r a.: . v, .: v. ft ! i V I tiii: urn:. tat iri, ?. W A-a" U.ftaf. V. h .'T In y iM I Ali.gi hrwM ed rtwt f P(. lb trh!j lj 1 ponces U fci V 1 k iwlrt 4 Uuwwt of fm i Ml tre Yt Vr!irf hUe fr !, TUa Sh U.t .1. ck W rwMy ' i fu U Wf Vttt TVt 1U, i4 t wtM lit whW. Urn's beauty U 7 J TW jW U f J-ii 1-. ' - fa it a U Uf A.eO.rUf Urt 1W paat m tuH U iMr kowetii ', . ht U Vr laie, ky fcney iK 4 th AJI trw7 rf lVowei NUIxr tMW,' ewJ tdnd, I And words and KUM, tack rn4- 1W p'are t!l it to sertpke 4e. 1Ut aoart nift 4 t heart) i Itere't qxt U any Jane. tHI Tit f ITtt ITITM MTtSatf taltTTt. A tIACMKXT. TVir lietet, I M C4 m thou in sow, A thlntU fcfe w4 Joyaa i the my brew, CuUwWd by UM Of cere, m woeh, "7 mi!, Like rhiae, wet buoyant rtnrf. eoi'ed At winds thai twerp tht ftctaa. VTtilel ftM t'pON 0, Mil heboid lb iflMefil ;, I lV U 1 14 of JcpUt4 U) I Joy, nho riraitmbnitc only briogi rrgret. Now (H7 art f-mt frr. OtK, Ike (W, I mt4 jHSotf t HttU i tiicro, titxy-fn, Tianiig 0 Mtar 'ith iairntt tict(bl VTIth M MiMalod, cloyWw tppctil. TUy tn lixt cbiUiAJ WU llut I cmll Hsrk my o dtHJUh fcrLnpt, bn lh Jprmj , Jutt lWtSi Into BuiwiTf, tlutrtl lb iwdi 1 Hh TrivJ vcrUitc, il Ut rutltin; iouli fto(tUJ llrllcimt WHltie J Of Wikl With conr.inj t'.orma, villi ckiutU en ctoodt uppilc J U tful frarvWur, fhl with itl thaitoLWJ Loud tbrrati tht lfrtt, Minttr citr.e id Autumn of til her bf uy. aiickiiX'k"ou8 ,fr. iritiie: tend you. f r nttnUm in Uie Wetter Carolinian, m estnet from M Mirm of PrtiiJcnt AppJctofi, on " lixlr pendmee of Clrctr," - Hi citrvi it vimU fron matt u1uom of xUrcHrt dctWrrtJ t lUe timutl cummfKcmcnU of Dontloin Collrpt, (ttate of M-iiiK,) from 1833 to 1818; by to Appleicm, D. D. Tb wriiinp of this gcnlknwn, wUlch bit bn publuhed rincc bit dtiih in 1819, but Which art not generally known in tlta South, how hire to hart bern a profound Theologian, an ab! netapbyaidan, an accomplished writer, and an eminent Christian. In the opinion of the transcriber, this extract it pecuHarl adapted to the circuiMtaneei of yoar yoonjtr readert. Vourt, Le. L. What then, yorj my k, it ttttty Independence of character? I aniwer, . jt coniista tojinjhabitual determination ' of the mind to regarJ oljecti accord din 5 to their value i in making the best use of our own intellects for the discovery of truth and duty j and in a resolute conformity to them when made known. While it rejects a ser vile imitation of others, it does by no means require a contempt for their aentiments or example. Nothing can be more inconsistent w ith an indepen dent spirit, than to profess conviction, when you do net feel itt or to say, that you now perceive the falseness of lormer opinions, when you are only convinced that present interest re quires you to renounce them. Twact agreeably to the directions of reason and conscience, though present advan tage or the popular sentiment be on the other side, is to maintain the high chnmcter of a rational being: to act under the impulse of appetue, in con tempt of reason and future interest, undeniably implies the most degrading servitude. In connexion with these remarks, I cannot forbear to ''suggest, that the term independent is never mere abused than when applied to the duellist. To defend this practice on the ground of TiSCTarfilfiesrwiltliardTy betfempTeoT There is a glaring disproportion be t ween the punishment intended, and the crime tillered. -But under certain circumstances, it is said, if a man do not either give or accept a challenge, he loses his honour