u !(l s , r.r, "ir , k . It ii: lif tin a Utaf ef nd, WW thr tip ear; Vetk tr. 11 it to: J KDor ttioh ict- ' tw etbe (lift I ar R6 c ef- feet thr Off" t: rnt, in; )iir rt." oa " nt f. 7 ' Ire la nd ill m If n, it; " it Uir f.cl anj by mtnSer f (ha rVmth Cartha Kiiceinjimeot tof Knights Tcniplm, to of which ho replied Ifl Ml utual ItKjueal end epp.oprme ram her, . - An ptihlU Dinner, on Tuedjy , lot 1 tornptimentsry 10 Itit tener.l being gl en. he rose, end, esprinij hi grate fol acknowledgments lo fbe citizen of ?'Chsrcaton, gate the following beautiful V rerpetuslind ever Increasing prosperl . if lo the CI17 M Charleston, where ' .American recruit received a first bhmlng, od whlchshall hsve the M wishes o( .. grateful veteran. y Yplendld, the fne it enumeration of the various decorations occupying a column T? Of the Charleston pspers. Auout'Jtlrr' A ' Anrfrrrf di" er preeeot the number CI gonwemcjl IKn aia ' " Oft Thursday lest, at 13 o'clock, the V Ceoeral left Charleston on boird tbt Stesm boat Henry bbulis, on bit way to , Savannah, where preparations were mak ing to receive Mm In s splendid manner. , . ,Tho 14 It wherever this great and good -men U expected. Thus may it ever be Ju arUh the briTe end virtuous.,;. r , 1 ' Carotin Obtrvrr. , X -' It- it welt known that LtraTtTTii when he came to dclUcr North A merles from foreign jokci debarked firuon uraboresfintbe vicinity of this city." It ' ) not a well known, but It la lingular winclJence, that Cft. BotiTifet on hia i$j to tablevt the Jltertlea of South America h the year 1814, landed Era! lo Charler.oDi from vctael from France. , cftaa. Courier. " Amohr the Itema of Intellitrfnce rt calveo'by ibelatorrTvala'irbrn Eniiland, ; we oouct the toIolog a Mtuf a high If Iftportaot bcariog upon the trade of .ihla eouatrr 1 ; Mat. Jjur. , , Prict tronVf beaf from Birmio ban that considerable Inconvenience h " felt there from the great and aoddeo riao of the price of Iron. The price it now ' ocb m nwi nf 10 vnake ompeil(io . , itR foreign manufacturer difficult, but to render tbe emotion of large orders which have been actually piven, irapoe .sible Jmoenae order from ' foreign egenHT-opecia!ljr- from-Amerlca,ha been made at a price at which, from ' the " rcKnt price of iron, the goods cannot ba aapplied. ' . , T - lYool Trade Thirteen pence per lb. was tbo current price at which most of ' t the wool (for corabipg purposes) vj sold -4Miiw-a-a4ane-epnpe-4 toot ce.v A5out three" "wt?ekf -iainco , 1 $d. i offered a week ofter I C.I. j and now ISd. h the general p ice, one or two individuals hating obtained well up to .19 J.; the advance has been so rapid and 'sudden that the grower have been taken robtr bf surprise t end be P'ent feel ine appears to be In favour of much high er price; as very little of the vli stock is Jl3 VirKtil and North CaroUa Con- Tie Hon.' William Jl. Crawlord. lata f.rence commenced it lt Setaion h'Keeretare cf iha Treaiur.l.n .M. ,1,. Otftird, N. C. 00 February Hth, and j yeerday morning accompmled by bU concluded on ' Wednesday the $1 of, family , for his rctldence in Caorrla. It la Impottilila to Use, le of one, who has served so long lo'lhe councils of hit country, in situation of high trust, and in times of great puUlc aitibarraasment, Ithout reeling anme degree of sadness ant) sdrrow at the reflection, that we may have seen him for the hit