t-1 t t: l.e a.' rl t f f r f t f r-1 i. i) , I 'l i! I,n.,!rr; i! i 0 Hrc! re; -v. (,1 M. ! i' c t.V it i H ti f c J r j f T .;, ti i ) r ' r. ; i t t ... . , V c )il , . r , .4 ....la, tu r-W f t' l.t.s " .ft J U U; i rffi-.rfi U r"S J 4 -flT I .fl-, ,- tftl 4L Ttr'( fp-o. Vf 'fT 41! S- U, m Ura, 11 , M irr( f it f t )t n W bau : Aa SMrawrf. raJU ti &ff tear, tVWa Wn tpm rba bra. u AI Mil U krt it al a4 cJ, ' AJ all awJ f JA ? TV bof iW cln eVilM a lUra. TWirt mJ mJmim dre la 'A ad pttd m.H x W drvim raj", ?la( avatSaa Uf bftMt Ma, L At ftim cl4e aW 4B 4bf tkWbil Uxir nuirt! pal aJ raa, -. M4tat aa4 , tech al j gLaeJ Tl4rWi2Lirea- Iu3 bad U Baiter MMttMMl. Dunk km ! iU4 VL-! , Oh, ate mU tdl MMttrt to If tTkWi t world m Uh m Ilia, WdtlUJorsto tbiaalefta. " TU tlrW Ware m1 the sve , Of 7 pJfru, furtti U roen, c TVe clra twi. dv tfcpair, , .JxjJbU the ta pK. Mil ., - uopgt, " fadJftat pewet thj sidVnpartt rt chtr'd raptarte &H an VearV Tajseott&f Wraldaatadt - (, . Teach M Um) war of km aad peace, auUunarj aarrvv eeaaa. ' 41 earta'a acloaSoa e4 1 A fed aa lb coeJUra of dM irara Whea tleavta wwmi Um (Je k gave, . , Ami cUum Bjr RjriA Imtki Vitk tlx Id aft M to 0 kjr-. t t ' i 1. It 1 1 1, '"ei I i;.f ri; f ItCDC Um nal !.!Tir piof, hit ti tcttf r it..!, with c cvfdief to iht set or Uiti cl (hfl Udr Tb'n bit pin of iht ojxruioci I po4J o lipt r r IB ( to httrhua htlr frnhaed lujj Uooca, htlit saothcr pr tKDU l round t&if for. orsimcottd Uh prtcioui itoeci , fKtrl f mhUh mirror, from th want of , il furmtd of compoililoa of wi ncuii, to which wu giua ao eiagiiiti Doltih. Tbrr wert tome liact to Urp to reflect tbt pcrtoo from bead u loot. DttrtKATC AIS4SSIKII A coupl of deitxrtdcxi ir tnrcr log our couotry tad tnk)og dreadful btroc of propen and tlci( of old iBdjounr. Taev bare aire ad r lUin mort oi toe uoaoiuou uaa wen imo ia battlei, and jxriihed io priaon abtpt, dorlaf iht Aoaencaa war) and at the lima lima they, have waited more lubtUoce thaa would pay tbt Batlooal debt. Their atreonh li iaviocibU. Tbtir rnethod of attic. W to atnkc people oa iht head then imtaotty to trip op their bee!, pick their pocketi and continue their blowi oa the bead until they hart quite beat out their braini. Though they infcit public bouaea chiefly, they art alao at private cloim of prirate bovtct. ia workihapa of necbaoica, and la the fieldi of far. men, ! aomt iatuncei wbott fami. lie bare fal!ea victimi to tbeie murder r ! I ffjr, '.tt I .f l!ft t'l a li it luoy it rtitrttd for t dt t atcuit pjfj) U'mj, ie mun ar a!ott lU Iiu!-ntu of ih world, and aim at a lofucr rrit. "ft fcrmi the txculur bos&r and exctllf nee of rtHgloa, that it aceom annate a to i'n f rvpeny cf our nature that It hoUe cut a ptia luiud to ur blrH caKbe that thert la irua. OCUr IS 111 CX'jfviRf wimu ' lurpaaa tkt Ima jiaatiotv ihit it di(ai Ce tht tircaeat aceaa ly cocoe cilng it fl - f .l,t!lb.HA.1Mlt.i wita iierBiij of faiih tbt fioriea of aa unperiihatle world and bow, from the high -eml-oeoct of beirto, a cloud of witoeMei re looking dowa opoa the earth, not ai i aceot for iht petty aotUt'tei of time, but ai ipUadid thotrt for the amuiuoa ol immorui iptna. to rotrriL ' Let oot tht leaava of youth b bar rca of improveraeou, ao citeoiial to . . m. a mm rour feucit? and honor. lour cnar acur ia now of your owa lormiog your fate la. Ia aomt caeaaure, put In mm f te rour owa