ft 'J f. -- t . T't S:.- v.a a. .i M",'irTHr' .,. i '-'f-.Br, i I HO I.A ii: iH(.N jni'HVALS, it! hia reteartfics ll PumiieiL In . 19 bis Iili nil. Mr. Nm irr. .).. J n ... y. ,. ,.; "wniycu.iinign'y M US operations, but bmUi4IM N)W,er 6, lilt, ,ys-'. Irs oo. l W.ndtoonsa.M.t. At present we e in roorni In these baths , - , eomt hoi hatha recently dcorred,) my Hcnilwi h.. been particularly attracted Ihrftw.umt prtronMrtform .mirr.j unknown ana in the highest stele ! p""M;- 0 on. of them was yi-cca mi sacicioo or a female, lMsnin.- mil us r it ineir ottue conhi.td u i in t covered with jewels ,1 tddlilow to Hd brM rtrt form of hkh wit lretdjr known-' I br ttkn worimintmpoi wnicn it aoioiuuiy mtncutuuC 1 itur tou thi our moitliotDtlicd ta km . skilful Jtwefltra could mika notUnffhbe (urra of th loca-moil .n,i... mora eltganl, or of betttr Ueu Jl tV wB.BwP,i J loilI icwcU lk 1 enmlned Grenada, and of tha uma deklgm bkk ;. 7." 'na "," or tbe meni upon carta and pack horie. tba Mooriih women, tod on tha Jcwcm of I rout w.i, li.dacd, mora tlrculioui, but Tatuan. an tha coail of . Africa. ThaJtha IncrttuA braceleti form a alnglp ring, and are ,ao .c.utf....K vm inner mai onipin TO M ot in Hw and tblt la a Uii- irouiaaurpoMinemroanuiacturedOf tbe aama arutu iM piinopalhall or tha uint ia cowed atuft oeauurul orni o.eoti, and the cornice la aupported br a number of amatl Hurea in alio relievo of a very viiKi.i.i in.r.ticr.- ii it i(ucuw to ue scribe the charm that one feds In touch- Inj these objects on tbe spot where tbet navo stood fur age s, and be fore tbe illu- aion Is cnUrelr destroyed. One-of the windows jru. covered Uh rtprnlficciu b Mtmum l wapies. .aMini. rauuniait in m ra, cnap - ur sot nemioni wcu in ibv -naaei, ia the Temple of Erecthuvt cut lo the rock, oald to cootkln salt water and to yield the aouniof wavea when -the south Ind Uowar-Tb1i H, after remaining closed rjp,and unknown for perhaps a thousand tears, was discovered h i 853, as w find from a letter In a French Journal. . Want of provisions, and still more, want of wa ter, had compelled tbe Tuikt to aurren der.The CreeAsraftrr they got tba-for trese Into their hands, (ore saw that slml Jar privations might operato.agsirwt them- "' selves, and bavinj;' obsenren, while en gaged in the siege, some water filtering throuch the soil at the root or tbe rock, thef dug dor from above towards thejieniptibie tritkif he hofitt toon re abU pot whence it seemed to proceed, and I Convince hit friend, ire entirely without soon came to a subterraneous stair of 150 Slept, cut in the rock, conducting to a small square chamber, in which was a well, yielding a copious supply of. fine . - "TTi. Ti.M-kMAMB teal! ...V....a rauv w nw future timet and the Creeks Ul not complain that the well has lost the-fabu- - a a . . a w v tous cnirarur avcnoeaio n 01 rsusanias. -""The chamber at the foot of the stair con tains, upon the stucco walls, fresco paint fogs relating to tho lives of the saints a proof that It bad remained open till after the introduction of Christianity. . TriltAlL ROADS... The rapidity with which the public mind has been directed to the subject of FUil Roads, and tho numerous schemes tor esuU'.ishlng this new mode of convey 4ks which Vv- beBentU protected or carried Into effect in different parts of .4WlirgdmYmtm'H''wo observation;-"! is earryjvWears Sine lrch rails was first introtluced, as an im- - prove ment upon the wooden or train rail way ; and the loco-motive engine, which is to act ao prominent a part in the pro frcted itadtthas been in operation in the a a a. Am neiffnoournoon ot iNewcaitie upon l vne Bonxarmmi or retry ears, witnoul exciting vSnuch,loJkteL.otAUeiauKU . It ia only appear to be, all at once, alive to the im portant results to be anticipated from tbe Introduction of thie