V- 1 4 'y "1 . ...... . - ''Hi I:. . r - - . . . ... 1 U Ti 1IT0JI TM. ""' ODE ON TOBACCO, v ' flail Tobscco Queen of Flowers, ! Solace of my lonely hour, ; . Fume that kindles h it low, 1 Circling through y: glowing noiefc. 7l havs puffed thee all the day" v" , 1st still thy merry vapours plsy. Ld then boeHof joys of soul That waken o'er the flowing bowr-? 7 ,Or fancy raptures as they p , -T Balmy sweets fro beauty! Hp-" "Sweetevfrcuy imc tnat. goer ; Curling aloft Ibid eyes and nessv ' Vulgar souls may deem that noses Wereonry made for smelling Nsee-f;- J'8moker,tn W nature's JSZ2.'Z . Feel the dignity of man, ' And use their iroellcrs m a stack o Chimneys toexpel tobacco. Herb divine, for thee shall rise - Clouds of Incense to the skies O'er thy rbtariet brain shall flit ; Pauling Images-of wit ' - V And puffer yet unborn ahaU wheeee . t" Narcotic strains at sweet as these. Whether from hookah, pipe or quill. Thy fumeji aacend I love the atiB j - Whatever shape thou delgVt to" wear ; lngut, shortcut, shag or cigar. . x . , . There's not a wbiff of thee but goes. Long-cut or shortcut through my now. siaoa eaaoes. A platntilT thus expUin'd his eauc ' To counsel learned In the la wi M My hand-maid lately rati away, ' And hrher flight was met by A, ' "vVbOi -knowing abe belongd to me, " Eapoui'd her to hia servant B : . , The iwue of this mamage, pray, - - " Do they belong to me, or A f The lawyer true to his vocation, Gaveiigns'ef deepest cogitation t Look'd at a score of book, or near, ' Then beram'd and said, " Your cue is clear, 'Thoat cbHdren, so begot by B, ' M Upon your band-maid must, you see, Be you A or AYj now, this 1 say, Tbey can't be yourt if they to A Belong it follow then, of coune. " That if they are not his, they're yours . MJpiere(ort, by my advice, in ihtrt, M fa taki th tpiiimif iKe Corit." JUfsctlUntouB. mm Tii a raanxavTH (a. a.) aooasaa. "JTTIWWD- NEIGHBORHOOD. - -,!hfr Printer There ia aaore evil tinder the sun, which seems hitherto to bare escaped the notice of your corres pondents but which' is "laid" to prevail very- extensively in this hospitable tmsn,' It is Good Neighborhood. IlJNay, start not Mr. Primer, it is in. dVd a sore evil as you shall presently hear. Lm -aajxnmarrled lady ra UtthMid-- waoced beyund the period ol youth, and - in fct approaching that age in which one does nut like to have one's early ha .' interropttdi ; My Ifrienda. think trie somicwhat particular, and for the ; word musCioroe out a little oldmald . ish 1 but I bear theirtaillery wuh good humor, for I am conscious that what -tbevjaugh at is only a love of neatness and regularity. Hav inga decent com- petencs,-aitd.aCioear rclaiibnawHb zrnirhomTiouTd'rtside,-1 latelv ?urehi ted a mall house, In thTmidst fa ve- ry good neighborhood, and , last week . 1 commenced house-keeping with high hi'pr s of comfort ind enjoyment. But alas ! sir, pne short week haa clouded the prospect 1 and unless 1 can sell my Jiouse and escape, I sh 41 die of a good "" neighborhood before Thanksgiving. r . - iirrr'I had just "got over the hustle "! moving, and waa quietly seated in my little parlor with my knitting work in my hands and the last Literary Gazette spread before me on the table, w hen the doer burst open, and five little urchins rushed in, ail clamorous at once to tell - me, that their mamros, Mrt. Pryabout, Would have' the pleasure of taking lea with me andspcoding the CTeningim . neighborly Vay. I am of a social dia- vj&altion. 