mand could procure horsea fit for the en terprise, I did not pretend totake.coov rnandof them In that detachment, but weBt as a common soldier, without' at "tschirtjr, myself to any particular regi ment, and being privileged to march In any manner that suited roe best, both be fore end after the battle, I 'endeavored to ascertain the strength of our detachment, and I am convinced that our number in the battle did not exceed 700 men, oui cert included, and the number of the en ' erne wai 1187..': 1 cmoi' believe that Col. Campbtll 1 acted cowardly in the aforeaiL4lUet ..and Got. Shelby, in his publication, ex presses the same opinion. A he had the chief command, the du tfekof tnal aDDointment would necesiarl 1v draw hi attention to part of the conflict, nd, be therefore could not be ..constantly in Hunt ot vol. aneipy or ym. " Sevier, and if such en implication-had been made in hW lifetime, I do not doubt but he could have Riven "a satisfactory C count of hia conduct. " ' ' Neither do I believe that Gov. Shelby or Col. Sevier had any insidious design to ellipse tbe military fame of Col. Camp hill in this battle. Letters were written but in uTI probability they might feel a lit tic chagrin at North Carolina for not be in it so liberal to'them anA their fellow citi xcrii.of equal rank, aa'Vlrginla waa to Col- Campbell, though they had dischar ged their, duty as faithrully, and perhaps a?, importantly as he had done r for the manner of the attack andahoHTduTaUon of the cocflict, put it out of the power ol the Commander in Chief to display any extraordinary tactics or manoeuvres, and that chagrin might excite them in their private1 correspondence to write tnpre freely to each other, and . to mention cir curpsUocea that might raise some doubts respecting the valor of Campbell and soothe their owu feelings, by placing their own reputation as conspicuous as Col , Campbell's, than they ' would have done if thev had expected their letters would be published - Gv.vrhelhyV mistake in' Statin the imntherof-ur-meiniBy-etily--he ac counted for, by the length of time that elapsed between the battle and the lime he wrote his reply. 'No doubt he knew -vtKlwMliVpf menlhaTcWsMid' the Blue RUtee under his command, and also the number of Col, Campbell's and Col. Se ;'icr's men; and calculated tne number o tne detachment accordingly ; but many LJhue-ei h4 nor horses fit for a for , ced muvh,ahd therefore, remained with the fuo'mtu ; but every man that could tet 'properly fixed, marched off very car . ly in the morning, and there waa no lime ..on the. wy jo. lake a Jut of . their tfames, or to ascertain their number in any other .i . aw. way, man oy me metnoa i pursued, wnicn - was to count them as Ihey marched I also think that any man that has paid "'"inucKatttuu of undoubted veracity on trials for assaults and batteries, riots and affrays, where there is often not only' a contrast, but pos itive contradictions in the evidence a ' a b gona men, occasioned oy eaij seeing different parts of .the transactions, and by - bustle of the bye standera and the aeita - lion of thtir own minds, not being able to see distinctly and notice deliberately, eve ry part thereof, may easily account for any unguarded expression contained in !3hVj to. ....:, my-twn observations ; thai day and from all jhfUSK'1' 1 hyeheard since, .tailing alt together, I believe the chief commander, the several officers that jComntandeojcoluHins, and almost every ofticcr and soluier of soluier oFlhelihole deTach - tneut, louifht bravely, and deserved eaual honor, according to the sphere in which thi-aUciUJift a'yiwr7fjwii.4sr carious, custom. has established a rule to consider every officer's reputation at . stake according to his rank ;. and in case of victoiy, the glory will centre on the highest in command. '-- 1 am with due respect your most obe dient,. ll; : ; .;,-. - : - - WM. LENOIR. Jcmt i M'J)netU. . .: ""XiCV. US wt PRESIDENT, In a kttcr -aio'a member of Congress of the Kew-York delegation toj his friend at geneva, in that state, we find tne following paragraph t . . uTpoiiuciTlraTOirm (uf rf in conrM,-whictt at once settlea - the quesliod of 4he preidenuil election. '"The three- candidates having t he jr,reatest nnmber of votes, and from w hom, the :T6ntituAi.M prescrines, ibe president ibull be choset, are, as you doubtless already