i 1 ' -4: is 'a - iff, , h ; ( 1 "i r i ( j ihrer ihi.u.K ) it--lir eil by imp-i-.,i,tncnt ).! ro.i'H f -iff l' br'l U.-ir, rnl exrfii'Mf three tern, etrofding 1 lh s;M4jii .n of the olrnre. hrc. 23..? t Ifiijunh" frtiffTbat, kteny pern tr funv' H ill. on the .igh or within the United ' wilfully end conupilf conspWt, combine, and confederate, 'h wf '",r rrtoft or persons such other lr,n f?,t?n Utnff cither within or houl 'H Ststes, to east away, bum, or otherwise destroy, any ship or vessel, or to prorure ih ian lo be done, ,nUM 19 nlw9 any person, or bdy'poUtic, that bth un derwritten, of thtlUbtt ,m' tkrwrUf, any policy of tntroe there foods on bwrt thereof, or with intent to Iniure any peraon, or body poll- , lic that hath lent of advanced, or there rafter ihall Und or advance, any money on Hfu b uik(, on InMomrr or respondentia, or shall, i'Lla tie United Stelee, build or (it out, or ei& in building or fitting out, any sllpfr vessel, with intent that the i..t! l,o rait awavi burnt, or de- iu-oyed,Jor the pwpoB.orjitb Ibo de lgn afuvesild, every perwonrw offend in.. halt. nn conviction there of, be deemed eolhr of felosy, and ehall be punished by fin, not exceeding ten thw tend collars, ana or impnsonovni, ami con6neracnt lo bard labor, not eiccediof ten rem. Sec. 24 A4 be U further tmicted, Thtt, If an of the t-old or silver coin which hall be strut or coined it the mint of the United Suite, shell be debeted, or nude worse, as to the proportion or nne gold or fine silver therein conuined, er bill be of leu weight or value then the uma nun hi la La. iMtntMfct to the-eeveral .eMive thereto, through the eort or wl'H the connivence of nv or the Hi ftn orperaovii wno snail be employed t the said mint, for the purpoie of profit or gsm, or otherwise, with a fraudulent in tent and if eny of the said officers or per sens ehill esnbexzle any of the metals whith hall at anytime, be committed to their charge for the purpose of being; coioed, or any of the coin which shall he . :ruVrAc xoined uhe-aald roinU.eery dfh officer or penoo who hll commit - - anjr, or either, of the wid offence, khall . " ."T deemed juilly joT Xcluny, and . shaft be ' eentmerd to imprisonment and bard la bor for a term not less than one year nor more thin ten ytars, and shall be fined in a sum not exceeding ten thousand dol lars. . ' Sec. 55. And be it further tnactrd, That all acts and parts of acts, incontinent with the provisions of this act, shall he, and i the same are hereby, repealed l ProxL 4edy neverthflct That all such acts, and parts of acts, shall be and remain in full force for the punishment of all offences committed beture the patting, of ibis act Sec. 36. ind be j father warf&Tliat ' jrothlnir in this act contained shall be con lirued to deprke the courts of - the indi vidual, states of junsdicuon, under (he ' laws of the several states, -over offences made punishable by this act. It. CLAY, Speaker Home of Representatives. JOHN (MILLARD, Prra'ulent Pewnte pro tempore. tratltinjttn, .V'arci 3d, 1825. Approved! JAME3 MONROE. r- -. MB. CLAY. - - " e) iiv - aer eeifiMivN avewwuw- ew - w ttte 28iaJi."c6ntajhs'Andrtsil.XroiJ H-nry Clayr u To ihe people of the Xungre sjipnH'41hlil'-tuj;ri xyd of the r.ivorr w Airvt-.. We pftti hf the lM shket f.rm Purr jt.lhat l'f f"r C-i'f nl.ljrh lifl tratt'cd IKlnc' J1''"' he f.f h .l i tl.ruarf lti ""' Cheerful h trllicrrice hl '"'Itn ld-ilttermined on the rtcteni of the South Arrnh-sn iUpuWics. hi mi'nnrr in hi',h tlie prMefritrigsAf the