Hum vol.. v. HALlsnunWK.C TOKSOAY. AfiUIi 2C, .823. NO. 253. ftlUilta Wllllf Ilf WHM) WHITK. 7?, rrmof tl.e Wnttfi Carolinian t'J) bcrr-i rf b fuIWtrn 7Vry a year, Ko p;r diacpntinttcd, (reat at tk nplKWi IMitor) unlil all trrrirtrri er rxxt JvcrlwfltrMU i2 t lttn4 t fcrtjr trnti per wr-i fcrtbe fim litarrtien, id tfii4ti MI4 4J eacn Bm.' Aii Ittlcr kLlrt'Kj to the JJitor. ntjat be wf of lhy will exA M Attended la.. . . tirnn.& tat - - - .'1KB bow rwceivUf ilult Iprinf import I J L uf Hardware and Cuttlcrr direct from l.B- I gUnd, coypricinf rrrrl Maori mcni f ntk I fwulo m are MfuaJJ krpl in. country Store, I UKl tnejr frflrr St wtiolewJc, I rttfenubWI cier, m liberal rrvtlil. fowMlniUt, Mtrrk 7S, 1 t JS. ' 41 3ft e, vi.i. n .t t I AHOH WOOLvVOKTH Ukee tht Oxxl tl, to acquaint the eiiiim ot Sail ''ury, and! die adjacent country, that be baoptiRdaalop ia thie phc, on Maiitrc', a few door touiL I Tib Court-If , tb djolnifirHr.30(l d AlWn'i tor t where be U nrr oared to rrMtfl aH kind of WafcAt and CWi, ami warrant the o trfm well t r twrle month. lie IJccie rti3ir tl limit f CVftJ a' wrt-, m a near, faciul manner, awl m frnr liberml ttrm. ' lie fdu a ilurf of ntronr f.oni the pvV lie, m hii Luc cf buiiH j i ami only akt a fir tnaVa no kcli nrrj that Ite ran enhir any rtawinatilc fxpf Cat ion, in all Job in ihr k.ut Tlio Co-Partnerbhin ITf.m'.ToroaB axirUnr bctarca lb anV II cr;icr, a flowd anuttial contiil m Uif Jth inat. lira acttk-nicnt uf the aUana dcVoNaa oa VUrUtf. f to a bom all artaone indebted to the Into firm of DttI)G WUUU k HECVK, HI nuke pa? merit. , , .j, THOMAS BUIW1II oor , - CHARLES F. V, BKCVC lie CJU'aa, Cttm and IVlAm-ilarr an, oill be-continued. by CtuaiM T, V. ? a, ob4oi aoeount, at m atore, Ka SSI i'mr-AVrwc omo-rte tba Merchant! Hotel, who kai reccireJL by recent amvau rrom curope. - io packae Uv4rool andPrcndt If onra. 50 caaea New-York manu.Vturcd fill tad mahorany frmmed hfking CUmrt. - Aha. a reneral amlettcwire aaKrtatent of tba mnt faliicnahle an. I improved pattern of Cmt irn-lk,, C, or. c. auiiauie lor loan and country trade, which are now tffered to tba public on iba boat liberal term. - rx7" CounirV onlcra repacked aafcly, and at the rhorteat notice. . ,. Ckarlr'U. Jtflmitrii 10. .' . 1 3rntti IJefm of .William For,-- IrpAXE notke, tliAl by tbe icarb of Wre. Ma-i-ry-TkoiiiaaJWAtraclof Und in Mowan county, N. Crew the Smith - Yartmn mer, ui . - . - mm.m wkicU the aaU Mary t nonton, ar u. -nlafi Ufa t tta. reert to tba beira at h of L'.l awd. William Foy, deo'd. . you, or jour Irral rtprraenutw's oxaJberefbre requeated to come lorward and ubloh your eUima to nkl tract of Ud. JOHN HOWARD, aen. ..... o . - , ,Um-r. II m. r9t Monk 2S, 1835. . 5t56. TIlB anbarriber barinf qualiGed a execu tor of lbs Jat will of Alendr Lonff, Ute of Rownn cmtntr. dee'd. at tba court of pica And quatlrr "aeawona fof ttic! tald twnity, LLf iK ihtrd iiondav'of Koveinber batr- notice i kereby JCtVen,- that rf -pewm. W Uinri. ;na thaaatd estate, art required lo tLrturpMrncnt. Ubln the ume re t-died by jaw.4:- - -r- JANU-I -vi vt, . D,3A. 1 834,-- KMtniir Wnv. C. Love.dcc'tl. rilHB ulriber having "qualified u adnrlnl. X ttator on the eatate of WUliam C. Love, decM."at February.eaion'rf'IUwA.Xounty eourt, requevts aU peraon indebted to' said tate,' to nke payment forthwith j and all perw sons having d-mrlKin.t the aame, ,0Pr,eB, them fir Kttlrwtnt within Ibe lima preeerioed by law, or tbia notice will be pled in bar. ' EDWD.YARBK0U6H,aiV. Jlfirrc 8, 1833. ' " '' " " ,-4t5J-.'r Boot and Shoe Establishment Vf y ? KFJilOTED.