0 f i i f i' t , it li ' r - 1 (' 1' t c I - f f f . JL. tr. r . f i'.a i - :r ji . :, . (. fii- i ff -' ! Vf , I wUr i-.f i e f(', f n, a , 1 !, It III! tUt .f t f f t . . A 'if." t I'-'--T -! !' i 1 ' ' ' : i I S i t : - i ' f il.; 1 ff ( tlf I u i' T ' , - ..,.;,,.. i . r i I - , t T . t I "'.- i-f I' V '. t m ! Ik i r r c . f, a i t' , I;. I,? ! I t - I it i, f ,-t. ' r tu ti ¬ "I.M "f ' I M ' " .JlU lWi.H.wtweael- . . . .. . ... i . . .. . ta4 n . jm bi.j fii;' 4 mi tht t'ore ift fiwt f Wt testimony to lb f , r aLUh i.Uutt4 tht l.tli:itit I ist isipectsUe toa. . v rwWtJ f fniirmmm U , . ff tOf,50lhOCT. 4 Yftttrdjy li Indeed most lIcrwnj and tilt tu wit of l iHnr end sentiment. I mar !rul pr U ewerdcd those PiKtiifke&t.and . rfc (till I have witnessed U Full tnd , .Kt, enesr spOKOH. TiUioorftlir. tcltrtaoftht Re- K'kf Wing ertMOUd to Cca. U J r...ir. ificr rttlnf tome Usot oi LtrOil efhora Vf htl Kr(J, ind endcif ubf t UTPr Utrt ,D (rootlon, nx&ulf rfrop ind Motel. TU Cervf auloUiH fvroperlf iUeivdtd to, M i (till roJnr n prl. tnd tobrcikCtM l.t .1. I, lttrtft. ' '111 ;ui iw .-...... . ii i M KD BCWn Wt MIMM WUiprtUdeOt. Jbirtiu!! Vt,JClKXl3J? 4if vott Mplclui-tkt rtj t f ih iuo a ft teli ktfof tLIi, lU rtprcc riJunMlmmcnMheetofritfMmootfc utlg f Coflfmi for ibii &ukl t , Tka rVlkl mmm mmmA f ! . 1 . Jf 6 Pcttrtborjt txt boH lh Virjlalt, ua- tr I JiKkri;e of ctnnoo, bjr 4epoU- lk moi hr iq ooTiroor uorirell I5i ifit J princip'' f ( ! Lolti cIom to Urn when ke Uodcd, n4 4i rtctlvcdbf tb Cerer of, Cconcilt ad xbr blk cbirKUn. Tk Covcroor dJremd lum ia kind lomet Dti tbort iptKb. . Tbt Ccncrtl 3 Uclinf Tf ply . ' A laMrb btroucbti !(k foar blotl- M r! WM wiling iohr of umi deKrip'.lon loJloweJ, lib hit mlt Tfcaklr rwi?ith ddIium." Ill wit c. (ortedtobii lodfftnRi f tbert b rtti urvcp (titraoi ttonouri tu uiccrt, inn up la two Lieu i , Tcturdf 1 wu prtient ben b wti fccrlred uadcr a tenr bindKwnt triucufl) il trcbt foot eqM bowerer, to ours In AlriiadrU.) br Geo. Tailor lad Waff, bo addrcmd Una b a roost eloquent ndfllldcd ipeecbjto which' abort tad feelintr reolr wa rnatlabr tbt Coett. Tbeo tbt wboU troopa rKvUr and rnlll- tu,pafed la review before bim. I beard La Ftretto nor tbao once, turfl to Gen eral Iylor, uji fine, fine, very fine. Tktrfufter, three old aoldiert tbat bad tentd under kirn, were Introduced i the netting wat tnott imprttio and affec ting repeated! be took their banda in tbt moat trvtf afftctlonato manner no iffccuiion and talked M their battle o'er iin."' He teemed loath to part from tbetn. Tbt doting tcent brought tcart from many to eye, and aobt from many kototnt. ... r' ' , ; . "An Immense amphheatre, In an ti ttrnlft plain, IJHed principally with la diet juit concelrt auch a magnificent tie w the Cenertl and tbt Governor of Virgin! paaung In their carrljjrt before it La Fayette riling occaaionall to ad dma tbt (emaleat bondreda ct white kudkercblefa waving j ahoutt, say, pcali of applaote. ' . - M But why attempt to detcribt acene of lucb ihtemt feeling ! Notbbg but be vie itself can do it lattice. - .' - I omitted trmentionf that tbt Chief Justice of tbt United Slates, the Secrets- rr of War, and the Governor of Virginia attended the tiencrai to ms carnage, al ter kit reception on tbt aoil of tht Old Dominion.