I tkCVt Ttl '.rl) TO EX'ZZARIii. i. ... .i.it J In L'e National I oteili- HWeMMdarlnHh.melhiln.oio-t. Lnceremofly wii Koin on In lU Cpio!, L. I'jirtf t were teen hovering ovtr the centre dome, one much larger thin tb, eih.f iwu-ihit, about the ( clow of lii tt; tmouy, W17 wju.j airhL lie UfKU Wi directing ail Bti :A.T.U the Writ. Some tige toothiiy to represent the . autnleea of Messrs. A..l..-m-.;. ... '. r . Be Jhst at lt.msy 1 it It now ascertained. tfutth binJt were not Eajitt tm flvx tar'dt. The larye one waa common Buxurd.iiixitht other twclCarronCr6t. Some auguri have gone to far (0 In limit Chat one of the'earron crowi rcp- resenttd Mr. Cur ' . . I1-. St" 1 , fM t vbnii tiuuiur, .' - . ' TIB CAt'CL'eV : Ah-, fThlt 1 From tbt heed of this communication It would appear that 1 In tend to revive the discussion 01 the ediout Brattice of caucusing but tblt It Dot my dttlgn, it I sincerely bop, that oar po litical korizoQ will not be egiln darkened by luch enti re publican anembllet. Mr enlf aim by trdi tvmmonieitlorf, it to bow that a. representative It unworthy of confidence, who diiregtrdt or tett at ntught tbt declared will of bit coo v)Mtuentai that thit wat done by our re oona .te . . .fc.s. imiVuwu.ii, ' Tbo fartt- acted by the delegation from North Carolina, to tbo Utc Preti ienlJ election, can only find . parallel I in iu mow, corrupt cicrncnia 01 numaa society. Lti It then tttnd at a beacon ( let it be treaiared up in our memorial tod let it be told to our children, to guard them igalnit tbo like niarpaiiont la In ture. , . In North Carolina, the eleaor of Pre tident and V U e-Prt Udenr we re c hoten by tbe'pcopleLTbe people elected them for tba .purpose of choosing the ery can-' didtto ihat they would hsve chose, hid each individual gavo -bit rote directly. Tblt U at" If should be. But, If the clec- ton when assembled at Raleigh, had Riv en their totet to ctndidalea odiout tn the beople, and contrary to tbeir declared i md sovereign will, then, tod In that cue, ihey would biro forfeited Ihe confidence reposed indbera, end consequently do lerrcd the execruieni of ever? good man a the community. .. In tbiijlarht our re prtientativet tbould br rleweoV They knew the will of tbeir conttituentt, but iher acted directly contrary to it. " With V bitbrace now, can they atk tbete tamo ieoplt; wJo-tbey -hae rkk'J, to givo hen tbeir tuarajet again t .With ao ill race turely. But, ootwithitandwr til bete tbinjrt,tbey .are train jcandidatet, Ind ire willing to baliete that the people ra inctpable of drapioz lh9 line of dit inctioh between merit thd demerit, and elween rlrbt tod wronkl and that they re willing to be hoodwinked to infinity. bit tuppoied lenorance of the people ust m the only bum upon which their opei are founded. But the people hether' Ignorant or not, have leirned aomeininw in tnat unerrmr (cnout 01 e- wrienxtbef 7-btT" learoed-t a : leatoo Vhicb will not be toon forgoueo j and at be approaching tlecUun I aroenuy hope tee tbe benrfitt t.rialng from Ihcrr cfl:. Jicaiion duly m.u.iftsted. - totii. March, 3UM835. Mr. Editor: Tbe communication In L! mm A T . . fi(fni'ur 01 - a xxanve, 1 nave re a rilh no ordinary "degree of interett and ttentioo i and-from the courto which It btt taken, it may be fairly preaumed hat a bold, liberal, and laudable aplrit of QQuirv into the neiUof public i men arid peaturei haa commenced .. - ' - in