i . -- i - -- r 1 t 11, 0 VOL. rcmi wsitir Er HIILO WWTE. . jriu.v ia einsc., , Ot .! - ...ufj uuui ... nVi . A ltrurmtU will b bwartad tt My Mtrt I n ; n't I rm r.ramseruon, aaa iwui-u t -All t-f-rs ! lre4 Utii.EJUor4git I -a4 or titcy tiU not la attended to. I r f - f Aa Act to tr ml the tlm for tht sttilrwM W ' i ttrivntfl Und el.Jrw la tlx tamtorv of nond, to rankle h the rxtaarvation of (m pubbc Anlurrt In said Unitary, and A U reW of John Jetimon. - ff enacted if Iht Senate and lloute of Kefiretentativet of the United Stain if America, in Conrrett attembled, That, hen the Secretarr of ibt Treasury shall - bt satisfied that Job a Johnson, of Indians', " dl enter, tt tht Brookvllle Land Office, 1 in'saU 1!;;, the cut half of tht noftb- . 5t quarter of lection thirtj-five and the mil i.ulf cf tha northwest nastier of tec tldrj tlrty-six, ia' township seventeen nonk, in rang four, tut, by mistake, in '"f Llv5fM hi'f ef'tht sowhfMi "Wtt C..rt.r u .rt ., II U lawful for i patent to issued to lb a! J Jihn Joboaoa for tbt two laat tneo lloned half outrun, to Intended to t t otercdi oo kit relinqultbioz to lb Uoi tad Siaiei hit Interest is, Bad turrender inr I ho patent lnued for, th two firtt mentioned half quarters in aucb manner 7i ibatt it directed bjr ibt Secretary of the TrtMurjr. , ; ' . Sec; ,3. And hllurtht mattedt Tjitt tbt CommUUooen appointed tottcertalo claim and tilltt to land io East Florida, kti tnd tbtf art hertbn tothoritrd to contlnto their aeaaion until tbt Erst Mon- - day of January, bat thousand eight bun dred jmd tentr-s!xi under tbt-tamt ' r laws, ordinances ) tnd regulations, hereto . fort ssublithed for their jfoterntnent ' N Sec. 3. And it it further enacted, Tbst ' to reuch of tha act, entitled An tct to 7XTtii;t).d tber lltnr limited for, tht - settle- tnent of prirate iaol claims In Flo. ld,'ii " renders void all claims to land In said ter ritory, not filed oa or be fort tht first day f September", oo thousand eight bun -dred and twenty-four, Be, wrt ttm li hereby, repealed, and it htl be lawful for claims to be filed before tht Board of 1 ,'CommiBiioners In East Florida, iny time "jwlor toih'o.firsi day of, -No ember, out . thouwod eight hundred and twenty fire. li.iStc'4. Aid be it further enatttd, That tbere shall be tppolnted two additional Clerks to tbt Eoard rCommittioaers of Et Florida,' to each of whom shall be -'- allowed thetsuni.of 'seven hundred dol- - fort, to bo paid quarterly by tht Tressu- - ttroftbt United States. , . , - i . ;Sec IrAnd r iurArrrrtffr-That f chof tht Corammioners appointed for tht examination of ciattns in-East FIori . V- 'da, bo allowed st tht rate of twotbouaaod .7 dotturs per tnnom, in full for their servl- oil Untted States, put of any money in """" the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated j Provided, however, That no on of said Commiionera shall bt entitled to draw nyt"poili6n of the compensation hereby al and faithful pert rmance ot too duues required of him. -tote, .AKdhe:H farther vwet i . it shall be the duty of the. Utt Commit ; " sioners for the examination of titles and ' claims to lands in West Florida,' and of -...their Clerk, to deliver to tht Register one Receiver -of tht Land. Ofnct for tbt -WetterB Land District of Florjdaiall ft- coi rTa, c'Ttdence, arid papers; tn lbo pos v aession of them, or either of thm relat ing to said titles and claims. ; And it shall ZM; Jbejutyiof-said (Kegitter.and wjl: ceiver to examrne and decide on all titles and il Jmi to land in "West FIortdi,ot heretofore decided upon by said Com xnittioners, subject to the limitations and it ,"in conformity with the provisions of tht V acts of Congress beretolore passed on .L'titiubJtciVvr;r"r tht several claimants of . land, in said 01 . I I T" . I ' "1 1 1 -rti riir1,...i... I .. tru.1, wncic viaima u.u uvi uccii ucicw ' .J. T a T...I. W 1 .1 - fore decided on,' be permitted to file their V claims, n4 tha rviifance In support "of r'i them, with tbt Register. tnd Receiver of aaid District, at any time befort the first rdsyTbf November next, vrhoso 1 duty it iijjiall be t6'report'tVe';iiiamew v cision tWeon,; to tne , Secret a"r'y Of "thi" " " Treasuryi on or befort the first day of . tltV MWA...VrfJIUIl , - w -' ' f tne tsia negater ana ucgcitct iohm -"powtr'' to appoint their Clerk, and pre 'Xfth cribo his duties, and who shall bt allow- i ' ' in...! .L..II t.... 'j f.A. n full enmnentation Tor hit kervices. . the sum of eight hundred dollars and ' . n aaid KegiTr indetetver shaH-aci-U tviijowed the sura ofl ope thousand dollars ... . .. . t-. for tht performtoct oftlit coiks re4r cd of them hy tUS ci,wwcB t i rv.t(icr, tod tiiiir Cltrfe, tui r anrmoner In tbt rreattrr.rtotoiharwlM torupleicd, and tbt report approved by tbt secretary oi titt lreatory - 8ee, ?, And h' tj further matted, , TJal Iflt. Pycsldc.rtt. of, tht United State k, artd ha.ii hereby, authorised to appolot two officers, to bt called tht Kpr of the rubucArcbivet to the Ttrritory-of x Jonas, ont tf whom thill keep bit met at St. Aofoitine, in Etit Florida, and tht other at Penucola, in West Florida. . Sec. 10. And he it further enacted,' Thtt tbt said o dicers shall tack girt bond and security in tht turn of twenty thousand dollars, for tht sfe keepUf and preier- vstlon of the said Arcbirct, sod for the faithful performance of tht duties of their retpectivt offices, and tbt transla tion of such of tht records snd documents ts art hereinafter provided for, tod that each reccirt a salary of firt hundred dol lars to be piJ quarterly from the Trea sury cf tht United States. ' " Sec. II. And be it further enacted, 1 rut cotd of all tbe Spanish records and docu mentsdruvtrtd In by I them, and havinir reiaiioa so sana claims aenvea irons tne Sptnith and British Coternmtnts, dis tinguishing snd keeping separately those which re'ate to rrints madt within Ine districts of Baton Rouge, Mobile nrfrth of. latitude thirty ont, tnd thoseiosdt wltMtrihtTwtsenr hmhs xf FloridaV complete deKtiptivt litt of each of which translations and records, when completed, shall bt forwarded to the Secretary ir it Treasury, . and l ho said ofTicers shall, Mve rally, bo tniiid to receive from the Treasury of the United states, on the completion of tbt work, 'compensation at tbt rate of ten cents for each hundred words by them translated and recorded. Sec. I J. And he it further enacted, I Hat tbt said officers shall make out and dellv er t6 . individual applicsntt, copies' or traoLUonaOhrjlocqmems Intheir uid offices, on being paid for tht" same st tht rata of six and out fourth ctnt for each hundred words. 7 Sec. 13. and he it further enmettd, Thtt tht sertrat sums or monty nereby appro priated shall bt paid out of any money in tbt Treasury, not othrYwlto appropriated. ' ciju, Ipeaker Houtf fBf preset. Utire.. - ' . : . JOIIM CAILLAUD,- ' ." " ' president Senate pro tempore. rTatfUnfUn, A forth id, 1825. ....... - - Apprwredt. J AMES MONROE. A Aot confirming aa act of tha Leriilature of Tirpiua, entitled T Aa act incorprUng the Cbetaptsk and Ohio Canal Company, and an act of tha state of Maryland, confirming In tarn. - TBit enacted by the Senate and Ihute ttf MttimmtttvetJfJhUntted tUatei of America in Conrrtu aeiembkdrVhvt the act of tbt Legislature of tbt attt of tht Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Comps- nj , be, and tbeaamt is hereby, rau&cd end confirmed, so far S may bt neces sary for tbt purpose of enabling any com pany, that may hereafter. bt formed by .l. .tyhwf U t