t V ,4 i -i i,. i - l ) j.... , SYMPATHY. Ah ! why vu the tear funned to flow ' O'er the angu'nh it cannot retrieve f . i , Or, the sigh for the victirr. of woe, , When the means are too scant to relieve ( . , Wu t the bo?om of sympathy mourn i i . Must friendship an J virtue repine I . - Must the heart that tender be torn, ; - . When its passion b pure and divine f Your pity muit often befriend, , . . ' "-. Andthe heart that hu feeling must grieve ! -.'.JWhen the band it forbid to extend, -i,- And the wish la the all we can give."' ' " N . But the heart that hat wishes to bleat, ' ; Reflects the aame pleasure that's given. I med to lore thee, dmpie Jow'r, -I- fo lovwtbee dearly whew a boy s . a . a as f. l ror tnou um rt seem, in cnuanoou-a nour, . ' The smiling type of childhood'a joy. But now thou only mock't my griet ' By waking thoughts of pleasure fledi Give me give me the withered leaft - That falls on 'autumn's bosons dead. ; tor that ne'er telle of what hat been, ' But warne me what I aoon shall be i Hit looks not hack to pleasure's scene, . But point, unto futurity. . 1 love thee not, thou simple flow'r, For thou art gay and 1 am lone Tby beauty died with childhood'a hour r The Heart's Eaie from my path is gone. :. ' ' r. ; . MANCUILLO. Since for kissing thee, Manguillo, ' My mother scolds me all the day, .- Let me bare it quickly, darling ! Give me back my kes, I prty. If we hare done aught amiss, Let's undo it whit we may i . Quickly give me back the kiss, ; That she may bave nought to say. Do t she keeps so great a pother. Chide so sharply, looks so grave j Do, tny love, to pk-a-e my mother, ' Give me back the kiss I gave. " -jQutupoa you. false ManguillaJ One you give, but two you take i " -wn me tacit tnejiwerjtyjtoraug Gi' r ma tRem.ttff othf suite." JUornl anil 2tclfQtbu. Tea wtsrsa esaotisiss. ,. VK. rWiXnd you anxtcactrom a .ter.of Ber-llu WUfon,JniasioMry,to hit. relatives and friends in Iredell county. As Mr. Wilson has an extensive circle of friends and - acqttsintances in Western Carolina, I doubt not but his letter will be gratifying to many of your readers. a cositast asaosa. "In Tcvirw of the past year, we End occasion for much humility aod gratitude f-nd nre btlicre for " the -fnost confident reliance -Divine providence for time tft come. Some inconsiderable difficulties Jbave actuaU y arisen, others of a more formidable - nature have threatened us f but out of them all, the Lord has delivered us. At preaent we believe that, as far as -our connexion with the Indians is con cerned, our prosprcts are as pleasing as thrjrhave hctn nt any former peri od. 0'iT school is still popular and .fluurishirigJ,hev.umbtr,onwih?,Ji8tl -is siity. With respect to three or fourir is uncrrtiin whether they rill - returnOoly ne individuaUhas ben finally taken horn choui through dta- aSVction, either of the children tfr of . the - parents : but in many cases, we have much to complain of, from the. irregularity with which the children have, been, kept at school, ; or. rather Jtkh Jfh jdvhex :hay ew.frmUted to rcmaii r chuo int in most rasca we believe it is citutr ry to the Wish of the children that they are -absent. Two of our bvs have, made consider able vprofiriency in Arithmetic : al most the whole school writes well on slates. Thirutu read in the Old Tes tament, and have written a little on paper. ':Tw el ve read in the New Tes tament and, 6 or 8 more will soon commencemt nt of our school and have , been tolerably uniform in thy r atten dance, are. uow reading. Two who .: ' have not been in school more than six months write well, and read with care " in the ; New Testament. la a word, the-pro6iency ofaU4hosft who have " attended school with a tolerable degree of regularity, has been highly gratify ing:. Afteranptherjearts.e,xncri