U r Ml r.tV .iOMCVt.TfK lL MOCILTt. tW! f ffciM tft lf"l W tht ' .!. aJ IW. UW iB U Wll U fat. A tilvtr ep worth 0 U the must quatUtt of c grown a tny 'l-, ainiUf l rtcUlmtd oW frounj, U ki hft rft' 7." -A silver . Un Inscription, lor a t; 1IB' illf Of Wbttt ffOn on .mi reclaimed land. 1,1. Ten dollar l Ml 6" frteltM ,i.ld oofli from not lci thtt to kui of reeMmtd , . ' 4ih. A Ur rntdl for lb Ust ms 'Mt of phftd. . . Sib. A, o!4 modal for th Usi bull, MX under two, w r eih. A gold medal orth RJ. 'or ibt U.i htlftr not nvtrt than thret f fitl old. 7ih. A silver tup worth BIO, tor tat Lett roUVh cow. ' g,h. An eUisnt brldlt f the besi SuHk lo Improve the breed f ddl boms, to t er-ed In Ron commv. tb. Tel. dollar tor tht Ust St-UiGO lolmprott the Uted of woik horses, to b owned In Rowan. lOtb A two horse Dagon plough for tbe best brood mare. 1 lib. 1 en dollar tor the bei to.t, no let then or, nor mora than tour, yrjrt Id neattpring. IS.b. 1 ho tiisi for ih bett Gllr, time gt. 13th. A nt brt Dgon ploofh far the bctt mute, not let iha one, nor mote that ior yeart old next opringj. iib. tiro dollar tor ibt tot mv. I5ib. Tb mim fur lUlxrt bor. 1 6th. Two tnd s bklf iolUn for the U t ow pl. 17th. The iime for the bet bojr pig. 1Kb. Two dollar tor tbe bett ewe. I9ib. Th lime for tbe bctt rim. SOlh. A ct of tea tpooni for the best piece of home-made curuin do b. H'n orrj premium tor 2ml and 34 (jualiiira. IIU. A aet of tc apooni lor the bett piece of uLle luieo, not lei than tvelte tarda. 32itd. The lime for the beat piece of wool aod cottoo cloth, not leaa than ten tarda. 33J. The iame for the beat piece of woolieo f loth, tot la than twelve yard 34th. Five dfJIar tor the beat piece of borne made cotton baejtlnK. 95th. lo dolU' tnt the beat piece of rope, not lea than JOIha. S6th. An honof? premium for the bett piece of horuc-nwdc carpeting, not let than 20 tarda. 27lh. The ame tor tbe beat pair oi woollcfl aiockinffa 28ih. the tme tor thel5eT37irdroT more, of fl'nnel. 39ih. The aame for the brt specimen ef all aorta of farmin utenila. JOHN DCAHD, Jr. &c'y. Ort. 4, 1824. r t f'.r;,'ftt, i 1 f t i , ini K ( r l,!i tiiM)inr i.t ! (,'l'1,'ltl'rf." N'tit. M II I tui ! ! (. V t?.e fcri(!u'iin hi !'.! ' hrrt l ltKt, gc.fftdinf to tlii rriKft of the ,wgri rJr, uh Ufja lumi t.1 nntf 19 lUoil of the )itrUt of C'blumUi, ml f Ihf Wf rrniry, , aJMhlo heUriti!itomiff the Vc:em 5utc, gret prt of whkh moner wlJI to loaf tortrto the naiUn by the ullure of thct taitka. II he did go bf IM Coflliullc, It w tot lh comtitution of Ibt UoUad fwu tor that ;. mf W 1 !riw4r(,m Ikt Trrm $ury, iu in niif Mr iiflrtflriaihm m4i hi Uw' tec 9ib cot.a. U. 7tl batlmroene auma dlJ not Mr. C draw from the Treaiurf "witUul I He author fit of the law, tof the purpote of tonlit( K 19 ibt paper Bna i the DUtrlcl bf Columbia, and in the Wrttern tiatcal To be tore, thla Ditinlfirrnce on the part of tho Secretary, bit made all theM bank Mi ftlcndi and dvortci for the tt ptetldencf but then theroa Mn eati tor the whittle. wa the contii'iiUoo hia culde, when be rrrere tn tf te, end appointed to It hit friend cite