J 'J 1! l l J 1 1 1 1 cri; fi)MMi:M'HlO 11. r j -i . . l i'.r' I' I.', 1 I ? i r ti, . 1 ii t, r-,u. .a .. . . . . i. . a .. , i f ,jf ,i l i .. .-4 w WeUi : 1 f.Uv!.:J V lata real mry of i kit la SU" aunJ rrij . . 1 r i ! t,', .tub ewi Hit.- r . " 7 . ii. iu tutr. m uknm t lure of TmfH AU.rJlh Xixh 1 ijit.4 'i'ti ir K' (.!, I rr.rrt iu'. f I llufl, il.'l CKiM'i'tci... pfM'rvi'sfl u fc'if I fht ,,.r of Tretto to Kyope, . , ii u...afuiMre.obr la" c;r.. AUaa ir;;i8i I. f .v. Uhiii eminence r Justly admired rlb2. t( Add and Iht Spectators end RaojlUre, were erlgl MI, published to I W ir.rf, raqual I .lie, end not auperlor ! WjUji tk, D.lrymao'e D.uthtc'.;; f " Shepherd efSatlbrypWK EgUetrecul -WMliU toinjf. Ihtttbey ere MffofU I. .... At I iriHI" VW t,1nli. lh book Mth W4 lnttrUoc of Uognphf . la no- of the InJirWukl holif cbtrcier art ablbltd tut our Inuructtoo lofttb- l.i. .i.- . .r iK wrUcr. ara all weniUied. Art trctl of llU dcrip ttr ctltloai I Then w ikf iiamtfwi tlorJJ puMUhed, ficatloui., Ji .,;n ..rtr.i. ihjit the tli kkaer rtprt wnittHoi of chrUtUa cbmettr, lba . i,!cb ha fna onder or ootict I Ad How turw Jul JvMf j. - :i V t f ritbU orotlht lb h crt? wumo It CetMooi for nunj of iu deUoe.itoM oi ehincter, r loperior to anjr wca wt .t: ,.l tii.ted to irof our r.i.. ul Hbou lh un!r found Ikt.i. kkv (bndlr crtctftd cor th. prcjudic. .clD.f tb. Dut o " eterr en directed e ffort W njfKb,.,h' 'huhlic mind. M ,ihoul4 UhWf mppreciate by P-i- riot, the iiiemn, int pnu.nvu.wj,..., nd tb cbrUtian. AA 10 .Wtriir. tbm Ubon wltb biitty aod iuc ecu, oftea rtndert t mora Imporuni ler tr. to hi couoiTTi tba he who fill a wore eooplnioui tteUoo, end eaciui the admlmtion of the muWtnda by tha aplan Jor of hit UlentiVor tha brlllunca r Ua tPu Utilitf and not fema or topu ahritf, U tha proper aundard by which to ctttmatt tha eomparaUia nloj of tha u- lutf . Wheu wa Ua thti atendard, wa do not heUt.ia to at Jgn ao honorable place moni writera to the author, whoever he miy be.of tha little work before a. He v.. k.n finent in tollecunz, end auliu in arnnpinjf, hla roaterUla. The limlte .:.. k! - rnmmuniciuoni Will 'priHimu iu ' , tint n.rmlt 11 IA rUe a iDecimeo ol tbe rW u it necriiirv i for we truit at will aoon be offered for ule, in rooa or ( tbe tUree throushoa tbe taroiioaa ena Ciorri for the price of a comnion AW ' We. ehouU haie been jnUSed If h ojtfet had beeo enriched by few, more jnatructWe anecdote, a few more prac: eict maxima, end a few more pertinent i.mtntinnt from the iilDie. ' uu nw, tV.i . .nrk t.f thii kind cannot contain . every thine; which eery purcbaaer might desire. We believe the number for IB35, h, in aome reapecta, en improvement on it immed'ute predeceaaor and it will af ford u imfelRned. pleaaure to aid, ao far pi onr humble recommendation can do, ia givlnir it an extensive circulation. , ' ,, ClTIIKOaiSTCI. ' P c" Prtr Si uer eroaa, I2t cent! - 2 t-K5nfftreet,larleitoo. , , .