that is, his popu larity. Now, suppose this person were a little more unfortunate than he is, and lived among those with whom it was unpopular to pay one's debts or to fulfil a promise, how can helbe assu red that he would not neglect both on the same principle on which he justi Mp'"" '' '"'gucH' neglect.' " '',' - But it you require examples of true r magnanimity, conduct which covers wYi rt!, - M f 0 fv t,ry tmy hi . ', 'nr-l in ttE ''' front H lurrd " I i h"4,l ,, C.,u!Mtt c.f him, wl,f wcttI an.l rrr t mil arcornpUnmf rt hJ, t.f tfry imrt JimtM, f Ued him In the hi?H coft lm:t of rharioh chief cipuioj ttJ who, whils aurinjllia dithmeou snJ l.iM protpetu ff on t Vitl ;ntti)r, d.ltfiCI nd fn?er ea tha other. nsMf eituimt ran JV lM t wtMnn tin nj-aiail CJf Such ill duct f th first aJvocstts cf Chis tltnity, who, whea fofWdJea by ruJtrs .f iht Jewlib Church lo frtith ia th rtimt of Jetus, Mwerfd, u hrthft U h rifht h A.I Cd, tt ktatltn unit ytu mm than ti Gnft judge ye. Such ss th con doct of that Bobli Jews, wh were raited from the coadittoa of CJ(ivei to preside over the sfftlrt of the pro viocs f llahvloo. Whet eiUed to snake their election Utweea a public set of idolatry, ja which thoutsods were rogsged, and Immediate delta, lo its most trrrifieg form, lb ej so iwtred without evea requiring them to deliberate. f it h it, tur Gxl, tektm wt itrtf, U uUi ti dtttvtr tn frtm tht burning Jlrry furnace, and he win dfUvrr ut tut tf their handt, U !. But if not, It H known unto thtt tee -uiw nit serve thy godi, nor wonhip tht fOUen tmagt unnn tnou hail tet ufi. Proofs of an indepen. dent spirit more noble than, tnese, can neither be found in the history of the world, nor even painted to the imagin ation. With such eharacters, would you compare the spirit of a datlliit, the spirit of a aelf-murdcrrr, or the spirit of him who sets st defiance holrsomc Uws and moral restraints .' Cao you tec the least resemblance be. twrn him who sacrifices reputation and life to moral fi'.ness and the will rf God, and him who, in contempt of both, makes similar sacrifices either to hit own passions, or to the applause of those who think as little and act ss rashly as himself If there be true dignity on earth, it is found in the charscter of him whose heart is the I trat of true piety. lie is engtged on tne samr tue,wun mi maier, ana re ceives his best enjoyments from the tame sources nor is it possible that they should fail, while the im mutability of God remains. The se curity aod independence of no creature it equal to them to whom the Almighty has said 4 Became I live, ye thall live oUo: The following; remarka, by Dr. Dwifht, thould be read with aUention. and inpretatd on the heart of erery being1 w ho properly regarda lu't own bappioeat, the welfare of friend, or the food order of society i "No reputation, no wisdom will secure a man against drunkeimet. This sm is found Tn the" cottage and" in the palace, in the study of the phi-J losopher, in the sacred desk, m the hall of the council, and on the bench of sacred Justice; and, contrary to what would seem the dictates of na ture as well as delicacy, in the female tex : even in instances when distinc tion, understanding, amiableness, and refinement would appear to forbid surpicion. In most, if not in all these canes, the evil creeps insensibly on the unhappy subject, and overcomes him before he is aware. A prime object to be here regarded, is there fore to keep the danger always before our eyes. We arc ever to feel that we ourselves are