Co'.!. rr'".n ;t, tu f--'jl,U ''. I - tt;-y "' lrtiwj vtti " r'f '.'rue'.'" ,ttm ' d'p'rtlntn In drlivrr !' fa,! df tt.r I'. Mif M am pi at .1 i.jt).!rfllj Ca;-. MftMi6iJfj.lrUil.i ti.ittd rttf jirpi'wy tit an ,fT:J lu. tit'tfM M ll' MJHMiK- Joret c'Jot at , , , , . hMrM. fcprtb- tuiLerti; w- bis 1 1 kt ibi ixrfivr lo tcki .. I J f . . - lMFftciv. ,v.., 1 "T"jrlKl4 MUUn turh tflipultt,-! f vlftMoginefeLxvurrtcrpuurtof mjwl, h. br midmiHo lh y ou b.f ttn ple.a ! urm Umi 4 e. t,.ordiurr ir.piicloni it lliirdor m.Tlinfc m Ifcnrmf tpmm.nd fof Ml Jam'.ipi w f tanduclin ihtUBiif. Aijrteibir to year urucn, 1 tn.u km t till ptc fofWhlnjtoii without ro- ctmrj dclif f4rit Uk-n meiiurti to obtilrt all irji teitlmonjr ntcciurjt nd uch rhteo eiWcnci at I tuppow um ! ted Sutcii thill holl uiVMlf rttdytejuv tiff my cooduct in eftrjr p4nicotir, not 1 cnlf tf the ! Of nation and of niiuref and bf b!bl approved precedtnt, but, If oecanarr. by tht order or lht Sccrt- ' ur of iha Ntf. ' To uaa the emphatic hngtiige of Mr. 'Admi;uB all the l.-iof noutralit; nd war, at well ta of pruJenco and" ha- : ntar.lif 1 wat warranted in chaitiing ndinufniJiiinKtheaulboriuetofaplKe who had not on! tftomt the alllca and ftrptectoit of outlawt and pirltc but our active enemiet, be the Imprlwnmcnt tnd forcible (felrntloo of aa American officer while h the performance, of hit du Uet. u There wilt need," (continue! Mr. AdaxI.) mB0 Citation from printed trea -tliet on iwernailonil law.lo pioe the eoTTfdneii or thi priotipl. it It en grtved in adamant on the common acnr of mankind.' No writer upm the law of nitioot eer pretended to contradict it ; none of any reputation or authority ever omiued to inaert It." ' fam' willincnir, to tnbmit tnr con ' ajactlo tbli aJTalrto the ttrrctett Intettl- . aiid il.I cinnof full iuitilv it. I "".rlT cheerfuMr-iwbtnri to the-t'erert " rui.Uhmenr ihaVcan,'rj"'.11icteM. df.lP"lmlU -Thet4iaa beeO reduced Ui ff it thall appear that the mrtliea which ,ne mo?1 exaCI coooift and ttrict ac inOdenccd me were founoed in Datriot- counubllity, far c iceeding that of any hm thai the necettity for m conduct really exiited, ani that my tinJic.tion it wrhtenlo eiery ptge of the liwofna- tiont, it well aa the Cm la of nature, - telf !e fenced 1 ahail then hope that ntonement will be made lor tuia forcible rirhdrawal, fn an atkH f(mtt from 1 brM feniarkt are naa, not tnr command, by fettwirg me to my rilh of euloijiaing, but to do jut former iiition, and allowing me o retire ,ice 10 diatinguithed itateiman. For " "from h in l-mmner more honorable to -mulf fntihtr. irul Im, ii iuil out to"m) Klint and character - : . -1 This, ttr, wiil be an act of juatlce that . I hope will not be denied to me. " J have the honor io be, with great fc . apect, your cbedient iervnt D. PORTER. Hon. 8nl. Im Sarratan. A Secrcta7rthc Nar)-. rani TM jrTiojA jntraxii. ' The following grnrruf tirdtr of Com ' tnodore Rodgrrt will, we have no doubt, hivenlbtarf -effect; "Oar Naf lias . . kj , It;.r- 1a iu.... k-.i 1 - been deprived of tome of. the beat and -rit--wvw. U.4kM.MJLr kw:m ririf fit kaiO bmmv aai-2tMaal I at at t ltsirM . - . . l)a, HINT) niuiuu. luai VI iiwiivi , w ir dispensed ;tn ii our emcers ran in Kitl rati In A-tmrm nf th5r rmin- - try and while wo mourn their loss, we -.ellotaheit deedi