: u i.'ipniii in e . ...in. ' i .'4 ; .'V itf"- i I' ti ll-: ;4 ti '4 4 w;,nif''i id-:': . 4 ML it . ' 1. , ' THE PRINTER, Who It it " Gentle Reader," who J ' " That labours hard in piecing you, Oy telling all that' trpg and new f , , r TbePrlnteh ' TTho tf IU yon of th' affaira of State, - - . Whilst Lord and Comraoni legislate, , .And spend their aighjhi in wro debater , . Tb Printer., . Te Politicians, truly tell " ' Who make you-understand 0 well tel-TV. aifain m w&cb you bv to dwell. ." Then in n ease should ycAi delay, wm. 11 Dough many do from day to day; Tfith punctuality to PAT. On wAt irtw WjW Jjr gaining m law iidi. Who e'er take counsel of bit friend, - - -Will nc'er.take Comsl of the Lawi . What e'er hit mean, what e'er hia ends ' - .:n t.-.1.-1, -j , cuu w wan u autamagc mm Justice in rain nay urge her plea, May show that all if right and fir Tb Lawyer, too, hat had hit feey ' AnTgluudbur rw'iHt leftj'Ott bart. jraeit gaauaraaoa-susaTt. ' . .TIIE-rATLER. Whoever, as a Taller, labour, To tpread the failing of hit neighbor, Need not suppose hit work Abortive j For I'll engage they'll be relortive i And, promptly, with sufficient tgbtnesv, Return him Wk hia mm politeness, For stooping to tuch manly action. Until he gets hit satisfaction i And wean, distinguished, in the nation, A mitchitf-mak! appellation. - -:" 'v; . i oomcnUTiit, GOLD AND SILVER. .. .. Prideaux says that gold and silver were-much more plenty in the time of David and Solomon, and for 1500 years afterwards, thaa they are at pre sent t and that the mines of Arabia being exhausted, and the gold and silver with which the world abounded being wasted by the barbarians, the mines of Mexico, Peru and Brazil, have not been able to repair the loss, lie mentions two or three instances of the vast riches of private men in an. cient 'times'.' Pythias, the Lydian, possessed gold and silver to the amount of 34 mtUionsbf dollars of our money, Marcus- Ctoems, - the Roman, after 000 tables, and giving every. citizen ' corn enough to hst him three months, found the remainder of his estate to be equal to 7 millions of dollars. l.ucui!ti, a Homan Senator, used to I expend about 50,OC denarii kbuut ErOOO) every time he supped in his hall Apollo, and this" was aa often as awyTjf the better sort supped wt:h hhn; lt.Vatbeen computed that Nebuchad BezZM.r's golden image and the vari 7 ;; ous other images utensil, &c. of gold, n;' the C templr-.rr Belus at Babylon, amounted m value to 180 millions of - dollars. Vast loads of gold and sitver were often carried in triumph before ' Roman Generals, when they returned from conquered nrovincts. . The cold irith which Solomon overlaid the most amounted to more than 190 millions of dollars of our. money. Crito, a writer in the Christian Spec, '- tator, supposes also that the amount of wealth v if formerly much greater lh5 MX presentrHe-rotreed the-fol-lowing instances: The Israelites, soon after their escape from Egyptian bon- ..da,"o andiilvenonhe-imoimrof $sso,ooor E tsddi,' xxxviirf 24, "25 " -This vu probably borrowed of the - Egyptians, out it shows that gold and silver were plenty in Egypt. The contributions of the people for the sanctuary, in the ' time or David, exceeds 1 44 million of : dollars 1 tnironides7xxiir7."The jurh?chIIaman ifffdJlhaueru8r 00 condition of beinjr permitted to or der the destruction of the Jews, was 10,000 talents of silver, g 15,200,000. Esthcr7 lit," y."7Thri mmensetrets. ures which David is laid to hsve col- lrtarl tiit the anrfnarv. 