v i 1 1, 1 i 4 L S-etitMM Hi y - J: -f ....... f IV ,T ! . if ' ' . ' r .it a j . 't' if' , ' i v I j".V ?r,--j - i a. VLV I. ........ -.'II H i. ,1 If"" :-v. L- I' ' . ft ;.iKi ... rat tl'r-l'rn Ce'.li.!;ii. , Al'H I. 14. nuuiM i twi rtnttr. Th M!91 '", ntl.tr t ' a.joj.u.1 by a. k -' "4 ' 1,14 W Unixniy of lrlma, lU I1 . CWMtanlleU that state, J Uo U aU.nwf lectio, 4 lU aweA ' tir! iMiLUi WIiIimi Vkb ' iWld pne prwlOTti of rnMck t th rl-lngftwas!. ' ' i Tbt two open apartment! d' U tm ttory r the Rtiul, anal be iPPropfUi.d to tbt vmWtle " "thin W reckoned miuuiy : - A Military Inwrwcter anai, v.-,. -z.; fed at tht tpew cf ihe University, to ' V - ...r. Kturdav Iron half aftei . . .ir .f.a iIimi P. M. Bfkd 7 .h.ll Urtt lU MuJeni In tbt ountwl eierciK-, In SelJ etolalon, mnr ' to tbl mlUtT 'd" lhf 'f - wmcter. Tbo roll ibill U rt ttlrl; olleJ 0Hf bit ih. bour of mct- far, tWiictl nd loiobordlnWn tki k. ..4. .ful tho Hit of dttioqwnt ihU !u dcliurtd 10 tb preUding mebr .nlmidierted-oii ky lho .FKBltjr, rJ tucb wipor puolibmenw Impoted n ocb : cim ib.ll, U their (JltcretW, reqolre. -Tbo school of Modern Ltkuw hU b pretennlned oo iho Uji of ol tftniiiffeerciM. ' ' i-tlidtti h tbe form of irmt ibtll U prided by th Proctor t tbt epnM n4 rpon3lily ol. Hf InnfUCtef, in i proper depolioy lo be furnuhed bimi nd jr litjuric to tbm by ttudent, biil i ff pired tt tbt eipcoM of ucb Hi-imt. ... . iw-.k WJiH bo wWdr . ' etef eonrr nlent, t ho ip!HO of tbe J;ii.kli. abort nudentt, who eKoe, tnar eeixio ibtonehot in ibt ue of tols tod uC4iwaaoicii prKucci ' ' oa." to" iindeftid, ml occmIoiwJIj to prctict tbeo hop mif be let rtnt free, to tuen kilful tnd orderly mecbea k ht be pproed by the Fecully, on tbe condition (hot toey win permit tut oe of their tool, instrument, tnd Im plement!, within the hop,.to tucb tto denttte ihlt dek!re,tnd ue tbt permit lion diicreetly, tnd gnder liability for an iniurr tber mtf do tbem4vnd on furtknr condition. If necemrr, of nrh meehiniei receivinc initmctlont m-i i . . I . MWUtir fro l' ... . i a !.i.-), HfKt wl i' o ri"M ' ' ( ' ,i,tfi.,u. to ur tommertM jmcrei.i. 5r in the tnerr emllo lommilm- !, ih.l the Ilriil.b totrrmmeol b Vcn iUJtog ..J wnremlttlnif h M dr.tcniri to IntriMiuct ill mnurlortd roodi ht that ne nd Inter eiiing f oon trr. Il U f qwlly tht their flrH. h.te been to faf UCteilu', th(t, knter ibt Amerlrto muucturcr inta tbe Stexlcm outlet, bt bu Uen thert encountered by (JtBicutiUi od diidintet of tbt mot lormiot- V.!. ,k.r.rir. Ha ht 10 COfHtnO DOT ely oxaift ibt tuLliibtl ftpvttuow wf CreirBrftiiOi ttt manafeelufini tnd cooimtrtUl country tui egamM mi , wAHbof bet ntrctuott wtlch t :! Uedtbem toHtl thelf goodt it hb t Ww to drift their Amtrictt competitor! ootof tbo merket I it to empW InreramU & 6nU in order to nciirt tht monopoly wbleb they to wtll known bow to turn to Iht bett tdrtmiRt. Tbt eottrprlvt of tb Amerj can merchant U errutl to IhH of tbt Hrrt lab i the Utter mar escel bim la ciplui and experience, but wy day lemni tea tkit loeqaallty. un tnt mner nana, tbt tititaUoB