B. liiomaa, at ao enormoua ulary, t tat m . to trerte tn wcatcra Dtatca, ciec tioeerlnj for Urn f Out It 1 utelct to multiply rct In the hittorv of Mr. C'. public life. The Alitor of the Ketitter bat ritenap bU rf ftori(e, Mr. Adam, In order to hrlp the caute of the cauiu candidate. No rfouU he hi hia rcavxia for it i M (he la borer la not without hi hire." larirK embarked In the caute, hia teal know a rtu bound. Wert Mr. C. to take the twi tiiiution, tnd tear it to plerea Ufort th eye of the Kduor of the fri.(r. it er would lull aar, M bit gui le lle cof.s'ltu lion. no catcva mix. LA FAYF.TTR IN NORTH-CAROLINA. Ai ike mrelinir in FatettenMr, to ' - n . tea tm wiiriH fiaoimit. -b-ltort-c4UbelIlMlcisLhJlegliter 'ri.nrtt!d a fulsftine iancVric" on thnr prttent favorite, V. II. Crawford, in the followine woidat Hi object will be the happinea of the people, hi meana rranonu. hi Etude tbe ctinttitution." What t tent heTefr comment. 4 Hi mttni economy !" Will it be the aame aort of economy that he exhibited in col lectins; and manaeine the money ati ing from the lalet of public land in the West, by which the n.tion will we rood part of one million of dolUr f Wil it be the aame apecievof economy that led him to employ hi tufiftorttr, Jasst U Thomas, to ride through tbe Wetern State electionerrinc for him, at the ex Dense of the United State, under the pretence of inspecting the land office Will it be such economy a he extended toward tbe Ute Collector of the port of Wilmington, in this atate, who, by the in dulgence of Mr. Crawford, recently fulled for more than 8 100,000 1 which will be wholly kst to the nution ? Tbi drfaulter is now t thorough-going advocate lor the election of his friend, M,r. Lrawtord. . It has been publicly tdmitted by some -of MrrCftwfordsrbett informed friend Mr. Randolph, amonR others that be im. Crawford hat only lost anout a; per cent, on all the public money since he has been Secretary of the Treasury, vi: 3; per cent.' on about one hundred ' millions of Dollars : which is equal to 3 millions of Dollars. . this, to be sure my appear very trifling in the, eyes of . the Secretary, when, one time, he m"0 a mistake of three tnilliona of Dollars in . his annual report but to us, 'the people, looks to be t prety round turn i It is more than the total valuation of all the . Jands in; . five counties of the state. I this be the sort of economy 'that wllTjE , iov the election of Mr. C. as it. prececied it, we msy, at ihe same time, lock put for one of its necessary concomitants, name i)'i lor a system of dlml taxation an a cii-.r J t! t f.'.V1) h!fi n 1 51 I y f .r Ufa bf (t. C.UiiU 'irntir,i II Vkt I'xtl'lcnl h jxrte sud t Con-ff it 14 K.f t-t IM Ul sent 1. 