r" A: 7nw MM. 'V' VOJ, V. SALISBURY, N. C.....TUES1) AY, JANUARY J8T 1625. .1" NO. 211. la" ,h .1 it if. Ite 1st" S. ! a 4--, . e, twd pes' !(HI jeswi miitio a t-vaiisaitn, svaav tUsost, , ... - - - --,- ' -t 3 waBJaaBJBBmm - Tie terms of the Western Ctrotinian will I fccresfter be as fellows i lint DtlUtrt ajw, .' fcV!)IO 111 KIVAI1C. No paper diacontlnnau, (except at the option eftlia Editor) wwtrl H arrearages are mid. " Advertisements will be Inserted a, fifty cents per square for the first Insertion, and twenty-live tents for each subsequent one. All letters add-eased to the Editor, matite p$l-pald, or thcv will not U attended to, M Hi-MONROE," WWWWIMIISI II ITlfJ" JTlV- Vfct . -fc,. "The foltowtof Tewlution of the Vtt- lature of South Carolina, which were un ahlmbutfy .iiried,"afee lhe Teellng" of. tbat enlightened and patriotic State to words our venerable. Chief Magistrate', end the policy of hi administration t end whilst they beer before the world the jutt estimation in which our President It held, the State itself it honoured by the act of it Legislature. -Thee resolutions eon firm our opinion of the M Children of the Sun," as they were once so aptly denom Inatcd by our Pinknev.' We admire, alike, the justness of the sentiments of the revolutions, and the warm jand heartlike language In which They are 6nV'eyedr: - .. :U'..'. AaUJaur . IxtrtCt from the Journal of the Senate, of ltth , Dec. 34. , Mr. Denton submitted the following resolution t v Whereas, the term of office of Junes 'Monroe, President of the United States, will expire on the fourth day of March next ; and whereas, the patriot's just and best reward for faithful service I the gratitude of his fount ry men- Be it therefore Fetotved, Thtl thit Do dr.'def ply impressed wltV the lone: tari ous, meritorious and faithful service of James Monroev-Prendenriif- the United .i' - the dutleof the committee. This is at UKUC? StatM CCajJTfBS. lubiect which cannot 4m kept within the ; ,'-... in SENATE, , wall of Congre nor confined to the Vjlwnday, Dec. 27 Mr Lloyd, of Mm. individuals who are,peetator of our pro- prewntad be memorial of seml ovr-i feeding. 1 he oye of Europe is upon us, tn,u j0 lBe.Cily of. Dos'oO, praying for to e what courao we shall pimueio ,he prompt end ,iergtio suppression of observe how we shall act, after lsivlilng nlraea fin tha rnttl nt fnha. ffceneral La Fayette to our country-after Mr. Lloyd remarked that'thl memo- oflerlng o him $ ship of the line, the out- rjal WM a uolwn wUb VoiCi of tbt fit Of Which WOUM have Cost U double the .kola tonntrs-. whirh !! for sWeanr amount f-thi appr2raUeThrrej0Trtntr blobouHaillJbat-atarcery a us cBnpjwwupoimfnuK. wMB4..,ft,vV i najr psea that waa not markea oy some all this sltow of eratitude, we hire gener-l naw recital e,' murder and Blunder, and oaltrtmfctomake u vui .ut.u..Su...i.w id on roreisro uciatioot'Wiin mstruc service anl lacnhcea U out oenau. or ioni w make a tptcM M wuciuvr w win reiH ,v tnev couio ootalo me Dccessary inior be "ubjectedTolbe Ineen and woffi of matioo, ?7 " unfeehng royalty, and to subject our Det 24WThe Senate wat togsged selfcl lo an equal measure 01 a oro. is tn, chiefly in private twines, it for America, for whom he ba hed hi j)ee, 29 The principal businews be blood, and sacrificed his estates, and tart '. Senate, waa the bill to abolish im wealth, and the vigour of bi early fife,! pritonment for debt, which was taken up and who ha invited him to tier nore, Committee, at it aecond readlnjr. to send bim back in the face of Europe )ff. SO. The Senate were engaged a monument surely not worthy of the mot of the day, in discussing the merits character of the American people i ' nf the bill for the relief of the Columbia it a question whether he, who has been Colleee. culled the Apostle of Liberty in bothl ya. j Th Committee of Claims, to 5.rW. ,nl . h..ben jpniaged, JikeUie. lWBom wt rrferred the jMtitioo of lcob great Apostle ol o'd, in pleasing roan I Greer, of North Carcdina. reported unu Ills