- ' v ;. .; , ;-.. , . rr 1 1 9 : . w - -'w ... ..: - ME Ll . 11 ; llld JjTb JLN ; lBALlSBUIlYt N.C...TUSl)AYFEDUUAUY Aii825:7 VOL. V. L!tXO.243. - e- lie he it Sf in, sxt- r? ml . I taaod France,' with testimony which ted States have gone through a "couVie ' - tBiiTso aid rcausatD, init tcksjut, ; . 2J ftufln ZSTMtf. - never failed; form knv years, to.be In- of education," more or less, of the same - ; ';v formal inadequate, or .inapplicable, kind; I could mention several, iava- . The terms of the 'Western Caretin.an till nut hi. nrevailed after all 'and is now Irious professions, at this moment but KCaZSi! fStSSS? independent; This was, perhaps the at myobject is only to shot oth. Ko ptper discontinued, (except at the option moat extraoYdinarycase of what I have era bave never seen or not mentioned, f the Editor) until all arrearage tr paid. called serious versatility, in French in the character of our transatlantic t manilthat was ever kwwinia " temi for eacn suoseatieRt one. ' . ,- 1 yt w fUiBccUanrottfl." tUH BLACKWOOS'l IiaDB.a MAOASIIS. fame to dread the rivalry of others. He dr es not think nf good writing as the Tuscans do about fever that there tea ta.1.. - -.-H '. . i9 win h tciiaiu uanuiy . h lo lQC 1 ,Aa letters addressed to the Editor, must to man, (or a Frenchman,) should em'. ju'nb '"tff R0 AKD SiCwAfcliCicott ot they will ol Htttended to. ploy himself, yeaf after year in mlniai -ft & jur5.ijp wuuwiinji .Muawiuu.... extracts we: have read, r wui nfl-OLa bone for oak umber, and converting more interesting character, (excepting what other men would hardly nave bad the lonversationa of Nanoleon. which the patjehe or the power to make a were published after his eonfinement KOUTII AMERICA. There is one quality in the North H0?" U Into accurate and beauu- a( St. Helena,) than the convefaation American clwracter which is generally --w...u7f -.- i i.ora Hjrron, oy uaptan weowin. overlooked,, and which I have never T V' . "j , T a ne pouucai remaris oi we one ana perceived in that of anv other people to pleasantry- knd of busy,, industry ,he literary gossip of the other, are ihe same degree. It 'is a so of seri- :. Ubgethe; French, equaUy;i0teresting, becaus. they both . tl. t i. i. ... - and verv like what one would loo lor .,- ,ltMin snhirti OUS vcrsaiuiiyt sue r remit nave . . . r u i r- v . rreater: or rather a pieasanter sort, and he occupation of any Frenchmln, wh,chibe reading world (and that in Accomodate themselye more readily after the quicksil ver of blood was pre- the present day ,i, happily almost all .... - . V. Km im alAtii a ; . I asAa nnllt it . , . ... ous versatility greater; or rati to circumstances r and the ancient cipuated by miafcttunejIt waj thorMLhave,;i deepJtereajUZ In Grk-hdnxrtssfwharwTTall them'ckryfaYal-aTchtte Mr. VSm. UB. speaks versatility in h temper and power. B lhtttta WBt IoJ,in 1 P1"1 and he most flatttriog terms of Walter But. in the Frenchman.1t is more of a above all, a Frenchman, should ven- Sc0ttt the author of tbe Waver,y ronstitmional h.bit. .mar. trivial and re lM wre "'0'e novels', less respectable property, than it ia in w" "V'V. " PreibytcriaiTi Methodhftsnd lUptiit.si they rs thepmluct'iom of these jlIITcrent dinonnnsdbnvr" mud advance wltUnjr" that to' ffonsi t eiuicr. i nc uesire 19 encourare ine iiiemure of our own ststft. we hnpe, will nnhe, -with ttti " nectorAto authors cltrgfyaen uf one own awl the southern states and, s Uh to poVets this animated and interesting epitome W evdngeli' cal truth, to produce