JCntrUfBWtr. ' roiiEtctf nrwhv . - t Tbe DitiUh ship Kouincf, arrived et New York from Portsmouth, brings Eng .11x1 dte to the middle of January. , , The price of cotton, it wW bo aern, pot only maintained Its ground at the date , of the lit accounts, but stated hai hr fir; It has conserwrtntly been . wore lively ia market, and raiyr M j at Ka II. -J cents. ,v , . . 4 . , ,The cause of the Greek continued to " . a ' . a - prosper. . Another naval engagement had taken place, which resulted lathe i destruction of one Egyptian frigate and -rhi tt and l-ndiandlt. apeedr surrender anticipated, r- i .... ..TUeU)Uoan.; Porte . bad .at. length - determined to evacuate WellacbU end Moldavia. - . . ' li ar.iM tnt ill it Fran? ia not in anr rood humor' with Cnemna tor nav , ing acknowledged the .Independence .'of ' the South-American republic t anau u said that 0e Roiiiao bear ia rather restive ' on the occasion. . ' ' '? . 1 ! ' - V The Turkish government was preparing- Ibr another campaign egalnit the Greek. -V- " -ri ' rran;c.-oas arc iu c ' troopi in Spain, to jecureiFeruinandoa hit throne utile longer. , - , From laetiondon papers, received at the Office ' of t lia Charkitoa Courier. P.fttl tmaination-h poor women in England, -IBicted to phrenxy at the dial h of her hush-nd, dreamt that e figure BDPreq ai ner oca atucawj im w to renine, she shoull ioin 'him in 41 1. . . . . . i Ck m.hiuiu'J ika f r ra . arktrli wme tne universal topic of . converse- . - oealth at the time, but 'sickened end died at the hour appointed. ' ... . There hat been dispute in Ireland, between two ventriloquists, Mr. Charles end Mr. Alexandre, the former contend ing teat We latter was not aimacu. n public- exhibition took place afterwards, when Mr. Charles was constrained to say, J jhat he belieTed JMr. Alexawiro. was i Mr, 'Alexandre. - (- a Vnriit none, or rather a mammoth mouse, only 32 inches hign, na ocen nreiented to the King of England.- He --. ... . . runs up and down stairs like a dog, eats . aae-. I bread and potatoes, annas cccr anq aleeM in the chimney corner. Mr." Souther has come out in the pi pers. ith e severe commentary on Lord i iu"in m bviviTBifHv'.'ii - - - - j r An vnlictnfd potheearf failing in Ms . ui m for . his phial, which' were aa rvm"9''r--t . - qfl,eraIQudcn . :r.l .1.. -k-.; W " w we ttlien) constituted authorities of Spain. . " ' hoilolx.jxb. 21' ; i .ot of -.the V. 5. r hr . Ferret. Capt Batiks; of ti e achr. Princess Ann, from Havana reporta, that the U. S. achr. Ferret. Ijieyl. Comdt. Bell, was capsixed' in i xamtt art the 18th inst. off Point W. 1 ' cosTahd eljjht men" were drowned nd0 cIoc ne ""end a Dinner,; and, tbe vessel lost. The survivors,, amonjr rwooro..wpri,ii-..u vuiccrs,.,,were axen;r-A'; from the wrccVby a achirrormerTylhe?eWelt,?l U-S.,schr,.Jackall. , i ka - a i ene -aaer - iibms -A&aw w r t - t a uaiuener, who com. warrinrton on . r ' " J " .V - w a board arrived at Thompson'a Island on the I sr Instant, and Com. W.hisd entered upon his duties. It was to execute some order of his.lhat the Ferret hwrl he AHUTZ - thoif accident noticed abovens. .;:zii Vi: id vegradirtg Pvnithment-ln the an nen,t German '. empire such persons as endeavored to 'sow sedition .and disturb the public trrnquillityr were condemned to become objecta of public notoriety arid derisions, by carrying a dog upon their shouter trom one great town to another. The Emperors .Otho A', and Frederick B.,rbrrw! ieflierihti nobltmtri of the highest rank, . , Tbe.RJRht Rev. Bishop England, of tbe t atholic uhurch, hs isayed a Circu lar ,ittcr,jdirectiit g public prayers to be offered up -ineH tle'Chttrehee under his juriMliction on the 4'h of Mrcb, to be serch tha protection of God for the Re. JuiMiy, uuuer uic Buuuiipinuinn oi IOC new President 1 1 Chat. Courier. ..f . TL. T.l!. lurprlscd to "leafri," To 'converstion1st week with several members of Congress fast extent'inir in V ircinis That even not iifjw Richmond some platitersrafe ing irom iweoiv 10 one nunqrea acres per yearrthui regarding -it as one of their chief staples. American Farmer. " The " Albany" "A rguTliyl7"sr have the most unquestionable authority for saying that Governor Clinton lias recei ved, from tbe President elect, the offer of the appointment as Minister to the court of $t. James. ' riiar,KATios'scn;sT?' ' i - l . AtrtoM,cii 4.' On Wednesday morning Us, Grn. Lfarette,accmnpiinled by hi ion George Washington Lohyette, bis friend Col. La Va'ur.and theContmhire.of Recep .! .