1. f .1 ) I" ! rl,Cia!l of Sirtt.un, nviev'Mtf, v r ,t.U , out U (" ( i4 g at Wast, l t-gnsj t; l),, rj.W r, cf aa bouses j if prut sit lhi kU4 CM s4 awttlng CM jkodnt aajt lUt A'!, CI end Crswfued, Lt,, each, esof le l1rt t wmiW aao . J ayi lht (to ae fu Crawford, ad om Lt Ad IM Ai yet MW wmM aaja, that Ad baa ! aad Crawford enat. Quarrel trvtt t boa as Lard as yew pleaee, gsnlWaaas t a vote to hardly wertl swart en ding lor, 1 the pteaaal ' ZUclrl WW a ,VWtA-f arsfls. r. 11m knowing official returns of It rJft id tUetiow La Otis Krnl, copy Cram M extra tbcet hvm the lUWgb liar eflke of the lOtk gle lU peopU 'a tkkat w-joriiy ADK.Q 4)4 tJ4 . 169 96 J BttocomU " 401 II Bclt S69' ' 3JJ BUdO if if IJrUmIck 56 97 Be iu fort 296 391 Uurkfl ' fOI 16 CUrrgt 312 II Columbui 103 .94 Curct. 171 II Currituck I3r f4 34 Cbowto 111 ftf 136 Chatham 176 411 - Cumberland 6 1 61 " Cmde, . . 44 . . 71 CaivcQ 90 1036 Craven 400 211 Duplin 214 7 319 DiWiOO 433 131 Edgccomt 406 411 frankfln 440 39S CraaviU 187 IS9 Galea 201 28 Creco 233 13 Guilford 3)0 584 JUlif.i 347 567 Hertford 275 60 Jljda Ul 26 JItjwood 593 Iredell 274 7 345 Johoatoo 257 306 Jonei 196 63 Lirv.olo 63f 334 Uooir 171 U9 Moore 198 348 Montgomery 453 76 McckleoUire; 661 331 Martin 187 361 Newilanover 236 347 inh , 170 350 Northampton 154 335 Orange 648 591 Onilow 295 23 Peraon 56 233 patquotank 330 13 Pitt 361 191 Perquimont 94 65 Rom 979 101 Randolph 141 394 Rockingham 561 341 Robeaon 235 82 Richmond 441 92 Rutherford 654 177 Sampton 431 156 Stoke 709 286 Surrr 810 411 Tyrrell 144 3 Waahingtoa 125 110 Wilke ' 436 400 Warren 153 486 Wayne 264 161 Wake 709 46. 20,415 15,621 OHIO. We have not complete returns from Ohio, but aa far aa our Information ei tendi, Old Hickory" ia far ahead. The lateat returnt give Jackaon, 15615 Clay, , 19,934 Adamt, 6.3)8 , TtyrtbxfS Republican. GEN. JACKSON. We are indebted to the politenen of a very intelligent and respectable inhabitant of Edge field, for the following letter from Gen. Jackaon. Thia letter of the General ia in reply to one which vu addressed to him a year ago, by our correspondent, in relation to a rumor which was then in circulation, of his intention to withdraw in faror of Mr. Calhoun. Charletton paper. HKBMITAOE, XOV. 4. 1824. Dear Sir : I have the pleasure to ac knowledge the receipt of your friendly let ter of Oct 10, and altho' not in the habit ftf snawerinir fetffrr nri tti tihSrr sr tkA i rreuaentuL. election, irom the proper view you have taken of my feelings, and i I trust of my universal conduct, I can not refrain from acknowledging in receipt, reviving aa it does the pleasure of the amall acquaintance I have had with you, a citizen of my native state, and one whose opinions seem in unison with those which 1 have always endeavored to possess, and which I trust 1 shall cherish whilst the pulsation ofjlife lasts. - The letter, in answer to the Pennsylva nia committee, was a distinct exposition of my feelings and my views. My name, un solicited by me, hat been brought before the American people, and although I have flit highest esteem and regard for Mr. iHcv r . . 