of tbt United Staff rc (ft ber mercbirrtt facility of fatertoum with tht touthtni continent of Amerl ci which wugh; to coonterbaleoct tny diiadrantiKet of capital or of perlence Tbt dar cannot bt far diatant, when the lone; supremacy of Gitat IMlaln In tht commercial world HI W oennrown The retoluilon. it ia politic, will com mrncth thit hemWpberer ind w"t hail the deoartore of Mr. Pointett at the firtt atep toward an event which will tHe uv in rtlallon to tbe aoothernjf cMofi r Great Britain hat for to mnr reare oc cupied in refcrenct to Europe -tnd the world. ' Aalional Journal. AtJfcer Tkit reat man' hsi K6iU: fully rrjf cted the bae propmiiioii of France, that brhouIIurp the throne of bit ceuntrf. lit hat laid down tbe Dictatonhlp in Peru, and appeared in the. dmi o i prf rate cWten lo ibe atreeti of Lima. Tbia dlUuihed mao, who that prefert tbt interette tnd Dbertiea of bit. country to bit own tjrandiM ment, detenet tht name of tbe .Wah Ineton of S. America. ' Socb men art the lfriof tbe " imperiahablo y:Ioriei"of all Republic. The Mtbor ol l-iroo tniiy remarkithatitlt lamentable to think, what e julpb of ImprKticability muat ever nptrkte men of priocipie whom ofnera ttwiif. from men of no prwfiP' mhi mint oOicet. Thoto who would r ni inlintyi Kr . t-""t ' ,'.,f,.,',m ,f ll.e UlUiur. far Un the coo.iim'Un. . I btj uj tM they hitt afcUm'nted pailcwlf icn ev . .k.la (!. kit tiirrtfl- f fotltcrtHon v'" - !frtd tbelr -nd htt property, ... i t.M ibtlr diMof a, lr the tt.M l-ood, It tkt empneet rheyt..,d".5VlAh rfi.-.lioilini tr 7 "7 " " tatber too wb W Court fcf lite 0. fl' lf Umtd on iht I at wit. tfttr t tenWa of JjJ Week Al wmiBiw' IheHora. trrt vert 164 eaaet o tkt docket tmff SI of which. were drcided, Tbe term could-w be prolonged the iodf.li btlnrcompelltd.to 4te4 cbeir . tw. l.klbihecootitttWinir of tbt 'tutflntoTunf Itwr N loured. wire not docidedf . hA.itr rwrndot Tbe editor of r-anata- (N. Y. Paltedium ptopotit t roTJtion lo be eompentd of one or iwore of the prinrt f ch coonty In i. vHr..trA nittrkt. to be held tl Ce- nevi or CMJa!jp for the ptrpoee or taking; meaiurrt i Uc themnelret on t lootlnf with other profeiilont, tnd to receive in equivalent lor Ibeir ii'jon-ro- 1 ;w caajw ., . Tk, Phvrh -i'An eiDtrlmrnt very Im portant to the countrtjiei been made the dirertlon of Mr. Calboun, whllt Secrettrt of War, relativt lo tbe wlout improved Pl-MlKht now In me. The e nrifiani aerKmmdbr General Ma comb, Cof. Roberdeau, tnd C!apt. Wade, ol the U. 9. Topo. Englneera, nei,r . 1 . a . .. .1 Dr, irt B. Vere ie a nMt M r fee to fer-gn m. U U-a M.Kf" ' ' t .l.rarul lUt MJ. f. : J,rtir. f:r.t.m aad f.l W.Ikrr, fxj. v ' U P-. Ibai tc. " MJ. II. W. Onr la aawouad U tk Ca tawba Javaal aa i candidate fr r-Wc$wi Ctrtaa, f otn the dtrict tWf"J liMohi. MtcilanUrf , and C4rta. rl- Jrtb l-fcktt. of WadaUHK, U I eaa. Ue ) lU Fayettavaie ifcatrkt. In r.yp4t It fkf U baUn, FUf . Jol t-U'r?P-t it. r. ir. dU eVI itUr.l i eaw i..Li fc MWctloa. la C lUSrljrte di- OuUw,.d Winia AlMoo, bt. M JdM la tbe JlaUM U-ii'WiBUme.fal. W