jf .yplur, and apeak - '-proudly of their 'o.icrable death".' Bat how is it when ther fall, not in the do ' fence of their country tor by the hands - .r An rmm v. Imf Li fnnt, thp an i. I .k. i..u-.n t blood-wbcre two have together braved M Ifetl mover wat, by the"confea . tha hattli, anrl tonlni. ut,H hn ha... uon of all who beard it, the most tnum- tidebr tide, and under the tame' flae, sustained each other in the hour of dart- eer-when these meet, and one falls br ihe hands of the other, wbat are ouV feek GENERAL OTIOERS. ' '" ...... . .... An-. iiolm- i7tK i.n H" t 1 r Sla t. The UsCTtion wn -which have unfortunately existed in the ted lor horse teaiingr.",""r mrM-- TivyranirpaHlc:olarly tmxjtithe junior Mr. Milbeit, hu. aentto, Parli an im: oncers, fqr several yean past, originating moose number of subjects for the Muse--atilliuupposcdf in the predominance" of urn of Natural History, collected in Amer- fcahii t which have instduoutly crept intolicar thm s. Wiccbir the most improper and unjusti'able relaxation of discipline, seem at length to reqoire particular notice. . -Tn ptevatente and Irequency of fight- engnd qvafrlling. emoRtome of . the w wflga3icer$j, and the detettaLle prac- ' 1 Vt i H-a-tfsvrVa Ma kMattteualtiatlaw I I1CC uw IllClai HU Viire wi AJkuiuit uuviiifnnwBiiimi niiwtttvtvtttAjwiiiaL . jdefatnirjfc e wnerf wna assuming , io - themMlvet th e KK bK.. a... a . . I . r e . t . . . I - .f . am . tfm 1 I . . a r- - - 1 t -sOWetwrJt nnfle -Veroovrtlafm'U 7 eiriieam-boats, and other, public placea, the populace. - -.--.; . ...1 . have been carried to aucli an extent for London, ftb. 1 8. -Things are advart aome time, past, ai 10 require resort to cing rapidly to a crisis in Spain. Ferdi measuret the best calculated to proddce riend tTnding, like Canuteithat even kings, - ( have, in, to reqoire of all though the vicegerents of God on earth, (fflicera who -arc nor, or shall hereafter have not tbe atfributeof omnipotence i rv,,!, M ff; 'ft J i i i,io l e til- a it Ml.tlt, II, tir tn'.nf iimir , ujo tt f tl blx-ittflxf (Hi. a last h.J rcguM li.iol ntflff rnl provided (of the govaru- fil ton,!or of tbll irfTK crt end ofhm bo lunging 10 It Nf of the United Htsllts. At I am cucrniintil front thii da'e not la permit the slights! violation of tuck .,Mnj regulations, with which Irnif Ueome icqSalutcd, to p..l unnoticed. bcltcnh ofTx-incf IhUor in wher 0fw mfui(t l( e.M.Aftd I vouXa llTe t further un(Jf W0JKj, ,t fof . ,4lj00 fcf lbJ order w tnT Ktr, I th.U ftJ l0 pt lht Uwt f fofct itiloil hjm ,0 htif ttJm0l eiler, johw RODCCBI, - Commt'vljnf C. I. Kl IVwi in ih MH- tmi, ind Com. Officer of tbt l'. I. K. To V . , ' " '" r t "vimi, ftiM AJimitrMin fiktWur Jiepumtnt. aJminiitratio ol Mr. Calhoun, of ,b Uepirtment of Wr, being fcrmina- lad majr now be apoken of with greater freedom,. without Incurring tba Impuu- lion offlnery. 