are. -not d wposed t recall any - thing that was ' aid in our last year's com- mutucsvti'w. on tne compuraitve easf with.whirh jhe children may be gov crned. VVe -.have proved them not '.sniOMfk:' bewg: Bvmed by -th CttoVa'fnlilHft6f . to the most rigid discipline. Atten Z'dince bis ;TaivTne;imlcewtheI;rjrdf ; - day is as general and respectful as for merly. Most of those who have hitherto discovered serious anxiety about their eternal interest, ill ap - pear equally, and mahy of them in- creaYingly, tbneefned on this all im-! pt rtant subject. As formerly " this attention is chiefly among ihe blacks. Although these ill .fated fellow crsa. tures are not the persons for whose benefit we are supported here by the Christian public, we doubt not" but that it will rejoice the heart of every sincere friend of the cause of Christ to hear of their becoming the hopeful subjects of the rich blessings ot the gospel. There is joy in heaven over every sinner that .rcpentetb, without distinction of nation or color. Fifteen or twenty have been uniformly serious for more than a' veair past. Two of the native in our neichborhood, we think give . evidence ot being .new tertsun.f .syonwnjo of Kgtf who has a'whrteman Tofcr husband. ' She hxs learned to read well, almost without any' assistance. Her husband is very friendly with as; attends preaching punctually and is on the whole an inoffensive good mem ber of society. The other is a youn ger sister who it one of our foremost scholars. .They are of the most veal- thy and respectable family of the na tion, I hey have both been uniformly serious for nearly t w o years They talk without reserve about their own etlerlineeniBd ffrqefilly"1nnriian: ner highly gratifying to us. They ap pear to possess a tenderness of con. science which is perhaps seldom wit nessed among those who are better acquainted with the frailties of Chris tians. It is probably known to most of -i t ... .1 t .i inose wno wiu see mis letter, tnai some preparations have been made for a local school in connexion with our mission. The care of this school has been committed to myself. We have nearly cojmplet one 1H It. square, the other 16 by 2i j a kitchen and school house each 18 by 20aU of-neatly hewed logsa stable, corn-crib, meat-house, and milk-house of rough hewed logs. We have a field of five acres in corn,-a garden of -half an acre under cultivation, and a field of 10 acres nearly cleared, but not fenced. We hope to open school in a month or six weeks i but we do not ex prct to take in more than 20 or 25 sch jljrs. Twelve or fourteen will at tend sthoul from home. Some account will no doubt be ex pected of our pecuniary necessities. On this subject' our prospects at pre sent are gloomy; Bjr-a late cotmnuni Calioft front our societr, we were in informed, that they had not only drai ned their treasury, but money to the amount of g3QO or 5400 had been borrowed for us. The necessary de mands of the two establishments be tween this and the first of Jan. 1825, will be very-considerable. In Nov. we must lay in our pork We -"suppose 450 or 500 dollars will be neces sary, lor Jh'n purpo,.l5y, thc.fint .of Dec we shall have 6 hired hands to pay for a years service, at 1 50 dollars achf hi wilt awouot-tfrSOO t6narSi Our year supply of salt sugar, cof fee, iron Sec. 8tc. will amount to some thing considerable. Were it not that we know that the earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof, the silver and the gold, and the cattle upon a thou- ijhaJutUc, mg tiicc wants auppiiea. out. we be lieve that the work-in which we arc engaged is his and we trust as in time past, he will still provide for us." P. S. Money for the Chickasaw mission may be sent by mail, or pri vate conveyance, to Thos. Fiemming, King-street, Charleston, S. Carolina. GEN. LA FAYETTE. Iit 4he Senate of the United States on, the ! 