t eaJ(Ute le m- latk kt Ibe nlk diatrkt. On. a W. ffaoadert ta cer&date far re. Wtiaw U lie Caaa'vfl dUnct A. U fUtbe UU Jowmbf atvf the tdrotcw d--tnet, Witt, we lram,be opf-at4 by bU Wr (nl tAUtl 5avver. tanuwt itj (u. Owbtlleobt, U (webeHevr) t cawl date tvt rekctJoo from tbe V Uir.ftoo job ur. Jr. r-i m wy) tricl, it candidate l?r relrctioa. y iUH. rulaardtand Han artbotl, we Jkt; caadfUti tur rwlettioe U ttIr nMive dUtrkta. s ... s - ' ' '7 Ibere will be tU eaadMatrt aj many ef the dlatrkV i bt, ea' ytt, we have no authority for natilrf tbem. (Vtri-n!j t if ll.il g. t . wU,?, . . a M,.w4 t.a '! w J irf- "'. t'-ii FtaMt c acock a. Ofloy 4 Uie acboole.1 rat rai waanui iiaeuiii. tfr. R&tvr 'x In purutuinc; tht count pointed ott in a former commankation, it may be necessary to ttate another diffi culty to be encountered in select! off men of eminent qualiScationa for the Legisla tive department. Tbia difficulty is. the fahe rre)otke of a large portion ef our vselul. unlearned cl'iten. For this rlaaa of our opqiion t have fclwaye entertaia ed particular frtrndvHrp y.-bwrhjir orr fourxkd prejudicej,cinnot.,b.loo much cenaured tnd deploredjnaamuch as fttir Tote are ofietTKiven te men utterly up qualified for the dignified station ef Ley; ilaior. . Tbe opinion, loo prevalent, that on unlearned man, in the lower walks of life, i the ormt vuitable peraon to b-gi late tor ua, i founded in error, tnd cal culated to miilead many well (mentioned veraons. Whenever 6ur rirhta ire in - itin jfet; or our persons or property- injur . ed. to whom do we apply for advice or-Jo formation f Not to the ignorant and un lettered man, but lo the learned and wiae . who alone ire able to five ua tbe infor mation required. How, then, is it posi Wc for any rnn iit bis seoacs to confide in the undertandior. of an unlearned man, and believe him capable to make laws, when il ia known and proved that he knows bothintt about law f I do not iritend ,,',tj(':irKirTmatlt"tb"every""le-5lsUtoT' should be a lawyer t but tt ia. absolute ly necemry 4bat every legislative mao should be intimately acquainted. with the Jiistory and pontic itof the country. If be is destitute , of thele qualificatiotii,' be -shouW never attempt to aaprre to that exalted stat'ton in whkb he will degrade himself and the state he represents. We muat aik pardon of our correapondent, for the liberty we have taken , with bia faror: Hie remarks above quoted, are ao judi cious ' aind pertinent, that' we. could not re- twt the tempution w aejfieni. In pur cotyninaj And aa to the ret of bia piece; we moat cordi BjCj)io:cule:lthJfi t'easo"' stated Tastweek, ilrtkehseltal ua ai in i sue it t end those who would employ It rortbe-joo4"of rliennelTntbnirer ftftut do not deserve il'-" -' - . -. li.uCT B - sjwraen it.C iian'a and Davis. - Rn inatrument called' ib Dynomc . it . aicertalnea wnai nower we Deraa.rv lo mote ihw several plougha. .nrf . roHiniriaon wat roadt of the width and depth of l he furrows made byeachj mdlbe neatness witb'wblch the furrow, .iw .e tamed over.' The result It