panda. lour nature ia ret fcliant and aoft. llabiu bare not eitiUiihed their dominion. Pre judicea bare not preoccupied rour uaderatanding. I M wfirid hat not bad time to contract and debate your affcctioni. Au your powera arc more ngbrout, diaembarruaed ana free, than they" will be at any future period. Whaterer impulat you dow rire to -i j- - four oeatrei ana paaaiovi, inc oirec- tion ia like!r to continue, ft will form tbt channel ia which your life ia to run I Day, it nay determine ia ever laatinjr it toe. CooaSdertbto tbeera piormeot ol tbie imporunt period ai tne nicneai cruai wmcn anta ever e committed to rou t ia a treat mea- lure, aetuire oi your oappineaa in time and eternity. Ai ia the auccea- ioa of the aeatooi, each, by the in a. liable lawa of nature, afTecta the pro. ductiooa of what ia next io count j au, .1 :.rti t ' !ri;J if M- ' J DO : in I I e pun enj oar, whole towni bare beea ra Tt lit Mtmij m idmUfiitfJ tmiMf. I r iged and ruined by the tn. One poor , wr jrna-ay utMrw. w.uBi. imao bereabouta, ibat bad formerly kWcr ! iaia aop cf nna, thla (ran ataae.1 beea aa ioduatrioua thriring mechanic, - mark , I hit latl kfflt mTieTA Ti tVim tn Hera lea tbt W rta of poifjokJ trk. a manner too ibociing to relate and ,a hum.a lf ?terioJtf f ouf '?r r. yeaa hr4 aua'a ap a If'J aad trod thert art eerenl othera la tht ricinity ordmg ai It li weU or ill apcot, i- n- pot, aack k4kkmtk, u tk Houte af God, aho hare beea lately attacked by them, an nappmeaa oi mm woicn ia mm oata w tfvi aer mi rroa aia acar Did that kt araytr our lavwur taatkt deout, " I " I 1 - I A t At km Um kour. whk UWd Unda kt cried. . iU reanrcia ao. lo!nt! KanH!. tht BOunaniog mannooo i n, C-fdoai eome; tbj .Witt ka U. - and . alarming itapor had tucceeded, and hood. P14". r "f,f wl,thout "f :: f " - they are already braught to death'i reapccuble and tranquil old n - -. . -- -. .... - ..,!' j' ii., ,-,-. ; aer But whea nature ia turoed out JHSCELL.1KE0U3. t&lTSfiS rr , dld.r rtM I ojLEf or A BOOAN LAD v. , t outlandiih miacnanu, who mock at P'.af e 10 thf moVJu,t V 1 " rav T i ana caura. PCBUC.itOBALS. Within a few wejbka, a black man waa wantonly atahbed in the abdomen, and baa ainet died of the wound. The perpetra A wrmill mit miifilw nrt l.airTn I linn tnmnl iinnn tV am!m bed," which ibe did about 10 or II righu of men, and equally bid defiance po bloaaoma, io the aummer there will - o'clock, repaired to her batb. After to the law and goapei. Thenamea of f and autumn no fruit : m'!ii. ik.r. r. . - r a r f.. So, if youth be trifled away without r ... ,.r.,n. ,kK- -:.k . nt rrfc.'.i. . improvement, manhood will be con ativ ww tmm ai a wui a mvjv va w eaaa aa va i w w s"lsk aa r rtaaai w a a aa ... iU' . tnicione. ihe came forth to paia in- third i and all of theae perfectly inno- temPllbIe od olda8e operable. . I mm, . . . to the bacdaor the mmtUi,' Theae (cent and good if properly improved, coinoetea were alarei, who pnaieaaedlBot the iin and cuilt mil ties oa the many excreta for preierring the . tkia unfortunate victim, who ruma himiclf ana ccmpiciron, idu woo ucnvra mia j" uicui. iklkwti.u. , oaine from the Greek word KotmotA . . j which lignifiea beauty.' (IVaw IV. OaWa &riaii a a. wbita penon, byhenaroe of TV- .V lr ta k.tk mM i A l.i toorawn, ia conooea in mi. ye an . r .4u. . . !kJi,.j .vt. .:.i. r 1. 1. .u- told that it ii a can of deliberate murder. r.. p. .tKii ts..Llrt;n- r.k- n:M.