11 r. Printer, and thou oh an old tnsidsm pleiued siuh wJUcbaedbjA.lUU(Lt3jlFithjLb children. I therefore told thesn with i smile, that 1 should be very happy to Me.thelr. mamma and that pnsomc leisure day I should be very hanny to 1- see them too, But here I found i was ' anticipated." Mlmma told us that If you were alone, we might ttay an hour or two, aa she was very busy this af-"-ternooof and mewoHo live wttbyouin neighborly way ."Though somewhat startled at this, I submitted with a good grace, laid aside my knitting and paper, and gave up the afternoon to my little neighbors. What proficients they tvett in the arts of good neighborhood, my furniture and parlof will formany yean. iy ukt " " scratched, my sofa torn, one o the Ices of my .arm chair broken, amTan ugly hole burnt in my carpet... -wnen their mother arrived about 6 o dock, she found me busily etnpioyea pairing the damage, and casting: wr .e-nrrlseentlv round the on, .mj2t.A. I am afraid Mias Bar bara, the children hate been trouble- . a a aa nostra some, but the flearjuiue trewn.. such spirits 1" .v ' . tViU. Mr. Printer, was only the beeinninff of rrfy orrbwii-'Mrt f nH scended to make all manner of-uqui- riea about my domestic eatablishfient, and to $ive me all mannerof goat Ad vice, iiv very neighborly waj In thr evening; t r favored I w ittthe f Mr. Prvabbut, Mr Fid- getty, and the two Miss Peepnthc drawer's, who all proved thenielvea tobeexcellentgood neighbors byopen ing my cupboard inapecting m bed clothes, and counting my linen As r ... " they weTTonly neighbors, ana ncani to Trve withoutlceremony, tbeylstaid late, devoured my cakea and frui, and nromised on aeparunz 10 come gam very soon, and mate me anotner n ign borly visit, . ' I went to bed wunasicc neaa-ane. Rut na t am an earlv riser.' 1 fond myself dressed in the morning beftte anv of mt kind neiehhors were stir .JV t j-.. .ming down stairs, wnen a loud rsp summoned roe to the door. I found a little dirty child shiv enng m the frosty air. "Mother wants to know, Ma'am, if you will lend her your, wash bowl she is just gctiiog up and wants to wash her lace this morning" . . . : . . . ..: A I I . m nnu wno is your momer: 1 ex claimed in some astonishment. Oh! she lives iust here io the neicrh- bQrhood.....,,. Jl. ....::..,.IL.:...; And has she no wash bowl f ' No Ma'am, when she washes her face ahe al waya borrows. . . ; Amused with the novelty of the re quest, I lent the little urchin the wash bowl, and exhorted her to make use of it herself before she returned it. In about five minutea I was sum. moned again to the door. ' Mother told me to tell you Ma'am,. that u orgot to send her a towel. . She nev. er borrows a wash bowl without a tow- - In some amazementt t handed her a tu wet. " ia there any thinjr else. my little girl, for your mother seems to bequite neighborly ?" . ' Yes noyes nothing else at pre sent. . Mother wants to borrow some soap 1 but she told me to come again fur that presently for If I asked lor twrrthings "ar once,-yod might ot be willing to lend them. jbiclnrned -io-the-piiTiOTnraRin 8 upon the blessings of a good neighbor-1 hood, when' half a dozen rapid knockal at the door again startled me. The eryanr came and said ythat three orjmended to mankind in general bv the four children were at the door all ask ing. to sec.me.-. ,l..hastened ti meet them with no littleaTafm. r? Whatsis it my children? do you wish to ace me i". Alt. Ma'am, Miss Barbara ywu li - . titite J?7y.-Mothcr sent me to ask you to v Girl. Please Ma'am to X.CMD Boy. him your axe. Little Boy.