know,. Jackson, Adams, and Qrjwford. . Mr. Clay being entirely .out of the ques-:.iioajbia-lea E,,,tf t Jtickcon, which addition to his previous strength- at once kive Mm a majority of-vfte a-t tK4oufter-at4 se cures bis, election. - Cien.urvndre w Jack ;sonp will-therefore b-ne President. -Yours, &e, raow the eotcaaua bsbbvseiU f.xtrct of ietlrtihr-lt- member of Congress to lila Friend in this City dated Wwhington, 3d January, 1825. " . - . M There U but one expectation here and sbroad Gen. Jackson, will certainly be Elected. My own belief has alwayVbeen, that Coneresi eaunot resist the declared ..... . ...... will or the reoplc i ana that u win do im possible fur any combination of minorities to acconiDluh the election of any ol tne other Candidates, tor independent ol the tendency of our Republican System to sanction the voice of the majority. there will be other considerations wblcn mut weaken the force of a minority com blnation they must know and feel, that even in power, they could not witnsuno the shock of public indignation, all must soon be overwhelmed with an opluon wholly lrresi4vble.T.J;j. .., TiTtTTKVtLLI, fiw.'IS. On Fridsy last, the Steam Boat North Carolina, on her passage from this place to Wilmington, In turning a point about ten miles from Wilmington, struck oft i sttag, and immediately Jlkdvhe.boat had P? board, Joablesoi xoitoor3Ja barrels ol flour, and SO casks.of flax seed, a smaller freight, than had been taken down by either of the boats, at any former trip this season : and of this, only a few bar rels of flour and part of the flax seed will be injured.' The'passeneersi I2pr U in number, proceeded immediately in the tow boat without loss or inconvenience. It is probable that the North Carolina is now in Wilmington. ubierver. Mother Steam-Boat oaf. But a few days have elapsed, (says the Mobile' Re gUrerTfhe7thtnst:fiinTerstifTered the mortification of noticing the loss of oneof our finest steam-boats, by fire . We have now to acquaint our readers with the lostof another. On Friday morning, about an hour before day light, the Mont Komery, on her passage up, with a full cargo, ran on a snag, about 43 miles above Claiborne, on the; Alabama' the boat swung round, and (the nag penetrating her bottom) sunk so suddenly aa only to permit the passengers to collect their baggage and effect their escape to shore We understand most of ber cargo to be lostj end considerable portion of that saved very much injured, ..,. ; Charletton City Gazette. Lm.,Dmtd :.ri'cir(r. We bave the pleasure to state, says the Raleigh Reg ister. that our Legislature has continued in force certain parts of the act for the pro mbtion of AgrfctittfiR Manufactures," wltrra'provision that auch counties s have not yet lormed Akrtcul tural Societies and entitled themselves to participate in the bounty of the LegUla turr, mayyet have an opportunity of doing so. Besides their sha e of the money ap propriated for premiums, every Agricul tUral Society which' his been mognlxed by the Board of Agriculture is entitled to a complete let of ttiat taroaWe- Agrrcul turaLWork, the American Farmer, pub lished by Mr. Skinner of Baltimore, which is in five quarto volumes ; and a member of the Board who contemplates a journey to the northward this summer, is authorised to purchase for each ot these Societies, a large and a small plough of the most approyed construction, as sped mens ) some seed wheat of the choicest qualhyf and a quantity of such grass seds as are best calculated for cultivation in the, southern states. la it not ttrapee..that ourJfrnMrjin many part of tha State arc sa blind to their own interest, and to the interest of North-Carolina.-aa not --to - nUce - them- selves partidpate in the advantagea thus- gratuitously - Offered to them by their Legislature for effecting what is so very dciirable,-an. improved mode of cultivating their land, by introducing- amongst" us whatever- has been found advantageous in those of our sister Surtet hich bavT taken the lead in AgrL cultural pursuits? The following abstract will afford those at a distance, some idea of the trade of Fayettevllle t Produce shipped from, and merchan dize received at, Fayettevllle, from Ut Uct. to 1st December 183. Bales Cotton 4848 Hhds. Tobacco 207 Bbls Flour 4897 Casks Flax Seed 980. Kegs Tobacco 564 Hhds Sugar 1 66 Bd gs Coffe e 6 1 3 Tons Iron 60 1-2 