al Iprpmoration. to carry into fleet tht provisions there of, in tht District of Columbia, within States, and no further. Sec. S. And be it further enacted, That, should tbt stste of Virginia or Maryland desire, at any time, to avail itself of the right secured to it, by tht twenty-first section of tht' act" aforesaid, to" take" and continue a canalTTrom any' point of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, to any other point within tbe territory of the District of Columbia, or through tht stmt, on ap plication to tht President of tbt United StattsT by "th Execuftvewf a state, tbt President is authorized and empowered to depute three skilful commisnioners of the United States' Corps of Engineers, to survey and eximint to much of, tht route of such csnsl as may affect, in any manner, the navigation of tha Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. The said commission I ' f .1 : -L.ll . I QTS, Or m mtlUIliy OI IHWIM, " im:.l . - a . . I tain. as far as nractkable, whether tht canal Dronosed to be constructed by tbt state aforesaid will injure or Impede tht navigation of thef Chesapeake and Ohio Cansl, and report to tht President of the United States the fact! and miens' on whTc'B'nitlariTfW14 bdr judgment thereupon; which report shall be sub mitted t to the Congress of tht United States, at their session next entuin the and, it Ungrcss stialLDO o opinion mat the. said canal may bo cut in the manner proposed aa aforesaid, wltnouf Impeding or injuring, the navigation of. the Chesa peake and Ohio Csnal, tht Mine shall bt tooclusivo tnereon. ..... - Approred, MarchrJ, I8i5. HALIHliUIlY, N. C.....TUK BDAY, AVMV 12, lB:i; An Act rpwrL"' "Tii M rrtna f t. tcVxn af lb Uwu.i ; uiea, w tut t m toas4 airit haivlrt I t4 Wtairirt- lKH enatUd by the S -'r lhvt if America in Cmgrtu ttmlki, That tht following suras be, ad tht urat art hereby, appropriated, U it I for forti fications to etch rtGc.l!f as fllost 'For Breolan's Pbt sixty thousand dollani" Tor New Uretcht Polot, forty thou land; dollars ty . - . . .. For Fort DeirwsreT seventy one thou sand tlx hundred and evatv-aio dol lars and fi Ay cants I ' ' . For ron Monroe, one hundred th senddollarsi' W For. Fort Calhoun, seventy thousand doiuriii- . . i " - " : . " J-or tat Fort at Mobil Point, ooa hun dred thousand dollars - " - For tba r&rt at Chief Mo&teur Men- tear, one hundred tboussnd dollsrs ! i For Fort Jackson, oo tht Mississippi, one hundred thousand dollars .'' For a Fort at Beaufort, in North-Caro- ina, thirty thousand dollars I . - For Forts at Cspt rear, &Ry thoyund dollars , ' :;, ' f, . '1 ' For tht preservstioa of tbe Islands in Boston harbor, necessary to tbt security Cf that place, fiAy-two thousand aloe hun dred and seventy-two dollars and fifty-six cents i Pmlded. however. That the rich! of soil of said Islands shall bt first vested to tba U&kcd Sutew For tht armament of new fortifies tionr one twrfd thousand Mlars. - -approved, Match 2, 25ZS.' , f Aa Act to eutberite the PresliVet tf the United State t cana road tt be marked oat from tho- Western frontier ot MtMouri, U tke confine or Wew attxioo. B it it enacted b thi Senate and Home of Rchreocnuaivcirite United State of ' America im Congrett anemiled, That she- President of tbt United States be, and be hereby is, authorised to appoint Commissioners to mirk out a road from tht Western frontier of tht Stilt bTMis" sourivto tbt boundary One of the United States, io tht .direction of Stnt Fee, of Now Menlco t Provided; Tbat th-ld Commissioners shall first obuln tht con sent of tbt Intervening tribes of Indians, by treaty, to the marking of the said road. and to tbe unmolested use thereof to the eMxeot of ih United State, and to the Meaicn .Republic. f - - - - Sec. 7. Aad be