3d : j,nsta.Qtt.jlrA3mitb.vjDrpm. the Joint ' Committee ' appointed to an nounce to General La Fayette the passage of the act in his favor, and to request his acceptance of the provision made forhim, reported to the Senate the following copy of an address of the committee'to the General, and his re ply s-.- Frm the Joint Committet te Central La Fayette . uinexal :JVYc are a Commutee of the Senate and House of Representa tives, charged with the office of infor ming yem rjfhe passage xif an tcti"a copy .oL.which.wejDow. present. ou will perceive from this act, sir, that Me-twoIous the- tanrgfi pecunury " as weir as other sacrifices which your long and ardu ous d emotion to the cause of freedom has cost you, have deemed it their privilege to reimburse a portion of them, as having been incurred in part on account of the United States. 1 he principles that have marked your char acter will not Permit yoii-to oppose! any objection to the discharge of so mucn oi tne nauona uunuu iv yuy as admits of it. - We are directed to express to you the confidence, as well as the request, of the two Houses, that you will, by an acquiescence with their wishes. m this respect, add an other to the many and signal proors you ' have jdTorded of your esteem for a people, whose csteyn tor you can never cease until they have ceased to Erite the liberty they enjoy, and emu ite thi virtues by which it was acqui red." ; We have only to subjoin an ex pression of our gratification in being the qreana ot this communication whli:ii1iica.nerer jooeoiesi servauis, ' ItOBT. V. 1IAYNE.V D. BOULIGNY, ) the Smalt, - WM.' 8. AUCHEH, ") Crmmittti -I. VAN RENSSRI.AER, tlJU PHILIP 8. MARKLF.Y, 3 Btu f XeJt, ttwhingtis JaU. 1, 1825. " CEMEItAL LA T ATtTTl'a REPLT. . :. . Si .iZ W(ulington,Jan.h 182JL. Centkmen Ctmmitk ilh ties i- i- ' Cngm$t .i -, - The immense and unexpected gift, which, in addition to' former and con siderable bounties, it has pleased Con gress- to-eonfeiMo-mej8,xails-tor-4he. warmest acknowledgments of an old American soldier and adopted son of the United Stste s two titles dearer to my heart than all the treasures of the world . However proud I am of every sort of obligation-received from the peo ple of tit Vi S. and their Kevresen- lutives ti Congress, the large extent of this benefaction might have created in my mine feelings of hesitation, not in consistent, I hope, with those of the most rratefui Teverence; "" But the so very-kind resolution 6F both Houses, delivered by you, gentlemen, in terms uf equal kindness, precludes all other sentiments but those of the lively and profound gratitude of which, in re spectfully accepting the munificent fa vori l' have the honor to beg you will be the organ. Permit me, also, gentlemen, to join a tender of my affectionate personal thanks to the expression of the highest respect, with which I have the honor to be, Your obedient aerrant, LA FAYETTE. 4 BEAUT1 - . The followlnf reipecUnjr the preservation o. .1' 1 . ' ..1 1 if I-!.'- ' .'" io peauiy soun uutea ta inua uio uatm On Restoring Color to the Face 1st. Let her go to bed at ten o'clock nine if she pleases. She must not gruroble'if she does not sleep for the first night ar two, and thus lay rnmin attng on the nocturnal pleasures from which she has thus cut herself off. but persist steadiy for few nights, when sheTeh'iftrfindi iathajMtiir'p1rod"ace as happy a sleip as that which followed 4 late tii!Sit -2d. Let her rise about 6 o'clock in summe, and) about eight in winter, i m mediatelylrush ner mouth w ell with a tooth prush and cold water, then take a spbonful of the following mixture: 1 Of decoctioa of bark, wix ounces, . Or tincture of nark, one ounce, Of diluted