Bus. Salt 49,190 Pieces Cotton Bag ging 347 CaiVs Lime 470-i-BblsSpirils 389; - M r. Sanders, of North Carolina, . has moved an amendment to the Constitution) on the subject of the election of President and -Vice President. The distinguishing features of this amendment are aa ibl Iowa: . .. I . The choice of Electors of President and Vice President teylhe People by dis tricts, and on the same day throughout the Union. ' ' fCTKeTeciioO plurality of votes, if they amount Jo one !bkd of the whole number "of Electofa. a third of li tne velIIouae Refi. resentative to choose from the two pet sons having the highest number s of votes". A letter from Washington received at Philadelphia, says, thai General La? ay KTTaT is resolved to visit each of the twen ty-four States before hii return to- France The fljnk of the United States, on the Id Inst; declared a dividend of two and s balf per cent, for the previous six months. JVattonat Jvurnul, CsMOKV, JAaT. J.- ' A lot of prime cotton was sold in this market, yesterday, as high as U cents. . - , . . ; Chronicle. Our singuine expectations ot the con clusion of a treaty with the Creek Indians, by which a large tart, if not the whole, of . . . i i . i ... i.i me' territory w men mey occupy . wunin ouv limits, was expected to hire been ac quired, are at an end. The Commission- era nave returned, without having been able to effect any thing. - 1 (mmw&smthtrn Rteatm "TJri Frldaf MOtm booxllbr ttibtcrip'- tTo"nT.tQ 'the 'afoiU' of iit"Dr&vdfi ni Hudton Canal ConrpanriTcapiuI 21,560, 000,). were opened at the' Tontine Cofee House, New-York, and before two o'clock the whole amount was subscribed. Ajf . Journal, 1 1 th intt. tn the case of Mr. Fauntlerou, condem ned to death, for forgery, a writ of error was had, ' wherein the grounds taken were, that the indictment charged the prisoner with the forgery, and utterance of a forged deed, and upon that account he had been convictedwhereas, the proof showed only, that he bad forged a fiowet of attorney, conveying. away said deed. Chief Justice Abbott recognized the in renuity of the argument for the prisoner I'he argument on the other" side being heard, the Judges reported to the Privy Council, that they had overruled the grounds of appeal. Their decision was cpnfirmed, and Mr. Fauntleroy was to be executed on the 30th November last. Charletton. Cottier. . A London paper complains of the in crease of Auorniesahere being 154 ap plicants at one term. .. What would one of our western hunters think of the following advertisement in a Paris paper. u-To Siorrimen. For sale, leh active and healthy foxes :" And what would an inhabitant of oneof our. Atlantic cities ' To Morrow, (Sunday,) there will be a grand Combat at the Barriere du Combat, between dogs, wolves and wild boar, kc. and a bull and bear bait; to conclude with fire-works. At a brewery, at Kent, (England) a quantity of tobacco has beenproved to be used in the composition of a stuff called beer. The e present population of - entire e, is four mil'ion. ' ib. Greece PhifanthrohuTht death of Louis XVIII, has caused to be made known an act of generosity on his part, which is honorable to his memory. For the-last four years he annually appropriated 1 5,000 francs, for the relief of insolvent debtors, chiefly for such as wereartisahs, deprived of the opportunities or labor, His chari ty was unostentatious, and his name con cealed. In the course of these four years, nr'? P0" debtor, were thus sef afliberty: FATETTZriLLF. PRICES, Jan. 13. - Cotton, t?-a 13j; flour, fiK, 5 1 superfine, 4i to Ji 4 heat, ne 80 a 85 ct s whuk, 32 a 85 ; peach brand v, 40 a 45 : aiple do. 40 to 45 1 ! corn, 45 to 50 1 bacon,9sia lalVTurksWaml, 75 SO per bush.; mousses, 2c a 30( sugar, ttiiis covadoj'lOl a lljicotlee, peine, green, 18 a 21 ; 2d ami 3d uualit. 