it further enacted, That tht President of the United States be, and he hereby lt7authoriz:d to cause the marking of the aaid road to be continued from the twutdary Line of the United Statet to tht frontUr.of Now Mexico, under such regulations it may be agreed Opon for that purpose between the Exe cutive of tbt United SUtes, eaul the Mex ican Covwrnment - Sec. ZTAid beff further enactedt-Tbtt tht sum of ten thousand dollars be, and srM8P Fiated.4o.ee. fray tbe expenses of -maVking te aaid roadand the. further sum of-twenty thousand dollars, to defray the expenses of treating with tht Indfcnt, for treir content to tho. establishment and use itiuwif, ta U u in to be paid t any money in the Treasury, not other; wise appropriated. Aa Act gxlnr the place for boldinr the Circuit aud Dbtrict Court of tbe United States for the Southern District of New-York. f) Kit enacted bu the Senate and Houtttf AJ Tthrmmntatiii0 r,f tit llnifni Slain of Ameriv U Conrrett attemblcd, That tht Circuit aud District , Courts of tht United States for, tht. Southern District of New York, shall beJioldJinht City Hail, in the city ot new tors, a hereto fore i umil otherwise ordered by Jw,t until the, Secretary of tbt Treasury, on the represeniation of tht Judges or said Courts, respectively, shall direct further or other accommodation, to be provided for said Courts, or either ot them l7t- vided, The competent authority allow to saiq vount me exclusive use oi tome iiLl-anariment fnp hoWin the aame in the aaid ChyHallt And Provided, . a L W w . m a J .Mi 1 r , That the District "Court tf tht United States for tht said Southern DJtrift New York, rosy continue Ito bold its ses sions' where the tame are now held, until tht last oroiay yesr we thousand reighf hundre twenty-six any thing Mhis act contai ned to the contrary notwithstanding. ' Approved, March 3, WMl"-- AlTXcflorlW ' to complete tbe Public Aoad from Pentacola ' St Auguitlne, ia the Territory of JHorida. BE it ectedy Senile and Ifate tf Heftrcientativet i f tht Untied Statet of America in OtrrtnWmM : That jtoT th)' completion ol Public Road, directed to be opened from Pcnsacola tt St. Augustine, ia tbt Territory of Flori da, tht sum of ctrht thousand dollars be, ank isv t krKf. ricenpi.d- ia bt paid out of any snowy la tbt frtaiu ry, not otherwise tppopHtd. , Appm4,Mrch3.l3ii . A Act dWkrinf the coiMent of Cwifma ta M art 0 UArrsI Atcmlly of Irfjnia, iWr'.n mentioned. -,- - 1 Hit rmmetedbythf. Senatt and flute AJ Rrhrtmtuthti of the United Haitt of America in' Congrett attrmbled, -1 hat tbt assent' of Congresr 1 hereby giien nd declared to an act of iho . General AttcmUy of Virginia, endtled Aiaci IrKorpofatlng a company for tbt purpose of Improving tht navigation of tbt Ap pomatoi river, from Pochahontat Dtidgt to Broadway j" passed on the eighth day of December, one thousand eight hun dred snd twenty four. - ; - - Approved, March 3, 283 J. ; . . . A a Act making further approprUtiont fur tba Military iervioe for tbe year bee thoumod eirbt hundrrd and twenty -Int. . BE It enatUd by the Senate and )luute o . Hefireitnta'he of the United S'alei of America in Congrett attempted, That tht following sums be, and tht tame are P e ft. By iyyirrvyri ait to -wlrT - dian ABairs at St. Louis, and the several Indian agents, ss allowed by law, twenty eight thousand dollars. . . , , s ' For psy of the sub agents, including tht two 00 int Mittoun, at auowcu uj law, thirteen thofund d illara. ' For presents to Indians, ss authoriied by acts of one thousand eight hundred tnd two, n I teen thousand dollars. , - Ft -aiinffiM penaes, ninety-five tnousano ooiiars. For payment ol tht amount of the an nuity.due to the Cherokee nation, under the treaty of twenty-fourth Of tbcr,'ooc thousand eight