-her your tub. Girl. Sister youV thread-case. Man. ppProachingr-Cmti you Jen our w hetl4arroW; :M iirir'''Tt;r. me Woman jutt behind Aim. I want to borrow your clothes' line just for half an hoar Ma am. -Third Boy Father ssyi, it you take the newspaper, Ma'am, he would like tu borrow it a little white. Before I could answer these multifarious-requests, a little note written in a 6m Italian hnd on roae-colored pa, pet, and very fantastically turned up at the corners, was put into my hands who pressed forward with eagerness through the crowd. Her silence pleas ed me 1 and I immediately opened and read; - Ulilfjnrdcaf Misi Catnip will lend me that beautiful lace cap which I saw in her bureau last evening, she will confer an ubspeakable favor upon her affectionate friend and neighbor.- histxa pmmTHiDiAwia. P. S. My sister Catherine would be udder infinite obligations to you, if you would lend her your cmamon-col-ored calash to make a few calls io this forenoon. T J n r.rtrf woold lit e t read I Mr.'F..', Oration; Which W8S ly- !r. Everett's Oration; which was ly . t I ti.ll I . . k i ! tng on your taoie yesvciu, u j jl hun, he must call mis wrenooo suu borrow it himself. 2J P. s: Mamma will thank you lor the loan of k eouole dozen of CCgs," While I was hail aisiresaeti wiui these vwrioua abolicationi, a found ro sv "colored ceotleman who lives in the netcborhood. oassed by, and seong $omi distress in ray countenance kind ly stored toTnquire artenny weitarr. U t m .r'.1 Mias .Barhara vou havel lived tr much aIooe ycHSTbaVe asestat -" j 1 now got into a good neighborhood, and I hboe mein 16 livt nekhbprlytl in tended mysrlt to step in one 01 mcas mornings, aid drink a glasa of your find bottled cider before breakfast.' I havheaWmiEKo way, I do not tare if I borrow a doaen bot.les no w till I can buy some . my self."- . v . I turned towards Another knock ! I will run to the winrlatr t6 ecOrnditre. A--I live. ... .u.i . .k- Anr I mere arc mice viiiiukh m ..." wuh basket,, , boy with wheel-bar- rowr a woman with a band box, and HVC" tin IllUCI (UiniOR iuru 111s house e Mt patience is exhausted. Mr. PHnter. advertise myhoiifR -v- :.i,4 for sale at auction next Monday.'-:! will take -lodgings in the Country- co to the Shoals this very day. . . n . r, . iib ATXNT P0CKBT DICTIONARY. Alridgmrnt. Any thing contracted rnr. Any tuing coniracieu II compass 1 . such, lor in- into l soia stand, aithe Abridgment of the Stat- es.ln fifty volumes lolio.- - : ' . j ; 11 Abhrbty.liVf Wing auvancea oy our oponnt8, couirry 10 our jowjj i pract'lir. or above bur comprehension. March 1825 1 One do. of thirlycvtn and a half r ..T ... - r . .I.1.1U-; .k.-.k- 4,a. iw IRHi and one do. ;i1.i.- b women, that 4rj be supplied by the dncing master, music, master, maotua maker, , and niiiiner. In men, tying a cravat, talkink nonsense, playing at billiard! dressing like a groom, and driving ikr'a coachman.. -.7 - - r Mvice . Almosr the enly com- modin which the world refuses tQ.rc Ctive although it may be bad gratis, with an allow4nce to those who take a auantitv Alderman. S. vcntn-potential citi .... . - . . good things are perpetually , flowing, althnuph nooe eonre out. - - fa6f e syNoisy- factiVoroua aoimal- cuue, mucn aesiacraicur ay inosc wco never bad any. Bachelor Plausibly derived by Ju nius from the Greek word for foolish, and by Spelman, from Baculus, axud- gel, because he deserves 11; An use leu .appendage of society a poltroon who irtfraid to marry ,lest his wife should become' his mistress, and gen. efinTyToTahcsby" tress into a wife. -ciuwn. A mode -of advance- meet practised. by Crabs, and.retom- Holy Alliance, ...,?afr,Oni ranimal impaled . upon a hook ia ivrdcr .irt iorture. a scTScrTpr the amusement of a th,ird. Biker. One who gets his own bread-by- d irlterattng that'of others. ,J,BjiU.