a . i i. Wvt t. i'ry. I j Uf. H-IHUao!.iii n..b d.rk t.uU". U My "4 fcr, 11.. a.4 lU- Well WW we ai r.( and a.r UU k,. U broke tut fn-m tU rrd, mk1W 7pS 4 & w.ftwn, h IA.9t.iAl4. 3U V ' wve f - - e.f ftrarl Woolf. Till Urr3f JI!!. 2; uu of tartl rjJ! Em -ifU4 to pre rr & Jj went alibi n ft ttm prescribed by , or - Mrf l ka ktlTdl NWfrti . . JOIrt AKBRtWI, i Ua' Estate. VlHtlivi - , , 1 LL mno- UJebt-d 4 w W XWW. Sal,.;!! rrrf tbm, prrHjr mO U4, fir Mtttonem. I AMI- LELT, ? il, AUXH. BOtU, 1 r- I Vcltoci for Bale. I'. ti . .11 K -Ll oa McxmUt. lk ft 7rr:i. u. wf j L .rtaSTof Itobwt Iteird. dU I hchf. k .iMntail iccordtiir to CW Mill m .""" j,,,,, rwv and Watch Making. Tub JJJSI" Mr. J. II. CUrk u (next door to tb r KoUtt. 0 I . ' . r irir r t. k dwiwd, th Wlowinr trtkW of H" ' ftl tM dl IW DOOM X - "7 CottM and Cor, lUy, rior, c tmT" nd nunr fftrimnf tool l ?nm ftftyw Co . fi. .i . wwl L-Mr. ke. IlC. A credit will tw ie, d eunty required. Tern mrft know on the dtyrf ). 8ktob . a 1 COqUbumI I root (HT w j. All ptrtont indebted to nU eWe. are re- urtted to pr tnr ocwjj im owuwn wm pe preot tkir ceooia, properly uthen. Seated. L.H. ALEXANDEl..a-V. Jl-nbr 6. J 824. . Yadkin Navigation Company. ACENKItAL mectinr f the Stockholder! of tbii company will be held at the boute of William II. Slaughter, in tk town of Jalia. bury.ltowan county, N. C. Saturday the 2Jlh dar of December next. ' A. D. MU1PHET, PrmJtnl. Oct. i3, 1324. S37 Estate of Jos. Hamilton, dee'd. rwu v .Xmlim tuvintr Qualified, on the 21t 1 day of October, 1134, aa the tiewitora of Uie UK -will ami irawneiw wi am i Hamilton, deceaaed, do beroby notify all peraont I,..;.,. 1..1 Atn.aruL amiiui the ettate of the MM.MIj ni"IV.pHn B tMM UttAtor. to prent the tme tbf p)nxftt viinin Ue lime prcacrioea oj w mwrwwc lunwli aiwl all thoee that are indebted to lh tatd eatatc, are requcatedto nan uuncujaie pmriucnu. AUDLEY HAMILTON, NANCY HAMILTON, JOHN McDOWEL. t wArW ce. A". C. Ort. A 1834. , Tt3; Yntlkin Navisration Company. AMEK11NG of the Preaideot and Directora r .i... m'.n K hrU at the houae of William H. SUughter.ln tbe town of Safiabury, Bowan eownrj.on i nuaj, ui .u, w - cember next. . ... A. D. MURPHEY, Treddnt. Oct. 25, 1824. , 37 Yresh Goods. THE aubKribera are receiving, and opening, CTftBF. in Onneord. direct from riiihtlclpbia and Ster-York, Urg 4 aaaonmcni ui All kinds of Goods : . . ' 1. . , ; Ana nave mute arranjjcuicina . & .1.... .nu fiph aimnlv llial mav be neceaiary aeleeiod wVtb caret, and laid in at K.r K-tn nKla tim (n aril verv low. I'. IVV . - - - J Tbeir enetomera, and the publio at larger ire - . ..i". .11.. n .11 Av.miti. .nil .iiftv for tlieiiiaeivea. avurni onunn. Ciucflfvi. SeJJf. 1824. . t48 (CCofintry Produce, of all kind, received in exchange W Gooi.a. The MVWUa liftvs, RF.V1SED and publiahed tbia year, under the cSirction of the- Adjutant General, and .Miiiioi 't tit l.ura nasKcil bv' the General Assembly relative to the miirtia, up to th'ia date, r- a .1 a. . . !!!. .Jor aale at the omce ot ine niratnmraK Printing, of every description, PROMTPLY executed at this office, in a atyle i u: - ."!(L (I.. TO Cor.vmY Mr.uciiAMH. wa . Ar rAtrniitr- ry (is a.. T.j .4 i wbkb thy twi iu tuif u fmbIi .