time.' Mr. Crawford retires. from service, we be- iieve, with a fortune by no neana ample. inn witft constitution conildarsUy im paired by the ravages af severe and long continued Jec. The lnhaWtaota of tkls city who havo fad the hardiness td"lnow him In lt domestic and socJal circle, will long lave caose to regret the necessity of bie departure from among HI.; " ' ' : : Journal. , It Is understood that a Court of Inqui ry is about to be Instituted, at the re quest of Commodore rorter, to investi gate bis conduct in regard to certain mat ters referred to in letters af Mr. Randall and Mr. Mountain officially transmitted to Congress at the last Motion, touchinr the transportation of specie, by vassals of the United statee, fcc. We have not heard when or where the Court is to as semble. Concerning the Fstarde affair which was made the occasion of the Commo dore's recall, we base not heard of any thing further, except thai it Is to undergo Investigation. . ' , - . Waiting the official reports on these tubjettSf we shall only new eipress oar hope, rtnst they will redound to the credit of the Commodore, and to th joy of his many and sincere IrtendaAi. Jour. March, 1 8T3. Iljtliou Souit cfIf attcn fled, riutwlihsunuinir the wcatiier ws exceedingly .incltment, the boucs 0 worship were crowded. The following are the appointments of the Preachers for the preient yesr, vis I . ' Jamrt Blwr Mlrir-CUI LS4. f . t. kchmorxt-Jo-ph Coft , V i'.liawtst John Katr. I,' Ooweavtrf R. Drake, Yf. A.'lmith. - Itirhrttr Wm, llubani. Abner rrdtd. ' Colubi-;eo. W. S. Harper, Juha II. W it sob r ' ' ' - . ClpKranJTI)daey,. U ajIaai J. , Ambvrrt Moi Brock ' " AUtrrin DitiHrt-U. V. Lai.a, P. B lneaburgoVTai. Lelflk. feterabiirf-l. W. CliArttott. Jtedford VTas. If. ttvr, L. B. Jenee,' : DuckinghaaJno. Tbompawi. CrtatJW G. M. Amltrson. ' Sltcknburr Jm. Imitn. Wm, B. Moes. Brurkk R. B. fo rr, ftiilip Anderson.. . Amelia llaary Any. Mml. Tempkina. ChesterfleldJ. C. Ballev, D. Kobcrta. Xrftk Ditrlet-B. Davtar, f, B. ' Norfolk Tkoa. CrowdVr. ' PortaAotitb Ovtrtoo- Bernard. ' rrineets Ann T. A. Ward, Thtron: Iff, htnnn, . Bams Joakle Lane, Was. Holme. , lurfrtfortiH IteniMt T. Blake CMtaWaddeM iohwoe. . Suffolk and Surry Wm. Peeblc. YiOcim Ikxrictlm I &, P. K, ' CnurviUe-U'iiriam Compton, John Taner. taker. ' - . . . , . ' Bawiter Oro. KoHey. . v Frktia -it Lea. ... . YadkimCbriatopbwr Thomas. IredcO-Janw steed. . SaliabiiTT ktobeft WHkinfM.. ... ' Cuilford Bufua Wilie. - rarwelt Jams Letrli. HtlbbnraurH Tbna. Imar. Jf AaWrt Ta Hawass, P, fU' jtevocrft Uraw A. Baia. ....... Raleigh City Wm. tmmttt Rilfij-ti circuit TUo. K. Brune. Trent Curtii llooki Toom3 Inlet Batij PWd. Beaufort ami fHraiti Thoa. Canard. Black river D. O. Rhattock. Tar rirer-C. P. W'itnrjooa. Haw rUet Jacob IIUL Jttmnk IHrtActll. House. P E. .. Kook P, DoUb; Jas. De VVaahifltion Jos. Carle. -Swift creek and Albemarle Sound Samuel Hairoll, Ab. HarrolL Matttrnvkeet and Banks Benjamin Ldirr. Jno. D. Holfead. Camden BcntntTfieTd. Kdenton Jai. Morriaon. Cmftrrnn Miimty .John Farty. BiokvptVi'm. McKendree, P.noeh Ceorgt, Bobt, K. Roberm Joabua Souk, fclijh Hed dif. fineritnuattJV. Brace. C. B. Moorinp.Tho. Uanu, Jobai Ltttimore, ttoanuel Carrad, ttmX Ihinter. fJTtTTEW.LK MWtonk 54. Cotton, 16 a 17i fltxir, line, 4 s 4 i toperCne, 4 toil wb-at,MwoUaejct. U,kr,32 a it I , pt aen Dn.Kiy, yj a Si 1 apple do. 41 lo 4 J eor. 4J to 30 1 baeori. J J a 0 1 alt, Turk Uuui, 6) 7 J per buili. auifuMi, 2 a iO) tofr,ma- ""wi. a iu 1 eon re, prime, girt a, w a 31 1 31 and 1 quality, 16 a IV 1 tea, la ton, f,l 2U a 1 35 1 llkuetd. W a 021 1 Ullow. 