I'rMirt of frig Urn! in telaiUttj 4 this subject is viewed I f the French !initrj , It no bmer a rnitur ofdoukt, Ihe French; piitiisfer of II Dance dfchrcd in debate Ji the Cham her ofDrpuil'i'hat no act bad taken Dlace.kviikntlf referrlnn to the English recegtitios, vbkrr h4 not been foresrerr hy tbenMv(S. , 1 he iiuelKM oeiove ine HiMse thes war, whether ihey, ihcrald apffopriaia oam fumjrea rnuuum fHfcmnity t the Emigrants who had lost ppe'iy to iht amount, durinj fha eluru of the French revolution, The bitnvnt of selarras sum wet resisteC on thfj ifTound of the inability of France to bfir socn an eitravafrant eipcnuuure ThW called otrthe MlnUter of Finance i irc?td time, who reiterated his assertion thartothinc had taken place on the Con Uninrwhtcrrvm not foreseen by-there- ete, and that there was nothina; in tht tJterior vlmlion tf Fratite inetmfiatibtr 4th the tMte tf inch lav. In order shew how perfectly this measure bad leen understood by the respective labt iet it Is only necessary to mention that he Indemnity bill, appropriaUu one hundred thousand millions of fraoes for Ipayment to ihe Emigrants, was.rerom bended bv Ihe rrench monarch in i . Ii mi If h .1 l!f I N 10 Mr. Adams a. .).tffra tS-t brnnn t Mr. had lifrn muili f,.ivi'lrit"'t i! ' rrmed. 1 in.lif, U rri-WUM th letter r.f r;en.-j4ikrt to Mr. SaMout. H thus fontlu lrs his letter i . Fallo cl.lirnt, I im srn-U a;enerilly public olTicer bd hcUer ab stain Tram any vindication: of his conduct, and leave it I the candor and Justice! bis fountrvinen, under all its afrndtng circumstances. Such has )cit , the course which I have heretofore prescri bed to myself. This Ii the firsf, I hope it may be the last,' occasion ef my thus apprarinj befne you.. TN seps ration which has jusl ken pTe helwern trs, and the venom, if not the vhpf of the late onset upon my pttneeondurt, will, I hope, be allowed in this'lnttanre fe form an adequate apotrrRf. " It his been upwards of twenty yesre since I first en tered the public tervice.- Nearly three fnurths of thst time, with some intermis' sl'jns, I have represented the tame dis trict In Congress, without little vsrlation in Jn fornix Ehirios; jhiUJL tn you have befield our country pssiing thrwrh Kcnes of peace and war, of pr na perity and adversity, and of party divis Ions, local and central, often greatly ci asperated against each other. I have been en actor In most of ihoe scenes. Throughout the whole of them, you hs,re dung to me with an affectionate confidence which has never been surpas sed. I have found in your attachment, reer. the rre.test con.ol.tbn and ,he .perch fronuhe ,h?ne, afr the apeeeh, mQ.t encowrartn sunnort. I should Wlore int. sunjrt o. roya. r.con, ' f if !rj t'l tut"!,.'! H, r , regard jhe lots of it as one of the most afllirting publie misfortunes which coumI belal me. I hat 1 have often mistimed vt4 your true htereat is highly probable. 1 net I have ever sarrificed them to the object of personal aggrarfdisrmem, t uf lerly deny. And for the purity of my motives, however in other respect F may be unworthv lo approach the Thmne nl Grace and Mercy, I appeal lot he justice of mv Cod, with all the coofidenre which can flow from a consciousness of perfect rectitude." - - -. itkfuunt CawWfcvr- TUB NAVY. A hoe report Team tlieSecretai rbr the Jsavy in answer ta .swulry iwqurie made by the Senate, baa been publi.heil In the Nati'snal Intelligtneer, the roateri al pon of which relates lo sundry recom mendatione from that oflicer, as I- A regular and systematic organiu- uun oi toe xysvy, wiiicu nas never yet been done, hy a law specifying the duties and annexing the penalties for disobe dience. Congress have never vet sys tematically legislated on this subject h has only been done by bits and scraps of J Siipposinj inch Is w made, rules and rrKulations growing out of It would namral'r-arise hating a better and rcoro sure foundation thin those hastl'y framed by the Naval Department. 