1 Chrntiirlra r xxil, 14, amounted to 889 millions of lV "pound sterling-, (Crita taysf 89 mil lions, but erroneously) or 3950 mil- the British national debt, and exceed. :.:4n'gal!:the,rebiiercoloed stocn -tttty ' covery of America. . It is supposed by some learncdmeo, that David never ; amassed such an immense sum," and that an error has been made by the tranacribera of this book Prideaux conjectures that the talents of gold jmd silver given by David and others for the temple might be of another sort, of a far lew value than the Mosa ic talents, He remark, that if these talents are valued by the Mosaic ui ents they would have built the whole temple of solid silver V ' v. v Crito tsttmatts the talent of silver at 3 13 pounds sterling, nd the talent of gold at '5371 pounds sterling, ac cording WTn Arbuthnot "Tables of ancieiit coins Tinserted In the transiaiiooM John's Archaeology. '.; trace the. wisdom of, the Creator by thoiefinei associations srbr -that -close knit Jweb of .afflection and brotherly love of dependance and protection, of 'sensibility and sympathy. 7 which connect thegreat family of man. " Th tender tie commences wttM the innocent babe; pillowed Ion i mother's fond bosom j and nourished by her vital. stream. It plays aroand its face, b theJofant atate. wher. the arch countenance of the child recogni zes a parent's smile, - it walk hand iirhTOda trying its uncertain steps and iportiog with one of i similar helplcts age. ThinteTAatnred,-fwa4nto-homaft punts placed by the hand of nature in the tame soil and in propinquity to each other j it links the sexes in sacred and indissoluble bonds t it throbs and glows in the field of fight, where brother and brother-ip-law, comrade and companion, townsman and mess mate, share the toil and the danger bravely and firmly, whether it de scends even to the cold grave where kindred lie united in the last embrace of death,'ind where the survHer looks forward to be placed near the beloved of hia youth, or to be gathered to his venerable and revered forefathers. : No pride of talents, nor haughtiness of spirit, can entirely eradicate th.it natural and feminine sentiment which impels a woman to look up to man as a superior being. ' Indeed, so instinct- ly does her heart demand this distinc tion for the object of its choice, that even in the most ill-assorted attach ments, wherein passion has completely usurped the place of reason, it is cu rious to observe how this feeling still asserts its power and how tenacious it becomes in magnifying the slightest merits in the most worthless character, and creating for it imaginary claims to regard and to submission." - ' She saw God in him,w Milton has" truly and beautifully said. Receipt "for Contentment. S. man. asked a pious minister, who had Strug gled through many difficulties without repining, or discovering impatience, how ii was he could thus be always easy and "contented," -under whatever scenes I The good man- tepliedJi I can teach you the secret with great fa- than 'matting a right use of rny eyes.' In whatever state I am, I first of all look up to heaven, and remember that my-principal business is to geuhere. I then-look down upon earth, "and call to mind how small a space 1 shall oc cupy in it, when I Come to be interred. LihtaJs&Hefoosti immiherworldiind observe." what multitudes there are; who are more unhappy than myself. ,Thtj,lJearn. where true happiness is placed where all our earthly cares rauit cod i Jind how very.liitle rcasxin I have to compbtn cr.repme. Rea der, improve this receipt and you too wul obtain aturt;;z"CAi"iUifrz' dom and her daughters, and indeed K lhe burial of a living man r1 an id! person being so useless, to any purpo ses of God and man, that he is like one that is dead, unconcerned in the chan gee and necessities of the world j and he only lives. to spend his, time,, and eat the fruits of the