character doe not need this but,' as wa eloquently and appioprutely eipres std by the Speaker, we are the posterity of thoae with whom he fought and ihi is vorably to the prayer of the petitioner. " The joint committee of both Houses, appointed to wait on General. La Fayette, with a copy of the act concerning him, reported that the committee waited on the the firat act which posterity is called on Gtner,j M ,3 o'clock on Saturday last, to perlorm. It t to show whether our government is ht pocrisy or not. It is to see if we will ra.nirett our regard for the ptlnciplet of literty, or whetucr we hall send back its champion, alter bleed lug and atrurgliiic for "' aT to be" a re" proach upn us in the eyes of the world, Lj,.,, noted on the Journal. 1 r - 1 1 . ..m n..,k;..ni .. . . uu vi pviruj. 11c wuuiu mj me aaores 01 tne committee, and . . . 1 - - r r 1 . ... - - - -. on int auoject 01 ino aemrca ui wen. tne inlwer 0f Uto. La layette, accepting and presented him with a copy of the act, and with i copy of the resolutions of both Houses j and that the General returned an answer. The address of the committee was rerd. and, with the answer of the General, was States, irel it duty lo tender mm the La rayette. History hud recorded tnem, lhe nation of Congress, thai! appear in Homage 01 iii.aumiraiion, anocuooy anajana tne page na oeen paruscu 07 an wuoi Carolinian next week. esteem. I heard mm. Retohtd That this body do highly ap prove of the truly reiuilieai, wise, virtu I . xoatmaimT fu ko. "0 Jsr arid ' auFcVf VSrTadmTnMt ration - of I The following is atanemeitt of the ap Monroe, President of , the Unitedl plication and espeni4iture of ibe Alontin o;'.t'.rs anu mti uh mi iciirmrm iruin i gem r una 01 tne nOUK vi ncfjtc.cma- ofTice, he will carry with him the warmest uvea of the United St.tes, for the year wishes of this body for bit future pros ienchnit Nov. 1st, 1824 1 neriU iwihsnnMss ernor be requeued to communicate these Resolutions to the President of the Uni ted Slate. The Senate having taken the foregoing Resolutions into consideration, it was - Setotvcd, unanimeudy, Tbat the House dd'agreeihere(it';"A" Ordered to the House of. Represent the, for concurrence. LA FAYETTE. In the House of Representatives of the V, S, during the discussion of the bill aaahing provU ion for Gen La Tayetu, Mr. Mercer rose and said, be had in ijuajjtttijhj which proved the -mountf4hTti?rith ctte to be -above one million of Iivrca. With this sum he might have lived in RdiUM.fWWlw.u.i, Bnef is? 66 for the Office Binding books Fuel Newspaper for lit session I tin Congress do. previous aession , Keeping the Post Office New furniture -'7: 11 " Repaira.of oldo " Service of horses and messenger Miscellaneous Item 327 23 2.201 72 1,290 87J 3,07 r 2(S 6g J 1,301 00 2,811 S3 - 297 78 The annual report waa received from the Treasury Department J and, on mo- . . a fa m Man .-, L.- -" ii " '" " tion oi tir. r-iaou, a,uuu copies were or dered to be printed. The Senate was engaged the balance of the day on the bill to facilitate the trade between the citizen of Missouri md the Mexican settlement bordering the bill to abolish imprisonment for debt. - V LATE PROM EUROPE. By the arrival at N-York of the ship PaciGc, Intelligence from . England to the I9(h Nov. bas been received. 1 he Commercial Advertiser furnishea ua with the following Interestbg partlcu- ar in relation to the atruggle of the Greeks for freedoni l -1 " The newt fromXrece4of the tnott cheering-fhracterThe acceslon til victories which Immediately preceded the abandonment of the naval operation, of the Turk f the seaswetre'm fire t)rtl Hant and decisive than we have supposed a apppear from the Conataotltiople-accounts themselves. The OHo'tti-n mlrt istrv ha circulated accounts of aeveral advantage aid tw have been obtained by the Captain Pacha, but they were sudden' ly succeeded by the most disastrous new A letter from Constantinople of Oct. II, " Equally unfortunate with all hi pre decessors, the Turkish Admiral, in a