3. A revision of the law for the bet'er government of the Navy, with a plainer designation of crimes and punishments. 1 his, is slurred over at present in an tin- legislative mode, stating offences In such indefinite terms, as well as punishments. that the officer scarcely knows when lie has ofiended, or the Court what penalty to affix. The punishments it is proposed to graduate- thus private rcprinuuids pur)lit'trenrim4nd-iirTafiona v grwies i auspcnaion irom ouiyt-aomeumes Fitn pay, sometimes without dismission from service ; and last oi an, cram; uu or any mtrvUtion assumes the character of Uw, Intelligence arrive of the English reeevnition, and IhU is im mediately sell ed oa by the mem'ers nl he opposition to defeat the passage of he bill. , I he reply of the French Miijsvr is as stated abovi thai there has nothin? occurred in the eilrrior situation of France since his Majesty's speech, V prevent the passage oi auih a law - .ft meihai this ,q.H-birp, aprd i. Mr. CW.HOt, Vice rrtnt if j! l'i4 led inlet, with ! fmll, pitted through this pfce a few di a'nee, on a visit to !i twiie Kate, loutb -farofina. Iurirg !a May here of one day, a number of e-ur ritumenil.rceil the epportualty of pajlng their rpeers ! the ruaman whwe eourae hae beea o enfMpIc. out anj brilliant fur the pat H J"- Many of str cliiaesM svr that ha ImjuM par take pf f inbl'fl dlnntrfchul Hi rirr tf get on home, prevented tbent fmn pretSnf H u:m.. .-;-. --r"-'- . tr. C!hwn baa Seen a'i( fW lf aa5e stale fat the last seven years during which time he has edltd much to hfe fame, and ne doubt to lis rich rtorti of knowledge and wis. dom. flis ntgemertf of the War Depart, merit eW, Is wfficieat lo call forth the adml. ration of the whole nation i He AmbJ it in the e'rnovt duw!cr-rbhM left Jt It the most per. feet state of orgtMxation i so that bis weeeswr baa but tittla more to do this ta pun a com parativtly eaay and rrgukr routine of duty, to insure a pfoapcroua adathtlalratioa of the !) partment. - t ' Mr. taflirsun b now i1ee Pretidenf, and the nation looks lo h;m to raise that offiee from the fi,!!en state to which it has bean depressed by the management of Virginia politicians, airf ta make ll hat It was contemplated to be by the framersof the Constitution the sceond office in the goveroment. in Kentucky." It occupies more than of which may now be inflicted by Navnl aix wide column in small type, and take I Courts Martial, on crimes so loose) v de- r . - I m ' - . - , I . general view oi nia own cuurve in ;ue Presidential Election before the House of epreseWtivev:-.JIe;: begins.' by teHth'jf bis constituents, that "the relations of ioqr representative and of your neigh or in which 1 have so long stood, and in TwhicTiisvtBjpericnceiiOJTjanyjstroBg . proofs of your confidence, attachment and friendship, having just been, the one ter minated, and the other suspended, I avail , myself of the occasion on taking, I hope, a temporary leave of you, to express my unfeigned gratitude for all your favors, r;"nd te assure -youT thai I ahall cherish a - fond and