C i vf. 'I'm: mi'm:. lurriMs-i, i Trfl rr-v, V 01, Smiting plains, , Vf ttrwr.l tnl ervuwl, 14 wt.i. b f NahmS W d ! Cm faf M MM r The wild bird eard etrr lit.!, 1 Intu ttiti mt blew. And FUturv't awful eborm f, titiM tut ) ab I onertlwnrd Ixrre, ebo nH ry Vt n' bright appear. And br4 timid psiu ay JI light diOMB4 by , 4. I questioned rrfemUip i FtkeJaUp sifted. And thui bar unif p i - . TU lav boa fortune a-wer tersed, Wmltbr'4 baths gravel asked if Vice cooU fcn W-etow f Vfi IxkiuJ loud and U, lliil fading from kef withered row lie borrow 'd roecs UH ' I slight of FMlJf.f. If her ikni . Could " U wosnded areaet, Ad found her mourning, bint Mil 1(22, othera woes dieireaa'd, . q-eiond TiHim i Virtue. elgVi, Ke boot could ah dispone i Not Virtu aa br iim, 6e cried, llut bumble Penitence, I etieetloed death t tbt grialy aUde KcUi'd Ik brow severe t And I m lappineV be aaid, '1 Virtue um! tbeeber.' D. ' JlfiirWife, fX J Orf. 37. Tie Mowing It copy of the direction) oa a letter, which pmmti through tbe poet wffice lo tlis piece, s few days sine i To M HlCUm. 1 laboring men, Who shoes cm mai, tod leather tin, Tbie brier anvst p lo, afe'ef tokicky, . A pbee called Lrxintn ra AVUaret." MISCELLANEOUS. irate uovi. TWe first numr of the Sonth Af. lie in Journal, published at the Cape of uood II pcv containa me very id tr V.in; deu;U mpectiog the Lioni of tn toootry. The writer uyi, that, beyond the Iimi.a of the colony, the are nciun:ed peculiirlv fierce and dao genutf and he thiuki Mr. lirrow'i rrprttcnt4tionit that tbey arc coward Jr and ireacheroui, it a condution drawn from limited-experience or ioac citrate informatioo. ' The itreogth of this animal (he observes) Joea not appear to have been evcrrukd. It it certain that he can Aro thr heaviest OX. with ip. a con, -O - - r j aidcrable ways and a horse, heifer, nr hirteheest. or lesser orer. he finds! W 9 T no difficulty in throwing over his shoul der, and carrying off to any distaocingthe horse, aa he had allowed him. he mar find convenient. I have en A I sell to get away, but the felonious ah- sell witnessed an instance oi a very young lion conveying a hone about a I ..I . L . L.L.l Llll.J tniie from enc a put wncrc nc nau Eiitea it. and a more extraordinary cue has been mentioned to me on good author ity, where a lion, having carried off a heifer of two years old, was followed o: the track for five hours, about thir ty English miles by a party on horse back ; and, throughout the whole dis tance, the carcase of the heifer waa on ly once or twice discovered to have touched the ground. The Becbuoo Chief, old Pevhow, (now in Cape To vr,,) coavrrsipg with me a few days ago, id that the lion very seldom at tack if unprovoked j but he will frrquei.ilv approach within a few paces, and sunrv hint strudily; and some times attempts to gtt behind him, as ifht could not stand his look, but was yet desirous of springing up n bim un. . If . a waits, ii a person, in sucn circum stances, attempts either to fight or fly, he incurs the most imminent peril but if he has sufficient presence of mind coolly, to confroot him, without theap. pearaoc e either f terror or aggression, the animal will, in almost every in. stance, after a little space, retire. The over-mastering effect of the hu man eye upon the lton, has been fre quently mentioned, though much doub ted, bv travellers j but, from my own inquiries among lion hunters, I am per fectly satisfied of the fact and an anec dote, related to me a few days ago, by Maior Mc Intosb, proven that this fas cinatiog effect is not restricted to the lion : An officer in India, well known to my informant, having chanced to .mU1. inA . timt 1 1 ft .1 m't Y cv . j O J J - countered a Koyal Tiger. The ren both sides, and both parties made dead halt, earnestly gazing on each other. The gentleman had no fire arras, and was aware that a aword would be no effective defence, in a struggle for life with such an antagon ist. But he had heard that