-,... m, mi vutiii cttaUVUV. - A f e tin? of a reaptctable number ol ( r5)!.n in the utDer trt ol Orange -.1 t,-u AVednesdar, STth Oct. with rerd to the preaidential elecaon. AU 1 frWrs "atthe meeting; but thoaeofOen jnrtM fr b far tbe moat numeroua m ,ny of the old and. respectable Pcmo. cr-ts of ihe neighborhood, who had hitn- e rt o stood aloof from the Presidential con x itst. .ttended 4hie meeting, and teemed inclined to Jackton, at the man roost ca- pjble to direct tne acatuuea " Cspt. Richard ChriitmoM senior, waa called to thechatnatitl &A.MS:Qckart, -rfed it Secretary, ine touowing foi emongtbe rctoluuona that were proposed s.1 ailoDted i ' " ' T" rwArMthat the dictatorial fcpuence ; . , .' .. u.f I". !, ll ! I f l'f i , trl'ici. -wV(nj;, . . . .... t - UlU 'H .f eitftr l'C'r , II. trtI4 ta a mtn.Ut, i f "' t cr.U wHtB lU Huttal 0a irtrHMti,- and U aa & MU whether ih"JUpr.UUan pny womU aK alia, a ftiiJ i act ti'b ihe fiithi to efpo- tmHTUihm, end tr, aod ia "r?f1 mm canaa (onJir hi ai fanbtr, the fiUodlf Ua 4 the Ttj, .n.H.lii b ilr. Crawlora. w m Mr- eral re jHjrta to ion fr eta, td epcUl! la hla la4 annual treaiory repon, w h ui a. that Ferthef rtfUcttoo aod nrltn fcftte ttfW34 to aiftnrMB i" ar . . i . opinion, formerly entertained by wm, that tbe Trff Itaoui Kmi; fi'iwr iMff ia K"iy, wwi4 uet" and tiifJiUI 19 Iht mnuatwtB v Jittotvnlt that, l oer f, mia teura ef polUy, wwked out if Craafcrd, aliho adnntanooa to the oianutciurlin autra. would be cporettiro opoo nunn Carolina, end the other asrlcultaral aUiea. p,taftJ. that, aa the ernroacbinf no- eeanber election may involfe e contest of ae erdinanr magriiiude to tbe Inurttt pna welfare of these United Sietea, we W tnnnnrt ltt llMlOTal UClCt WblCB iS 0O- Mted to the " Kllonel ntmimthn," end r ... . . -f ak. In. I mill tuppon me titwi vt j- auusaaan and revolutionary "M'l. M.rtnt. n.n. AN DREW i JAUwa tw.Mnt ef iKa United Sutet. and .l. u iaa c CiLMocf aa Nice- PntidcDt. ffrfJ. that we cord!!! approve of the Bomlnatioo of Jn Melane, Esq. ol this county, the candidate on the People'a Ticket for thi rfUtrlct, aa en elector to out for Prtiidcnt and Vice Pretiaent e the United Sta!e ai Ihe ensulnc election. ;..,r t ll.HM.t(". Ata1Mt.ll.A,I';,.V .( S. tmin't. Ill "' - f " ... . i nJ la It att ttnC'.t io . .it. m am f tk 1 R .tWe ti.t Cc. much anore rf M,,7,f' iMa county. Whta the iniriia tba Jftrmt c-adiiaue are laipartwjlf ' IMd. aai UU b.f"a the Pt 1. utJovwi.lf asrae to have Vr!rr the mia M rvte ovir thinv I " wammc A.ta mjIh- h 4U f7 tofi Jloti to be the acoUmenta a the ifltU pwt ef the cwnty, at kast. - Ir, J te iy f Ut , trt..tn i lr. Cfsf- rj tJ, . ... ..... 1 f.l " ...... it . i!.. t-irl J vr ' 'i ' ' i ... .i . -. i , J Ui a W !' w r " M it H. ,.trck lUia Vf"M j ,U8 tJ.tr f.l rJ rrt lU i ! tsimt la I J a fUe to w uJuMI Mil Mk. tirrtii emums - Af. XAiopr I tranamit t r aaUul ef events which look pUce Uat Thuraday and PrUar. at the drill end muater of the aoutb rttiment of Surry miliua, uiv Ar that command Ot Un Keny. . i arn n nininr writer, but there waa aome tbim ao odioua and entl repubfican in the proceedinri of ccrtln honourable mam- Ser or Consrrees. ana me non. ctucui ti- dklate for elector for tela district, 'that I Annot omit Ictlioff tbe miWW Know trVonrb iho medium of tour paper, who " . r . ,.i ir .. and what they have to oeai wua u ioy ioln the eaucua leaUere la una axaie. a Coedly number ef addresses of the caucus committee, accompanied by copies of ex- trmeti from Benloo pamphlet, irom ine Indehmdtui nrtta of Je. Oalea and Son, under , the aaroe cover, ipoauso pim; have been distributed throughout, the tut, or at least the western part of it On Thunder, at the drill of the officers, our honorable member of Conrresa did not think it derogatory