-A& assembly fos he oatenaU 11 1 I 1 I Die purpose 01 uunciog, wot re tne oiu Idiet'shufflr--anri cttt-sigirtnst one-an ther for m.ncy, and the young ones do the same for husbands. Btd. Ka article io which we are bom and piss the happiest portion ol our lives, and yet ouc which we never wish to kern. Bellman1 1 Verses i See Vis'ida of Judgment. Benefit of Clergy See Tithes.. B'uhip. The only thing that gains by a translation. Blank. Set every lottery ticket bought by yourself or friend. ody.Thl portion of our system which receives the chief - attention of Messier -Swroe body, AnybodvV-aad Everybody, while Nobody cares for the soul. . flannrfriLarticlcLjlrtssjmu.ch used byv fashionable females for ear- tying iirm in. Btoi. thing formerly put aside to be read, and npw jcad to be put ' thkaftt.tt Law."-"' Ctuiin. A periodical bore from the eouotryjwhobeays CesTto he some of his blood, thinks e may inflict the whole of his body upon you during his stay in town. Critic One who is ihcapable of writing bo ks himself, and therefore contents himself with condemning those of others. London-taber. -nnu th.fcn,fit and enccurairement of MC ' j v - - o ... . i Killl'KII I Wt.n Ml l -Vnrlll I uimion, t ". y- !crt,rr,r ...-..rPTa f orinr AOT TWO TO A MlZZ i? 1 Prue of 500 dollars (a Phaeton and Cotton uaw uinj - .,; ., do. F300 (Furnily Coacnj .. .:,. 1 49. gist lio ) , , Ft dor sua &o.) - r " ; - i do. glOO C Hoard ana uwm mw . A. 30 rr.i and SoclableTS W" .1- a.011 rRUtrl . is 40 9 .In! L'JU fBetlvteachO 5 s far"" , - . . . J do. RlO (two Ladie Work Tables and 1 j an rnftiWa ton Cradiei is o 10 co. 6 (6 Ploughs, 8 Street tmpt,and j r 3 Lard Cans) -: Wrr1 -i . - j 10 tn RS ntatsV Tsz" . : 1 do, R3 (do.) 1 " 3:1 on An. SLl fdo.l on l 300 do. 3 (2i east steel Axes, and 27J pair , A . v 1. CK I 431 do. SI Tin Ware, Jewelry, Shoes &e . tie. f-: '? 3l ' I . I fc3ur2 Itoi '- nAii. M- k in Charlotte of the under- v. . w - Wut W - rirEi. 8ali-t 9utw iowui wt mhihivi 1 .... - , paytho pr aaeijorw uukt oja aBn Jua,'BZ'-.?z. j: I uiire7 r""'. J-.r.. . cheme shall not he drawn. . . - rl,r,u vrvnpire I JNO BOYD - 1 . ,, a r;n. o.n h W of I N. B. FxpUnatory Hand hi Is can be baa at ihe ComnuaMonera. l .1 v, .f , ll fcrwtrned tK1;Mt A th following notes, which were auiivvi I cxecutcd bv me to VViTliam Hoeg, in payment Tor is tract ot w I which land n a tract of Jnnd, winch I purcnasea rrom 1 mW,rh knd he had nreViouslv conveyed by a deed I rf tnJft t0 cbr1e; Hoffer Davidon county. - :,t one noteof thktr dollars, wuo .w or of ,lon(lred do,u, due the 24th dee. 1826. aa th? anid notta werw riven for landa which the said Hogg had .-no righl .to cbnverj , I am de- termmeu not 10 pay timer Janiary I?. iti. . 3t44r Estate of Alex. Lon, decU THE subscriber luvmg qualified as tircu tor of the last . will of ileaander Long, 1. d... kt thaw : MUirt -nff pleas and quarter stations for the said county, I I.- - . a.. a a.1 S S a held on tbe third Monday m nowemoer nw, notice ia hereby given, that all persons bavmg demands-against the said estate, arc required to present them for payment, ; within the tune pre- , rrilxJ hy law. JAMXS I. LUMi, ttiwftf. flfe, S4v1824.-: --40- - Ij6r sale, at the ahnp of the subscriber,, a rood, subitantlal nwiV tine body, on reasnn able terms. ' Apply to the subscriber, st his eoach-making shop, Salisbury, .. ... IWt l3,1824. ; ' . , . Stick Gig, for Sale. -The ewWribcr hu afts for sate at ltis shop, a very good $litk i , almost new, wih s finl rate Auni.taiJu- ill alao acllibe gig strylav. A'sn, one other fVjr, without barnea ii for tale, very cheap, u above. ' ttSTtXATCDBlC -'7W:11. - '35 .. V , Cash StoTt. ;. IHAVF. Jit opened a new and extensive as. sonmtnt Lfciiionablcandfabionble - which t hs vl earefully wleeted fmm the awket- of Philadelphia and New-York, and purcWrd iUVM4 1 -and 1- now nflVr tlWm to the pub Iks at the lowet prices, However, I do not wi-h the public to take any wnrd for it, but will thank