peculiar power. There appear to be two reasons why an extraordinary . effort . should bo TOd -at the prescnf rnoment to'estabfish this Ini proved means of transport for merchan dise. ' In the first place,.' commercial men, in-, the presert circumstances ot trade, biirir obUeed to submit to a low rate of profit, perceive the necessity , of j. ccoDonuaiug luevcrj oraucn m epcnm- rnture? iehicrrcomCTder"lliritetbttte4r deiJominaUQn.ofChafges on-Merchan dize, and the transit of roods between the merchant and manufacturer, and con sumer, is one very important item of this charge. It Js to be expected, there rore4ibubAlra(Imf:pmof4hmmuita f. tn I .a .. .asiLa .'I4 i . M nity will be on the alert to establish these facilities of communication-thoae new methods for the cheap and expeditious transport Tirgoo-wnicn promSse ttraef ,??md rd,yJ" nt .... . .. INetf.Vmib aft,ii...ntftmift.- nm wa AKl.dMft.1 ftn hntf of aqch advantage to the consumer, 4ho mshtttacturer," abd Uii merchant. r-T"' Tn the eecond piaeeHheeorrent rate of Ttrn"' """'.r -InreTisloelDofTTntcdmen are eager ihi to embrace any scneme which promises T': ;!-. . -: - a fair return for the capital invested i and, :?tBu$ih'e:1Uti f great feosftind '.ttlgmiude are jeadiljrj Tuirnishedrp the scheme being apparetit, the means of car- rying it into execution are forthwith! provided. " .... .." j The Steam Engine Is the great moving T power;tf fwhict ihe TOffimerdaT superi . oiity of ilys cotiatfy bte be advanced and , p.ic jtnfii u (hit potr tr niurl.y Ikilr.f, ki tH(rnlif the tails if twt t iofial pro'puiiy, Nt Mia since, ivtry nr.1..,. !.. ' .1 " . i .. i . . ' . . !. . ""(! VU IMf wrlf III SBTVjiw HO rectlon, plough the lo,y WIIows, end forcing hcir .y i Je.pite of wind and wsather. Almost ell our PaUet ekt.U, ILhinent between lingUd, France, end Holland, fcotl.nd and Ireland, ere eteam 1 1 the eonvmrict of passengers! mcrchsn din Urg encot It (rtmporud Uh fren.fef;u!4rli d Ji.p.tth, tkfMci- row, 'In a hw ctr u.il dutllag tbalmuwrna iaffij between Llr- rpool-aodIineliter, Kdinfrurrmd al Cuicrow. Dirml.Ktm ni , Cm.li Wrr a 'wonderful (moron- VVbat It Ktinel In tower. borrr, r Dcoltf which cannot b overcome; and I which. l th- nrewm dtt. will not k- lubmltted to. Del weeo Liverpool and Mancbeuar. for In.f.rw. is. lima re outre J far th M....nri Ar roodi, br Cifial. Is Stated to bo Ih rt -tlx hours t b ril .v. It It effected in one-sixth of the timet and those onlrwhoara acouslnted with tha detalla of budaess can ba full. .r. f ikf-Mnv ihltAi,, inrrrfb ouk branches of trade, and what facilities 1 jt will impait to tbe general operations commerce, I , 1 , J ' vm m itNimi aia. I . The Editor of the Warren (N. J. Ad. focatesavs. be feels bimaelf blir.d ,pologixe for the protracted appearand 0f hi n.nr. nutirfumtt.rw..iui un- dtr his . controul - - It shall hereafter be published on Tuesday of each week." The editor complina that u unreaeous means'' nave been tak en to militate againal his interett, par- tlcuIsHr lC be .tortf ern pits of the County, where sn account of his death ni UHrfa hadbetn indoatriouvly circulated. This, and other iander$," and "cori- foundation. . . McthodUtU 1733, five methodists, fnm ircUnd, settled in the city of Nf York, one of whom was a preacher, in hia 1 . " f ri aons. i his was the ort rectnodist socle ty in America, l be number gradually increased, "end, In 1 766, a methodiat meeting, bpuse. vis' hu'Ut' la Joho-atrtet, the firat that was erected in the Uoittd States. In 1116 an elecant church was built on the same spot which accomodated 2000 hearers.- I here are now" In the chy of New York six methodut churches, besides two built for colored people, who worship separately from the whiles. Fire. We iesrn with reerct thai the dwelling house of Alfred Moore, F.q- in Brumwick coonty, was burnt to the tA-ks-fKt--xf-.