1 f1f "irmed, that no ad- rniniitrai'ion hit been rnor tucceiiful. en tht late Seretrjr came bto tbt Department, it wit without orgini4ilon I1 " In commplele organUation. tied account of nearly f,iifiOOK)0, til of wbich, cirept tbout 3,500,000 are now ictttcd. The current bntinett of tht Dt panment, inifcad of being then krpt op. w" tominu,lr f-'K " rren. Br him It hat been to completely kept under control, that he hit left ihe Department without a tingle untettled cate. The armr- wat then inn ttate of dittnetion. It it now in that of nearlr complete har mony, tnd ilt discipline and tcienre to much improTrt.lbat it roar be honorably compared with th matt perfect miliUry ie'aoHnruenia. wr nat no neen un l mindful of the t!itreTnenft of thoUe prng period. It may be almost 'ally affirmed, that the money ippro- P"ted by Congreta hat been applied to obiecl for which it wat appropruied, Dot onl7 twompUf and economicaJy, but "houl lot of a cent to the goremment. their accuracy, I.appeal to all thote whoe situation hat afforded them the rncant of orminga i correct judamenU toft. FOREIGN NEWS. Rr the arrival of the packet thip Globe .t Philadelnhit. from Livernool. the edit or! of the Frceman't Journal have recei ved their filet of London paper to the 2(Kh and Liverpool to the 2ltt February. Kumourt bad been promulgated that Russia, Austria and France- were about Ojrecognize the Independence of Greece, anj. that an army of the former had been land that an arm v ol tha former bad been deinatched towards ConttanUnoDlc Sp nd Purtugal welt W U divided by dO 0f AllWOCe These accounts are ;.Jllr... Brougbam'a motion in the. House of Commons that the Roman Catholic Association should be beard at the bar of ihe House "by themselves, Counsel, AjrtTrtTjand-WivMaAetT-'-wa lot ;.ayes 69 noet' 333. One ot the papers' says : Mr. Secretary Peel answered Mr Brougham in one of the ablest speeches he ever made : but the renlv of the Hon Pnn,8nd m matter and manner, th mol loqent recently dehvered In Priiament. In the language of those k1? f " VX"??!?! Probert. who haa been lmnllCated in Among them are 200 mimmuera, of which 45 are alive ; 400 species of birds, 100 of which were wanting in the Muae- in 350 epeciet of reptilat,o of fish, $00 shells, of which 80 are new apecics, and abourSTO riew instfets, icrnd jo- UniotI iktK n tirm WH vnVtr at t m 9 tawat i ev wu i -w louoiet. Mctuierau scriousnaiuro en a . B. . k m a. J t l .. Ir UM. V .1 VY hi. lAIT.. I nil " iU I r!c(-i'f I Ii t' tm, jiTt way, !i i.'cmi, hf inch fi tf j in! .n. i ' l l.i !'. fa it In j!,,. Utmost darker, lie i tenth I its ,, ''i.rj the Itoyi'Wt V'c! ..' i'cr at l'.run. i , n J dii.f ii the I j ltoo; of lint front thi city ! f n'rwi f Uur tt""t lfiAVf, !. 1, Hi M.jMif Ii very ill, mdi-M.ri.l, tl.rm Ii iclt fwr iha cuikeiflenceiof iMnftnpH-o, ih Wimtnaw lu-partar." i illncit, ild to hate been produced by a violent M of pinion, into wMch hit Ma jetty fell during a I'ooncll f Stale on the affalrtcf Sptln. It It retittd that M miittty even deplored tM ltd fate ehlch na4 placed lim at the ttti or ibt Cot ernmtnt. He ccmt4aind Witttrlv of htv Ing nctec betn tccondad by bit Minium, thougn K had m Writ d them from the pertoat tnott attached to kla.- - u Laitly, according t- the tme report i, me King taki iha4 4 now uetb tier cry txvl; deceived tim, and that kt wit not without vneiiincii for hiioaa) ttfiy,and .a. at a m a. . ' mai ot hit rami:.;; . a a . . m m m a) ".'2' a latter iron ut&on, of an. 3 J, tayt, We oo not yet obxrre anf ;blng to lo dicate that aa Ijiglith divitLt will come to keep girrlion here, tbougi it It gen- tniiyjeporttdi Madrid wat very tranquil at tell at the rest of the Kingdom, but comnkrfiil tf Cairo completely at a aland. ' . The