fit of rage and despair, bas had the temerity to attempt a second attack on Smos. In consequence, he set sail from Mitylene with the Egyptian fleet, which had joined hhni trat he hid scarcely put to tea, when the intrepid Canarti sppcqt and spread out his fleet, with great ability in his mati&nvre. The Mussulmans, on the contrary, in attempting to form, full into dreadful confusion, which was ' Increased when the Greeks advanced towards them with an intrepidity which was acmired by the European seamen, who were present In action. It was of abort duration the baibarians shamefully took Bight to seek refuge anew in the port of Mitylene. But the brave defenders of the Cross arrived there a soon as ihrv.J',rew,,,nBt fic or six I urkUh or Egyptian frigates became a prey to the flames. The hero ic Canai Is, after invoking the name of our Bavioi, threw himself into a boat to direct in person the terrible operations of the fire ships. A DREADFUL MTUATIO t ,, Much sensibility is expressed a to the) distressing and tniseralde ; situation. 14 which the Gwernor of Kentucky Is wa;T: ccd by the cofiducl of his son. "lit is . cbmmllied to prison, and under Talent presumptions accused of murdrr In the brst degree. On looking at the Coiisil-' : tutlon of Kentucky, we find that the Got JL rpor of.that itate U-4trusted with tho- sole power "to grant reprieve indDn.: tfon,'except'tn caies of Impeachment. ' How deplorable wilL.be Jha situation or--..-. ifiieTAlUrt if tbt Governor shall bO called upon to ngn the death warrant of Jut son, Without the rjublic. nowerful and nres-,.. Ing coosideraUoa w UUk snod. IWtus------" Govr Detha to- likely to be placed innear ly the ame trying and heart rending situ- tion. He cannot now resTgntbccau.se. to resign would, be to prejudice bi soVa guilt, by presuming hi conviction which is the only thing which can compel hint to act upon the case. Hi situation la indeed heart-rending and most pitiable". - Phil. Demo. Prat. At the riding school of Valenciennes, (France,) there are at this moment the two amaHesr hoTetht exIttiiT rrance, and perhaps iu Europe, v They are only 09 iin.be utgn, ana art wen maicnea. There are said to be at this time be tween 700 and 800 Acts of Parliament in this country applicable to the Criminal Law. The Code .aftalean awards the punishment of death to six case only that of England lo 200 pafun 7 74J 5 633 25 67' j axw TORK oxcl 29.. -PATRIOTS IX PERU. In England all ees are turned towards Peru- Packets are constantly departing for South America every rumor is seiz wsetMTcin and imeftst are I It on the sub iect. knowing full well that the last blow aeait at tvranny will be struck in Petu- II OUS E OF REPKLSEN1 ATIVE9. Hence the most contradictory reports are Monday Dte. 27. On motion of Mr. 1 received, and the enemies of the patriot Long, ol N. C.it was ltre induct iously employed in propaga Kenfvrd, l hat the committee of Wat 1 time rumors of their discomfiture. In and' Means be instructed to inquire into (i bis country there is but one side to tbe the expediency of reducing the duty on question, although there are some favor the importation ofTialt.. - (able to the divine right of kings,' who Dec. 28 The committee on the Post would not grief if Boliiar was compelled Offite and Post Roada, reported a bill u to I to Ml back upon the teriitory he bas al reduce into one the several act establish Ireadv liberated. CRKAT viairiNO PAKTT. A subscription is about to be open ed in England, to form a company of 30 ladies and gentlemen, -to proceed in a packet to visit the Coaau of- the Mediterranean,, the Isle of Greece, Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt,- and the Black Sea. . The vessel is to be equip ped with elegance, and provided with every "thing whkrt can contribute to. the pleasure of the passenger. The" expedition will occupy three yc.rs, and the expense will be 800. tterliug each passenger. saaTvrioa. A late number. ol Cobbed' Register, speaking of Great Britain, say, " Thou sands upon