0 a 7 1 brews. 33 a 3J 1 tt j I to 4 per 100 lit. 1 iron, 3 1 to 6 nr. 100 lb. 1 Mcc kit 3 a 3 i aaaWacUiNd, I a aypr.u . . 4 ;t cmniRSTOx 7mczs, jiw :i. . ' Cotton, g, ItUad, 30 to 50, mWJ do. 14 to SU SHine aod Itwitr. M 10 31 1 abort a , 13) a 18 j eta.t Wbiikey 20 a 21 Bcon, cU.l!ama,l a S lrd, B a ld ttfVnr, uuiirtt aodlavemraa. f 41inO,).22&3l Col. fee Prime Green, 18 a Vft M. to good, 15 a 17. rioruxarobna uana uiiia, Zl a 3 per Or wt. oia.) eorgia iuqk unit, if a z per sent, oil Cetfa. Buainet having been generally ouw pended tbrowirh the week, but few sale of Cot ion were enectod, mm iiioae pajeraity et tne priccaof the preceding week, at which rate we continue our quotations. But the favorable news by (he Mary Catharine, which reached aa on Saturday afternoon, win undoubtedly cauae an Improvement la uplands to What esteat cannot be known until the commencfment of the coming week. Seven or eight hundred bales eichangod hamlaon Saturday ovvainr, before these accounts were promulfated, at 17 and IS ceuta.- .. CWmt. AMSiicA otiss The Baltimore American mentions a curious and elegant specimen of Amerksa industry and talent from the glass-making estsblishment of Messrs. OakewelTf Fare, and Bake well, of Putsburp, It consists of .cut-glass tumblers, the bottom of each of which, by a very Ingenious process, is imbedded an excellent likeness of some distinguish ed American citizens, at Adsms, Jackson, La Fayette, fcc. . Tbo likeness U formed of a composition having the appearance of silver, and ahhonghprewnted in bold relief,' tJry part of it 1i' enclosed in lb solid glass, and is conseiucnily indelible. - rt. We learn that the tame Court of In quiry, which is to be instituted et the re quest of Com. PoftTKA, to inquire into deu, WilKam J. Wafer. Ceo. Kofly. Wfltlini A nmitb, 1 heron W. Newmaa, Jvnea Dey, John D. Iloletead. Ltafd T, Muire, E.Sparka, J. r. Andrews, Joo. Mails W. D. Goode; The next Conference will be held in Ports, mouth, Va. to commence Feb. 15tb, 1826. - notrie the pomssionof ihr irrewersi- Lerdt Jilertury. . . Trade end Commerce. We understsnd, savs the Manchester Courier, that, within ; he:ii. ei many of . the pnncipsl -jnannfictureri t:l5lion have drned - the- wssree of their wravera la. per cut. Messrs. Ormrodn4 Hardcaatleare now paying 9s. iochi S yarda in length t this insv '-'be T considered the medium fabric. .Wkhin tbo . Uat 3'r weeks, abort - wools-! have risen from 30 to 40, and long wools from. 10 to (SO ner cenf!. with cverr ncos- peer 01 ariner aavaocc. r vi roue qwence of this; bJankets and, indeed aJl snoods made from the coarser kinds of our native fieecet? have. already. risen fully 10 per cent, with cloths, the product of comb edwoor, have experienced n advance-of very nearly double the amount. Iron -'hss again advanced'.. It ia nuw Rouble the price h was In Dec. 1823., In the London msrket, extensive pur-"nohases-of Toba cttr have-been inade w speculation, at- an advance on ;the lower ualnle of from: forty- to B Wf pertcenU The Enet. qualities have also advanced considerably.';, ,.1,,:',...... .....',' At Liverpool the Cotton mprket had again become animated ' The aales for tie 3 days preceding the 16th, consisted of 16,774 bales, at. an advance in price of SfTrtiFfnff-tu'T fhef advance-wos epected.;;-:'":'-T-' JLctracl tfa letter ti the Editor, dated at Hatvna, - v :, ttkbt - ; "The late and presentralns are sjupar- lc4tft;thr Inhabitants,' Car"thiricBMn" - LaitweeVwe b 3t a of; b silf the cbly one, I; believe, since that noted in the Al- macacs, aa having fallen Jbrty-two years ago, and tkked tip ieveril as large as 2hCSl:of'W losses sustained By rante r are incaltula.- hle. and.Ahe crop ol Sugar, will' fall im- rnensely shori of jven tbo . limbed quanr " ty which, had some time since been ore seen. Coffee, of course fs in thevsatne predicament. Chat. Courteri . It appears by , official Jtatrments that the revenue of Great BriuitH for J834, amounted to the enormous sum of 54,- 36,192 pounds steeling, or S4 l,04,T42 the trsnspenstion of peci,"kc, will also" be inatructed to inquire into hia conduct in the affair of Faxardo. -We have not yet heard who a re. to compose the Court, or when i( is to convene. Ml. Intel. What a change in the Agricultural avatetn. and what adiflVronr nf fnt a few yeisUv.pucod U thiart hit,lio conteroplsOoaiocalcbrst the JWt have been requested, ssys the Catawba Journal, bf a number of revolu tionary wort hie a, and others, to mention, Jlttrrtrt, In Charlotte, en Thntwday evening loot, by the Rev. Farnuol C. Caldwell, air'. Brmfcy OaUs, to Htm Ljdta Lowry. , N . On the 10th uh, U Nortbamptra county, N. Carolina. Andrrw K, Covon. t. atooaboe f Congrca froaa South Carolina, to alias Mary t Jona. ' tisiof Ittcri nrVIATNINO lit ttie HH Office at faTlil.utf, K. C. April lt, J8J3. i'm. T. Amtmoa l-rarl Kcleblm, tq, SUrr rrt Atllaoe HnlCrrll Jam Alesaadar , WJlam Ataian4e fieo. W. Amlenoai Vounr W. AUesuf John Afey, Ben. f " Michael AlbrifUt Jul AtbHt4 - Hfory AUaog Peter Are ;eef Adam. Nicholaa BarinrcC VrSrntkAo Uoedkdad Jacob kuru Hicharr! Krrr ' ' llarril SJmbM. ' , Uarprot U.ke. Jolia findiay, f lam. Lewia ' llatbew lAcke tamUnwor ' Vm. I.mk Job lcke, . Daniel HcCinti'ia, f llaa.a Stog in llrnry si.cbael f 4urcn Bates. 2 , Ikirfea L, Red - ln, Sf Netty rt avas4.TW4M iossv-.Maar ; "Hi Uo UtUry John Bsvbcf y.fr -jt-f ay i The United States Board of Engineers for Jnternsl Improvement, are probably now on their war for the purpose of saminlng'tW-aeveraJ Rofltcs wet Ween Washington and New-Orleans, with e view of selecting the most eligible loca tion for the great Mttional toadV Gen. Derosrd and the Members of the Board, will pass through this place, and the eth er Capitals of the Southern States, and probably return on the other aide of the mountains ' - - - - XMfk Jtefl "- Intelligence of the acknowledgment by Great Britain of the Independence of Colombia wae-received at -Canhageaa before lh lSXh luThe Mawjuis Mag - nan had also arrived there with importsnt despstcbes for the Colombian Govern ment, from r ranee. 1 bo Seat of lov eroment of Colombia has been removed bf a decree, from Bogota to Ocana, until a city, to bear the name of M Bolivia," ta selected. Aof. Journal. Suaanan Benaton Kandt Bowling- Wllflam Butler " C0I1 Julia Brando! SotoflMM Bosk Jr. Bird ' Abel Cowan Jaases Chambers Sarah Cowaa) Ceorrr Colk Chris. J. Ctrwan Joieph Crtne rainta tonrr, j llarvcv Ca Moaea CUvbrook John ClorfiVltcr. Martha Ca'ko ' Daniel Canie. Abraliara Davio John Davis, 3 Obedlab Davio Aquila Davenport Corydoa Dyer Was. Donald, Wm. Edwards RoUo ruitta Abraham Kary trfOrp Eajrla Joho Lmtry.. Thomas Footer John planer Xmo Agnee Mcfircfe ! ; -Ma Hover . ' " Crwre sillier ' . ' iJubetk) Martin, 2 Jamea MtKeely , , Bev , Jame llorrben Powet J4eRra Mry M. McMea John D. Moaa Jol a Maarer. W ikby Nlrfiolt . ( Petrr Newton. ot!ub Owen. ' leberr a Plnkattfl ..Jacob Pool A . Ilariet Prince Jamea Powel AaarMh Pf rk, 2 Ba.