to ma oigniiy to lddress the officers on parade, and to pour out copiously the vials of wrsth prepared fosttnublfl br.Jeese uenwn, accompa nied by aome vtry hifh'eatonei remarki of hla own. He gravely assenea iram soma ot the most acur.uoui ui ucmuu On Friday, when the exercise a of Jhe dar were about half over, the men were, b order ot tha .ou orougni to qohuw- iiiiin. and there tomncura unacr rm, to listen. to a long apeech delivered by the caucus candidate for elector in tbia dilrlct,wlo, to be more ; conspicuous, (aa I am (old) mounted the Col'a. horse tor that purpose. - - Now, Mr. Editor, waa not this a most t.r-nnieal measure?' lait not degrading to free-born Americana to be dragooned into ofiinion; by being marched to a con venient position, and there forced, by mi litary law; to listen to a long apeech, the principlce ol Whicn aevcn ciguu 01 Micm were averse tot Had the Col. have In formed hia men that a gentleman wiahed to make a speech to them on the rreai-dsmialesrionheTr-tJismiased-thenr, and let them voluntarily have gone to hoar tha ineech.if they chose to do so, it would bate been a clever electioneering w Aa th men were verr much Ur ligued when dismissed, and the election near at hand, the frienda pf Jackton did not think ; it advisable to take a tote. Neither did the caucusites do U becauae ih trfl nott the? would have been outvoted, at least six to one. . ' -Surry Gwny, AJPA?! Gen. Charles do Alvcar waa on tbe l lth Inst, introduced to the President of the U. S. at Minister Plenipotentiary from the Republic of Buenos A'yrcs. ' Savannah Georgian.. :- j. Resoludonl were passed by the Legis Utura of Tennessee, at its last session, uhJr'uln2Jthe, Governor to invite Gen. I4( Fayette to tvwt that sute. 1 " ' ... . ' ' : , I i , f t " : 1 l ! I . t I ' ' . 1 ' ' ! j J 1 ' ' ' (ktMai ai i ' ;' tv, ir. i! :. t, Ut'.a n'M 1 'f. V- ; l,j ituful al1 l4B.!.r U ll.a L4 urs (lU arrUiire Uu j aW av w..j 4 atrtJ'4 U.J J J lit C, , i tU piai U h.4 W4 . , , iV rUttri s. f , (4 tat ft fund d4 Sit 1 0 txJ-i', i,' ihWifiy te a'r'e Mm. Il ; t pMg tha r.UtufU l tlat i a! pwaa4 te OmukH AS u,Un , iMcua, aad aooMU4 b . u.t Uu'j, t , Mr. CIlntMi ha Wa iwtJauJ, tj t UM bc ptjibj aQ wvr tU rata at lr-! 4 tbat the tictofJ Ii VMM pamJ, . t tt Irf thai CtniM Wul ha klft lU, a.-, j ToBf ha hta etiUof kutn u Li (... , (tJTcranl arH tha atU, ittlanof m t l4 , m aact e farormlU U Ux yvaap U tU I. w lorti kv tbae i la. Ta kit J atxh v.r;, . aotultict, k the InUnUoa vftha tUlvM( ar. '4 " ag rts ma 4ui7v ' cntT !MraoXJiLjir. A. WtLkttt 1 he aponlng worU long Uca aciuinta4 aiih tbe est of , doable barrtllcd fowling plcce,tat 1 1; . ct calculated to fa ej al a'A kie aideratura which, ao far a I ke cf, k never until thla lime becaauppiici u K ng hsa however at tosi lnfn:rj , hkh hla psrtlssne aetro to tf.h.k brought to bear moat admirably t;x U ' coming election. WLi'e the eUi.--.