Lmperor of Ruttla iiit yedured the duties on varioot produciiora of the country weceiury for ihe manulVturet, and imposed a moderate e sport duw upon them. The promotions In the Ionian and Austrian Armies continue. I The Viceroy of Peru had addreied to hia Moat Catholic Majesty his rtaixtlful congratulations apofl the rniirt rttioru lion tAa Ifgitimte fivotr The Mining Shares are ttijl rising, and the improvement in tcune of them. during the last two days, bad been con siderable. Another new Company to be called the Guatemala Mining and Trading Com- oanv. hat been formed, and the Shares tre eipttted lo come into tie market in a few tlayt. A letter from tSc Globe, dated 2 2d uliimq, ttatet Upland I'nitont at 9 1-2 a 124. Alabama ai l Teunesec at 10 1-3 a 1 2d. and a ttiU firther adtahce at expected, at the deiiatid t be coming; ureater- The damabd fur Cot ton through tfce- previous tck lul been eiircmely animated f jilet smrMitiwl 4 37,800 bilci) of which 6,001 were Amer ican. Fnm Ca'rvH. From Mr. Warren ConU, mprrrargo of tht brig Bramin, tlie rditor of NeW.York Gaactte ht received the following particular!. Off tbe Sand Heads the kVartn tued tha company's njuadron, under. Com. Haves, bmtnd to Rangoon to co-opcrala with the land forces that left Calcutta soma tiuta ofevtoua. A spirited ar aa rarinr betwearn tba Com pany and tba Uurmcte aatioa wbea the Dtaoiin iltd. . ' . I - - - Cotton. 8. lilantL 35 to 50, atainrd do. 17 ta 2? Uaine and Santee, 31 t 33; short sta le, 17 a 22 cts. Wh.akcv .3 a ZT ; I'-acon, cts.i Hams. 8 a 9 1 tlanl. 8 a 10, Dundee and Inverneat, (43 imh.) 24 a 26 1 Cnf. fte Prime Green, 19 a 20 Inf. to good, 16 a U. North-Carolina Bank Bills i a J pr r cent. dit. Georgia Dank Hills, 1 f a J per cent. (lis.. CtttwnM. e have adranetd the rates of t'nlimla to 17 a 22 cents. Nothing can by had for !ea than 17 cents, and ttc best cjmmamh 21 ami 83r-t Wwiuned ppce baring, brrn obtained in two or three inatintcl On fiaturdur -"-":"tujTotf.Tfta Co Corrr fcjionf nt?. J JceftttiCfJlcrmMc. h U eruTIfrp'Tnra' SetHertfor publicatMW (J we h.n ngmiycoinc a ; n oe. g........ . m.t !. - J.r. l .r.1 i,-.. i, dtttitn spoils it all. If our correspondent t T. T. J. P. lie." ( it as nuHiy-'Bainea as. the Grand.aihsw has tail.) wishes ua to publish hit lucuurationse muKnecTcina'mf again during lhe"wt'ol'wJ lesrn to use language mora Ucorous and rt spectfal, at well to our readers as to irwHe. His attempts st wit, and his arguments, are ot a psr, and well worthy of each other. His course wit reminds us of sn observation of Dr. .lolimon : " It gives at little pleasure to see a person at tempt wit. and fail in it, at to see him attempt to jump over a mud-hole, andfall in !" A Voter" is inadnmaibkv His Unfuage ii. chaste, and hit argument sound s but the per. tonality of his femarks .is too palpible. We heartily agree with bimVtliat the dort'ine vMch mnlv-it Ik iluiu mt. Rehreactitativet rPect the have alviavt inculcated such a JoctrweV ana shall continue to dp to ; but eomsion prudence. at well as common courteft, req'r 'hat it rihould' dune without a too ire Pr Our late members of Congresihave, we be lieve, to a man, offered for reflection : they ara now ia tba hands of the aeopfe end with tha people we are disposed to Me tbem, from whoww wo dcaibtt-thes' wilt reflr.ry tlwir juft re- wsrua r according to be ueedt done in . the City of WasTiington ' the Bev. fr O, Freeman r4 WiHiain -4dMaaw4li A nri C. Ma'cCtinntutrli6V. Iq Burke cenhty, on tlie 4th Inst, by D, Tate, Esq", ;Mrt Israel Baird, of Buncombe county, to. Mis Mary Tate. ' . Also, in Burke county, on the ith inst. James M. O'Neill, Esq. to Miss Elit Avery. Also, in Burke county,' on the same day, Mr. Archibald Urgent to Miss 1fcinda A. BcacW' . I aa i i i 4 i '. !r. M . I I .J;.