thent'tweair Ind esarnlnefor hrmfrfre; a I feel sail ficd that I can offer them inducement t pU-again." Eteathae.ThQ hve. not the cath to purchase, will do me a fair by calling', and examining my price.' A. TORRENCE. . SnAMwrw, firt. S. 1824 35 Nevr Supply of Fresh Goods. TflHE subscriber ia receiving and opening a X large and general assortment of all kind of Gdt, at his store in Salisbury, from Phila derphii and Xt w.York f and hu tttadv strange-: menta to receivw-from said plaotsv assMAAr, any further supply that may be necessary aciccted with care, and. laid in at prices that will enable him to sell very low. Hi eimomer sad the public at large, arc respectfully invited to call, cxamino, and judge for Uicnuelvca. J. MURPHY. Satiihay,Spt. S?A. 6nit48 N, R. Country Produce of all kinds, received in exchange. .... r AnAe authorising the Seeretarv nf tbe Ti tiry to adopt a new Hydrometer for ascerta.n. Ing the proof of Cquors. BE it emitted bf the Senate tnd fftuM f Rep. TeitntBlfitt iff Xhe Vnfitt-lmin if Amen tea, in Canjrrt MsnUML That the Secretary of theJTrrasury. be, and be 11 hereby, jythir; ixed, umlrr the direction of the I'reMdent.of the irnited Ktatea, to adopt awl substitute such II v drometer i he "maple ernbesl" a1cu1t'ed' to promote the public interest, in lien nf tUt now ptesrribed by Isw, for the ptrpoae tf reenam ing the proof of liquor 1 snd tliat, aft j .auch adoption and.subaututioiw- the dutie Imposed by law upon distilled spirits shall be levied, col- lected and paid, acceerfirig w tne preef ascesv tained by any llrdrvmetsr so aubetituted end adopted. .... . V-- .. ;. . )) II. CIJtT, Speaker House of Representatives. ' JOHN GAILLARIY President Senate pro tempore. H whingtm. Jan, 12.V I&24. , Appnned JAMES M0NRO. I aubterj oeni are .reccmnp, ana oprn.njf, .4 k , vi flu in i:nnr.nni. fiiifrr iiiim Philadelphia and New-Vort, a large and general "II" " - assortment of ' All kinds of Goods : and have made arrsngements lo receive from aid placet, mtnAy, any further supply that may be necesury selected with care, aiM laid in ,t . pricca that will enable them to aell very lor. Their iWHtonwra, and the public St lance, ar . respectfully invited to call, etamine, and jndga . fortliemaelves. MUUPHV t DU0WN. tCpfcmt Sept, 1824. ' ; ,43 '.,:; - -; (? Country Produce, of all kinds received in., exchange for Oootls.- - v v.... . SAffn Mmninr. VUttVlt viuiiui TKTK subscriber respectfully informs the mea xhanta of the town of 8al'ubtfhr, and tlte cite fcrnleWof hhrTOiJrhiwrbXld,hatiM:lla, inii finiulii.il a lurtr KiilUinir. 31 hv 52. fi n.-r uinftf Citim, to run by'watcr. 1 and tliat he is alio well fiaed fbf packing cotton, in the neatest manner, for markrf.-v He aavures fats fhenda. will have their eottm packed ami put up in the sa neatest manner, and 111 tne shortest time toatl. I ble, and oa the lowest terms at which h Is done 1 II. -1 ,k . Jt . ton to his Gin, that it will be kept separate from others, so that they will be sure to get the same cotpm mey send, we nas locaiea ana built this e.tabluhment, at Ida Mill Plantation, two miles from Saualnin7.-f-r'JAr- FWUEIl. . Octtbtr 18, 1824. . ; ' U , ; .23 ' -' . , REMOVED, (Urge, that be bas removed his AoA.t front b formerIy Md h ttken u,c owneu 07 nr. auomaa iquu, nearly opposite Wm. If. SUughtert house of nt. .1 1. . & 1 I nI . . i uimnenx, on aiaiiMireei, Baiisoury 1 wnere ae , 7 ' . t,nf, i,,, : -11 ;t. vanmia hnnrh. ;H . style of neatness and durability which, he be- Tiek. r.niuw h airnaaud br anv in th A1, orderi fronrik fot ja hi will be faithfully 'attended to. SaKbHrh S pl.X7, 1824. lr T AN AWAY, on tbe 16th of -XI." OCWber, 1824, i oeirrd nun name.'