a tree repretenutiye covernment k . t It ( ... . It- C..l 1 or lot the fhiti micinrary ric Tblt it wrong, U tt much at it kerpt In obtcurlif men who would not tultcr by t compariton with thote of but few, if an; of the Staret In the Union. "A NiWe" could 11k mmf mnr tjuitioni, ind antwer them at eorrectlr at be bat done tho relatlre to Senator Mtcon. - " - - -. - , It mlcht be emphttlctlly ttktd,who It mUnrA Cot trnor of North Carolina f Noiktnv mora ii Intended by tkeit Ju Mnirki than an ciDrtiilon of any entire approbation of the count taken Jr ir t . J. .' m WO Will continue to bold the mirror op to nt tore. ''-. Boxor" the vzvr iktmt. " fn commenting upon tbe appointment to the new CeMnet, we might with grett preprlctjThave omitted to tajrllny thing either of the Secretary of the Navy, of of the Attorney Ceneral, t Mr. South ard and Mr, Wirt were both telected by our late Preildent, Mr. Monroe, and both remain in the ttniont ttiigned to them under hie idrnJniitration. Du It . Mr. Adamt, by retaining tbem, cvprettet Mi acquietcence In the telection, ind thui makei himtelf reiponiible for tbeir fit neti i and it, moreover, ntiiher of tbem hit etcaped tbe anlmtdvertipni of thote who ate determined to tee nothing meri toiloui in' the adrolnlitntlon, of Mr. Adamt t we thaO go on lo apeak of tbem at if they re now for the fint time viiein4 ootmriaw; 'heefettry r ti wary, 11 a graduate of Princeton lolitge, in. bit natife tttte of New Jer tey. He received the bithett ot mat intututlon tt the early age of tev entecht and after leveral yean tpent In ine aiuuy 01 law, ne wat admitted to ibe war in the year II 1 1. That hit'time wti not entirely devoted to tba fr nJ irkiome itudy of legal tcience, but that he mingled much with hie fcllow citiunt, and took in active part in the poUita me ate, may bf Inferred from the fact that, in 1115, ne.aat elected a member of the State Legiiltturc, by a larger vote than had ever before been given in the tame ciitrict.. He bad acarccly taken hit teat in thit body, however, when be wat appointed Judge of tbe Supreme Court 'of Ne-Jertey an appointment tbe more honourable to him, at he had then tcarrely attained hit twenty-eighth year." Men of that age, In thlt country at Icttt, ire teldom raited to to dignified and reiponiible a nation, unleta in reward for eomeei'MArdinarr Mrvke to the pobUeJor aa a tribute of rtapoct totran aeendant. talentt or uncommon moral worth. Tbe theatre of action in which Mr. Southard iiad been eneated Vat too Lcircumtctibed tQ.admit.tbe prabability of ii uiii c.vjiiuii mc HQnoraoit cusunc lion, therefore, mutt hive been confer red upon him, from tbe evidence! which ho bad exhibited of talentt ind probity. He continued to hold tbe place of Judge of the Supreme Court until the autumn of 1120, when, be wi elected a Senator of the United Statet, to take hit aeat from the 4tb of March, 1831 j but tha incum. befit having retigned l.tnon aflerwardi, be wat appointed by the Executive of the State to tnpnly bit place, and appeared CnM"Settatl T,b6M"lhree' weekttefore the. dote of tho sionof J30.n. Thit wat a period when no very important meaiare cpolicy occupied the attention of Congieiij or of thq government 'and Judge Southard had but little opportunity of meaturing hit ttrcngtb with the grett nYwVykWWefiyiUtrn Administration, to convince him that the apr 6f ii,avno.lait tbev.dictatoof good