4 J. r. J I t 'i f II II ,-. , r. to riii'r vft-nt. ng M in" j.fll til tha I it Urge II il 1 (! , i , ,i? fcfsn Wit Rut greicr t -.ifdlloll. I r.!cr tu.tCiir wn rttfn wim . . t . a I . - . I iiHUilf' It wis, however, vtry rt .,f table one I end show! that the liuill J Improvement it msllng ednncsi In tail County, that promises 19 da much f"f tb tsuse d W eceoocny tod doreestU Jtiirf, ' , The commltteo tainted ta tierauie the U itoch.end to award the print emi offere d for MU daf's t bUiO., ewi Uitlnf of JunUl 8ntl.WUJ'.moIf rU, and CeofE Lock, report i the fco claty it folio! I ' ' ' ' 1 he pri mlum of t44 tatde!, offered fcr the W UU, uodir two nor over ht f tart of lit, U warded to lb oafteri of tU Bull "Rowsn.", ThU li vert na animal, or tbe llenlordshirt breed, aged two m Miy( pu'chastd by company of CcoiUmw of Salisbury tod fat thlnltf . '" Tki fold medsl offered for tbo best kiifcf urwJer threw atari old, U iwirded to Junius Sored, Esq. Tb ailrer Cwtsol 10 value, offered for tho best milch cow, U awarded to Hkhssl Drown. Tbi prelum of S I0 ciibt for tbt bM eolt, to Un thin on nor mot e tbia four ytan old wn twirded to Ur. C Irvlo. Tho like premium of 810, luwirded lo John Douihet, for fill of lb ucne jo. The premium of o elegant bridle, it An honorary premium It tvirdcd to Ale under Long, ten. lor in ntrorJini rr fioi hOrto mule, product of tbi Jck Don Piurro. Mr. Tbonn L Cowio, alio cibiUicd i wj Sao mule, of tbt urntltock. Tht prtmlum of 85 50, (or the bttt o plgi d 83 SO for tbt Uit bor pi 15, rtivirdcd to Mr. Jroei Hull. Both of tbet pip art erf flnt, and promitt nluiblo cqulhloo to tbU Mdhn of tht rouotry tbtjr ert procortd br Mr. If. of tn pprorcd nock from tbt oonb. Tbt cororoiUct tikt occsttoo to notice, that tbert vert uerl t cry fioear old colli md filltci axhilnied, by Mcnra. Lone Craig, Covao, Kelly, and Brown, wbkb abow that tht iplrit for improving tht Mock of bortet it not dormant in old ftowan. Mr. Momi A. Lockt, iIm ex bibited a coll of four tnoothi old, product of hi horn Dion, whico pomnei un commonly fint parti. ' Tht committat would ilto notice, in a very farilcular ruannrr, tbrct very fina calvce'that were ihowo, one by Mr. Brown, not her by Mr. Lockt, and the third by Mr. Iluit. From tbt appear tnct of theft caWea, and tho recent acqui aition oi Kood cowa and a Cn bull in the ficinitr of SaUtbury, It it evident that our atock of caitlo it rapidly improting, and promise! to turn out a great advantage to the country. Tbo report of tbt committee on family domestic manufacture, ttull appear in our next. dito. PENNSYLVANIA. . The PreiUentUl Election ia Pennlani look pUca on iba 29th ult. In the city and county ofFhiUxlclphia, the only pUc in the aute here the frieml of Jickton bad any km. the vote stood as follows 1 Citf rhiUHUifhi. Andrew Jsckson S364 John Q. Adams, 1300 WilEam II. Crawford. 5U0 Henry Cbiy, 107 John Q. Adants, $76 M iHim II. Crawford, 480 Henry Clay, gi The partial returns that bad been received from the counties adjacent to Philadelphia, (at the date of our latest papers,) gave Jackson al most a unanimous vote, ft ia thought that, at the lowest calculation, the majority of Gen Jackson in the whole state of Pennsylvania, will be30,000! . esla Clutr!ettoiuTte board of health of this city have not reported any new case of yellow fever for two or three weeks part. We should, there fore, presume that this pestilence has been en tirely arrested m that city. The board of health report fax deaths on the 29th ult. from oldcates ; tar on the lit Inst, me on the 2nd, and on Nov. 1. -, Steam boat cm. The Charleston pa pen inform us, that the steam boat Co- lumbia itarted from the wharf in that city cuxiha. 