earth like a verT min or a wolf ; when their time comes, they die and perish s they neither plough nor carry, burdeni j ii they do. either is unprofitable or mischievous. If every person would consider that he is in this life nothing more than passenger,' andu that hjjs not to. aet up hit rest here, but keep an attentive eye upon that state of beinjr to which he approaches every ihomenf, " and L.whwll-viUbforj ever jfixed and permanent this single consideration would be sufficient to extinguish the bitterness of hatred, the thirst of ava rice, and the cruelty of ambition." The fuHowTng, In the fwm of an ajiologf, is ex- is happily conceived, and in an eminent de gree beautiful i , DALCO! APOtOCY TO THE LADIES, Aereeablv to the tenets of our order. the fair ix areexduded from associ ating wifli us in our mystic profession f not betalae thev are deemed unworthy of the secret, nolr becluse the methan. ical tooliof the craft are too ponder. Ana for them to wield bdt front a consciotiness of our wn weakness; Should thet be permitted to enter the lodge love'would often times enter with tkem. jealousy, would probably and f aternalsffecuqo. be perverted inj td fcalshimsAUhough theMSt ami aeiclidedIfrom.ou 'meeting: yet yur order protects them from the at tacks of vicious and unprincipled men It forbids us to sacrifice the ease and peace of families, for a momentary J ratification j an it forbids us to un ermine and take away that transcen daoi happines from those whose hearts are united by the bond of sincere af- fection,, The feelings of women are more ex quisitely fine, and their generous sym pathy is more easily awakened, by the misfortuneitlhcir-fellowcreaturej, than the stronger sex. The soft tear I of pity bedewi their checks at the tale of woe, and their gentle txisoms heave with tender emotions, at the sight oT human wretchedness. They require not the adventitious aid of mystic in stitutions, to otge them to sets of char ity and benevolence, nor the use of symbols to lead them to virtue. I heir own hearts are the lodges in which ymuepresid-sjanq the .4'it.ates Qt her will is their only incentive to actiun, DECENCY IN DRESS. Women should not confie their at tention to dress or their public appear- ance. 1 hey should accustom tntm elves to an habitual neatness, so that iii the most cireless undress, m their njost unguarded hours, they may have no reason to be ashamed of thttr ap- -- a pesrance. i hey wm not easily oe iirre how much men consider their drets as expressive of their charac ters : vanity, levity, ftloYenlines, fol Iv appear throuch it. An elegant simplicity is an equal proof of taste and delicacy. ANECDOTE OF JACKSON. When the British fleet arrived off New-Orleans, in Pec, 18H, previous to Packenham's landing his army; the Admiral of .the fleet sent his ccmplc meats to Gen. Jackson and informed him that he (the Admiral) would do himself the honor of eating his Christ mas dinner in New-Orleans. M y be so," replied Old Hickory " but I shall do myself the honor of sitting at khe head f the tableL . THfc JEWESS. . A well known rake suiin? in Drury I5njlrfVI was very rude with her, "-Ihe ntrl, however, appeared as if she did not hear himi but as he became more bola attd impuden she at fast turned round and said with an. angry couo trnntr, Be pleased to let me alone !' to which the surprised sad. contoua- dci frtebooteir ccAitdonlv : answer l Nay, do not a; rae! Up -n which the cirl said with a smile, He not afraid,'! AM A Jtwrss.' r Mr Br speaking of Mrs T who t t si i a ts a remark iDiy comely oiu aame, !ol!t :.9r -of- the. fdlo ing subiime Jiud .sii.culat txpression i I w cmtd -iror hme hrrj'Hard hry rf the sun wn a diamond, the cauoa a pearl, and every star a rubyf set in a diadem, nd she crowned withal, I would not We her, no by the saints, not for a Warrantee deed of creation ! Hereon is now made in some places githopt smoltingr But instead of that tedious and inconvenient, process, the Issenct, of Smoke is used, A quart of which will cure a barrel of Hams, and it cosi 135 cents a galbo. -It is not said how it is made, or where it is. !obe;J)jught, After the hams ale prepared for smoking the pickle is to be scalded and skimmed, and the es sence added. - . Jsoston Palladium. a-u.