-r,.,r MinilLL It Co. - . - - J r.ik on. HIM. 36 J, F. , John Lippctt, ara-rtl .rJLtLK. UBOCRMX. ' HAY4TKCCT, rayetteUk, Nortb4J, fee foe aaKfcfoaA orproAie, JJ bbk do. ' lObbUloafdo. JUn Coffee - , , 30 ai pepper, albplco ad fp 30 bftda woWaaee Si bbk N. C Rum 10 do. Nortbeni Ci ldo.MalapWU 800 k.p et lib and brada, a-aorUd, 44 to 40d 30 Um$ Iw4m Iim, aaorUd 1000 Ibe Oennea tteet UM do. blUtored OtocJ 350 do. cart Steel 2XJ0 do. duxe Mould 1JO0 do. boop Iroa 3000 do. elct Iroa 1500 twabela Liverpool Salt TOO do. nound nan 40 Voice No. 10 oottoa Carda 10 do. do. dwwol Carda 50 do,byl0andl0byl3 Wdow Claai 100 ream Wrapping paper 2J do. Writing do. " . 50 kega ffT DMpont Pawdcr S do. Shot, aMortcd 3 do. bar Lead 10 bbU Unnera Oil SO do. Vackercl 90 half bb la do. t eratea Stone Juga, aiaofU 1300 Dm BaJTperre 500 do. AKim 500 do. Brimetone , !- tv.l. .fwf twine WwacPAINsTS!J)lU J DTMTim. y Abo, a cmatant aupply of 7rAiM Ce. 0130, 1834, BO wrxH turn recciTed.be tUe tact arrtrab fraaa 11 N.w.Vork and PbiWdclplua. luonhrJ lioou and bnoes, well Htocted for th'm market. Al 100 doa. Poeket-Booka and Walleta- v 30 do. Goat Skin 15 do. coloured Morocco Skin 13 do. lining akin 50 ream Writing Paper 10 case wool Hat 90 itm. imnMfl Hftta 40 boxea Muacalel Kaiaini, ace. An of which are offered at wholemle, at 1 mudl . . . . . rMMv ttrrtiinta are re. I 40 boxea Meacatel Raiains tc ffjuweaiavw ajavaaw ww v r - pectfully invited to call and examine tbe abee rood aim pneea. -. Hardware and Cuttlery. DAVID a CRANE &. CO. have juat ree'd their fan imporU ... of HARDWARE and Cuttkry, direct from England. lUeirpre. ent aaaortroent eonaiat of almoat every article . k . nna .tul I. H&llh niuaiiT acp in wnuj Urger than uaual , bich tliey offer at whtlnalt to reaponaible country dealer, on a liberal credit. ojettrnfr. Off. 38. 1834. . 9t39 JAMES KYLE, formerly of Richmond, V'irg. ia now opening, in tit large brick bouae, formerly occupied by Hugh Campbell, Eaq. three hundred and cijrlity nino package of Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries fcrc. kU of which will bo offered at reduced price, a a a . 1 DT VMrttur ana mo. S wftmatant tainntV rt 1wat Bohinr Clothe. Good will be received by every arrival iroa New.Yorx. i'ayfttrtalfc.A. C. Off. 27, 1524. 4U4 FA1XTTEV1LLE. . TVnV.vt 3a(tTft &ya(V Co. WAVE received their fan importation of )RY ruin, tM Vnirl.iul anit KeW. York. Tbeir aaaortment includea almoat every at I am nuMinii in m miniirv wiuiott Tbey invite an reiponamie oeaie ro Ami OUT, on aa iiucm ici im. w. Other house in thia town have imported o Jarejyjthjj i . r.. .VArla th.r anv former time in our experience. The atock of Craeerie equauy.exwn.ire. - aTt.Ka. laaaaai eTtaWaO aftaa n warn rnini nRRE dvantairet now thim htrttoforc, in thjs market ... j.a a-M Ai4fl Fayettenlle, Vet. i3, lox. New Sunnlv of Fresh Goods. W iiirj euuBViiwv i vwi. -g" ' X large and gferal aaaortment of all kinf of Gotdi, at hie store in Salisbury, from Pbila J 1 t. ' . I a..- V.V . .n.l h.. m.rt ,mnM. hiiiv aihaM rxAoi aa waf'aaivincF aiui eirie-iiiii ir m oripnia auu ncw-iui.i nu ihh o - menta to receive from aald placea, mtnihlthtnj lurtner auppiy max may oe ncccawj with care, and laid in at pricea that will enable him to aell very low. Hia cuatomcra, and the public at large, are respectfully invited to call, examine, and judge tor iuemseiTc. J 6 J. MURPHY, c .Cat 1fi9l 6mt48 N. B. Country Produce of all kiiids, received in exchange. w1 t tOlIi ol. 13. Cy tUrmMh lckel iblp Tan- l,ta, Cart. Hehnr.lt, Ifom MJ r., wbtnet d.l 1114 oo int w . ..r.k. Ma Yark Dailf Adrertlatf fcat ttcatrca Undoo j.p.tf to ih. .ybw i - - U'SSrOOi HASttfS. . .