1 .. I lit ' ff hr.f f. It it t i'i ' ua lt i..u'4 ht f Ju H I ), t"t I-' or io fni r of Mr. C'Jbirur, rnf (Jiuc C r 1 1 J iIJ prtr my tMiMN te t iffilw hkk fluei lr.lilmicly Um$ W ft LtU9 mi Uttr flr, With grtal tipct, " "' Ywf rS HrM. AXDttKW JACM0. la the Columbia TcUaccPf Mfi Cite IkIm al ponhotvoui chlU. Af if the dcadi of hit fiihir, M mother, he vaa poof, went to rttl$ liH Mr bfother la I. r, I lr M'Aoff i vb Htra m im right hand aide ef the road. ta4Uf from L.ncitcr (o Ch.rUi Mch it that place It the bontJf; Ntveen the Staua., un. JKlvoa vat nor at m Ikhim of Mr. M'Aoryt awj, iherifbre, lo the State er North CarWiea. When be at about aii weekt olJ. hit mother re moved lih Mm to the Houte of Mr. met Crawford, another brother I Uw, on the 5oU.Cartlifta aide of the red." tiiattrr, aw. 15. lUtitik fi fVnfrar tie Uuni-w f our cowblrr l.Srtwlv n ill imt m drr 0M of IIMtiflf It itT M hia C4 1 aute, tW iK coll otatWr akirh Ua (iprricnr4 tut taint 4jJ f,Wl fo.plr!ljr mCcala4 ad irrdi of a, a4 rrol iM Giy to ha oUd ataia of haaiik. (WW. wnsotRL Thiaatate la likrlr to ke herthrer electoral ote, on the PretMm'i! quev tion. In conarquence of an orri(i.t in framing the lav for thrlr rUtilon The Governor tome time atnee WuH hit iko- cUmttio hr the purpoae oframtdfUR thia defect t i now appear thi proceed, ing !a void, of count that the thrte vniri of thia aiate, on tint important and high ly Interesting queailon,nut be loat. DlCklNO. A woman hat been laicty tried, and con vicled in Philadelphia, for being; a common ro. She hat been aentenced, by the Judge, o bttiofi on a machine to be constructed f Jorpoae, and ducked in the Delaw LatTWtPhia punithmrnt hat never been before indicted in the United States and the English law, from whence it it derived, hat been thoutht obsolete both in En it land and thit country . The Conatitutlon of the United States forbid 1 cruel and unusual puniahmenit. Thia I certainly imiftuo and when we consider the humliiation of the nnforturfate victim, and the iotulte to which the will be ob jected by an unfeeling mob, the ponWh ment Is certainly mtL, and by no meant graduated to the offence. And although we pretend not to defend those unfortu nate femalet, who have no controu! over that moat unruly member, the tongue yet we desire to aee justice, however ri gid, tempered with decorum, well at merTf." Wilmington Recorder. vaH ras ainas eiatm. A correspondent wishet to know what ought to be done with male tcoldt, if the female muat be ducked. The lords of the creation are at obnoxious to the epi thet aa the other act. To iccldU Ufi bed M to quarrel rUmoroutlr and rude ly and this it done every day bv them in legislaturea, courts, churches, town hall a, newspapers, pamphlets, streets, &c Your habitual political brawler, tour rest less polemic, your street decUimer and slanderer, is, each, at least as much of a common icotd and more of a common nui tauce than anv unfortunate threw. It hat actually happened in thia cfcv, that a grand jury found a bill against a woman aa a common acold, who could be proved only to have . made terriSc Krimaccs and gestures. She had not used her tongue ; which before was deemed essential to the actof scolding. Thus is the power of the stronger sex arbitrarily andoppree sively exerted. Might forgets right, and the age of chivalry is gone ! If he female scolds must be tried bv juries of men, the male should be committed to juries of matrons. Why should not some advan tage like this, at