ivnxrwr.MT.. uur.tr it" tsuMMi. ' tw foa,t H..; Tkt XS f Nf ll cM in prke tMp J.wtt Cropper, Capt, Marshall, In If ditt front IJvarpool, he ) dif.ir of the National Advocate httf fflit4 Mi re;ular filet of LocwJoo ppert lathe Uib. UaU the I Ith, FfMKfi J eft-H F.uioj kt Uttk Ut prepared for iMt event, iltbouf thi French pf tn Mf tui little rt'jKf'K H TbiCosjrUr f thf IJth, represented .1D lobe l the leaf er-mliy $ to twellad and f.tble, oJ tcAtn dufi, t W e.ffof q tiojc of recovery. Uuit the llik iH "ed KTW rnn, tf rood exposition, and frt from many of those tkct siblcl. onfeeiurutelf 4tUtiauUtt lio-ft. He hat " much trouble, end could hire he4 tut Utile pleasure tince hit restoration. He widower, end Jut left no lef.ltlmeie ctU dren. He wlllhe tucceededby hlbrh nt Count d'Artols, under the title of Charles X. The new kin mountt lb throne at good ag,tt ht cannot b lee mm o years of age. lit It rigid mon archist, tod big its religion end the cef Hi rrir on bl eomioif lo the throne. Hie hm -.... ( vwt The neat In succession It Duke d'Ao gouleme, who nurried the daughter of the unfortunate I.oui 16th. The Greek ciue continuetto triumph Their late reversct Kcm to hit in tplred them with new tlor. 1 hlng continued unbilled In Spain, end li continue to tt Ion as the Trench krroUt are quartered on Iht pco fie. The deith of the King of France wtt announced el IJv-rpuol on the day the Jamet Cropper sailed. Ireland still continues in a diiarbcd state. Considerable aUrm had Urn man- ifetted, lo consequence of a turn out of the cotton spinners tn taiimit parts of Lancashire and Scotland. The harvest in Great Britain and Ire land have been verjr abundant, and nearly al! cot in. The cotton market was considerably de pressed. loxuok. trrr- M. Curler Office, three 'thek We hare just rereied an express from Paris, an nouncing (he death of ihe King of France. In anticipation of the above vtnt the Courier of the 1 3th remarks. 44 We understand it ia not likely that the demise of the crown will occasion any change in the councils or in the policy of France'. Her present ministers are said to potest I he confidence of the heir to the throne, who is also popular with the arm as well as. with the people. It is consolitary to reflect, that in as short a period at has elapsed since the revolu- tionarr and tyrannical days of France there is every reasonable hope afforded to Europe that a continuance of peace, good order and quiet government, will be the order of the demise of (be French crown. Much of this great good may certainly he ascribed to the wise, lenient, and con ciliatory government of Louis XVIII. From the Gavlte, September . The king bus been graciously pleased to nominate ami appoint the Rt. Hon. Iord Enkine to be his Majesty's Envoy Estraordinarv and Minister Plenipoten tiary to the kinyj of Wirtemburg. Tht late mox'fmenri at Taria. There is but little doubt 'hat the late attempt of the Const itutionnlistt to rekin dle the flames of liberty in Spain, was the result of a plan having extensive support and organization. Even the London Courier admits that the "attempt at Ta rifa to raise again the Constitutional stan dard, was one of considerable magnitude and daring." FHOM SMYRNAw Extract of a Icttrr received at Button, dated" Smyr na, July 30. 1824. The Captain Pacha was yesterday at Mvtillene, and it is said, intends to attark Samo in two or three (lavs. Should he succeed, the massacre will be horrid. "The Grrrk fleet is watching the movements of the Turns, and I hope they mav make a diversion to save Samos. It is the only chance left to them. They h ( found several spies on the island, whom thev have hanged. They appear dc;e rminrd not tn surrender, nor to ask pardon, which the Grand Se ignor has de manded. They say they will never rome tme'er the Turkish yoke again, preferring death to slavery ; but with all their ardor and heroism. I