- .. V- Otttbtf 9, 111 At tUcoramncemtot of . " ..l.. ... itutl uul bat llut tm- V4nIUV IJBI f BV wawer w ' . unM fxlng fcrard I tMt Teiierdart b)wcer, (bare wu rood .tttndanc f bgtn, . . . . .4 ft. ..Hitnv Ibai low COitTl WDO Wtn CBWHy , f ,, .i .Arte, fbr wklck ful prkol im oUaiwd, tut lor kluda and au otbtf Macnpiwoe " TL. t .,1 Cmirier ttf tb Til PUV k.t AMtt nun eicro Ardcrod lor Drwat .r itia tlunlt aal of Ik HaytlaO IcoromlaUoMrtt aod embrtcd on thy Awat, M4 aHod to otit Aanur.1 lMr A(T M.rtlnlnoe. Tstrt WCIw Lllf W W-w. - ma imam te tha imiB an ana lbv wnvtv in vi ?j wlsv v- wr . a J lafk aVA n rVimlniTA. It wat hteodwd blw w wr w " . to t poaakH W omt wrona; ot baaUhf parti of ib co at, ino men tu tor lolo negoclatloni tv. TiMaAfibe foIIowInrtJir mti. avay a) Hi w ew - An itttnpt U roakiof to rreito m lUrm ln.n. Il..n ahlrk r beticVCt thcr II DothlnjU fact r-rther from tbi contern- .M.. ikJ.k.ntii ftf It. ho continue and La. ....r,k ini. lettert rtrcited WWI. vi Mbf;ii-befor from Hatfe, Hate, that nmli aw loaxJing thcrt r tai ihihm frelrhtedln Bart with tniJur itorti md rquipmeth for citalry, kc. Ont oC the HiyiUo ijenu it stiu to Fnncw, aid th4r Is probibUity of the efoclitlii cootinulna; under the new Tb AinantMi iff uM to kit been debited July Utb. Tbt Kbg torn manded Ae Aabintee. The BritWh il lied fort i were commanded by Lieuten ant Colonel Soatherland. TbeWctoiikut 105 killed ind 400 wounded. 1 bo ene my bad adtinced to norm the Caatle. On lh S3d of July, oothlni had: been heard from tbem. It wu luppoaeo ioey had gjone to tkeir own country. ft.nArt. bad reached London by ex preii from LWerpool tbit Cinterac, hod been dcfeited by Bolinr whhtn 30 mile, of laid to hate been totil deleit. Aecoonu receitid it Genoa from Cog nianl Mate, tint the NoopolHan Conaul had been landed it that place from Algi erit the Dry bid made demand on the Neipolilan Coeernment for gJOOXK). FRANCE. , Mr. YTnrtado. thfl Colomblao igent, U ..U k. K-n received in Paria in I h " matntr bly flattering to the indepen j.i In Rmith America, lie Dk dent catise in South Americi. He bai returned io London. p.r'. niiuti meniion that aomi chan- i j- - , Kei were, about to take placeunthe Min istry. , Qne of them remarka that Mr. da Vlitele haJ not tranaacted busines a ui ...i aitk ih Kinir on the lit of October, and another speaks of the recall of the a. Wt Duke ol Montmorency and ucuuuo to a ihare in the administration. CKEtCE. 4 Extrart f Letttfdated Zante, Sep. 3, 0. S. I shall begin by informing you, that all the troop which have been this month in movement iRainst Eastern and Wes tern Greece, under the command of Der vUh Pacha, and Omer Vuons Pacha, have been entirely defeated, in two battle, and the few who were able to escape the tury of the; Greeks, disbanaca tncmieivce, and sought refuge by flight ; all thii is no iKinir in vnmnariaoft of the defeats sustain ed by ' tbe fleet of Constantinople, in two ' .aa ai a. Mtal tohbati which too puce oeiween the 3d and! 5th of August, O. S. I am quite eentaln tost II this news nao reacnea you, you will look upon it as a fable ; but I am able to