1 it! by the Kng of Lif Cf, P. U On the IV tb, at 4 t'lUI A. -i le fort dy licht, he wat ctituted ai tk head of the trwty. fhif Mf h C4 bolJlf, having prttUxjvly mtt Imt speech inawor J rmmfntt uLrh (if tht lroA y itri $t U(iitt it iMr duly. AN bis lulii art dcuiwd under t strong guild, tnd it It reported thtr will suffer tbt tmt puniahnxM t tht Fwperor Tht Wot h exprrtw 4 t with to rtturn to Loodon tnd brig tbf ret of hrr hildreo, tlx la sutubcr, along with br to Ihlt country,' Capt. H. tdd, that Iht brig Sm, blc b brouh IiurbMt tut, bad that mor nlng tailed fof Ni Urlcan or Hina j nd that It was wc U sit did, for 50to dicrt trrivtd immdtcly afterwardi to Ukt pomsttoo of brr. Dy tn trrival af'Kew York, accounts from New Orleans to the 9Sth Aug. had been received. Tht ticknett, at that date, was Incretting. About tm perton died daily, of tht yellow fever. The thermometer had, for two rpootb put, (from June to tht Ut of AuguttJ ranged fruni 87 to 99 oegrte. ffmik f ClrkM-rb4 TUmtxi of llnltb ri ihU rit , rt jxifl Un Ml cM of TiUn f'rrrr, O b 17l rrA fi on I hi XMU, tm vrt tUe I Vi I), rr on 7nh, ir on ll 2Iu, rw ncv cms on ih mm! t new caan on Uc 'jtl. the Hnanl ilot rrtort ttjr Ai dratba by yrlluw (trr on the Xb, fur on (he 21, fnr on tlit .'.'J, aitJ MafM tbe lid. f t f AN(i aaitU.I h.a.w in t' y 1 1 4 ,. C. il'n I, kfit U llil ihU'n'imi 4 Hit Iovb liJ J ( ill iMini'f, I ill ItrWul lifl'w lt r u t,rh , iii im, b Iiiiim t)Ua klrfl M pnMMjlul Iwti'ftsaa, Haliibur Liht Infuntrj. TUV art CMniiil4 W fpr at tlit Court. 1 IUn mm h Flit U IhVl-t Mr. al 10 a'lWx k, A. St. rm4 bhJ Kiiiir rwd a (! law Jk1 It ht rwHta4 a; Uil LU. P; tfdr a? f !. Iff. "&. l.r.WIt L'TZM4K, a. K.H. ft la rtrtunted tbal tboae tWakait f"" rrwHld tlrwlrn 'nH iSt wriifum a-hp If tU CMVf.fif, i0 doaol tbe day Ofravivw i at at la 4rrd that Ute compary iliWiU bol l tW nk anl MMbot ia the retKMit tbkh ! juatly Hi tua. Convention cf Ft. IVtrrltir. Vfv. It. In., rilir. b4r nr.'.rr t!i'i riw'Hi, n a'iir. 1 !? U(,ll4 'h lr.4. tthantuusl lr't tirtM, tK. llrcl ..r.nW ( lfr, to ll-. 1 ll .irt ImI'o liif imU 1 ttrfy ), lit )um ilH.i..r.'tl; n.r ba diM-, krvUf tba tixinkufilii t'ur ill U,i Ukta fna tbf ti.ia t4 l-t.l U', lluivlrvj livl .il.t llulUrt. Fur all tHnaa ttn firm, lU ttt AUI4V , tMrorl ami mjli-C J.wa, t.rtW MiJM drl iM MiKty lkliA For ail IImim lakie Injra lla)tarv., Virginia, ImI ad Wlwf hlalMM U Mlto, ! 11 t t'ot,i,in Mottrr ibt Joe HatM'4 cmvrin.HL rt1 il.y, wmI'V ,! i New iujijiIjt of Fresh Gooth. rnilF.auUcrXcrii reelig d ttiiiig a J. larf iiwl ftrvnl Maortnwftt of aUliwbt CW, it bli aturv ia hl.Jury, from Fli.Ia drlb and New Tork i and ia atwlt arrwijft. BVfttl to ril from aaid pUrrt, mmlUi, anl furtbrr aumy be ntcrvmrytU-tlni with car, and UiJ m at price that till inftble bua to aril itry lo. Iln uoirr, ml tbr public it law, irt rrfutly invited to Call, r umine. and jmlrt fur ibamieWca. j. mi bpiit. .f.i..rv, I:4. 6niW K. It. Cnnntry Produce of aD kind, rcccivet) in firtuwyr. W ar UiirH lo ), that tbe lit IT rr ni4ufi ItiTrnacmft, b in hliihurv on SaturCy and StitwLn.tlie I6tb ami ITtk) day ot OctwUr antl ' fti f'hri('i CMiurcb (Uuvan tn on MrlnrtJav mkt preparation for the reception !' tl th.iUv prrMmn, ib lh and ItU daii (ien. Lt Fiyettt.Cot. Holme Wat pre j nf Oruitrn t ab.rh lim iml plarn tif Iter. nt. and cordullv entered Into the plan ,l n"V wu't wy onwnanre o, m ' i i ..,,..., i . ! Lord i HutiiKr, tod U ntei of toonntaUon h...nn.mn!i rwftrvKrt. ana eiDrottrtl at ' 1 ' m t i ... r - - . with that the reception of La 1 lyttir in North Carolina mltht be In a atvle correa pondent with the patriotic feelings, the lute, and tbe pecuniar) independence ol the citizen of the state. At tbi mee'inr, It wa revdved that a forrepondenre be openrd with the police of Rileigh, Wilmln'on, kc. to induce the co operation of thote and othrr town ; that a deputation be aent to meet Cerv a Fayette tt Yorkton, a. and invite him lo honor us witti a tiit i that an es cort of cavalry be sent to the line of the ttate, to meet the General ; that on Ms arrivsl in Fayetteville, the military, the rititena, the pupil In the tcademiia and achool, be formed in double line, facing inwarda, and aalute the Gen. tnd bit e rort while patting through that trium- olul arche he thrown acres the bridge and the piincipal atreeta that during the CWfrrn, tft. 24. r ttttrn Vm imall aaki of pnm L'plarak, of (lie oUI rror, hire brr effected tlio tek it 13 rent, and a portion of tbe new crop now in Ibr ntaiket, it offered at the aame p'e t tltt beat aampba, bovever, of tbi Utter descrip tion, arc lit Id at liijtM-r rale. I tvnrr. TIIK arroM anni'tmrr of tb'w icb 'y, ill be kokUn at lk ClMtrch in ktoeniilon, on TuruLit. Ilcl. 26th. Tbn betpr one of tl divi lotxMOtcd ut hlnr lit county court, n M UHd ttM many ai nna K roneniem w aiund. The clrrri men of rrnr eVnomiMilion, re inrited lo bt preaent, and aid the cauae of ll.e inrUtutHM tlinr cnunaeli aai eiuonaiion. Su! rlbcrt at 1 maigrn are requeatcd t arl tk tlinr arcouuii with tbe Treiwirer, on or or. lure tlt dy, a Urje amount U tow du tn tbe parent aocictyi C. F.l)l)V, Stcrttary. ValnaMc Property, for Sale. ON Mon.Uv, tbe 2Jtb day of October neit, before tie Court. Ilotiac door in Lincoln- ton, ill be eol.1, at tbcnll'a aale, for Caah, Ute Mo wg article! of real and penonal pro- nrrte. il : 8U0 arm of lnd, h ing on either aide of DnU'i creek, at tU junction ith tti Ca'aaDa rirer, and etciM.nf, for conidcrble dince, long lU aw.! nn-r, ail joining tne lainii oi i eeu, Knimereon, ) bite, atw otbera, inrluitf of vrry a III. 1 1 ' I . .-.Ka',i.a j ejaellent ami vantage ri, t.....i Hbree conrenient firca, all, at prrarnt, in gooj renair. and ntuateil on a Hiram anruinr, at 1814. Mrt. Thomn ha left mimrrona and reapectable train of connexioiM, to moura the loaa of an amiaLle friod and compatuon, and t pioua woman and devoted christian. In RaJciifh, on Hednrida, tbe 15th inat. Mr. Itenj. F. Haywood, oklrtt aoa of tbe late file- a a a - . .a t i ' ,:i .,.m r,. .li.i. p'w-n i lira-(xxi. in our uar paper, wun meain- proce.tton, the artillery ahtll fire a salute," P wt Mnounced ib,i.th of tbe .nd all the bells in town be runs ; that on rMlhe. aMi v. become our painful tk to tbe night of the djy tbe Ce. ahall arrive, j roonl another inatanre of mortality In the aam .... - ,.ii !-.-.: r .l. ' ..:!.. n- i .... here ahall oe a general iiiumiiiauon w i "c , ramiiy. r, mj w.u wu m 1Uc j town i that a D Quilt. Ultincr irii nri J " . . .. .. h(i7TWTW A.ir. and a ball in the eveninc: mat tne,rr,-"- " , (ien. be presented with a suitable addrea, by the chairman of the committee of tr- Uir.lt, Vrir rotiimbia, Maury cotintv. TenncMce, on the 254 of Aiigna Ut( with a aliort but atvere tttTy (raaon, a mmcieney of Ur for the a illiiraa, whieh aiie bore itb an amiable retigna- p(H4l purpoar of mat binrry. 