-t Uw waa pending, and it waa rtceetwjr a bring dowa Iht Cr&vtrd gamtt kit (an . Wheeler and otbera were eivcbirj.n; y musket at one end charged wkh sn t I Itrit powder, end by ibis means ht ( ; j graf e sufficient number cf the Cnr,-.j mtmbera In tbe iigisuturi, to at cu l nomination for Governor. Hodiii? l,t l .L- 1 - ' trver aa int ciccuuu apprpKoc, uv, a her ail to tmn. tUter tndt cbv tvicty and a quantity of gooda, vbkk we think j itb tltclortl biitl and Viay arotiirr. unVnlarlv wthv their attention. Wf ra I with his own band lets fly hia pc-.' r--' . i. ' .c. . . . . . . i. . wa next proposed t -1 ne ream w tWpcrr.culkiokdgaanerwuwwibiunuerauMai ranconi among im pn a.m. xir. Adamaneiu ai w ..i ki ihmrdn. er(um io i Dir. vv seiner n wui poi i.tnuiv men only advanced. But when the frienda . c u httn more of the eld gtmt than he will VI ' . . .j.... i . - i. . . i . .. i . . . . i ...ku dnsii m Biin. rcnuniUM arrai i buainca. ami ooc wnf wymm -i - t r n.u..JM.i.MaJaa!ran. Dot, It mUH DC DCCaaae Df Oil TO! lir nmwi(i"'-, - I ... . .. . ,.r II,. ramrktui i but e nlr 9 very n. n. s .iti air.ii y eMRfart. a0 tha f . nr-a-efhia nrty.lfha raafly a uke .;yV fra-Ii hM we e-wM a.e sny rml cmx U hk esti twf J,'7 j ia4 U eaJ-Ui.'i Ptt a auy m uy girhf to tha cn whta to rr InataiwtH at large aWfS M lie PP-t taae pnatartea.vflM.ahiU C. Jatkaoa ra atlrdnaHyiheWola. $lhkpffrch tctrtaie U the adrntatea of a dfttt ca, l alit wlih a ewwwkh e gp, every tnae tba Utt$ fatoeabU U Uir tWva-J ama. nt.i lMtkki a Vfcctinr of the JOth Reglmenf, eomwaftded by Colonel .trtr. raataa.to SumcUr District, held ea the 30th all e tort e majority of aald Regiment nominated Gen. Aaaatw Jar km aa a aoitable person to fill the office of Presideot of the Unhed Siaiea. mb mill anaaicta. Mfr. F.dittrt A aubatrtberef your will ittanh utmi LA iaacrt the following l At a review of ihe Lancaster Regiment, commanded by Col. J. If. Wiiberspoon, ii, enl too. It waa proposed to the - . ' . . ... n.lm.m la einress its choice la rtlaiioo 10 the Candidates for Ihe Presidency of the Uoited States. This peirg ceter .luul tn ih affirmative, it waa proposed (lihout argument in favor of any oi the compeutora) that all in tavor 01 ir as President, ehould march for we'd four naraa. tin one advanced. ir. wawiorq r . . Oe tUr.tay' IU Ilth aayrit.Ut b. the kn-M- "-nK ..taWt Uca. Wet1' tU Ww, If l1 4 U a4 H!ra4 lU poHa a lU 47 t'- ttow'iBaiJy lam l las wm"Ti n i.i j.. tk aanal trkmfh. al the arktotrary u mWif aa aar ewwrr, . aMXrWa.aaaMl be trhbB4, J bUa ayauio of gvfaeat a4 irm w. wull antoowitoa the peojle take wa ry ad elg'JaMi for we are well eawred that ana, frill be H Umil, m aria a tow, nor n naailTrt Um karc4 fce the wtto ta ' a I . . - .. t rtaofl to. ta Jcit vi 7- - i . . aa . 1 ...m (Uy ,(a a your eheica. tkkfwUie fror-W'aTk TbefonowlgiJ, tklri-kerror.W'aTklrti , i,.l. WillHrla. I r,r 'y, -f Untola do. iTW llaywaod d J.nMa A SSffri. of lkr da. Ma J. tiil, of t-iilford rfa. JW .!& of Orne do. JWaA CWaa. of Waka do. tl kr r. r, " bmond dn. ITitlaai .1. liUrnnt ef Braufcrt do. n at JUUn, af Crra do. rTiZt.ua .Maraa, f aaqootank do. H!Um Drrw, af lurjaa do. nmaai . xiUff. of Korthawproa do. ldtH4 M IWtrf. of Witming'.oo. ' TBADX Vtnt FATrriTtTUXE. We takyhe Toerty to eaQ the attttfk of 4ka aaentonu of aJiabu7. and thoae to the dkirict of country aurrtHm.ring H, ta th adr tkrfli.tt of the rayettevill snerchanta, whicji inWfoB4tottbneineMeum are likely a MPf. They wilt there nnd offrrtd for aak, a WlMt' ir loaJ at Iht t of old Hickory were called oa to advance, the whole Regimen marched forward. Shootinjr and homing like a tictorioua armyr-b which a numeroua body or apectaiera of all ranka aad deacripiiona jojned with enthuilaam. ' ' October a, ibj. On the SthTlntt. tbai Regiment of Ker- shsw commanded by