2aL) 11 1i2a1l&Jl'4 uj... 4 ..oft. 1 fS-XUm kamsuuiiy, n. c.nJisnAV, J ''WMiMwili ...... - . . ' . ale- rrkesj I.-- rtb . A !54 i, Jioo- reO itWl, of thit StJXlS- itirclf, istwy. r.e. tr jhte. At' IMt Am idrer-l stern 1.1. tent Milt lie ft takes tit re etw bt lit mef iitft 4 it he In Ire til. R. rifllf Br VJIII.0 AVJI1TK. n Urmtvf l? Mrftrm Ca-oliaU fttr m fi.ifcr-i 7 vuar a mr,ol the united States, and out ol the J'l rJl n aitee. - tW W.T.... T" id,,n-.-.u will be inHed Cir an-u. jf-rt,t-xUiiLift'n.o4ttiiiy-r fKjf.jrbWi". . . , AH Jfi;cTi tr-M h rw -a..i, or ujr .i noi t wif " ..r. - , r : ;W';MtMnM.yt 4uikhiMai ecruin rrimr iftin ilnl'ni UU tuic t4d O Jr purport. . R (i macifd by ih Smatt 4 Ittuit Bttirtmtatlvti of th Unltrd Statri tAmnkk i Cvrrtt utmt(tdt. J (nf pertonor penone, whhlntftr fort.ltrerf perton, to offending, hit or ber :ock-riro, ntvr-fifd, irieni. rroorrioricoaniJort tdrtOr tbettort, tntii i Weninelbe ti( whereof it ceded Icldetmed gvutf of felony ind shall on ltd under tha iuriiJlcilon of, lh United I enaviciioa thereof, bo tMinlihed by fine it - . 1 . m Hft.t. I ZMituor on me ute oi iny HKj-oouMinoi czcecoint; nt inouuna floiurttiaa fjpt other needful building belonjjlnjt tolbf Imprltonroent tnd confinement to hard be United Statca, the tite whereof it fted to them, tno under thtir juritdic'liothtaggmauoo oilheofrence i?i it iforeiaul, thalU lirully and ma - couMr, ourn any aemnj noute, n Pjowon noute, or any aorr, o.m. anoiv, iher building, pared of any dwelling k mtotion hoMte, ery perton i Ol ne, ble or her coantellert,.ldir, ltd abettort, tbtil be deemed RtiUiy of cjony, ana tnaii, on coutkimto inercoi, offer death. . . , , . , . Sec . Jnd bt iturtkff rnoctidi That, ( toy perton or portoot. in any oi metotber fast, fired to any anchor or moor . . . ti Iaeetaroretld, ahall. wUrully and man ioutly.act fire to, or bum, any artenal, raory,ttiiKzlnc,top walk.ihfp-houte, art-boutf, block houte.or barrack, or oy itoro bouM,barn,or atable, or pr- ei or uwei.infr waotr, or any ouer Kkmi oi imi act, or ny imp or veaici, Jment to hard labor, not Mceedinij fire 4iilt. nr riuil.-iincr. ftr hepun to b hullt.l...n tif. .r.. I C n pr rcpainngror any ojrdi nouir, ot.dc- on, or My Umber, cablet, rigging, or -ithtr materitlt tor ouikllng, repairiag, .r Biting- outrt-or-Mttele,- .et-UfJ -tie of wood, he tilt, or otler lumber, or Iny military, navtl, or tflctaaUiogitoret, aruit, or omer nwnniOTi 0( war, CTerr Verton, to offendint;, hit or ber counte! rt, aiders, and abettort, thall be deemed have been felonioutly taken or aloleo, uiliy of felony, and sfu'.l. on coniction from inr other perton, knowing the time ,Utui.l4 hr fiiMt sced t ha, ben so uken of atolan, eery ig fire thotiwnd dollars, and by impria person so offending; ahall be deemd tvmnt and confinement to hard labor, guilty 0f misdemeanor, and may be oL:exteeCJnjrjien:year, -ccowKngtQ proaectHed therefor, althongh the iliwi a aggravation of the offence. . T pet offender ehargeub!, o eharged with 'SrrSai It U further 'nntedt'Thix the larceny; shall not have been Brown ; finy offence thall be commined, in any f the tlacrs aforesaid, the- punishment X which offence is not SDeciillrfprorided for by any law of the United States, such imprisonment and confinement to hard iffe'nee r'shanV'upon" contiction in any Ubor, not exceedinj; three- years, accord court of the United Statct, having cog- ing 10 the esgmation of the offence, nirance thereof, be liable to, and receive, Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That, ho,same punUhmentas tbtlwtpf the httle, Irs which siich fort, dock-yard, pivr-yard, arsenal, armory, or magawne, Y other plare, cedcirisfbrtsiidrrsit - juaxcu pnrviae xor tuo oww, uirsu, wnicn snau oein aitiress, or,wnicn committed, wuhio the body of inyojintj oi aucn siate. - - . - -SettA.