- i.h n.J.ii,a Cross Roidi. where UUIII - . he lodged the night preceding, f r- this city At Crsbttce Bridge he was met by r.i Thnm C. PolkVCaValrr, which the escort. Aboul hall of ralle tnn ha was received with military honora by the Itaieign uiues,commii bt Capt. John J. a. nuun-, tiwn rl.n,F! irHf ed at the left wing of the ,mn.nt. he alltrhied from hla barotlcbe, ml Introduced. - br Co), WiiUaOl Polk loiU wrf end tnemberi, eacn oi iwt , , . M whom he took by the tana m tne rnoti ind affectionate manner. I no procession thco"esumd ,'ltl marfth, nadonal ealute et the; Capital Spuar an- hounclog ie-approiich. otowfl, ana at I o'clock, r. M. rcactiea tne uow emmem ffouse. where the Guest wai recelted, and addremd by his Excellency Gover- oor uunen, muai : ' t- 'r s 6 Of rural t ' In the name of the people ol Morth Carolina, unanimouslr expressed through their legitimate organ the Legia Utura. I Jid too welcome to oor Capita!. At the aame time, be assured el the ceep ' ' mm trdrrtefulJenl-o, people of this state, of tbe value and im Dortance of Todr servkes In obtaining the Independence they now enjoy. ' Ifailed as tour arrival has been he the plaadhs of i nation, and cheered at everr turn b your progress throegh the interior, by tne en thusiestie efforu of genius; I am too sen sible of my own inability to add any thing new or to do justice to the feelings.' of those' whom I have the honor to. repre cut wu itie present w,,on . , LP- you, who hare ever been animated and swayed by tbe enlarged and manly principles of rational freedomwhose sacri&ces bare been beyond all calcula tion may 1 be permitted to say our hearts ere filled with respect and fenera tion j and although, from the local situa tion of our state, you cannot be received end entertained with that magnificent (lis plar of wealth, which ia the result of sue ceasfuLommercet yet will -Uortb Caro Una yield to none of her sister jstatea,' ih admiration "of your devotion to the cause of liberty, in gratitude for jour dis tinguished services rendered our com mon country, end lasting.esteem lor your personal worth. , After returning a suitable reply, aid partaking of some refreshments, the Gen eral accompanied by the escort, the Gov ernor, ExrGovernor Holmes, Commit tees of Reception end Arrangement, and 1e large. .cncoure..tif cJUzenst repaired to the Capttol where Col., Wm. Polar who 1 seWecMrith the General Jnitho-Jlovola served with the General in the Jiovolu I f1" inen . viewea ne statue of I Washington, ..was Introduced to. the Stu Ants of our State University, who had repaired hither for the purpose of paying man respects to the venerable patriot, and reconducted to 'the Government House, where suitable apartments had been 8tted"oot "for his' accommodation. v5 Line ewung, Ball, given by our cm ,iNi ( ma ciuzena generally, and," in um aiicmoon, ioox nis eeparturf Tor ray ettville, escorted by Col. Polk's Cavalry. Many of our ciiisena at a distance were deprived of the pleasure of tCstirVinir thelr teJ!l5tJeJnIIor.thiadiln-- f?fsKA .and,ptroMaehapio' tof-our country's liberties and independence, in CPOsequence of hia arriving a day sooner than was antlcioatedrafidnhe-diTadful of the roads. ;. . state Although it was not io our nower to receive the General with as much sDlon- dor as did our neighbors at tbe north, we feel assured that, at no place, did he meet with a more cordial and sincere welcome. It would be vain for us, with our feeble pen, even had we the time nd inatKTA l'MpTJ?'