Colonel Cantey, was alto called to express its wish in relation to the Candidates for the Presidency. Mr. Clav waa the first proposed, all in favor of him, were required to move out, at the word march four pacesno one idvanced. , Mr. Crawford next, at which one man advanced, v. , .. . Mr. Adaroa was next proposed, at wblcn twelve men marched to the front. But when General Jackson was an nounced, the 'whole Regiment (with a few exceptional advanced with a general ahout, In which it waa joined by a numer oua concouree of dtixens. J " r ' ' . i;'kM A'tvtriry Convention-Al Conven tion of Republicair Delegates held at Trenton, NewV Jersey, a few daya ago, in which all the, Vouhtiea of the atate; whh the exception Vf oa, were represented, an Electoral Ticket, favorable to the elec tion of Geni and Mr. Cailm to r j yrt T !J the rresxuency anu ico-rrcajucm-f, formed-, It consists of 7 persona tavora- ble to Gen. Jackson, and I favorable to Mr! Crawford, who baa declared that he ill also vote for the General. . We are assured,' by most of the papers in that quarter, that this Ticket will unqueation ablyjsucceed. " " Raleigh Star. - Accounts from Ohio, place It beyond a doubt that the votes of that atate wilt be rien to the Hero of Orleana." Nu - a a a meroua meetings have also been new in Kentucky favorable to his election. The people w thatetatrarraovrwwererthat Mr. . Clay's proapecta are hopeleaa, and aeem determined to give their support to their aecond choice JACisoa. ' .jfl. .1 v The 8tJ Louis Enquirer says, entertain but little doubt that the vote: tails ei hla plejisure 1 :. -ITACB ACClOKH. The riyette'dle Obaervrr Inform i tU the Aujpjita rtap waa tarlingoutoft'itn U 4 o'clock to the mornuif, on th the harnrai of one of the honee hecavt Va vhkh frightened tbe whole team, and dxj . off With tremendous apeed, and vhe en4 ritUIa 120 or r t-" rhttodirert npo lu anle w.tb a hear eraah. , n t uihern town. t a,t fl"Fn ajaum tbe bnaibto fflce of iftS h" or tomt adramaJt of the-yayeluMrilia anarket, bkh. prrbapa, tbry are not aware ot W bare authority for aaying , that aeveTaJ new an. cantife etabnhmnU have opened to l"ajette- ID tbk Beaton, en a Urge araie that the iia- oortation of Cood U by far greater tbu, tbae in tny fgrmei ytari and that tbe variety and pricee of thete gooda bold out Inducemenuv to NonU-Canitna country merchanU wUia 130 tnika of Fa) eUevilk, wbicb Ou their attention from any other aouihern town, -a ; . :" ( in oiacoum vb wku - - - i -i Ur. IlIanding,ol camacn, naa nurt arm broken and !ilocated at the y , deri Mr.Syplcs.of the same pJtce, right leg brokeo, and a slight injary bia left arm Mra. Syplea, e severe ln;r on the ahouider antl aide of the it Miss Murray, a cut with a consider bruise on the forehead. ; Some othtrp, They would thereby ve money, and eouU indulge ia the patriot! renee tion of baring apent It at home, where It would continue to circulate for the benefit of cor ewe citizens, and not go abroad to enrich othera. i ' To the Planter and Farmer, alto, there are adrantagee in the Fayetteville market which, wa apprehend, they ara not duly acna.blo.or. By 1.. ..mk iilknMlw mmw wM fO. Wfl If 1 ... . . .