a speedy sale. 1he Indus trious, pious and enterpriMiir publiaiier hu a claim on the natronuirc of reneroUs and en. . lie. the American although, to my notion, a .4 lean law t and a thousand fold more agreeable in the versatility of the was always more of the bri U rinric. nf frt7ni-mnri "Br"""'T . Jr. I n... W V .i-h Lmerican justice, with. Lord B, although coming to us second h;: Kuitf ia nc mg one word of Amen- Kand.o far ta support th(tol,ef n ThusVousands V-' before he could say id the .uthorship of Sir Walt r Sco in sands ,ce-.and thousands h as to be understood, those charminc works. - M . Mcdwin tn ,taHf..l mwtl Greek, therJ Ens1""- be understood, thpse charming works. r'nht. chancer " Your huroble "mt S1I 1 thin8 says t-. J -more of the lo incredible, jhjttAJiXdidj.ot know if xdDyron was d .,tr.r-rrj thefonto be true, I wbuld not re- raii-,i devouring, as he buld not re- called i?, a new novel of Witer Scott's "a. 1 l I.aI.B. - - A . less of steady, invincible determina- Pc" . Pu.auon How dlWl ,ays le, to say ' . .1 vtrmsi 1H nana Kn iaiss in nis'a rrs lAr I - li t tion, than in that of thcKorth Ameri4" ir I wiw was inai-voiup- an . aaaiBcr.tiuijpwiciii rctuntitAuiCMtUary ol antiquity who olfcred a re- "ThPrArhmar. nr wlthOuf thc presumptuous Tersatility :of his ward for a new nicaaurtl: Perhaps all f - ------- - - a r i . r i i ' -si . wmpcrj lor, wnen me spinior.auven. nature aDd coud not .uppiy a AOAijyftX! a.,MJiE MX4XJQji,ih Satan misrepresents good men" by suggesting that they are melancholy, gloomy, miserable, uncomiortable be ings. ..Allow me to tell you, in what wtanne:r y6utlS6ininanUieW rress themselves who believe the lies o the deceWer that God'a servants leal lives of the most forbiden dnom hat, shall we turn relicious. and giveVp our attendabce upon theatres. and Jt fuse ourselves the 'p-ratification arisinfrom merry songs and dancing panics a wnat, turn religious, ana shut ounelves up in churches or chap els, to tfie loss of a ride in the coun try on th Sabbath, or an exhilirating ricuraion -opoatneTiverwiin tne as. . S a a . syjcuies oi osr joy: wnat, shall we urti religious, and torment ourselves with painful restraints upon the appe titea and desires Let others do a KTW thus thou I .Lk nurrv incin-!.. : . "it. 1 ..r u . f ttf CIFIIUIIIC OH U1C VI iliuuiiuun, u tUCuWiai-.l-,-. r ArmAliA ArrmrtlHA llVIIV'.n.. V.ln.u. nik r.nmmiri rhi.rv. Vet Xk n K.r.tT iW editions ot slilwn's rartnire tAm i low. They who pretend to Del. eve that . . . . T11Mn. ,.,,. , w.ihiir'a religious men are not happy do not biblical Catechism. out themselves to the trouble Of in- These works he win sen as low asney can r :. . . " Soutlicm Preacher. r iiir. sunseriier nss receivcu a few Copies cT rf ,f.'r A thu admirable eolluction of sermons, which "'' to bflers for sale. ' Tl volume U "wn nrinted . and Tltutly bound. . H oonUiiM an antmated and - mtereotiflf view of ihs RiMt auUmaa tJ Ui iKMpel. Ail the ertnon are above mediocrity t. , and, most of ihejneloijucnt n.4jj!rroujw JbR TOUannlft-eatiiijr to the Episcopalian The subicriber has. also, just opened a pack age of standard CUiciil ami Khool booki. . Amonsr them are the very excellent reoirraphys of Moi ac and Wikxlbride. These works .have received the unqualified approbation of the most -celebrated teachers and literary characters, id the United States. 