- EBENEZETt T)lCK$0N tikeslhia wwthod ta inform hie Customer. nd th public at larye, ibal be has removed bis hn-hp from tbe house he formeYly octupied, nd haa taken th hn nl bv Mr. Thomai Toddrnearry oppoaito Wm. H. SlatiKbtert boiiw of enter. t.inmi.nt -on Mirwtret. Saliabury r wbera be -Jvill canv oav.aa .iw4,tbcDoot and Shoe ma Vtnm in all it vanotia branches, in a at tie bf'rtneai:'ardvdrabilitjrMirhicbi beie.. . . I ! . L ..... iiv hiimi h mmiura dv anv in uir AltordeT frwrr 1 4ntnia 0tki9JbM5! will be fatthjtdly attended to. .wioAnf. Srfit. IT, 1T,'4. - i Cotton Ginning. : - THE subscriber respectfully infyrm tbemer. .K.n..X ilk town of Salisbury, ami the itizen farmer of his neiehborliood, that be baa ' in.f finUKi.t t.rn hhildinr.33 bv S. for Cm- ning f Cum, to run by wateri and that he ia smo wdt bleu lor pecaini; twum m H,r7-r manner, foe .market, tie atre bia Tnenda, lin Tn. ruvnr him with their customrtbat he ill Wvo their xolton packed sod put up in the - neatesl martner, awL-w ibOiprtnij!; bkv andon tbo tew term whi! ' . . . . t .1 Mill h nthiM ii ia uNHire tnoa no aciiu ton to bis Gin, that it wiU be kepteepant from oiti.t m tr. th win Im am to ret tbe same cotton they send, tie has fended and built tlOa eatabliihrnent, t bia liU Plantation, from 8arbirr. v J Ml in. :,Ottaofr'l(L"irri -. . ;., ' 2S . f i.otti:iiy IMn the b f,i m tMtMM of Mr.. HAM), U fba W cetera Mrt of Surtb larvta. . Sthrnr. 1M TTCKCT, AT 1 EACH. jwt rro va-a ro 4 rami ' 1 fiif if 00 dullara ( rbaeiM and Cotton Id IUJO -f) ia 2i0 , - 1 do. fciOO (ikl Coatd aiw! Cottoir Raw 13 II tl -500 69 (GJf And I ociaile) . .. la . IM, 4V locujieeaij te 4(1 14 (a act of Tailra) U 41 n (trUdaor aain) . la 34 10 Work TatWa and ' "- dm rmtirok1 Ta 30 t, (BcHova top CraJIe) ia I I do. 10 8 (fl riwirba. SUtet Umps and '2l.Ar4tM ' . )a 60 fyS (Haul , ' ie 50 K4 iUntlkatandj' - U 4 M , fdo.) U 3 gJ (do.) la W 3J caat Kctl Axta. ami 77 i rA,r n do. I do, M do. thoea) it tjjO jail do. 1 11a Ware) Jewelry, Shor le. TcVt can b Lad in CUanutta of the muUr. ltel omodMioHec, by Utter, ft4eUffe paid, im Id'.rtjf the morwr j ot from tltcir arraia la niiiirry, nitteetuie. C'tmcorJ. Linooljilutt. 1 wlille or lt-fr Uuir d7 aliqAtWe Crawinr, or refund tae tT L!..i ,i. KActM aUU not a oraa n. pa mi. iir.Nncnso.x, CI1KEM K KM) KICK, JNO. BOYD. N. D. riplanatory Hand Itilla cm ba bad of the Comtmwiiofiera. , -- 41 PUlUDlirbU vtd XLYSLSVTOX Ylft nnA laottltt Yntlotlts f IIIBzanbaniSeT bavinf. comma need t JL. manufacture of Viate, Dottle, lie, on an extend re acale, ia enabled to aiipplv anr quaav tity of tna follow ijf-dfcrpOm of Aputnecn. rica'and other Ihi Warei - Apothecariet V'uls from one dra. ta I - ounce. - , , Patent Medicine VI!, of erenr deacrintkm. Tinctnra Dot t Ira, vitb rmund at op per, from "7 ba!f pint ooa ftUon. - - -Specie