-.j.rf .M.t - Oa Thoiaday erenbg Uat an aged wo- . r-rL7fVv;:."; " :.::r: "" t i abot byber aonin:i.w,iB h- hcc, wnKB-auc wu u u.7 wnca rHiuuuiy proclaim, u. , a ao noiaat lower part f our city, and It ie feand her ahe wnt abroad, or an the arrival of yon to listen , to the.complaioU of the wounda may prove mortal. We learn a etrar-crr j io that the poor husband poor, or the mormura of the diaap- that about one hundred abot have pent a . a r a mm t a m a . . . . . . - couio never see ms wue witnout ceripotaiea. lite your lesson from tne itntcd aer aoouider, lace and head. The f. in... k!n. riw.r.A Kllk ihll m..V I irria fmwrtrlt Af.fiirhiii. . C. Vtm I rvpntralnr. tW KaIi.w.. frm - what kit vi !ch ahe often replaced ia the erening placed In a prouder eminence than he I been said, waa partially deranged.' : He an ttr f j- lhrnnhmil ika . .anir.il Ca li I BJIO II III CU 11007.1 r'.trht from the contact of the air. in brighter colour, than tvtr A.A Two Instances orrery honorable Bght A aaA. ah. fiat Inilrtt. . I hia .rl Iffiamaalinn - imm timt I " "-- M w. ' v uv a. .lav. removed it . ad bathedher f.ee with a apunge ateeped 10 as.esmilk, and flattery can be.tow-and after you tw0 gtnllemel .nJ . My who tre now n whilst another endearoured to giro to have auffered thia pending exterior to enstody, charged with counterfeiting and , nc nu au puMiut iiciuuMi ujr run- ibwis na ucvciuumcas upon vuu, en- patting, as ma current coin oi the coun ; bing it, according to Pliny, with the ter into ita aolitude mark hla busy, try, bate metal of their owft manufactun 'ashes of snails, or of large ants, burnt restless, dissatisfied eye, it wanden when we recollect that every grand ' and bruised in salt, with honep io uncertain on every object enter into jury Is beset with complaints against the ' which the bees had been smothered, I his mind, and tell me if repose or enlno(orous ""eceit and shameless con with the fat of a pullet mixed with on- lioyment be there Vsee him the poor Nuctofthe mingled group of choice spir- laui. ma idsiiv. wim iue mi ui iwan. iwiciira oi cnairrin ina aiMuinnti r - - - , t omtnit Lit !- ; , OAU! while the breath ef life cob tSnueJ, our Lr other rcapircd by theet his tut breath li now departed f to tbee a yield him, O Water! thou di Jit contribute to the life of our brother! thou wait one f bis sustaining eletneoti. Hi rf L i arc now dupericdi receive U.y hare of him, who baa now made aa crcrlaitixig tight. - , ' TUB WtlT. Ia our Western dim, where we breathe the air of iadrpeadence where wt art not aubject to the caprice of cus torn, or tha restraint of JanJyUi, so lsr irons aegtoeraung, wa ara u.uy progrrsilog to tha career of all that is mmlr and aoble. What art the vocations and amuse- meats of the inhabitants of the wcit I Tbey all art of the' manly kiod. ITie chief employment it that ef agricoliure, which is the most ancient and tht most honorable that trcrembraccd the sttcn. tioo of man. Besides, there ii some. thiog mort elevated and sublime ia tt thaa co attach tcxanr other vacation. Every year be beholds a little creation of hia owa i crcrv rear be can tretify the risualorgaa with the ricw of srain aa a 1 .. bclda, orcnaras. ana pasturea, wnercia horses and cattle are rrsiiogi hs has but to stretch forth bis hand, and as if by magic, Cultivation puts forth bcr bcauixs and enchantments, Butwlutdo bia amusements coo si st of I1 Not ia pulling oa a pair of beaver elovcs, seisins a silver-headed cane ornamented with a pro union of tassels, and emitting on the pavement with precise and formal step. Wo, he asiuroes the hunting dress ol buckskin, and with r.