-And be UfufirHffi. TKt ' any Dcrsoh or persons, upon tin high ta, or in any ami of the trt, or in any I river, laven, treck, b'NitV. or bay, within the rdoiiralty nJ iiiariiime junndiction of the United S'j'es, n-l out of the juris (fifties of any jr.lular state, shirll com-4 mil the crime ot wilful murder, or rape, or shall, wilfully and mslicwusly strike, I atab wouodtpoison, or ahoot at, any cr person, of which striking, stabbing, I grounding, poisoning, or shooting, such person shall afterwards die, upon land, the sea, into danger, or distress, or ship pithin or without the United States, eve wreck, every person, so offending, his or Fy person so offending bis or ber..coun - ellors, aiders, or abettors shall be deem fd guilty of felony i and. shall, upon con- viction thereof, aulTer death. ' 'StcTstM Hii iuriKe f re f Thit ( any - offctlce ehall be committed on Mard ofany sMpWVesStf:ieloginjr to pnyluzei.... ptatea, while lying in a port or place phhin the jurisdiction of any foreign stale' of Sovereign, by any perton belong pPjUQJbtLCompany of said ship, or; any jpsssenger, or any other person belong jing to the company of. said ship or any !Hhr passenger, the same offence shall oe coimtzable and phi by tn I proprjCkttiU.C9ttirt9flH in the tame tray end manner, and under the same ctrcnmstknceifas if said offe.njse- had " beenommTtted bh W ship or vessel on the high seas, and with out the jurisdiction of such . foreign, sov: ereign or state i roiH't, a-ffj That offence,' and acquitted or convicted there ofrin inr competent cbnrrdrsucn":ibr- eign atate or sovereign, he shall not he subject to another trial in any court of the United States. Sec. 6. And be iMurthtr. enacted. That ff any person or persons, upon the high I sets, or In any arm of Ihe sci, or In in rUer, haven, crttk, basin, or bay, within the admiralty and maritime jurisdiction rlsdlctlon or any fcanlrular title. shall br surprise, or bf open fortei vWlence 1 manttow.lv escn ' vessel belonging, la whole or n part , ItO tht.UfiUad Hales, or U any cilltCB Mit(ilri)i tneftof, of to any otheryer' tiiatKtfr, iu, n Intent unlawfu ly to plunder th time ehJa or vend, or pa aetjxnj wf owner or owwn inerro; - ( (tdrn on board ibcreoft or thtll, bf fnrci I or violence, cf It putuoir In fetr, muw e1 fulJr plunder tnr tucb thlp or TettcK or iletl ind ctrnr wtr inr rnoner. roodt, bir mmbindiitt li Jen on board thereof i labor, not eiceediogr ten yetrt, tctordinj 1 fiee.f. And. kt it fnhtr morrrrf, Thit ..IMnM ef rtn uoon tho hirh MMf 0P ,nr tft or the placet afore L, with intent to kill, rob, ateal, com - lmlt a ran or to da or ncrnctratA an ,- f.tonr. ahatl kreak or enter n Lyp, teatela, hotU or raft or if any i perton or penone thai! UrulIy and ma Ilu-touilr cut. tnoil. or detiro. an roe jaffe. cable. boon. boorroD. headfatt. or ' - , - - aeu belonrinir to anr ahln. !. boat. or rifu ertrr nerton. ao onendirir. hit or her countellort, aWert, and abettort, ,b!t be deemed eutltr of felfnr. and thall, on 'conJction thereof, b punlthed by fine, not exceedinc one thontand dol- J Vl , .LVUIUIII (IlltUII VI IIIQ oBance. . Sec t And btii iuriier rtacUd, "fhat if nr neraoo or nertona opon the bieb teor In any other of the placet afore MW. ,ktii btir. reeelre. or conceal, or aid I in concealing, anr money, goods, bank i notetr or other effect or thingt which mav bo the tubiect of Jarcenr, which ted m conricted thereof r end hall, on , I conviction tnercoi, do puniMiea oy nne, hot exceeding one thousand dollars, and J if any perton or person s shall plunder, tel, or destroy any money, goods, mer ehandize or other cttccts, from, or belonc- 4ing - toe - ny - - hip - r.,t esseU or.bwst, or j be - wrecked, lost, stranded, of cast -iiwar' tipon- the aea, or -unon-anyr.Tcct, I thoa,!, hank, or rpeks of the iat qr n any other place within the admiralty and mamime jurisdiction of the United States or if any person or persons shall wilfully obstruct the escapoof any per son endeavoring to save his or her life from such ehip orvestei, boai, or raftf or the wreck thereof ; or, if any person