-rsA-ut. IValih? is the most perfect exercise for the human" body j every artery, from thY heart to the extremities, pr". pels the blood quicker and more equal, ly in walking, than in any othjerexet, cise. .The blood isdrawn front the head and upper parts, where it Is most slow and languid, and is circulated with rapidity to every part. . IOK the benefit ami encouragement of MR ; CI1AMSM, in the Western part of North Carolina. ' ' 1 ; . . T 1588 TICKETS, i gJEACII. . JSfJT Tn O JIUIXXS TO A PltlZE ; 1 Prise of 500 dollars (a Phaeton and Cotton 4 - . JiawGin) ia500 1 do. (Family Coach) r ,7 i 300; I An, R25Q YGirl - I . 230 1 do. 130 Ao) , v 1W 2 do.glOO (Sklo Board and Cotto Raw 3 do. g80 (Gig and Sociable) 160 2 doi 20 (Bedateadt) - it 40 J do; - 14 ta set of Tablet) -w, $43. 10 (two Ijulies Work 1 able and it: r"TfiH(Ttembroke - 30 iLi na rnenowaioouraoiei w 10. 40. fio (8 PloiiRha, 8 Street Lamps, and 3 um vans; , f-;- 10 do. . gJ (Hat.) - r- , 1 do. 4 (Candlettand) . U :.r:4 20 do, a , v (do.) ; Ji;,60. 300 do. i (25 caat teel Axel, nd 275 nair - 6hoet) i 600 431 do. gl Tin Ware, Jewelryj hoes &c. U, yy-:- ' is 431 -Tickets tan be had in Charlotte offhe under. ng MiSnuaiuny letter, pottage paid, icloting the monevi or from their agents In Sttluburv. Statetville. Conconl, Lincolnton, Torkrille or Ltncaater wbo pledge themaelves to pay the ptitcs at et fortU la the cheme, thirty UUyfcfUt.lheiwkg,:Jr rooncv to purchasers of ticket, provided th icheme ttiall not Oe drawn. . SAM'L. HENDfcRSOU, GREEN XKNDH1CK, JNO. BOVD. - N. B. Fsplahatorj Hand Billt can be bad of the Couimiwioner. Ran Away FROM th subscriber, about the 1st of Att entat lat. a netrro fellow named Sihu, aged about 24 rears, it about 5 fret 9 inches high, tolerable black complexion, ana stout num. He ran away from Tswmww Al'Kwen, from whom t-htMioht bimand Did R500 for him. It U ex pected he i lurking about the neighborhood .of Mr. Geo. Hartman, dee'd. or between mere and John Black's, on MCaubin'i creek. A re. onable reward will be given to any person w ho will either deliver the said nrgro to me, in Ca- barrua ewtntv; N. TJ. oriecure him In any jail to the stute, to that 1 may get him again. ... I HOMPSON RUNT. Ja.l 1835. 2wt43 '"eVtf'CfVfttoTe."- I If AVE jirt opened a new and extensive at- tortmcnt of leuson&ble and tasmonabie GOODS, which I have esrefully Mlected from the market of Philadelphia and New-York, and purchased with rntn ; and I now oiler them to the puone at the kxrW prices. However, I do not wUi the public totnke mv word for it, but will thank them to enll snd examine for themehre, 1 fpel Mitfifd that I cart offer them inducementf Cb"tt"3aTr h'jrnin.'""" Ren thonS who have not me cash to nii"riate, will do m later bv calling. aiui exnmininjr niv pncr. a. i unnbnvb New Supplv of Fresh Goods. ' pMR ttibtcnbcr it receiving and opening a . 1 large mid general assortment of all kinds of Goedt, at his store in Salisbury, from Phil, drtphia and Ncw- ork i and has made arrange ments to rvcetve from said places, imn'iii, any f'irther sunply that maj be ntcwurj selected with care.kncl laul in at prtcis tlmt will enable him to sell very low piibTTcIt TarM, are respefIWlly. luuted to .calj, txammii, ami judge iwr -Ihcmiclvca. J. Mt'RPIIT. C.'