17 a 3o tea. hvaon. Stl 2U x 1 25 1 flaxseed, 00 a 92J t tallov, 6 a 7; beeswax, & a.?Pi.rice3Jtt 4 per 100 tt&VireMi 1 pr. 100 Ib. i tobacco leall,3f a 4t manufactured, 5 T20 pr. CWt. tftSSBVBB CHARLESTON PRICES, Jan. 10. ' Cotton, 8. Island, 26 to 32, stained do. 15 1 18; Maine and Sitntee, 34 to 26 j short sta pie, 114 a 151 1 Whiskey 26 a 28 ; Bacon, 6 1 7 eta.. Hams 10 a l Urd, a 10 Baggin Dundee and lnvemes, (42 inch,) 20 a 23 1 C fnme Green, 18 a 19 Int. to good, 14 a 17 Northarolina Bank Bill, 1 a 3 per cent dis, j Georgia Bank Bills, 1 a 2 per cent. (lis. - CsMsftf Businem in produce ha opened Tl good earnest with the New. Year, 1 here h been a good demand for Upland, at an advance of about half a i ceht 6ti Ibrmer rttte.n Weiww tqae "SeS-tdandVat 26 to-32 eentr rMainrtnd Santees at 24 to 26; and.UpIand at 11 to 15 ..:::::i::::::;::jttarnrt,''f aLKew,Tork; on Friday evening last, by Her Dr. Feltus, Mr. Alvah Finch to Mis Harriet FredericB Weed, eldest datijhter of Wai Weed, all of that city. ; A goldiUcA, late, in searci of Keds T.Xxplord rural bowe.. , And found amongat luxuriant waedi A little modest flower. . On the 24th ul'imo. Mrs. Rebecca Brevard, contort of Capt. Alexander Brevard, of Lincoln p years, was afflictedVith rmich sicknesa for fnoM pf thst tune. and her health v uniformly deh cate and precarious. She had, notwithstanding, railed a large family of children, to whom he was the kindest and most affectionate of moth era. f bese, together with her venerable father, her affectionate husband, and many near rela tives and friends, are left to lament their irrepa rable toss. . atawba Journal. The following appointments have, we understand, been made by the President, by and with the advice and consent ol the Senate l ,' ; v Nicholas Diddle, of Pennsylvania, Man uel Evre, of Pennsylvania, E. J. Dupont, or Delaware, Henry- Lcklord, of New- York, and William Patterson, of Mary land, to be Directors of the Bank' of the United States. .1. . ''"''. : . . William Simmons, of Florida, to be one of the Legislative Council of the I crrltory ( norida. -r- -rr William M'Ree, or North-Carolina, to be Surveyor of the Public Lands in llli nois, Missouri, and Arkansas, Claimt en France.- Tfo correspon rTencerw Message of the 23d ult. to the House of Representatives, concerning our claims upon f ranee, discloses no ground of ex pectation more favorable to a speedy ad juslment of these claims, than that com rouBicfticu uunng me last session. It appears from the letter of Mr. Adams to Count de Menou, Charge d'Affires of France, that the French government had offertd to enter into the negociation with the government of the United States, con cern ig the claims of its citizens on that of France, in connexion with an arrange ment concerning the 8th article of the Louisiana treaty Mr, Adams observes, iriT'eplfrfhatl longregoctaTldh-wtlblhe French government on the subject of this 8th article, has resulted in a thorough con viction that the claim has no foundation in the treaty whatever. The American government is ready and willing to re sume the negociation whenever it may suit the views of r ranee, but, M while con vinced that the claim ' is entirely without foundation, they cannot place it on a foot ing ol concurrent negociation, with claims of their citizens, the iustice -of whirh is se unequivocal, that they have not even been rrude the subject of denial." ' ' Savannah tirortetan. (tJ Look at This! I INTEND removing to Lexington, Davidson county, N. C. some time next Spring i in or- raer to settle with my creditor. 1 now offer for sale the IJoue and Lot wherein 1 live, m the Rast square, on th- Mam Street in Salisbury If 1 do not sell at private sale, before aur Teb TnaTr CuUrtrrihan then sett at Fublic tale-, tm Tuesday ot the Court. JUin ALBuIliliT. Jan. 21(f, 1825. 3t44 Xoticti. ALL persons are hereby forwarned again tradinir for the followinfr notes, which were executed by ma to William Hogg, in payment for a tract of land, which 1 purchased from him i which land he had previously conveyed by a deed of trust to Charles Hoover; of Devwlson county. Vis One note of thirty dollars, due the 1st of March 1825 ; One do. of thirty-seven and a hair dollar, due the 25th Dec. 1825 1 and one do, of one hundred dollars, due the 25th dec. 1826. A the said notes were riven for lands which the said Hogg had no rirht to convey, I am de- termined not to pay either of them. JESSE JONES. January 17, 1825. 3t44r T Han Away FROM the subscriber, about the 1st of Au 1 gust last, a negm fellow named Silui, aged about 24 years, ia about 5 feet 9 inches hiirh, tolerable black complexion, and stout built. He ran away trom I tinrnaa M'Kwen. trom whom I .bought Uim. aud .paid.00 fur bita. It.ia exi pected be lurking about the neighborhood of Mr. Geo. Hartman, dee'd, or between there and John Black's, on MCaubin creek. A rea sonable reward will be given to anj person who will either deliver the said negro to me, in Ca barrus county, N. C. or secure him in any ja'il In the state, o that I may get him again. THOMPSON HUNT. Jan. 19, 1825. 