tente than of aound patriotism, and whenever that tupport waa necessary, we find, by the recordt of the Senate, mat it wat promptly and conttantlr aTor- dedbytirn." , Upon the appointment of Judge Viat hi it en trA tr.ja Ii IUm pie of the United !tte at out 01 ut br ahtatt omtminti ot our c-mrj. m, profrttioniL Uma U a nallw'V Oottt andIr. Adimi want! po other WfK. tlon for reuU-iiij hirn among aitconii. itionif 'advitera, than the untulied t. putatlon with which be hat juit doted a timllar career under me me eamaittre- Vt undenttnd that Col. Joarblpict. tit, el Utoa county, U a iaftdidate t rtpreteot tblt diatrkt In tbe tiext Can greia. ' - Fyt(ttyi& Ottttvr.K Zdnfrjul radr1HJll now ipptart, that the tetter whkrbn been circulated in the ocwinarjera.okkh.we forbore to Copy until lutbenytated,) purporting 10 give ao account of private conversation of tleaWACKtofY Uld.atJYaihiagton Pa. kit U11, it a yheer fabrication, no tuch letter having appeared Jn the Naihvllte Whig, from watch h It laid to have be copied. , The Impotitioe, i&nw in a nioer in the Watt of VjcIdU. The att iar t h detcrvea ctpoiure tod punith menu "". Extract of a letter Juat received la Hue dry. u AM.jtarcll-TNiceoontofthe tcknowledgmeot of the Injepeadeoce of three of the South Aroercan Jwtet br tbe Brltlih Government, bt eatedh . ,u oniniutioo of tbe power in Peru, which thc it YV! tb eomP, independence! ..... vwuneoi. j ne inhabiuntt ai u rally very amloua rnr,tn. .i. on future dettiny in this caw, althogh not unexpected turn of aff.tr. .entla- man of retpecttbilitv la ceed to the Court of Spain, to behalf of ma 1 uan, t treat upon ert' A lawlett, tenieleii tribe, pmcar uvet, without Influence and whfctt prop erty ,'itm ipeak In "repeated and U iur mura about iodoaa4ei bol fie mat 01 talent and property dread ant innova tion on account or tbe alave pcfoulation, which makei a difference of cinutortin- cek in tSii colony, froaa tboae tf every other which hat tbtken off the Spaniih tothority. ' ' - M Should Frtnce follow England in the acknowledgment of independence, there it greet confidence entertained, tbt hrr influence will oblige the Court of Spain to make tbe acknowledrment alto, ttuui whloh, nothing could be more deiirable, becauie, tavored aa tbit Iitand la by the non interference of Spain in her local in- ttitutiont, and in tbe enjoyment of peart once more with the new and independent diatei, no country Wt Wrer towardi ad- yancement and protpcrity than tbit, Pom the immenae agricultural retburcct and her unrivalled position .for all the purpo se! of navigation and commerce." ) tb tU,t Uutr tt Mr. CttUovn, h la vl4rit thM Ua imm4ti4 ruu by tlUa Uc. le. Uim;4. i. Aatlt'iimi KwdTij the folioolng letter fram thi late Sccrttiry cf War, 10 lh Governor of Crorgia, it will la teen that irrinrtmtntt lave been mide to ttcer- tils, during tbe er.sulng teatoa, tbe bcit route for the proposed National Road from thla fbf tm Umm flrUxvi. ;.. Aa. JotmL Si 1 1 The Board of Engineer!, fur In tertut. improvcmenti, will ktve tblt be ween tbe ift.and.Mthof nest month. r the- purpose of -com menciag the-CK alhinitton or tne tetcm routet between th City of . Wtthington and Ntw-Or leii, with 1 view of.aelectinf tha mott eiigvie location for the great National RoaApropoted to be etttbliihed between thotfeMva polntt. . The Board will Srtt V eftmlnitloo of the route by the lin 0f &t