23& M1U f or Georgetown and Cho- raw and that wban within two miles of Sullivan's Island, she groundedduring the night the slid off into deep water, and toonjlled and tunk. A Mra. Rantin and child, and a wench and child were unfor tunately drowned. The other passengers, with the crew, were with much difficulty saved. Tho cargo of the boat was tri fling in value, ii . . ' m Humility r-lhts most excellent of all "moral virtues, is to have a low esteem of ourselvei ; which Ja. thii particular ad- others. - ' . l.I.l.Cl K) Ki.l I 1INH. ticMft tr lutsi iv u. t vl t f. ' -3 l. f n si 4 t!. mm!i, a-i t,f m tl. Mti. ' frnm mt llrfy Ml 1 "f II f.,MLI lU V.J-'l Ttl ail SI fMct4. Ytt A f M lfi t4 vutti r'l l U tt !, i3 be qtkJ t tl U ainy lta U at U A( sW'' t but It t.Q We sMMb rir ! 'r Ukta on a turmt tr 4 tbia kind k NorlK-CtJi-a, rfif 1 U ao cMy U U 4 , wtve rVr trTurti waf l tl tts t"- ty ia U.U uo vA M Wlt.U i wU Oa free of Suc, tbo fullewiif sslWr 13 aboi I iTATr. or firs votti w bovta. a: I tux a l anus. ' I alUUry, 39 Ksary'i Mia' n ThowipsoVi Mill. 3' Mock'a OU r-U, . Fuhon, Pinkstow's llore. is CARAIIt't COLIITT. rMBk foiimiL a frirrvl writes as, that tba PtwpW sTksrt rc,4 U totes, tsr wmmum surra eodorMd foe Mr, AdaJM. And that the Crawford ticket revived it vUeS, 19 of wblcli vera endornd for Mr. Adaa. Pamir's Ticket, 32 Caucus llcket, II Our corrvapondent eWrvrs, that, " as there was ao ticket for Mr. Adama, a greet miatbcr of kia friends did nut vote at all i" bat that, uadcr these cireuiM'ineta, be rteeived 74 votes, as snanifrstod by the endorsement on the tkkeis. Bt BATUJlDArs MAIL PUKTHER ELECTION KEICKNS. Prom SjUvt wmnty, we have only heard the rrsuh of the election in the to a of Salem, which k as follows 1 - People's 1 icket. 174 Caucus do. 26 Majority for the people, US We afco learn, from our eorrevpowdent, that at the Crw Fntd, in Stokes, a rW of caucus mra bad associated there, with the view of pre. vtirtlaf ay th people's tickets from being given ia 1 and ta 4j M cicctlon, everv man who was opnoaed to the caucus, when be at tcmpted to vote, was aamahed, his vote wres ted from him, and trod under foot This club utcd the most shameful means to dissuade the citizens from voting for the people's ticket. They propsgstrd a tale, that if Gee. Jackson was elected, the wn were to be taxed by him, to the amount of tlurty thtad dBar$, which sum vu to be applied to the support of msnufac turea. Other scandalous reports, of the same nature as the above, were industriouily circula ted by this lawless club. Such doings require no comment 1 the character of their authors ia stamped upon their foreheada. DAVIDSON COL'NTT. From Davidson, we are advised of the follow, ing result of the Election t rioriVs ticest. cscccs tic a sr. Lexinefnx 207 49 Vtker fUuri, 2U 423 72 121 Connecticut, By partial returns from this state, it appears that the Crssford ticket which tu formed there, will be outvoted fourfold by the friends of Mr. Adams. There can be but little doubt, that Mr. A. will get u3 the votes in the whole five New England states. cesaiw, nn. 5. CtttonK good deal of this article ! coming to market, and ia in good demand. About one hundred balea were brought in wagona yester day, which commanded from 10 to 12 cents. Very prime would bring 13 cents. iidett. TUB NEW JERSEY ELECTIONS Closed yesterday. The result, as we anticipated, is in favor of tbt "Hero," who binda all hearts to him with " hooks of steel." The Fredotrian," an Adama paper, published at New Brunswick, gives up the Slate) to Jackson. Private accounts also represent the general result as aus picious lo the Hero of Orleana. Thus we go cheerily and triumphantly forward. - a . " " I ei week we ahull