- Prosperity to the Old Dom inion and to its torn. I oueht not to omit r that tbert was fint company of Rich nond Rangers, dressed in tbt Highland cotume except having "trewt, tight tartan pantaloonsln pbWt of tht kilt, which attracted general attention ; more particularly at tbey bad in excellent Highland Bag-Piper, who played many Seoth tr. ma nmnrf. Ha wat drc lied via tbt PhiUbcg, tbt piper's proper dress. - . . Extract oft letter dated Fort Crawford, Prairie daChien. Sent 3d. 1824 Tbt Indian's in this part of tht country are hnl in tM fnrmrrr. '. There T ' W Htavg beeP1wolimiTtceitf morder within B few k tint a ! iliifinr from the Prairie J the.firtt instance was t couple of ueseners irom bt. Anthony, on .tne.tr way a . x -. KT .a to 5t.' Louis ; they were, overtaken by f party of Chippewaa, killed and scalped TL j i ii.... .v uocvouu instance oc&urrcaiasiiiiuuui, i foor- respectable persons living at the 9t i.ii .ci. !?. L c? a -.wJ I Hit IVf, it oh lUrC thsV s?flTia lAA fnl thaw tllf nlsl All w r I CnieaKvUf w asa va..a--- - a !Tn&VSnfi fa asrsl .Ar.ltn anm ffrAvSalk aOatAmtM A? r.fi1iVirSAtlOTVa. Vft ttiH hCa" . m . . i at: . . I'r.l ... ' WiionBWiwv " - Knwrnooa iDia cmppewa war pany, Jt ia.linnA..lk;. RumLm worn atmilt I ' ion i j,.. .'...,.a'.-j j " B' wb a,aawaa II U IIIV I iiw tinzneuiaieiy auiea u bvic thero, leaving their bodies to bt devour d by beasts and birds of prey when they '....j- ... . ..' ' ' uiscoverea tr.o oodies were so Mctrr ll. f.t.fd.:u . i o,9 1 Url 15. Cfr;rU.I,ho,U-;.ir,!ftl,.'j.- t il ft c!v..iQ J.tiwt. I'oirtKSt, M' l)t.r,, Hamilton, WUwm, Tuiler, Cut, CtMir, end Coven, ere rt Udf J. fWw&a Cattle The K. York Dining Post f the 1 Itt Inifan', conlilni t Cm,muDUaltaa No. I tddrtttcd Htmtrtt siA fWf tVfvM. Till it taking time by tJefv'thxk, Indeed. All the memlert f the Mafrra4 Congress art tot, yet aleeied. Tht nirhteenth Conrrtu will Continue UBtiJ the 3d f March, ISSSfand Ibl 6fM ltMDtUln of tb TrtUtk Cos IU to tLa fint itoadar of Dtctmbcr. II Jr. " n AiJm. . , Eitmt e Utif U Miti t u, du4 Wirbre I7li Oct. 1134. ttttBlc4 I Bnuiloo llsir tht n U (Abioo) pa cnr4f. Tb Colon! rpM.l bfor tflLrinr tktra. c!id m L .L-!- L.f- nif rnca to ht wnwii utiv tor ' . . tHnr toiM lh txopti for ki fwit, W. II. crtwjord. KmhJt Matt 'Foul UaAmonr atveral iuIii recently brought la Vermont for innocr, il is tis'ca, iobi in on i invro ortt of tbt cbargtt It, that tht defeodtnt had called tht plaintiff t Cnwfordite I If tbt plaintiff It a man of fair character, ht ought, certainly, to recover heavy dimagetll.--. , l$la Oiirrwf, t - - - Professor LJwri Lvtrttu bat been nomlnattd tot Conrresa. It tht Middle- set District, Massachusetts, in plact of tbt Hon. Mr. r out a, who oecaneti r-WtIon. Ta other rentleman haa been put In oombation Io tbt samt dis trict. v. Wm learn h iho Kev-Tork National Advocates that Ijttim JJonihertt bad chartered tht ship Crisis, of and fur that nort. and bad nrobablr embarked in her before tbt 10th inst. for tbt fJ. Sutea. That v-flTidia Cacttt rivet an ac count of suicide committed in most extraordinary manner, by a man at Ma- rot, who filled bit nostrils, mouth and ears with gunpowder, and tneo Mew on tht top of bia bead. . , r mSkETS. . TATlTTtLrtLLr. OH. 7. rlaai 4 1 1 a t4!. Imm ttaxat at at at 1. tas lfaWtl faW- tvVMWh) ai f)4 UVWI IlltVt) W"wa 4) to 1 1 heat,newrJaaOc.t vuMkcy.Uia Hi peacn brandr, Masyiappiaao.su to j i com, 40 to 43 bacon, J a 10 1 aiilt, Tnrta Wand M Kinhrl tnaluaM. 