-jhi' sensations which ecmid f0- rt!!4f4HfTOwAott Ihe.eccav., siohT' Those who were present only can form an adequate idea of the interesting scene.- - ' ...... -In out nexti;we shall endeavor to "give the several Addresses and Toasts ; which are now necessarily-omitted for want tof room. . - ' -"Xia- CEX. LAF.iTETTFS Extract f a letter frtm him to a CitiMen tftiieh. mimd,'date4 btyrdtht.Potmat SteambwtA LWe are on ouray to Norfolk as the first ateprto our grand Southern and Wes lerp .Tpur,,I much regret that t is out of 7tnj - power to gotho " Richmond 'and Petershurg-a Bu pur time' ii Whort f the obligation to be on the 17th June on Bunker'a Hill so precise : on this lonir journey of upwards of five thousand miles mere are o few days to rest.. that I must depend on the induleerice of mv friends and the sense they have of the pleasure I feel in being with them as much as 1 cati. The eandr road we ara poinc io take offers the least chances of heinc de-1 tained." ' wAirttrfCToir, r'fi. 58. rmmwh fMtdU-Agreeslly to -...i... . - In o M-dirnce 10 inn resolution of Cotif rrsi, me hjbiuc.h . the United States, on ssturoay -an, pre sentcd to the G""l omctrs nsmea w- i.t Medals voted to them ty Resolutions'! Congress, pissed In.the tan ..( lllfi for gallantry and good conduct, W io oauie w hij.h-j Niagsrai Erie, ; Plattsburg,; end ,the Thames, la Upper uanaoa, ounng Ute war with Crtst Britain The deliv kr ik. ui took t ace at ine Man alod or the Freswenif in me present, w the Secretary 4f ; tf Wer. end . m. .a .. . -tk'.a ii A..a f the Niy several wemoers oi uongresv Military oluceru and mafly ci,ilw:risf who attended' fo Wltnewintrieremauy. v.. . The following'are the officers to whom Medals were deltsered I - ;.Mjor General Aro-ViW . Msjor General Scott, s' v v;. -t - Major General. Afrcom,r-' ki Major venenu . i . MiH.RtWrirCa'wijllbwuglj Hon. .. . W. Itouston.) V 4V ";'''''' : Miir Gcnecal P. B. Porter, (thrwogh Von.. Mr. Marvin.) 4 .f , Bpg.A General MUcr, (throtigh Hon, ..i.M. U.'.k.Kr . ;.. -r. - Tha President accompanied the deliv erf of each Medal with an appropriate ,Sp.i."fcThe-ceremonr waeiullof W trrest, lilt waa aasociated with tbe recol Vetian of 'aome of the "most brilliant mi of the late war.1 ' . . ' It Is natter of regret that i-enefai 0', wh6 is in the city, wss prevented by indiiposkion rroni attenaing ana re ceiving his medal in person.' . .. Jvf. r An'he recent Sesatoh of tho teglsb: ture or MiaswwUa hill pissed both Hour it a... j l.. .nfiAvinw in that offence the punishment of vb'fifting This bill tbe Governor returned, with objections, which r pne sred to be conclu sire, at the Mine time expressing, in the following terms, his opinion regarding tbe oractieo itself i r r : -I am hapDT on' this occasion to record my utter deteution end abhorrence of duelling. My duty to my, uoa io rr.y neiehborsTand to myself, would compel me, In'my'privaie as to mjr public capa city, lo discountenance and put dowm If posuhle, o barbarous and so impious a pracure." ;. '' ' ' 1 The bill thus returned by the Gover nor, wss reconsidered and -again passed in the .Senate hy the requisite rW;ority of two thlrda of that body out ii tailed to receive a like ma writ v in the House o! Representatives, end therefore haa not become e law-: -i- . r-T: w There appeared , in- the r Enquirer, e f .v.... ' - it : ' ihaJ Hit" hwimua.iaioJJiir,"To j the settlement of hie accounts as minis ter to France, England, kc. during the administration of-Jn JeffersonH These charges, it wst wrell Understood, proceed ed irom Mr. Wrsv'B. Giles, formerlr member of the U. S, senste from this atate i romTng' fromnueh"TIirhrVu' thortty, attached Considerable importance o tne cnarpes--so much so, that the sub ject has been seriously taken upjt.VVslr- -TTheNatkjn.f-Inteirxffencernc.f-Ti dayumtiksleTWref tho U 3. senate in 18! 