have Maryland t vn waiuiuar icccivc accounts irom unio, Jackson s victory: and on the tth of March next, wt shall hail him President. fc. Columbian Obterver Tht Afw-rr ELECTION now en grosses the exclusive attention of the peo ple of that State. Cotum. Observer. From 4 A'ew- Ytrlc paper, .Vot. 2. ' At the close of the polls last evening in this city, Custom and the People's Ticket stood be tween tJirte and Jour hwidfeil in advance of Uie caucuNfes. This is but a foretast of the glo. rious victory that wJJT oerch ubbn fhe'itiiiJard of uilrHkeopIr) Vi'bich wsres triunipbaiit. I 464 M ! S S We .,t U, 1 ' 1 . 1 1 .t 1K '1 I ki t 1 m! I'f n I- t r. Irtr.iaee.CriwI ..-4ali Jks.n Ill A'lims 14. I Cuii"ysr, n!.rj jj Js foj Mm j TLa f.UnJi cf Ad. ml U Ntt York are axut to sUndon Mm, and lu.t the j;0iB CVwrnMii QUtrvrr, h Seven to ftlnt are bet tbsl IrxH King and Verpl.nck abandon A Jims ma tome out fur Jack. A peep at tit Ametl- tan of Uasaln wtU prove H Att.,Cxit, Tbt Ugislstort of Ibt Slatt of Dela wart will isemUt at Dor w Mondsy, tht lib Inst, tor Ibt puewst of cbooslng IJecton of President td Vkt-Presldsot of the Uoittd Suite. J" ' Utility irtrft W. trt con. ...A ia tears frtm tbt TennesKt pe- pera, that tht Pfiytr of tbt petition t tbt Trainee 01 our wnivr.T glilaturt of thai Statt, Ibal tertatn ei ek.atad Mfliianr Land Wrrrenti mK'bt he ediudlcited and passed fcf ker benefit, was, on thi 34tb ult. rejected In tbo House of RcprtKnudvte by ot ot to 10 V Htiilgh KrgUttr. r..eral Alveir.the Mlniarr from Bu rnne Ayrts, and hie Secretary, Colonel v.i... lh this clt last week, to return t. . Mm undent iod thst Gen. Alvesr bis been appointed Cammander In 1 tbUf of the armtordrrea w tss. me ,n r.k,.r nt.eainafje Iloyalist Spso- - -i. I .,. .III vu i lO'onei inim wn mtmi have command lo the tiPtdiUon, at en gineeri In which department be sustains the character of peculiar merit. mmmm A'ut . OUT. Tbt Corfu of CaJett, of the United Steles Militsry Academy, he ofTred a ry medsl, of 50 dollars value, lor toe best drslra of a Monument to the roe mory of General 7Wrfri Antro. 1 he Mooument is to be erected at West Point, on a ruda romsti'lc l Dot wbkb bers the name of Kosciusko. Cisrden, hecsuw! It h-d once beeo his Uvorite re trs-t in hie leUmt moments. DesigTu to be eihibited br tbt Jrst of January IIJ5. CommunUatloos lo be addressed to JameiS.Tbompsoo, P. M'Martin.and T. If. Rideelvt Committeo of Calet I West Point. - a 1. ytw OlLIaws, OCT- 11. The ffv H prtraili In our city we are sorry to see various citizens who had absented themselves, at strangers, coming thus early .among us. Tbo weather for the Isst few days hat been. unfavorable to health, and v niters are not considered safe." The deaths br yellow fever on the 0th 10th, 1 lib of Oct. averaged eight each day. hbw oaiiAKs, OCT II. Madam Iturbidt and family. .The echr. United State; Capt. Fitch, of Baltimore arrived at Baratarta on the 29th ult. from Soto la Marina, having on board as pa aeneers. tho .widow of the ei emperor of Meilco, and her family and suite, con sisting of two children, t nephew, two nrlests. and two aenranti. Tb ladies of Commodore Patterson and Captain Cun ningham, who bare a summer residence at that place, urged the unfortunate stranger (who appeared to he in a delicate state of health) to come to New Orleans and remain t few weeks until her health should bo reitored ; and through the po lite aid of Capt. CunningMm, the arrived An S.rurdar evenlne. lltr nephew and one of the priest! went irj the schooner . . ?sa c iinaana. whonce tney win continue their voyage for Baltimore. We are in formed that Capt. fitch is entitled to much credit for hit particular attention and politeness to