2? a 29 1 aunP. tnUK MTado,10jallJ;eofl"a,prime, green, 21 to 33, 3d aM anaiitr, w a li tea, nraon, r,i vt 11 1 . DiiawL TS a 80 etn tsllnw. 6 a Ti beeavix. 31 1 32 rice 3 to 4 per 100 Iba.j Iron, 4 to 5 pr. 100 lb. i tobacco leal, 3 a 3 awwiactured, 5 a 20 pr.cvt. eaaatvaa. ClUXLESTaY.PBTCES, Oct 25, Cotton. 8. laland. 13 to 88. stained do. J 4 to IS. SU'ina dn. 21 , aaatee. 20 to 21 1 ahoft Btt. pie, 121 a 14. Whiakey 33 35 eta. i Bacon, 7 a I eta. Haina, 10 a 111 Urd,13 Cagginr Dundee and Inverness, (42 inch,) 24 a W Cor. See, Prim Green, 19 a 20t Inf. to good, 15 a 17. Knrth-Timlina Bank BiHa. 4 ocr cent dta.1 Ceorgit Bank Sill 31 per eent,di. Cape Fear and eDe d a per ww. w. ( DIED. A trnJwwmiirli. am tha Slat nlL lira. Sank Xinrt wife of Sanwel Cng, Eaq. and datijrhter of Shepherd K. Konock, Eaq. of Elaabcth-I o New Jersey. The death of this excellent wo- mas ie an event deeply to oe urnemra, noi omj by her affectionate husband and afflicted rckv i',.M tutt a Iter aumeroua acauaintancet and (rieada, the charth-c ohkh sh vru a dirtin. ruuhed member, and the vboie etmimu..iir, Ka nmfittd b her nioua eonrerastion. or ft It the influence of her active benevolence. To do complete justice to her character, it tak I Tor wbich we nave neuner unw nor uicma, id Uttempting to record ber virtues, we do not fear t,m wH'u-K mm kava neither time nor talents, in k .k.m af adulation, ainco noeuloTT we ran offer cm equal the many excellencies which h itafnrr- Amonr llicwc uaDiiuai and ardent piety, fervent teal for the glorr of and unwearied activity in the cause ahe so dear. ly loved, ptiblie and private acta m Deneroicnco, and.onlimited botpiudity, kindness and good rfr -- -.4 rf Dun ordinary vigor, and enriched by more than ordinary accomplishment, srat uni- . ..J .tkUmi. uul aflVrtinnate ica wwjcr, vu,h""'" . , : , heart.. wMe'uj!lSa diligence, to the concerns of We, she still rnade J V .,), akfil1tiawa. till. ftfUmfttlOfL 111 In l.a.atri-fk.M riuthfullr dikV SZSZrS raToaeU and dotneie duUe. of -'ft .a around her the loveli. "le. ... " i:t- -,K .... i. J h a awf fSSP M IIIU STI I'lUU W Ult.U W aaa neas wu r. . . y, roverning pnnapio oi aii ucr acuuua, v the cause of roiwona, among the deatituU bea- then of our own and of fore.gn .,tot' n.iKKn andnmate cuariuee of tois " rtW .he tun trdent . . - ' t.m.i. 4..a I til ). M o r ..." tl. ... 4 t I' .t ..if 4tt.'.