r7 i) 777)" 7 JfJrJf fh 7V NO. 22ti. VOL V. ...... - - . ' ' i 1 . fMftft lit fUat,Mlti tfkM, lit WILO VIIUK. Wart.ruf U M Miaall ' TVr Jttr, . t'Ja U a.lve. Htt taff 44mmmm4. H r4" atU ricw) nJ a tmfa .,),, la M-ta bt U.r4 at Mf rM mi jur iW ibt lm , and Im'M" xi to - - AU irfur a.kV4 I tbt Wlar, M ptf W U aHtmk-4 to. IV let fur riiilaJclpliia. Tir. iWrJt Utf tabt-had at blf l'UJ-U1(ltai a4 thiafo. K. C Uket Ikit hHI l art-wai lh fmbtaf, 1KI vel iXS W4-r W rttU4'ljb.a ttary un 4y. Tr4 U IrfeUJ fof Ut iU bt rwvtd "J fortar4r4 b DufH TWn, rl tttrtUW, X. C. 1 . HW Vhlavf. of Wdmin'. N. C. kl h rttr of freight, an Wt rtjxi.. K M.btr. Hating ibrr g ! irwl) U II trt", rootaar-Ud by ffif.l . U.. well ui4 ! ibe taw. '' WtH Ur4 up lof rcotr..o)t) of - lie lbft f"C Its,! It mri rib r nc.mr ag-w- rHdHJ tl Hi eirvirwv, ha Iwiim to rrnl t mijfwjhr,r fiUrr, Kl IIMI cm b wU to us rllrrrf l nllf Mr . i, ib:i. Voltialito lr,ii.i.r(i- fur K.il.. ftltiAiiio i ruiicrir, lor Mut. fllllE tubicriber, UJiiii(f lo rt I urn lo Virgin - 600 acm of LA VI) iHrinr part of the . . , ' ' . , . I, ,nff oj I f ijtr I rctl, n LkiHrih, on 1.1th arr JfMCpb Wilton, foi h b)mmjI two milrt from l.l.trliHtc, on aliwli rr Ui? rolloaiti itnprrrtcmcei't ; a niaiiiifrfturinj it . . i i, i I ft ,n pi X5:"1 VMTi i" T t built i U'tlillrr, lao rol 4arlliiir-h,"ikr, a fenlv or ej(li't K-rrt'if tlie !) nnlJ a.i'i ii .... .1 c-r ii" T ,r.rHf,r.,i.! ,WcJr(i,,,,ll,"l SW ramtm. fy lent mff)r ifTiBiivl on 'lie irc . j ' I.Oill.fc W. GUIIK4 mf imn hit fririxlt A barmin it .at be lit I in l'iit fjriwr,i, if im- " ' l '-'e ptiUlic, llul Ut .Ml rimiitmri lo Weil'tle apjilratii.n it iii.!f . : lit- i nm mtr etrtm. all kxinUul Hm.tr, in, Ciui h, V ml b atcerljin. tl li) ib.I) ii tf t" tl.r fli-rt r, tm tor ('liu, an.l lirtitmrii tl 'wni.nf, in a ttjlc the prrmiart. ItlAJA. Jiill.N'll.V. , 4 kmaittlnp eiil to any in llie twinm . .Mnlltmburf rnrnlf, X. f. it?y I (kihU men liauiig aork o .lo a.tlitn or iri ltllrttn, hal.tb .r). tai rti)(t((c the i!.trnbtr'a Hoot and Shoe KttiibliHhiiiciit .m rrj t...,n ..t.r.-. TBr.Nf.ZKn IMCKfON ttVettVit mettir-lfn i't'StV I ru pjDIn- ' (rum 1 A inform bit ctiat'wnrrs ami Urifr, thai b rrkt remoreaj JiU the boua be fortneriy ocrupibil, ami bu taken the booae owned by Mr. 1 lmmt I otUl, n- arly ill carry o,W M u.l, the Hoot an.l SIhk- n. kmR btmueta, in all it i.rion benches in a rfylc of neatne. Vl d-.tabllily l,,eh. he be- 'i'!rf.c'"!0' be iiraed by amr in the ttc. AHorvter from a ilittahcf, for ill be ftitlifullv attended lo. SaHtiury, .V fit. 17, IH.U. lork in bia Luc, If A List of Li-tiers XTOW reniaininir in tli I'ott (ffl e at ft!i- "llTiiiw, KortTi.CrilTna, Otiobi-r If, Ih.lT A. Jmca Atkint U. Ilona K in hill, : ?irvu''Vf r, Sop'iu ui liikle, Leniucl , BiUT lohri ttird," johri 'lU ie UeilV NV iili irrr" Barter 4, Nichoht D .rrimtrr, I ilm.m Blatlet, Peter Ittnini'er ('. J.indCot; j