fear they will be destroyed. It is estimated that the Turks have 100, ()O0 men at Srala Atuva for the attark on Samos ; and that the Creeks cannot mus ter more than 15,000 fighting men. " We learn from all parts, that the loss of Ipsara has not discouraged them. Ad miral Miavm of the Hydriot squadron, when he heard of the event, cried like a rhi'd, and irhmediutely sailed for the is land, to save any thing which might be left that he-attacked -and retook the is land, destroyed the garrison, which was If ft amounting to about 2000, took 30 sail of gun boats, brigs, See and carried - off the cannon. Vr Lite jt l.firlf.'.m "i vs. U.t th tttk vjuilrud m ! ht" tolarxl at 5mo, which bf'wr.hl U ' tuikt Ml the lb at St.U Nruts, where fie l ii,t lytPfefT, !W1 i hrt'1 Mtr of gujte shot, wtiich killed i BumUrof the Turks. M,tm,!WI I'.tb.U IttaU, hat not y ( o it. He hat i 6ae fjusdron and 5JKV) men I ad will profwbly p agalnsl ml lh Mree. If the Greekt sustain this campaign, 1 think their IiUr ly will be ae curl, f hef tre not disheart ened. Their tulfcrlngt urwltr Ihe Ttirkt were X grr st, they will all rather die than submit, whilst thert It a Mf of hvf.m yoa . CT. I f . " FrtMmXVi ire now ft celvlng lnf-rmi-lion from to many onanert of ihe tuceetv ful proftett of the ColomMana in Perui that the tpeetiycipulttmioiinenpaoiams from that countrf mte be regarded at al most acrirmpl'shed. A Caacat paper of the 91d of Hcotember ttates, on the au thority of atcountt from Carthscena of the Ith or August, that circumstantial ac counts had been received In lhat capital from Bogota, relative to the late success of Bolivar in Peru t in consequence where of 3000 autiliaries, who were on the point of embarking for Chigret, had been countermanded until ihe receipt of further itW., wCrt 4ily eipected. A vessel bad arrived direct from Ixmdon with upward of a million of dollars in doubhiont and Spanish dollars, being part of the loan contracted for with the Gold smits at Co. The French commissioner had proceeded to Carthagena, and sailed thence to Martinique, in the Freuch fri gate " La flore, nsl.i Um rcfuactl a passport lo Santa I'e, in consequenee of nor posseing documents correspondent with the situation he professed to hold. run tkxas. F.slrart of a letter fWn HtrpKen T. Auti, fj. of lha Province of Trias lo tlie Iter. Wis. Stevenaon, of Ikrnrntead County, A. T. dated Miv30t!i, It.'l, - M The Government of this nation has finally settled down into the Federal He publican system, and the outlines the Constitution are copied fiotn the United Sralss, with the single exception of an exclusive Religion in favor of the Roman Catholic, which is the law of the land, ami as such must be obey ail. And if a metho dis', or any other Preacher except a Cuth- olic, was to go through this colony, preaching, I should be compelU-d to im prison him. All the children in this country, without exception, must be bap tised in the Hoinan Church ; and all mar riages must be celebrated in that Church. This is the law of the Na'lon. and all those who move here, must obey i'..' vsnn tss wuirscTotr wmitt'. Extract if a kite la erttttrmam in Uut Lcrongl,, tltUrJ urnci .lyrrt, .iugml 5, 1824. " Letters receive.) in lowii last evening state that a battle had taken place in Pe ru, and that the patriot arms were victo- riouv Bolivar had taken pessession rf Lima, and would in a few duvs attark the muin body of tbe royalists in the in terior." A Jjmaica paper of the 1 6th or Septem ber mentions the receipt of information by a yessil from Chagres, that the firt-t (lis i sion of truops from Colombia, consisting of 1 500 men, under the command of Gen eral Bellaro, who served under the Duke of Wellington in Spain, were embarking on hoard .transports at Panama, to sail for Guayaquil, to reinforce Genetal Bolivar. Of 120 persons at Key West. 63 were itk on the twentieth of last