-br rickler " 11irma, parson J.S.Prsrao Betaef Pel . fcheneft-r Parka ' ' Mary Price. Jama Itoarborougll TJeanor Kobinaon John Rendkinaw . Jamea W. KaoMy, Caff. CStrmr Kicbard bhavor X Pec'r. Freeland Lodre. Leroy Smart Charle Glorer Joha SiwrpsoS) Accounts from Willed"gevlHef (Ceo state that the Creek Indiana are in a stsfb of great disturbance, in consequence 01 the late treaty. Great fears are enter talned of a civil war if the treaty is rati fied -Cheelev Mcintosh hss been stsb- bed 1 and the life of Gen. Mcintosh, his father, is threatened. ib. ptfcuTa7ly6ulbrtbe-P the' Southern Farmers are now Cotton Planters, on a less or larger scale. In considering how much money has flowe Into (he Coffers of the Planters? and con seouenily been dispe rsed tbeutthout tTe un)onT wo cannot but recollect to cherish the triembrv or the late Eli Whitney Esq who, in the invention of the Cotton Gin opened, t source of- we sit b to tbe-Unian, of which M million unborn will reap the benefit. 00 little has been thought o tfioso advantage 7 i Saf com paratltfelf f evr persons axe acquainted with the name o the man, who contributed to their pros perity. .We are led to these rcmsrka by a knowledge of the extent which is every f ear jpjresdwg.wjder in this State. Virginia is also sttcmptinjr lo.tultivste to advantage,', whst. Provi dence has so bountifully rendered eon genial to the soil oi more Southern Statee.-4- '- Raleigh Rettrrr Tnttrnatmjirewm Committee, in the Legislature of New' York, have reported, that,4f inexiedi- enl 1$ make any alteration in the ate$ment and collection of tare et firobably tatet mil in a thort time be entirely ditpoted ttrith." Let the aceptical on this impor- BnEiuDie furthermore be assured, that Internal Int' firovemeht is the true Philosopher's stone, which sooner or later will convert what ever it touches into tangible property. dollar sr of the Declaration of Independence bv the citisens of Mecklenburg, on the 20tb of May, 1775. - The celebration wil take place in this town j and the revoluj nonary vmcwra ana soiuicrs m omer counties-are particularly requested to join with their compatriots here, in the com memoratioh of an event so honorable to the jsirinum of North:Caroltna in the time which tried men's souls. uXnlfA&nrlZti was fateTy stated that property to the amount of two millions of dollars came into the port ol New-York in one day t and that, during 48 hours, eighty-three vessels arrived Isere frpm sea. In the Dstly Advertiser published in that city, .00 the loth Inst we counted one hundred and ninety-seven new advertisements, and In the same pa per of the 18th, one hundred and sixty- two: we did not tee a paper of the T7th bufKbavelb three day exceeded five hundred. This is exclusive of auctioneer-adertise-ments that occupy about tbreetloae col umns each daj. Aut. Jour. The first export of wool from England ior 100 cemurica, iook place in Acccm- - . 