even the Bengal tiger might be sometimes checked, brooking him firmly in the ictf. He did so. In a few minutes, the tinrrr, which appeared prepared to make his final spring, grew disturbed, sknk aside, and attempted to creep round upon him behind. The officer J t .rrf Jf !' wtU; tn I. i i 1,1 (I.MlHUf J H if.tirk f" itjnct f tut drt',flnta V t ih.tktf, and Utu'.ng lath ia a d.HVrtnt quarter, Uprnrtrrtd.f rfw half Knur, la (hie. altrmht tO f BUh ll li lurpriie till, at last. It f-irlf yielded the coflteit, and left tht Etntlemaa to punue hii pU-awrt waJ. Tht dirre tioa ht pow took, iy be catly b. lievrd, wit straight to tht tcouf at doutU quick time." After relatipf several terridc stnrSct of eocoveters rth lioos. tha wrlier concludes his article with one not quit so fearful, related hr Lucas Van Vuno, to Vca B'f, Mi Gcighbour, si the U. viaa'a rirrrt . Lucsi was riding across the open plains, about daybreak, and observing a lion at i distance, h endeavored to avoid him by roekiag circuit. Lu. cas soon perceived that he sru not dis posed to let him pits without farther parlance, and that hi was rapidly pp. proachine to the encouaur, and be in without his rotrt (rifle) and other!, liul inclined to any closer acquain tance, he turned oh at neat angles laid the aambock freely to bis horse's bui, ana puopea ror inc. horse wis fagged, and bora a heavv man on hit back j the lion was fresh and furious with buogxr. and came down op him like a thunderbolt! In a lew aecondi, ha overtook Lucas, and springing up behind him, brought horse and man ia an Instant to the ground. Luckily the boor was unhurt, and the lion was too eager to worry ing the hone tn pay any immediate at tent ion to the rider. ' Hardly knowing himself how he escaped, be contrived to acramble out of the fray, and rjsde a cleao pair of heels of it till he reached the next house. Lucas who rave me the de tails of this adventure, himself, made no observations on it, as being any way remarkable, except in the circumstance I the lie s audacity in pursuing i "Christian ma,w without provoca tioo, in open day J But what chiefly vexed bim, in the affair, waa the lost of the taddltl He returned next day. with a party of 'friends, to' take ven geance oq his feline foe j but both the lioo and laddie had disappeared, and . - r i r (nothing could be found but the horse's straction of the saddle, for which (at Lucas gravely observed) he could hsve no possible use, raised his spleen mightily, and called down a shower of curses, whenever he told the story of this hairbreadth escape. MADAMR rruRniDr.. Extract Utter t m Ctnllemnn tkl$ City, dattd Barrataria, Ocltf-er ith, 1824. " Madame Iturbide,the ex-Kmpress of Mexico, has been domesticated with us for the last tro days. She landed on the Island from the schooner Uni ted States, ia 2b days from Soto de la Mariana, from which place she was compelled to mske a precipitate re fer the execution of her hus band, (the newspaper accounts of which are substantially correct.) Though in an advanced atate of preg nancy, she sustains herself with much firmness under her misfortunes, and must have had considerable preten sions to beauty when young. She has eight children, six in London, and two, the youngest, with her. Her atten dants are, a priest, a nune, a French chamber-maid, a Spanish cook, and an Italian valet. She manifests a strong desire to make herself agreeable j but her utte.- ignorance of every other, save the Spanish language, compels us, in a great measure, to take the will for the deed. She is so little in the habit of administering to her own wants that if a fly or mosquito rest on her hand, she will call a servant to dislodge it ; and a cigar appears to rank with her among the necessanea of life. I said she was domesticated with us 1 1 should rather have-atated that she-was thegaest-f Mrs. Patterson, Commodore P a la dy, wh is here to avoid the prevailing fever of the City. She itoea to New- Orleans by the way of the lakes, the fint wina mat serves; irom whence she is destined to Baltimore and New-York, which ahe will reach by ascending the M ississippi and crossingthe mountains. After her accouchment, she roes to London, where a yearly pension, of 8,000, allowed her by the Mexicans, is to be paid i but names Italv ss her ultimate destination. -V. Journal. Prosperity ia a stronger trial of virtue than adversity. Tl - in.iiirj !.t ll-e :n1 r.v rf t! ynnutf ti land U! -r.