-''! Ii H ( I,,.. . imf. It IS lift. M.trm If in Un '.! ... Iff. Crftff II r !. f.I.drt 3 lui.r.i. ihe '.Vli 11ft, M. W. luniM, t.Jili rv I at r.lilt J. II. t'.lnrr. At Wton, In Ibis .', on t!. 2J Jnrf. MJ 7lor t9nK. ard 71 vcan. Ha a a an. tt Ibt K'irbarnlina bi dunn tha war of the HrtoMiofl, and toil a dtirtfuiJWd part la It UuUt of fniaw tpfinrt, Untulj. wina, Briv Crvrk. and acitd aa Ai-A-Cnp U a. ti4Urr ha Ika baitla as MM, a4 wsl ia vario.ii ether naronnterti be arrtcd hit country In tbt ftetd titt tht pef 15 1 and waa, prtUMs to bit death, the but anrilng (laid afneer f4 tbe old Nortliarviina ln. Iha eitUeitt of MiTtoe, tfter bit otaaaw, krld a b nrtig, and ptjacd ttmltir ttprait thrlr tt ; t -ynrl Ttiwrtijwa of lit fmata wonn ana rtoiuiiflary amtret. ear U9 Satum? svwi Cea. Bernard, Col. el river, MJ; rtussin, aad Lieut Dutton, of tbe U.'B. corps of Engiaeens arrivad k RaWigw on Satarday tKa 9th ia4 aad WA that aw tha litis, on the ncoanoUace of tht great National Road. Stir. l TOE MARKETS. The Ne w.York Americaa of tha 6th intt. aavt the anitala from Engtrnd hatf act all tha buti. heat part of trie city in a txittle, oa -irg to tha great riae of aottsn, eofTea, autr, ipoii, tie. I an eipreMta arrived in Baltimore front Mew York, late yrtienlay afternoon, to aomt of our nvrcUntt, abtch caused Isrra (luantitiet of spoilt lo chan owners. Kspreaaet ara rrpor. led to hive gone Houtb and Wh of ut, but prrhat it may be a ell fur speculators to ba- are of a ra-artMM. BalL titt. Ity in arrival at New-York, tdvktt htvt been received from tendon to tbt fin of March t We mike a few extract! from the Baltimore Palriot. The intel ligence most important to thit section of the country, it the in the price of cot ion. Letttr from narrrlona state, that Fer dinand hat published a decree which had piodured great aentsiion, ordering the merchants of Barcelona, wlru are miking out . claims for injuries done to Spanish romiiirrcc uy the result of this country TO Include iti thoAe claims all injury tus- lamcrl frin,i Jiouih Ameiican privateers wkicn coulJ -be proved to nave sailed from ports of the Unfvd Slates. Mr Willte i force, from bud health, alter being 45 years in Parliament, is about to re sign his aest in Parliament. The wbove arrival brought accounts of further advances in the price of Cotton, and of a probability of tbe price rising .till higher. Tbe German papers announce the death of Duke Frederick IV. of Ssxe Cqtht. Greece and Turkty" he Journal du Commerce, of the 28ih of Februiry,ifitei on the authority of accounts from Augt iwrg and Nursrobarg, thai the inaurrcc I Kn-of Coiocotronl hid bren completely tuppretsed, ai d the Creeks are vigorous y following up the blockade of I'atrat. France and South America. . Paris Paper of the 20th Feb. states, apartment! ere preparing at the