1 hey have each their pecu liar excellencies, and are accompanied by atlases, of a superior kind. The geography by Morse, le-airTntrrTOVcnlrTlhe-Jo father and his son. It u an admirable work for schools academies and colleges, and tlie teach. era will find most of the defects of b(her works, bere supplied. lie liaa, also, Vi helpley's com nend of lt-torv, with note and questions, b h H-r Mp. .Kmcnoni. IHUrs. llhafiriC. w uuetiona. st the Oise of eai n chapter, ty Uer. Mr, Plake ; Conversations in natural muosopny, with notes and questiohSvfexiUe -samor bestpr fita source, but then his resources are al- quiring carefully, as. hon theritis the case. 1 he way to hnd He continues his Clarieal and English school it nut ia l'lvintr With rood men. Let at the old Acadrmv. Parents and ruardians those, whodenv the hairiness of eood r have their Children and wardvinrtrocted new 7 , ' t t,si in such branches, as uiey piease, ot ctaswcanw niVll, epdlU tll'Utt .HII niiv I ways bl a Tight and brilliant character. 'iZXn Zr l- i ' T,?,T , 1 no religion, and a month with him who It the smallest possible tninage that 1? " ST bU'ai - !V Ut ha. , and then he will be able to deter- can be made use ol, which a frenchman 7r " " u 9ce now mucn oi a n original.-. . .,, it iath, first or the se greatest share em asic tnose who seek their enjoyment in the reali ties, and exercises, and hopes of re common literature. - JON. O. FREF.slAN. Salitbwy, Jan. 7, 1825. 'i .. . . , mine, wnetner ti is me i ...pa.Wge, f,r instance, comes from cond , who p0Mesttel the ncan ShakBpeare thr-t bin mot from one happiness Let thi ousei f Sherida i's Comedies i this observa- . , ' .' :n inT,. upon chances. --I . . . . .-I ri .s l. 1- . a itTi-"' tleOQl rJ-inaintain-'lll'ltiSelt: I na8i Known two Amen V ' . . . . . I 1 .M l. thoutrh he had been a creneral officer, panners in a large mercanuie nouse, or peer of the realm at home, if he wasOne had bfen educated for the bar; tion from another, naming the author; I shiowrrcked upon a foreign shore", bvi had practised at the bar; and was be-and yet the ideas are hew modelled, ... i . i - " ii . i - ... - . . I ' r r expedients of which none but a rrench- l,evea o.inme way to great aumori- ana pernaps acott was not aware oi , t . I I ftr in Vi mwiI...iaii uiKmm k. im f. m rl tW... 1..... . V. m U.J man wuuiu ever uream t nav. frive mm i n muihmvu. wnvuut ivu, uicu uchik uiiiiiiiaiii9. at is u.u but one of the silver pennies which are He' 8,cK consumed all his property,! thing to have too good a memory.' distributed here on his ATa1ety,,a bmhl8" went Ut ttMslness with another t.i .iuU , liV dav. and I would answer for him. in -dventurer, who had mad? and lost, al- a crirtc j observed. Set a thief to s stranire-country, if there was ;nrjrady, -about half a dozen fortunes : catch a thief; was the reply. other way, be would maintain himself th th (of the tW( first named) had u t j never travel without Scott's Wniakwtfltotera education at all j had been put ip N-ovels, said fa Vh7 perfect little coin. - Prcu"t: rcimtt auwp-accpcr, i iorary in tnemseives ; a pencil mera ,0lry treasure. I. could read them once eotures,!. vear w:th new nleasure.' I asked him if he was certain about the No Scott's. prentice to a retail shop-keeper, at t mong savages, and he ge of twelve , and had grown up to dance, (not that I h?od ,n co"r8e.f mtUn T of Chateaubriand,) h" tn-nl "T but .th,9'JWM The fine, young, thorough bred Horse DECIDEDLY the finest looking horse of his age, ever produced in the western part of the state, will Stsntl ligion, the nature of their joys; and (""HWfmysiah ,b l' Iten miles north east from Salubury, and seven tne following answer