sutphuric acid, one drachm, Mix after which, breakfast within so hour. 3d. Her breakfast should be some- thing more solid than a cap of trashy tea, and a thin slice of bread and but ter. She should take an egg or two, i little cold meat, or a cup of choco- 4th. She. should not ait reading ro mances all day by the fire, or indulge herself with thinking upon the perfidy otlalse swsios, or the despair of a pi ning damsel, but bustle about, walk or ride, or make puddinrsi and when sheufcels-h'Angryat-routtoa-clw or custard. With a class of wine. 5th. Let her dine upon mutton or beef without fat, but she need hot turn away, occasionally from rf owl or any thing equally as good, only observe to drink but little during dinner. r Cthr' Shr "musfnotriakethrertii four, tups of. tea,, but one or two and pretty strong, at about two hours after -WAMrr-: ..r-, ... ,. l"' 7thrLetie?: "eit;iJcUtard' for up per, or a basin of aagi and wine, or any light ihtng of the ' kind, and then in a little time after let her go to bed v 8th. Let her read if she will read- no die away love tales, but humorous works, so as to keep too mind urjir. cumbered with heavy thoughts. Ybur IJOlt the bentfit and encoiiragemeiit of MC . ' C11AN1SM, in the VVeiitcrn part uf North Carolina. , 1585 TICK IX?, AT S3 F.ACII. . xot nto jiLAJWb to j Prize t; 1 Prise of 500 dollarfXa Phaeton and Cotton 8awCin 1 URJOO do.; R.100 ramily Coach) ' - is 3Wl' "do. do. do. do. R350 (Gig) U 250 11W (tl (do.) la , 180 R130 (do.), is 130 8100 (Side Board and Cotton Raw Citi--- - . . a . aw T do MO (Glf-and Sociable) - Is .160, 3 do. R20 (Bedsteads) - , . ia""'40 3 do. U (a set or Tahlci) is .. 2 do. R12 (Windsor Chairs) is' -24 ' X, &k. S5 .(Bellows top Crsdle) is 8 Zfa'JUi E6' l V.loulii-.8 fimi iamaW vv 3 LatdCaas) -' . -.ie .., 0 rlOrdor g5.Hats ,.,V.50... 1 do. g (Candlestatid) - iis "I 1 dor 8J - (do.) " U 3 20 do.: R3 (do.) : . is" 69 300 do. g2 (25 cart steel Axes, and 275 pair Shoes) . is 600 431 do. Rl Tin Ware, Jewelry, 8boes, &c. 793 . . . R3073 Tickets cin be bad in Charlotte of the under. signed Commissioner, by letter, postage paid, inclosing the money i or from their agents in Salisbury, Statesviiie, Concord, lincolnton, Yorkvilla or Lancaster: whonledire themselves to pay the prizes at Set forth in the scheme, tlur.y tiays atler Uie c rawing, or reiuna tne lseKf 4ick4s,wUed 1 6e drawn. ; . SAIVfL. 1IR5DRRS0S scheme snail not GREEN KENDB1CK, ' JNO.BOYD. N. B. Explanatory Hand Hills can be bad of the CommuBioners. 41 Letters Tl EMAIN1NG in the Post Office at Concord, JL1 North-Csrohna, on Uie 1st of January, 1825. Clarissa Alexander Thomas Lanson . . . , Pera Alexander. David Long Thorp as Black - John Long. AdaBne Brsdnhaw - Archibald Morrion IurettJJUl- -Abiga MorriSOfTT John Barohart. - John Patterson Mary Coram. ; lleury N. Pharr George B. rriend Itoberrrickens. Tobiaa Furr .Thomas lLRobison Jacob Jr'ile rBpr toe,. Robert Fleming. Altona L. Smith Jacob C. Goodman Jamce Garner - Asa Smith, 2 . William M. Stinson Hug. Smith, "-lliram Turner" Peter 1 routmah. " John M. Wilson Exidos Whitley. ' D. STORK E, A P. 11. Samuel uauger. Franklin llarria " Samuel Ituie Jane M. Hope Levy Hope. iobp Jarrot. 3t4? wN'ti'w Uas Store. T HAVE jut opened a new and extensive as. -Bl eortmeni u tewonabie and tailuooable ; GOODS, which I have carefully elected from the marketi of Philadel)ihia and New-York, sikI nurchaxed with rawkr nd t now offer trusra ta the. public at uie lowest pnce, However, I .do not wi--l the public to take my word for it, but will Innnk them to caB and examine for themselves 1 feel satiified that lean offer them inducements to u call agnin." Even those who have not the cah to-purchae, will do me a favor by calling, ami examining my price. A. J UUKtlsCE. 