1 ue land ia well lion, and a I ort it tide vbicb few but f.nntiiani ed to the culture of cotton, corn, wheat, ever poaaraat-d on Tike occasion, Mrt. .Inmtth j other (Train. , Tkmmut, aged 40 yein, contort of Isaac J. Hom. I 4 third prt of 9 77 acre! of well tint- a. Pjki. (and danditet of CanCJamea llouaton. k.l knt Ivinr on the waten of Mountain dee'd.) both natieei of Iredell county, N.C. from , Cnck. a.tiointne the Unda of Fulenwiiler, Ab. vuenco uiry remorco 10 I enoeaare in ue year ; rrnathy, l.ooK, ana oiiicra, anu wmi""'n (oftwHutHin tit the IW,i prr,ibd b tl.e il articlt if tbe f.rtirtH.n, notifUd Irrmtnrytif att that tVv wm,fyrajr m ml broteed ia tb eim.ioatii of (ha IkC U . tivt lit vkemr it may be .!-. ittnl It lliMti, Ilia noard tnet IJuurn4d lr Vt ,ilUv. tM Bib licttniber nK, nUn, if b rAnitit ' Li, aball, U ibt awiq lime, be nee bed, ibry ill proceed to an eiammiu-m of tha iUln. bkb may bt in a atate. of prtparatWa tur betr. ........ Ibt Hoard hu dCMrd tbat tbf Irttlmony of itneaart lill be recied in riling, unUai t perMMial elimination nl.aJI b rnpiirrd. The Iloanl I'M aln uVrdlrd ttat all imnMi nf tle ebumanta, tbcirarrn,iorr(MiiiM'tllunbe in writing. JAUKI UAkLit, btc'y. rrraraiT ae triva, HiU,r, I JA M IH.'I. J NOTICE : CitiitMof the t'riited 'i fi himr Claim mvlrf the Irealy of (.l-nl, toe lvei and othrr priwte pmjicrt), ukrn from them during- tbe late war brtorrn tbe t'nited Mate and lnt Hrilain,lre hrrrhy rwHifird, I1il the l)rimili4 Um. rr(iiircd by, tlit ribj-nned irticlr nf tba t'onvt nlxm of Ml. I'rtf rjnirjr, will be U'h be. 6f Ikt Juint (Unnmiton fur aarertainin an drtrrnrtning the nwiunt nf aocti claim, at ill next meeting in tbia ritv, on the Bih of IWeem. brr nelt, (n the trr wnt yrar i that aorh ai Kara not alrra.lv eibibitrd tbrir Cbuma, and Ibt ri denrrl of thi-ra lo ibia IVpaTlnnt, Buy do to before that lime. Aimri.r. im. When ibe trti rabie of a'arri aliall bi been karertainrd ami Gted, I tie tao conmiitaHin en aliaJl ronaliliite hoard foe the r lait.iraiun of Ibe cUimiabich are to he awkmi'ttd lo rfrm, ami tbey aball noUfyt uVcerrtary 'if State of the l Statra, ibat tliey arc reailv lo rrrrire I d finitie lit of the i'avr ami otbrr piito property, fur tbirb the litienaof tbe I'nit.d Statei claim iiMlcniniftcition i it In in umlrf. atood ami hereby ifrrrd lliat the conimii n hall not take coyniance -f, nor rrreifr, an I lliat bit Britannic maji'iy ahall not be rrqiiind lo uiakr comprnaatrun fr ant claiina fur pirte property under the ISrat articli- of the treaty nf t.hcnt, not contained in the aaiI liat. And tiii BriUnnic mjev hereby ennjrri to cauae ti be prml'iccd before tbe romMii.ion ia ntnA toaanli a ertaiiiinp facta, all the evi'K nrra f Vbicb hia majcatj'a (fiernni, nt mar hi i, na. aeaaion, by rrltirn imm hia majeit) a ornrrra or other iac, of the number nf atav. rarrii d e ay. Jut tbe etulnce to prtidnccd or tti t ti elite, oeaa, atiall not go In bar of anv cKim or claim which ahall be otlierwiac aatiaftctnnl) antlitrti- catfd. 