--irf I tU Cl.mhof Ireland,! a da ymen nf fcirfiJ Importance, nd wMJ cannot fl, "ho'dJ ihlal, K drsw, t sn tttf period next setiion, the mot seriun''ift'n,ri;smentl The Pfimar, Lord Ji Beftiford. ArthWshop tf Arnih, hu 1W1 C3,rjQ- acres, of which mart, thso JOXX) ire ar!.le. HSs Craci Is msa la mliJli lfe " consiitudon. - 9-tP hl" V ru9 ' life init t ho Uascs let try hit pre- dccessori. hi wouM hsvt tke power af ruiniog tKrhsp Hundred laanmes, and obtaioiac for himself a rack rent of not less thsa '0,000 of 80,000 per Tht See of Dublia baa upward of 10.000 acre. Much of this being tar the Metropoli, mut b consid ersd a; of aa Ixtrsordinsry alae. rtr. r thino ia etliosed by Der ry t-.thert we have 94,000 Irish acres appropriated to my Lord the Bishop little short of 1 30,000 EogTisa acres! and should hit Lordship, at the be cm oicf of hi lacumbency, have thought m at av 1 . at to run nit me agsmsi m irnann, he would now, at the expiration of twenty years, possess a Urger rent roll than any subject ia the world. Yet it was this very See which begged assistance towards repairing its own othedral! but which, by the horror into which It threw Mr. Dswson on tb occasion, has produced we pect, thit aalsury exposure of n evil which must be removed. ' ItlERAL SlUTIMtllTI. Tbo BpuUb CxmI at Chariceton, Mr. Pe Artin, bao regrd hie office be one in H.e le ftxitm of tbo ae rcpibRe of GoaUmata. Ti e follovinees'.raetfroai bUaddrets viHetiev b loof Cpo of coatrmpt be nakee at bii nvtcri I would not leave the employ of Ferdinand of, Bourbon, for thai of any other crowned executioner j under the persuasion that all Kings are bd, and that the best is unworthy of exmrnce. Neither would I protest against all al legiance to bim, for the want of faith in treaty between ruler and subj-ct I nor for the injustice shewed my fa thernor lor tnc snameiui situations, (that it for government) to which, as Spanish Consul, I hare been so often exposed and to which my colleagues in those states are daily exposed, ow. ing to the little integrity of their gov. ernment, because were my actions gov erned by these motive, their already existence nany years, I have the most mortifyioff certainty of having lost eis-ht years, the rnrt precious of my life, in the service of so insignificant Bourbon, who, to use the expression of a well kaown pott, 44 tleaerves nei ther praise nor censure. , Finally, I cease to serve the Spanish government, because I am an American. LUTHER. M. Jacobi, a print dealer at Berlin, has formed a collection of portraits of this great reformer, amounting to no fewer than twtlve hundred and Sve ! a far greater number, we appre hend, than has everalien to the share of any other individual that ever exit a l re a ted. lriese emeries are arranged in various clarses ; the first of which con sits of portraits properly so termed. comprising many to be found in tide paces in various works; The second las contains historical plates, in which portraits of Lnther occur the third, satirical portraits and carica tures ; the fourth, representations and monuments, medallions, &c. contain ing effigiesSnd likenesses of Luther. It is to be hoped that this valuable col lection, will be preserved entire, and become public property. r RELIGION Is nothing but the knowledge of the most excellent truths, the contempla tion of the most glrfrious objects, and the hope of the most ravishing plea sures t and the practice of such duties aa are the most serviceable tovour hap-j pinets, our