thousands die from tranr every year in this kingdom. There is not people upon earth who tuflVr so much from Aarfcr aitbe peoole of this country. In no other country do the people die so quietly from the assault of hunger. $6o,720 9-J Education and Internal Improvement. rJvhnson,.w Louww, naa ubmil ing and regulating the Post Office Depart ment ; " which was twice read and com mitted. Dec. 29. Among other bills announ In a late Boston Centinel it is staled on thefaitn of a letter from Panama under date of the 30th October, tbat a battle had been fought on the 17th near Truxillo, In which- BoliTar-had beenrdefeiTed, and cedtolbft.Houeioy-aa -having -re feino-theuU-B the United States, tbe following resold r,"T,"ln ,or VJC" J'" rsiory. i ms womo oe oisasirous micm- .... . I nrttaV karArisa as lasta.' I ikana "anJ.atil "If If aaa uas IWasV IVss 1 las all t 1- .1... ... Itnni! . " I "w " -w l,vt'VkllllWWui ta is nwa .u.WM, a, s. .11 ipienoour, m - ry uer .u - ---u i.i. i;,w.f . I "DeeTSK-Ut. Strong offered anamend- tomnStXmmoiM-B pnyical,ioe..i.nw..M. a a Dermanent and Derpetual fund for lh electioo of I 'resident and Vice-rres- every dav will decrease the power and in Education and Internal Improvement. tdentt. which he moved to be printed, to- fluence of Spam in South America -fcwrrd.-rhM lhe procteds- of the gnerwmrrtnetnenamenia,on me same U. C iu, aner uefTyinjr xoct i. V ' I" Extract tta letter frtm a rmUleman wht mttended NEW.YOBK CANALS. It T ascertained that the amount of toll collected on the Canal during the last season is nearly if i not quite &3i0,000, wnicn win pay ine iiitertst, at s percent, on aeveo million of dollars'. The canal revenue is already more than sufficient to par lb inurest the canal debt, and tbu before a very Important section of the rieCn la finis W JW hen therwholej line ia completed te income will bo very ; much increed. " U trrerwnMei."nev: xommanoea . ine Nutionul Guards. 1 hi paper ws enti tied to all respect. The vgent or Gener al " Li Fa)etre.rl'h peculiar rtiodcaty, .r.'ffYe.: be .nnuallv invested. South Carolina and LoulJana General made to Prance during the revo; bf the Secretaiy the TreasoijFiathelAr i.nSnn. .iihmiirh ihoaa vnnaino mi,, stock of the Bunk of the United States, agreed to. I . . . a . I la MIAliAll I BkA neciwT with the great cau e. of the coun I or In Jhe itoca oi rii& iiiav direcT. 10- ""wyru, a mi idc commmcc on IV) III Wllivil ll lisau V I'VJV U nib stvsa 1 , , f I f s . . . due. He referred to the circumstance ol getner wimtne inieresi anuuauy accruing ...Hu..c .....w th loradnn of land near New Orleans, thereon. . incccawiy don. Ha honed all onnosition would be ate lv after the apDOintmCDLBl Jlepreaen- ti-,WniTh ; mT.mk hlAttaiivea. and everv tenth vear thereafter,! . Jn.Zm WHUUI IWU a V S IWS,Ol V 1 " - w 4 m Itf been made in estimating the amount of the proceeds of the interest arising on tbe House a tkt ceUbnoitn f the 304a Jnnivertarg f lhe tAiweMf.' 44 T he concourse of people was un usually great. Mr. Everett a Oration and exnedienca of wovidin mo" triumphant displ. ol erudl r - I . i . II. ..... lie was i.u iiuui. 1 never listened to the number of boatvarrived at that place du ring the aeasoe, at 3780 ; cleared 2672 amount of toll; collected IMS 11 Utica Gazette. " PATa LOGIC, I . . . r . ' ' " I . and made a calculaliofcf the lo. which Unclved, Tht the yw following the Itg.l pcnaltie. against every loan or ,r and .. . r., .... I . r .l. . ....... mnA mm.it. I dlsburaemrnt of lh nuhlic mnn not 10 aeMvenng It, snn tne utnerai nao ausiainea minis iransac ,u...y. I i 'j i" .1 : ' t 7 ' ' ..w -it r,.lffrr nf mlndr-i uuignuaof ine isw oi vrwress. I -- ,-- - . Tha n.Vir nrcntd til tho range WM grano, inairutUTC, auu glow communication from the Depart- Hg corruscation ot tne tnuwier- 0.-.. i ..11a.H ft showed tha efiaeta which ... . . . a ... n n . j : . l . i. . fc. . 