Bottle, with lacquered cavers, from . taff pint to two ralkms. - - Dmjftft' Packinr tlottlea, wide and narrow mouth, from half pint ta two railona. Acid Dottles, with ground stopper. ' Cartoyt. i "Tr. Demijohn, from pne quart to two falloaa. turned overtops, uwa tair. pint lo one - ration.' -- - -- - Qv.rt and balf ralJon bottle. ? u hiDirton. La Favette,;TranUin,"bip -1 Franklin, Affciiltural and Jlaonrc Cor- aucopina, American Lape, ana common ribband Pocket Flank. Saltier Watt;, Muatardand Cajennaepper Dottles. . ' ."' " T SnufT, Dlacklnjr awl Ink Dottlev ' With everr other detcription of taw and BoU tics order r he moet reaor.aSle t-.-rma. T. w. inuri. N. R. corner of Second It Bace Street. PKUulelnhia, Oct. 12, U34. 3f "iff P(Etirf Tbrougbmit the Unhrd' SUle who Bilveritie lor i im"i 7. will pre 4i-rt U above tdl forluLrT tate nrnrtlirCar: C0CBT of Pleas and Quarter Saion, March term, A. D.183.V Daniel Scott vr. Stephen rirmiv i orinrud attachment levied on lana. H .pneannr to. tba aatiafaction of the court, k.t ,t. .n.1.nt Stenhen ll'KinneV ia not an ..... , - - . by th court, irublfciiw- Western Carolinian tor six weeaa, uuw rm K. .nw t the neat Court of Pleaa and Quar. try Seai torn to be held for tbw county of Stoke at the courthouse in Oermanton, on me seoona Uondav in June next, then and there to plead and replevy, or th cause will b beard ex parte and judjrment nnai gTamet aiiw siAltncvt a. Mwt Price adv. S3. - 2. 23. ' . State. of ;Noivth-Cawlina,-:; .MUUCQHB fooxrr. rIOURT of Pleas and Quarter Setlbma, Jano; r--.. ton. -1 MS. Athan A. McDowell t Samuel J. Murray t Original attachment leried, a,. - i ....t.;n tothit'irctiorrof the cofirt. tbal tbe defendantU, not an inbabitant of tWa ;t ia tiiwirn onierea ov coun. uii lir)Btt'lMvtw the Western Carolinian, prmtea at o'u,7 JltaUbAAicMl ami Quarter Seasiona, to be ueia wrmm. rn.rcourtA6na-in-AsbeviUe4 on 3rd Monday uiuuai i in June next, then and there plead, anawer or demur, or judgment final will be entered ajainet mm, ccotuuik; lu """ - Test, JRU. Mla.c.tH . Price advj '9MSi , State of North-Carolinaj ti TTwm rn" Cnnrt of Law. Soring term, 1825. O Charles Steelman . Joaepb Prichard Jo die! attachment t . Jamea lludxpeuv ramane r.t.Mt k thf court, that unlea the defendant apearw twpl by the next court, a judrment, pro confeaao, will be entered U? arainat bimt d that adver Uaement be made tbe Western Carolinian, for three momna.- - . Teat, J.WlLLtAlSi jan..a.e. Price adv. :: ; ' 3mt63 3 dW F BO, fS 3 'do.' R 3 do. t V2 Clatticrftj. A Atl kinborliinf 0 aukar r,,t'a) H rexb la rfR' aWiV ?0. St:!KSS Kflbt, ia the .m and 0 ttt of ! ,!on,c tl7? 10 'o". ; A. Wooljej iod Mr. Anut ihb Ifnlr ftt.f... tu. .i.... And thould bar to ohlectiooa. a.a M'AuUt. if. Aitcmsttd ta ereia Mi. jMad to pif for iht umi, At tacb lMe,JrwVTW3rt " ' "" 7 od la eucb Bro'rxrtloo. at tnav be re- qoired kf ib laid cornpanf , out filh iUVUnit wbkb may grow dut tolikt uujicu. oitea.utoa imoa (be Daok r lf United Slalea. A Mahb .ril. II. ..J 4i..... Sc. f . A4 4, Awl, f rtrf, Tlt Ik mW 8f Cr.t. ,b. fr,.. JfcaM who for Cr tUdeot and Directon of the wnr, accordinf to such Bum b r of iharet. and bII rtcita upon tba Hock, i ha DroDortlon of the i&llt btcb ahalt, from lima lo lima, bo dua lo iba t'nitcd Strict for lba tbtrct aLra- tald. A p pfote J, Ifardi 3, 183 J. : " Act to amend act, enUtled Aa act to Jit toe time of boli&nf iba Circuit and !ia. met touru or tba t'mied Buiea lor the Vit- tnrt of Aovtk Carolina. 