this forlorn family on their passage. , They left Soto la Marina on the I6ih ultimo. , We further learn it ia the intention of Mad. I. to remain a few r weeks at Mr. Zacharie'a plantation 1 to proceed through tho western country, on the first rise of water, lor a northron port, and thcuce cm bark for Europe. From Peru. Tbt National Gazette, of the 2d ins:, saya that Lieutenant Hunter, of the frigate United Slates, Captain Hull, arrived at Philadelphia that morninc, in the schooner Utility, from Chagre, which vessel he brought home, the captain, mate, and one teaman, having died at Chagrt. Lieutenant Hunter brings the official account, pristed at Trojillo on the 17th August, ot collar's victory over the cavalry of Canterac Tho. Lieutenant wasrhtmMif at Tnnirtnrtft.ini.r.-.w- Ar- IIV. UlwULLIiailfc Un tho 1 5th tAugustttheta was a public rejoicing for it i a aplenUd dinner and ball , were riven br tht Prefect of the place, and the beads of oir government toasted on tbe occasion, ludge Prevost acted as vice-president. Lieutenant Hunter confers the Pat riot cause as almost certain of entire success. Bolivar was extremely popu lar. Captain Hull was to tail on a cruise from Callao the day. after the departure of the Lieutenant, who has brought des- patches from him tor vjwr- government. I ' Oh board s vu was wcu ,? trt n ir . 1 l.rt'i ''-' t, ' "' t.'t.tjf I' P . TW 1", P'i r t,, if.h, l 4 ttinf tn-it'J, SS A t?. U' -.a, J(. yranll.n, U Urn Bt's 44. Vlll:'4.w U WJifil cin';, (!u;.tf if tvL J WU b'ira. iaatKtt. fWrirt'd thU f.f, e the 2il U. of s UffW Uk U bure Hb a fufl.ta trvJy UttmuKg 1 CWiM, Mr, iCam AIM, a at f rinManv. Ut M tp sdl ol v 7ri rpkit4 cMre s suHia., iomsiv. Mr, M.Urf. aU.U U Ivrakb. VM d.ir4i4 for Lis rtr.iLU dtoatitoe s4 aprirtaeM of ttadcf parent, and Htkkiiti Itft btluM bim l widow and four a.tult children. to btwad tUir bvrparslde lossi thourh ibev bse a bappr cansoUtMin, A few tfars prior to decease, n eonvuwI iU tnoat were srouiyl bis Ud, that bie aim ere pardoned 1 la Ua U4 ttflta, n was rrvooeMhr beard a pin Ike aajae of hie Maker ad aipaing t Lm for forriveneaa. Let ba friends now condyle Ibevn. sclree with the pUsag rvletion. that M Is tow enjoying plriwrra, wlueb Cannot be ob. tained m this worVL but aucn a are promised a piooa and benevolevit cbrwiione M Ike worlil lo com. - RUwrd ie be that oometn U the nams of the Lard." teaaesiovia. (fVa abovo obituary notice was rcorittd dor ing the Editor! late itlneas, sod wasatidaid slirfh Will account for the delay ia Its pubQ s ion. J -VoUce. 0X Thurwlav, tlie 2nd December, I dl a It, at tho dwrtlmr Imiow of William I'arii, iter A, , ttie fulloifif articles of personal prv(eny, oelorging 10 nil eaie, lo K ; lltjrr, Cattle, Sheep, A Uit Quantity of Cotton and Cora, Hi), Poddcr, tvc. A wagua, and farming tooli, A prime fifty aw Cotton Ca, Ami a rod Screw, fcc. Ivc. A crtilit will be given, and security required. Terms made known on the day of tbe sale. Sale l continue from day to day. AO oeraoos indebted Id ll estate, are re queaitd to pay tbeir debts,. and creditors wul pksae present their accounts, properly authen ticated. R. II. ALEX A.N DtK. .Um'r. AVreer 6, 1824. 2t3 Kstatc of Jos. Hamilton, tlccM flUlf. subarribers havinr omriRed. on the 21st B -i - t r m I , t . . A . t the laat wilt and teatamcnl of the said Joseph liamuton, neceaseu. do herrby notify all persons having legal dcniamla againat the estate of the said trvtatcr, to present the atn lor ptynvnt within tba time prracribed by law, or otherwise they shall be furevcr barred 1 and all thoae that are indebted to the said estate, are requested to disks imraeuate pa) ment. ALDI.F.Y HAMILTON, NANCY Hs MILTON, JOHN McDOWEL. RaihrrfJ r. .V. C. Ort. 22, 1124. 