2wt43 For Sale,. rinHAT : valuable and well JcnoTH -1. louse" and Lot in the town of Charlotte, occupied for the last six years V Uowan ai ail, as a House ol enwnainmeni. Its central situation in the town and vicinity to the Court-Housei its complete order" and Convj renient arranrement for the entertainment ot travellers and country custom i its capacious, well framed, two stoned stables ; it highly im proved garden r it twat and convenient two toried kitchen j its secure frame, smoke house and lumber iroom, with-its large cellar, secure and dry at all seasons of the year, together with a never failing well of excellent water, conve nient to tlse bouse and kitchen, w-Ul aflordty one wishing to keep a public bouse advantages not surpassed by any In'the tate. Any pcrwn wiUiiug to. purcuae,.ia , requested to view the pwwse-tht theynmryeal .. Also, about 40 acres of valuable land adjoin ing the to vi n lawU, thirty of which are inclosed and well adapted to the culture of all tlie pro duct of the country. I am disposed to sell the above premise upon hich can le Known oy applying to John Irwin, merchant, of Charlotte, or i nomas l. uoan,oi sausounr. JAMES COWAN, Charlotte, Dec. 3, 1824. '42 ;H3tate of "Nortlt-GaroHnaf Korjit couurr r AOURTof Pleas and Quarter Session, Au- A "guil tirhi,:i824.'r John .Scott Mt. Willism Lamm i original attachment, levied on Una. it appearing to the Satisfaction of the court, -that h rfrfrmlunt in this case is an inhabitant of an- other iiiaieYlt Is .ordered bv the court, tliat ad- vertikemcnt te mwue tnree wees., uctcwcij, in hr Wrairrn Cnrotininn. printed in Salisbury, thai the defendant ajeaf t Mir next court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be ncuijyir tne MMintv of Rowan, at the court-house -hi Salisbury, on the third Monday of Febraary next, then and thereto plead, wr demur, or judgment wid be entered according to thtf plaiutifl 's demanL , V mi. b ioiLS (.ILES, .tjrk. it'14 Soutlicrti IVcaclicp. 7 TUP. luhtcr'iber lui rtct-ived a few copies of this admirable collection of tcnnoni. which he offer fur tale. I'he volume it well printed and neatly bound. It contains an animated and interesting view of the great outlines of the ' fjoftpel. All the terntons are above mediocrity i ami, moat of them e)ount and nervous. JUey are equuity intereiting to , the t Episcopalian, Presbyterian. Methodint ami Hat) tut. ai tliev are the production! of these diH'erentdenominatioiu, ami advance nollnng that can be ollcnsiva ta either. Hie desire to encburage the literature ' of our own state; we hope, will unite, with ret-' pect for the authors, clerjjy.iien of our own and the soutnern state, and, a wih to poess this animated and inte resting epitome of cvangclU eal tQidi, to produce a sprrdy sale. , The lndux " tntMia, pious and enterprmnf puuiwlns has a claim on the patronage of a generous and en- Cirhtcned nubhe. . ' ' ' . ' a ft ' . . ftf 1 1 agrof aiHad,i;iaipllJ.an4.KhcL.boota Among them are the very excellent geography of Morse and TVoodhridire." Tlieae works nave . . ' ' 1 celebrated teachers and literary characters, ira the thihexf States. They hsve etch their pecu" liar excellencies, and are accompanied by atlases, of s superior kind. The geography by Morse, ia an entire new work, the joint effort of the father and his son. It u an admirable work for jTsrssziv scu iiic uuiiiuiiiiiLU Miirirsjifaausjis sjb sue nnni r schools, academies and colleges, ami the teach ers will find most of the defects of other works, here supplied.' He ha, abo, Whelpleys com pend or lil-tory, with notes and questions, by ' the liev. Mr. Emerson i Blair llhetoric, with quetion at the close of each chapter, by Rev. Mr. Plate j Conversations in Natural rnnosopny, with notes and nuestion. br the aame i a bi-aiu tiful epitome on the Clements of Astronomy, by v ilkins i alpey s ureck trammar i cneap, yes neat editions of Milton's Paradiie Lrt Cow per' Task Thompson's Season, and Wilbur's biorrcHQitecTiiiimr These works he will sell a low as they can be purchased, singly, in any of the northern capitals. tie continue his Classical and English scnooi at the old Academy. Parents ana guardians may have their children and ward instructed ia auch branches, as they please, of euwAeri e common literature. JON. O. FUF.F.MAN. , Saliiburg, Jan. 17, 1825. 