5mtt end tlmtt el L y r-... v fn i,enrrr mu on tb fourth Tn... in rQVmtu r .Hn...ll t . .r .L.lla Mr flstt ata. a ar.var an.m third .Tuesday, at U now provided for by an n eyproveu (ne twentv-btth ol Alav.lolent Bail Mod nnr Th tmn . one thousand eight hundred and twenty, -iI.- - v jn . - - r- - Sce. J. Mi It ilurilfr uJ, Thai all tuksTaclIont. jnrisi proce"ei, VnJ otbci procaedinr.. whitb are now pndli.o 1 a .la la.iua ijrcuu Loan or w arc. or trray beraaficr bo comnaencad returnable to, tba aaid Cirtu Columbia, at tba lima hcretofi lubed, shall be returnable to, and determined lo the tald Circui at tba timo hereby niad aod oalabliahed A pproved, March X 1 835. An Act to ufhoru tbe eunreyinr and epeninff or a road from Detroit to Chicago, U tba L tat. of ininok. - tbo rretldent of tht United Stite be, and he la hereby, authorized ta appobt three Commi'ioner, who abafl explore. suryeT.-and.mark. in the moat eprible course, a road from Detroit, In lhe terri-1 tory of Michigan, to Chicago, in the atata of Illinois t And said Commisslonert shall make out accurate plate oliucb sur veys, accompanied with field notes, and rortifv and transmit tbe Bime to tba President of the United State who, il hi annrove of taid aunrer. aball cause tbe plats thereof to bo deposited in the office I'lif; the-Treaaury of the United states. --rv .... TSecTJTwfrttt trfrfhirmurtif' Thai the said CommUaioncrtabaU. each, bo tP: uti7d tMeTyertin Auisunta one dollsr nd fifty cents each. or each and esery-day which tbey aball be necessarily employed in exploring. surveying, end marking aaid roao, ana making out the plat and field notea above miuiiE urn -v Densatine the aaW wnnrusurnwr-w a. - -':. an . v.. r a.... their Assistants, there aball be, and ia hereby apprepriated,-tho-aum oi-ibree thousand dollars, to be paid out of any money in tbe Treasury, not otherwise ap propriated. Approved, starca o, io. An Act to authorise tbe byinfout and openinr ..r . pm. Rn.fl from the St. Marv-i itiTcr. - to--tbe. JJay of Tampa, in tba territory of B E it tnccted bytheSenot, end IIou oyl Beftrtttnttiivtt o lAe, tvyui-fO swaw o America in Cmgrttt atumbtol, I nai the -President of the United States be, and he. ii ftereby,'authoried to cause to bc'spenedin the territory of Florwa.a .. . J ii j r:r-ivi.ti'.'' at".r. Rb of nireci '"r:'- w.r ajualerrF nr.rtirkl Diiwufi "..."" . tory, and thence, puraulng ihennbsrxli ' . I .... nn rect ana practical rwui w Wviv , the St. Man's River. y r - -;'.'' SecS, And be it further enactea, , i nai the President be, and he Is hereby, ati thorized to employ the troops of the Uni ..rf '(ti.trA. f stationed in Florida, in such tri..nnV;iiaJhrm LZm'""'m.." . ' e coropletiop, or assisting in tne compie- said Jtwdi;b:!s.iiWii!:Jt.