sir persons shad hold out or shew any false otb-Ilight or lights, or extinguish jny true light, with intention to bring any ship or vessel, boat or ran, belnjf or tailing upon her counsellors, aiders, and abettora, shall be deemed guilty of relony, and shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by fine, not exceeding, five thousand dollart, and imprisonment and confinement to nard Ubor, no etceedjng ten years, according - loe kyAMwwi???ce;" " " " ' That, if any master or commander of any ship or vessel, belonging, in whole or tin part, to any citizen or citizens of the United. States, shall, during hisbetng abroadTTHillcl6aily7inathout-justuia- ble cause, force any officer, or mariner, of such ship or vessel, on shore, of leave him behind, m any foreign port or place. to bring home, again all such pf tne omcers and mariners or such ship or vpssewhpm he carried et with him-as arj! in a condition to return, and willing to return, when he shall be ready to proceed in .his home ver7 qr, commander, so" offending shall, Ton not exceeding five hundretTdoIIarst'or by imprisonment, not exceeding six months, according to the aggravation of the of- fence. - , Sec 11. And be it further enacted, That, if anrTwmuiornerions ahall wtl- fully and maliciously set on ae, or biirn, a a -J on fire, or burnt or ctherim leatny ej, or aid, procure, abet or sail t in ssMrng on fire, or uoming, or olbrul cf'rt ing, any slip or vessel of war of th Uni ted States aflot on the high aeaa.WlQ any wrta of ll let, or U any rlt, ha ven, crttk, batin, or bey, wlihur tha ad inlralif Jurisdiction of the United Stats, an i out of the juriadiciion of nyptnlea. lar State, every pcrsonj so duckdln snail bt deemed, goiity or fioos arw. ihaIT,Ml conviction thereof, t affer Pt9viitd That nothing herein von shall he construed to take iwar or i the right of any court martial to any ontoce, wmcn, oy in law o United States, nay be punisbabJAby Sec. 13. And bt It further entc That, if any officer of the United Sta shall be guilty of extortion, under or color of his office, every person so offen Ing shtlw on conviction thereof, be pu Itbed by fine, not exceeding fir bundret dollars, or by imprisonment, not exceed! ing one. yea, according to the aggrtvaj tlon of the offence. ,. or oi lie rent devtror, or ci'ni to ba in Sec. 13. And be It further naetedVrtyttf note, or other puWic securitv That, If any person, in any rase, matter. hearing, or other proceeding, when oath or al&rmation shall bo required" io be taken or administered under or by inr law or laws of the United States, thall, upon the taking of such oath or agina tion, knowinrly and wllllnely swrtr or affirm falsely, every person, so offen4ng, shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and shall, on conviction thereof, be punLhed by fine, not et reeling two Ihoutanddol ars, and by imprisonment and conns- ment to hard labor, not exceeding five years, according to the agrraratia of the offence. And if any person or per sons shall knowingly ocwUlirigly prcora any such perjury to bevoramlued, 'very person eo oflTendine shall, he deemed guilty of su)Of nation of perjury, snrf shall, on conviction thereof Je pudshed by fine, not exceedingjwo thouaand dol- art, and by imprisonment and confine- mennbhard "thborrnofrexceedinf, fire' yrtrt, according to the aggravation of the offence. See. If. And be it further enacted. That, if any perton upon his or her ar rtifrnment epon any indictment before any court of the Uciied.Sutea &r r offence, wot capital, abali stand mute, or ill not answer or plead to such Indict ment, court shall, notwithstanding, pro ceed to the trial of the person so atanJ- ing mute, or refusing to iMwr ar plead, as if he or she bad pleatled JH "ftuilty, and upon a verdict being returned by the jury, maf proceed to render judgment accordingly. And the trial of all offen ses, which shall be. committed upon the high seas or elsewhere, out of the limits of