huudred tnd four, which wat ratified during the list Session of Congress, and for which no payment or spproprlation has heretofore been made, twenty thousand dollars. For payment of said annuity for tht yeu.Majhmand.;xighCbundretund twenty five, according to tbt stipulations of said treaty, ont thousand dollars. - K or carrying into effect so much of the lourth article of the trey of ih eirhtK January oo thousand eight Hundred ana twenty -one, between tht United States snd tht Creek satloo, as relates to the compensation due to the chixrjis of Geor gia by the Creek naiioo, it aoing Jor tne payment of tbe fourth instalment, whicn will bt one on said claims in one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five, according to Iho stipulation of aaid treaty, twenty three thousand dollars 1 For defraying tbt expenses of holding trestiea with the Sioux, Chippeway, Menomeenes, Ssuks, Foxes, fcc ss per esrtmata of General Clarke, for the pur pose of establishing boundaries and pro moting peace, fcc between said tribes, ten thousand' four "Hundred donara."""""' For arreaisges prior to tho first of Ju lr,Vrrtrtrtrswrd-trBtrttn teen; twenttihosr.and doiiarirrl . roriarrearirea from first Jul r, one .... r . . - - - 1 I thousand eight hundred and fifteen tct first January, ont thousand cieht hundred and eighteen, four thousand dollar. T"Ut IBW WVIT -we .!... .i-.t... Osage's by citizens of the Uni'ed Statet, three thousand five hundred and eiirhty- 10 dollar and fifty cent, fceiog thO bU anco of a former appropriauon which oat passed to tbe surplus fund. -For payment of the annuity to the Sock and Fox tribes, as provided for by the third -article ofttthe treaty with those trlbesr-dated -fmirth-Aigust,-lgbteen4 husdred and twenty-four, ont thousand dollars. - - - For psyment - of tho annuity to the waytribt of Tn'duni,-as provided: for the second article of the treaty with tbat tribe, dated lourtJ August, eighteen hundred and twenty-four, five hundred dollars. , "5" 1 -' Yvt ptvment of five hundred dollars to each of tho four ead Chiefs of.the Cjuai. pau tribe, agreeably to tho second article of the treafy -with said riber dated the fifteenth November, eighteen hundred andTw-cTiTf.fuur, two thousand dnllars, For payment of the annuity provided for by the asm article of tht stiJ treaty. - For tbe purchase of, provisions for six m6uihl ii ftrovjded.foi by the fifth artlcfe of said treaty .fifteen thousand three hun dred etid'te venty-twoonaf For furnishing facilities for tbe trans pbrtation of said Indians, ts provided tor by the aforesaid fifth article of said treaty, snoiiousindaotlar oir Jlte pay' of "iff ulgent';orlntei !fetcr, to reside amoni; said lndin, ;at s provided for by the same article of said treaty, five hundred dollars. For the payment of the annuities provi ded fo by tb.jseaaad &nj, tlyr4rticlcs NO; 25). 1 of ihe treaty rf the twentieth of Jmutry, tlgbtetn hundred snd twenty-five, wha the Choctaw nttloo of Indiint- tnd alto, of in annuity to Ilobert Cola, provided for ky the IGtH ankla, twelves thousand on hofftred snd t'ty dollars, . 1 , j for the' payment of. th tlitms of tbt , I Choctsw hatiof, Itt sr M u on the Pen- tacolt campaign, and other claims of tho ' Choctaw Irtditn, prolJed fur bf llJO ; S.., slx-b td eighth trliclai tf trii trtstyiy - y llxTc'en ttrotrsand nine bindrd and seven tr-two dollars sod fiAr cents. ' '-'-V , for thi salsry el tht ArtrU. provided . for by tho ninth srticli of laid trtstyr--v-i fifieen hundred dollars. t For carrying into effect tht provisions of tht ninth article of sid treaty, tlo provisions of the third inkle, for tht sur vey and salt of tht fifty four sections of laud therein referred toj snd for running ; tht line defined in tht first article, and any other expenses sriiintr out of the ex ' ecu ilon of tbt said treaty, ten thousand dolltrs. - ' Towsrds tht execution of any treaty that may be ratified by the United States, prior to the next tassion of Congress,.!, with the Creek Indians, for tha esiin- ' guithment of their title to lands in Geor gia and Alabama, and for the removal of . . , laWTtaranr wev rt.v&lii!mn-; Approved, March 3, 183J. .'