-rtk-tns.- s.4 irtuuii.i uii niv .K.. .v. ..- ..u ...... I one o'c oclun the morning, when it. bad made such broeress as barely to allow time for the fumily to escape, which they happily did, with the loss, we understand, of every article in the house, lifcluding Mr. Moore's very valuable library . The total loss is estimated at seven thousand . tw Mpm4 w amwm ucen ine work of an incendiary, who has oot yet THE POWER OP GUNPOWDER. LxxiMGTOM, Va. Makch 18 The ert of blasting rocks, on m large Vale, has been brought to great' perfection by xome'workmen in: the. employment of j Messrs. Jordan and Irvine, who are en gaeed in constructing the upper section of the cartel now forming on the'marglQ of James river where it passes through the Blue Ridee. A mass of rocki, wak fraaured to pieces by one.,jbJsttt av,fewi I days seo, which, by the dimensions given musi navo wciKni;iiawua - a no quantity of powder employed wras fifty pounds. ' The dimensions of the rock were 63 feetu long, 1 1 J. feet eP uM0 feet hroad. " "'. r. provetnents. that a pair of snuffers is aa compli cated u a cotton-min, and a man must have a knowledge of mechanics to . dress himself. . A Ne 'York acquaintance, he was obliired to rioar ttirin.ii, w tMuuebourte anoca af-we door! Lm fIJain.K gentleman missed his cloak caughtthe villianaurorhoned him to the. police in Ttelehbrjirinwir: ftsCll'tJ'!i ItekBtlBflti wmpftUeitoiJiomem his cloak bare headed. . , AedA-fdv.v Children are in the habit of chewing Indian rubber. It perhaps is not general ly known that quicksilver Is br9ygh.t.in thTs TrtIcTe,7and it" roaj jbj Jconstdexed tank poison. ''r-'"-?i';. . ,'. ' tn a.irxu, ir. V J.. IU I bur..,' ftifcil frctlvttt frora Mr. .Iurr fur tHiliKitloa, in rullaln ,irr.r, Th kt. . r . f,, f " ' . . r ' . i . t ' . , . . . - . ' . ilp!J tkrlrerMiion a.4 ' ( prevaricate bcre x!.liif.l, Is aot the cnl )mik cofiaectedj with the late proctelin(r,i at Wah!njj4n, the Cf poalilon of which wlil Mtoaikh tlii riaiion. , iLaJbRffM CVy, Ftb, S, U3I., lion. T. I, EtiToa Dear in Kotwithstandlnp tie n- tatiooi fteaad cm Thursdar tnlnf and on- I'r'ulkv. from wtlch .you tnlfki Suatlr caaxluda thai 1 would nrSt vote for rlMrAdiinwl A,row Inclined U tblol . it. ' t t r v" - - - - --- fiHTerenilv.'.nJunVktiome other change inTOt -mlnil ulei tt.'te T sb.ll vote Ut him.' I take the carllatt opportunity to ipprUe you of this fcr, that yoj may oot commit yourself olth friends on Ibe sub- ject. . - , '" J01W ICOTT. a , . ... - t,-.,,- i. '.. riiswtt.1 - ' ' St uire ChamKft Feb. 1,1823. Sir i I melved on the morning of the th Inst, your rioted the Mb, in which you make known d me your Intention to give tbwvote of Missouri tw Mr. Adam. Sinister rumors, and some ro'mivlnfs ot my own, Md oecn preparing my mind for an extrsordinsry devctopemeot j but M was not until I bad three times talked with you, face to face, that I could believe In the reality of ei Intention ao Inconsis tent with yeur previous' conversations, ao repugnant to your printed ' pledges, so amaxtng to yimr rrmitlttiniti ""TiS'rwiiieb you bund thus to give, is not yeur own. It belongs to the peopU of the state of Missouri. They re against ilr Adams. I, In their name, do solemnly protest epbst your Inten tions, and deny ywur moral power thus to hestow Ibair vote. "-. Yoa have been oUased to make I re ference lo .one of your conversations to mf rsonid svisss w this oIomi. i now reltrm that 4 disdain and repel tho Ppesl I and Sraia j-toait you to the exalt ed tribunal o honor and duty. . : ' J- for nme-ytars wahavo been closely connected in, our political course t at length ihf; contusion it dissolved, and dissolved under circumttances which de nounce our everlastlbK separation. - For some expressions which you felt as unkind, in our conversations on Sunday, I ask your pardon od oblivion.. I bad a riHt to give you my opinion on e point of public duty, but none to in flit t a wound j on your feelings, and tn this unexpected breaking of many ties there is enough f ... TI L.. t ! .V .. ft ft I .. . . . . '. 