trenlr Hi f . of plou(5 f Mr, Gld eon Davis, of Georgetown. ii. '-ri'Ltiwr'Sr'jr ) watte 1. Tl)i oTfi'r'ofthe- nrftiah mf vfTie Xkhi&Ho tonviijmr i s-apt. rransuo rnmm.ndrr: Lieut. Kendall, estrono , Dr. Richardaon.iureeon and nator tia'ii: Lieut. Dark, turveyorj and Mr, Dmramond. bottntiat 1 pasted through thit city during the laat week, on tbeir way to York, Upper Cenida. The whole party will assemble it Dear Lake, and in the iprjng of 1836, will descend M'Kea tVe river, embark on the polar aea in Julr ol the trae year, and sail westward- No atala in tbe Union baa tent forth a Urgtr number of enlirraiMa, la proportion .to k p"p- 1 ' 1 Trfui newee as almost wllly afjMU-d from north. Caroli,a. tow. jean ainjf , .awartft of our people remored to Ccerria t Alabame eootaioi loore natirrs of Jtonb-aroliiia than of any oth er state In the Union, not even rareptlng Geo area mU Sr'-"t I1' wrini, ar-l fd CimM I'taUVl, I.M btt r.t I'.t i,u'j p,t. e curPnt "f t'111 ,r, ' ,- tr fbri; ',fvr.rtrl Ua throwry and I'.t 44 Dt t alt ll unrroa to be lM n J m!j )ulino book-, tattle sn'trot 4 our lttoliiiwns7 patrSe ne apprar tarn fuMmlad, or swwt tii.mertwl, fJ.an la ttHi s, U mm the eerW of t'm Mit, iM h$4 him dvi l purify a nnwortby tbe Vaaerf bertof rc bestooed on Mm. ' tUit tbe of Morris, too, ! '"" M bU f- h Ik tfe. reeeinlj puiKf d ie IU Wt tsi f on ly,t.lf of the Mcners of lfce l)rd", of Indeoemleneer nMenwna w umjwip ' . a a .at . be bee t P tHttnmj npaetl Il it net te be refTe'tad, that a Wf Julai'a atation-ene of tie iKts t n faprtaae Court s tbe UaUed Itatra-slii 64 a plrsmre In sWaaaiaf tU snemonei many of Iboae l3eatrWus dr4- wbO scorns of Indrpendrree I It rertalnly was not to nry, it eV Jwike to tbe petrlot'iam ana ri fcntly of Ore. Creene, to detraet fraea tbe a,. Ita of etber W o km) brave and pab. Mwxiaiev. ' ' '; i ff We been ledum!' Ibeae remarks Hadlog ta tbe bat North American Metie, at rtkle beaded - hU-U Vrndkated,- to Com Maili wb native nf tbe Hl f-ted comnri if rlait lie was tbe vooet setto, aa)o as, uceewfulonbe PoHA itWrs wbifftfttcdale eonqueat of thst nation, and Ibe slestnitCoa d Iti fwernmtnt. He fungbt the Buen A tnana and rroaslana, In every aVpartWctrt cf U eount7 1 and, when eM hope of ToM, ernes. ootii were bet, be fled from tUrnnt ef kt gia t the Governor of Alaliams, one. of bet EenJ ft, pf (UltSmorc) proceed a fuCoa 1 1 ator-TnI one of ber lleprestntativta to Can- err, are fronvNortk-TaroCn. Not bmf atnee, wt saw a list of the inemoers of tbe Obi tVgWUture, with lb pUce of tbelr nativiiv anneied i and tbe iwfcbcr of nabvc or Norrti-CarMm awrfm-J a.- AI-U Kenticky, trfinoie.