least, be conceded to the ladies f julia. The schooner Princess Anne,' arrived at Norfolk from Havana, confirms the -(.... .r I k United States schooner Porpoise. The pirates had captnred on the coast of Cuba the brig Laura Ann, from Montevideo for New York. The captain and two mates were hung-; the remainder of the crew, except one man who concealed himself, murdered, and the vessel burnt. The same pirates captured the brigs Morning Star and Swiftsure of New York, and a schooner, and murdered their crews. The Colombian schooner La Zumla cap tured two and killed 15 of the pirates to the windward of Point Yeacos. The quarterdeck of a vessel, supposed fdtie the United States schooner Wildcat, was seen fluaiing down the Florida coast franklin Gat. t M. W, I ,-.- t n II ,W a 4 IH 4 4!U j ... i l - . I A. 1 1 f.mm f r I Mil It,' ttr.r f a lilt ivM m la. l'.A tt 04 iiWI OMwIfV ml Vm4rj fruU sm4 aiO !, a to a atw; fft't t'r sU4w. C'.c 1V a. k we 4 a4 Uif, bM a V.bi U rv cmmIim 'm kUf o 4, UWra at m tft a a mm.jm j A-A lw UrU i4f ka ktaa Uit UUt ikt 4MXKV 4wrS lh fMl , rf mr tWa U ! rW4 4t Umi IWL'r af aaj-u .3 Immm t tU axfH. jMf lM of ail knb yUt, a4 M (Ua as lUy cm he pwriitM at m avwitfs) aw saw siitrwf, of. J9. Cmm4sWj kwve KViaas kta the awtd la M WloHdtd Vi't, at t'aM 4 the jaar. k aaia kt vt Uow awia ml t iilfX, aad a taw lute f'f i JKu-t wn4 at 71 a 33 Cak W pm t'tLmJt al 9 a 14 wa, TW alra are efid (a t h w fiwn U tke SiwOMfW kUtkatti awOM e4e Inms Km. rowe axra hoaw aawaiarswaiilaaV or ike raiaa rxUwo4. ALtKMIKtk Oai the 9th ImC y tin aVf. Mr. ffwdawr, HarwUa VrU, 11 af Jar aowwrty, tWr- rk l kfca AaMwaj IXirvile WaiS, of tuAt mtr. n. CamM. In liwvta twwMir. aw Thuraday, tha lwk dwf4 ay K r. Ma MuoWn, f IraMt, f- tawHKt r. i4Wfois to H DariMoa i,w, Mar, OMiftiur twi JoM WtlaW, r 4 loadar. IM Ilat M. Ht. it How. wv of tWrie eay, U CaikwrUe UiW, et IJneela emair. MaMMMMawMawwaaaaaaai At hU sMt aw tft Taaiha rim, swar town, aw rha 11 Usurf, to ttxtVia) year of fca r, .44rnM4W art, Fa?. To Am mi cl r Uinta, ! IwaMnl kia dratk. Ha roarwti aa w-axwuaSr brgw hmdj at (taUrt. aaony of a rMMw are imoag IM asoat taopenable af our rtuatna. ni BATUHDAVS MAIL. THE LJXJtfJtlVHE. Py the RaMrfc tUgtatae af tU 33J anat wt hart rrertrtd Ut pfwao&afS af it Irfulalwr of ttvw JTh, a4 30th a, VmI tha rsc4 NifS iKws fsf, art Oaoatly awVirf, awd paaatai but ttiiW UtrmU Owlhe 19tUi. UMaVport af ih fublic Trraaurtf wao tfttrta4 io the fcoua of CBTiiwcaas. Thia oWwaarfrt ia always ef iMerral to the people i aad wt would gto it i place la our cVina of ttnl wrck, rr it not ao Icawttir. It abafl Vara aa iswrrtioe ia our octt. LIXG CAIXvroLTTJ) AGAW. Frm tX.llinj tlmlf JUttriUm, imt. AooTHte 1 aivurai! t At, tweUe, festcrUaf, the two Houses met, b the Assembly Chamber, to proceed to a joint ballot. The result was, that seven men on the ticket nominated by the Senate, and who are the friends of Mr. Clay, had 95 votes twenty-six on the Adamt tick et, nominated br the Assembly, had 78 votea, and one IT votes I bo Crawford ticket had 76 rotes. There were alao three blank votes given, in all 157. When' the csnvaaa was coocludcd, tbe President of the Senate declared the se ven gentlemen first named to be duly elected j but refused to decide, as to the latt list, who had 78 and 