increasing recollection of them." Mr. Clav then goes into the Presidential 1ZJI. Ejpc t ionMieMhe leter mlnation be bad expressca oeiore nc went 10 vvasningion of voting for Adonis sooner than Jackson, and the bbjcclioos that be.had maile to the election of Mf. Crawford (amonj which was thst of his continued ill-health) he, proceeds to notice the attacks that were made upon him at Washington, and particularly the first letter of Mr. Kre- mer.in the Columbian Observer he ex am me s at great length the course he bad ..... pyp--gjfYfo incidents which had ta-' ke'rriwe-4iH he House of - Represent a-j tives- respecting (DjI letter. lie next nlce4 hinv t- lopi the course he b4 pursued ; why he did not think fit, to vote - for Wm. Crawford1 j and why not for Ceni - Jacksot); the last rrmn the groundr that ' -ho wanly'e wrfrr-lTnTTrad "wfafm- wort. He shew why he did not think it ' fit to pursue the instroctionsofheLe Klslature of'Ken ucky, in favor of Gen. "Jackson, lie. examines the last long let ter of Mr. Kremer,: published in the Wasbbjton City- Gazette; and in the fined by la 4 A permanent Judge advocate to be 'appointed both -lor the army' and navy-. to give a Naval Court power to compel the attendance of witnesses. 5.. That an academy be formed for the education-of -young -officers. i his U pressed with peculiar force; the main tenance of the American Character abroad the high and important duties often entrusted to our naval officers the ne cessity that exists that they should be well acquainted with the science of naval "sr- chhecttfre in all it hrancnesr"'""" - V 6. The establishment of a Marine Corpsi wilb,.duiie.correpQodtni to those of the army. The " report itself Ts ' extremely w el written, and is an-honoraule evidence o the talents of -he- gentleman -who so perintenda the Naval Department; its length, connected as it is with an abund ly remised from my house near the time tf her leavinglt." From a sense of tfuly to myself and the public I make the aboe staiemenoi lucts, riTCR- HEtsoir. . re rns tanritva laxrvm. !- A- IIAHO-CAHV-r t-. i The ' subscrter takes of infurmisg the public of an oc tulj-f e, bich In this eotmtry he believes to be (withfuif e precedent. . About.aU weeke sen I ailvertisrd for a bouse-kee per, n conieoMencr 4 which a young womss, named rjnna Dradtord Lnglian of Boston, calid at my house and offered her ae trices in the above capacity I cm pjoved hrr, and she continued in the per formance of her duties, and conducted herself with ihe most perfect propriety until a fw days since, when she with nut ceremony proposed to become my wife. I was surprised at tuck a pro nosal but basing been pleased with the kind tare nd attention she appeared to manifest towards mychtMreny I . se ceded to her proposition, and left to he'r tbe appoiiittnent of a time for the matri monies. She said the annirersarr of her birth day would be on tbe 13th inat. and she Would prefer being married on that day. This being eed to, I pro cured from the paruu.judge, the lion. J. Pitot, a licence in legal form for marri age on the evening appointed the Rev. . ... . . . ir. nan arm several gentlemen and la- A chemical pmeeM has lately been ill. covered, uir, np nau-occn invnca on me con-, hy vtiicH llojr'a tortl can lie. conv, rtrd into tn tenipurtd nccasloti it my house, ind after' snide fur dip.iig and piouiding cimII-. upe bcingTscated a short time, the pretended , rio1" 10 'hisaiun tallow, when prepared accor. bride entered, the rooraitd..maktrjj:: Thpl,nf I.T'JlV'1 . . c.. rmarrn.