MAM.' .0 VOL. V. SALISBURY, N. C.w..TglLVYYjl, 1825 NO. 240. rtiitTio a9 ruBLiiRin, ircnr Tcuttuf The terms of the Wetcrn Carolinian will hereafter be follow! s. , Thrt Dtllart a year, payable in advance. ,; ' ' " " .... .. No paper discontimted, (except it the option r Hie mtnivuU ji'vref t pto&z:. , Advertisements ill be inserted a, fifty eenti per aquare for the first Insertion, and twenty-fire ' cents for etch subaeflHerit one. ; All letters addressed to the Editor, must U prt-paid, or they will not be Attended to. : ,., ZUim States Conarcas. - W SENATE." Monday, Dee. 2d. .'Mr.' Afi offered ibe following resolution f x.' ', J?iJtarThat the CmmVrtW-en Military "Affairs be infracted to inquire into the expedi eney of limiting the number of CedeU at the Slihtary Academy at -West point, to the num ber of memben in the Home of Bepresenta tivea i end that the number to be admitted from each State and Territory respectively, shall be the same at that of the Representatives to which 'such State or Territory shall be entitled, and h' "t Academy aliall be admitted to long as there be for admitting from the Distrust of Columbia. Which was agreed to en Tuesday. TbeelTz j. the Senate Were occupied HS ... ainn 61 IDC DUI Humiik viuiniuii iwr ui CD - 'ix Fayette;" the bill finally passed, b 5 tote of S7 toT. ; , V The Senate proceeded, at in committee pf the whole, to the consideration of the Utl making provision for the services and expenditures of den. La I syette. " iff. Moron, of North Carohnarrose, with great reluctance, to express bis b jectioo to the bill. Tho it was but of Utile importance what objections be might . to any diii oeiore me senate, be couldvtiot refrain, oa this occasion, from tpeakmr his sentiments onenlr. He sd mined the vslyeof tho services of Cm La Fayette, twheir full extent Msob- iection wss not to IWom oroDosed htn i.i it was this t La Fayette ha4 Wen adopted T-Into Ibe American family, and could n be asked of Congress to do more for an adop ted son, than for one of her own f He had wished to have him placed on this footing, but nothing more could be required.' All this had been done. . He believed La Fay xxiv bid made great aaCrificea be as firmlyT-oeixeTea hrirne mir-wytitifg tinder the sun t hit'aind, body, and es tate, bad been devoted to the success of i . jour csuse ; : but this was no reason why ' ? more thouUT b done for'tim than an . had gone into i thwjucjdBuentr and come out poorl bisiihen,- said Mr. jWacen, is my objection. It is the true conviction of my own mind, snd it is as disagreeable tome to state it as it is unpleasant to the Senate to hear it. It is not the uw, but the ground I have stated. I bave no doubt, said he, of the passage of the bill. J)feIS3 Is pursuance of notice given, l&htyid&frfti ne-bteined .e!I.i introduce ablliilfurther to amend the judicial syaiem.ot.lhe LL States, and Z.,o -prondelXok-the. sublihmeBt -of . tir ruit Count j-.which was read.-;-- Deer 2S. the fullowine resolution of- feN4-yeejrtay""war thia day- kenijp - ana agreed to i . .. JlenitJ, Thaf the'Preiident of the United States be requested to eaue to be communica ted to the Senate the number of merchant ves sels belonging to the ettixena of the United -SUtct, with, their name, ownen, and value f -mrrcfiamrnc, bicu- niw oeen- captured "Vf plundered, and of iniunes inflicted on citizens pf the United Statei by the pirates, since Dee. , 1st 1823 r and aho the- trumber of pirater and -piratical vessels that have been taken by our ' 1 r. ; : 11. . . . . f. ivrce since uiu penoa ul uaia. house of. iiepreseni attces Monday, Dee. 20. The Sfuaker laid - before the House- a communication from ,3he?5?w9Stef CeneraJriiwing the nunv "btr of Clerks employed in .that Depart rtocnt diiringthe last year., The. following resolution, offered on Friday, was taken up. - Itetilved, That the President of the United States be requested to communicate to