5alu6ury,Vec.5,VZi . .35 New Supply of Fresh Goods. rrMIE subscriber is receiving and opening a 1 larre and reneral aaortuienl of all kinds of (Wi.it his store in Salisbnrv. from Pliila- delphis.andewVork.and.baS iHftde arrange menu to receive trom said places, minthly, any furtber supply that may be necessary sefecled wiui care, and laid ui at prices that win enable biravio sell very fc If is; eustonicrs, and the puoiic at large, are respectfully invited to call. examine, and judge lor themselves. . r. Jr MVUPUW . &Mburv, Srbt. 1824. 6mt48 N. B. Country Produce of all kind, received in eacnange. A T turner, wauled. afVjJry..ifeeK:iBidi xjf come. well rtAQmrnended, will meet with encouragement from the subscribers. Apply soon. THOMPSON & HUNT. Concord, Cabarrus county, ? 87 N.C,Uct.,I!U4. S , : 1 Coughs and Colds, HE speedily and effectually cured by the L use ot Ilr..Uobcrtson's celebrated Stomaehich Elixir of ITeahh. Of this universally esteemed Medicine, there ai thousaikk throuKluut who nave" experienced i beneficial enect'i; within these last 20 year, ami can testiry to its being Uie most iuro remedy ever one radio the uuuiic, lor me renci ana cure vi, uosiiiiaxe Coughs, paina in the breast, spitting oi blood. approaching consumption, &C : Persona afflicted with, pulmonary complaints or disorders of the breast and lungs even in the mfiil &ilv&iirrl .tat... will fnul immiliuta rtA P f ComnioliTJougTis and ColdTtich are in gen- eral occasioned by, obstructed perspiration, will be found to yield to its benign influence in a tew hours. In asthmstie or contimptive complaints, hoarseness, beesings.wrtMaa of brsath, and the whooping Cough, it will give immediate re lief. - It is alw an iffectualxernedyfor the dvsf.nJ tery or lax, tlie summer complaint in children, severe griping"!, and most tahcr disorders of the bowels. Prepared, only by Drr TrW, Dyott, and for sfde V Ilcate and Retail, at hi 6nig andFanv ii mcttrcmc Tnrcuouc, n. n. vunrcr ui sac cond and Race streets, and by his Appointed agents uiroughout the United Mates. TaVe notice that' each botde haa Uie signa' ture of the sole proprietor; . ' T. V. DOTT, M. 0 SlierifTs' Deeds, , land sold by order of writs of venditioni JL exponas, tur saic at ths priuUn-olhce. pslalc of Atcx. jfionj;, tlecM. fllllli' suhscriher "having quulilied is eten X tor of the last will of Alexander iJl' late of Itowan cotinty,' dee'd. at the coutt pleas andnusrter sessioni for the Suid held on the third Monday of November lust notice is hereby riven, that all persons demands Sgaimrt the said ertste. aro requireij ti, present them for payment, within the tune pre. scribed by law". , . . " , JES I. .UG. Exttwir. -Dre.54,1824. 40 - Mail Stazo Body. FOR mIc. a thp tlion " tlio anlxmar, rood, substantial mail tlnn boil v. m. ... able Aetma.4ppljr to the subscriber, n.kir1 coach-nuking shop, Salisbury, BAH L LAND EI.' Dec. 13, 1824. . . TrW Crtr 1 - The subscriber baa alio for sule at bis shnn . " rery good stfc gif, almost mw.yrtli t SrH rate " nameit io n, win aifo aeu me rig very JoV. tale, very cheap, as above. . v 8AHX. LAXDEtL i . JVr. 13, TUB subscribers are receiving, and openinr' at 1heir STORE in Concord, direct from m.:i..i .i..i.r i i. - t 7 ... . . . ruiiaucipuia miu ncw-ivn,, uue ami general assortment of " -i--rr - -' All kiails of G6ods: and have made .arrangements to receive from saiu piacca, mwuniy, anv ninner supply that may be neceswy selected with care, and laid in at S rices uiai win enaoie uiem to kI very V,v U ' . i I iL. - .11' cuf reapectfully invited to call, examine, and judge' for themselves, UUUPUV c BUOWN. ' Conctrd, Sett; 1824. , 148 CO Country Produce, of all kinds, received in exchange for Goods. , - , - v- Cotton Ginnins:. THE subscriber respectfully informs the mer chanta of th