- Ihrrsrwlea nwdc of it burn witli au. few remarks, reft the ; house.-- Supposing rKIa. resembling a am of ihe pure-t nut was iuuc iiijt iic, i ai ner itiMica',. vm. Tih-V iuiiiishcu ner sriiii iimninjf, c. a-oii sidcrable amount, which she clandestine 'S , (oi ai'.h of our nri!.ii!'i ts Mf toll- t hat ilipl tflucl jf tins -l ,uf i,f !,t f f'-r ', !iji !, Wrn rt'i,., gf humor, in rtwticme uf iht liary aJnc in ll price of that attkW There were two rentlrmen In Istkbtirt, i', I lrr part i( lt etk, (if fiom CVra, u,. othrrfmnr fsjet'evilU) whootHrt-t cot. i r roiiun or a utr oisi.iy. u u fuppn. a still further adsanca v ill tk place iI.m t,tkA ontATirjiTittx.il kmd. We umleratanj that the Board of V. fitataV Rnglnem are now passing through the Mate, on the recotiitui-anea of tbe contemplated Ka tional Itoad. 1 key w'dl lint cumine the route by the ae.au of pvernment, and retirni steng the route by Thi place, and not beyond the mountains, aa atatcd by the Raleigh Register, ktr. Cafhoun's letter ta tbe Governor of Ceor gisv fpahHJied in our Ut paper) explains the course h?cb will be followed. Wr IcTrrT flirt the Isrr femtaey etTVTar wrote to Gov. Ilurtoa, requesting that the Co gineerSf this tiie mizVt aecomywy the Board daring its renflwiiwe,thjtujb. nSeatejt Bui owing to oihar rngagementa, Mr. Fultoa can not sceompsy tbo Board a it goes on, bwt will. oa their return by thU route, meet them at the RmiUJA. arobna line, and aaaiat tliera uunag their progrea through Nortb Carolina. bich rmite w ill erentuii?!y he adopted, la, of course, alrogether unknown. Much has to he done, bef're the deeiiiim can be made. The plan adopted by the Board of Engineers, on all occasions' of Mint ,1a. Jt. Merely to travel over the route, and take a reeonnoiaanca of it with the eye i SoVTo Jke an actual survey oi U.e fround and,. " . ' Sd. To make the estimates. Po that die route tnuft be travencd over three times before the elimination i corrple- e. The Board is now on what is called the re rtnntiiam t i andl U highly probable tbe acttl' , 1 mirvejt will hotTif NmiOienced till roeie time next year. seaf) fsaasa hitherto nrj'ctieJ im make snentlna of ta fin pewit A v the puiSeatioa of a at im. r Fay eteille, to he ) It d the " Fsrettei ifj, llneHy Mr. J. A.Tstirrsn; In romnvie t,a every fatnor.e American, we stneeryly ryj at every evidence of the extension of kW V sentimea4!, ami the farther ctrTusion of lafuroution, among the people of the IfeaUw and more particularly amor g the eititna NortbCaronna t And, as one of It s etidrt. ces, ve regard with peculiar latUfactioa t4 a. cr aJ tUral aupfoct of thooa UWV folios, ft led Kcwpapars.". We are sot ,. pared to aay .that the fact of Mr. Palter-, araaaWn to publish a new paper la Fayrttew. la proof poaitlve there (a any ettnottfjniry kv creaaeof pep u tat km and buaiaeax, or of ttrrf, taste, among tbe citinBstof thai lawa sad elnltyfbut we feel warranted In saying, tie our own observation, as weff at front the rep eentatlonf of some of Uie most observant and tetTgent cltlarns cf the ptarr, that the ti!t el f ayettttiJU li not only rapidly IncrCaairig, b that ihe commercial Importance of the teas daily becoming Biorecxtenvery kitevaaonti and toore generally appreciaied at home. Consequent upon this, is an im rease of patm age to local Newspapers i But whether that , crease ia yet sufficient to ausraln two evtalLb. merits (a Fayettaville, sr; pre not able ta uj bwtiUf isU frw kkow-botkUie Rditnrrl the present paper, (ihe