in danger, and to consider an habitual and lively dread of it as our best safety. " Nothing pleads lor it, except the appetite for strong drink t an appetite unusually unnatural, and created by sensual indulgence. All things else in Heaven and Earth exclaim against it with a single voice : our health, our safely, our reason, our usefulness, our living, our souls, our families, and our friends, in solemn and effecting union, urge, intreat, and persuade us lo abstain. God commands, Christ solicits, the spirit of Grace influences us to abstain. Angels and glorified Saints - behold our conduct with such anxiety and alarm as happy beings can feel, and watch and hope to see . our escape. The law, with a terrible voice, thun ders in our ears the terrific denuncia tion: " Drunkards shall cot inherit the kingdom of God-" Even Hell itself, hostile as it is to our salvation,! follows, the rest of the "Universe, and in spite of its own malevolence, sub. joint hs-dra shalling before us toe innumerable host of wretches hisTsin Itas jdriven to its mansions of despair.' Who, that a l!i tlrrp of can ftije it hdfl swu, ana a rf.rrHNT mtucr. ' AUi ! ho Hide d ws sppre cUt a mother's trndirneti while living I How herdten art wt la youth ef all her anxieties and llndaeti. Hut when the ll desd sod goat ) when the caret sad coldness of the world corns with crier to our hearts t when wt tnd (kv hard It ll to Pod true lympsthy, bo few lort ill. lor ourselves how fesr will txfrltnJ tti la Our mi. for. luaesi Una It U that wt think of the roMher wt bsvt lost, It U true, I had always loved any mother, cveo In my most heedless days j but I felt how IncqniUerste aod InctTrctual hsdbeeo my love. My hem melted as I re. traced the davs of 1 1 fancy, when I wn led by a mother's hand, and rocked to sleep ia mother's arms, and was without cart or sorrow, "Ob, my mother," exclaimed 1, burying my face agsia ia tho grass of the grave " Oh, thst I were once more by your tide, sleeping, sever to wsks again, oa the cares sod troubles of thit world r Character cf a good hu$hanj. The good husband is one who wedded not by interest, but by choice ! it constant at well from inclination as principle j he treats hit wife with delicacy at a woman, with teaderness ss a friend j he attributes her follies to ber weak nesi, her imprudeac to her inadver tency i he pa.es them over therefore, with good nature, and pardons them with isdulgence -sll hit care aod in dustry are employed for her welfare i til hit strength and power sre exerted for her support snd protection he is more asxious about his own character and reputation, because her's is blen ded with his. Lastly, the good hus band is pious snd religious, thst he mar animate her faith by his practice, and enforce the precepts of Christiani ty by his own example that at they serve to promote each other t happiness in thit world, they may unite to in sure eternal joy. snd felicity in that which is to come. amavda. Fearless D'ucharge of our Duties. That great lawyer Lord Erikine, when at the bar, was always remarks ble for the fearlessness with which he contended against the Bench. In one of his contests with the judges, he explained the rule of his conduct at the bar in the follow ire terms: " It was the first command and counsel of my youth, always to do what con science told me to be my duty t and to leave the consequences to God. I shall carry with me the jmemory, nd F trust "the"pYact7ce, of thTspateVnal lesson to the grave. I have hitherto followed it, and have