-.i,ui.:.i!... -' ' ' " ---- - ...... . . j vli. fordefraying the-oxpenaeoi peoing said road, the sum of twelve thouannd Approyen, March 3-1825. dollars be, and the same Is hefe&y, BBpropr. ted, to 'be paid out of aay money m the 1 rt itw,:iitcACotlieise' ApplwpT!' "fr Oftasfjjul Ctrtrttri, An Ohl rjCllm COVft ' Mrtirr, tb.f I raiKd 6!df coo- I Ik... -.---.A. A J a a . - - - .od A U rood d corl. .b? tea too. - Z M:r7r.r. ibU EHo couoir. Pcnnirltanu. ' , CRAKitl i. ACAD. ! may certify, that ! nlKd oo one of liwl. lll.4biIwIridtoUnd acre of land, lit 14 busbalt rood sound corn, on my farm la hat boor Creek toon oipi Ltle county, tba present yesr. J0M tHADDVCt. Etif7tk Dtx. 1134. 44 A Crumb ifComfaf it Old Dtthelort , rai BacwarMB m. Died, lo Richmond. Va. oo" Sator- I lively ond farorably known in Virri tad what waa etill better, a very brsev. tremet cf life Were at ttroogly con-l Itratted by the two extremet of porer U and .ealiK:. .k. K-V.. ia in 1 P7J -he commenced trading AM 111. K . . .1 - B I. 1 I .1 wm mi vwu Kivunu. tile uffjeucBll . t v.nivUHiniw j onri lllnt.u h. i.L .1. I . . . . . I ..... - Jl. l . I . . I for.or - F-" fa-j MMli R.i..rd.w lr.K,..v;.hih it Court at enjoyment nl a rerrnnr of 1540,000 .r... . " " " "-"I." m tab Pr annum. In 1775, he had not 4 .v.. . wit.a. beard.tried. hit "tlx feet leneth" of in 1825. . " w,,HV"" ',wo ,c ir.,- u ...u ,:j cr? i 'inaa leit a wile and tnreo young chil- t Lourt, I be COuld ride filteen milea rectilinear I . . . . J. . . -- . i. ... 7 t .man. ni ivas win vz acvcrrir ieii uy and riches: bottomt of Jamet riTcr.l... . iL . Whea h b,,rr U, ... . ..r. r . ' V. ' , f V Icrtign thore wheo he coded, hua - dreds of human beings called him devoted Virele orTrTeDITnifixTB tance; s When hia career commenced, r.r rb.n. knew him.' or cared to kbbar him befortHt cloaed, numer. oua: cTiiloYcn called him" rod-father and hundreds attended his remains to their last abode. He got rich aa a little etreara swella into a mighty rirer. Hia industry and. attexitTcnrexacted tribute from all that came within "their" apherea of ac ii oo -while hia frugality, like the Mediterranean, retained all that cyer passed, iniJTet he was. parsirnonlous only to Vimaelf hia bene? olence,- like the evanorationa of, the aame ae, fall ioiT3ndleTTjHriiTjffi worthy and needy -arouoti niro. nc lived an example to the poor how to become rich, and to the rich how to employ riches, lie died as he had lived, havintr taken the beat care to securer to.-a5iff;pA the next world, byembraclna; religion an practieingjts precepts. He ia aaid to have eatimatcd hia eatalel lhort time before hia death, at S730,pOO. At he alwaye erred, when he erred at all, on the aafe tide, we may probably rlrl to thia 15250.000 more. Thia large property waa made by hia auc ceaauland.aplcndid ancculanon, but 'and by fir.t taking care o. P-, thro f nbunda. Latterly it accumu tated with the rapidity of heavy sub- stance apprirachmg the centre oi gravi- tv." ttntl -oo years .muit, V '".". " I -I------t -r."U "MM--,m hflntla - would have oougm wu c State"of VTrgtrila; bag and baggage, laxdreinft TTiauJbrce-oLjarly habita waa never more powerfully exeropunea .nan m the case of the deceased he stuck to k'.. H.rlv habits of care, simplicity and frmralitV to the laSt. BnO 0 UOIIUV Wliu thr warmth of ta -O , . ' - , Th.r. ura. no diflcrenco we are creui- bTrtnTofmeajHW aVnr'dVmiaiir:'Gah the rich to-tdmirablearj mil. Air lit XCtaS -A young wonitii was reclr fired S?5, for appearing in the atreett of New Ofleans, in Clothing; ; :.; ;. r( - - j rtMt meLls-molt. iIJom t hive la trtnrA m It I. j W-i Ht voiked - by lout feeo, -U I M CICfMiVB f flits cf ILAt 0(T lln iDreecdioir !aa - .