1 on Mr.HIonroe being poroinated by the President to fit the office of secretary of sute,in the room of Mr. Rob'l Smith, the injunction of se crecy on this subject having been leceia. iy tsaen ott oy the senate. Sm - MS -J S" Jtft"r Of these proceedings, It appears, that lmmeauieiy cd ids nomination of JVJr . JMr. G. then a. member oftbe wnste submitted a TesoroTTon calling oh the Pre Mdent for a statement of Mr.-Monroe's accounts. . This resolution waa subse quety withdrawn j and on motion Mrr-Gilesr the subject was referred to a select committee. ' ' r. fhia committee, after a diligent invev tiration of the matter, rr ported, that tW had eaaitunedthe accounts of MrV Mori roe, while acting ua foreign minister, and tmd nothing therein to1 justify hla irejec tion.- . f L -- ; : Whereupon the senate urianimodsly confirmed M r. Monroe's nominMion' as sec re tary or in mo amrmaiive. W e ahould like to know how Mr. Gi!a WilondlfhisotrnhnmTvMthTtS recent heavy, denunciation of Mr, Mod ish patriots, last year, took refinm inifan Klemntlellhfl ddminlbnof theempyfor of Aforocco ( the Spanish monarch having demwded that they should bo deiivered 1 be mperor t. nrorco thus wpote to me uasnaw Thou hast done 'well fn not giving up the Spanlardai jhef-have taken refuge under our flag, and Inust be protected. " -:r - j - '" : . ; ' y : 'V I:.. '.. ' . wsniyoT0v, ttincu 2. -.. Commodore Porter arrived it his resi dence at Meridian Hill, near this City, yesterday, 'from Thompson's hlandVby WJyof Norfblk. - - Xat.htclU it,. !; irnuant i . - flrar AVri , IU lt9 I ahsndoij you ai reprobste, permit me. to address you a few I'm, containing further remarks on the difference between r.s on public con term of the most Important nature j tou state In four letter to me of the 22nd ol Jane, 1814, I have elie,congraiuutco mvlf that I could number you among rov first ana nrmesi iucnu m m m trlct." I can aasure you, air, nothing but what I believe to be s wilful perversion of the representative trust reposed In. you, rn nrodnf a anv chanfce in me i my ruh- lie Interest in you is tne same as me io trit of ever other, tonstltuent la the r . .AH. disttkt.- lithe view I Uk et present of your policy be tnrrect you must sexnowtr edge your condoct as a uepreseniaure at least, Ineonlstent If not rtpre hensible lii vour letter tome of June, 18150 re ply to my letter oi ine aa aamo muum, . , . . . . '-.- - . -fc..V oo stated no one more nearmv concurs n our conviction of the baneful effects of nartr anirit. than 1 do i. you then anew at aome length, the effecte it has produ ced on former .Republics j you intn set forth the principles of moderation by htch vou are to be gorerned at I repre' sciauve, snauiu nviv...vivi. I proceed further, i; will observe to you the rulel bare long adopted, to regulate m In me auffraee to a rrpresentauve. which I think you before knew. , That, should I give my suffrage1 to any man, even to my nearest end dearest friend, to he my representative, and should he abuse hat representative trust ny assuming pre roestivesnot delegated, hy aiding tbe paa ssge of any law, resolution, or eny other act whirls will, either directly or indirect- Ir.chsnre or alter the privilegaa ofrany oortlon of the cltiaee ' 0 the United States, from their proper con tiitutlanal direction, will never after re calve my suffrage to fill tbe same place of truat. 'i Sir, I now proceed to show you ineon sistent with principles you professed e your outset. In you letter, to me 29th May. 1810. you state "It is well known to most of my friends that I have heen always opposed. to caucuses. . What in Raleigh at the legislature, I resisted them wnh all my strenetn i i nave umtormr opposed the - caucuses at Wthingion. Now, sir, please reconcile those declare tlons with the declarations" made by you publicly, at captain ' Howard a muster ground, on the 37lh of July, J 834 1 " Kep resentativea -in Congress have es good right to meet together, to consult who should be the most pbper person to re commend to the .people for President, as the members of the Bible Society, Agri cultural Society, ptmiiithkr jocietyt h to 'discuss any measure to be adopted by them t and thaf what was now called CJMlCUie. wm