thin House, if compatible with the public interest, the correspondence with the Spanish rovern- ment .relating, to. the piracies of . the uiuid of - LUM.. v.; - - nimotiop,;it.waa;;,. Jtembed, That the letter from the Pottmaa. ter-General, transmitting to the House the 'names of the Postmasters who are defaulters to " the, goternment, (now laid pn tho Uhlf ).be re ferred to the Committee on rust Uflices and -Post Roodi, and that they report as to the ex- pCdientx ut JUlopUng. jroeasurci lo.colkct the arrears, as therein named. r, ' 1 j Mr. AMatu rose, to call the attention 7, of the House to a resolution on the sub- .., jtct,of fiuing oiita vessel tf war for. the TWecttbrorXkkrChampialh He ad verted to the. situation of 4he Lake, and Hthe neiesstty yt 'provldinj gatnt in ioh, and the dismantled state of the navy . nciw on the Lake, and concluded with mo I JtoJt the JoUowmsTesolmionT whtfrfijwas green to: v ; Jindvt rftliaTtlie Committee on Naval Af- fulrs lnitnicted to Innuire Into the eipedien. cf of making an appropriatioo for the building of a iteam vessel of war for the defence of Lake Cliamplain. . . . ' ' ' ' On motion, St wat ' Jfmlvrd. That the CoromUt on rmmerf e U TauAiucud to Inquire iota. Die expediency of reduvuigtbe amount or monutiy oav, now al lowed by law to -the seamen of the United States, whew discharged In fmrign port, froni the aale of vcssclsi or other causes. " J -The House then went into committee, on the bill "utltbrizin the 6cttlpai6tt bfl Columbia River I progress was made so Ut hrthe billf as to- allow- each married male settler 640 acres of land) each un married male settler. 320 acres j and each nnmirriediemale'eulej', 320 acres i the officers of the colony, to be appointed by the, President, to hold their offices six yean t the appropriation made to defray expenses, 50,000. Dec, 31 the House wis engaged the best part of this day, in the discussion of the bill u resoectintf La Fayette," and the bill authorizing the occupation of the moutkciColumbiajrt Tho following resolution, offered res terday, was taken up and agreed tot , .s Retted. That the President of the United States be requeued to communicate to this -jwlnrauuio which he may poesess, and which, in his opinion, it may not he impro per to make pugWM, .., .1.,. . .kf.inteqtions of the Allied powers of Europe to aid Spain in the subjugation ana recovery of bet former colonies in America. ,. . i ' Dee. 52. the Home ws engaged most of this dv in the ciscussionof the bill makiog provision for Gen.' La Fay ette. A number of petitidns were pre sented, and resolutions offered but none of them of lmmciilt intereJ to the.titi tens of this section ol the country. J)ec. 33." Mr, Archer offered the M: lowing resolution, which was ordered. to lie one day on the tablet - Xenhed, 1 bat the President of the United States be requested to communicate to thin House any infarmatkw hv his poiwiim, iwt mpivf to be eommtinieated, rtpUin i;g the character and 4i,c.t of the 'visit of the naval of ficer of the L'mteo mics, commanding in the West Indies, to tlie tomt .r, y axardo, in the island of Porto Bico, on the d.r of Novem ber last. - ' CJfntr.H slBfitmllw, SENATE.' ,'.;.": ' ' !.:- 'onday Dee. 20.-the amendment pro posed in the House of Commons, to the bill authorizing the making of a f o mpike Road from the Saluda Cap In Buncombe tojhe:Tcnnetsee-Hne, aving'-been tron curreo in oy the oenate, tpe same was read and ordered to be enrolled. It is therefore a law. The namea of George Washington Jef a and John M'Dowelrof Rutherford, were added to the nomination for Coun cillors of State. Mr. Carson presented a bill to appoint Com misMoners to run and mark the di? ir.ldiBbft jcte ftrOhJf puniies' of Lin- cofn and Darker" ""r-"" The Committee on Internal Improve ments, to whflrh wr referred the petition of sundry 4nh4?)iunVs of Burke, reported 1 a biH auborizmt;: tha Boftrrf F loternal