Austrian Ambassa dor'i lor Prince Metternich. " Hit com ing to Paris hat given rise to a report j that a Congress was to be held, consist ing of the Ministers of France, Spain and Austria, lo take some resolution as to the New American States. - Several persons corortig to Paris to learn the opinion of lMXIPcJ!Li-.lll net ai to I, reece. He i i In rrm . in at P .rl.iill T ... n X I. Vn m tonwd there . . jnterv;,,, between the CtnPe- i oil of Russia and Austria. Urcrhool JiJurJtett, Frb. 26." Cotton. We have had a very anima- the week for Cotton, from the tratfo as well as on speculation, and at gradually improving prices, and the market haa closed at an advance of Id to lid on til descriptions. The quantity sold amounts to 4't.OOO bag. London Market, March 3. CoTroi Tho purchases of Cotton yevertlay were nearly 3,000 bags, at still hiphtrpt icier, and this- mom i new further impulse Lis been given to the Market by the account! received "Tfohf Ne-York, which state a ereat rite in the prices of cotton, in consequence of advices from KngtaW'vTWhoid 1 I r I yrrconsequrrjce per lb. on the prices oi yesterday. RAN away from tht subscriber, on the 2C(h of Mitrcb last, a nryiv man HmMtd CF.ONUK, formerly the property of Jno. H. Frecling: licorge, ij alout 45 or 5D yean of age, about 9 fcer or-9.incbe; high well set, bas a down look, and a fine voice ahen sh:ayly spoken to t It lr thought he will make jM.wajrtr Tcn mm. rAn, mhiu mlia mill take t ma nrirro. and put him In jail, or deliver him to tlie owner iMWForks C. mU be ressonaoiy rewsraeu, ano a exren aidL7-ivjXt?fr- B. VniiSWrr. 'JTii97rS''T8757'''"-""'""",'"'"-5 muuA bohe)s of Oats delivered at White Hall. N- C. nine miles south-wet of Cfiailotte, for which ?5 cents per bu-bel will be irireni by- DAN'L. AI.I.AN1V n:Dhiin:iui ir.v.ixr.rv: la air. flIlr. ailfr'!Mf k.tuf nrnttrnrtA t.a I. niinf,rfitfft t4 .!, I! iiiU, fcr, na mHii-ni, U, i rinUr ii, ,,,.! tny quti iif Cif fv Vis iff ditrrttMHi of Apf(Wa. r. n ,ilf t,!, in poil.tiMwe' ViJ., l.vni o dra. la f , falrat Mtdia Tial, cf every rwrffitlow. tlactura Buttle, aih r.HKl sitfpjwrt, Inwl ' lulf fnl la Ma f Jk, ptr.a 1UU, odh Uq iffeJ ftrrt, fionf half a-nt taa g'lmt, PrUgra' rtikiog riittles, wide ami narn v(l,, f.,, ,,,f f.,n la laa g;Un J Acil AiUkt, aitn frvtiMl to.p. r. TmjI,mi ff mw paH U twa g!l xti t'oiirrcloe tkjw n -Ht. s i. Aa, ' kkbag sU Krr ; ae. wratftrt and -lurid overtvpa, frani baaf pint ta one gklkMt. ' , " -QiwwtandlutffalU folk. , ,.4,-.. . Kaaliiiift'in, 1a TtV, IrtnVJin, sSifT , fisnlLn, Agrkiiharal tad Mamr, Cor. w viiina, mrnrm , SWI avtamon fibUnd IVbat flaaka. . SalUar tTaltr, Maatard and Cayenne TfHi , ! A L ! . I - I . . Botllct. . . . HiiUtT, Blacking tnd Ink llottW. Hith every other drcriptiin of YU! uA tM' llH aaada ta order aa tht et rrawmaSle rris. " ,TV W, UYOTT. - If. E. earner of Hecood k Race Mretta, PbilaJrlrk4a,Ori. 12, 1IJ4. 