infornt you that this coromunica- lion euraiuwi nuuuui. . . a i . . i i l n former comoai iook piace near n..kT. nnrt rf C.mna 1 anH the latter. a Vmrhrxraat ("Straiti.! near Samoa. In i ' i . .... , T mm. . ... T the lortn ermine-i urxs ioii-i-tcasci-oi the fine and 2 frigatei, blown up 1 cor- veite ina i ong, uacn , v iraiispuris, burnt, Mirk and taken.; And in the latter combat, 3 transports total, 74 vessels, blown up, taken, burnt! or sunk. . LEGHORN, SIFT. 30. A report Is in circulation here, that the Creek fleet had defeated tbe Egyptian fleet near Rhodes. LATE FROM ST. DOMINGO. Accounto are received at Boston, by an arrival from Hayti, St. J)omingo, that great preparations were making at the Cape to rcsiut the French if they attempt ed an invasion, which ioW believed they contemplated. i rTliV lfOHMSaN0Vr.Mnr.H W.l.a. - - La LrA Wt.WUy in I"- iK- tJectote of Prtknt ail m r- deni of tb V. B. tt U lblr tff dtntef tbe V. B. meet I lb refute ... tbr.gb.t IU t'aloe, to gil U tbeir tote. M tboM oflUera. C. - M ' . ...L...ka .Wiadbt the electoral eoile- ana uw . . . . . , 1 . 11. ran count, we tUiftX, iu w '"'I total oaflegH 1 n4 ifl. erae, V 11 lunrMentatitHby fcr lb hlglieau 1 AaJUdepead wUony -poan.--.. er ka b aUctad by I rot of Ce peoj la, I ... ' . 4. ..K.I ' ! Hi uraaaal Twme, I . . . u .L . .la m f tVa.K. I 'llLUjJUl'JiiiiU A national roao irora ne " - 1 twoup M I eomnronny uw naa occa ktij u4 lnttoo to Nt-OrleinH is la contintplt'K titUej M u lubject of tUTrtaUenr,. tiM. It location 11 n' "'- but It IS luppoaed M P411 ,."T2'I(" ttutmioa In this stite, Ims'Uw la To- w . - a aiaAaamine)n wwi. 1 Mitee, ind UonlstlM A'5' , ' " ptxpM w ine "w "7" : . u aod idopdng neuurtl to purs It. W cation In thai rulon. ' We extract tbe aW rfKtbrt tb Mm of dd. mOm of cy 7-' curre "VaTi7 of the great aelkmal road from WMluogto. city toNewOrfc.-. Tber..rU,r t.rty of ip-aonta -- dkioo.vx.uow of irr.r pe.iUon.oaH Ute bee. prea.n.ed J. State. Tut ai tarkioa an their opinion ce . ro-u tbu Ml bed TtheTeTtol, in the bdiettbat it wiH p ,N Tenoeaaee by Knoxtiue, ,aoTMie,aw. BtlMj k. .krm. But 1 w bi 1 A.eUUr('. y,rrtoi, P - - Hude of her power and iniuence Imot toharef4iritctoattberelaaiicitpoion". Wkhf- rtobe. ae Jtawi-CWkito But ah ;ii La kmrtit to her rirbt mind btfiire many more year roll round. Tbe late Preai.lential aWiloo in tt.le aUtr. will kjoeew the acalea on ber eye i aotbat abe will be enabled, with a clear tbion, to tiew NorthXaroCni a alie ahould ka Wed a indeoendent, aoTereign atate But we are under the ImpreeMoa. thet tbe nannW of 1rriuia and Temeaaee are wrong in upMaingtbaltho aatiooalroad will paw through ... ..... Tmnaawa. hi auDDort of onr BaWT aa w " MunWa. wa would refer to tb letter of Mr. r.rtwiua ta (Ka Governor of Ccorria. TbatkV Ur waa written exclusively m reply to one from Gov. Trout to tbe President of tb U. S. Gov. 1 irotiv U writing, wa to aertain whether the President intended (aider tbe law of Con - greas autbonaing bim to procure auco surveys of routes for roada and canala, as, w bit ludemenUitbeforthepubrielnteret)tbat toe MSI iA urvrjw biiuwu y - - r t. .... . .I.