ittpTeenOTTorCTDSB' atnreTtfta'Toad ' to be made fi ora.MurantaiL across the Yellow Mountain to the I'ennessee Line, which was read the first time. rr. 21. the following bills were read, sndLotdered to. be. enrolled. ixhey aie therefore fawsf-" The bill authorizing the building a dam across Ararat river in Surry connty the bill to allow Adtm Lockhart, of An wo county, further time to" collect certain taxes tho bill for the .better regulation of the third regiment of Burke. ZJeer2 the fbllowirre-enerossed hill were read -and ordered to be enrolled ; they hsve therefore become laws -vtzl the bill to prevent any person from ralliog timber in the Tuckasegee River and Cany rot-thercdr, wfthin the cobhty WHif wood the" bill directing the time and place of selling lands and slaves under execution in Buncombe the bill to in corporate the Clinton Library Society in Stokes the bill authorizing Wm. Catbey and Asaph Wilson of Hay wood to erect i ne delect committee to whom was referred the resolutions of the Georgia Legislature, proposing an amendment to the Constitution was discharged from the ltheriideratioa UiereiiLirrr- Dce, 2im bill was presented, to re peal in part an act passed in t820, poiph ing out the duty of Guardians . - - And a bill to amend the laws now in force, directing the manner of selling lands fertaxes which were rest) the first. time.M's'-':': :' -r" ' -JThe billauihjjtizingtheCo of 'Caswelr- ah4" Buncombe to appoint Wardens of (he Poor, to build a poor and wa . rcaa ana oroered to be enrolled. , It is therefore a law. Dee. 24. Mr. Harsrravct the Becator from Davidson, obtained leave of absence, for the remainder of the session. ' v i A bill wss presented to amend in- iU bassed in 1618, to incorporate tha uwn of Cliatlotte in Mcckrcnburgr which was The bill to change the mode of calling regimental and battalion muner wuoia this stale, was IndcfiiTiwly poatponod.. - "TbeSehate cfoteeded tp the consider . ..-.. . '.i' ation of the bill to com rei tha Banks bf lhetat4Mwr4pchj itfreiiriisea, which was read tbeuuro unc, aua ww iected, 34- IS .:vjsawiYt-i' a a . m St ' " " 1 HOUSE OP COslMOflS. Monday t Dee. 2Q. on motion of A lher-: i . : 7. r T-r :. Hetolved, That select Committeibe appointed to prepare and report to mi General Assembly, a bill more effectbl ly to suppress the practice of treatbg with ardent spirits, or using any tiniie means oy canawaiea ior muj wuuw ur nnintment whatever. ' " The bill authorizing the County Crt of Haywood to contract tor the tepairbg of Catholic road, has become a law. Dee,, 3 l--the names of Meshack Fraik- tin and John Owen, were aoaeq w roe nlnuination of Couocillora of btat, v-A Resolution, requiring the Governor iMtruct the Atwf Getiir te file n iloimuoii in the nature )f a, quo ;mn'.o airaiost the Banks of his State on hc ground of theirlavinf tnuiKended ibeit cnrter. Ordered Wilson the UA iie. and to be utioted.' 1 Dee. S3 Mi. folk prefcnted a bill to extend the provisions aod penalties of ao ctrMSfccd in l? 19, moreeffectually to punish the making, passiijc or attempt ing to p coumerfeit baof notes. The following bills were read and or dertd to be enrolled, tey are therefore lwi, viz: Abe billJbribemore conven ient admiflbtution of justice in the coun ties of Gullf.d,CaawelU5mpon Burke and Wiikes the hili io amend an act for the better regulation of the town of States villa in Iredell county and the bill to al low compensation to the Jurors of the Su perior and County Courts of Surry. , A resolution wss presented authorising the Board f Internal Improvements to purchase a Mod Machine, to be employ ed tri opening the channel of the Cape- Fear River below Wilmlngtumd propriate for that purpose hot exceeding seven thousand dollars ordered to uo on the table. "' .J. :, rr-3heToIlo"w3glwere pre sented, read the firat time, and passed, viz i a bill to amend an act passed in I8i2, to amend an act passed in 