month. Dr. Clark of Havana was about to proceed there to attend them. The Wild Cat sailed from Havana for Key West on the fit st of September, but had not been heard of a: Havana up lo the 24ih-6f that month. Captain Lego re of the Wild Cat lud been left at that place tick, but has recovered- This intelligence ia brought by a schooner at Charleston in six days from Havana. Franklin Gaz. The U. S. ship Decoy, arrived at Xew York on Thursday evening, from Kty West, under command of Lieut. Justin, Lieut. Francis B. Gamble, late comman der, died on board whenoffCape Hatter as, on the 29th ult. of bilious fever. The remainder of the officers and crew are well. The Decoy left Key West on the 18th ult. Capt. Justin informs that it had been quite healthy at the Island until the day before he sailed, when eiht cases of fever were reported. The oflicera at the establishment, were Lieuls. Camet, J. M. M'Intosh, R. S. Pinkney, and F. Brown, captain's clerk. The U. S. schrs. Wea sel and Shark, tailed from Key West on the 17th, on a cruize. - Ara.'ea. The Jamaica Public Adver tiser of the 10th ult. contains the trial of Benito Cassel, Jose Maria delos Santos and Lstevan Martinez ; on a charge of piracy and muruer on board the Spnng- bird, John Bull, Caledonia and Argus. he whole, after a puiient trial, were found guilty. Captain Woodbury informs, that twen ty pirates were to be hung at Jamaica, on the 16th ult. the clay he sailed. . oM I irAI' lUa MUjl I tt ant'S fi Un, H, Jr7, a4 ia tU f-Lt. U il.a - f!j.u.tt; ( tiUrr wall a mm Mftt wtrt ffataas. , , SSLtMt OCT. IfH. .wr i I have jutf reccivcJ a letter from Col. Samuel swsneout &f IluUken In this Slate, containing some Insportsatja fi an lion front the WlsL . A ge nil man of great rtapectabiiitv br tka name of Tkimrm, hat )st arriicd Is New York, front I'MtrlUrbur In Virginia, who, lust Uiore hit dearture, isw end rtsda Utier adJrss4 bf Mr. ty lo Judge Dntkt of tbit Dix. in which he uyt. Ihsl he had given tin all expectation of Celling Into ihe house or representative! at candidate fur tlAMPresk'cncf! and Ihsl consequeetly General Jackson wltlottale the Lleclortl Votet a.f Ihf U'nlem Statei, and if he should not socored bf the suffrages of ihe Elrctort, he wilt receive the support of all ihos Suiet in the House. This It intelligence that mav be relied on The friends of Mr. CUy al Pat tcrson have declared for us. and it I con fidently expected his whole interest In this State will vet toon be transferred to Jackson. The gwl eaose I Indeed advancing most prmperouUy in New Jersey. 1 am, Sr, With great reaper!, i. ooors dat roa. Strfihcn &mfi,-jit, Kq. jr.Kst iir.Nrov. Yfe ef y ttw f.JIna iitg l-ter ihe !iiU. ! ilrlplna Ctumtiian IIWrrr, llai 'ir r-U may know w hat kind of a man he ia ! haa rirten a pmphlrt of bac lmli-r and He ratumnics ayairut l!ir llrro of r!f arxl tliit pamphlet, tie ei'ieubtes in tin, rair har gree ihly acif ad k.U an 1 not only pu jliJtcd ia t'icir papar Lut act'trrrJ it in lundbilU over the (Ute, villi the unworlliy hope of hUeting tlit tluractcr uf b.m lw gmtnrM they en. , id lwwe M-pilrity aitb the peopW Uiey fear i aa. caaa. T thr FiLltn rite fVimVoi, Wiw, daird .VatJntlf. ( I tHH J Sept. .6A, IHit. Gektlkmes i I send you bv this day's mail Mr. Jrne Benton's Address lo Ihe People of ihe L'uncd States, with the fol lowing, which was emitted irr his pam phletthe Lodicii.. Know all men by these presents, that Jesse Uenion, reiUut of the Western District ol this Slate, has written a pam phlet, the purport of which is well under stood to be nothing more nor less than a parcel of baw calumnies sgaintl (ieneral Jackson, used Lr electioneering purpo lie it alv known that the author of tl.ii said l'aniMci (Jec Benton ' is th same tt'iHorablr gentleman, I. o in 1313 atleinp led to assassinate Gen. Jackson ly treret inif himtclj behind the dour, as he the Gen eral entered the pauaer