no reason to complain that my obedience to it has been even a temporal sacrifice. I have found it on the contrary, the road to prosperity and wealth, and I shall point it out as such to my children." It is said that Constantius. the father of Constantiue, finding, when he came to the throne, a considerable number of Christians in office at court, issued an edict, requiring them to re nounce Christianity, or quit their pla ces. I he far greatest part of. them readily and resolutely gave up their employments and prospects, in order to preserve a good conscience j but a few cringed and renounced Christian ity. When the Emperor had thus made full proof of their disposition, he turned out every one that had com plied, and took all the others in again, giving this as his reason for his con duct, that those xvho would not be true to Christ, would not be true to him. no- Tit atw-toBK miaicin. The state of civilization in England, atheirnef"CharIcTTfie 1st, may be inferred from the fact, that it was contemplated to bring a bill into Par. liament "for restrainine the barba rous custom of ploughing by the tail, of pulling the wool off living sheep. J 1 t a . a ' L '.bti r't i!ffily ?cp ourning corn in the straw, barkinWkst. that hh 1lshitt n,u aU,t Ju. - . . miiK, ana DUUOing house! Without rhimmrc " I - 1 M It is very hard, my lord." said a tconvicted felon at the bar to judge Burnet, "to hang a poor man for testing a horsed hangc d, sir,, answered the judge, for stealing a horse, hut you ! aro to be hanged that horses may not be stolen. stanaing trees, torcing cows to givolfi Me whole trial. We are not suf- r,.cr S .A r tent h writer inform! ui, that in Crjl .n, tt the trrunt tUy, ti pt" -' Ourajs ut t'.rlr cb'.l !''" prf BU i,!if them n the bk -f a tame c tgU, la the rretcsce of multitude auemUed on the CHciio bo mounts with tht thilJ la the iff If k'j" s . .1 - .1 ... capable oi supporting nt uPg(" whlca thli w u eiposea DvKff the awi tt f'W CfwwweB, t4 wWo U Uf oith kk arwy st r.nu, u e4k4, s rkk oil mimt la tW Uww. sd tt ftwia. Olirtr OflrrM s wwi" Ut tttmm M iwk aWnral went to li rrotectar oa that oceaaio. kt he aa pUa- rj wUk ftoM tf theai. At Wr P00 b Uef tent kUl rhtfUlowhjf dirfkJi, whlA wta ipprotad, and U me'nad UW prenJuM t Blrar4 We the SaUiaik day, And tuned U wartkt pelf! 1 naadajr muct Wfts Ik week, for Monday't kanrvd kimatK A perwo who, upon reading uWm Knee, per eeireJ thai the eoobbr tuppoaed Munday WW the Irat day of the week, wrxfe Ike foUowmf Wkal eotiairy earn I he cobbler frat. That Motdsf 'ra lb week, Ua wot ' Jtor Jew, mit CbmUa could he be Foraootk, he waa a ItotteatoC OLP DllXr THINKS, That, from present prospects, Ceo. Jackson will be the next I'resident. He thioks thst, if heroism and pat riot! ta have any claim to placet of honor, he it entitled to if. The old man thinks there would be more credit gained by the United States ia electing him to thst office, than the General would gain to him self in serviog. He thioks that all treaties made with foreign nations, would be strictly ob served duriog his administration. He thioks when Ik sees a justice of the peace staggering aiout rjrunk, and swearing oaths that might choak an Algenne pirate, that he docs not we fit the place. He thinks there are more men prac tiling phvsic than ever studied it wel and that if two-thirds were to quit it there would be enough left to answer every needful purpose. He thinks that if this country could exchange lazy, drinking, gamblin young men, to the amount of