any state of district, shall be in the dis trict where the offender is apprehended! or into which he may be first brought. Sec. 15. And bf ft further enacted, I That, in every case where any criminal convicted ofahy bffedteigmsttho Uni ted States, shall be sentenced to tmpris pn'ment ' and confinement; ;to hard- labor, it ahalibe iBwfuTTorthrebtirt. by which the sentence Is passed, f o'of Je'r Ihf aa'me to be executed in any state prison, or pen itentiary, within the district where such court ls hoiden J the use of which prison or penitentiary may be allowed or gran jyrd bv the Legislature of soch state for sucF'pur attend- ant upon tne execution ol such aeotencc shall be puid by the United States. Sec IS. And be It further anaeted. That, if any person who shall be employ ed as president, cashier, cRrk, or servant, in the .Dank of the United States, created and- established by an act, entitled " An act. to incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of the United States,' passed on ine icmn usy.oi Apm, lo tne yearvnw Lnrd tme thousand eight hundred d sixteen, or in any office of discount and deposite established by the Directors of saia Pin), iivany iiaie or.icrrtiory m v?v United States, shall fclohiously lake, ttet, and carry away, any money, goods, bood, bill, hank ..note M. other. note,check? draft, Treasury , note, or other" valubl security or e ffecU, belonging to stu'd baLkj or deposited in ssid hank ; or, if any per son so- employed js President, Cailiier, Clerkr or aervaoi, ahlL Jrawdvikptli ..em beczie, secreted or maka way with any money r goads, bondy bill, bank notedraft Treasury note, or other valuable security weffeeHwVre or which shall come to his possession or custody by virtue of such employment, every person ao offendin r-vhall be deem ciil tton therelb punish ceeding five tlrousand dollirsrridby tm- priaonment and confinement to hard la bor not exceeding. ten years, according to the aggravation of the offence.. 1 . j. bee. " 1 7. ' And be it further , enacted, The, if any person or persons shall false ly rmle, forrr, or otinterfelt, or cauie r procure tj te fJtely made, forged, or ivuwifciitucu, or wiiimj'ir aia or IHISI In flily nultng, forcing or counterfoil, ing, any svaper, wriiinjr,, or Inttrumcnt, in Imitation of. or .purporting to be, an U dtntf csnUUatf.of rha puuirstocit, or CeW, l rtaanry note, or other puwic s corltycf the. United States, or any let Ur patent, istucd or trafited the Pre tidenfof the United Stales, or any bill. check, or draft, lor money drawn by or on the Treasurer of lb United States, v Uy or on any other public officer or agent of the United States, duly authorized to t- j . . . mm, or , ateepi, or pay me aanic, on behalf and for account ef the United States or if any person or persons shall pass, u'ter, ofpubliih, or attempt to pata, utter, or publish, as true, any such (alte, fored, or counterfeited piper, writinr, or inummrni, a now ing ine same 10 be ulsr, lorte(l, or counterfeited, with intent to ilefrtud the United States, or any body politic or corporate, of any other person or pertons whatsoever; or if any person or prrvMit shall falaely alter anf indent, certificate of Ihe nublic stock or debt. of the United States, or anr letters pa- inttnt. itied or rranted bv the Traiiilani of the United States, or any bill, check, or droit for money drawn by or on the TrMMr of tne United Statea, or aey other public officer or aiettt of th Uni ted Statct. duly authorized to make, draw, accept, or pay atirh bill, check, br draft or if any perton or perton t thall pai, tatter or publish, or attempt to past. utter, or nabllia, as true and unaltered, any such falsely altered indent, certificate. Treasury note, or other public security, letters patent, or bill, cherk. or drsft, knowlne the same' to be flely altered with intent to defraud the I'nited States, or" any body politic Of corporate! or any perton or persons whatsoever j every such per