- Miieentisie,e- and in evtty artUcment yoa uT Knd aativea of North Carotins. We bar- been led to these remarks, by are Ing in th Indiana Publie ledger," a comet list of the birth-place of eat member of the legislatur- of that state, at Its bet wiotet's ace- ion bleb ia at foUowe t ' aueeeeded in reaching the aborts of iwro la 1777-e Cnd biro W PbiWelpbls teadrMir hi errkt to tbe American fongreta, TV riler who vindicate bia memory frm tW at pertlnn bfMnmm, (beBeredjo be Celitati A correipondent of the New York 1 Commerrlal Advertiser, in giving an account, of tbe assemblage of persona around the Speaker! cbair at the in auguration of Mr. J. Q. Adams, ajys t r LWttbin that hule spice wis conctn trated a maaa of intellectual streoeth, cal- enlated when called into energetic action, to tbske - tbi continent from one -end to anotner, and to eaoe ; li rooUon ..to of 30 gum, (which hit lately sailed from ETrj-fand-ro the South teas.) will be fonnd """ tl wen""H inf cenl of ihe , expedition rr iching that ."point. It II Intcn Jed," on "reaching M'Keoiie's river, that a part shall proceed Eastward, and explore the line of coast between that and-Coppermine' river. A detach ment of the t ime expedition baa grtoe on by wayptllu.lfpri'a.P.tY'' AW' North r-rolina, KenHtcky, Viginia. I'rnnsvrmnU, 10 8 r r 3 OL'o, Intliana, toutbarofina, Maryland, 't'enneaeek ... b felt througout tbeviBt-wed.i whouTany rom;romix of ". . T.I r r . r i. . I f-.. . ! C. Jr. Tfiere, wtthTn a few feet of each" ther, stood Adams, Monroe, Clay, MrshUi Jsrkton, Ckav Calhoun, Webster, Story, Emmet, t Tat ell, and Wirt. NATIONAL POLICY. -Tht l.o polkr Af;cojrtou'hrry fa 16 1 ! . . . - W Trfaraehoselta, 3 .-.Uttrly onehtirtb of tho whole nuaiber being nairea"f iVortbXarobM. "LZi .It bat been ebu-rrrd to us a a rerrarlable circumstance, that more than arTwrtA of tb whole number of the United States Senators, are natiret rf the two rarofinas Theae are ruriotti and not unprofitable facia. Tliry indicate two thing : the enterpiifing tplnt of otir ciliien i IhaMhere I aometbing wrong In the pTicv of Nt.rth cirolina otheN iae-ae--yf hft-ntfirtf-a-ould not dtwett wkikJuTany rom;romix of character, tol e'r -!"itPcd .n.I..,!f If. frend. an'd reek. now perfrct ber (tystem of rlrfence : and to bind tbeeatremest parttcf ber Union to geiher by ligaments whirb time itself will retpettrrmd which will make her.nn long The exploion of single iheli would ' .country of separate interests tnd feel r.pplkai3oi toofpalpable fur . .... - lime.) - Civilization A law has betn patsef' by the common council of Albany,, (N Y- to prevent the barbarous custom ot T jifiwvrz Vlfs, ami making other vgty not en. 'in the streets before and during atpctionf,- " "U'i mcsnr fn- edueatintf the rlr- renrraiiof 1 fla 1 nea tea eitaaae. nl tavat t aai o aaii oawatK iKnna. I " I aw-av weive w ma ' J t 'l I w i tuuilUcr ing menace about their bite, and dash hrr impotent fury against her sidSj but ahe win ttiu nana unmoved amidst the com Ingt, but a nation united by one common tnterest,nd one kindred feeling. She may then defy a world of arm.,- Like a motionan emblem alike of safety and durability. Kot. Journal. "Colonel' Suvena'ofltoMen, (N. Y.) has issued k proposition for a rail way from the city of New York to Albany, and calla on the Uuxens of New York o dcootrte one dollar each in one of tbe city banks. for which turn the subscriber is to be entitled to i share in the said -rail road. In a letter to Governor Clihtoh; CftldtieT Stephens calculates tbe cost of this rail road at 5,000 dollars permile, or 750,ooo! dollar &Mh-H& fmlr'rrf cwnputesr tnat a steam carnage may-travel along jrwii eTTTornpTeTed, at Ihe rate Iwne in tbe wild, of the W'eW.