1 .... ui.ftivoiu.tDie pain, wiinuui iub lamiiugi infliction cf unkind words. .To morrow Is tbe day for yourself-immo U t ion. If you have an enemy, he may go ana feed we eyea poo toe aceno. - sour . . ... m . former, inena wui soun ino auueung spectacle With sincere wishes for your personal welfare, I remain, fcc. .' - THOMAS H. BENTON. tttOn TBS STATiaVAL HTaMXKVCII. ' MessrClesand S-ton will oblige me by Inscribe, in in nr pvper of to-morrow. troin the Rentutxy Uarette, the corres pondence f the 33d .February last, be leen JPULPJ. Ibentucky Represents . . L . ..1 f rfr" r jt.i.-- i.i-i- ZrV ,.:r:7& '.T::" .. Nashville;Vhigit needs no comment. L. 17Mf a Reprttetaiivr$, l ebruary STid, 1825. Sua i In a late number of ih A(r Weatern America, you are represented to- have saiit, at LesttirnBirr lo this city, In November last upon tbe authority of Mr. William T. Willis, that w forty thousand muskets would be re quired to rectify the politics of Kentucky.' The undersigned, having supported your election In the Mouse of Representatives, and believing you incapable of making tne remark imputed to. your deem it duty to afford you an opportunity, of con tridictidg tifc-rtfmrlltLWMtetM the satisfaction of U who, at any stage ol the Preside!'! .contest took' an interest in vouf success. PYithentlmenu.oL your most ODCfueni aemnts. ftOBT P. HENRT. T. P. MOORE, J. T JOHNSOM, C. A. WlCUUFFll. GteUJJn4reM.oct;ton'$z: 'SenateChambep -r- n'cuhhgten Oy, -Feb. 21, 1824". 1 tCETtrt tYoijr letter of to-day Is i.mi.Jt, and hasjbecn read with, some- tbfhg Wsurprfsei : I did not useihe ex. lnQUariajiiusets would 4e required io rectify the poliics of Kentucky," nor any. e srpression like ttrMrstay at JexlniriOB navei no Tecouectionot speaking at an about the local arirsof your state. It is subirfct about WrSifh I should not feci my self at libeVt i ttf ln ter Wyiiam T. Willis,-! have no recollect tbn of bim, nodo I Belive 1 er had an acqualnlauct WUh.,bltfl-.. It-i -acareejy possible that, sharing ss I did the poliu. ness and , jieipiility of the citiz&s of lAxlntfon, I shout! venture, to intuit them by Sounkiml a rcmaik. I did not J It has no rekfmliln.ee of mej fir If so, then Indeed might I be considered e mtUttry thif4,- 4t has been charged. l.arp. with great respect, your most odedkDt servant, , AMDBEW JACKlO.V, . Heiirs. RoVt F. tfenty, T. P, Maore, , , C.t; If Uklfi. "" " y: , , 7 --"i - 1 ' Jamu Mosaoa, late President of the coned hy Major. AnoetwaV Uragoons, and accompanisa oy. mo rrcsiaini, m priaclpsf onicers of the government, and a'touotUr of out cllisens, who had paid blm a visit in the morning, as an evidence of their continued respect, and to bid him farewell." 'Among the incidents peculiar Id our'Repullic, this, unlmportkot as It may appear to those at a distance, Is not thelesst Interesting. Mr.Mosaox, who a short time since was the Chief Magis Irate of tbe Union, and who had for right years past guided the helm of State, was now, under the operation of our Uwj, re tiring from an office second la dignity to none la the world, to mix again with his fellow citizens, a:td (o become once more one of the people. There was "either pomp nor show on the occaJoiw lie waa mounted on horseback, and .'dressed In his ususl plain attire and as the silent cavalcade passed along, he received and returned tbe salutations of many who availed tnemscives or this last ouportunl- 'a. ... ... and so taoniuiiy, scrveo ine puouc. He will carry with him, Into retire ment, the grateful remembrance of bis country, for