4t29 llr SATURDAY'S MAIL M e bvc received by tbisdav'i mail, from tbe rangementi and that all the oIdiert of Sfctury of "Sincerity I-odVe," at Clinton, the revolution in the (ate be invited to honor the occasion with their pretence ; tnd, in fine, that every cuuen ol Norm Carolina, who ctn make it convenient, be requested 10 add? by bit prettiweot oib. erwite, to the imereit of the scene- W e have no doubt but aome of the anient ol. Salibur"y, and other part of the ten., will co to FatcttLtille on this occasion-! For their satitfaction, we will advite then through out columns, of the timr. aa n a we can learn it, ol tne Georgia, reaobition paaaed at meeting of the member thereof, evincinr their rrjrret for the death of their Junior M arJen, Mm tf. Mvnnt, (a hor death we noticed a week or two aince.) It ahall be intertrd in mir next. trlA ygrtb-Cr"linian!LfK'" ibo find a con- pituoui place in our cnhimm next week. '.uatiuiitiLW mine of iron ore Alio, 6 likely nrgrtf, ont of whom bt an cetlent baiunuriuan, bWomcr and large car penter. AU the property of Col VTm. BUrk, etecu i,.l the instance of J. F. Brevard and !. II Forney, adminiitralori of the ettate of llonr dis-eaariL and other. And. alao, 30 au rci of Und on BalJ'a ereek, dtoinfnr tbo aforeaaid tract of Col. Black 'a. Including a comfortable daclbngJiouiH!, and ,il.rF nrrcraaarv out-buildinirt, rood tnat mill I ' MtfuLr jaw julloitQ!Lg'l' tr- the property Hru- ben Kmmeraon, eicculea artne umanv o u tame. .... The fcrtilitv of the eoiL nd healthy ntuiUon ol tbe bove lamta, on nd ncr tbe bank ol ihr r.itaba river, a river tahich bklt fair, t fi.tiir. iliv. to afford a rrcat tource of arralth to ibe weitcm acction of our ttte, lay ing uide their other and great advantagra, ouglit loTie'aufficient inditcementi for purchier i and it u to he hooed that peraoni wiahint-to obtain great bargain, will view tbe prcmUct,nd at- tend the iwlc. G -n. I. a Favrtte returned from Albany to Ne- vork on 'be 20th tilt.; wd wu expected in Pliiladclph'm on the 28th. JACOB FORNEY, Sheriff. Jjnrolntm,, Jul 26, 1824. 2U7 Fayette in the ttate. m.. -.1 ' U'.n. V VnrV nr. rllVal 01 L.fll. o,, ,,u FnirlUh ..Wr. n Intr aa WWl LIU7.1L. The Sultana, arrivrrl at New York from Rio Janeiro, left the latter brr on the eighth of August. Alfred P. hdwards. Em. a naasenirer, is the benrcr ot aes patches for this government and for the Brazilian charge des affaires. Both the Portugese and the Brazilians had lost all confidence in the emperor, the Utter con sidering him ready to surrender the coun try to his father. All the northen provin ces, from the Amazon lo Bahia, were hos tile to him, and would not acknowledge the new constitution. General tarvallo, Kovernor of the province of Pernambuco, is at the head ol the opposition, ne nas recommended a convention to establish a povernmeiit for-lbcmsclvesThtem I peror has secured the navy ana me army, which consists of 7,000 men. The Por tuguese