Rin, Willijm ( hunn. John C,,l,ow). Ro 1 M W m j r . a.. bertLhuivD. J I. ( rne, Valt tih Con frtur, Andretr Lone. Jacob Clor, Zrh Hah Covins, Jul n Oaver. Alex..nder Cunningham I). J.d.n Uismukra. Uocl. OtMu t)n,ela, nudon. lorn, 2. "Joseph E. TJut.ihs. Solomon H. I)uko"h. E. John B. L'aan 2. Hrnrt Uli. R u- hen Ellia, 1'ianrii Katon, t.eorei. Iii.. t. Henry FiKht, Gorhani L. Iiecm.n. r trL n . l. . . . l i Gtt'' ri ... . . . . ..... o,..Kv. w.. tnan, Jr,e (iillean. Richard Giiletpie. j II. Jrtse IIotlL'int 2. S.niutl li.irbiii, . Isaac A. Hall. ( hrisiian Holmstriter. Doc tor llantfbrd 2, Samuel Huhev. John Hcnly, Ambrose Ilotchkits, Ruth Hairia, Thomas ll-j;an, I'homaa Hall, RiHurd Hartey J. T. K J irrett, Jason Johnson, John Jones, J. M. Joyce, Wilcv Jones. K. George Krider. I.. John Lowe, Elizabeth Lemlv 2 D ivid C Locke M. John W. Moyer, John A. Murchison, Robert Moore, Haynes Morgan 3, Lewis Mahon, Joseph Maton, John Martin. Kit jah Martin, John F. Moorkle, Betsv Mar tin, George Miller N. John Nibioch, Francis Norman O. Oaks & GrilTin. J'SaniJjuiypsAjphaPficplcs R. Priress, John Preslv, William Plus lers, Michael Peeler R. Phillip J. Ri cate, Catharine Randleman, T. R. Ruflin, Elenor Robison, Joel Robinson, Jeremiah Roberson S. Catharine Smith, Samuel Smith, Sarah Sntith, James Smith, Sam uel Smith, Gcorpe Smith, Wm. Smith, Elizabeth Smith, Briant Swinney, James Stewart, Andrew Snider, Henry Stirewalt, Henry Sechler, Daniel Sullivan, Archibald tokes T. Fredeiick Thompson 2, Erisby Trot, Wm. Thomason, William Thompson, H. H. Taner V. Henry Verble VV. ChorletWille, Isaac -W ise man, Betsey Woods, William Willeford, Alfred Woodr Robert Whiie Peusr Wd on 2, Richard Wall, Eli .W. Ward, John WBsenkcDt. . Samuel beeve?, r M. "Cw - Krw luppl of Fftih Ooodi lkwt,lH ttryb. mi ..,.., ... J. Ml HrilT VrttU Uuod. All limit oMIoo.U: ml U mU mift ! ff t (HtrMMT rlre'cJ lib Ctfr, l U-l M l prvtt lbl sMl m) lUw im mtt tj lllr cuoMf. l lU ft'''- Uff', folhr1r Ml KNIt k HUOWh. titorv'llouHtf ut Muckhullc, ) tr, lu it , A b4 l M t .illr, M (uuh, i--f Ihjut,iJj11 int. H,,fha, .-a i.fHrW. irrrrrt1rd 1 Miirt tt ttr about in iHt oi.lic 4 lkl P cognuy, UmI. m to bruin; of u,l .hJ ' IMifmUlMm, tt nut iijrn.if r.1.b,.Wll,VM ,., . Utim mtllu lo a.i a pnnabW 4 frum HrffTtnti'ti purr, ftfhtlcmrn in thai boaim, ao4 tailing ntwilHin, are iMtnnt iu tailittj lh prrm im1 jmltf r fur ltr. rjz.u,r..ii m. i'a'')o.n. ... ,. o., , . Ilir .uutrrttK-r l.kci tint oprinrtnii.ty to re- i turn bia t.iArn lluiiil. all ili.. alio hvr rTTtIf V't ,Vrf,0r ,"b"nl' n,,:hr ;,-!', ...unce" a..d tful Iptar. b, l.itfa'llifnliH at and i.....tr, m t,,r. (,,,,: . . . ,.., .U,r.,r,JU,.,;ikl,,.!r,.,,tk-t. i J ciimj ut ted- the comb.... ,. It aiWrcl, ,V.ii4i,r, 7i. a, Jd.v ' " . . or.",c n' '- ' ' .,!,. ' U "l J",,, i( " h,,t " " " "", ' j "' " I 1" 'hem. I .lt't.tt wi'.t.. I Ov, . , th.a W :,,t,',(',,,Hr'',r the r k of