of Mr. I nlhort's Hotel in Nashville. YVhcii the General h.'d p.issfd by the tlulhng place of the I A-ot-e Jesse (to attnrk hi brother who wj then armed mini a Pistoll he (Jeise, shot I rem behind hit tairicade the Gen eral through the " hark fi-irt of the hiul and then, like ' .t,otl r Hiuuisto wind upthe scene" advni ed uim tje sar" while he was lying prostrate on the floor, and presented another pistol to his head, the rock being only half bent, he in drawing the tuggcr broke it. Divine Provident r, who is always on the ide of justice, sved the venerable ilero for some let.cr purpose. These aro tacts as it relates to the au thor of this pamplel many others of a similar nature might be told, if necessary such tt an attempt to assassinate his o brother ; his dodging and sqnatting like a toad in an affair of honor with (. an tain Carroll, the present Governor of this state, are a few more chararinis in of the famous author of this renowned Pam phtet. Again, this Mr. Benton was never found in thearrriff ol his country, at any one time during the whole of our late conflict with Great Britain, although a ie man until after the War. Such are the materials our veteran has to cope with, who like the fly on the foch wheel, crymgoul" What adust we kirk up Lastly, the People of the Unit id States can now draw their own conclusions how much reliance may be placed on the au thority of the pen of a man who has be come the cats paw of t little factious par ty that are lurking behind the curtain A TtifettttTpitfcftnjJ roTJiwlTnfj around" In midnight shades, and wakeful to dr atroy." I remain with much respect, your obe dient servapt. a subscriber. CRM. JACKSO.V. The following remarks are extracted from the address of the Pituburg republican meeting, held nearly 12 months ago. They are the voice of truth, sounded in hold and eloquent lan guage. tniToa. The reptile slander, marked only by his filthy slimet CTeeps among the com munity diffusing its baneful poison. We blush for nut coxTntryitdfind some calum- 4iiaj.ari.baso enough to dccWcv..Andrew, Jackson a tyrant. Is he a tyrant because he led our armies to victory f A tyrant because he saved his country from the savage tomahawk, and the yet more sav- I) MM UnMe l.e g rrf'i " J ' " il-M air settUts In I'loiUe ,mJ hi,0; Uh lrrahary, st, saved ihe esrt lnEt r f the hardy ffooiiar.m f A If rani becaue ,a rtfuwJ an ctnb.stf letlttdatpot Imf Mde, tn4 woulJ not act at imlMtsadof lo Ihe court of an usurper! A lyranl because La ained ihe elfusloej tf American Uo4 by ihe eiccuthin if ArWhrol and Aw brlstor, two British Incendlarlet, h In time of peace, urge 4 on refugee Uegroet and le'oclotft aataget t murder ouf de fenetlesa couMrymeitt Washington wtt talumui.ted Uctuse he eietuted the gallant AMre, and Ilriul tt loud la her denunciation I but, whilst aomf of our prtlcnde fatrlott were denouncing Jack too, even Britain ackDOU?iCed the ju ike of lh lenience bf which ArUilhnot end AmbrUior died. Ves, Aodresr Jack son lyrant it George Washington. Hut, tay hit enemies, he placed the. military bove ihe civil authority. To tae Of leant front certain destruction, he Inter dicted any communication lib tbe coo my, ami arrested a conspirator exiting mutiny in the city. This man he refund to the civil authority, till the storm which lowered over Orleans had pased away. Had he acted otherwise, te had Dot surviv ed his calumniators, and the streets of Or. terns hd st res rued whh American Uood. For this act was he arraigned befuce Ihe very ju !ge to whom Ms valor had preser ved ihe rsertlsaof his authority, ref-i sad a trial by jury, and fined by his adver sary 8 1 wj, With a victorious army and rescued people at his nod, he cheerfully submitted and paid the fine. As he left tha court bouse the bsirsl of enthusiasm could not be restrained. After he was seated in his rirtlage, the people, in des pite of his