('...kit. l.,lf..l . lull l' nabled to atate.1 that takina into eonaideration 1 una ln!nfr -.11 . f the'diataiiee' of Ouirleavoii, Feyettevuto enera ? --wje i inducements as a market for the produce I this j STATE OF DEtJIWA nF- r j ecuon oi cnuuirj, aupcriur ui " - -i m tn atate ot ueiaware inere in - j Tha river kin fin boating eondik, two ateam y;tvtutle; Kent, and 'SuweJt: boat are conitaotly plying between FayetteTOI Urge, and ha elected ten rcpft and Wilmintton, reeular packet sail between to .i,e Legislature; eielt of wlioia n : M ilmineton and the prineipal commercial cities r,. tVgo- Frendrnt , all the ff1 in the Union, and n abundance of fond are fn.m Rent county, except oife, are for Ki ready at Fayetteville for the purcbaae of any tm Jo the remaining county, Suttcx.itj . .. . ':. . t. .u . . . quantity ot prouueo ua may oe wcu u.. , aacertained who tbe membere are ior-' . l oe QDMrucuvna in wa MnungvuH are au lor Crawtora, n i"" - ' have been so fir removed aa to admit cf veaicli chce m 9 lf .Uture, which rP'"19 ' of considerable size toiling up to the torn t and PrMideBt:1i -wtora i the contest In iW to confident r the citiaenaof that place iwin, therefore, lie between Jacktonsndii ftheT harine- been rather incredutooa at first) I 1 . ...tftt- . . J that tbeir harbor can be completely ciearea in iy tfjuwi, uq. w pcw-i.- bno aeaton more, or at farthett two aeasona, to I nominated u a candidate for congrw u to allow of the largetl ahipa coming along ? -r. : . .rt rTI,. nnl, leTSaaTft intend won to puouanmc .lorongnoua uic - - ,Ute. .Thi ineaaure, we prewme, wui nave a w , t v tendencv to remove doubte in other mind. t th recent gloomy accounta rom t wv.; t1.i Ki Jw,, wamSnrtm, uW caoarf the coimtoraanding oi pom Wia fer 'aWpaof'the lviek'toireitd the vlcaato itteived, . . rteof Cape Tttilttwx The' ie5slature of ' MUsouri Will be counted for ; JndTcv wUch im jede the paaaage of boata at low water, 1 f jaWi pP0Wi8 aejcw, and John C. Calhoun. ; so a. to allow of an uninterropted navigation at ecjon) Electora of PrtW' ' .-7V;;-I i j."4' an aeaaona if tbe yeay Fayettevllto .sea from Vice-President of the U. States- ; itapecuruirlybyorableljcauonintheatate, riei talo js flyfcj t0 eleven !'str.1 "f. in importance aa a commcrcuu Town i ana o. citjzcnj 0f each district cno come to North-Carolina, what Charleston I to ejectori the election take fl"" 'V SoutharoKnai her own atate wiU aid grst Tbui sday and Frida in andeaeomgaerCr'TrrTt' ; 7?i ZirZ':c- l;rj9j,'r-;7-,3ty Tha Rieht Rev. Kishop w " ; 7 l,.:;FOLTnCAt W.'S.ilwW- went to Enlani aome tiJ tA wt.t!A in KVw.YnrVia now overt welt solicit fund for the. pur,1 - , . have not,1uwever, had time to bear the result, fwhing an Episcopal Thco o r TM--cofttest oexween me muewn um VV7""" , . . ...rceede"1 elicited much bitterness and acrimonymore, States, and it Is said 1 pas sue perhapVtbanthepwaidentcontetthasInk taining upwards of forty j atate.- Aoaong the disquisition on tksecoasion, in that conatry - ',,,''. j -n.n.iri V DrJMm. .eM ll nnrf ) A person sent by the Mayor ; Faylon Smith, aged 30, Connecticut, ; yellow fe ver ; Wro. Farmer, 23, England dd; Wil liams, SO. Scotland jdo j F. Rooney, 39 Ireland, do i a white girl, aged 19 i Wro. White, ateam boat Providence ; Joseph Bailman, Switzerland j Jamea Rheama, Pennsylvania, yellow fever, Joseph Rey nous, 43, Baltimore,' dor Fleurian 8 mar, from France a person 4 sent by the Mayor, and aeveral children, j On the mh. Dr. Jss. Toneray, a oatiTC of Yir- jg'nia,of jr: Jwfeyer. , ; - - r V