li an ciMintt cunri) will com - menrr Ihe nle ll p. .wiuil pmpcrlt of ihr Mr I tur'ct HiU,il.r. and, at tut lad .Nilling in the loit 'i ti a'iSur j among ahich arc the fulkitouig artick-a; . H.rT new liijT. eornplrtfiy finithetl ; j 1 ' nr 14 do. nut riininl. tpU fin. .1..1 . A gr. .it janetxj'f jrarmlvia. llul. liue. of; heiimpn to ihe thnjt, nj Kur, ,r tnH w.,lirh rr , l)f fir . " . rt. 1W, uh entirely ne lult,nK! ami mi- j mcroiit other article, inn tedioua in nn ntiim. I ' A me time and plate. ill he hin.-d rmt i f"r cn? of onc rr M , u, qt t.r taluabte At he tame time, ill he rented, for I year, two Houtct and Itt in the town nf Salnhury ; ' 'w'f them it the Uv dwellinjr of -he di-ciau'd, , """ ".""f cu " wic-" '"P . calc ulated fur that or any other branch of me-' caiftiiairu ior niai or any chanical butinetit. ( ondition of tale, hire, and rent, ill be nuule knou on Ute davt of ulr. S M1. I.F.MI.Y. ) . . . a i. u. novo, '""'r Sttlithnty, (ht. 5, 1824. 5t.ll Taken VND committed to juil in Sjtlitbun, Row an county, N. (. a niro man, tlionw his immc is Hen : he it about 24 years (if ac,tlark complexion, five fret and about five incht hiifh, with a acar under hit right tar occasionrd b the cut of a knife, and tpeak v ry quirk ami dit- ! tinct when apoken to. The owm r is notified to come forward and prote property, py charjres, and take him away. SAML. JQSV.S, Jaila; Oct, 8, 1824. 3t29 Tumer, wauled. OSvt of sober, indiittrioua liaTitu, who can come well recommended, w ill meet with eiicoiirajftinent from the aubacribcrt. Apiilv aoon. THOMPSON & HUNT. Concord, Cabarrus County, 27 N. C. Oct. 4, 1824. House and Lot, in Charlotte. FOR sale, on accommodating terms, the house and lot in the town ol Charlotte,which ad joint M. John Irwin's store, on the north cor ner. Apply to JAMES T0RKENCE. Charlotte, May 7, 1 824. 07 Private Entertain ment. THE ihscribT has opened house of Pri vale Entertainment i where Travellers can be accommodated. He promises all who call on him, good treatment, with-"ptenty of the beat lo eat and drii.k. '14 ' II. R. SATTERWUITE. mike$bor$iifh,une26tlHmi - ( r-.-"- y-.-'f'..-. V .. .",VV- ivir.i.u(ir.xiT.. inu JLiri: rittJ. itM'trr U HMftt-f !U I4lb It f npif mr, touloUr lA0Um 4i tt i.f fnr; of ibt If corn r ft) ( I (rttttmt ft UiSff ftf Iftwrt rlfftirocilwi 0ttVf ( lb r'nfiU( flttl bf bt (irtck, trMt b cnnM trt4 c H tin, lit Ik I It Mi (Ofilrtrt bt tl Ibt u'lk tJ prliif M ctrwnu itrf d, bvi U 4,(H br lb Mailt Mottltrur ! lb Annrt pwj'rtt 1 kx foltoMt tlrO In lb ln,r. Ibt y"biU fnU.iUi. Urit4 f-wii CoiiniA.iU m1 if iK I will ibrm trlvtt m'nM O ut miK b. imh l m iIduIm bi ibclr fttfi trttilll moft 4iM lit! I fcwqeriilf lo iVt ft-OfHurt l lj tJfi. Ibt ittrt kt bating HmUf'l flM'O Ur f trttrlt ol otfi sppHMfbH IKf I bfkltb tlftt to (iftt tbtt lby ki( in vl.lt ol blur k4t. I bt t'rtt. Pm h ibfn kv f ' kitk. ' tmr t I hil to ntt oooirifo wmi