1421, to provide for the execution of process, where there shall be no proper Sheriff to execute the same i a bill to establish and lay off a town on the lands of Jamea Gor don in Anson County t and a bill to pre vent protracted litigation, by enlarging Thr h)iidietion of Justices of the Peace hicK?Kffs werefead Ihefirsl fimend 1 te committee on the Judiciary, re ported thatM ia not expedient to take from the Omts of Pleas and Quartet Sessions, the raridict:orrof the pieas of the state vitAcU the now possess, ana give mem to . . m. a; i . the bupcttor Court. : A W l was presented appointing com missioners to lay off a road from Lincoln- ion to Hortranton read the first time and a i)iiivmow'iectmyiry'-io-guara against corruption in elections which bejng read, Mr. nines moved for the in definite postponement,; which passed in the negative, I00 to 25.4 Dec. 24 the bill to repeal an act pas sed in 1822, to promote Agriculture and HnSylllQiiiOfip this State, was amended and passed us second TeadingMr Helme moved for Ui indefinue postponement, which was negatXeJj$.to;5 , ..... jjjYgR, An eastern paper notices the marri age of SIX PRINTERS. We should should thins the printing business in the fast much more lucrative orjrivcsJcss-expeiiaiverthAn-in the southwest else tnetcjr ob'the'm.r " Mobile (Alabama) 'paper. " Extreme malignity is like on over. ehargKdrjjulnk" ja wa) a r jmasia iti mark, and kicks $e gunner. It is stated in Long's Expedition to the source of St. Peter's. rlrer,, that about Lake Superior, the cattle Ji ve almost en tirely en jiA The thrive well and wield art abundance of good fhllk'r tHe faittf of which. Is. not effected by iheir dieU J. 1 Peres Anthony, a black, man, convicted of the murder of Theodore btoddard, on the high seas, was executed at Boston on the 22d inst. in pursuance of his sentence. rao n ansat sscaaai. NATIONAL ROAD. . ' I have been, much gratified by the re- msrks which have been made In the Pre sident's. Message, and. the report of the SicreUry of Wii accompany Irtg. it, on the subject pf internal improvements, and the principles which have been adopted in carrying into effect the act of the 30th of April last, authorizing the President te cause tbe necessary surveys, pians ana es timates M tnadofc wch ;jwads.rnd canals as he may deem. of national Ira portance in a commercial or military point of-View, or necetwr; to the trant portatioa of tbe mail. One of tbe most important routes em brered iti these principles, I -conceive to be that for a durable road from the seat of Government to the city of New- Orleans; which, when executed, will greatly facilitate the operations of com merce between the Atlantic states and the great emporium of the west, by com municating more promptly,' and more certainly, commercial information be tween the Atlantie cities and that Impor tant point. It will also enable tbe gov ernment to hold a more prompt sod sure communication with the Important, but as yet feeble, section of tbe country lying on the Gulf of Mexico, which,Hn time of war, may be of tbe utmost consequence to its security. - t Between the Seat of Government and New-Orleans, three routes will present themselves for examination, each claim' ing certain advantages. Tbe one extend ine aloncr through the seata of the govern ments of the several southern states, and passing the principal rivers at the highest point where tide navigation ceases This route would pass, in Virginia, through Fredericksburgh, Richmond, Fe tcrsburci in North-Carolina, Warren ton,rRaleigh, Fayetteville in South-Caro lina Kershaw, Colombia, Hamburgh; MilledgevilUVm Geo. Cahaba, Ala. The htiddle route woutd pass east of the moun tains, taking the nearest direction favour able to the construction of the road, and probably pass through Danville, in Vir ginia, Salisbury, in North-Carolina ; from this last place, either by Llncolnton, dreenville.Pendleton, Athena in