peace, our health, our hon our, our prosperity, and our eternal welfare. Two men having a dispute in Ohio, one of them said to the other, 44 1 am " not able to fight you ; but I will meet 44 you with a musket any day you dare meet me." This beinr deemed a challenge, he was indicted at the late term of Belmont county court, found guilty, and sentenced to imprisonment and hard laWin the Penitentiary, for three years that being the shortest time prescribed by the law of the state. for sending a challenge to fight a duel. , ji'' it i. :.' i r v. ' II., rr; it-l r i f ' '"! I. 1 . I Mill I. M. V. Aiwl f-e t. ..ui n4 rA ai b rrr tif u-i.-o WW. 1 1J aw 131 tMh-!-! torart a-4 M M4(rf, t..Ulrl(.Ui ai rii nf Aitr.1 U S7 SrtipJ Vrit sad tt U Hf,LUt iliromWi ike V, buie. W Mre Mf be tkwl, r' ramf ,,ur tf r.n Twrnmik SrWJUtH. At t' f ink iMdiiM, wkb ttnfH' 4 wMi. aa. t)e. Vjjbf mm'i eUU- led uiMMhi VXiir of IWalik-A tM cur f iJu wuri. aailiiM. MiM M lb brvaw, it the Stoewb, d) arta. bl eomtilaioU, dt taiefT.fca. TreeorrlnraadftrtyeeiHipr bottlo. Df. lUiUnaDa's VtjrubU Kerwts CeUUf, oe Kature's Craad lueJoraue- -MMtbUd lor ibe Mrs of ftenous eow-t;t reaeraJly, Uotrd wteAoeta, dreoaioa) af tbo apinta, bead arbe, tremor, fMiUoejs, byaterk lia, Mrvous dability, huiporaweo, fceteory d eaae. bmpotener. d-o reow icae, ko. Trlcm ooe dolUr ad tftT ol Pf boetW. Dr. Robortaoa'a eelebreied Uwt sad ftbesowt. lo droptv-A aas sad rcol car for the root, rtrMni-)i, but.bnr o- v4 cnrcl, VfUrfits and veakaeettif lU joi" ap-aiiM, bnM-. naiM lo tbe bead and face, frowed fret. Ike, fiito to d4Jars per bottto. Vr. rtaao'a ktMMclik l4tera. CelebTaled S atreurk'!: a weak otoojaeh, laereaaijvjr the tf.nrtiir. aad a eertaifi pretcoiali arain-t tbe fet and aeiie, he. Trie ooe iWlar per bot. tie. Iff. Hubert-uo ltf.rcLW Worn dewmy Ine rot rfirff . A saediciiM oairerrmfly eweeow t far eipelTmf mry speetes af worms fwm ibe btmua tJr. Prleo aftv eeata pee ! ei larre porkares erne dollar. lr. lyot'i pateot Itch liintroeNt. f i ple-aaifeea, safety, ttedition and eertmintr of core. Is ontrlWd bv any otbrr medieine ia oar, for the removal of .i V ll- -i If K. a no oapleaaant amell, and Bay bo ooed ot (bo ounret hi.n( with aainr. me uny eew pee bos- Ir. Dvott'a lnfUUblo Tootb Aeh Drme. friee ff'Teestt, imaU rials tvenr4ro teati. Dr. thotrs Ami DiImnm rula, obicb, if admioif rred M time to rmoe U0 ble fmcs the atotnadi, will prevent aQ biHom eowpU'iMt, manirnani ferert, true and fever, bilUma cboTie, f brSrv. worm, drerirtrrr, brad acbe, heart bum. ! nf appetite. cnUa and cotrht, drvpen. aia or MfftrvviMi, baUlual enetiveneea, ke Pnce ta-ntiv-Cve eea per bos i Urr boxes JO ernta. Dr. Vielter'a Ointmcat fur the core of tbe Tetter, wf Worn, IjC Yntt 371 rent. per box. Dr. Vicber'a Kmbrnealxx (ne Ibe Kheamaticm. ke. Krfee 37 eeota per botile. Dr. Codbold'a Vrretable IWJm of Life. I'riee one dollar per botue. fUlm of Iberia. EHrac ted from ait Iberian frirrant plant, for reokovini; defecta of tbe tarn, and tinpravinf (he comnlr ioo. friee tvo tbrfUn per bottle. Tbe Bet rative Drntrif.ee. for cleanainr, vbiteninr and preeerrinf; the teeth and tMma. Price fifty eente per bus. Tbe Cirratauui Ere vVate Celebrated for rurinf mnet dirder of tbe eyes. Priee firiy centa, email viaje Iveotytve rent. Mahav'a approved fleeter Cloth. A eovereie. remedy for all ulcere and eorct, aore breast, bilra, anre Wrt, sa ell'in, eprain, aula, bruiara, paiira in the bark ami breast, com on tlie lrl, ke. Price taentvre centa, aftr eenrs and one dollar for eacb aiiie placer. Approved and recomntemW bv lr. Iliiah end Dr. rlir, m Pbihlrlphia, and by the moot eminent of the faculty in tlie I'mtvd SUtra. Take notice, that in order to prevent imprvi. lion, all and each nf the above rrnnine oedi- clnea are neatly araled on wih full direertone for wing Ihem, and aignrii on the miiaide cover with tbe eiffiiature of the aule proprietor, T. W. IJTCJI I , M. II. f inre t!nritTvliietion cf