unr, bul during ibt iki lb (J'tfki tuf rlr4 -lib iHflr Bt tbljt lo rl.m 0r lo Krl IH'ft rK! brlut. "h oti k. (orifukkxi motl tl.r Ol ft' til an fJt rl, and Iht 1 bikt af f f 0.l. ntt frlgaitt arxJ cort t'.te. tom ta) Ui.i ihc km a httHiit hte r.in pclifd to rngmt ibelr tia Wm In Ibr ! It at t:.c:i uri.iu.i Dial fit Iil taoutd ro att'a of Mftilen, oberr ibrr fre pre I o j'oiot.i i u wt.J ut uiJc'le of Sep prirK lowil for the cottiof uMin.'("lui"i' Ap.tliti.tiotit crc tntcriain- Ahoiber acrognl front Cot'aiiiitMir,; tta ea, in aildiiiori, that ibe I utkt kti all tbeir Kurt Uait and trantportt. We tl.trO, In our aUirtd of ibe 'it ''ftlKn rt. ili n.imtjer of he. It. eart. and ttaiMNrdt teni h the utin Adiui rl at tbe irophict of hit i t -,j , tta. I be beailt were, at u-l, rt;MVe.l a I' t Kale of the Seraglio. tittt a ii.ji!-'lti. ei l.nj; fonh that bithclo the t. 'i. i.hhi in fiilelt hat not "fell ibe .I'trm .l tin Muttulmn arm ," Imt thai. . lati. it '.i lietn ' rev)leJ, at lb mumI lu com rruri'lt. lo Chattitc, l'h (iinl'. avi.iii i lb. infiarlt ho hjtt re i.t trd ;" "i "K'l-trew Mehmed bat ttrmk Ihe firi 'bio tnat tnt tr rmt baic " munin.it ) ' ,cri 1 irur. and ibet loi'V 'en rapl tint ' 50 ortvNiert. 100 r ji non. ,..rl I in hii thit temporary tocett, u. lur.tl iht.r tx-fi ill o the Hailing ol iltleal J an.l thc fl ,utt)f?,t b.t, probably kin died a fitlin of f tehirt ihiouifiioul all iCirtct, that -i'l nerve iheir arm., amlj -nim-" hfil Um..nt u.ll t..r, Mut,ul- . . .. , ... ... i m'" ,h,,i foUf"' "pdl'im vl. .11 m rt f ocain 111 OalllC. or viuie Ult t. let) in fliitht. Accoontt hirr been Terrier rttn tJin don of the raiincatinn, bt thr (.it ik Co-. jemmeniof the treaty with il c Creek .1 omnmUe Tor a loan. r.tral Pritatn he hmdt err on the lutthfr tdTance tt .i- in; .ffc-.t j. a p.. W a.a a" me nitof toint or tbe Ur. tt Tor, iKn ,s j contracted in London woulrt ton 1- torn I pctcd. h ta tuppt sed bt -( nir that t fic three per cenl. annuitiet ttoudi '.e r isi.l ,Q n.ft Amongh, ttlmMlltol-thr.StBfJi. Exff,anpi was one. ifut the ron'uit of I'ranre towaida South Amc ic i ntuM speedily embroil (hit country into a con tine ntal war; at it iss.i'thi i ..: t at H e mo ment Louis was tupHM'd to be asiiim'. Spain in a new expidiuon lor the suhjua lion of the South American Mates, he w... arranging a seciet tre. v with the ( ol.m bibii Goveinnunt, lo the ptrjuuee of Dii tish Interesis." I he harvett had commenced in Scot land, under very favourable, circumstan ces. In EngLnd there was rvciy prot pect that the crop of hops would be abun dant. From Canterbury and Mjidsronc the most flattering aifouoJs had btcn re reived. I he crop of Ajx in I r t land is abundant and good throughout the coun try. 1 he consumption of Flaxseed in Ireland last year, was 10.000 hhds. more than the preceding year, and double what it was ten years ago. The quantity r maining on hand oiTTKe 5ih of