7l3l 100 DoWaTftaVtVfatA. II' I AN AWAY, on the 10th of October, 1824, t negro man name'. .4&.,ated 27 years. Ma wMlodgcdmibrWIofKamlolph :rr?AhL7:rj the 8th of November, 1824, by the subscriber, snd taken on home. with a pair of band-cuftaon. On arriving at the aubtcriber's bouse, on th9tbof November, 1824, be wss left in a room itb a small boy j wbibrt tbt family was at supper ia another room, by tome means Adam alint out of the door, and made bia escape. At the time he w aa taken up, be had several free papers ia his posaeasio. Tbe said boy Adam has a scar on bia right hand, occasioned by a wagon wheel, lie bad on, when he went away, a snufT-colored eurtout coat, with band-cufTa, well rivelted. He has heretofore paiaed as a brickmsker, snd as a free man when laat taken up. One hundred dollars reward ill be given for the spprehension and delivery of said negro. JM4 MACK CHUMP. Dividtn nm, A. C. AVn. 9, 1824. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Vew oY GootVs AT FtYETTEMLtE. THE subicribers are now opening sn extensive assortment of r and tratmablt Gd, consisting oTjpoit every variety of staple and fancy Goods, suited to the Carolina market. which they will sell on the most liberal termi, sml to winch toey invite the attention of toe public. STUAltT. DIRDSALL fc Co. FatKUnnttr, Oct. 28, 1824. 51.15 ONE of sober, industrious habits, who csn come well recommended, will meet with encouragement from tbe subscribers. Apply soon. THOMPSON fc MINT. Concord, Cabarnis county, ? 27 N. C. Oct. 4, IS4. s State of North-Carolina, stokbs covnrr. tSCiVXlT of Equity, October term, A. D. 1824 J John Evans and others rt. Charles Dal ton and wife, Robert Winston and others. Original bill. It having heretofore been suggested to us that Char'ca Dalton, one of. tbe dvfendanta in fliii Case, hath diedi andirippeannjJTffusi that his k. Uw iKriwi reside wmnnme umits of tliis state, it is therefore ordered, thst pub. licalion be msde in the Western Carolinian, printed in Salisbury, for six weeks successively, that the heirs at law of the said Charles Dalton, deceased, appear at the next Court of Equity to be bolden tor the county or Stokes, at t'le court-house in Germanton, on the 4th Monday after the 4th Monday in March nest, and shew cause, if any they have, why they should not be made parties to the suit j otherwise the bill will be taken, pro confesso, ai to them, and the cause scj. down for hearing ex parte against them. Witness John C. Ilium, clerk and master of the said court, at office, the 4tli Monday after 4th Monday 4a Kepis mbcr, A 1824,- --- Copy fmm the minutes. 6t37 I'nce 75. ' JUll.N U. rsLVII, r. H. t. I ind '(..ill I.I )( It, It ( il I it r, i. not r fif, iiai tn;rr,t.!.,'.t.r- Il in. u a .f.f ;jt'.i 4.., j bi.w L .f w. llb.r(Xrt.s y br prft'. stU;Ki si f r 71 yvi im.)ms 31 ttu H, r. U do. t I U, UUtt . fj) Itp cut ala and bra-U, srtsd, 41 to 40d SQ t't'4 twd I", sewrVid llW dt. tMfllMJt h Urth.ibU.'.d atl I :0 d, (4 t,l , 1 do. alrf as lyU 4 L Immi v flTJO do. atev Iroayl . ' -- i , lyWboAelslJiefTMulSaR , 7l d.iiMdaaN 4J botei , 0 ro"n Csnla 19 do. da. 6 wool t'anla 10 do. I bv 10 and 10 by 13 Window JS 100 reams vi ripping tT 9J do, Hnimg d. , w kri rrr Dvt's rowdrr 3 do. Shot, airud 3 d. bar Uad -lObbUlanWrfHl 20 do. Mactsrtl aObaibbls do. craies Stone Jugs, ssaorttd ' IJon lbs Sahpe're ' yjQ 40. Abias JoO do, Urimetone llargging, UW I4np sml Iwine Hut, an saortanenlof f AIM'S, OIL, sl iivmh rr. AUo, a e.tiatid supply of W Corrf. (UUrr n, IS.'t. K FAYKTI'KVILIJ. n Vf. rrcentd Ibeir fJJ io p.la'i'n t VUJ OOOU. direct from Enrlan-I awl 'ew. Verb. IVtr SMunment inctotUs ettncsl tery ankle weeded in a Cwinlrv