town of Salisbury, and tlie cititen farmer of bis neiirhborlood. that h h.. just finisher) a large building, 32 by 52, for Ci. mar wj vwt.n, to ran dt vaiert ana mat he n also well fixed for packing cotton, in the ne atMj. nMtncrvtJjitMH-'iiBiurea nit menus, . wfio may favor him with their custom, tlwit he will have their cotton packed and put tip in the neatest manner, and in the shortest time possi. ble, ihd on the lowest terms at which it is done by others. Jle also assures those who send cot tun to hii Gin, that It will be kept, sepvate from .. olbers, so that they will be sure to get the tarns cotton tltey send. He has located and built this establishment, at his Mill Plantation, two miks from Salisbury. JA i FlSflEU. ' 'Ocst iKitS.'trjr.r:r:: W:i: : Boot and Shoe EetablUhmcnt 1 REM0YID. EBRNRZEn UlCKaON Ukes this method inform bis customers, and the public a large, that be hu removed his tkn-tkof from the house he formerly occupied, and hu taken tbe house owned by Mr. Thomas Todd, marly opposite Wm. II. slaughters house of enter. tainment, on Main-street, Salisbury i where be will carry on, u umral, the Root and Shoe m. king business, In all its' vsrirma brandies, Tn a sjle of ..peatness and durabilitv which, he be lievevcannot Jwr All orders from ' distance, for work In his Une, will be falthndly- attended to. ' oAsry, Sepu 17, 1824. : It 100 DoWars llevard. Tl AN AWAY, on the 16th of AH October. 1824. r.rsro na name ! vfdnia, aged 27 'ears. He v wu lodged in tlie jail of Randolph county on the 19tli r30th irtt. "anT :aftakeirourbf said jail on the 8th of November. 1824, by tbe j4rs .: subscriber, and taken on. hem?. with S pairof handufTs on, nn arrivirgit the -1 MbwbT'sluwtse.nnthftkofKw be was left u a room with a smell boy t wWl tlie family wu at supper in another rewrijr some means Adam alipt out of the door, and made his escape. At the time he a3 taken up, he, had lvej) Jtee.paners In his possession. lll, mm! Knv Aitiim Ilia m mim""nti' h9'rivht "" liand, occasioned by a wagon wheel. lie had on, when he went away, a snuff-colored surtoui coat, with hsnd-cuffs, well rivetted. H heretofore nsssed as a bnckmaker, and u a Tree man wht-n lut taken OM-hvadredduIUrt.. reward Wilfli't given lorVapprilhsionndfc, ucuvcry w aaiu negro. 3144 HACK CRVKP, IkmJnn rsNy, A. C. JVVu. 9, 1824. State of North-Carolina, iir.Dtii cov'wrr. COURT of Pleat and Quarter Bewions, No- vemlier term, 1K4 Jame Hcnoa vtntu- James tluie t Original attachment returned le vied on land. In this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that James Iluie, th-i Mewlant noC Jol U therefore onlemL that lubrication be made for three mdnths th tire western" Carolinian, that unless the defendant appear at the next -term of our court to be held at the court-hou, in Statesviiie, oh the 5d Monday of February, 1825, and plead, or the plaintiff will be heanl ex parte and have-judgment pro conieaao. K. S1MONTON, Cllc Price adv. 4 75.. ' .., 3mt5H State of North-Carolina, sroKts'nunrr. CtOCRTof Plcu and Quarter Sessions, De I cerober term, 1824. David Burton rs. 19 nard llinnaref t original attachment, iTevlMi " i i i. . aatlMietion of the inni4 that thj A. C.-niUni In this ease is not ait T&mTJitimrTjrws by court, that publication be roadejn tne ves rernTJafoliiiittM iiX Wftki T)Otif)ing-kl d4 dant to appear at. our nest court vf PkM quarter sessions to he held for Stokes cotmtv, at nie';crouVtmtM'-'y( day iri March, 1325, tht and there to plead, answer, or demur, otherwise jntlgtoentfr" feo will be taken ajraint ltmr. - ttt - 6t45 MAT 1 Htw K, siuwiixf, v.. Printing, of every description, 1JROMTPLY executed at this officciy i f ,VJ' . of worVmunship corresponding wi f iuijn4 emciits of the time. -

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