JuTyTTETS; w s 2-213 tierces, T he qu.miiiy on the jthot Julv, 1824, we 13 800 tierces. Last sale in June 45s- 6.1. An extraoidinanr phenomenon occur-, red, on the 2d September near Hawoi th,) about 24 miles from Leeds. A part of the high lands, on the mours, opened into chasms, and sunk to the depth of five or six yards, in some places, and formed two cavities ; one about 200. and the otiitt about 600 yards in circumference. From these isued two itnmer.M volumes of muefdy" water, which, uniiing t ibe- dis tance of 100 yards from their sources, overwhelmed the country for about two hoiiflV rrpnf ? thirty-toiMf-vards in width, from three to four feet in citpth, and for distance of six or acTtn mi! All Iktt vtf Hf r tt &ym4 UkI m'Hb nnt9, ttvtn ikri t it Ibw'r tUln'Mt h JMb Ik Ml4. mim iktt ibt flfir Af rt 'IH tMbtf ibt nuM tur(Jhtrj rt itmUirtg ttwi f ibt fovw)t tfr(fit AM Ibt ortlU Hi(t1Vf. 4ft Mm , b. Vf"4' M - l k. w.U.y I t r4. ttU ibt no tittlv fntbi Mt (Httllf 4 tttotbt tlimt qiMirft I bit Wbuutl bbtiKittirtMiA. Lord t'rtklfit U j4Mi4 AmbttA4;f lo ibt CVurt trf !iuk4. trnl i It ifrf i4 in iht (M'iitklt.rtlt.ibtiibttmUt t la ibt tourt l N,'l It lo 4t4t on Lor. I ifi(. tt II t f1nlrll Irrtm 04 la t tuxbed 10 bit lor4i't got- tlMNltlil wl Mll- Uki r.lci.lv,jKh w tboftly laJfid 10 i l.trtittKil klur ibt Iubttr at A tilt. 1 1 J Diu) . 1 1( im of iii trrittl of Cm. I.tfif tut ii N )oik bd rth4 Uff4 t; ih ptMktl thlj Nt Vo k. bith t4ic4 Irom '.bit poil va Ibt I A( h ol Auwm Avo,nii from Cp( otM in Jur 16, ii,miiiu i iiica, i wntrn lime io !. limn. rj i)miii h.u i.Wfh (4 tt I i.c lilt lb .N jrt 7th wot ! 94 rr.n,'lT,( Cttcr lt,m art it xttiiii ibt Kt"Kt hcnh lo he in rtr) pui lout .a . . airtj an mi far at lo ti u) aome. ti.at i-it ileaih ounl create ict .uun.ci , boi Uiete fcart re-iJlc I i.c rVit ...pen of Ihc 4''i, hwccr. t.i oi II. t H.)tt a litai'h bad tome i i.ti, m ttu, t.o ilti be w able on I ..i . .. .o i..liva(.l LUHlivtt at nh Count ilC I . . Aii i ..uuciiioii munk' ihe ftlont con li.HTii to me ,4.ic). i i oulon, look plaxe 0. 1 im . 1 ii Ausv,t N.tne u)'Km4i oi im jin auc tilled. ii.cd. ahu met tun i. kin o (.i.. II tluali pioillpll). if II wnii i.'. A i.ou.i ol ti.ai tlajr, at the mo i. .i i. tli.t iiiwm. ol ihiin whii re tin ,jij) im u,Min int. t; inu iid ol Mouiillon -tie 1. niiii. a t.icu uiiini nit ii tte) repoe Juiik tu-iitii.n iroin UtxiU!) on ol tiitin, liu a culling n.tt. UILTto. ttru k I lie hciiatii ol lut ujid, liOi bm-iiia, liinitt.il alUlkiU. lilt I. It taOiC liU ktltlcl.td lcio.1 ftiiu liaU aMMiiiucU l.llli, Ui.aU l IU ICil- I bit at I'lti a.l.ai ol ICtoll. I lit) all lUtiHu UOii the OalOti Mho, III UllciUC, IlilU u;ul. Ult atMltault, M i(t)iiauO,Couilliltaiy ol Nidi IHC . I. at itncuto luc tjMi and oiUer Hat piompujr itt.uitJ. in ii'ji uu.'oi lunate tlnuili tunic, tiiutni ul Kir H-tlef tlattt cic klliitli anU MCiai ii Ul.i.'t(J. l. riiiuny Un K.c a7m of All)Bt. the lo. n oi KuriuiiMtn Hun3rfTtaucilr rrcucitr tu JsiitS. 