one hun dred, for industrious young farmers it would be better for the girls. He thinks that if the girls of 1 wait for all their seniors to marry before them, they will not all be mar ried in SO years. He thinks, if men would drink less whiskey, their families could afford to drink more coffee. He think that people lay heavier taxes on themselves than those laid by goverqmfn' He thinks, when he sees a brace o lazy wretches going about the coun try in the months of April and May with a meal-bag full of poppets, in stead of 'ploughing their farms, and planting their corn and beans, that it would be well to lay out 25 cents in store goods on them. And ye think .? Old liilly thinks" more than iiAi-r ngm.j i During the reign of Cromwell, a clergyman during his service, took oc casion to pray that the Kine and Par liament might hanr together in peace ond concord? A sailor present jum ped up, and exclaimed, that's right only tun them, I don t care by what cord it is. The fr llowing is extracted as impor tant to the ladies : " White veils, now so much worn, have a tendency to in crease sunburn and freckles, by their increasing the intensity of the suu'a light. Theyfre also very injurious to the eyes, and will, in a short time, spoil the freshness, and dim the lustre of the most brilliant eyes. Green is the only colour which should be worn arrsummerveil A client in the English Courts ap plied to Lord Mansfield in his own Derson. for a new trial, and hcinir rt. sired .n state his reasons, gave as the. j r -y fitientlv versed in th law in. rsrr 1 1 - . - - - - .hw.otuw vwt. VW adduced to. prove the truth of a corn- uuuncc wneiner mix inrjnri ran rm mow saying of the same, noble Judge, " that the man who pleaded his own cause had Kfool)fi ja..jdientlbvL viewing thrsubje medium of common sense, we should think the unfortunate suitor had made out a good case, . a r, tt'lll.t. a..!!. l f 11 :.. :,4t i iH in r tn lull on firfii t . n u ...4 k,, ij L( fit-.4 rii.'r, tt a at (! av !.4 t .:) In f.t,4 m pun.haf M ti' Un-At, JUItt CLr.MMoNLVfW-" HAtlD tOX, Miktlln Y. UtTtW, Tailor, I Dorrt lUt ! J Wqmiftf ft ef'.,, J tt laUtNrry, and it ka(, ka v-xrs lUUbtMt4ua " U part of Jul. a t'liman't Wave, tiWiird u Market lirrH. S few doors from the la tutt aftltw CrV4loMl khers he it ptvparH WiU be happy U trCoeMTMidaU m ri-MWaw, wk vt dupoMd to patreaiiH m Whk , 4 kvaineoa, U th aeateet and tM MyW, or to fhraae fWy. He ttnt.iMr (ftM kit of t ipatwc, Uiat Dr are W, few. m the rouoiry, thai cat aurpt m U lU eirciton of hla work. Afairtnaia be ks fw 'bwt arion. cbanfee efaaUow ttiaO be HoVtly ailrmlH at U kae left a crrvnandfl( U ike U rxi 4 rdnwMa, (where h M last trm) ho wit) a4 him the fMliioM oa, ks Ihcir trfular art He hopes ky strict tttewlian to bwaineat, to n. ceiet a Lberal atrt tt pLLe pairowaev, a k, it deterwilned wthMif ettaS be IcA wadoa w rewWr fraeral aai'nfaetioli. fUt-j, M-i I. tnu. . -5C4 House and Sign Painting, fy. Cir.OCRW. CRIMCJ Infirmt bU frUa, I and the puht. kat he iiH imkIhuh iu eiretKe all kinds of Hoot, ftlfn, Coach, Mini tor Chair, and Ornamenal r-r. t mW of workmanaiiip tual to ny inihe roe Gentlemen hatnij work to 00 within it) mi) ikiU-e of tallowy, can erre the iUnW'i aket on very abort ttAtt. auhember takes thit opportnniry to turn kit alneere thanks m tit Utoae who k. rrnerously etteaded tkcrfarort to him j u by hit faithrViliwta and imlu(rT, in future, km !htU4trj, i, 1 84. 'it N, B. The BuberriWr will keep on kar4. 