Canittlt of the Southern Statei, Vittrri by the intermedute route eatt of Vt roountalnt, thence proceed back thriigh the mduntilot. At it It unject otgret inrerett, both to the nt Uon end he ptrUcular sutei through wnlch IheVoad mav nata. h It rikle, ihotkl It be conttnLnt. tK.t ik Lcttcri RfMAfNINT. a t rrt OITr at Catcord, If. f. m ibe U tf Mwtb, ir;j. , Klvil Engiif er of the state thould co-op nd returning j and aith a bope that you may conrm in thit view, you will ho duly Ppriwd 0( lb. pUt) nJ oy. ,im, to that you may direct youf tngineer io meat the Boards tbouid yoj accnt it n- 1 hsve the honor to be, Sir, with gre" resotct, your most obedient servant. mjm v " To Hit tieeHeney the fenor of Cb lute of Georgia, SIUledgetIle. W fern from the NvwTork Ancri ran. that Rotton 1)11 teilo boTtW off the ymttn of roerry. " The belt priz Mdreis, to be tpoken it the pentncT1."8 Alb ny Thettre, hat been. adjudged, by tbe er reinectable committee wb were to - a - . m dele Tmtarrnrthe- tnerite-of rt-TMeeea- offered ?of which thert were ' - - . t ,i to one, which, on opening m note, wat diiungwtaeo oy tn w.Batton.w . 'Act: Jo AMkitt IrflrrThe foTlowinf letter froor Cca.vctjpn urtim tion. intra II. Baton, ta rrfcrmcc to tba one taid to have beta takea froaa tbt Navi)lc rVbitf. apprani w tba Wadu iagtvn UaaclU. Ututtgh Krptirr, tTMtUnr. I a, Jlur( l. Data Sia I bt Urn moment reecWrd your letter or the 17tb inat. enclnamg a converaaiion With Mr. "tt." and which ia bow traveRing about a tiabad itory. Ilut ofherr of tba south are army may be ascertained, wbea I reach NaahvHIet and when ht it is unite probable be ill be found to be tone tool wbo hu sold bit aignature. I am very certain that at Washington, Pa. In November bat, I taw ao individual, a formtr offi cer with me i and I am alao equally certain, that I nave ncvar in mv life uttered any aentimentt uak art arrihnl to m hi ttt trttvr. TVrir arc I fabrication tram twrmnmc to end. Nov thar Cea. Call, nor Mr. ftannekwn, wbo vera Hh me, recollects any ruch Individual. They veil remember, that I arrived at Waibmgton. Pt. irhtha evening mqeft inditpoaed, and oVpar- ted early ui aeai morning. Haituiifton, Pena. seemtre be a 6ral pmee i It will be recollected by oa that sundry reports grew out w my meeting there wat .year uov, Edwards i vnue aa I came back Mr. " 11, wa tbtrr. You may be auured, however, that the UiUabbuila of that place bale nothing to do waa wee uieaa UteycbenaA ao Dypocriuai nor do they Countenance tboae miserable at tempte against my tharacter. The citiseot there hava treated me with the atmoat artentioa and kind feeling. Your friend, ANDREW JACKSON. -taje Cteia We underrttnd, (iivt a New Xork PMperi ibataavarai iowuarda have -fixyi""" irrivad here from Cuba, in eon- sealed ' queoce of the establishment of a Mils- word ownMssion in that Islandrafter the lntn It, AUKn 1-air.I Alrtattkr NtUianWI AWaandcr, Abner Kroula Iter. (ifa toftt llarvry flradJiaw Jacob Botiaa Joha lUmhtrt . Joojah IlraUv, tluck rai(bil o Cnrtino) TboNMt V. Canea James It.ilaik. ' Ann dlraofMlow, Attiaoa rWrning , Alf taadrv fergttoit tcM l'iahar.. fmoel tanya . James Gardner. Thomas W. Mania larah A. lUrrw A.E.Huia ' Lewie lluoeveut Jacob Ililemaa, . MrtKtias Iraia, lenr linker, William M'trs ' James . Morgaq ' jama M'CUut . James . Meek I pavidMrrta lra iilU-r t,hnf twr Mcklof Ocvrira aawlura,. , . KaoMicI Ferklna ( M