'I he cliuichea and tiboi, l i.c cohtclil ol Ifle I'vaiitlt, the own luii.jh.i ii the blilluiift bOTh tulhc louti aliu tubuibti "tie tutatl) ditliojr eu mo Giiit-n pciuheu in ilc fl.mct, jiio man) ptitiit cie ti iiouvljr injured. I in h:e b ot "Ui at lour in the atter- "hbiun.t hcio in the ,lc'u' u,t Km uil. aX houata nd niMiit o nit wilt itbuicu to asm in iiic pMi i ul toui nourt, in Hie jjouloua lotn ol VVtribwitlTruiilOv'" ult a diean.'iif moi in I .iii vtasie die wuoic ol i lie countiy aoout Arva, in Jlungaiy. I rces ol the large! aut: ero loib up by t ne tools houses levelled wiio llic giound lie b..n tnc ttonc wciliai l'f ib. t acli,: di siio,cdil the ttaiiwin crops in 27 paiihe. ki lcU many nunUicd oxen, add alnio.-.l ail the ahctp that were in the fields. Aoove ocrsona aie hereby reuiuid 10 the gitateal misery. .Su'i . Ihe rumours tiom Spain are rtpiaicd, that preparations were gom on for the re coniiuckt ot the aouw Aineu can states, anu that greal quaiitnic ol arnih. ammunition, and miiiiary sioies had been lorwaided liom France to Cadiz. I wo French sentinels tie said to have been atsatsitutcd ut Lorunna, by the in habitants. I'ortugal.A Lisbon paragraph v' Aug. 21, announces the suilmg of the Para, tilh 153 Brazilian aoldieis, which hadbeerraenrpriscmer-frvmtita- po4 vince by Gov. Meira. Orders nave been Kivcii lor stiuluiu home those who were sent from Maiaham, under k. in.um stances. Aevt Iteligiout Sect -Mention has late ly been maiie in Ibe papers, of a body ol people in Manchester, ( England, )' who prolets, as one of their leading tenet's, To abstain wholly from animal lood, and lo live entirely on vegetable ...and latinaceous diet. A writer in the 'Philadelphia Gaz ette stales, as a fact not generally known, that a society entertaining similar opin ions, and living in the same manner, ex iu. i that tuy ,1 hey Have. a. snwil meeting house, "and atttDd worship regu larly on the Sabbath. j : Uurt fibl(, XtUtfAMf, Obia. 0 oM t.llrmi1 Wt4 t)i4 fft. bo In tM Jtitttt iont i ITJ'i o.t mt ti'4, ibt tttf Ut to Mttrtk) I !, of ibt ! M.t, Ctt rt yiftr lbl biiK, bf Im bt . iuUtl kottt til Ibftl (l.UttUM, Ikt ofTtttrinf rf ll.lt KM''il fog4t trt It fnltOt tttl - .. I'btMrtn II ;r.r,4WUftf rs Crti finl chil4rtn 101 Grot fr4 cbildrtn't toot 3 Tout ilf A Ait kwy mJJtdl Tbf 44 Knilemri n4 kit if 3 C biUrtii't corriMiiiont II (ir.mJ cbllin too. it Grtai ittni tLIIJico'l do. 2 Making t grand loltl of ill AH tf whom weit living ort ibe IJth of ApfSI. IH iht oM grnfltman it a!dt la y " Aiitt, too, go lo your toi'i lor your ton't son htt got lo tons. Ihit It bttirved lobtlbt largett Umiiy In Aneiics huffiwttr, Jug. i. $omeH..dy an praiting Comeillt in rpr .kitioit V Snaktpran " ( ornei'le it b!uVi a e," tjid Or, Jotinaor), " at a tlipped hedgt it to t loietl." There it in N w.York, rrcentlr