdcuuate deacriMiofl, II iny lima, wouW be Impossible , end, it ptf ...i . .... ..M kitten inccao wi i rtt an Met of I festival, which realiaes all thai wereaJ Wtne i ar- alui Tales Of .r.biin Nights, wftKnoai fUd the etc and bewildered the Imagto ation and which pioduccd so many power ful combinations, by migniDCtm prep" Utoo, as lo set dttcfipuon alownl et de A Urge painting wit eihlblied over tht r.1 ih cattle retreniing em blems of liberty, but aAer lbs General had entered, it was rolle4 up, aim oemno n was eahibited I trsn-parency repeenting (he t a le of U Gtsnge, In r ranee, un demeith waa writitn k komr. The f fcrl of tKi vtll tlmed and delicate me meow waa ry pfcaiing i in le midst of Ma naiiwnl family, it reminded him or hit rutWe Itnd and thye inmates who .hared In hi pleuufea by aiuUlpHn A gentle btrtie of .ir w felt through the embraairea under the walla of ihe cattle. Tie muie ws in a gHery orer the entantc, and the auperior band from Weal I'olnt UeJ their beat pieces tu-tween each colillioo. The dancing ,nm.,w.f i in eirle hour, and ai ikeurH iha number nrem was eonsia between tit and roCK), there wa still abundant room for the diaplay af laaie anl skill in thoae who tripped It ol the liuhl fntaik toc.M We never saw I. dies more bnl.untly drcsaed; eery llmg that limon ana elegance could devi.e was used on the ocra.ion. Their head di esses were prin clallv of flowers with ornamented combs. and aome with plumes oi ovrun ic..ei. IVkii. .nd 4.lAtk lace dree over satin were rnoailv worn, wi h a profusi of Heel ornaments and i.eck chiina f gold and aiUer, auspfnded lo which were beau liful gold and aiher baHKe meHjN, bear ing a correct likeliest of La Fayette, man ufactured for the occation. 1 he gentle man had auapended from the button-hole of their coals a eimilar likeness, and, with the ladies, had the same stamped on their cloves. A belt or taah. with a likeness of the General and entwined with a rhp - . f ... . 'K:XVr:.rZrLLS tered about ten o'clock, and were rcceiv td with acclamitiotis. He mrch-d rourwl ihe auacious ares, Divine hit re - W ' eratulationt on the occtsion, and apptr lu iu , . ed to be highly delighted and griified. We arc m naible tliat detcription Ullt short of the reality. It demands the pen- ul f Il pkioterrtnd. Ihe-uknt of-4h port to comev an adequate Idea ol thit truly mwiM itK cnt icmvai. nrsiaes " me lechnic-litiesof hich the original design ers and investors ol the dccoraiiuiiS aluue are matters. London leasts of its Vauxhall, r-n of its Chamfi d'Elyitrt, Naples of Sal Carlo. Foreign gentlemen present admitted that they had never seen any thing to equal thia fete in the several countries to which they respectively belong. The blaze of light and beauty 5 the decorations oi ine military officers present ; the comoinaiion of rich colors which met the eye at eve- rv glance j the brilliant circle of beauty and fashion in the galleries s every thing in the range of sight was inexpressibly beautiful, and doing great credit and hon or to the managers, and all engaged in this novel spectacle. The general with his suit retired about two o'clock, and went on board the steam boat James Kent, which immediately sail ed for West Point. The dancing was I kept up about an hour longer, when the com pany gradu illy retiredTnigMy det'gh ted with the entertainment. We have frod of fairy places, says the Gazette, but Imve never teen any thing to compare in splendor and magnificence with the scene which we witnessed last evening. Words are inadequate to con vey to the mind even a faint idea of the reality. The following is the manifest of tho careo of the ereat ship Columbus, which lately sailed from Quebec .Il is peuh,$S the largest cargo ever smppcu hi 41 pieces of oak 425 do. yellow pine, 2800 do. red pine, 54000 staves and beading 55000 deals. e.Vas- . f wj 4 w g gjViuaiD'Jiiiwru UK1 MouMsufxrrr,rra I. Is-'. A'l mst Tfr.a A e A "I ' . . L... . IhU mtit lull M , ' I IK 14 k J kt. W th ' "" Ae aw, k, U a ,-r,"' ur. oVat.! aug U Ite P"7 i'- iU.i ka oia k Mr AiM itt4 rraVyet ui.MilrfteterHepl be kJ- tMa ateaaaf. s he W Ikrt 11 M WpWla . Ad iwJ NurtkUa eJ tbaf .swjT-n oartf. nwaliaAth,d;Uetke Moo!, (thai the If eoeakke p4 p 'Ur