&e and Cog. explores the recesses of the forest, or rangea the extennre prairies in punuit of the pan ther, the bear, the wolf, the deer, or turkey and when night orertakes him, he it neither alarmed nor uneasy. In a moment a blazing fire ' is kindled, that cbern the forest and disperses the gloom of night t a slice of venison is thm roaitcd before it, and a plentiful aunper ia enjoyed, which ia rendered delicinua to a keen appetite, lie then strcur.es himself before the fire, and reposes soundly till morning dawns, unless perchance, he is disturbed by the howl of the roving wolf, allured by the odour 61 bis venison, or the scream cfihe solitary panther, breaking on " the night a dull car, which ia to him music t he instantly grasps the deadly rifle, and it is well if they do not pay dear for their unmannerly visit. A journey is not here preceded by a ong routine of shaking hands, sighs, tears, He. j hre minutes are sufficient to prepare for a journey to Santa re. alifurnia, or the Pacific Ocean. Such are the hardy inhabitant of the forest, oucn are the children of the West. Illinoh Advocate, , it. Ail Luull of Coo!1: ,rvl ! k ! -Hr --t f t , t , M. t ) !a ''' '" -"f t r !...; , U IWrT J "U f.fa, t t, mtfl tmt awl ttimhU lt.ru . a3 ,r 4 W tutmnt. aM l!. -.M, m U r.j.ir'f .!'r la'i:4 tacit, rii,! ' u iu-i. nitnir a iu i ' Cr4, lft. Mil. til (TT fwtry IW, 13 imU, txttr, , . i uu.ricri ui. vur tiir. wiia puna. Diiioia. TO wn fn mCV lUiriUUICU inc nmnrnTinnri r.n nrart lr rmipaTfi ir inn 7 'i- . 1 f : 5H.. . tr. .-l.rl.,U. v:.l. - wuuuuitwmo terror oi nopw .r.. . .Itv. tr l A i j .i. A and orderly part of was.io ciic muy ,rfa .ipaii ana-a uua,ii vra mve aoi ieiracu,' IM toj,,, e,nnot refrain Uieceoi woouencioin, aieepeaiDoitoi irucai ana most anecunir cnaractcrs.lln.un.n.m.nnril.. the neighbor to. warn our fcl- Ina-uu. .t-ala AfnuKISi. "4 ' 'r ".. . i . I.L . -- a a. . m . 'I 7" rQiiCS, aoQ to rcmwB ircvaica im aiuiai even in iqb 11411 Hue 01 & irium.l rnonls. , - - 1. - 1 .l I. I - . a . - mi .m I . . . '1.- acmnintr oi aneep-saiiu mixta witn pnant amouion. man laooun lorthti rouueal subiecti have of late drawn . . ' ... IV-. ... . ' . - , - . I the honey of Corsica, to which was Wood which aatisheth not. . . off their attention from their own tmme aometioiea added the powder of fran- What meaneth this restlessness off diate interests, and in the confusion of liocense.' tyi t a yK ; I our nature! What meaneth this un.toaguee, toe aim amaii voica 01 virtue bas This ODeration finished, a . third ceasinr activitv which, lonea'for exer- LeUftM ?? cn aeardtor made .at least alive anoroached. 'nrovided with a ciae and emDlovmenr. even after eve. . - ie and employment, even after eve. ? a " ira?5'",0V! .nT pair of pincers, with which she mcr. ry object is joined, which first roused ISZZl , .Tle w. - .... -a a a 1 . - j- .. " . . 