-",a a Cvt, fv.! , i m ai( JC, stu.U a Jaa, ta af U." ((riK.tia, fa VU-t ltjf tif.t( TW'' rcrkl' f af t-I..ii, f. .f, r, aat l taiaa, aoa ai llMAat Cfvcf, J af 2J t 11ua ! tea n b4 a ite pn1 Ha b4 (ir la ir.MM a ami u s pa. SVaaU, a4 t dMAtMata-l a.l alM).U aw Mr al OMMi; ana Vt OiJ; trta, kit difiaVUi, aJ f afy tMhi'rd ttlwt, ka4 txyrvj tUa a!a.ir:'a of aj U kaw turn.' fluw tnily k NMstd kjr tAtti tbt aacat paata, liui " La W Ut t drra of a ShSdA-W I t eubbaaa baara. a4 Wb twkaj t4P"tJ tafajatti4pB Wama couMy, ms the lh ah. al lk tit. kWaca Wr talker, talaaiaa Cjreea, Rwl. Mrs. Am O. Lac. taaaort of Mr. Jfc t"ff. as"' asfu.n . a . , i lit BATUIlUArs JIAIL. VOfaaaa i rbt ata rwr aaatiawod to prevail at Kiw iUana, aa ato m the 4U da; al October. Ot tbt 24 ad W, there vets CWUfta-Tbt board of Ul'h rvport aettht by ythW frrer on the 23J alt. hre a the Jih, tw m tht 26th, tweet the 27u aad aont aa the 23:h. LATZIT moil CKCUXO. . Advices from IrUnd to tht ?0tk Sept. have been rtccltcd at Philadelphia. Extracts follows. ' . . Dtk Lit Jr; The oifkiti anuoonct mrnt of tht death of Hie Most Christian Majesty, which vt received ftsurdsy morning, by express, was pub lished by tt In a buon4 Cd'aioo. Tor the take of thoa of our readers who tsw only tbt first Impression, wt now repeat "caiais, ixrr. 16t. , Wt bavt jusi received iht followlag Talr,rphic Uispstcb, announcing the swing's death i . Tbt king died this morning at four o'clock. King Charles X immediately set uf for St. Cloud, with tht Dauphin, tht Ujuphinett and tht Duchess of Ber; " I ne people nave taown, ouiuig toe king'a illness, tbt most affrc ung sorrow, Couriers art setting out at this moment In all directions with tht news." ' Sirnad at Ptrie, k.c- " Yesterday afteraooa it half past four o clock, a gentle man arrived St tht r o reltn Office, Downing' street. In t post- chU and (bar, with an official account af tht death of tbt King or Franca. The route he camt by was Boulogne." . . GrttxtK letter from Leehoro of Sept. 1st says that 4000 Greeks mads a descent on Epsnomy, and completely defeated the Turlt who were there, Tht Pacbt went to tht assistant of the Turks with 3000 men snd 4 piecef of cannon, and was alto beateBf with the loss of 300 men and bit cannon. On the 2nd Augost tbt Turks arain returned to attack the Greeks, and were again repulsed. ,The Creeks then went to Satlnis, Where ort the 3d and 4th they were agolo attacked, and again repulsed the enemy. 1 be Greeks then vent to Ceterini but tbeic further move ments art unknown. The letter con firms the report of the recapture of Ipsa- re. v. " -:.-7 .v. v- . I London, ttjh Sefitemirr. The transactions In Cotton are restrict ed to a few casual orders for immediate shipment in Bengals, Surats, Bowed, and Pernarobuco; Surata have igaln declined full I'Sd per lb.; For Pernambuco thero baa appeared more Inquiry for Spain, and previous rates have been readily obtained. The aile for Friday next; excluding 400 damaged canslsts of 3135 Bengal Com peny's, 1480 Privilege? 571 Madras do. 14,620 Surats to, 1 88 Bourbons oo. s ' Liverpool, SthL Wh. 1 . Towards the close of the week, our Cot ton msrket was a little more, animated. hut holders hivinr met the demand rath er freely, at decline of J.