.'.a.. tT. . 1Q11 na'a ... LL.d i..iij.niu . jj - -5ii.: L..:.: : - i t ON'E of sober, imliislrioiis hsbits, who can come well recommended, win' meet with encouragement from the subscriber. Applv toon. THOMPSON k HUNT. Concord, Cabarru county, 2T .?-NC,Oct.4,1824-. J.:- v, Estate of Alex. Long, 'dee'd. nftllE subscriber havinr mialifieda eieeu. . tor of the last will of .Alexander 1-onp, late of Kowan county, dee'd. at the court of; pleas and qnsrler sessions for the said county, j neia on we .intra sionaay oi novemoer isst 3 dot K l .1. n , present them for ryment with'in thejUm pre- ucnwiaiii m aiu rc rruiira io . nresent them for nsvmcnt. witliin the ime nre.t scribed bv law. ' Dm. 24, 1824. 40 - i32 autitor(t.5. An Act suthorixing repayment for land erro neously sold by the United Ptates. BE it enn'rtcdbtt the Senate and Htxm Rtf rtenlativ of the United State tnif ten. inCmgrru ntrmhkd, That every pernor or the" legal representative of every person, bplji or msy het w pHvehaser of a tract of land trom the United Mates, the purchase herrot i, or mav he vokL bv reasod of nrior sale there. cf by the United States, or by the confirmation, or other IcrVl establisliment of prior Rritiah. French, or Spnih g-rant tIiercof, or for want of title thereto In the United states, rrrm any oth er raase whstsoever. rliall be entiled to renav ment of juiy.iura. or sums U JPOjocja.pi'id for. or on account or, sucn tract or land, on making proof, to. the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Wury,-- that the same wsa erroneoutly sold, in -nitnner aforesaid, by the United States, who if bervby, snthorised and reejuircd to jipa 0ch sum- or tumi of ssoneyfNM Voreal.d,l: ' II. CLAT, " "" 1 Speaker t louse of Hepresentalives. JOHN GAILLAKD, President Senate pro tempore. tTtuNnghn. Jan. Kin, 1824. ' ' Approvedt ' JAMES ItOXR'OE. Sheriffs Deeds, : IOtt Und sold W roVrf writswrrf'itioTtli ' exponas, for nle at fli priiuingttce. . """" 7 ji-ri um rttkldf SI WjJWIS IOll talff, at the shop of the tbr.cKVr, . good, substantial tout itagt body, on rjeaton. al)le terms. Apply to th ubtcnlicr, at hit coach-n-aking tliop, 6libnry . . -- SAM'L. LANDER) Dee. 13, 1821. :; ;.: , ... .3 Stick Gi, for SaW The subscriber has alto for side at his thmji k rery good ttick gig, almost new, with a first rate ktmrt to it. -. 1 will alto sell the cig very low, . ' Also, one pther Gig, without bameta, U for sale, very "cheap, at above. ; . ' SAHtKblMUi;!!, ., Dft.M. ' "r "'A V-.- '36 "ErtaU Goods. fftllfi iuLscriTers re receiving, and epenlnp,7 " Philadelphia and New.Yor5,s large and general -assortment of . .Z ' .' ,T All linds of Goods:..! and bar madV arrangement, to receive from said plaees, mtniMy, any further supply that mav - k . M uLrtMl with Itate ...I I I priops that will enable them to tell very low;" Th$r customers,, snd the public at Urge, ar resi ipccwuiiT inviicu tw on, examine, and jtidce themselves.-'" MUUPI1Y & BIIOvvk'' . for (Tr Conntrv Produce, of all kind, reeeiv : ichange for lkod.. rnilE ubscriber respectfully informs the fteri. X ' chants of th town of BaTUburr,' nd tlte Citizen farmers of hit neighborhnod,that he hat Jutt finithed a large building, 32 by 52, for Gin. mngMJMmMim oj.wari..imd.tltb is . sin well fixed for packing cotton, in the neifat manner, for market. 1 lie avsures his friends. wiiv ii iTur uun wiui weir cimom, UUK he wlH hare leir cotton packed and put up in th neatest manner, and in the shorted time potsiT ble, and oh the lowest terms t which h it done by others. He alto assure thos wlto send cot. ton to his Gin, that it will be kept separate from others, so that they will be sure to get tlte nine cotton they send.