aher F. Cbarr, . . - Jabltiaalt I.liia hmita ...fJmrt )aiwcl I tMt;fl .... iamfvrd O. dlaightea FXjah Ineart . tUtln.0.. i - ' ;v -John Whita . Joauh White " f. 3UJ , . , D. 0TORKtF. If. Eitato of Wm. C. Love, dee'd. fllUE sutneribtr hating tma'.fid as adntlma. X ; tralor on the aetata of M iiriam C Love. dee'd. al rcbrvary acaokm of Itowsn eonaty eourt. mpiettt all perwtni irtdebted to a id e tale . I . m . t ... a . . aoiJliavtnr demandssrtin-t tba same. Unit knit -... s . . .. . tbem for lettk-mcnt within tba lima preterite A oy law. or Una not lea win ba nb-4 in bar. KiiwiK riknunticii j.v Heirs of M illiara For, TAKf notice, that by tbe eath of Mrs. Ma. ry Tbomasoa. a tract of land va Wa-rw - ted of aTira"eaU,revertatoThaneri at 'w of the laid WilViaaa tvj. dee'd. i yow, or yoar legal repreaentativet, are tberefure ro,'ierf4 to come turward and eolablith four elaima to laid tract of land. JOH llOWAKIX, ant. JuWr. Wm. ay, aW .Mmh2t.mi. r . Estate ot-tTi.liOig, dttA. THE subscriber having qualified as exec, tor of tbe bat viD of AWaamUr Lonr, late of Roaan county, dee'd. at the eoan of tleaa and quarter aessmna lor tta sau county, til on the third Monday of November tast notke Is berebr riven, that all peraoot havlnr demands gainrt tbe said esrste, are fwjuired t present thru for payment, viibin tba time pre scribed by law. , . - JVe. 34. 1K4. 40 ke that of tbeie United Statei, tbe neo netr tenumentt rreery upon every tub ; connected with their libertietr- Not- fc-hh)rtann1l!tlie.ar thi'ik h neceistry or proper, to weigh in " (iokW Scale! the trantacuoni of .our Y'hWc leryio.'v i it tt it the lot of human ty-to eTrrWn-ihouldM notbine exten- liat or let down tuihtlo millce," But )l k jurjight,and our dutt4o ieen- a Mfcbfui eye to wardt every act of theirs, which tavort of intrigue and manage- m . a . a . .' " I rncnt, anct wnicn anowtan uttercontemnt J (" me ftomiont ot tno&e by wnora tncy ir;;cItgtttedWhentejrdJ jknow of inch ignoble conduct in any tet npfeinofiidPnniuihofnyrR then becoffieFulTSxpoie them to Ihe InU madvertion which they merit. In thit mXt the Tpieee Alluded jo ti:o; hiy teen written; , And I fondly hopentiat (he writer will continue to impart to the pblTc mation at hit leisure will admit tt hit Mock on hand appetn ampler and well selected for the North Carolina market. It it notoriously known that in Nftrth CiroVma it rarcit hapDent that men of h fist rate talentt are chosen either, for the State ot for the NationsI'Le iure ; Thompton to the Bench bf the Surreme Court, in 1823, Judge Southtrd watte lected, by tbe President, to tucceed him in the Navy-Department. " It would be icarcely poiiible to tpeik ofthe tneritt of MrSouthard in thit Department, with out appearing, in some meaturc lo rd fleet upon the edminiitrttion of hit pre- iecettoflland., we, art y.ery ture thit it would bt at ptinfui to Mr. S. at to our- aeWea to " inttitute icompirison " that might result in any tuch invidious infer ence. rBoth gentlemen hive no doubt devoted their best exerUont to render thit brilliant arm of national defence ute ful and erjudaoi, - it lahnwfor.aA mora than justice to Ir. Southard to tayt that ne bat Jhiroduced. some new Peaturei into the administration of the Department of art important aeWtltiTaittntf the aervlce i nd that he hid prtientedTflewt to tjiti consideration 76( Congrett, which evince, not, only an ardentrxeal, but