41 f frr lubmrt Ihroukiiout the Vnitcd P'trt ho adrru for T. W. Drott br tha vtlr. will pleaac Inwii the tlx H UU Mil IUt. Mr. ,NYUtTAtoon, 1 r.Yf EW of tlia Sermoa prtaehad baAjra IhA JIB, n.i.Ia Sorletv uf rtortb-t.'arolina, tiv thi K'tht Rev. John K Usvenacroft. D. 1). Bi.Kr of tht dtoeeM of Kcrth f arolirs for sale at th office of tba Weatera Camttman, rrn-e 2f rli. . Tha proceed of thU work, aftrr nVfraring tbe ripente, w all bt gien to tbe Hibtt uiety of NortbaroTina. "1 17 Hi bt gl vee f rba appear mjAn If Itvary lo tba subscriber, at Wain loo pof office, Ijurtna dialrici, hntith-Carolina, or fur securing in anv jail, and riving infonn'ioi t the aubtcribcr, at the ptre-shoe-fnenimed. lo MsJ. I. TsrbrouKh, Salitbnrv, N. C. a St A. HO FEU.OVV by tba name of Mm, but ailt proba bv change hia ham j br ia quite black, 22 or 23 years of sge, $ fret I or 6 incites hiafh. a little croas-eyed, has a small scar on one snle of bis face, one oTb.s ankVa-bonrs prnjrcts out cofwairrsbly, tpeaki plain, and ia quite Infdli. grat.- A reward af tew dllara,aa above ofTrred will be given for hi apprehension and confine BMBt and infurtuation given, as shore a tted. CF.UK0E BCHvEJIf - " tTatfrhm, Tjmreui di ttrict, .f.C..Wanr41l,1835. " !57 - - FAYKTI'KVILIiK. ISJPOHTF.R1 of f ry r-nnrlt, are now ,reeiv ing their ttiring auppKet from Eitgtaiid and New-York, which, aitb those on-hand, ill ComprUe an txtentive aasortment, and alford tn eountr, axix.UuU an opportutiily nf mka; good nWci'ioit.' A liberal credit iU ba t?yrn to respAnible dealers whom they mttc to nuko their purChasrs in thi market. .1f,wr 25, 1825. 4! 56 lfivit tt. Crnne & Co. ARE now receiving their ftpriag ImnorlatioB of Hardware ami Cuuierv direct from I'n- gland, comprising a grnrral ataortmentjif snrh irootla as ait usually kept in 'country stores, which thry offer at wholeule, to responsible dealers, on t liberal credit. FatHtrvUle.MtrrhZS, 1825. ' 4t58 1 1 i r f f r.VA a' A SUPERIOR Jack as a foal-getter, will stand the er suing spring te&'on (to end on tho Itt of Augti-t) at my atabk, on .tuear Creek. seven miles south-wrst from Ctiarlutfr, and will be let to anaiws at five dollars tbt season, and t Ua t. rnare with foal. . - threat care win oa taarn io prevent arcmenra or escapes, but I wHT hot bt bible for either. .OalTyfrei. nV 3, 1825. 6t58 .1 LOTTEIIY 1JI0R the benefit and, enconmgrmentiirME . CflANlSMi in the Vt estom part of Nortb Carolina. 1586 TICkTi'f S, AT g2 EAClt'" ATr m o jiLLvrs to a Pknt 1 Priaa of 500 dollars (a Phaeton and Golfed Haw ',in) is 9J500 1 do. (P.mily Coach) is 30f 1 do. 9350 ( is 250 . 1 do. ftlav (do.) . is 180 1 do. 130 (do.) is TJO 2 do. (aide Dotrd and Cotton Sav tiin is 200 "2 do. S80 (Gig and Sociable) ir m -STirRM'rPedstea.taY is 40 3 do. gl4 (a set of Tables) is 42 "2 do." SJ2 tYTindsor Chair) ia - 24 3 do. 10 (two Latliei' Work Tables and one Pembroke) is 30 1 do. S8 (Bellows top Cra.Ui;) is 8 10 dti."6 (6 VbwKhs, ft Stre el-Lamps; ami 2 Lard Cans) ia CO ro'-riiii'---' " ta - - - 1 du. &4 (Caiidlestand) fs"' "'"" 1 do, S3 (do.) is 3 -?trdor-8J W.V- ii CO. 300 dd. fjld. i (25 cart steel AleJ, and 275 pair Shoes) is - 00 gl Tin Ware, Jewefry, .Bhoci, he. be. is 431 793 tickets tin bt hud tn iianatUf tlia undaci. signed ComnuaaioJiervby.Jctter, Lposfagepaid itjcipsing. jJiR.nQicy Cm MKtm'f iia4bibury,...8ta!trivi.l!e, , Concoro, Xjiicolnfoiij Vorkville or Luncastcr j who pledge' thcmielvea to" psyche pdif s ar lortb iartba aclwinc mowy to prchers of tickcti, provided, tho scheme ahail not be drawn.' -""'r" vr .SAM'U HENDERSON',' JNO. BOYD. ' ' N. B. Explanatory Hand Wills can be had of tho Coouiuuiunctiv 41

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