- He has located and built this establishment, at hit Mill Plantation, two miles from Salisbury, JAt FISHES. Octoher 18, 1824. 1 28 Boot ahdnBhoe Establishment :..i;rjfor----- - EBF.NEZF.lt DICKSON takes this method 'ts . inform hit customers, and the jniblie it larre. that he has removed hi - (rani 4lw bouse be formerly occupied, and hafjakeg . the house owned By Mr. Thomas Todd, nearly opposite Wm. fl. Slaughter's house of enter tainment, on Msin-street, Salisbury j where hs will carry on, as usual, the Boot and Shoe ma,, king business, in all its various branches, is a style .of neatness and durability wbich, he be lieves, cannot be surpassed by any in the state. All orders from a distance, for work in bit Hoe, will be faithfully attended to, SaRtlmrs, Sept. 17, 1 324. I f 100 DoWiits Ut-Wfttd. RAN AWAY, on the 26th of October, 1824, a negro mm nsme! JJum,fA 27 yesrs, II " wss lodged in the Jail of Ramlnlpli eoutrty on the 19th or2wh -and was taken out of said jsil on fhe8thofNovembeM824,b) Oil .stuscribeA.an4 likeir on home. with a pair of hand-curTs on. On arriving at the subscriber's house, on the 9th of Korember, 1324,-' he was left, in a room with a small boy i whilst the family wat at supper in another room, by some means Adam slipt out of the door, snJ mode his cscspe. At the time he was takes op, he had several free papers in h'.s posse win. The said bov Adam has scar on hit r'rM hsnd, oceionp(l by wsron wheel. Hshul heretofore mMSvd a brkkreaier. nd a' s frrt mart when last taken p.- On hundred ifoUiri" " reward will be given for the apprebensioo tti dehvery of A nerro. i . iv . State of NortlirCarolipa, . COURT of Pleas ami Quarter Session, As gust term, 1824. John 8cott t. V illiwa I jirom i original attachment, levied on JnJ. It appearing to the aatisfsctiort of the mnrt, that -tbedefendsBl'lttblacass iistn wMAsfltrfss; other state, h is ordered by the court, that s. vertisement be made three weeks, wicccwirely. in the Western Carolinian, printed in SaU&uir, that thm it.fi.nJ.nt inn.il at Mir Ikelt COint Of pi. .nH Quarter Rwuicns. to be held for th eo,mty Rowtn, tt ,hfr cmirt bouse ift f sBbar: lantM I aa t M tkuvl SlnmUw rJ raruarr twsL. then SIM . . . ... . 'in. entered according to the pbuntili "s oemanu. a inu rj i vjl. Clt Al ".-. ''T -St-ktc: ofKi3r4li?Cfiroiinacrj: tnp!iicaMr&;,,,v'zi OOUUT of Pl?ss ami Quarter Rewons Tfflr , vember- term, 18C4. Jme Utn-oa rr jame lluiei Original attachment returned vied on land. In this tase, H nppesring to w satisfaction f the court, that James Huie, tM dcfembint. Is not an inhabitant of this sttte, ifc-riire dhlcrtd." 1hst piibtlcstion beiwd for three months 'Hi ibe" Western' Csrolinf that unless th defendant appearat the seat TeFm tT Ouf totnTTo' TcHeIt at the eow m i)..f;tl mi iKm .til MnnAiT at I'ebniT 1825, and plead, or the plaintiff will b beard ex parte and bare Judgment pro eiMifessa. JL.,,:,.; H. ..61M0MOV, crfc. Price adv. R4 75. - 3mt50 " jrogf t eovvtr. J GOUTTT of Plea and Quarter Sfssiont, De cember term, 1824. Dsvid Burton rr. U sard fiinnager 4 original attachment, . levied on huuL' It annearins-. la the atimetlo of tn coui that the defeaitin,lbi cttse iuhabitant of thir state, n is.thererore mu by court, that publication be iwwlein tb vret-. .l.nt to .nnr . a,,. fnuH of nleSS SM quarter sessions to h Held for nioaes cia,,,.,, - 1 . l . n lt 5(1 MOW' me couitiouh in ucrniH,wn, , tr In March. 1825. then and there to plew- answer, or demur, otherwise judgment, w-' - srin be taken again bitm-- 6t4tf MATTUBY MOORE, CI a. , hi

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