77 voice, under the pretence that the blank votes should be counted and if they were counted, the 26 would not then have a majority. Mr. lallmadge contended that the whole thirty -three were duly elected j and in this he was supported by Messrs. tWttow, Wheaton, Whiting, Cunning ham, .Vt'Clure, and Warret, of the As tembly, and Messrs. Ogdee, Burt, and Clark, of the"Senate. Tbe President of the Senate still refu ted to decide whether the twenty-six were elected or not i and proposed that the Senate should withdraw to tbe Senate Chamber, so that each House might act separately on the question, A most stormy debate ensued, which lasted till half-past fvur o'clock, and which was finally terminated by Lieut. Cover nor Root's leaving the chair, and calling on tbe Senate to follow bim.to the Senate Chamber which was Complied with, by part of the members ; and then the House adjourned, without 'having pro ceeded to fill up the Electoral picket.' Thus the business stands for the pre sent ; and thus have the hopes of Win. H. Crawford and his partisans been for ever blasted in this State. The Albany Argus (a caucus paper) tbua ennouncea tbe result of the joint bal lot for Electors. It it a still small-voice, but still tbe reluctant voice of truth : 1 vvi aim ug iiiuvwiii ,vas ui iruiu . i ceived by the following proceedings, that the ticket friendly te Mr. Crawford, with the exception of seven names which were placed upon it, has beoV left in t minori ty end that if tbe two .houses concur in tbe opinion that the blanks cannot be con sidered as votes, that 33 electors ere cho sen. Should this be the determination, the two houses will probably meet again to-day, and ballot for the remainder. OHIO. J A letter from Baltimore, to the editors of the National Intelligencer, has. the fallowing par. agraph 1 . , VA traveiler from the West informs me, that, at Wheeling, a person had ar- ?"L""f r.tti tf !. It I ,'t C I l.t I l ,,, 1 i'l tf 11 If " h t t ( !? g nitpr- .! lHt hi lrif,if mint rt L CI r, n U 11,4 o'fctr i!f Countlct I .inf o, wUm nt'ut U!fie Cornptr 1 1, t!.e tUci.vU ia far cf General I.U,e." U'.tcrt front Oib atate that the Sher iffs' rttomi have ben received at C lmbui frwn ell the coon ties of the State, tut Drake, Cal'lt, Malgt, Lorrtln, Athens, and I-ewrr na, and thai fitoeral Jnksoa It JW thtad frf Mr. Clay. AaoW JurAl. Xrntuel tout lUutt lamwThe rraitlaWtfKy.) Coaamentator.of the 61b Inotf coataine the account hf thit public calamity te the people of that Suit. TM actidenl bapptned on I he morning ofThBrvJiy.rfti 4tMnH. Ietet than half an hour from the time the tre waa discov ered, He limbers of Ibe reof began to fall U,breaklog through the floor and ceilings, and WlingTotetha apartments bslow, In lest than t w hours the whole vat reduced tn e pile ef smoking rubUsh. The park Off:s the Author's and Treaturtr't on the kit the Secretary's and Register's on the right, though very nasr the main building, tvrr ttved, and not much bjured. Thit wtt among the fioeet cdiScrs in the Western country. Its dlmcntloft, 100 fast (root by 6i deep, with e corres pondent belKbt. It was built In 1816, and coat about 30,000 dollars, chiefly raised by the voltnury coolrttaiOuwe of lit t Ill lets of I'rankfofl end lit vkinitv. Tbe Lrglaleture adjourned for tome da;t, te