-fJ per lb. was In some esses submitted to, ,t v . . ruiLADKLmtit OCT. 36V This mornine a person was brought be- foTBthemayor byWwetcbmeflanda fined for drunkenness and uttering forty fire profane oaths. k The fine was 6T cents each, oath, and imprisonment 48 .'hours foreach. in case of nonpayment! the fine, besides 34 hours Impriaonment for being drunk. The culprit chose tne lat ter alternative, and waa accordingly com mitted to prison-zraiifioiiyo' v; jl VermontVU leRiilatore of Vermont L now in session at Montpelier. ? George E. Wales, Speaker f Timothy Merrill, Clerk. ; Gov. Van Neaa is re-eiectea wun- cut oBDositioiw--. A resolution introducicd r.i. ' rn , a i .i,a h ..... I ."' by Mr. Temple, that It is expedient to pasa a law to provide the choice of elec tors by the people on a genera) ticket, hai unanimously passed. This measure was recommended by the Governor in bis speech at tht commencement of the scs- f ' Imtr. nith ti.'t. ' Vi t. ,a i rr; i f ' n . are t: r l s, ' t' ..! ' '''IJ ! - 1 n.i t J ca l! t Hrwr the ; ::,!. i a't. iJi, e llb tailtd frora tlla M aJt tht rt.ll!e of lit twMh 1 1 if tf .f-' , CooiltUag sf two bn';t tf wsrarj .;!,( tarts,or Uuncf,, rt!m4 ft.ra t'ajo RoRvstvo, kawnj cijturiJ as. 1 ut t'-' deiih I grtatmsay prsand fjwts, tit ro llfa'ts. The Lsrrts bmt-it la as tiir oners, tevtrsl buuehef f Ir.ui;.i j en lcth the ircorid Icison. la k'.rf U franca S U it.XA iMa, atutk'4 e kt tad that aMM'd aWta Mr. Crnvftri will ht nWrawt, Is U thtAS Wfr!l WtbtthllVf inil leaV natil Wt hsvt the best authority iuf our aaylng this I Wt bail ao wish to Elrtiliflutr at U. It is a fact, that wlU soon aarw iitf. ? rcrnir.a. ' It it wklipered, but with mack conK deaf Ot that there It a cotSJcntU) ar.tni of Mr. Crawford's la this citv, who has a tetter from Mr. C. author uioj his rams lo be withdrawn from the 1M of carxliJ ales for the prctideney, if such a cootse shall be thought expedient by bis fiicndi la this Part of the country. Oat cuctrra stsnct argues strongly la favor f the corrtctness el this rumor. There Is s remarkable rtthtrlnf tostther of the leading spirits at the present time lo this city. , Ationg them art Mr. Forsyth, ! Ceorgia tht celebrated Mr. Lowrie, of Pennivlvsnle tht Hon. Mahloa Dicken son, of New-Jersey, and Mr. Van Burra, the bead of the Albany Regency, besides several let distinguished tbamterv Their countenances are long, anxtoua and gloomy, snd their eonsoltatbna frequent. Ther Lave not ret determined what uie to make of Mr. Crsw ford's resignation, as it Is understood to bt thtlr dcterraina. tion to keep iht matter a secret until af ter our election shall be over. Tbey fear a knowledge of its ctlsteoce win have some effect epon tht result should it go well, ther will rovero themselves accor dingly"- But should tbt election btJosi. snd tht Legislator provt ttutoom, Ibe iirrclout document will the be brought ortb, accomptnled with tbt cry of M save himself who can 1" 1 - Ja F tS John Lippctta i ttBOlSfUIX CMOCEUS, TTAT-eTBEET, raytttevilk, Korth-Carotat, JJL ofier for aak for Cau or produce, , - is iioda vugar , . .. 3J bbla do. ,- lohbisWdo: r .. " 45 bsfrs CofTeo ;'-'.,. 20 bars pepper, a&fpke and glnget - 20 hhda molaaaca . r : '-'' 25bbUN.F-ttum . , ,10 do. Nortbeni Hi'n ' , ' , Ida. Malaga Tit 200 kega cut naila and hrada, aaaoHd,4d to 40d 30 tone 8 wades Iron, aaaorted , , 1000 do. Cermat Steel , . 1350 the bCatertd Steel : . ' ' 2 SO do. eaat Btecl . . : : 2300 do, aliart mouUt 1500 do. hoop troejf - . 