Carolina Ohverrrn arxl of the proposed new one, and etcm uVa as ikserving, warhyyming mea. CoU Us lately been Lund la Crtntlecnci. ty;ienjevsfiie of W or dollart femfprrn ooilr, to aliout 110 aterfing i It has alto b4 found in Naah county, eci!yrio iLe amoni of aBouf fofSOSo syi the"'fcJ:Sgh Hegiajer. ance of local matter, prevents its inser tion enure. ' Bait. Amer. It appears by the official Statement of the Hoard of Health of Philadelphia, that from the 1 st January , i 824 to 1 s Janua ry,-43Jj there were 4,399 deaths in the chpnd tibcTttjiuf PtillarfciphrirTef wtiich pcweedtsin the-reasons whklbi 'i la . s -.s- a a i I r . a ..I fever 1 03 measela 32 1 - natural small jox, and only one that had been ionocu; atcu. kji me loreoing ueains, w -curved in the Alms HauseT arid 702 were people of eolourcFrem the-l-st-f Janua i f to the 31st of December, 1824, there was born in the city and liberties, 5833 children, of whom 302 were males, und 277 1 femals. The difference between the births and deaths was, therefore. 1434 in favor of the former. LAFAYETTE AND BOLIVAR. The Charleston City Gazette mentions the following singular coincidence of ctfJ etimstance in '.be histnyof La Fayette and- Bolivar .-South Carolina was the first place, in ihe United States on which tdev both landed, and at no very distant spots the one rear Georgetown, and tne ether .at Chorleston JLa rayeue, a Frntchmon,"imt by t he way of 'an and Dolivar, a Shaniard, .by the way of rawev Both have most:matewMy cen- mbujed to the independence of the New Vdrld ii ne one in oTthrand TKe other in .South-America : and, what, is most klnguTar,' : at the'very'peFibd lit which The one is receiving the hon-.nge of national Tiatitudc in the former the. other-hn LhrPTlhrr nid cf Ihp ,!'. atwcll aiul creasy loucli of otlier Cfindle. and hen burning in the closet apurtuieut, haia no men ami emu no smote, VVhen tbia new procrw ii fatrnt-Hhtn (as it moat assuredly milt be, for we no--das do alniof'etTry- thlrig," except eating. If "patent right) c hope the inventor will speedily dis pense ta the good people of thia quarter of the globe, a morsel uf tbe benefits of bis discovery. "oajs' succeeded in his effort for the cause of freedom in the latter place. wiotcrican avy-1 acre is no w,- or shortly will be in commission, tbe follow ing ihipa. of war belonging to the United .Stalest 7 ships of the line, ip,frigats 2 cprveiics, xf sioops..oL,waj..iuciouig those recently ordered to be built, with a corresponding proportion of light vessels. wvw SiORVOt k, M c h 23- The -U.Sw ship, iioi tb. jCafdtin 4 mag shin went to tea Irom Hampton Koads, on Saturday last,' destined for the Mediterranean station. '1 he North Carolina will probably be absent from the United States two or three years. iterate THF. CONCORD PP.F.SBYTF.RY Met at Bethany lt eting-houc, in Iredell county, on 1 hursJ.iy the 7th inat. ( nd the ses sion closed on b'anirday. On Sunday, the su- crament of the Lorj's Supper was alministere4 to more than 600 comrouoicniits. The con comrte of people u u immense i and tba seen waa remlered more solemn and impreasive, by Ifie presence drtfie i ve"nerftble"iehant of 064, .WeJlev.'Jaince.vJCi eighty years of age. Indeed, we have seldom witncsicd a scene of more deep and universal interest, than when this aged disciple of Jesus, standing on the confines of the invUible world, broke to the waiting people-tlie bread of lire. Silence pervaded the vast cVowd; every one seemed eacer to catch the lessons of divine in ttnirtion Which fell from hia lips. could not I hetji , r-pi"(r ta bum If . lhe wonUx TU good marfrlit lhy decline tf fife, appearr lite the Sun rif nts evening SPAIN. AND .FRANCE We have been rurn'nhrd with an official if tation of tht hie Convention between thnr Moat Christian and Catholic Majesties, the Kiif of France ami Ppain, for the further emnw ance of the French troops rn epain. 