wishes, unharnessed hit horses, raised the carnage on their shoulders, and offered to pay ihe fine. The hero refus rd ; Iwrne in triumph by his fellow c sis tens, and standing on his car of gluey, like a kind father admonishing his chil dren, be addressed them In the most af fcciionaie icrms. He could not upbraid ihe generous people thus manifesting ihrir gratitude j but he wimed them that their conduct implied a contempt of the riil authority 'hat in a free government. the military should t suor1im.te to the; civil power. That a a rincrn, he cheer fully submitted to the is. Have we a Mariusor Cxurhcre? No! like Pho rion, Socrates, or Camillus, he was wil ling to endure anv punishment, if inflic led by his country. The character of no man has been more laely traduced than that of Jackson. All his intimate ac quainlanres all who hsve ever been at his hospitable mansion, unite in declaring hint the most amiable and engaging of men. the mot itiTiciiorute husbnJ. to his adopted ihiMien the kind and Indul gent father, the ardent friend, the pracli ial and professing christian. F.nvy can never behold superior merit without en deavoring to blacken virtue into lice. It was ihe fata of Washington lo be v'liiied, and when offered for the Presidency, to be r!r nounccd as a military r.i- fiain, who ' would prostrate the civil authoiitv. But his toun'.iy elevated him to the first of fice in her gift, the pudicii'.ns of nul are were unfulfilled ; and so will ihcy now 'e if true to herself the clevales he se col,d Washington. William II. Crawford is railed by his Iriends an.t suptMtriers "ihe democratic candidate" for the Presidency ' the Jel fervouian democial," Sc. tec. as if it was not known, that, in addition to his sup port of the old Bank law, his opposition to the embargo, and his doubtful and heart leu support of the war, he once declared that ' the adminiitration tf Thoma Jeffer ion hud at rjitr oulttftftfird tn arutocracti the adminiitration of Jdin Jdumt, as thr flatter had outilriffied the twiiitutior. .'" I Ms Is the democrat, the JJjiror.ian democrat, whom we are railed upon to support ! But the people will not, thev cannot be led so far out of ihe good old track as to elevate Mr. Crawford to the Pretiden c y. r'irgiiu'u n . At a regimental muster in Onslow county, a few days ago. a vote on the Pre sidential question was t.iktn, when Jack son qot 340 votes ; Crawford 21 or 25; and Adams 5 or 6. 44 This (says the let ter which communicated the foregoing statement) is a fair expression of the sen timents of the people of the county." ancient tannin .nr. v,aroerry,ot Ala a...- r- tn f; i ? r-im ryland, has published an account of the recent recovery by him of seven pieces of cannon which had been under water 191 years, in St. Mary's river, In Mary land. Four of them are 18 pounders, and three 12 pounders. 1 hey formed a part of a fort erected by the brother of Lord Baltimore, first Propuetor of Mary land, in 1633, on a point at tiie mouth of that river. By the washing of the tide, the bank on which the Fort once stood, is now about 1 50 yards bejow Uic usual mark of the tide. They are much corro ded. Stones of 6 to 8 pounds weicht had become, , so incorporated. , with the, iron, that they could not be knocked off with one. On one gun 602 oysters were found, and on neither of them weie there less than 100. iiB n tcnos t I Ar a Mi ! fr '! t'.l mm t'ryt U Ihe ta.ud uks U, ihrwjWit the 7WAa tit r,4 . 