a thc-amf- idequtte" aiiUtyrlnCbe performance of the dutiet entruittd to .n1Hr.THleT of January, which will appear in our pa per 'to-morrow, tihibltt : enlarged - and comprehensive views, and fully warrants ut.ia tho moat favourable amtcipation; naU ' vtmtmto. F 4 TETTE F1LLK fjlMEi Matk SI. plan of thote lately formed in Spain, for the detection and punishment of all per som suspected of liberal principle!. Mm., - - - r r' r- " - . ..... which have ttken place m tntt country for tome montht pait, have been effected and tun . . . mm i liar irvnci mil .iM s wvi.m ... r cori44to30baco54ataaTuiUlilat heretofore been consider- wiu wna.i nwitWLSBI JUiMfir.mui. ad man Ol mmc.iiun ....-...7, eovado,9 al0i coflee, primL Peen, 30 a 21 1 1 but in aubrra'tting to be the instrument the unprincipled ueiigni 01 appears to hsve lost bis character. A new Boot and Shoe Shop. r1HB subscriber begs leave to inf-rm hta J frienda, and tbe smblic ia general, that ha . hat opened a Boot and Kin shop, in the house immediately oppoaite the Dana, wnerr ne n. tend carry ing on vae above boaine-, n 111 ita vailoua hranebe , hta oork shall btwetl execu ted, and his materials of the best quality. Ila hopes by his application to tmaineat, ana desire to pica., to g.in a part of tbe public patronage. WILLIAM T.BRADNELD. - SoKthtry, Mmrk 21, IKS SO W. peach brandy.W a SJj rappl. do;42to. U -n W U .TrTC.'" V'VforerTecting iUiit rica3i to4per 100lbat lron,S4 to6pr!p1e",,nn., h lOOPb.r tobacco leaiaaati raarrtifaotaroJ. 5a claim to tdth a net, the Attorney General, it would be presumption In ut to tty any thing. Mr. 30 pr. cwt Cotton, S. Island. T o Mt etained do. If t 53 i" Maine' and' Santtfr 8 to 3i r - abort ata. pie, 15 a 20 eta.i Winskey 25 a 27 1 Bacon, 6 cttit Rarmvi Sfi lard, 8 10-t' Bagging, Dundee and Inverness, (42 mch.) 23 134 1 Cof. fee Prime Green, 18 a 19 Inf. to rood. 1 J a 17. North-Carolina Bank BUU. 21 a 3 pet cent. dla. i Georgia Bank Bills, if a 3 per cent. Ois, VHttn. iteceiu aancea irom trance ana Enetand, have had the effect to advance tbe price, of this important rtaolo of our county. SaleiharebeerrTJiadeof kwg staple Cottonrat about 2 cents on previous rates In abort Cot tons, the market has been rather flat, aojwith atandinr theae favorable accounts, Abouth aa advaRoooClent oiUdUig and fiwaoeoali- UoaAi 1 cent on ana inds, ass been oaaiaed over the rates of the previous watxi tut no great al Aaa oaao !a thit county, on the loth trK. r Willamsoa. Harrta, MfBolomoEHer toMiaaCathv rme Elletfe. - . l. - 7Alaorlthiirbllfora ult by the aaroe, Wf. Solomon EJIer to Miw Kancy, wiaww.--;,-'--t-'- izjjry1- . In this county, on TWadajr, 7tb irnt, by jrL liamson nrr Esq. Mr. Motet itUTto Km lo ot the remtining member of the Cabi Inhja PooJ , fix: Also, on thc-iame day, by tlia sane, .J rcmiah Brown to' Hiss Elizabeth Iloldwuser. FA YETTEVI LLE. Uohwt Jftttry & Co. IMPQRffcRS of Dry Goods, are now receiv inir tleir erirwg sirpplictlroni' Engtand tnd Kew-Ya'k,. wpicn, witnutose on, nana, win compriie an extensive aswrtmeni; Slid afford to countrr "mercbanu an opportunity of making good lection, A liberal-credit will be given to reipnsible dealeraTwh make tbeir purchase m thit market.- Jtfarth 23, 1823. 