the many and important Ser vices he has rendered during tbe last fifty years t end he will receive the best wish es of his countrymen, for bis future wej fare end happiness t this city will long remember hirat bt has been our firm friend, attentive always to our permsncnt Uureata, end desirous of promoting our present and feturo vwpertyrM.", -We understand that certain dealers irh the Banks ol this City, who reside lo 1 the country, hsve, for some time past, fallen into a practice which, though done without any mischievous purpose, is si together unjustifiable, and for which, they subject themselves to the penalties of the law. borne or these dealers, when they have found it Inconvenient 40 aee their Bank Securities, have taken upon them kU th nriviletre of slrnlnr the dmimi of their absent mends to tbelr renewal Notes. This, in a few instances, has been proved, end m others H has stroncly been suspected to be ;.- the ct9..JSt mention " hI""cir'comstance',in order to prevent - like practices in future, a we fesm, that those who have' the manage: ment of these Institutions hive resolved, in order to put an end to this practice, to make an. example of the first person who' shall again offend in this respect ' and when it is known thus to sign another's name to a Note, unless authorized to'do sf rtgutaf power' of'attomeyi and that power be lodged with the Dank at It is honedi that hereafter no nn i . - , ; - i .uu. . : iiiunFfl nrniirr, I LAFATETTF3 VIJIIT TO SAVAXNAU The ceremonies st Savannah, On Mun ay 21st ult. of laymc the Corner Stones oi monuments to the memory of Mai r m . - - (eneral Count Pulasxi, by General La- intrresting Hind they occupy severs columns of the Ssvsnnah papers. r. - - .i . .iftft. r j witnessed the preservation of an elegant stardard, to the first or Chatham Reel ment of the Georria Militia, command by Colonel MAksiiiLi. He then proceeded, accompanied by voTcruura roup, anu -Alio mayor oi ine r-- ir ... . cityi to the -MisiTDIhnererea Tor l: :- t- i li. n l ' l- i uiiu in -)c sisscmuiy nwm, wnico was fitted up in lendid style, for the ubcabiou. Immediately after dinner, about i oclocIVtKe Centra! returned to Bis lode logs, and soon alter took his departure, m the steam boat JlatamaAa, for Augusta : accompanied bf the Governor, and his suite, and Brig. Gen.. Harbxh, and his start, wboprOTeededuln.iMlcrAui:us ta.1 . The General was addressed, previous to CepartUror &t the rreirctr antr. at icendsots oC. French, residing in Satan nah, to which he responded with great ...ft.M. .- i J '..I I - - A- uall vsive-in--het'vewng,-aTr the Exchange- which was brilliantly at lendcdr although the preungnif are' roti pMheGue graiiiving me company .witn ius pre .sence. ChatrCottTterr The New-York Commercial Adverti ser, of Wednesday evening, '23d bsiSJ says "at one o'clock this day, the sun, rmwaiitfM UWwdt ..am' 4tiii!y enga&4 klar ea' I 1 ' M I , Silfsturp, 0prfl 11, ills. Cerrctpendanta wW he attended U U MIS. ' ' , ' ' . 0e Sandar, the S7th uh.'Ue nt. Iiakv " ntadjktpkr,ledbj ator from CrorHai A oiLt'ryJh'y p .' hmm ibi jufk.'f suuU1,s6r sir. Xastara'i dorUeiU., In Cetgta, whff Wf ndrnfin4he " CoqUmpUea'rctiuuAjrif on hia country catate ' mUI kU haahh 48 hawo k-en tvywBtd, an ' the orglnal vigor hU comtilutloo rtorti ' LVtring Mr. Crawford's stay La title town, kk. ,, fVietvda Invited bias u aa entenslmnea lkh ' k'e -poTrtely dccCnedrfor waonrverfltA viaaT sad katiafkctory. , The asoat active of ktr. C'e ' tUdtl enemies (and we pmuaae he hae hut few pemnml onas b this sactloo af the L'bUvi) esited with hia friewd in their sysnpsthy for the' Uof'fUinaU bodily indrmlty sukdirr which he has' - for a long period, Uborcd iha elfceti of which ee hia vidon, as wcO as tha whole of hit phytV vm .ftftifty . v.... .mwm -: ' ItOtiB FALSEHOODS