tliear valuable led. ichea into tlie 1'iutcd ?tatet o: America, they have acquired the hiiHirt Aecrte of celebrity for their unparalleled uccei in alleviating and ciirinn dinraaca, ahull, in a vaprty of instance had batted aome of mir mod ciprnrncrd pliy nciant. lite cxtrntive and incrcaains; ilrmand for them throughout the continent, for thee twenty veara part.teitifie their intereatiiiR efi eary and importance to the public. For fami lica and iiMlivKlunl loe rvaUlence or cireunv tancee place them bevond the attvantare of procuring a phyiician, they are peculiarly adap ted i am for a boae convenirnce they are accom panied aitlt every intniction appertaininjf to the tn-mntoma of the tliacaaca, and proper di rection for urine; them. A conaiderable diacoant will be aTloveil to DruerfSate, Country Merchant and thoae who purcliaae by the quantity. Order promptly at. tended to, and the medicine carefully packed and forwarded to anv part arreeably to direction. A conrtsnt rttpply of the above medicine for sale by John Murphy, calubury.and Murphy k Itrown, Concord, N. C. 00 DoWats iVeviatA. RAN AWAY, on the 16th of October, 1824, a negro man name! .hlum, aged 27 year. He wa lodged in the jaitof Randolph county on the 19th or 20th Inct. 1 and . taken out of aaid jail on the 8th of November, 1824, by the aelbwrihcr. and taken on home. with a pairof hT)d-curTi on. On arriving at the ubcriber'a hnuar, on the Oth of November, 1824, he was left in a room with a mall boy ; whilst the family waa at supper in another room, by some mean Adam slipt out of the door, and msde his encfipe. At the time he waS taken up, he hd several fire papers in his posxeamon. The aid Imy Adam has a Knr on his right hand, occaaiom d by a wagon wheel. He had on, w hen he went av, a emdT-COlored surtotit C0atwith haiidiiCy-wciLthctted. lie. ha 1 heretofore passed a a bnckmakrr,and as a free man w hen last taken tip. One hundred dollars reward will be riven for tbo apprehension and delivery of aaid negro, "44 MACK CBUHP.r Dnviitton eimuiw, -V. C. JW. 9, 1824. A Tanner, .wariUA. afiNE of sober, industrious babita, who can come well recomrnended, will meet with encouragement from the subscribers. Apply aoon. THOMPSON h HUNT. Concord, Cabarrus county, 27 N. C Oet. 4, 1824. House and Lof in Charlotte. FOR sale, on accommodating terms, the house and lot in the town of Charlotte, which ad joins Mr. John Irwin's store, on the north cor ner. Apply to JAMES TOHRKKCE. -ChaTtoUc, May f, 1324. 07 t in r.i .'fifrt '"i Bm.tb TiU.r 4 'J, ll.' l ! ' a r r, nUr,va .Jiia 1 av tKfinU of I 4 C'ltUm 4 ne lji biJ.U of f n i 6 ae ItJA pwi ' f rrtm M T lbs fw a Of l"t t' Wla.l if M ri.f, teeny UtlcoMnyi lf, ;nU, Mtg,, aaail iialrv bhrf pmpefy bWg"mg laua eate af SnMb iU. 4ft'L.H a r1t f rWty awLr $ bawl aad arrptevad mumtj a 4 be rpurd turn lh pietUr, All peranfil bavinf cUIm ip Mt tbe Sa'-d , late, are n 14 10 pee4 Ihem t sad !. ladMd to tbe ev, ore benby rwfxr4 aaaka pa) exeat, a tbe eaeeeievs are el.teMaia4 so niW tle eatate as s early a perVl a practicable. javm a-nif. x . M y. A, C. fC 13, 1 83. M aaaaaaiBaSaiaaawaiasaV.aaaiiB Istxlttt VnU YflAon. rpUR ouWnbcn bavt j., rtfelred. rW X Mr. Cbaries C V) at, of Pb.ld,li,b, tb Wtt faiblons of that 'y ( a4 th tbesaatlvee of tbe roe&eot epjrtuaHy of Mum. Uf ibetf cwetearete, and al otlwrs U 4 (U'ltenalte clotiies smkde, that they are , perperM, aa Neva!, 0 esecete aS ordVr awf iM af bnalne, la a Style tf orkmanl4a which, tbey bebevt, will bear a tomparW, with sty ka tb ato. OmWi fre a aVu wiH be pemcteatty ei rented, and protest (,. vardrd to soy part of tbe eraintry l!ia mt be rewpilred. CAKtKf k TCMPUTUK. Jbftwry. (Vf.,lB3. 57, Moct. i. M. fcnugittT, nAmO setlted Mmeelfiar. r Jt, C. offers Hie ervirn so tbe irdmbHants of the To, an Ita vWalty, ia tbo verio branrbee of biatW.aaion. H mar b lA at bis eh, one door fwrtb of the rw oew etcept wbeo aWnt on prufcaMma bwaloe. OH. 4, If .4. 