2000 do. aheet lroa 1500 buahela liverpool laS ; yOO do. Sound Salt . . , 40 boxes No. 10 cotton Cards -10 do. do. SwoolCarda " .. 50 do. 8 by 10 and 10 by It Window Class 100 rrarns Wrapping paper . t 25 do. . Writing do. r . ' 50 kep FFF Dupont 's Powder : 3 da. Shot, aaaurtcd M."-,r . , - 2 do. bar Lead ' 10bblatanneraOd 4 , ' .' ' . 20 do. Mackerel .;. I : SObalfbbia do..--- -: - -.j Serates Stone Jugs, aaaorted . . 1500 IU Saltpetre , " . 500 do. Alum ! . ' ' ' ' I 500 do. Brimstone - . ; -v naprinr. Bale Rone and twine Viih an assortment of PAINTS, OIL, and DYE-STUrr8. : ' , - - ; ' Also, a constant supply of w mockint Cardt, Octohrr 28, 1824, ' S8 ' ; FAYE1TEV1LLE. "Robwt iattraN ftut Co. HAVE received their fall importation nf GOODS, direct from Knrland and New. York. Their asaortinent includea aJmoat every article needed in a country tore. Thv in ta ail reinonaiise dealers to come and bur. on as liberal tera or credit as are j i i .... given ty anylnworter in tlio Unitel Watear v.. I . . . 1 ' In0.ll... ImMftt.rl M " uiner oouaca in una v . larrelr thii Season,, that the amount of goods here at present, far esceede that of any former . - t. t r time in ottrexpe"enc. , U anuallv attentive. . .. .' rmintrv dealers, therefore, have many more advantages now than heretofore, in thia market. fVsf Vf PACKAGES of Eurtpetm, ImUa and I UsUt) dsmntie JJrg OmJi, received by the last arrival and art oliered at'WnoKtae ana tttail, at a arnall advance Iron cost.- Aiso i ' Cotton and Wool Cards ' 25 eases f traw l.u fts . lflft aata of burnt n 1 rackilJZ hoXtt S trunks shell, cry, ;.; : s and imitation Combs The above articles have b-rn selected for tlii market, and worthy the s cirtioa of country meKlmnta, who are resect illy invited to call and examine the goods ami J 's, ' t. ITAVIS. FuytUnillt, Oct. 23, IS: 1. W6 f - . j:tf (.: ., j: ',(.'. 1 t4 a,t... .1 t . I ! I i V A IMiftM ;,t, f I A I ' C'.t ,1 t-t tl, 1 1 s-r '! t Sfa-Ui. n.u l C'ttttlrrjr. ilt catvr. a, co, ! y t-' il IW .t U;''- 4 ii A d A i. w aaJCat'Wrr, ircl ff.-. I I. lfcrff"a tnt aaanH avtt .- WI t'.y a'i ' tnHf tf 4 ( a ffW-'ry , I m a . I U'f f lilt uataJ, f h ' la r..raJ.te fwn'fy W1 tflu ... .rifr. fVr. n 1. ' To Country Mcrrhan!!. b'n full COOMt -f ftfyrfrti.'.V. m.fE aulamWr are mw t I, aaartAW4 a rta a4 a.ai.H '.' af f almnal tt.ry n't al faary Clt, miiuA to tKt t--H fMS.I, Wikk tWf mJ Ml S- IM irrra. vt It wukh Ot'f iai t!t aitt 4t af CO vlUo. tivaar, r,iuiu. v. rtf "V on. 1 1 . U. Oa tnnn ; HAS loat rrOlv'd.if f 14 ar.'. fw Ktw-Tavk sat MUdl tla, ar kmm4r4 . t Ilootl nntl Minc , w.ll aetrrttJ fjr tb a J'Vri. a! 30dVt.Kirt-D(M-aStfcJ K-!S 20 da. Coat fckma -1 1 do. c4jrd Moroota Ikifla ' . 11 do. Ia.f akiiat aVJ ws ri'c faptr 10 caars w4 Itati 20 doe. awatflt lla - 40 tnirS Itaarat.t kaxtfti, fce. . All of which are a-T-M at wbJemtr, a a raj adraaetfraeiooat. Ctntrt Mmf.w era. peetfutly nvtted te rail tad XiUuft the aix t . roods and prkes. .... f artfcm la, Ort 2 1824. ' Valaablo Town l0ti. OH TVfcUy, the 23d day of h'ovra-hf f. lrt, will be aU al seven valo.tla loww Iota, htkH"g t 'he eataU of Fr.uita r .1.. JxJ.I 1 kM L, ara ktW tlio L'fie. raa chMKh, t-IJolflrg M t-a'fc fl are adr a bith euta of enhivatia. end art worthy V9 attenuowoi any rxr.,,r wUliea to porchaae prrnenr. . iu ti.. ma aJI b aotd at the il..irna kmiaa af lHa 'lata Ramahat Krwt r. dee'd. a Variety of ItmiwholJ aiwl Kikben f niturt t tux. aisrt, n nil r i w m .;!n,fJl,nrui. fL bfirt. fcc. Tera-t made kaowa on tl dv of at, - s - T1II1UIV ,1111. aim. r.TTm S4lJry, AVw. 6, 1824. 