tor. so offeft'Jinfr, ahall be deem ed' guilty of felony, and shall, on convic tion thereof, bo punithed by fine, not ex ceeding five thousand dollar, and by im prisonment and confinement to hard labor, not exceeding ten year?, according to the aggravation of the offence. Sec. 1 8. And be it further enacted. That, if any person or persons shall falsely make, lortre, or counterfeit, or cause or procure to be fattely nude, forged, or counterfeited, or willingly aid or astlit in faliely making, forging, or counterfeit ing any paper, writing, or instrument, in imitation of, or -purporting to be any Jet ter of attorney, or-other authority or io- etrument to aaaign, transfer, sell, or con vey, any share or sum in the public stock or debt of the United States, or in the capital stock of thr. President, Directors and Company or the Bank of the United States, or receive any annuity or annui ties, dividend or dividends due .or to be come due on any such slock or debt ; or to receive any pension, prize money, wa ges, or other drift or turn of .money due, or to become due fiom iho United or counterfeit. or cause or-pTctre to be forged or conn terfeited, willingly aid or astiat in forging orcouhterfeitlng, the name or names of any of the nolderfrpropnetorrofony such public stock or dcht, or of any per son entitled to any such annuity, dividend pension,-prize money, wages, or other debt or aum of money, as aforesaid, in or to any such pretended letter of attorney ftthorh-yvoWfrMransenr: or shall knowi ingly and fraudulently, demand, or endea vor to hare or ubtuio such. share or sum in such publio stock or debt, or capita! stock of the'sn'id hank, or to have any part thereof transferred, assigned, sold, or conveyed, or soch annuity, dividend, nension, prize-money, wares, or other debt or turn ofinoney, or any part there of, to bo received or paid, by virtue of any Sin n false, forged, or counterfeited fetter .01. auorney, awnoiiiy, nr.: msuu ment ; or shall faintly and deceitfully personate any true or reul proprietor or hoMerof :h;.sbrejirumjn0ch pub tteocliUr br ''capital stock of . the said Bank, or any person entitled to such annuity, dividend, pension, prize-money, wages, or othejr debt or sum of money as aforesaid, and thereby transferring, or endeavoring to transfer, such puhttrsjockr or debt, or capital stock of the aaid Bank, or receiving, or endeavouring to receive the r money of - soch - true- nd. lawful holder or proprietor thereof, or the mon ey of such person tir persons? really end IfVlljr.-l ;nlMie4 " eeetvo-uch--.annuiLy.i iiKiuenu, fciiiii, prize uiviicj, "k9 or other debt, or turn of money, a fore W,w4fotoffemerttc ndJM to: eveiv person. 'ioroeholnjtllliait' anwd :gior:le.Jtfhttm""ion ... ' i M 4. .V'i'',"'-'-'l''v.,.-...V.. conviction thereof, Ve pun he3ry riie not exceeding five thousand dollars, and byimpritonment andcotfinementtohfd labor, not exceeding ten years, according to th eggrafat'ion of the offence. Sec. 1 9. And be Ufutthtr enacted, Thstj If any person pr persons shall faliely make, forge, or counterfeit, or cause of proeere to be falaelr made, fcrttd, cr cownwrfelrrd, or wilUngly kJ or ei,t in falsely making, (t'gttiK,,or courrferfcif Ug, shy ,4nitrtitoeni lo imlt.ilotl t, or pnrponing toU an abstract or oilkial copr, - or tertiCdat of. the recording, registry or enrolment ef any ahlp or tea-" sei, in th office of any collector td ihA custom! of the United States, or I license te any aMp or Hvstl for carry imr -or, i coasting trade, of fishery or fisheries of the United States, br.a certificate ef otbershlp, Bis sspoTt, iea letter, or clearance, granted for any ship or vessel Mer tb authority of the United Statei or a permit, debenture, or other official documrnrrgrtnted by any collector or other officer of (be customs, by virtue of bis or tbeir office or shall falsely alter anyabslracl, official copy, or certificate. of any recording, registering, or enroll ing of any ship or vessel