expedition intended against the Brazil was given up. Tbe intelligence from tht northern provinces was alarming who ordered an embargo on the 26th of July, and all the vesseltof war in Rio Janeiro were prepared lor tea, with a number of transports, having on board 2000 troops under General Lima, and the squadron under- Lord Cochrane, destined lor Pernambfur The first bWkadihir souadron of Pernambuco un- mndnra Taylor, reached Rio UVI vv aaaxMwi w - r- Colombian Reiubt of " late date, from Bogota, state tht Bcl'var, with his charactetisuc magnanimity, nao ue the ll'h of Aufriut. We exlracl tbe following item, relative to the market : Uverp-l, Jue. 11, 1824. 44 The demand lor Cotton ibe hurt three day hat been but moderate, tnd the total talc from the 7th inat. to laat evening have been hut 3877 bijrt of all dcicriptioni. Of thii quantity, 2238 ere I'plandt, uxl told at 7 to Vl i 221 Orltana. 8J lo lojd ) 288 Tenneaaeet, at 7 J to 8 i 173 white and 123 lUined Set Inlands, at llltol9d." FOKE1GN NEWS. Capt. Fletcher, arrived at New-York from Gibraltar, confirms the intelligence, via Philadelphia, that the constitutionalists had possession of Tarifa. He informs that the royalist and French armies were in the rear of that place, when he passed on the 15th ultimo. He at the same time saw two French frigates, lying off and on the harbor. It was reported at Gibraltar that 300 cavalry, which were sent to Ta rifa, had joined the constitutionalists. A revolutionary spirit had slso discovered itself in several other parts of Spain, and the inhabitants' had taken up arms against the king, and it was expected that the whole country would, In a short time, be in a state of revolt. In addition to the above, we learn from letter received by a respectable merchant in this city, that the French had been re puted three different times at Tarifa. , Wo also learn.from captain .Fletcher, that he, came : down the fM1)."0" py with a BruituS squadron giers, bound to England, the Dey -having compromised his differences v kh Great Britain. - Listof Letters CHAINING in the Poat Office at Concord, rtb Carolina, on tbe lat ttetober, loJ. RENo Wm. M. Alexander. Alexander Bain Kev. Gcurge Bogcr Solomon Burrii Jamci Bro u Samuel Black jqbn Mack Robert Hipgtr Peter C. Bogcr. John Crothen Williiru Collin Noah Conine June A. Collin. Chpt. J. Dangerfield Jamci Dickaon. Jamri F.agle Phillip Kagle. Hubert Flemming Abraham Fox. Cbriitiui tirefrory George Goodman Chrittiun Goodnight. Leonard llaglcr lajjmefjlarria Charity Honeycut William Harria Lewii Honeycut Joseph llowcl John Hamilton Williim.G. Harri Jamei flarrii Thompion Hunt Samuel S. Harri. l'28 John Johnson. lird Kirknatrick Mobert Kirkpatrick. F.noch Morgan John 8. M-Curdy Samuel F. Mormon Jamci M Calebi John 8. M'Calcbl David U'Lure Hector MCchron Uavid Miller Margaret Means Samuel M'Curdy Hubert Mean Matilda M'Calebl Jame M'Calebl William M'Clellan. William Newel. Hobert Fickena Benjamin I'luukct Peter Plena Hannah Park Elizabeth Plilcr Elizabeth Pbifcr. John Tlogcrl ChriHtophcr Rinehart Permenio Hoger. Michael Side Eliiha Spear Robert U. Weddington William Wilson George Whitly Benjamin S. Weit. 1). 