1 ale. all manner m yWt and colon, pr (.,.,,! f.f the aretKiimodatioH of thnot who imr i to da small jib of patntintj, but who nt m hate the paints, or eiprienee to prepare ilr J. Shinn's Panacea. TItr. rnharrber haic Seoerrd fiff potiikm f SU AIM' eelehrattd fT , haa Bow a wipp'y " hd f'r teh he diirrd the price froea SO to 1 50, or ty the dote gli. AU eharitalilo inetitnt'ior in the Fnitrj SU'rv tnl ll poor, will b auprKrd rn'i. If the citiient of the principal towns till ip pnint an (rent, to order and dlftrilxite ll.ia tie dicine to the pour, it will be tupntird. 11ie vnedicine ia celebrated ! the eore tht foltowine; iliteaet; acmtula or kmf'i t leerated or putrid eoeo Utroet, Hnr r.i( rbenmatic tfTcctiona, rataneout iUmss eweDinr, tnd diieaaet of the bone, ail all cn yrnermlly of an nlceroua character, and f!iio.( diaeasei; prnmfty arlttnjr ia nVbihtated eorah. rution, but more eepfciatly from eyphilit, r afTectiont tnmng tbertfrom 1 ulcerain Uie Urrni, node, .c. aikl that dreadful diaetae neratipf! by a long and auccraure. itae tf merru, he It is alio uacful in diaeavt of the lirtr. ciBTinc arr.i t haee within the lait two yean had ai ot poriun'rfy of teeinr aereral eaae of eery inui r rate blccrN which havinf rraiated prtroi-f the regular modes of treatment,ere h-i'cJ !r lha uae of Mr. Sw aim's Panacea, tnd I do U Cere, from w hat I hat teen, that It will prwe an important renxdj in tcrofulott,rencre!il mer?.n.rial diaeaact. N. CIIAPMAV, D.'M Prufeawir of the fnttitutrt and rractaeef Phytic in the Unirersity of PenntvkaM. I hare employed the Panacea of Mr. '' in numerout inaraneea, within the lad tt-n vtirs, and bare alwavs fond it eitrcmrly etTs- raciotit, etpecially in teoondary wphilit 'J mercurial ihacaaca. 1 hae no heaitation in pi nouitciiie; it a medicine of incatimahle aluc. w. t;mox, m. u. Profettor of Suiery in IViremtj of Philadelphia. riuUJelpMa, Ftinan, 17, 187:1. JOHN SHINS', Chrmtf. N. n.t-For aale at Smith & I'earaall'a. t eaat corner of Third and Market atrcet, i'tult- dclphia. ,frr S4. iy Kach puhRshrr of a new-ennrer in the V. SUtea. ta rrquetted to nubnh thia lrrtiw- me nt once a munth for one year, and kiu! thetr account for payment. ' State of Nortli-Caroliaa, ' iniDELL couitrr. (OL'ItT of Pleat and Quarter Sessions, Antm J term. 1H21 Hrthrrt Simnntnn verim John Alexander 1 oriinnal attachment, returned levied on land. It ia ordered by the Court fiat unlew the defemlant in this suit appear before tbe? Court of Pleas and Quarter Seasons to be heU for the county of Iredell, at the court-house in Statetville, on the third Monday in November neit, and plead, the plaintiff will have judgiM"' nro confrsko. or a hearinsr ex oarte. ana thst notice thereof be published three months in the Western Carolinian. Tut: It SIMONTfW, Cllf. Trice adir.r,l , 3mit'iZ. State of Nortli-Cnrolina, IREDELL COUKtr. ft OURT of Pleat and Quarter Sejsions, AupJ B. Gaitheri oriirinal attachment, returned k1 on land, fcc. It ia ordered by the court, ,I'M publication be made tor three snonthe in tie Western Carolinian, that unlest tne eienu appear before the next term of the said court, to be held for the county aforesaid, at the eourt house in gtatcsville, on tlx third Monday i November next, and plead, the plaintiff will te heard exparte, tnd have judirmeiit pro confes Price advyg,- . 3mt37 -Ifoust? and Lot, in Charlotte. FOR sale, on Accommodating terms, the nw and lot in the town of 'Charlotte, which su- joinMr, John Irwin's store, qii me """ ner.vXpply to JAMCS 1 unn'v Charlotte, Mar 7, 1824. 07 ' 1 w.