klkaaemredfatJ. Aad HW the W attawl J A-klaJ. we WMOaat. thai WIS Uw-dei el b Ike aaal awe that Wed ftclU a Aars UktheftWadaeJaekaoo. , The ajUtJ maiJef La fayvttt hi thla cry, taMol fad af atrti"f Ike at- Ub J all rrti ead a-y prw-t af Mhts to kvfiaie H w J fh a asoral a-poH to Ike owe of ! Jry tkwfW Ike wUW civilMd wavkt It wil awtwsB awakee ike tttwiMW JlU a Tati- aad tora lkrf ftrtioM Aaera-4ke frado we enjoy. td ike glncVooa tevoHitwe by wkkk It waa tfhterL Tky wdl kw led to awmpare tMr tot,i vHk aM wJ s.rt M mrni a iImm poliiir. awl ofl kUiap akiek trt eoMetprwl om iha rWow ef cur l'" liMt. M mt aU aifel the atlewtkw of the kie ami Wtpi of furofw, tie IWy Am- mtr"-. it ,n ri,f Mm ae pwMMTW. . . . I IN .1 dj.Ur a aaual gnuitlr, W rW acLWre-tt ,. of aD otkers, 0y mctUj Ureaa ana arte, U rettt aided U afo4big. U tUa Wralent HJrk; wbal they Kara cobitd Thit dcayMl ratio of aaticml fruUl, win tho rtfiite an ty'tntc Vf WwWated, (and kick k U the policy rkinp and arUotrata to inculnte) wamelr, thai tUpubHct art eneTBte ful." Thia maiim (fuf H kad pwi ime one kaa kmc bren Jirwrei! la the failed lutea bMl in Rortipa, il ' o thia day erected a er tbodos i and doublleta U kaa, on snany oecMioot, .K.l . t.mnr M tlic aMor of Datriot'rim. NoT can k be denied that the kiffory of the ancient RrtMtblica, fum'.Jiet apU proof of tht tmth of thia nrrteful charge the fte of MkitJst, .fnK an.1 mur oK, wko, after bleeding for thir ewintrr, were perveeuled, esilcd, anJ trrtrl r.krwtora,--thow,llat wW lbct He- ptMc the ehtrye it too well grounded i but the ihntU of our country fnmih abuwUiit proof, that r Rrfi'lic it im nffratrful. Amrri-i, on the occation of the vit of Gen. U Ftvette, a a ell at in many other reipeeta, b ill ttaud to the benijflited nationa of Europe, m a cloud by day. and a pillar of firt by nifkt. to g,iile them on ibeir march from the opprea ion ol tlieir tsak-maatera, lo a condition more consonant with the tlijrnity and right of man, Wa inite ecry frrcimn of Northirorina, whether a friend of Jackton, Adams, Clay or rinr, to read the following circular of Gen. - , ., . ,. x.i ...i r..:. r .he irntiment and vieai of an old and rterling Hepublictn, in whom there ia not ihe fminlett shadow of deception liia emiwe will be now, aa it ecr baa been, atraigbi4or- wt;;tth;yiwMeomr wih every one of the candidate! on the peo- plc't ticket, woiikl come out thut unequivocally. that the people might know wA and whul they are x Ti the Fritntb tf Mr. Jackton There it no one who can wish more heartilv for the success of General Jatk n. than mvself. I prefer him, because I believe that he is capable, that he is honest, that he is just, and more identi fied with the people hemselves, than any other candidate : He is emphatically the tieofilt't candidate. He is not flunked for ward bv ereedy expectants: no hireling nrinta are bribed to trumpet forth his praise : it is a movement of the people alone; and their voice, I trust, will be heard. But let the consequences be what they may, I deem it proper, in order to re move false impressions, should any un happily exist, to declare, that my consent i a 1 .L. 1 . a 1 L a oi oeing piacea on inc pcuyio was. and still is, solely with ihe under standing of voting, if elected, for Genera Jackson as President. I feel myselt bound bv this understanding; and I re ioice that I have not yet out-lived my okl fashioned republican principles, that tke rrfiretrntative it bound to obey the voice (or, if you please, the .trr'oni) of his constituents., Candor and fair dealing with the many highly respectable gentlemen in this dis tiict, as well as in other parts of the state friendly in the Aral instance to Mr. Adams demand this declaration, that it may be distinctly known that no understanding to vote for Mr. Adams. I make this-de claration at this time, because the crisis seems to call for it, in order lo silence and put to shame certain of the bfifiotert of General Jackson, and not out of any irr.l, t sry wl.ki in c-. : t i I ."tr , 4 t - it tr, I ii.iil, f, urn i . . . ' ' , . of e .1 t. T : . k I rrnce U, I ttui.fc, st.i.