8IORKK, A. P.M. Private Entertainment. milK lubwjriber ha opened a.bou'e of Pri- L vte Entertainment wtiere I ravciier can be accommodated. He promiie all who call on him. rood treatment, with plenty of beat tb cat and drink. ma H. It. SATTEBWIHTE. WiiktukernvirK J? fcclar-ttions jn Ejectment, j'rtr le aTthia Office. To Journeymen Tailoro. I WISH to employ a Journernian Tailur, mv mediatelv i good wage ami ateailv employ, ment will be' riven. J U:B RlilKUX. Ur.ntu,, .V. C. (kt. 1, 1824. 3t28 State of Nortli-Cnrolina, wiikis tovxrr St'PF.RIOR Court, in Pquity, Septem. Term, 1824. John Bryan . Jc)li Pourti r, Fnn- cil Pourtrr, Aaron ( Imniber and Ixjiiiiw bit wife, Jamei Pourtrr, llnekiab Hall and"Jarah hit wife, WiluamPinirrerTJotmtmirntnd l cy hit wife, Elijah t'orm-U and F.liiabeth hia wife, Mary Jolmaon (willow,) late Mary fmirtrr, nd Jane Gamble (ido) la'e Jane Pourtcri Original Bill : lt appearing to the tatiafartiam of the court, tin ll the defomlaiitt, except Juacph Pourter and Francii Pourtrr, are inlwhiUnu of notlicr atate, ordered, therefore, that publica tion be made in the Writrrn Carolinian for aix week, requiring the taid di'frmlanu liipg nut of Ibt tU'.e, to atipeir at the next court of equity to tie lieM lor tne county nr tt inmt, at the court'houae in Wilkrtboro, on the icond Monday in March next, and plead, anawer or demur to laid bill, or judgment pro conft wo will be taken, and the urn. act for hearing cx parte. . BAKUE1T, e km.t. Price adv. T5. Ml c State of North-Carolina, roh-ah covnrr. OURT of Pleaa and Quarter Rcaaion, An. goat term, 1824. John Scott William Lamm : oriirinal UacKmcnt, levied on laml. It ppering to the refaction of the court, that the defendant in th'it ctte i n inhabitant of n- other tate, it it ordrrrd by the court, that au vertiicment be made three wecka, ucceivcly, in the Wevteni Carolinian, printed in Salisbury, that tbe defendant appear t our next Court tf PkU ana Uuartcr ncationa, to oe ticiu ior ma county of Bnwan, at tbe court-houae in Saliabury, on the third Monday of November next, then and there to plead, or demur, or judgment will be entered according to the plaint itT'i di maud. il28 JOHN GILES, Cl'k. State of Nort'i-Carolina. mo hah tovsrr. GQURT of Pleat ami Quarter Sewiom, An gnrt7tm7I824TiFr non Smoot t originil attachment, levied, kc. It appearing to tbe at'wfaction of the court, that the defendant in tbia cane it an inhabitant of an olbeT atate, h It ordered by the court, that ad. vertiaement be made three week, tucccMively, in tbe Weatern Carolinian, printed In batubury, that the defendant appear at our next ourt of, Pleu aitd Quarter Se!tm, to be held for the county of Itowan, at the court-house in Salisbury, on the third Monday of November next, then nd there to plead, or demur, or judgment vull he entered ccording to the plaintiff f demand. it28 JOHN GILES, Clk. Sheriffs' Tax Deeds. DEEDS for Und old by Sheriff for of Tom. for sale at the 'Carolinian' office; . - For asrtc at this Office.

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