allow time for providing tempora ry accommodations foe their sittings. A Church is preparing tor the House, end Seminary for the Senate. Judge Herrian, and Thomas W. Cobb, Can. have been elected bv the Lerisla- ture of Georgia, to the Senate, of the United Statet. The former in toe room of Mr. Elliott, who declined a re election t the latter , ia the room of Col. Ware, dee'd- The Governor of Virginia hat issued his proclamation, requiring tbe Electors of President and Vice President to meet and give their votes, on the first Wednes day of December. Tbe, whole of the re turns hsd not been received, yet it was manifest that the gentlemen voted for 00 the ticket favorable to Mr. Crawford are rtgularlr chosen. The returnt, at far at received, were for Mr. Crawford, 8,134 1 for Mr. Adams, 3,119 j for Gen. Jackson, 3,743 (and for Mr. Clay, 416. Aat. Journal. The King of France hat issued e royal ordinance, by which an amnesty it gran ted to all military deserters, sub officers and soldiers of tbe French armr, who ahall return br the 31st of Jan. next. An other ordinance appoints the Duke of Bor deaui, LoJooel uencral -of tne awisa troops. lb. BT the Steam Doat Columbia, now within 12 fila of Cheraw on her pawaga up, w ill be received moat of the following Goods 1 the res idue will he received m 8 or 10 days ; Dry Goods, Hard Ware, Cutterr, Hollow Ware, Andirona, Shovel and Toots, Bellows, Crock cry, Glass and stone Ware, Smiths Bel Iowa. Anvils, Vices, Ifamroera, ncrewpktes Files. lie. MiH, Pit and cross cut Ssws, wire and hair Sifters, Haddka, Brvilrs, MsrUnrskrs and Sad dlery, (assorted) Mackerel, Shad, Codfish, bm-m and prime neet, Ijnsced and. Tannera Oil, Paints, Putty, Glass, Cotton Baj tjtng, Rale Rope, bagging and aeino Twine, Lead, Patent and Bock hoot, Ihtpont'a PP. Powder, Iron and Steel, assorted siava and oualitiee 1 FhMirh moiilda, Nixon's patent plourna, superior to any other. Abo, WhJttcmore's cotton and wool Cards, black and white Hats, from the beat ttanufacto. ncs and of the newest fashion 1 a general as- sortwent of Bouta and Shoes, Leghorn and !traw Gypsy Bonnets, fancy and common Chairs, Nor. thcrs Cheese, togalbar with a gtacral aaaorU merit of Oroceries, consiarint: in part of Sugsr, Coffee, Corniac Brandy, Holland Gin, Maderia, Celmanar, TenerifTa and Ualafra Wines, JaroaU ca, W. I. and N. E. Rum, Molasses, Northern Gin and Whiskey, London Porter, Pepper, Pi mento, Ginrer, Nutmer, 8sltpetre, Indiro, Cop. eras. Bottles, Corks, fie. to. ate. From the above reneral and extensive assort ment, deslert in goods can be furnikhed with si. most every article in their line. Theae roods have been purchased from the New-York Auc tions, Importers and beat atorea, with great care, and every advantage for buying cktyp 1 and will be sold to MertkaHti by wkoletale, for cash, at prices as favorable aa they can be bought of regular dealers in any southern town or city, atklinr extra exnensta. - - - (Tr Cash and Goods advanced on cotton and other produce. Cotton and all kinds of produce received and forwarded by tbe Steam Boat Columbia, oh the" most favorable terma. Merchants, Planters and others, are invited to caD and examine the above goods. BEERS, BUNNELL k Co. Chera. JVsv. 8. 1824. 