4ti6 : WindsoTChair 31alTnE ' "r JOHN COOPER adopts this plan of inform Mtg the eilisena of faJiAurr, and hs vicinity -in general, that he hu commenced Wind Chair and Bedstead Making, in the house lately occupied by Charles Biles, dee'd. on Maht-strect. east of the eourt-hotei where he is prepared with a good asnorttnent of timber, abich be will work bp into chains and bedsteads and wUt bo happy to accommodate any rc'ntlemaa oho Is ditpoaed to boy work in hit line of business. He flatters himself that, from hi kmr eiDcri. ence, he .can furnith as good work at. any nun in.lhe country aur 4mJ beast vorirova- tbe above assertion... lie has received 1mm. - ...... Phuadrlphla. the latest, faah'iona for chain and ' r bedrteads, and intendt to keep pace aith iJUbo. '. chsnjres of fadiion. He will keep on hand at!" assortment of chsirt, bedsteads, tofaa and easr ' - cnaira. tie am attena lisiaon, IreUelL and Cabarrus county cmirtw a here he will sell low tretmbri ,o oulinen, td'Trcerre "I literal sbaro 'T of public patronage. '" Saktiurg, Marci, 1825. . 5U4 Dai& IV CTftiiti & Co. ABE now receiving tbeir Spring importation of lHardware and Cuttlery direct from En gland, comprising a general aaaortment of snch goo, aa aro, umsUv kept w eouAirv atoret, which they offer at wholesale; to responsible dealers, on I liberal credit, Fateltevillt, March '15, WiS. 4.156 A SUPERIOR Jsck as fpal getter, will stand the eesuitig spring eson (to end on the 1st of Aucmty at my atahlei-on Sugar Cre seven miles south-wett from Chtrlotte, snd will ba-)ttto;inar ten dollars to inrare a mre with foal. Great care will be ttken to prevent accidents or :aopea,3ut not M liable for either-i ' J AS. DINV11N8. . l Oek?fsriveiJpnM, 1823. , - 6 38 Slierins Tax n?ch. Da V UJ by Shrrifls for arrears rM, for sale at Uie 'CroUfl3ii' efice. nr.RETOPORE exirting between the tub. scribrr, waa dtsoh ed by mutual consent on the 7th inst. The Kttlcmentof the cflaira devolvet on L'karUi F. f. Rere, to whom all persops indebted to the hta firm of BftJDG WOOD k REEVK will make payment. TI10MA8 BK1UGWOOD, .J CHARLES F. V, KEEVE. The CAand, Cluat and Earthen. Wart h. anera, will be continued by Caitisa P. V. Rtava on bo own account, at hi store. No 281 k'if-Strtti oppoaite tho aferebnatVIIotcL.wbo -has received, by recent arrival, from Furope, . 30 packages uvorpool and P,nc& -If . I STtSI.. 50 cases New.York munufucfu-ed gill and mahogany tmedMijr-fWi----AUo.a reneral awleatennve aa-ottnunt of rho - most fashionable amflmproved patterns of fV ery, China, V Inn-II' art, lie. suitable for town and country trade; which are" Bow offered o the ." puricnbrTflotrlibmttermi.. . : : (Q" Country orders repacked safely and at th "iK.e. L- 1 Stato of North-Carolina, STQftS tQUXTTm. jfiOCRt of Mom snif Qusrfitr tessTofOfsrW l7crmTAttJ;iB25. Danlet BcofTw.TSlefahea" Al'Kinitejr i original attachment levied o UwL. -It appearing to the Mtitfactinn of the court, - V mat tire flcrennanr "7iepnen ai Rmnry u aot lit " inht'tjant pf tJii fate, it U .Uiertfwre ordered b tbo eoorV that- piblicaboir bemad 4n fha'"'r" Vestem Carolinian for aii weeks, that uhlesa he apjear at the next Coirt of Pleu and Quar -ter oeasioHS to be held fur 4b county of Siokea at the court housd In GerniantdnTon the Second Mondsy in Jtme nexrthiMT and there 10 pfesd and replevy, or the cause will be beard ca porta and Judgment final granted against him. ' MAtTHEW H. MOOKt. e. e. Price adv.JS?. ,r7 2. 1823. , . mrrm.m..f -1 i k. ..V 1 i i .- i .7" . ifrv. I . . 7,. -.. j..,...,. :s. , r , .. .