3a Hoaso nnd Sin raintin, fa. ( tKAHCP. W. CRJMP4 inform bU friredi JI and the public, that be rin eseeuio ail kind of Honae, aign, Coadi, Wmi. aor Chair, ami Oraameartal fmthmr, ia 1 of workmaaabip equal to Mr io the entHHrv. fntlemeo baring work to do ithi id t(Q miles of aWiryt raa engage tbe ubribr'i aervice 00 eery thort notice. Tbo oubecriber lakes tbte nffrtunity tn re. torn hi eincer thank to all titrae U bave renemoalv eitended their fcvor to bim t 14 by bia CaiibfumeM and Uduvtry, io future, hopt atill te merit their friervd.hip and Mtronag. Kalimrf, Jut) i, IK4, 'J It. ft. 1 be auhtrribee iU keep on bend, f e aale, all manner rf palti and rolura. pn-f art I fur the acrommodatio) of tboe al.o mar ami, to do email job of pejvrtinr, but ho ant bave tlie painta, or eaperience te prrpre thm. Munnlon llottl, lIUSBUltr, .YORTB C.tBOJ.LY.t, BT r.DWARO TAnOKOUr.II ! a a nT.t f v Co, an J" I-1, taken the ei reefteetfurir inform theejmh. and his fnetfd, that he ha ettenaive and elegant evU- Mimrnt, situated at the north corner of the Court-Hunae, (Utely occupied by Mr. Jamr tluie.) Ihe eonventenee of this aquation fr buainraa, i equal to any ia the plare. The llouee contain a number of private worn, tH calcutatol for the accomm rotation of Tmvelim and Hoarder 1 tbe StaJilc are equal, if ant m. perior, to anv in tbe place, and at'ewlrd te by obliging and attentive Hostler liitb!e and bar, will be supplied with the beat the njrkrt arTofdt and the regulation of h'a llotise, avk as he hope wiD gie entire aatiWUction to thee ho may think proper to call on hitnt am be astiirr them, that no pain ahall be spared to render their etav romforlable and plcaiine. VArwer.34, iSJ4. V5 btatc of Nortli-Curolinn, trorts couttrr. COURT of Equity, October tc D. IK. John Kvtn and other r. Charles Ihttna and wife, Itnbert VVinaton and other. Original bill. It having heretofore been aujrgestrd mas that Charico Dahon, one of the defendant ia thia caar, hath dicdt ami it appearing to us 1 list his heir at law do not reaide within the limit of tlits state, it i therefore ordered, that pub lication be made in tbo Western Caroliniin, printed in Salisbury, for ait week auceeaarrK, that the heirs at law of the said Charlea Datton, deceased, appear at the next Court of Kqiiity tu bo holdea for the county of Stoke, at the court-house in (iermanton, on the 4th Monday after the 4h klonday in March next, and shew cause, if any they have, why they ehoukl not be made partiea to the suit 1 otherwise the bill will be taken, pro ennfraan, a to rbem, and the cause act down fr hearing ex parte against them. Witness John C. Ilium, clerk and mattei1 of the aid court, at office, the 4th Monday after 4tb Monday in September, A. D. 1824. Copy from tbe minutes. citSr Price g2 75. JOHN C. BLUM, r.w.a. State of North-Carolina, 1 km del t tovurr. COUnT of Pica and Quarter Sessions, Anp"" term, 1824 1 Hobert Simonton n. Elnl II. Cuither 1 original attachment, returned levicl on land, k.c. It is ordered by the court, thst publication be made for thtve months in the Western Carolinian, that unless the defendant appear before the nest term of the said cajrt, to be held for the county aforesaid, at the court house, ia SUtesvillty. on the ihinLjloM; November next, and plead, the plaintiff will oe beard exparte,and have judgment pw coniew. . Tttit u. Biwmnwtu. ..1- ei 5.it I 1 WIT. uilt. State ot Nortli-Uarolma, f mr.DtLi eovvrr. COURT of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Aogiirt term, 1824 : Hobert Simonton trrimt John Alexander 1 original attachment, returned levied on land. It ia onlered by the Court that unless the defendant in thia auit appear before the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county of Iredell, at the court-house m 8tatesville, on the third-Monday in November aext, and plead, the pJaintifTwHI have judgment pro confeeeo, or a hearing ex parte, and wax notice thereof be published three months is the Western Carolinian. Price adv. 4, Smit' -r