. Aa Act to sirthorue th buuding of tea sloops ' 1 of war, and for other purpotas.- BE it enacted by the Senate and Ifoute tf . lieftretentativet tf the United Statet ' , '. I of America in Congrett attembled, That tht Pi etidsnl of the United States bo, ' - tnd he is. hereby, authorised to cause to " " I bt built, io addition to tht present naval - ; force of tht United States, a number of ' . sloops of war, not exceeding ten, to ear - - j ry'not toss than- twenty gun, ech,. of--: r tucn -description and weight of. metal as tht President may direct i and that tho turn f five hundred thousand dollars be 1 tnd tht same ia hereby, appropriated, for-. -7-. - ; tht aforesaid purpose, out of , any moner , ' i in tht Treasury, not otherwise spproptl- ' f ated. - " . V '.' See. tr And be it further enacted. Thst tbt Presldem of the United States be, , , , , and ha is hereby, authorized to cause to ; be sold, at such time, and in such manner J at shtu iudire best for the puMtc tn m. m, ur n pau,or Itie - tvt sels wWieV were purchased under the n tbority of tbt act, entitled " An act au- thorixiog an addldonsl risvsl force for tha 1 Uppresfon of piracy j also, thrwhoJo": of the public" vesselspott Lakoi-Erlct .v: Ontario, and Champlain,' except' the . ships of .the line New Oi leans and Chip pewa, now on tht stocks, under cover t Sacketts' H.rbor. - - Sec. 3. And be it further enacted. That' the proceeds of such tiles shall ne applkl ed under the direction of tho President f -the-United States, to tho repair jmd Duuaing 01 Sloops 01 wtr wnicn nivo been, or may be, authorised to be built. -' Appiored.- Marek ?, ?. . , ... - rrrHtt.l ant of - Interest , irguu.. Ur. tr tnociea py meaenate ana tioutee - Rtftrnertuiivet of the United Stair wit an ' a 1 ".- -. -. mm. -- m of America in Congrett attembled, That the proper accounting ' officer of tho T:rUnrfoi!irt, he. and, ihr art hereby, authorized and directed to hqiu date and settle the claim of the Statabf interests Uporr rons or moneys borrowed v"." tnd actually expended by her, for the utt and benefit of the United States, during the lata wsr with Great Britain. . Sec 3. And be it further enacted, That, in . Kertwning the amount of interest, ss aforesaid, due to'tKe State oTVii feinia, tho following rules shall be understood at applicable to and governing tH,e case, 10 wits-First. Tbat interest shall not bo computed on any'ium which Virginia ha not expended.rfonihe. uso and benefit, of the United States, as evidenced by tho amount 1 refunded or repaid to Viirlhia by the United Stalest Second, That no interest shall be jaid on any sum on which she has not paidlhTerest t ThFrd," Tbatlwoer4lhe,4?rincipaI, or ny 'part of it, has been paid or refunded by the Um tf d SltCti ' "ney placed in the handt of Virginia for that purpose, the interest on rh "im ftr iumtQ paid r rrfiMfd. thall cease, and not bt considered as char geable to tht United States, thy longer t nan up to ant. uroe. aijas repay men t as SforeSHld. ,..--.-w-....7---..., Seer 3. And be it further tnacttdJIhht. the amount of tbe1nTefesirwheBascer tained as sforesaid, shall be paid out of any money in the Treasury, nor. other wiawapprotwatt IpjtwMardi 3 1825. If a great deal of knowledge is' not capable of making a man wise, it has a tendency to make liim Vain and arro- - f "1 ... - ' V, -. "' A .Tt,ti-W.S 'i f y -