win uc lmrtli,wen from Lengto at fifoen dollars them ; It IS unspcaaiuic anu iuh u.iuie season t ten uouan, caan, ine aiugio icap, -ior l ftiid special contracts win oe roaue lor iwiuranvc, o 7 j l-uUa m1m)u mm inl rirriininfr. It a man Changes from one aituailou l1le tcuon coromence on the UtU of Feb. tr a worse .do von imajnne that he will ruarv and continue ut the M of Auirast-lle remain in the worst situation: whilst wmeiounu consn.l it a tn hia power to return to the bet- let?ectMj auring the tcmsof the SiijHfrior and ter, the one he left? Surely not; and County Courts at Salisbury and Lexington, at no man in his senses would. Now, great numbers of those w hp are religi ous, and who are denominated gloomy and miserable, once sought their hap- . i . Ill uiaiiuu lOI CICI V Ul ICI IUUJ UUll presence, (where anotner man wouia ' . . . ...... i nr. .i . . . .ihAH. m... i mass war upwa tucur uuiuiii,y cnuci Throw him among It . t. L.. Am Will ICafclt tticut tv utiivvi iiiui uut l l . . i ij .k- r ri.. .v...k.:..j that, in any country but this, would w 1 . "Ik,.. Iw-n thniinht rnmintio an1 wnn-l , I tlf-l among wild beasts, and he wiU find "-V:' pleasures, pursuits, and some way ol reconciling them to his . f .. . r I s " ' " Vi... amusements of the world. If they I was Ulkinir to him " " V. "LlT". -nr'i w i I . . ' - i . re rtiiciyut. nicy uc 11 in hkii uuw to pulling thorn, out of their feet, or dressing their maneij uponadesolate "V Tm 7 .-..... IW- t wv.u -v vv Andfthev have chanced to the worse. islandrand hewrill grow old lo carv. '" "ol "ri,rr l ,c vtT:. "7- ' can thev remain as they are ? It is im- us. they have that they nev a . a .1 cr lasicu true lUV llll UICV lalVVCU UIC S!es , or in making clay models of eve- t wo-e woo naa no eaucion--speni attempt to correct him.ell , he locked re$ rf rcl- (on-and' that if lhey rythtngupieisland. 'Ihebask miker in the table was unuouoteaiy a " 7 L T V - i",wi"H1"' . Frenchman, and the spider that Ro- he was weary of mefcantile affairs) He spoiled e.lme oi his poetry by trt Bruce beheld In the barn, was at 5 10 1U nd upset the British his suptrioi Lproae. H i has ch ex- wn- tirc It and which places he will stand several days each term, if convenient, for the accommouation or gentlemen who have nt seen him. Detctiptitn Arronaut is a beautiful mahog any bay, with black legs, mane and tail, a star and blase in hia lace, lour years OW next spring, nearly sixteen hands high, remarkably .heavy ...... .. J . .1 .1. mane, uniting in a iiiku ucjrcc, m ic,. ic- gance and gramicur ot his sire, tne imported horse Eagle ; with the great tubstance, symme try and- conipactno of his graniUrey ito tn norted horse Uion. I n treat fwrnrin ami weight of body which" he" will acquire at full, age, will entitle him to stand higher as a horse of power! than any importeil liorse that ever stood ia the county, except the imported horsa . tm in thai retiiect M wiu be at least equal Clown, and to h'rtn i 1..K. 7,.nrh tni, . no. .k tLSJL Wt wWVWH 11 lt)U Wr.WM?T Of DOWCPS W..M ..-K.. a.,l tko tnT nd help to revolutionise two or three that: ah-Aild his novels ever Mnimen. nrerUelv over and aver empires in i that quarter; a clergyman ; the public. l.