-icni vur.,r at ie ihe court they will curtut, Tktir policy j pears t U our polity w tlt. Uk the sms: principles i snd we are Utk Ike Mends lo lb edu b'utrstloq cf tk. prtteH tcnaraU Cklsl nit,i4tit. T but embarked lit the same Political t . U wt sWm.14 wot qurrl about ( AteaM..pcrdttrtturf tlurtAf ik coote it, w mlghi b cU uj-oo ike roc kt. aad ikiu fU aa tMf priyiolk fdrL rem, who epptar too aovermg irounj ut. My Mtttlmsnti wun ft jar t Mr. Adims, are known 10 m oi my at- cjotlourxca. Dut eves U be postetted, la mTtsUmalloo, superior ci,irStot.ea eral Jacksoo, there k I conctlve, tom. iking Itnprvpey la a ikkel so vwr by lb (muds of both, with any other lew than as General Jackson tnsy U prtftrrtd by tktm to Mr. Craofurd. Mr Ulnar placed opon this tlckci, through ihe solUUaiioni slot) of l fiUnds or Jackson lo IMS dlttrKI. lack nowtedge oo setrtl committee, or twutm, t Kaleiek or elsewhrre. If such etitt or kat eiistod. of the fi tends of Jackwa, I KNOW 1III.M NUf. Myiwn.io. lion has been cooCntd lo the ,. f ihe distriti to no others do I out. or an I willing to owt, any allegiance. (Wt saw a pwbtrfaiUm la tb HJiki " Tret ttm a few wka ainea, I w, rtft-lwVa eat the panph't tick, to W k deckrta, ttnequivoeaDy, that be s UL if tWcicl. volt for On. Jarksuo. And e enoVrtJ dM other caiMtWlaUa oa the peewit's tkkat ill aum Jtkrt ihcmMUea la tke tunnel, rtrniEK indication. At a awrfer of Capt. Panial lutliTan'i aO lw company In tke lower part of David cavi ty, nljoining tht Randolph kne.on lb lthk .w tt taken on tht Prcadcntla quevwa. tbe iMif waa at folio s ; for Andrtw Jackwm, St rUlitmll. Craa ford, about li J'tLn Quinry AUmi, 21 or 11 to Ti tairaa. At a meeting of a number t the eitiiert tf Bumpier Dwtrict, I. C. tht Wtfx litis m Stttetburg, oa ifie 8th uhimo, to a BarW, here wt ttpetel to find the nott of 0 poU ia fctor of kJUmt and Cravlord. it i propoted to ttkt tb opinion of the ptvfU ti tbe PrvtWWntial qieatlot s CoL Jtmc G. aj v ,u called to tht cliair i and after aererl kfri, sd able apeechca were ludt un (he subject. .or of different candidate, Ur. StrpVa U M.ller, one of our tc ntrra to tb tit lep.'. turc,re in forof On. Jetton. H.itnen ii lengUir, and ipprared to cut it waj tl.r.f til oppmitkm. Mr. Miller rated tlt I penonttly trqutin'cd with tlit GenenL tl titen voted i and on emm'ing tbe mr. it "- pwrd there aert P9 for Jackaonjli. tmt i and 5 for Craajjj There were a irnn-herof Tankeet pmert, t appeared warm in the caute of Jifkxjti. Yourt, retpcetfiitiy, tr. W. II. CAPER.' &ft. 10, 1824. rHr.-1he grand jury of netlm"? .... . . -L - . ... county, S. T. at the Ut tern ejneew emrtf' b.llolrd for I'rtVutrffl of lh Iti and. Governor of that state the two itten.U, eonttahlci voting with tbemi the reiult i followt : For PmiJenU Andrew Jtcksem, 11 1 Q A danu, 9 illiaai II. Cmforl, 2 ; He? Clay.l. For Gn, De Wtt trmton, 10 j v" Young, 4 1 John W. Ta vlor, 2 1 Daniel D.Tomr kina.1. At a meeting; of the officer of the lt nw batUlion of Albany county, on a ballot, JaeUw receivel 30, Atbunt 15, Craaford 2, blank 3. At a meeting of the republicani of Phelj Ontario county, it waa retolved, that the con duct of the Senate of tliat state, in refusinr give the election of electors to tbe people, a high-handed attempt to aubvCrt our Tepubt can institutions. On taking a vote for Preside the whole company were for Cen. Jckw. save one. These indications plainly shew, tliat 'ie f- pie of New-York would prefer two, at Irm. the candidate in preference to Mr. Lra'"' hut vet an aristocratical Wfiiilature, probWJ rlisreprd the will of the ieople. and a?- point electors favorable to that gentleman Wr , We perceive from the Newbern Sentinel," the 18th ult. that WilViam 9. Waekledge, M declinea Handing at a candidate OB the Peop ricket and that a meeting was called, to heM in, Ncwbem, on Uie 23d ult. for th pose of nominating a candidate in the pi that gentleman. Mr. B. waa not i?uC to decline from any cnange oi the Presidential queation for he is as ... it i... r.iJ ly opposed to the caucus canuwaic - - will aupport the ciuae.pf ihe people--b ' otherrrive be though otheVcanclTdtelriKV the people's cket, in preference to lua 1 he gentleman to be run on the ticket w nominated by the people tlicmseW, meeting In Newberw. " f f t la I r.

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