-.II.J .La rlter to render their efcrti o reAch - -T-.L " - " " ?chd f vo"'8 iD neo h worked the flat plungtd Ioto tht fit cf and s warn to ihore. But the Doctor wit lamci and iaciDable cf aarirtf i . .!:t : it )' V, J i i "! ' f.Mtcd .M.r W'Aulay oot to dcifTt oim, aoa tnty remaiard in the Bit till it srriyed near to the dim, when M, Aulay apraof out with the hoot cf guininj the thore. Vain hope! Tht) violence of the . current . dished hint .' over the dam and from the waters beneath hia lifclesa hody waa tsVen ott MWwIrigmotr.lrg, Dr. Woollrr. 10 nj mean ume, made detperata .a)a at. 'A. Aat at tempt abortirr he'rertined the utt fell wpots bit knera, and ia that attU tude calmly and deliberately awaWcd impcodintf. and inevitatre dettructioo. The awful tuipence wai of thort dura tion but a moment, and the JUt-Wia.' firttipiuted over the dam, where thw ate of this unfortunate rrmlernan waa aealed.forerera Hit body was not . , -- i ,. . '? "gnt0ri. 1I Wit On hit Way to minuter to the wants ef the ditctsecL l. - . . . . m . . . " bbow x ' ewe tj as i waaj w w h vaiavw w obv DESERTED KESrr.CT. Chnton I'aia. 1 he merchants of Pearl street New York, have presented uixn i aou inaif aa b pnytician ana CcTD Witt CIlAtorr two: beautiful ilii ver vases, with aDDropriate laacrip.. lions, in testimony of their gratitude for hia public aervicea. Tbe New York Statesman contains a partlculardesc rip- tioo of them: they cost 153,100. Their form ia copied fmm the ceUbra -,. ted antique vase found among tne ru ins of the Villa of Adrian, and now iU the poaaeaaion of the Earl of War wide. They are ornamented wun variety af fi trnrea. in iat fiUef which yrpre- - -J lent jcenes. upon: the Grand Canal,, ot allegorical illuatrauons ot me progress of the arts and tciencei. The extraordinary eperation of tap- Eing tne neaa ior. water on wic urana aa been performed In Ireland, on a chile! 7ne months ten ouncea of water were drawn off. which gave the child great rflitfbui; O . . . .t I'll it waa uncertain wnetner me cnua would recover. A venerable old gentleman, on whose locks more than eighty winters had shed their snows, being asked what were bis religious .sentiments now he waa approaching the world of apir- itt, replied waa nrat a uapxisi) then a kind of New Light t afterwards a Coogrerationalistj but now myonlf treed ia Cod be mercifd to roe m tiooer;r . . Emma BradfordKngltaWof Coaton,. ma counter alvariiacmoitiaihjrou i ai ana Advertiser, throwa on Peter 1 el- son the blame of the matrimonial hoa played on him. She aaya he threattn ed her with blows, which ahefonaidtrrr a?6dd wa 6f attempting-to gain ner "JEvpi Fabtet have recently been turn- aMt&JWIaiJI.DibdeJi,JAd . ...... ..-.- ble will follow next: . I have known men of great valor (coward to their wives, . - - - . I ' i I ! , r I - Li m . I i

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