'ml, MM. strfrf U iLa fate ewgt.1, aw Ik 4 eex", le g taH aa. trecU h rgU A abtTrsgei t f then ata m a aUa the tUArmtm t4 tmt vrtwt, akesi tU tsvrrW t4 that ri(U tM aaore kwrwrVuMat ealttd Uf, Vtt irj t4 Unr tl twr rvMbh fotrotMw', U k pre. ent happy arfiMMMtloa, dps4a t h etaa wr the faiWea of lLa f,rvaNt rf U U iht fffU aMt hi beaut arI nurtwna'Wtnt awoewairr, ariatomila tam&amf w t4 f& clan la our country, ft thrrfo balw,, ij, people te cmm furth, ta at their MinXer, a,. J 0 rr. dova tlwa daifmu psJu al bt 4, , Wa cautiaw iba paop'a awt la L deecitad U votif fir Ui wvwaf Ikket t s sr a, that daraigtiin; peraowt win ek ta alip lUkrlS Into your hav'. Ttlawi U i, fmfifi Trl ad by etsminlng svj ma- , berg it, you ran I deee'ted Jtkm fMk, at Bowaa rwn'y , ,VmH ,U'lr, of Hdar d... fan i wvf, ee lancoln da. MUfl I, of llaywwal iU. .ImIM4 H. MuffirnL of MArt U. JKl .1 .W.rrAr, of UuIA. 4. Jmk I rtd-f, of tSake Aa. II mitre f. Uke,uf llu hm-wwl di. I. !. I. JtUmmJ.id IWaufet d fine ,HU, of Craft n do. H ,tUm Mienn, t4 f awahk ih). ItUlitm Ihrw, ,4 HaMal do. It'HUam tt. fi Wf, of Nol.;,;i, 0i I'. J mar J II thnlif, of tfiliuinfvii. The tfilton paper having ben, refpirfr L Mr. ahepperd, oi of lb eamlxlatf f ,t ,r, toe on the People' Ticket, to f ale lliat, d cl ird, be would vote fur (. Jackffi at Ym, trtit. ami Jolm C. r!!ouB) as Vice rrev.W, takra ocexwoa to fr)dw- tU acrsirr, i.i t, !, a roKitnn of ajilmrtir, ill-humuefd remfi,. h the ewtiraa of the remaria, we f,n ,C I A loain; sentence i We comply ith tle request c.f Up s. l!imi('i r hrhrte tint none rf IIm pr ; t. fnni in the Ste hs'r anmninrej t'. i.,-t,,, of the ltrMil)li.-n Kl'-dur wUoara infj.,,r,i' Wilham II. trf r.L" Now wlut paper t'.ie Mdton eiHtnr m'i',, . dei(jnate by "prtjifal prmit," we knn v h if, a ae ainjieet, he meant all ll.ow ilu oj'poac ihe rattr-u rawliilate, le h i, most gl,: injety and wilfuHy miw'Unl fcH. If he 1. ra.l (he V'ttrm Carolinian for fie ue areka pt (irl that he has we arc aci! he t ill kav aecn tlit wehxe f.i :,'.. the namr, of the rur nUcU-rs KUx a what ftr. eslli "fh rrpukhrttn elprLies") every week. And weXuawof taoiw thrrcm' tr an'i-ridital republican papers 411 t!- . that hare done the aam. IftV Millon editor Joe not nuvi . iet,! iJu.wKih.b Jri;iist-d ami do'es'ul '; ' I lionora'.c aihl ho-icl irtc n, Iht n icili t o' . drt!and tlie i'a!i iinjKrt of cuinrr.wi Itn .' v. H it an editor that will dceot.- fln-lv lii. -i eolunnis, in one a evk, i.f hi piper. i. :hr j.ii' tcatiu:i of such d-tr'.il)le alaiMh-rs as urr r. tair.ed in J'w HaUn't pii.J'i!t ajji'iisi 1 .1. Jtiatnt, mav bo expecti-d to d.i rwn v lhan that -A which we have eomitlid 'lie M 1 ton editor. tVe ran look upin him u!io o -.' ! (-'li.K tlii, flood if foul ant billinjrjri,e ealn'i ny ajTii'ist t!ie tharaderof (.cn. Jkm, no niiirr It nit nt feelings than upon t!-c mi'' ", Jesse rtcnton himself who attcnip'rd, i"f years apo, tu auuttinnte (icn. Jackton, h ' ting him with a pistol 1 and who, l.ai f--. ' in that, ia now try irtar to r:iJUJiiiu.'r Air cAuri.iv' ' a ey a tin. CI.AY IN NK'.V-VOKU. I.ate accounts from New York, plain! show, that Mr. ("ay is the rising candi date there. An tfTort has latelv been made by the ft lends of Crawford in thjt slate to huv over thuse of Mr. Clay, -f olTcring lo run the btter gentleman lV the Vice-Presidency. Hut ihe fiiends ri Mr. Clay have rejected the bribe, wil l the utmost indignation; and the cv'sc fjuence is, that Clay is risitic;, while Craw ford is going down. It is now believed that Crawford cannot get fsJcw-York, u.n der tny circumstances; and if Clay it, the caucus candidate will be the liin dermost of all not even getting ititot'ie HouserTjf-RrpTCsemartres; - MONSIEL'U GAI.T.ATIV. Last week's Richmond Knqnirer con tains a short epistle from Monsieur fel latio, in which he declines ihe further use of his name us a candidate fur the Vice-Presidency. The caucut manage" have found that 'Mr. Gallatin's name tl'J not produce the effect calculated on. Il was a bribe held out to Pennsylvania ; b ! that truly republican state would not bs caught with the bah she is staunch for (Jen. JacKson. So far fronrM r. n"f helftinq the cause, the '"'huanagtrt ,n" an injury; and, faifi. k, they struck the Gencvian" name Irrm the 1:

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