4t37 0 Taken AND committed to jail in Salisbury, Ttowan county, N. C. a negro man, who tiy hit . '. A nM . . k.mt 9a. vm rf merm flarlr compicaiuii, c isp ' "' - ,. ":a" with a scar under hia right ear occasioned by the cut of s knife, and speaks very quick and dia. tinct when spoken to. The owner ia. notifiedto come forward ami prove property, pay charges, and take him away. S AM'L. i UNES Jrikr, f.i f I I -i t . ; VnluaU.' I'roprrt, to licnt. fl.U. iU r.Urf WSI l1 frill, (jt lliS ail A. SM.iif (iif, nt is s Irrm J rr pw t f ,,,l,l la K M, iMcrn4 "liia; ,firr, ninsUd 11 Hi t ut it '4 l'4 Uikiii, mn Milii' rsk, li nkt d stt rrMsj M'imllr. Una Irvt of Und r.muitunf JiJ serf I, know hv tl atmi f l Us -plata, aqul, in fmiLty w awd, t anf Uiui U thkt aecti'M of the Cimmry , It list b a-f'Sitivd hy awmpsUM Julv, that it rota low at K 100 per am. Iha is is gKd rvf1'! ad, at prists, le tha oaeunswrr of Mr. W. wailwoo.J. , One tr, w1jH.ir, oe the opposite auU of the f mai knows by the smm of tma VUI. CoMamfia sbtM litter. Moat of lli clvsrt i Cottwd y thia trvl la of an liArW otstitff vi"f Met pafvUased by the late propnetor, Ocwrg tojmford, wdrhr on account of the tins Ur, and hs t&ftitv te hla e,i!la. ft la hanilane ly atwate(, aid. aa a pUro of rasUUnre, hat Ueenttticb sflrn'ra l i a paoa or eipvwse, kt been toartd U the itoprovemrnte. 1 he dtlU Uf-housa, thou(li anaill Uing bn errctrd o ssrrtr amia cmm no connrociro it aiiTii. ciowtfy Uriri tUWs!4aocaMsvMjst;Hi of ft assail family. It cottUuM three rooma be low, e psiW 18 by 3d, tweUe ft. m helrtit, handaoosrly Imshcd, and two small bed ron. Abwvo, t low eeiUd roots U by 18, and aa unto Ulnxl lumbar room. Thrra ia a piatia ktarly the wboW length of the houar ia front, 40 bv 11 wtxf back, are two portico's, 8 fret a-pur, optnmg into a tveen yard, hads,mrly paM in, ancirclcd whl cedars, lowering lirvls, Ac lha house la amply AirnUhad with rlosrts, a Entry, and tvery req'iisiti roflvrnienre fr e kerping. there is anescellrnt smok. housa oe tlta pitmiara, I I hytJ, and 34 fr-t in krirht also all other arraiWv outMilkiMa, a fa krgt gtrdea, atiundA'ty storked with cir. rant awd rooacbarry JkhTm tlo red and wt.i'o f berry red an white rarberrv, ami ilia Cbamosraa grspt' vino, wbirh Wars etrrv s' son wttHi tutariniislf. Adenine the rirrn is s aaMll fcharil of aery rholca fain trees, I Ur. gr orchardt more rcmotctv sitated For 1 cowvrwlmce of warwuna wuhjrg to rent, as well as t t her own aceomiwoiUt'ion, iha wiWr ln-? it wilting to aetl ad the household and kitchen fur niture, ke. at present on the premisss, sUu tw t very etcellent anllch cows, lie. ate. One email tract, edjotniiif ht sWe, r.irt. tuning 60 or 70 acres, tsllrd U lthin p!re. As 18 or 20 Uborers could workta sdir- on the sbove Ismlt, tbe subscriber wouM pr f. r renting the whola to one pets' m, if prsciic.itilr i also such part of the aaw and gri mills nwrv.l. In conjunction, by the lata Gcorjrr Mun ford si J Alkn C. Hsrbin, as msy devolve to tur l '. Perstms detirotia of ren'.int; the above ptojr ty, ara reoicsted to snake known tha'ir wislus either to Mr. Chsrles Pesrson, Aktander Nm brtt, rsq. or to the subscriber, resident at tli- dwelling of Mr. WUhani tl. Slaughter, in ttn plsce, when the terms, he. ahall be ita lo known. MKHRTAHLE Ml'MPoltt). SmUwrf, AW 2M, VA. 8TEAM.B(KVT8 Ttt Xltt nnA Ctumn, To