1 v uuu aai ucr b r niia 111 cvuii. cuessiv piucaea seven me minutest u 10 enterprise t vvnat mean tnoseun.i i . nair irpm ine jace oi ner m SCRTlCtiL mis uuijr oi iwiiciic wver, ina. uiivaiiua sau cxiingu sn, aca -wmcn 8lu(l th an JVaia At tnitinft LUtabtik Smith. L The hand of a friend imparts ines timable value to the amailevt token of remembrance,. but a magnificent pre sent from one unloved, is like golden fetters, which encumber and restrain not the less for being made of costly materials. v ; ; . Imagination, , like the setting . sun, casta .a glowing lustre over the pros pect, and lends to every object an en chanting brilliancy of colouriag but when re. ion takes the place of ima gination, and the Sun sinks behind the mountains, all fade alike into' the night .fj'.-l ! . . ; .,.y', . ... .-. . - wi ittsappoiiiiincDi. ' 1 .' -'-. Study is to the mind what exercise is to the body s neither can be vico- ..... '. .L ' 9 ... rwua wiioout ccruon. , . Mtnton Untt, uusBinr, .wtmtc.iiinu.Yj . tDWAMU tAliCUOlLII, lT.T If l,aaUrarf,U,,K,lki '"I f.likfalU tttfntiv(,n4 itrj,,,, " laakHMIHl, ftUaiaa ml U,f Mrjfia 'rr,r, u , Cowt-llmM, (latlf eccult4 tf Ur, j, 1 Huta.) . Ik eonTtdenra c lW tium. j' UaiMMt, ia tjf to any h iU j,tw, r tlwM iontaiiM a aumbff rritu rw,, , , eakuUtnl fur tka ateommwUilgaj xn : tad OoaruVrti tha liaLtft ara eut, If ptrkr, to U tha ile, aa4arar!f 4 w atCfinf al attrfrtWa llialcrt J kir, il be auf pHad aiik lLa bm iL 4t4 alTordii aad tla rrpdmlimt tt LI tMHi . t m k bfa lll ina tniira mlifacii u &,n aka awy think proper to uti a Mmt M w aawits the at, tiat aa pair aWI k t;ir.4 rtnJer tlcir atay eonJ'oruliW tad tkiar aryH fff74. ti Uoot and Bhoo Kstallishmcit ncAtoriD. EftrNCZER DtCStONuVealbUal , Vna bia ca4oovcn. and tbt jA; ( krrr. tbal ka haa retnaved L' iW.i l f,,. tha kmaa ka turmtrly etcMplftt, anj Km i.i , tha konae awaad ky Mr. Ikommi Todd, oppowta Wat, II. felubteraa boon tf f.ft. tajnrDtmt, oa Main-atrtat, SilitWyi abrr,., lt cany on, as a mil, tba Doot and tlx , kinr buMitcaa, (a aQ ha varipua brmnchri, ( WTMC4 acatneaa aad oaraLUtty back, WW Crrca. cannot ka aurpaaud ky aay la lb AH ordtn from a diataace. fur work ia ka U, 1Q ka ftuthfuny aiteadrd to. Prirate Entertainment. TUB aubaenber Ml eprned a boutt f Ti vata KmcrUnmnt abcra TmcCmaa ka acooaimodatatL fia prwiuars aO t4 tj oa kirn, good t-ratRwat, witk a pWaty af tt beat to cit aad drink. . - 14 If. B. IATTXEW rnn. Mouse and Lot, in Charlotte. IOU tale, oa aeeomnvodailn trnn,1b W and lot hi tha town af Charlotte. alucS mi joint Mr. Joba Invia'a atore. aa tt noni e acr. Applr Io JAMU TOUUENCt. CharkKte. May 7, 1834. , CT Stato of North-Carolica, ' " iMtDiLt (ourrr." COURT of Pteaa and Quarter Sr aaloni, i Ti term, 1934 1 Robert Slmonton tern M Alexander , oritpna attach mat, rtturnrd V oa land. ' It M ordered by tbt Court thd ri tha defendant in tbi suh apprar Wnrt t!t Court of fl" ami Quarter Scmlorw to be M for the county of Iredell, at tba court bew a StatfSTiUe. on tba third Momlar ia Nomkba ftcrt, aod plead, tlif plaintitT will have juilc" pro confrtao, or a bearijip ex parte, at ti notka thereof be puhCihea Uiree ntobtla is tt u enern CarobniaA. . . Tttti R. SIXIOCTON', CTL Price adv. f?4. . Smit'ST State of North-Carolina, . i mtDiLL tourrr. COURT of I'leu and Qnarter Sean'oni, At term. 1834 1 Kobert Simontua at. tUvi D, Gait her, original attachment, returned on land, kc. it b ordered ky tha court, tt Sublication be, made for. three monthi ia tk reatem Carolinian, that unlet tba dHenoii appear before the next term of the n'x! to be held for the county afore laid, at the k hwte In Stateiville. ait' third Stond ' Norcmber next, and plead, the plaintif beard exparte, and hae jtidpnent po eor.i. Price adr. i. ' 3mt3i' During the funeral ceremony, which ' . ! 