3tJ3 , a. at . .1 . . ' -i- mm tl La Ska ava,T fcr one year, the "onat ami Lot belonging to aai wa iaA awes rnas taatnaa aiatw. wa na vw " VM late lUmabas irvvr, ora. ana mklnl at tbe time of M oeaia,- Boot! Mlt fe0tS. TTT ILL be aotl. at aaiflr aar, at tbt ton 1 f bouat U Sartabory, M TbnraUy of Woo-, tn conair court, (it beinr the 18th of the monih) s quantity n v ' 4 v lJooti ana bhoci, . . ramjfactured In iunab.ry, of tht bM of w a , lerkk. A ertdit of three aoftiha t ill be aivca fur the purchase money. , Aha, at the aame ume and place, a ftew act f tgindaor Chairs, oa a rred l of three axmtha. , CT.UKGL IX FMIIIU BalUhay, AW. 8, 1824. 2)32 N. rt All neMona IndtbUd to the o bacriber for work drtno, or on any other account, art hereby notified to make payment on or oeioro ihursday of Rowsa county eoiirt. a aC W7W OtltfffT tiu;. u. en i it. Mnj. IMI. Svrink'i Kstttc. ALU those Indebted to the eata'e of the tat Peter It. arink, are earnratly rtcjnrftd to come forward Immediatrlr, and mukt pavment, . a a a . I a . or tbelr notes arvi aocounu win o puwro wius aa odlcer for eollection. This deram) la ne ceeaary, ami will be enforced; oinf lo tlio many debta due from Uie estate. Thoae hav-. - rl.lmi arrilnat til eatlte. Wilt T)loae tin- -' - t them duly authenticated, within tht tirn. ; scribed by law, or Una notice will De pica i r of their recovery. It would be an accomr (. t'ma tn kava tliem nreaented en or before the week of the' eounty court in November. ' , Xtttrntur 5, 18:4. 3i.TJ Valuable I'roncrtv. for Sale. ON Friday and Saturday oltowan November CWinty court, (bt-ing tht 19th and 0tli of tht month.l a ill be offered at VuU'e Sub, tf osi valuable Ilouara and premiaea in the town of Jlsliribury, formerly owned Hy Jlamubtii JCritL r, dee'd. formerly occupied by Jacob Kridrr, 'm. by Thomaa llolmra, &c. and now partly t ecu. pted at a printing-oflics. This fit,iblib!,nie nt consist i of a large and good dwcll'inf-lionae, kitchen, garden, atablca, and a good atore-hoie. 1 lie premiaea ajo ao well knon, U U ns .' ed necesaary to give any further t! . , . Those who are di-iroua of purchasing vitcd to call and examine them. . " - -TU0JIA1 UOL3IES, V1 AW. 8, 1824. , 2133 Doct. "3. oM. 6axisittTt ff TTAV1NO arttled himself In Caw' J.1 eorvA A C, oflers his sen-iceS , to the inhabitants of the I own and 1 ( i vicinity, in the various branches of bit profession. ' He may be found at bia a!iop, ona door north of the Pcwt-Oflice except when abaent on profc-ion il huiiness. , Otl. 4, 18:4. . . , ' ".M4 - IV. D.ltxrar.sav Uc. ' - T T' removtd to hirhew l',ital!i.lh f. j A I nicnt, on Cairieroi atrcet, a few JjilyarJa north-west of tl,n i:tuirt.Houf" and ptdgea himatlf to Travellers and other who may cull upon him, politeness, plenty, ami reasonable thai t-a. . , i