-..1J ..rfu!il ! tlia advBntsre held forth by Uu law of Congree. Mr Calhoun, in hia reply to the Governor oi neorria'a letter to the President, atated that tbe President would, at an early day, order aur. rey to be made for the route of a national road from Washington city to lSew-Orlesns, toosi iArar Crarria in h course. If it were not in tended by tbe President that the road sliould pas through Georgia, why should Mr. Calhoun, in his letter to the Gov. of that atate, mention the intended establishment of tbia road.to satis, fy.the Gov. and people of Georgia as to their participation in the benefits of tbe act of Con gress on the subject t And if it were uncertain hethcr the road would pa through that atate, why ahould lite Got. and the people be satisfied with Mr. Calhouna Utter t From these facta, it would appear to be a settled point tbat the road is to pass through Georgia. And if it passes through Georgia, it mwiipmt frvg Sftrth avirf Sulk CurtliMt for ahould it traverse tbe rugged and mountainous country of Western Virginia and Tennessee, it would leave North and South-Carolina, and Georgia, entirely to the left. We shall, at some other time, when occa sion prcsenta, endeavor to collect such fccta as win enable ua to convince tbe executive of the claims of the route by Salisbury, Lincoln ton, &c Out we hope tbat, in the mean time, the citizena of Salisbury, and the adjoining country, win hold meetings and make proper representationa to the President. JESSE BENTON. It may be contended by many, that, when a man is politically prostrate in the dust, bower ever renrebensible hircxreer may have been when fimirin a- uoon the political arena, he oifght, in charity, to be passed by without btTng"Tr6d"-j den under foot But, although we feel aa cnar. itably disposed as any man, we think the good of the puMie requires that the character of "KH fcllow fJeue Benton should be is fully deveto- nJ as Dossible that he mav become aa noto- II T . riously infamous, aa his conduct ha rendered him dismstinely contemptible. We find the following article in a Columbia (Tennessee) paper, of the 6tli inats: A change of men, but not qf measure: The famnua Jesse Benton, of Pamphlet writtne memory has announced himself. a a candidate for elector of President, kc. a .rmnii time. I If .elected, he' dedces himself nov tp vote for Henry Clay fori President, See. Mts reasons, poor man i aret that he has not time to -get tie peo it to U iu; jKiio J tint the -".., b4a taken tl wi'l l,J' th t!tJ, ami bt$ rr imrJrd him icrof Jln tu lit erii. 1 1.-1 -d Tbrn b 11 Intenae ail1; bft, and at pr . a 0 I a .1 fl r U rf rrttLUnl Rkctioi U New-Yotk. I.rT u ,l( lL. cndxUi, U aU. mL. .1 .t 1 reeor ane oeckMB, i "fit a. t,.. (ikirt 1 auxb. W .bly, Hereby it.Jn at bJuev, b . ..,. MUit- hjcwiial chair with ttl IntamatWa J tb of Baoreaeatarttaa. 1U Wtxa itwl iU T ""i. . . , a " - v - - feMi that are titertained wilb regvd to Hi choir of tlcctef to Niw.Yort, ar iuirtl ii... I.- ..... Dvlet!.lMtcw.Totiniyi)eaT. 4H md ber ftcat atrrngtb fciiimd , , a w 14 y Un i .a ai mt a I bet of tHab t ippotot tWtort-Ut tbm w. krg three parUee to 0 trgtaiatore, tloNUL. JJr, wford) and .acb pnaZ UrUtoilic-l,adi-oeb.tla1. fc . . '.Uattb leg-Uture would break up witko. a. Uf Other, tlink, (ad w, bop, erB J,, u ; - - Cn.wlnUWtoieJel.elm.lon. w. ut . tkkt u b... fondpubr.d.n.toteofK.Yorki e.y elect him in tU Electoral cre. ha Kf .Tork ,U aJ ff r J r a i Vi ATtbe U .jTL'T -JtC r . - - of eiprcaaiaf their preference for tbe dJTmw U. Muntail out. tbeiw