1 I . ' a Mm the treta commencca. wnen iresn continue to agitate the heart of man! is solemn and effecting, the Brahmins water waa found insufficient ta cleanse even io the fulness of plenty and of en address "the respective elements in them, they were rubbed with grated joyment? ' If they mean anr thing at words to the foliowioffpurDort.. v - pumice-stone, or marble dust, a meth- all, they mean that all which this worldf O Earth ! to thee we commend our m - ' r . . . a od still employed. The use of tooth can ofier, is not enough to fill Up his I brother: of thee 'l.e was formed, by brushes was known at that period f and capacity fcr happiness that time is thee he was austaioed, and unto thee the coaettet-cf the time. like those J too anisJl him, and he is born for I he now returns. lir-GcTioarthere are regular ttai1- nage-broken, who have pocket books filled with the names cf marriageable girls, of different class, with notes de- scnptive of their figures and fortunes. These people go about endeavouring to arrange connexions j h they succeed they get a commission of two or three per cent. upoK the marriage portion, Tbt contents of their memorandums are said to be very curious. ' .General Zaremba had a veryjong name. , Hie King having heard of it, one day asked him good humouredly, "Pray Zaremba, what ia your nameP The, General repeated to him immedi. ately the whole of hi long name,- Why said the King, the Devil him himself never had such a name," I should presume not, Sir,, replied the General, as he was no relation of mine, State of North-Carolina, SUPERIOR Court, in Eotiitv, Reptem. Ttra. 1824. John Ilrvanvt. JoaeDh Pourter.if cia Pourter, Airnn Chamber and Lotti to wifi, Jamea Pourter, liezekuh Hall nl hia wilt! M illiam Pourter, John Cornell and N cy hia wife, Elijah Cornell and Elizabeth to wife; Mary Johnaon (widow,) late Mary PwrW and Jane Gamble (widow) late Jane Pourtcfi Original Pill i It appearing to the aatiifctio the court, that all the dcfemlanta, except Ji Pourter and Fraocia Pourter, are inhabi&n" another atate, ordered, , therefore, that jm tion be made in the Weate-, ' Carolinian fr weeka. requirinff tba aaid di..endanti li'it of the state, to appear at tha ne tt cmiit equity ta be held for the counfy of tTiike tha coiiruhouae In U'ilkcaW, onjhe Monday in March next, andpleal aiir demur to aald bill, -or judgment pro. con.: will be taken, and the aame act for heriitf parte. O. BARRKlT, e.fca.- State of, North-Carolina, IU Equity, qctober term,' 1824. WiUma niahandrthan v. Pollv. Miller andothef Petition for tale of land. It appearing n court, that Joaeph Sullivan. Cornelim S'l" ThoroaaSulliran, Bctay Sullivan and Knty nvan, defendants in This cat, ate not inMxWJ of this ti. it ii. ni1ott. hat flllbliMll"" " ma(le1njl.eatenj-.Ca named patrea appear at the next term - court, ta hm hM an the thin) Honda' trt fourth ' Monday ia March next, and fJelZ twer or demur to the aaid netitloii. er it ' taken pro confeato, and act for hearing t P1' ; aa to. them. -' :- - Teatf EDWIN PASCnALLCMr Price adv. gt 50. . Shcrifis Tax Deceit DEEDS for land told by ShcriiT for ef Texc,, far aala at the "faW b

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