r-mal-a.lUfiofef, waucue waa first riven to" such meet. ingsby John Q. Adams, resembling other high toned expressions of Ms.Next, I will notice some pasttgea In yoor circu Tiror April 17th, 1824, which I did not see, until after my letter V you of June last, and waa surprised to see the change that had tken place in vour orincinlea. T thr cnnCrmed hy such evidenceThe ao-H T PT ""Jr" -lTlV??M phlstrtcnnteSedinthat r?J .lt phTstry contained in that part of rmir ttr cuUr which treats on tltibtcct of the pew tariffrexceedsrif; possible, thes retr jpitmTglorthtyYwa muster-ground, as afore silted ; yott have afrsyed that part of yonr address in false colors, v persuade the people of the aouth 1L.1 .1 L I s. . a . 1 ' . uiai tiirir oremrcn 01 tne norm and west, are combined against their interests In the passageaf uthe law -when thejaet is, the, taxifl" laflhUatef was icniar. uoiHifuie 10 mi mrmer mpdeof UxhVg imports, and the law pass ed at lasf session of Congress, is nothing more tnan a further modification or ex tension of the same principle', which has existed eight years, without ah reasona ble objection. Tou have stated in a for mer circular, that you I1! would tiximports to ine utmost larthlnir, tor revenue i" and what more reasonablei when revenue de rived from hcr sources JsTiminlKin-. u snouia oe increased from Imports, end M Ijw, iyocst.ft,, of; tuch'iaw, intended exclusion, excise, or still tax. &c. ere too tlrif i-'J-V '-.' .T' . cnimencai to deserve notice., Stjch tax ation would operate as much to the disad aa. a vantage of northern; or western Citizens, as u would to the lomhcm. The American' people should live like brutheriVveryiaiirdin moung ins, irue interest oi the wlioli community, to do as they would he done hy, being placed in the same situation, and ciTCumeunces, which others are ne placexT in": ahd any nubUcatlohs whien have a trndenM to excite Sectional prejudicershould te cVeTuTfjTavoicled ; ifld.fsiUe.jBlarmi given, by men placed in eUeoettfea pan of theommunitvi that sinother'Dart of the community whose occupations are difTerent, aro endeavorine to do them an injury via truly reprehensibler j and TeFaiy t or wruc any tnmg trnnit the prostmtlun of any tjf the just interests of any pert of the community, under the protection of tne tree and peaceful government of the United Statea," better becomes a) starved European mechanic, in his Ma.comtrtltm1r'mD than th moderate"f presen'ative of the j uc citizens of the 3th Congreulqna4 districtitqd at tli etote rf Honli Carolina, fn t?lc ttX; , rrrs of the United Smtrs. I will now, notlre the tlcctlooeerlng parsapH tA your cjrculirj jou extol the qfialiCca-' llons or Mr. Crawford, th only (tiita4 lie man for the nest president, In a rnot sunercmlnrnt dcRrer,, without' noticing" the qualifications of any other capflldate t had you acted ss an none ai represents, tlve, believing that the citizens of your district needed Information from you o IMS SUOjeCI, IS ineir pun- mcumi, yov would have given them tmpanisi tntor mstion,wh were all the f-andldatestar; the preaidapcy, and what were all thiir iuat clalmi wv qualifications to such office.', f fir. S-rWlora DO yyn?supunn, oi- course a- momuiBan. Bia . icouwiiy- woi!d be-much-.htirt, did be only know . what his professed lilends t not tne people,- but the aervants of the people) are doini;. lof him, h wouia, at iei, uiusu io see his good qualities hawked Op and owaj rom muster-ground f) muster-ground, . ike e bag of ch'esnuts or. toys for chil dren.- ,-;; '".' 