wur. Ibry UUall rt(oi.M tkrs Is como snd boy, on ss liberal tmns of eli' as aa gitea by any iwprtrr in tl t'ni'rd iaiea. Other hMMI in Ibis lan l.,e ImjKHtnd so largely tbts seaaiMi, that 0m amount of fols brrs at prvaeif , far eiceeds lUt of in fi.mrr time in our eipervice. I1is rock of Cttmt m eoially ettenaite. Coontry dealera, therefure, hive n-any -mote sdranUges now than heretofore, in tbia irirWU. Vtvf UooAft. fifk PACKAt.r.Sof F.rp, Idia an I UX)4 mUmnue Ihj Mi, rret-wd the but armak, snd are offrrrd at AW is.d mait, at a small advance Irom coat. Also, Cotton and Wool CariU 2S caacs Straw lUmneti (W neai of biml and parking bosrs J trunks aliell, ivory, un snd imitation Con')! Wool lUii, be. ' Tbe above articlra have been ae'eded for ih market, ami aortl.y the aHr,.tio., of cmnt-v merrtianta, who are revpertfnlly incited lo tall and examine the goods and pnees. E. tu. LEWIS, 'faawsmft', Ort. 28, 1824. to J AMES KYLE, formerly of Riehmond, Virg. ( now onrninr. in lha larrr brick bouw .' formc riy occpied bv llnrh Campbell. Eaq. thrto hnndred and eiglity-nine pat kages of Cf)0(J ,riwarr Gncer'tet, sV. .He? whkh win b. I dv wntirnitf mihi muii. A onrtsnt sopply of beet Bolting Clo'tn. GooiU will be received by every arrival Iro.H New.Vork. rufrttrf llt, X. C. Od. 27, 1824. 4t34 Hardware and Cuttlerv. DAVID B. CRANE fc CO. hive jn't rer'd their fall importation of IIAHll'AiB and Cuttlcry, direct from England. 1 heir p en. ent aaaoHment consists "of almost evrrv artiito UMalty kept in a country store, and is n u larger than usual i which they ofl'er at wAi. i'. to responsible country dealers, on a Lb- ixl credit. tmtffttevire, Oct. 28, 1824. 9C) THE subw'Sers sre receiving, n.! op"-irij, at tbeir J 'TONK in Concor i, fUrm trm i Philadelphia and New.Vork, a la-a' ;1 lu rd assortment of All kinds of Goods : snd have made arrangements to r ' IVuti laid places, awmMy, snv furlicr supf ! that i jv be necessary selcc'ed with care, aad !.iid in at prices that will enable them to sell vt-rv low. ITieir eustomera, and the public at lar., are rrspactfully invited to call, examine, ami j u'c for themsolves. U UK PHY & tlKOttN. Ctnctrd, Sept. 1324. 148 try Country 'Produce, of all kinds, received tn exchange for floods. Boot and Sho Kstabligliinent REMOVED. EBETCE7.EU DtCKiiOX takes this mrtl.ml to inform his customers,, and the public at larc-e, that he has removed his Ao-eAa from the house he formerly occupied, snd haa taken the house owned by Mr. Thomas I odd, m arly opposite Vm. II. Siaiigliters house of rmctr tainment, on Main-atreet, Salisbury where he will carry on, as usual, the lioot and bM ma. king business, in all ita variods brandies, in a style of neatness and disability which, lie.be lieves, csnnot be surpassed by aiy in the s'ato. All orders from a distance, for work in his line, will be faithfully attended to. f miatonrv) frft-47rs34. If W. 1). llounstvvUU, HAS removed to bis new Establish, nient, on Cameron street, a lew arda north-west of the Court-Hump. pledges himself to 1 ravellers snd others who may call upon him, politeness, plenty, and reasonable charges. Isrinjlnn, ftnvidton envnty, A. C. ' 8137" . Private Entertainment. THE subscriber has opened a house of Pri-. vate Entertainment where Travellers can be accommodated.. Ke prohusrs all who call on him, good treatment, with a plenty of the best tont and drinkT-"- 1 . - . '14 II. B. 8ATTERWHITE. lVi'l-ethorovgh, JvneMth, 1824, . , " . . J t i i ! I t V A it f. 1 Ml i a . I, si . J I s r 1 "t ': ' 1 1 ti .1 . i - f '..a. . . '" VI. V Va " . . ;9 .1 if, 'it tv ..V: ' IS. i ': 1 ' 4- h ' 4- - i: ' It M ! Wit 1- t' i r D li t t in i

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