run between Cheraw and (ieo te tnn. rilHK owners of these Boats have re-ee'ive 1 ly put thrm in tha best order i Hicy sw wow running their first trips, and sill he f:, t aa far as if practicable, 1cae the above plj -ra regularly and altemalcly i a Boat to arrive a', and one to h-ava, each place every three to fi'Sj daa. Each Bust will render to the other, m ease of need, every aid to inatre espedi'.ion -id asfety. Expenenoa has sanctioned the maxin, that M no business ia worth pursuing, that w ill not pay insuring." To add safety to expedition, Insurance, Agen cies and Policies have been procured at New. York, toe benefite of which art fTrel to aliip para by these Boats, on the following tonus : Freight of Cotton per big, TS cents, inclii'Ung Insnraiice. Ia caae of loss, the cotton to be val ued at the price current of the day of shipment, at Cheraw. 1 t'p Freighta wijl be insured at on-founh of one per cent, on their vahw. The Freight of measurement goods are reduced one foi.-h from old prices, and considerable reductions ar made on many others. A new printed bat w iil shew tbe regular Hates. Cotton and other freight till be received and forwarded by these boats, t, any agent or fac tor, free of any other chargea than atoraee ad expenses actuallv paid out; No pains will be spared to insure expedition, safety and satisfaction, and thereby lo merit pub lic patronage. Application to be made to the subscriber! at Cheraw. BEERS, BUNNKIX & Co. Jt-trui fir Vuumiia, HENRY N. Mlf.tl.K, Jfenl, Cheraw Suam But lmfxintf. rUf, AV. 6, 1824. 3tJS IVI ARTIN F. REVELI, tailor, fialisbtirv. have encouraged him In hia line of business, since hit commencement in thia place, and avatla himself of this opportunity of informing the pub' io in general that he has removed hia busiict to the shop in Main-atreet, rt-centry occupied by J. B. Hampton ss a silversmith ahop, t baring removea sm ounness in an aniotning room. kL F. Revell also informs hia customers and the public generally, that he has just rrceiied the latest fashions from New-York and Philadel phia, which he w ill be happy to have a sufficient opportunity to exhibit, in an equal style to any that he hat received. He likewise has Just got some additional force, which w ill enable him to despatch work on a short notice, lie hopes by hit assiduity to business anil neatness of work, to merit an equal share of encouragement. N. B. M. F. ltcirll will be glad to tale an apprentice lo the above business, if he can get una on suitable rflf. 029, 1824. 'At Was takeu Up, ON the 15th day of November, 1824, and com mitted to the jail of Concord, Cabarrus county, North-Carolina, a rnnowoy, who tays ho belongs to William Brown, living in Georgia. 15 milts from Petersburg! be ealla himself Tom Petit be it part Indian, five feet 31 inches high i and on the 17th imt. waa tried before 3 Justices of the Peace, On a charge of kilHng hoes in tlie woods, and waa committed again for .trial at our next. Superior Court ia May next, where his owner ia requested to attend to the aaroc, py charges, and take him away ; or ho may take him out ky paying ciirge at any t'tmo " previous, by giving security, or. bond, for b$ appearance at court for trial. "ST JNO.B.MAl!AN.ai&r W. 29, 1824.

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