't -r Those who pro less to know something sboot Mr Crawford's bolitical.experi-; encewil tell you that his pretensions to tha presidency-, eight ( years ago, were somet hing . like ersnming ; but let ; the i . qualifications of Mr. Crawford be what they would et that time or at this time; . his csucus peflUre, by their ouidousnesi have done bins t)o service eind themselves no eredit, in the estimation of the public. Therefore, ahould not all representatives of the peoplef who cannot be esthfied,. with doinz their duty as delegates, oy- confining themselves wiihjn their consti tutions) limits, be dismissed as dangerous. to the liberty of the people I The institu tion of onr government.'' so wlt'eljr".' . framed, that the people possess and eier. cHe atl power t and H lses much out of tho province of v representative of. the , people to assume any power not ceiegs- . ted, as it would be for the president of the United States to assume tbe government of foreign nation. Respectfully, ;. j ..... A- CONSTITUENT. P. S." As you hsve not taken any notice of the interrogatories on the aame subject, by; me joyouii my last letters, m your reply to tbem, r4deem It neeessarylo make - tl4s enmmwiication -pviblic, as to that tribunal you jtLcertainly f ppeal for justification of your conduct, if you have acted uptight as i representative. A C. 9KI8VAIIT 3 IS25. . Fctlvo-Gtiirnt t When addressed the Constituent's letter to the Hon. Lewi Williams," It was not ray intention to p fiear again before the public as r writer, n shy name, either reel or, fictitious.. Two reasons Induce me again to take ip : mrflrThe-CrsC ;ioa rK J p graphlcsl error took place in hepnW- tion ol the abov tettejrau should ha . c.Vfctt--:.The : second reason is, h T v.nii aiicaiia 4 am imiikcu J Ilia wrilCP of the above letter, and have been charged with doing' it from prejudice,' and not : from principle. " The charge of prejti dice I submit to a csndiJ public for a dfe ciniou end do-pledge, meracityrtbat the quotations' from Mr., Wllliama' let- " tera and public declaration, ay stated io wily elated ;end.jn the course of the Mr. lowing observalon erpect to satisfy.Jhe Sftn$i4Aeanet-ihauMr mny others, are not worthy auboc confi' dence rr nosed in ihtm ai representatives If Mr. Williams can convince' you on conslituiional principles; that it was pror t-crjuriMtn io oppose caucos nominations, ; ai one time, wit h all Ms ffstrenRlh.llnli at anothenime to Juplhepi wUh hlFeroqoenteri km i eady to Taubirino" the above charge, t Judge of his motives from abatement Mr Williams makes In one of is letters now before me, M I ex. postulated with the members from Nory ' Caroline, end told them it was bettef fesolve upon supporting ", fir, Crawrord for president atalUiaxardsyf d"" make our inferences from xuch declare' - uons.. Before Ibrocted, let me refer to- jruffjrhlchi m all tfor decisions vit56trt"rulesrnd obscrvedr thee can bo rw - just goyernment. -, Take the. holy aenp- tures iny our right hand, the bock of con atitutions In yonr left hnnd, then jppejjil;. to HIU; wbd holds tha acepire of univcr- aal dominion, who has promised to give . . wisdom io tfibe that seek it, and discre- ticnjOLtho.ise, thai you will be directed - by those ri!ea in all your concern', both I. It' t..'-.!..l,- r 1..' .religious; civil, end; political. Then pro ceed to try ell controversies and opinions of men, ak those controrersies oropift" opift- WM:;,may.ncefSjf whaX Is "not expressly or -fairly jrnpliedf in 4 tht boysuUseavltfeetetT forwwe--- pwn s,ttfejy, and the Jtafeiv of-tfjo commu-i hltf it largeTcl'scre'iton fol-Hida to hiedclfe; ; " wiunrnnerjaa cuizei .o.r.SLXeia HWrs.T The 'iuitif. ''you fiolifw -yo:right: -handy contains the true "pTihclpleon which all moral and- just rwvemment is founded. The hook" you i hold in your left: hspd, :1 points not to you, in so many words, the k: Form of youfr-politlcal.. government, ami towbom tberjiowere of government ben. long,, and now contejred, and tp wooni conferred, and also wbenconferrcd.roake h powers, by tonfoiiodlng one d.elega,- ": powerwixh another, there fer'e, ketpT" litm : fofide error i eerns, pleei cri nc regan if we too I in pi ny do ples ment csum pulU pastt esndl ike i of n jnahi to th (Jatei your cxer just emit read tivei the i the prta oftt Jure with I C elec dent shot oflic met dep thei clei pur eist got tioi hot anc cot pre etc eT ah tiv tlc dei eat epi evi fb In de svl th ft! of r se fe h Ki -K

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