1 - -i r: . z.. t ex pou eu. ia. inis country 4 . me ex port ,01 wool hss been prohibited for two hundred years in England, until the last session of Parliament, when bill was passed allow in the export of wool on the psf ment of dujy of one peony; per pound t unctet this act the above export look puce.. :; .-Jmer, farmer. A-prinler i Franct has been condem ned to two month's intprisonment, and 2hef4eoYof ; despotism-ii endeavoring at--w---7-W :T -z . a :--rr S-'1 Z.- 1 . SL i roirampie on ine rrgnts 01 inejnnaM- tants pt Cubat but the spirit of inquiry it awake and it is easy to predict, that a fofnwittss tending powers. "The public" prims tort' uJaoU;cxee jdated Jx CaptainJGenenLof Vives, catablishtng Military committee, whote duty it Is to arrest and try all per sons suspected to be mSravorable to the beloved. Ferdinand and his government ! This decree is grounded upon the Royal decree of last yearr issued by the King, the more effectuallr to preserve bis do minions in America from the horror and rum with which they are menaced by the tfuioyaif spirit qf loform " , was-the4 expression be used i M At last a freeman mounts the throne. 1 he Attorney General said that the king wat more than a man, and the jury confirmed it. The funeral of the late kin of France is said to hive cost the nation about 400,- 000 dolls. The sum would pay..the1sala- r' rf tM firpiVr.t tf th fJ? SHitwa 4. teea fears. ' " Letters from-Marseilles inform, that 1 the, frrnrh goasrninewt have 4ate4y imposed an additional duty on the im portation of Wool, . in consequence which, and of the increased demanda for woollen fabrlcks,;,fine .wools bed riun 30 per cent.. in Ue montb of January ' : ' Malt. Patriot. From Havana- Capt. Forbes, of the ship-F absus, wholarrired , last evening states, that martial law wsa declared at IIstaus.ftn lhe-i.thJoat.jtnd that all news papers and lettera from the United States were closely examined previous to their delivery. Passengere arriving; without passports were imprisoned. The rsins had prevailed some lime, and much sugar was destroy tow. Adv. Clock & Watch HealTing. 4 A ROW WOOLWOBTn takes this method lIl to acquaint the citixena of tfaliabury, and the ajaeent country, that ha baa opened a shop in this place, on Maih-etreet, a few doors eutidi of the' Coiirt-lfouattrf the room BdJorruntf'MiC' ijUJiwU.rtoeo..sJietehtij pcrBF.td tq jrpair au Kinaa at n micnti aiia vMcra, ana warrant them ta perform weO for twerre months. He bkewwe win repair all kud or CM and aitaw w, In a seat, careful maimer, aad oa . sort liberal torn. . .: llo aoliciu aabare of palmare from the pK . He, in hi line of buatheas r and only aaks a fair trial, as he fcela aaaured that he can satisfy an reaaonahic cxpectaUon, In all Job in the above ousineoa. l461 SaMthtm. Feb. 16, HT25. EsSstoorw ril HE)bbcr;brr ui. C Love. deed. THE ihbcribrr listing quafified u adminU trator on the estate of William C. Lve. dccU at February sesaion 01 Rowan county oi reQoeta all moh MaciMmS tate to jnake payment lonnwitit 1 ana ail per sononaving denwiKUajfaint tnc same, topreaent tlitru f'r lettlnntnt within the time prescribed by tew, or this notice Will be pled in bar. Kiiwu. sAnui(uuiH,.Mi)rr. .tfareA 8, 1825. US llcim of AVilliarn Foy, 20 3U0 fli VR jiotV. llial bv tha death of JVIra. afa. "JL ry 'I'honauoii,' a tract of uTioTTlPRowan lrfirr-ftAfcrifrvtand county, N. C. on