DETECTED. Aft wcaka kiner, aa aMwytaoua Icttev srsiil the round, purporting te detail tha 'rfce .. pil$ of On. Jackaoa, as revealed by hiawaV ' ia craveriatlon with tbe writer of the letter- That letter made Geo. Jackaoo (peak anU ' menti tht mmM dlafrM tb. Grvxt T Stu pucbkn tnc prouueuoo, because it bore oa its face the anarka f faWbeod sad sWgtry.' it le ow aacertaiaed ie he aa we svapected.? la aaother. part wf our eohmna will be area s correapowdeaee hrtweee Oo. ko'and eertaia snembers of Kentucky delefttloa. This brings te light snd exposes another at tempt to Injure the fair rime of the hero of New-Orleana, - Mow sniambfe must he" the caave that requires auch tricks artifices and fclacbooda to prop it up.JThe enemies of Gen. . Jackson; h would seem, expect (er support tUlr"' 4 by tricka and hei u numVou and as keen, . Al tne-necesmties their suthors foelJ'.. ... . SuVk will wot all dn t They cannot dbnloht. I one tittle of the gratitude tha Americas peopU feel toward him fur his pre-eminent services, nor, wOy one leaf of the hurcb) that encircle hia brow. The infamy they would heap ot him recoil ow themelve while the apoataneoat huu fukjje of tha AjnerieaJt people, ir b tbe words of the illuktrious Jeflirraoii at the dinner in Lynch borjf, Honor to hira who has filtrd tha t auro oT bio country 'a fUmj. -'. - Mr. Clay has Published a very long and h bored addreW o his late conatitnents, in etpla BatbMi Se4 Vanlkatitw of thVpart he took In the" recent Preaidentia election. The letter b ad dreaard to his coastitnenta, but Is evidently ia. tended fbt-a wider elreoUtion.?The great length of this production muheceaaarily ex. chide It from oof cotumaa, where, eve could it appear.lt Would not ho adl "through by oaa . In fi of our readers; Aether Mr. Cly has or haa not been Influenced by sinister motives, in thf part liertubklrt tte Pttsideaflal tledionir: ia not for .us to sy; h ia, however, certain, that ilnt Kim. nK. ... -o .".-. H4 JBaW--- mum. . . ........ - : . But he his succeu and that of Mr.; Adams,: owing to what causes they jnajr, we ainceraly.. hope their alminiatratioB may be auch as to vodoand to their honor and to the prosperity and zlorv ot'our "gy'"" " ' Ih anothar column of our paper will be found paper will bt found a corrcapondance between Mr. Scott, represen tative frtm M'ikwi, and Mr. Benton, one of the Senators from the same sute, oh tho subject of the presidential vote. In order that our res ders may mors fuujr understand this cwroapon - aence,wa nere auojoiB aa extract from Mr. , George Eremer's drcukr W his" conslituents : . .7" MrScotCof . Missouri, was known --t to -be openlf and-decidedly "Opposed to Mr. Adams. After it was reported that . . Clay hadlnducid certain states lo bin b me support ot Mf. Adams, Mr. " Scott . a. . . a ...al S j.. stsfed to two of the friends of Jackson thattt vras-feported that Clay end bis mends had held a meeting and deter ; mined .00 supporting Adams i' 4hat - ho - - did not believe it,bul if they had, without lettinerhim know it, he' would be d J if hr:wmld;iictch-uTrn h Wifoharr of. Clay's best friends, but that he would ' not be sold like a'sher p In the shambles ; ., haf !- -woliher to be -bargained for J ne pieasen ; tnat ne waa more friendly to Jacksorr ihmdamtriJld JlIiTC13s, bi or4hiyT-his-peoplfnireTefavoi JSCKSpn. .: -T--- f 1 hay certificateif in irfiosiesslola:liey amnese ktaunyjuu. v . : The Hon. Charles Hooks Is announced, Sn the Wilmingtoo Kecorder, as a can didate to, represent that district T In '-'tho . next Congreas.. '. '. ;''rf M f!.: V illie P.L,MsneumXsq.4lao.BBi nounced, in the Hillsborough Recorder,' ...... ... - - -.; at ' ( as a candidate lor congress tiom max ; MTjmrjutlfl A fl&.MftU0 I .j!7H : . ii '''' . . ' ....

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