1 1 Hiki Mi.in.fl i nirin ill 3111.. rnnimiiiiiiir 1 ki ui n, em, 1 w.vu. w - - It pay, which uewraii r a? etie woum nin-fri.ii. -iu.uuu nniuri:.iDtrEi.iuuuK tin ni.i.i n.n. .viviub - - i .7 ws a great wccumulatVon of tntemt ratio of the representation r oAe lhair-ot Udw the tableau v,;.k u-.i k . tk. m. I whtrh aiim vhsll con-titute a fund for ed-l On motion it was 'un u nisi iiim viwii iw v . .1 . r . ... wu1uikav.11 Miiuiu usiiiMisi ra v.ara vw -wasw s a t civil and religious liberty by , tbe Pilgrims of Plymouth traced the rise' and pro gress, nd fall, jjf- other natioat4' -jgavo a A nobleman f tbe fast anchored isle oncechrertised fat IBEngliiS arrvant. Pat hearing of this, applied for the-situatinn. On being asked of what country he was, he replied, " An Englishman, tn be lure." "And wherewa roorborn t'lri Dabtin urely,w said Pat. . " Born in Dublin, and an - Englishman I -Tiow- can that be J" Why, plate your honor,' re plies Pat, lt irppae a man ia born in a cubic t. ia tbat any. roijon be should be a horse ( '---- ' w,,, - la .Mt-' it.Hw,a.1Uj.. injMw.i.-..-... X - . r -i ( . waa.awrt imlvnalnsl propriatfemmonhhneither be routtmo.OuiuLinu the rre.srv. iK)r stock to be tedtemed be applied to ihesrcectsrunaer tne aa- pnu pcoency oi ro , . ". ... . ... .1 -r.t- J: ..'t. ...... 1 tion n'laii.n tho nmw nf fir.! acrpeants I (Urw oesuoies. 11 waa an mun .w-.., m ,tal..0Mwrp.l-.pr. .,,;-- - . j:;- - ,,.Ui.. like, nmphn of lni.b,.hhlh. priated in money, bUt a sum equal to the 1 you "will, that has to be, to do, and to sut r'nmt..'..ii ii .. ininiha of Freedom. The audience were so i vvi,iMniivHvu wisavwa f mm wv mm 1 - . - . , , nnto be granted, .lie cna if ngeo tne iei mm . r.7 uaLZI'IVTZa - - : nhic.l. oolitical. and reliirioue scope of ftvaarallid- teGeneral La Favett. humour. PKiionnK'.J..Sim.hii. Mr. Llvlntrsion oflVrad K. fallowing reerch, which rushed like a mighty tor anottobe found in modern, nor in a Gne savinr for evecv thimr but httmour resolution: rent of intelligence urn the mind, as to ncient time i in all the eruud a -ft.ii; r- ----- i3v.i- . .k- ui ..A?i BiUOTiven if fTA ia thofM 'nf"Alhirl aomaih!n tn It IIW . llt.nL.i in a rnlrl n r ran fit fla ta eanrt i-rarr than m9tm lutelr DHinful. vIt wa, indeed, M the feast ?es to the land of tha RorU... i.L;ni, . .... i j.- ,u., I .iu- -r .....k,:. ui . fM 4AfraMAA.M:.lIe -has not nlrequalled ;.Bf-ttura-inU-i1 fi lends, bur faH iiw . a -- . - - a.. v i a as a 7 a a. a cmed I ranliuinn. mnm. mnvwrinn took feUce. I Cannot U8SS. He I n nOOOr tOflt COUII I k. c I .1 . A ik. - .p. tn ine i?e in wmtii lie i" " vipcaacr incu ironuunv.. !" - n tot theTurlt-ahd; the-Saracen. bomfoTTiftdehor t a: strBsUoa In thosw sciences nfeemry for thi"expectationa 01 id nienas, our w Deluded -vlth.a.pMoitFo..4lke like Demry to health of the body od The aervice of the military marine, with ouitripped all hi former wonder Jul el fonnrfew remark which he Jiad the health of the mind; and ihr another power to report by bill or otherwise. fort, and fixed the-pillar of Hercule, to wSSMr0 tt avOo the aubjea fif ths refcre 'Jw;fMt:ri,liH. ftiie pfrnmtheKfh "etnan Irnm I . ifStorr rose, and commenced with pertinent and powerful remark on muntcates its benen s to all around you, arid irr this' particular fesemblea a cheer ful fire, tbat it will warm two as well as one. - ' oTution out of order. "I be conversation was here dropped. human race' Mat. Jvr. - - twe nut sior, f lome must if poasible-he renderect.i- pleasant to it master t and a wife slimild ever strive to appear amiable in the eye of her husband. A, man - should come to his own -fire-side """' weary bird to its nest, not as a captive to his prison. Captain Warrington, who has been ap pointed to the command of the U. State Nv FKes.ia.theyrt ImlitSeaf anJ" Ctdph of Mexico, In the room of Com. v Porter, who hit been recalled., tri conse , quenceof the affair of Faxardo, will tewe. ilii-s- poi k 1d "lhe ' Vr Lieut. Comi Gallagher, to enter upon the duties of hi new appointment. A" MrUk Beacon I Jati. 1 auiMim""i -1- 1 '"7 t J ... - J.-t.

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