. Jtdtm.tA 27 year. He -was lodged in the jail of Randolph, county on tne ivui or'utn inst. 1 ami was taken out of said jail on . the.Bd of Novc snbej.,1 4, bj the. ' subscriber, and taken on home. with a pair of hand-cuff's on. - On arriving at the subscriber's house, on the 9th of November, 1824, be was left in a mom with a small boy 1 whilst the family waa" arsupper In another roqr by some means Adam shot out of the door, and made his escape. At the time he Was tskea up. he bad several free oanera in Lis noaaession. Tbe sai4 bor Adam bas a scar on bis runt . . . . . . 1 ' . r rl hanu, occasioned by a wagon wneci. He nan a a a tT a I on, wben be w cnt away, a enufl-eolorcd surtout coat, with baiul-cuRs, well nvetted. lie bas heretofore passed as a brickmaker.and u a free smm when hut. taken wp. One hundred doUart reward will be given fur the aprvbeiuioa and kCvery of said negro. , : -z -MAW tftl'MP. DmUn em'j&. 9, M2eV 1. State of North-Carolina, . . da riDsoM covwrr. GOUHT of Pleas and Quarter Sewkms, Dee, IcrnVlK. " David Evley, sen.". David Knalcy, jr. t original attachment levied on hnA It appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that the defendant in this ease is an inhabitant of as other Mate, H ia therefore ordered by the court, that advertisement be made six wetki, aucces sivehy intheWerteCarolinU printed m Salitburv, that the difviuUnt appear st our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, ta be bed fcr the county of IHvidaun. at thsemtrtJioese ,1 1 .1.. .i.:i ..!,., :. I Hi Jill I VII, vn U. t 111 I . .IUIH4.1 ,m next, thca and there to nlrad, or'dimur, or judgment will be tide red according l5 pan(4 . ..6t43 :: 'l:l..t: bock, ciic" -A State drortlt-froliriaii - - - notrjr eoxnrrr- COURT of Plcnv and- Quarter cvwr-.5' gust term, 134. John RcnU ve. Vdli Lamm 1 original attachment, lciied oa UmL ft annaarine ta.ih aaUalaeiionf tbe court, that be defendant in .thiacase is an lnlibiftbf 81 other atatr. it m ordered bv Uie court, that ad- vtrtiment W uule three, weeks, succeauislv in the Western Carolinian, printed m SahJwry, that the defendant appear at our next emir Pleas and Quarter Beanie na, to be hcU toe tls county pf Rowan, at tbe court house iaS afiabury, on the third Monday of February next, then t4 there to plead, or demur, or judgment will be entered according to tbe-plamUll'i demsol. , h'44- . JOMS l.Ecrir. - State of Kortli-Carolina, f iMBDBit tovtrr. COt RT of Picas and Quarter Semens, K veoibcr term, 1824. James Henoa vert James lluie 1 Original attachment returned le vied on Umt la this case, it appearing to tK sutiJaclioa of the court, that James Uu'ie, tsj defendant, is not an inhabitant of this state. is therefore onlered, that pubHcation be fir three months in the tVestera CaroSniss. thar unVejKhe-defendant appear at the SC? term or wir cemrt to be hew al die coww" in Statrtville,, 00 the 5d SMmUv oTTebriiJv- 182.t, and plead, or the pluimiff win be UW ea parte and have judgment pre eonfeaso. ' - U. blMONTO.X.ClIc vrWiAiTzrri . -smtjo State of Nortli-Carolina,. ""T sroKiTtovitrr - COVUT tl'kaa and Quarter .rWawae i cember term, 1 874T David Burtmj ve. 1 nard Urtmagert wipnai aiUcHmcnU 'f land. - tr appeartng t" the tWct)ow emirt, that the defemlant in this case is M s L.K.k;t r iKU mt.i it ia therefirt oraerev by court, I bat puhheation be ade In the Wei tern Carolinian sis weeks notifying aid .if' dant t appear at our next court of P'C"f quarter sessions to he held for Stokes e'r. s the court -bouse In Cermanfon, on tbe 3d ale day In March, 182J, then and thereto pleW answer, or demur, otherwise jodgmeat, Aesa, will be taken srain him. . . ... 1 ftaafWMlkT rlk . .I'firV r

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