-uh is not likely, he wi trram so often. CDut uPon profession he hardly be- ppiv himself to something else, "O i . I . a a .a t. . r iL . i ' ' . . . ..a w Wm al Vnnor Viftf i r. wuraatttUv r stoweo a aecona uiougnr, auer tne re- ., , ced as v. ell. His mottos Irom - - I a I I I csll to nccUon occur,efl W11 10 America, uJ play bring upon them the very consumma tion of misery. It is then certain, that gwttfrren' art .harj3t,mijn;r, and. it is as certain, mat totnarjjc tncm wim being more miserable than those who serve their lusts, is a lie. Evangelical Intelligencer. t Frenchman is and when I call to nccUon occureo " n America, piUyS prove that he at all events mind what I have actually seen, Both-hher WM Jne"Mrirank revenue, nor possess.-, the dramatic faculty which MgdtCTOldDeeaidofw mr, and vet l am toia mat I employ or maintain themselves would a lawJer. an "or I I Hhis Halidot, 11 til dd not justify expec- ssaa. .Ttrarnrranr. a politician. 1 he result was, that he tation. I have never met with, but SVSSI W w tiMT a a . a . . I t l sv 1?---.t-.-. nnwp srnnwn h r rrnr is urisunci i - ... . . i . s r . . . - .s. . . ...i-- - ia. la' i ' i' ; i ' i It 1 . . . v - write pbetry, which was not at a very early aceY Monk Lewis corrected his ..Wv. ii.ftaralr.nrl lUll. tkn nf soup a navel I ,,v u,,'u,i - . . 1 TL . C . Scottish Border was almost all Lewis . sDend e verv leisure . hour., ior many . ' r ' r . ..." nignest nonoura oi tne government years, in. manufacturing a line-ofbattle & fc. f Jime tf .h,p, out of the little. plinters of bone . . V ... htch be found in the soup, l nave J. . la .sl i .u u-u 1 he hrst went torth with to his room t the mechanical part oi nis art coirtr:i daV for several Fire King loNlhe minstrelsy rf the " lowB hands-rcalized a princely for- years (supporting himself, in the mean. tune-lost it during sme insurrec "Ume.-by what nobody but an Amen- H . . " . " lat aiiak a . Ka..&tH aM.aI Jm La.a eri- One of the balladftxin that work, and De. eo- p. die sn 'es r-. and , .-.ssM' ead, rtS' k. ' on... itvle e lune lost It uuring inmt """'" -1 ' i. . : , . . 1 1 N t ' L ' tm.K...v,K-i.-m-v-w wal. can, in such a aiuiation, would have except some of Leyden s, perhaps one . O . I tkA..,k lass A aMaas-iAA Kial ks .Mm Kak Kaal SjswSA fMaf- ftlTt A AtAtni 'III JCUwi iu unia wrnv mnysy mvui wa ws is now a I picked up in 'a stage coach I mean Tliey boiled Will Jones withift jhe pot. thv W that S h- same wav nar. thought ot in America, . 1 l rA,l -.,! ,;.. W,. lif. and a few 1 Become uisunguianea i ana dhnaVtoCAmeric.T Frenrh wKlf K- wa nreri.elv in the of the United btates. And yet hard- ..... ..w I I, , a . , , . - . iMht,m..riM-irirrh-Vlrvrtit t ttsWKJsm neT)assea since ne was i ai not much ut i4 w.u Wak.fi-M. -hr.-.ut off to teach the broken merchant, wholly uneduca- I hope Walfrr Stdid not write the Z "r-Vf "trTTr.-?.--?- " - -vi L.t I ' rim .rr.. L - ! .v Dutchmen .English, and never recol. iCUt Pl'wV' "r?r review oi v,nrmaoei, ior mm "m- lected, until he had armed in Holland, In the mean time, his partner , puM motr withjnoany jt( , usjs Meed to f sued his ww atndiealn hi own way i Verjgev-- out ior mm pemapa xne t, ;ia. " -m i. - . .thac-siii:icfie . ' . . T . O I . . ... I '.. . ... JI should know aoroething of Dutch andisnhwoneortbemostdistinguished J2JXJ2 MYzz!Sfyl realiaed avlittle money, and lait it oat clergymen of the United States. " haVeJeenJo'ughfc Hfi ;The Ene -in ji law-suit in the purchase of These are not solitary examples ' - 'JcsuMarU, phield asweU!' lims, which he spent about eighteen If they were, they would not be worth is taken word for word from Cole- I r twenty rear, in brineinir to a deter- mentioning. They are.' in reality, ridge's poem. Of all the writers oi J urination himself, a sreat Part of the thines of eommoa occurrence. Most! the