42 To iVUchaiuts. WE have lately received a general assort ment of cabinet-maker and joiner Toob, consisting of all the kinds of Bench moulding. Beading, Sash, Flooring and Ceiling Planes, uch aa have very sehlom been kept in the up country abo, Hand, Pannel, 1 enant, Keyhole and Fritt Haws, Kdmondnton's superior Screw Augers, &c. which will be sold low, by M'DKb k RF.IMIAROT. , .,.JUni$hU9.n,JC.,C : Jan7,W25. 3t44- The fine, young, thorough bred Horse DECIDEDLY the finert looking hone of hi age, ever produced in the western .part of the state, will stand the ensuing season at my stable, in Rowan county. ten mile north east from Salisbury, ana seven south-wert from Lexington, at fifteen dollars the seaMM i ten tlallan, easb, U wnkle eep and snecial contracts will be mad for insurance, . suited to particular cases and circumstance. The season will commence on the 15th of Feb niary and cpntinue until the 1st of August He will be found constantly at his station, except T when taken to 1re shown at Tmblic places, amf espcciallv during the term of the Superior and County ?ourts at Salisbury and Lexington, at which places he will stand .several d0' each.. term, if convenient, for the accommodation of gentlemen who have not seen him. Deieriptitn Aeronnut is a beautiful mahog any bay, with black legs, mane and tail, a star and blaze in bla face, fair years ok! next spring. nearly sixteen hands high, remarkably heavy made, uniting in a high degree, the nze, ele- ganre and grandeur of his srre, the imported horse F.agle i with the great substance, symme try and compactneie of hia grand -rire, the hn e4rsonJ1iefat itrengt,Uanl weight of body which - he. will acquire at foil age, will entitle him to stand hightras a horse) of power, than any imported horse that ever stood jnjbe cntyeicept tlw imported horej. Liown. ana 10 mm in inai respect nq nu oe as leat equal. l. " He had a few mares last season, from which it appears tTwt he prortii-e falrttr attsirther reputation of a sure foalgetter i and from hia youth, the excellence of hi constitution, the fine ,ize, figure and performance of the stock from which be descended, he cannot wed fid topro-duee-as-riitc-eolt" as any horse In" Artterie; " Imported horse Eagle hi dam by the import d horse Dion ; gran-dam by Expectation, one of the best son of the imported horse Diomede, out of a Medley mare, uniting the blood of tho imported horses Medley, Fearnought snd James, and the thorough bred horse Celr, from which it appears that he must be very nearly, if not . entirely, thorough bred, and descended from an ancestry, the most renowned of any horse that has ever appeared in England Of America, as will he seen by Uie following statement t Battle was considered the finest and fleetest fhbrse in England, sine h days of Guilders,, . anu ill winning amimiiicu ,u niiKt j-uirvs uivu- sand dollar i he was rot bv .yulunUsst-Vohm-- ttertj Eclipse, Eclipeby Marsrrae and Mtnrrao by the UevonsJiire or r lying cinuiers, me neei sst horse ever known in England. Faale' dans was got by Higliflysr, horse little, if any, in ferior to the above ecteBratea cenftse, gener ally admitted to be the best horse that ever wwa -in Entrland. or perbap in the. world, a appears byuieTiiaemerir-mafle in im rccmiimenuatiow and pedigree now in my poscetsion j h'n gran-dam by Enquirer, fcc. Dion was got by Spadille, one of the best son of the same celebrated Highflyerf hisdanibytlieFiKsie He v. as fmed for hi great, speed. jJid,.bltom, . baying ., run with such unusual honesty as to win four mile heats twice In one week he wst the sire of (ittalin, Don Quixotte, and manv other capital racers, ail of whn h united wiiUU Uhitot tU above famous horse in America, vis i Diomede, Medley, Jainea, Fearnought Slid Ciicr, coHsti tute a pedigree bifrrlor tp fewt if any, horses ever tied to .Arberica;rf:-H';." ' "All reasonable wteasores mill be Jireated" to' . Crevent unfortunate accidents, but no responsU Uity will be admitted for my that mi ccur,. : ; ' BOBEIM MOOUE. January 20, 1835. ; . 4t45t , For sale at this Sffice. 4 a .1 'in f -4 . i i. i V 3 a.'. . 1 r! , 1,.. h f :r-.-. 'i t - V - -;itf ft F , .:4i 'I V AX

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