the South Yadkin river, m which the aaul Mary 1 bomaaon, dee'd. wu set. sed of a life estate, reverts to the heirs at law of the snkl villijim Foy, dee'd. : , yoti or your leitat representatives, are jherefpre retntested to 'fume forward and establish Your claim to suit aTm&BXJiaWknD'aaL : AAfr. Hm. tor, dee'd. March 28, 1895. t5d. ; .A rter Bpo( and Slioc Shop flnf. wriseribeT bera leave to-inform hi JLoejdv.ipJJibjei ha opened a Doot and Shoe sbop, in the house tminediatelpMce th tenda carrying on the1 above business, in all its various branches s hia work ahull be well execu ted, and his materials of the best quality. He hope by Iris application to business and desire to please, to gain a part of the public patronage. W ll.l.lAI j . UIIAUf IL.1.U. iSallttmrplMurth 21, 1825' ' 50 -J Oak k Criffla) Bich'd. Qlktmle Mr. E. N. father Larkia CrifBs) Wm. Gibooa Jane Carriac Moaes Graham fdaiaO.Oaither' Mr. Hurt fUnry IliO narrarot Halt, S Wf M. HirU1gtl iasnet Hendricks Jesse Hotmea Dourla Haded John Hams' TTade HBiptdrl- 1 hoBiaa liendricka Wevtley llarria Ibcb'd. Harris JctoHadow -Savnl HagWy Abbey Harris Joha Hitt Brj?n Hotchki. J fositua Hadoa EDesur Ilotchklas v- John Hiotte. Lew h) Jacobs Dorcas Johnston. Henj. ttSMtk- Mr. Sarah Shaver Martin (peaks F.rartu owiitk) . Tobias Smith Artbdr Smith John Steel ' Samltanith ' Thilo Smith ovP. 8f hlerly John BimrMoa : Ite. Sanders' Archibald Stoks Christian Tare John E. Telfair Jo. E. Todd." - lwisVtxman.--John VaiU Jotenh William Jas. weant Sarah Wamack Jbtm Walton OeorK Willi . Mr. WeatliBf -Thosv Wamackr JohnorCak-b Webb lawreneo TAUUaSuf J. E. H ilCa. ' fiarna Yoong. 3154 8AUUF.L REEVES, T. kf. a w r itfn wm-y ...... aJ M MM 4MXX the beneftt and encourafement of ME auaOSU, aa the Waateiw part of 3f6Kb Carflliaasv" - Sthrmr. Ii8d TICKETS, AT g3 EACH. jfor Tiro JtLivrs to ji rntzs i 1 Prise of 500 dollars (a Pliaetotf and Cottoft & ...... Saw Gin) isZ500 1 do. J0OO (Fsmily Coscb) " ia 300 " 1 do. R250 (Ciisr) i 2.0 I do..R180 (doA , J k m I do. 130 (do.) U 130 dowSlOOiaide Board and Cotton Daw rffi-CiM ,7, liI.20a ... 9 do, RW 1irg anr! l-wk-H1r 3 do. ( Bedstead) H " 40 3 do. gl4 (a set of Tables) is 41 3 do. RI3 Windsor thaira) "is 24 3 do. 10 (two Ladies' Work Tables anal one Pembroke) is 30 1 - do. Rfl (Hollows top Cradle) is 6 10 do. Ro (6 Ploughs. 8 8Uet Lamnv and . 2 Lard Cans) is 60 10 dovT K5 Uafc) 0 . . - . jo 5a - RSlCsririfrifandV ti - T dtt;':-R3-rr(do.T-; - it -'3 : do. RJ. (do.) is ,0 do. &2 (25 east steel Axes, and 25 pair 431 do. ur oo Shoe1! Sheriffy Tiir J)euds, for Jnnd sold bv ShrrifTn for- arrear of forte, f.,r ale t the 'Carolinian' yp7 ' ; Vl3"w77n -'3ufa' "r Ticket cart b had in Clrarlette of the under, rned Commissioners by fetter, portafe Daid. inclosing the money xorfrooj their Siriywryi-' StateWtliConej-law Vorkville or lancaer 1 who pledre themselves Y t- pay Uvo nna 'as- et fcrHi- in-the -scheme. thirty dya after the crawinjr, or refund the " hioner to putrhew of ticket, provided the scheme mall not bo drawn. 8AM'I HENDERSON ' GKEEN KKNDKICK, f jno. nnvn. R. Fsplanatory Hand Hills can be hadf the Commiriqiyra. 41 . Printing of every description. IIROMT PLY executed at this office, in a iyla . of workmanship corroaponding wire (he imjeYenwiurs of je sinve. .1 'f -1 ..J , i :..K ... 1 1 .CP . .

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