Georgia, or by Charlotte, York Court-House, Ab beville, in South-Carolina, Washington ine western route would enter, and pass along the great valley north of the Brar RJdg?,-v::Wjnchestc, S-Junton, AbMhgtonYltcT Each of these posteii certain advantage, and no doubt the Doacd oflnternal 1 mprovement will receive instructions toexsminethemall, and make a careful investigation ot their respective advantages. In the mean time. It would seem desi rable, for the information of the Board, that those who are most interested, and best acquainted with the. advantages of the several rootrs,- should comrnunicate, TreeTyT'afJ'he information In their pow er, to aid and .facilitate the survey of a route in which the government, as well as the several parts ot the country through which it may pass, has so great an inter est: arrius. ' Fine growing-weather this (said a Sussex farmer, the other day, to his next neighbour, accosting him as he was cross- AtgrhlJeaoew fine growing weather ; this rain will bring every thing out of the ground. M Heaven forbid ! faaid the otber)or have jatt owned my ufe - Female SocfWy. Nothing is belter sdanted to give the last polish to the edu ,l . .. . .- v... - cation oTa young rnlfirnian . conversation with virtuous ar.d accomplished women. Their society serves to smooth the rough edge Vo ourharacier,and to mellow our lenifie rr Ih shoftf the' TOarwho-has ne ver been acquainted with females of the better class, is not onlv deprived of manv of the purest pleasures, but also will have little auccess in social life ; and 1 should not like to be connected by the bonds of friendship with the man who has' e bad opinion and speaks ill of the female sex in fccncral. . 4 t . The Boston Mirror says, ' The present king of Perslahas tfAirrHw'iie eow, and ont hundred ana vrrynin Juagtittr !' t is all a misUke ; he Is s splenetic old bachelor. tUnchctter KefiuMcan. .The catholics showed at the cathedral Of: Coicigti:tn rinassirt; wlrr shrines. gilt irid ornamented with precious jsfon three tvite men who came to- tfthtpour oeetar;. ' and at the monastery of Urfurt " ting DaviiTi tvnmgVtimmcr." AGltlCULTUnAL SOCIETY 4 - or iREhEi.L couxrr. - AT a meeting of the Society hich took ptar at Sutesville oa the 4th day of Oct 1824. It wat resolved, that a Umrrul Metfnr bf mi society shall he held at Stattsville on the second Tueday of Jsnuafy near. The officers and MmUrirs ars imry Quired to be pnnetual ie atterxtirrf, as rt W t ipected trrfMlant haA nmie will be trsnsncted on that day. 1 hose who may Uh to become members, will pica to attend,,;.... ...,-,,.. riaj&ixissn - rublwbea by erder of the ocie.r, - I3 ' J M, U AMrHKIJ, Use'. 'eVtlf ..CtkSll ftlOtt- T. HAVE jrt opened a new and estensiye a. . - r il fe . ii m. sruocm m feaxmauic ana laiuionaDie aooDs, which I have carefully e1eeted from the markets of J'hikdelphU ami Ns w-York, 4 burcliad with eaih aad I now offer them to the public at the lowrrt prices. However, I do not wih tbe public to take my word for it, but will thank them to call aod examine for themielve, ai I feel tati'lcd that I ran offer them inducements to call again." Even thoe who have not the caih to purchate, will do me a fator by calling, and examining my price. A. TOIUtKNCE. gnfoftwry. Itet. J, WZk 33 New-Su npl v of-Fresh- Good s,- iiie. auoarnper receiving ami oprnina; . ' larre and reneral assortment bf all kinds of Cdi, a his store in Salisbury, from Phil, delpliia and New-York i and has mada arrange ments to receire tram said places, mnthlx, any further supply that may be necessary selected with care, and laid m at prices utat will enablo h'nn to aril very tow. His aiMomers, sud tho public at large, are respeerrnii mvited to eau, cxanune, and judp fur themselves. i. StwKrllT. Soti$Urg.