1 h fmiwr treaties stipub'ed fr their retensi.m till a d-fi nite period but the prearnt or.e roiJt Ki laair oiMiatMiHes', rrons ihe fiial mt Jmv J tZ5, "n irtntf" without determinire time frr which the treaty shall tubrist. h I much to be recTetted that bu. Xlaierty iliw:, frel tho necessity of a constant and prolong, ie of a ftirt'-gn military force tro preserve 'r' aniens; his subject, and ta Krppremall tioti to tbe lecitimated irHtitutionsof Ihyir emi try With 5,0C0 troops cniartered u'oon kfr ir.habitar.fs, Fpa'n i, virtuairr, as muck air!.-r the comintor? of Jrance, aa if ner temtorr I! been fw mally- eeUI, or forcibly, annexed Suth U the prt:ent situation of Spain, wuick has rjadually decHned since the 16th eentun, Iien she had attained the climax of her (rn deirr, ' d w hen hrr dominions encTrcied t!w flobe, and her fme. in arts and arn s, was v oensurate with her Empire ! .Toi. Jmt:. . . . , -efe , , '' FIRATEA TAKUf."' Ilia stited irr the.VV'ashipgfpn, Recorder of the 1st Inst, that by an'at rival at fha. plf from 0e U"estTnr!irti IlllOrmatlOn t, wen wmaiitr. ,i'i Moat, of the tT- S.' schr. Crampon hl chartered a smau1 vessel in the port er St. Thomas; fined" trrt out end .sent krr in pursuit of a a.'oo. formerly belongint: lo St. Tnoiuas-whirJrbeefftakenby the Tirstes, and was cru!? war Porto Rico the shmp fell in wiu the pint and captured, her. The pirate.11 h1 2 3 killed and sti eraT woundedTthe Hnc' 13 in nuiiiber, were delivered to the su- thority tf Porto Rico, and the sloop brm Bp to St. Thomas aud dcHvered 19 tcT former 04 ners. .J5L3.rP Mr. ljtt, late member of Congress- from this district, was willing to yield ' support to any nomination thaTa roajoritv of the republicans in caucus tn i g ht w upon, beeaute he thereby hoped to prevem devolution of the presidential election to the House of epresentat(ives--an ob ject of ereat importance with all' of us- He did rot submit lo the yoke of t w ioritr of theueonle of Nortli-Carolin beeaute neither that nor any other impor" taut atv.-mtair ennld in hta fininion lesitll from such a course. Vhen.-Mr. I wiS called upon to vote, It waa. tee -fate -i P" veitf the" laua:from..cominibefore hrr-apTendor,-yet tetainfTiia magmtuder- and em sifraioVMr fr that If you fUTtVt Itcnfng for-.poTifiCfryou r rnjeqw". ilreadfuHv pestered with -difliculties ?n4 Hi, pleasea morethorigfi i hefrazzfea leri;w' ' During the sesslonr several candidste read Serrnotil';itf aWef tfinX teelwUre; ;'WyMetie:te;pe)e jdfoaeelBjM they would stand forth asccpt.ible heralds of the crossT 1 wapputionaTr'ofdTnatn'6n mlder and, others are tooii expacted toi be made. We .derive much pleasure Trom Jhe re flection, that the Waste places of Zion are build. ing up-ss well as frrin the ii;crcaftig numbers of tlie Concord Presibvirry. rojifn?(isTiB.. - A lady in New.York, whe lately had a ". hl" nowliving her father and mother s w hoae fatliei and1 mother are aho livinirt and the nvil&ef-ajn-d only 93, of the latter father, Is also ahve--tlt aaii beinif' the first. descemlaiit of tl W " ; geoeranora

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