In the office of sny collector of the customs of the Uni ted States, or any license to any thlp of veise! for cirryinren the coastinc trade or fisheriea of the United States, or any certificate of ownership, pats, pt,port, sea letter, or clearance, granted for any shin or vessel umier the authority of the United St lira. an avrmit. debenture or ourer cfficul dorament rranted .... col tec lor, or other officer ef the customs. by virtu ot nit or tut, ntv , await pets, niter, or publish, or attempt (o pass, niter, or publish, as true, any such false, forced, or counterfeited instrument, or any such falsely altered abstract official copy, certificate, license, psss, passport, sea Utter, clearance, permit, debenture, or other official document ea aforesaid, knowing the same to be false, forged, or counterfeited, or faWelv altered, with an jnjent to defraud the United States, or any otner oooy pontic or corporate, or person, whatsoever I every person, so of fending, shall be deemed guilty of felony, and shall, on coovietlon ' hereof, be pun " ished iiy fine, not excetdln- one tHouunit ' dollars, and by imprisonment and con finement to hard labor, not exceeding three years. Sc 30. And he it further enacted, That if any person or persons shall falaely make, forge, or counterfeit, or cause, of procure to be falsely made forged, or counterfeited, or willingly aid or astitt in falsely making, forging, or coonUrfthlng any coin, in the resemblance or simili tude of the gold or tilver coin, which has beeni or hereafter may he coined at the . Mint of the United Stalest or in the re semblance or similitude of any foreign gold or silver coin, which, by law, now is. or hereafter may be, made current in tha United States ; or shall pass, utter, pub-, lish, or sell, or attempt to pass, utter pub" lish, or sell, or bring into the United States, from any foreign place, with in tent to past, utter, publish, or tell, is . true, any such lalte, lorged, or counter feited coin, knowing the same to be false, forged, or counterfeited, whh intent to defraud any body politic, or corporate, or any other person, jor persofrsf whatsoev er t-every person to offending ahall bo . deemed ruilty-of felony, ennsalptx conv icIT6SeTewrW-ptmthe not excct'dmi live thousand dollars, and by imprisonment, and confinement to hard labor, not exceeding ten years, ac cording to the aggravation of the offence , Sec. 21.. And be it further enacted, That, if any- person er'iwrsOTr "sfialr 'falsefr ' make, forge, or counterfeit, or cause oy procore, to be falsely made, forged, or counterfeited,- forging, orcounterfclling: any coin, in the resemblance or simili tude of any copper coyi, which bas been, or hereafter may be, coined at the Mint of the United States j or shall pass utter, publish, or sell, or attempt to pass, utter, publish, or sell, Or bring Into the United States, from any foreign place,' with in- v" tent Wpsss,' utter,-pnwish,-or selv as true, sny such fnhe,. forged, or emmter- feited . coin,srilh intent to .defraud anjr body politic, or -corpwatc, personror" persons, whstsoe ver; e'rery person, so offending, shell be deemed cuilty of felony, and shall, on conviction thereof, be punished" by fine,"nof exceed inirncLthgutand dollars, and by impri sonmen nd confinement to hard labor, not exceeding. three years. J5ec, 22vwfrd be it further enacted, That, if any person or persons, cpontarrhtgrt---- - acts, or w any.attn,9, ,Wx$JJ,PX-.-riyerihayenf creek, basin, or bay, within" thratrrhy-jurrttiono States,' end out of the jnrisdictionof any -r,ertkridr---state-oB-hoari toy... vessel be longing in wholo or in part to the United; State,or any citizen or xithemr thereof, r. shall, wkh daneet ous weapon, or with hrnTerftto - kiiixaljiie,K keMmmJi ? mayhem, or rcpe, or to. perpetrate any other felony, commit sn assault on an- other, such person shall, on conviction thereof, be punbhed by fine, hot ecetdr . , . i ' S ! i sj .i fi ' I i 'r1, ' )