day, Walter Scott is.the leant jea "me, upon the water between Amen-1 of the distinguished men of the Uni-lous. lie is too eontiaent ot nis own Jtththm cured by irrttittible evidence. A respectable writer of the present lay relates, that a young gentleman of his rrquaintance, who, at a certain be an Ainbeliever, onre tntormed" him that the various and admirable me chanism displayed in the human wrist at a puoiic icciuic, tuu imp - tluir vprk.noW in F.nelaml. Mr tion and dispelled all hi doubts, Lr4 rot by Highflyer, a horse little, tf anjr. In- . ... I ! -1 AM V nil nu ' v. M . He had a few mares last season, from which it appears that he prom'nes fair to attain tho reputation of a sure foalgetter r and from his youth, the excellence uf his contltullon, the flno site, figure and performances of the stock from which to descended, he cannot well fail to pro- AwsXHH(ryirrm1 PEDIGREE.-.Aeronaut was got by the imtviHpd bona lUclei Ilia ilum by the imported lorac Dion i rran-rtam by Expectation, one of the beat ton of the imported horse Diomede, out of a Medley mare, uniting the blood of the imported horses Mediry. Fearnought and Jame and the thorough bred horse Ctler, from whiclt it apn.ars that he must o very neany, u not entirt ly, tliorough bred, and descended from an ancestry, the most renowned of any horse that has ever appeared in England or America, a wUl be teen by tne louowing statement i Rufi-le wss roimdr red the fincsLand Jce.teA.. Eoc. ia gliul,aiiice the days of Chihlers, . and hi winnings amountea to mneTynree mou sand dollars i he waa got by Volunteer! Volun teer by Eclipse, Eclip by Msrniie and Manque bv the Devonshire or Flving Childcrs, tlie fleet- tit hone evrr knoWn in England. Eagle's daraj The same author adds, that he knew a imiiar rffrrr prnnnrrn Ky th" Hl ferior to the above celebrated Eclipse, gener ally admitted to be the best horse that ever was course of a late divine, on the wonder ful sympathies of the human mind, which impel, as it were, in spite ol themselves, the most selfish, and often the most timid creatures, to deiend and protect that offspring which, with out such superintendence, must inevi tably perish. The power that cotild establish an influence .at once so ab solutel v necessary and so irresistible, must be -.omnipotent, surpcnnnuing and benevolent. Kevitpaper thieve?, -Three persons have been fined, by the Boston police court, for stealing newspapers from the doors of some -.of thentiaens. - in Kngland, or perhaps In ihe a mat, u sppesri" by the .tatement maile in hi recommemUtion and pedigree now in my pos-emnn j ni graniam ny r.ii'iuirer, ac. . tin wm n. uj npauiuc, one of the best sow of the ssir.e celehrsteil lliitliflverj hiadamby tlx Pacohtrlte Ife wa lamed fur hit great speed and bottom, having run with such unusual honesty as to win four wile heats twice lu on k i b was the str of - Oattalin, l)on-Qiihiotte,- and many MtoT capital racers, all of which united with the blood of the above famous horses in America, via i Diomcde, Medlev. James. Kearnoueht ami Celer."6iiMi-: Itute-a pedigree itrferiotlo if any,' horses CTer rcu hi nniviiv-. All ressonsbiemejsjircs win oe tiirectea to pfeentirrifortunate accidcntSi but no responsi bility will bo admitted for any that may occur. , HOUEKl. MOOtiK. January 20, 1825. 45 " D filu-rinV Tax Deeds. EEDS for land sold by Sheriffs for srrrars of 7Vt, f?r satc.st tne 'traronnian' ofliseT; ti . .il'A ... i 1 1 li Mi A i - j... .

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