tr. ritrt) from Knglat d, a lad called Slat, irr Ik'tlAM), who cuts with a pair of cotnmon tcittort, in Ihe mott eipedi. tious manner, exact potlraitt oi any (xrton vititmg l.im. lie has cut in (he tame manner, and now exhibit ihrm, elrganl cutiingt ol Wrttminit ttr AlU, oi churchrt, templet, mon uments, lurntn ul pcrira.lt tt wtll known lacet all t.f which are drclar. rd gK.d rrpretentatioot. Ihe mott recently finished pieif, tat this adver turmrnt, it 4 rtrait el (en. Lafay ette encircled with a wreath and de coratcd with ajppr. pr'nlc cioblems. IltV.AKS. A letter from B vou, to the editor of ihr l i. arli otu Cornier, tayt." The Rev. Mr. t tiLTi " It It II. , too a thort time stitct. It I. uoticrtitHHl here thai be hat rinc n bit travtU in this totiMry. With his usual eciciittk liv, lie ii.t departed from liosloii. leaving ihc tery few ho kne him here, iiticily in the dark at lo hit mnvcinenit. He Rave out that he wat going lo Halifax took hit pat sage for IJsiion. under a new feigned name but, fur hat I know, may be thootii.g plover al Cohatset. " Dr. Peroral it alto misting here that it, no one can tell whither he went about commencement lime and tht co lonrl at the bead of the recruiting depart mint to which he it attached, made fruit- leu enquiries alter him. Such art the unaccountable vagaries of genius." A. 1 . lew. .Utrrriier. " Thr Cod Mother.--. The name of tht hip in which gen. Lafayette first cam to ibis count it wat La Haunt Mm' and the etltileman who ui(iaed the vessel for L.fawct.Mont. F. A- De Boit Martin, now 82 ycart of age, it living ill Baltimore, and has been appointed a member of the ce uution to wekvme tho general lo Ualinooic S. V. Obtcrvtr. Amtrtcan Surgery For Ihe first timo in Amcuca, the opcratiun of taking off the thigh at the hip joint, wat pirfoimcd a lew days aince at the N. York Hospital, by Valentine Moll, the Piolessi.r of Sur gery in the College of Physicians and Sur geons, i he patient was a ho) of about twelve years of age ; labouiiug under a case of necrotit, or decay ol the thigh bono. I he ope i a lion was completely successful and was tndured by the little patient with gteal fortitude. The Grand Jury attending the Super! or Court for the county ul Hertford, on the 30th ult. took a vote among themselves nn the presidential question, which stood aa follows! tor Jackson 16, lor Adams 2. ' Halifax Free 1'reti. Negro JIM, belonging to a Mr. Parker- was last week tried at Gates Superior Court, for the murder of Mr. E. ( toss, of that County, found g'uilty, and sentenced to be executed on the 12th of November next.- Edemon Gar. Scrviulotity N hen a man tells yon, saya SietncJ in anv particular instance, thai such a thing goes against his con icicnceA a;lwayi.belicie, he means i :xactljr the same thing as when he tells you Mich a thing goes against bis stomach. tu V i a .1

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