anoeanJ P" .o. J! 5 For Arew Jack f, J WiUiam H.Craaford, 7! Henry City, 6 I Tbi i the tote of only one townaliip : fnm j, ecimen, what might we not txpttt hum WDOi, J I w, vndmibtel1y hear, by Satunlitl mail, who get Net York, if abe chooaci Ckc tor at aH THE RALEIGH REClSTf.n. It b truly amoaing to notice how tery hud it roc with the Baleigh Regiater to acknmtledrt the triumph of the people. On Turwlay, tbe 16th intt wbei leml-weekly Regtter tu ia. J (Ut(j lt W(J wejj ttM)entood at Raleigh that th p,,.!.'. rcket bad succeeded t ret the F.Ji the I 0f etr look great pains to scb-c 1 ou, (fKj pybfiih the return of such coonlies WCT( ttTorbL. to the caucus, and by this ari yf Crawford a majority of more tlim 5AooTOtMj On tbe 19tb haw. when the officii! I . returns had come in from every county, In cepting Haywood and Duncoobe) tn TMm of the Rrebter took car to publish onlt s frv of them, giving the ppU' Utttt a mrjoriiy rf only 147 vote ! Tbe Kalfirk Sler ot the urne dae, in an extra sheet, contained tbe full offi cial returns from each county, firing the pie ticket nearly 5000 majority. These little artifices of the Register sn ns y understood, when we learn from Albany tbat tbe 1-egialature of New-York ia waiting to he the result of the election in North-Carolini, b fore they would determine the vote of that utr. Mr. Gales was writing for tbe Van Retires mir. ket, when he declared, in bis paper of 'lie W'.h inst. that " it is impossible to say, with certaintv, who will receive the rote of this atate," whtn it was rcnerally known in Raleigh, at the very time, that the Crawford ticket would fcil by nearly 5000 totea. Such tricks as these, art worthy tlie cause they are intended to fvor. The editors of the National Intelligencer nsvr, over and over again, taken upon themselves t assure the public, tbat North-Carolina vsi tan for Mr.Cnwford, and that the Raleiifh Reg ter was the beat mrtliority they knew of, oa tlwt nuestion. Bv thia time, we-presume, tiieie m- pient editor have discovered two inistakfs- vii t 1st. That North-Carolina doea n go the cniicw candidate ; and, 3d, that their "be authority" ha turned out to be very H thority. . The Richmond Enquirer, too, was aictrw of North-Carolina. as of Vireinia itself. AnJ - Monlecai the Jew," of the National Adwe. laughed to acorn the very idea that ISortn-cv-olina would pjut from the "ancient dominion. ... I -r... t .ti tli.u ttrmnt mcnTiave been OUl, ai l"'V . m.m ... diaappointed. Northarolina has set tip S bxraelC andas ill o longctJRtgcjiULie ww of eitlier Virginia or the caucus. . ifcawar.-The legUlature of the State of nelaware. on the 9th hit. after numerous w I.,i1n. tame to a choice of their three Elector. One candidate received 21 votes, which r .a W ...ailat. majority of the whole number in tne wb--rnan the two other received 15 est"" IU I Vf 4' J . .i.. ..k.. mte mere a'ciitterinff; whefenpo" W - . . . the .peakeroMhe lenatogate a eisting for the two highest, ind elected them. A po Hon of the member entered .protest tgs" tneie tnree g enifcmcu .. .. - n ... v.:. rf-iaa "" tin -I.-U .,n,W. fand tliat the cot! , njomy o. uw - - ;... eke- ! fitjtution made no provision ror 0 - . .!tor) c eiection was nn.l. and wgl-t to 6- ifr i,,.l.fi.t. 1I i iffci 1 1 l i,l imprvemnu oi me umc

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