&ft,92i. 6mt48 N. B. Country Produce of all kinds, received ih exchange. Estate of Ilezekiah Cowan. THE aubtcrioer having, at the November court last, received letters of administratum on, and nuaJified u administrator of, the etate of llcsekiah Cowan, dee'd. hereby notifies all per sow indebted to metaiddcc'd. to make payment, and all those bavinr claims against the said dee'd., will present them, properly authentica ted for settlement, within the time prescribed by law, or this notice wilt be pled in bar nt - recovery. thus, i cuwah, jumrr. . JfcrmftfTQ, 1834. JtQ Progpcct Hill, lor Rent THIS valuable plantation, the residence of the late Col, Birhmmd Peart, jm, ia offered for rml the ensuing year. This tract of land ia in tbe Forks of the Yadkin, opposite to the Horse Shoe Neck, and near the mouth of Dutchman's creek. It contains about 600 acres j early ooe half ia cleared, and in good order for cultivation -but m hundred acres ia river and creek-bottom, and ike remainder of cleared land t ell adapted to the culture of cotton, corn, and, small graiov Tba dwelling-house la eqiisj to-anF sif "tht -seirttow f oowrtrj-1 thre4br improvementa convenient and comfortable. The dwelling-house and about 100 acres of cleared land; may be had separately, as a tenant or ten. anta may. prefer. Ptir terms, apply to Mr. Hca ry t. Parker, agent for ': JOSEPH PEARSON. Dee. 4, 1824. " 36 Cotton Ginning. THE subscriber respectfully informi the mer- chants of the town of Salisbury, and tha '. citiiea farmcrt of his neighborhood, that ha has Juat IthlibM I Urge building; 37 by S2, , tnr Vm mnf 9 Mum, w nui j vatcrj ana tnaT ne rs also well fixed Ibr packing cotton, in the nraiest manner, lor wartrt. - He - assures his friends, who may favor, him with their custom, that bo fluLiMyejaeuicwpn pacxed and put up In tlia neatest manner, and in the shortest time nosai. ble, and on the lowest terms it which It is done by ethers. He ales assures those who send rot ton to bis Gin, that it will be kept separate from others, so that they will be aura to get the same Cotton they send. He has located and built this establishment, at his Mill Plantation, two miles from Salisbury. JA t FISHER. OcfSer 18, 1824. Z5 Coughs and Cofds, ABE speedily and efTrctnally cured by the ned of I)r. RobertsoD's celebrated Sttmatkit EHxir f Hnft't. Of thit univenaUy esteemed Medicine, there are thousands throughout the V. State, who tKave"el these lat 30 yean, and can testify to its Ix-ing the most sure remedy em'effkred'tethirpiib. lie, for tbe relief and cure of obstinate Coughs psins Tn thelbreait, ipittipg of bloody approach ing consumption, fcC. "Persons sfflicted- with pulmonary cow plaints or disorders of the breast and limps, even in the most advanced state, will find immediate relief. Common Couirhs and Colds which are in gen eral occasioned by obstructed perspiration, will be found to yield to its benign influence in a few hours. " n 'sithrftatic or rQnirpptjve ", eomp'sin' hoarscneiia, wheesinrs, shortness of breath, and the hooping Coughs, it wilt give Immediate re lief. It is slso an effectual remeily for the dysen tery or lai, the summer complaint in children, severe gviyings, and most other dwlr of the bOWeU. -- ........ Prepared, only, by Dr. T. W, Dyntt, and for I wile Wholesate 1 and ftfnttrTrc"t1rPnvgria" Family Medicine. Warehouse, N. L. corner of Second and Kace streets, and by his appointed agents throughout the United State, Take, notice, thai eacJboUle liu the rgnattire of trie ;ole proprietojtv . vvr---rjifrpTOTTrW U.-" REVISED and published this yesr, under the direction of the Adjutant General, and comprising all ftie Is ws-passed Jbj. ,the Cenera! Assembly relaliTe to the militia, up to this date; far sale. at tha office of the Western Carolinian. i --. - .t'.3. i-'c' . t. ,l Ca, - ' r 1 i 1 1 ' 1 t - '.". r - - r -J1 .'' I i . ; -V . : m -, - "I ' r ' " .r ' " ., -. t - . ,. .m j j I, i r- " i M.. - iff 1Trv'Ji- v-:- ':'. ; ; . -t - . J' Ullll I III .WW - -

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