- Btn h ia tof In nnmhert alone that the ttate i a loser i enter. prite, taleota, and wealth, are all trarellipg Wen f H ill our LegWatnre do nothing to cheek title state of, things f We are well aware that it canrot be entirety atopped t bu much ran b don towan!a i, by bringing into aetlon, the moral and pbyaical resource of the atate i Pro- of 10, 25, or even 30 miles an hour. cjptjiy srjtutEs Jtca go on with tbe :.rk of Internal Improvement: reform far fnttitnti. the Slate! and b-t all freemen into an equal abare of political pr!. lege and civil right : Do Uii. and tou will put a check to that emigration which it carrying off j Brigadier J the enterpT awl wealth of the fjate. Since writing the aboro.we hv glanced an eye over a lUt of memberaof the lite Xpngfest, with the plae of their birth annexed, recently publidtedjajhe National Journal,,,. The fellow ing ii a CMidenacd view of the article i Bom in Maine, 4j New HampibireT 7; Massachusetts, 20 j Ilhole Island), 2; Cohnrticuf,2 Ve rmonNlt i Ne w York, -ill Jew JeMeyi 7 ; rennsvlvanw, 52 i.elaware,T M NCrolim,44 3 ; Kentu MTbe Inherent trdor of bis warlike apiHt, bit habits of activity and the rV sire of efficiently serving ibt cnv,.whick he bad ao warmly tnibrtced.did opt per tnitilm to wth for tbe decision f tu body ww bi appiUation, but - 4nm oatelyJjjjneiL.iheuirriij. 1.11a was i: IJrandywrrx, on the dy nf tbe battle, wh the Marqeit de Iafavetrerand other tin ttnguished foreign nflkers, in tbt suite of General Waahington. ' At the time hrf our rieht wing wat turned by tbe vktoi- ous enemy preiting upon as, and the n-l pid retreat of tbe rigbt and centre ofeorl army became ine consequence. vmi PirlaskI propoted to General Wthini,t to give bim the'eommaod of bia bud, guard, eonsitii' ot about thirty hor men. . Tit . wa Jtatlily . grnr and : rUU . wills Ma usual . intrepidity it judgmctJ, led them lo the charge, tri eceeeded ,in fetarding tbs, advsnt oi the enemy a delay v. hkb ws. of rbrl highest importaoce to our retreating sr mr. Koteover.ibe penetrating militjrr nufl frit of PuUakl aoon perceived, ihit tbe enemy were rnt ceuvering to hit posteMton i ' the road leading to Chester, with Ihe view of rutting off our retreat, rr, at lent, the rolumn rf or beryir He hastened to General Washington, to UowmMite'ate tWtTforr4atiafllnl1ri I immeditelr authorised by the comm der tt rbief to collect as mabf ijthttit:. terra troop as ne cmiid. hnl at Mno,o make the bet of them. Tbie wasmw: fbrtttnately exctaled by Pulaski, who.hr in.iohliquet a!Tance:'upon'.llle, enemy' iront ana ncm tjans, flelentefl tnwr nn- iccl, and effectually protected our bif- gage, and ibe retreat of our armfL:. . - MThis important service was justly ap preciated by General Washington wt9 did not fir! 'i'd rccemmenil Pulaski to Cir gress; and that body passed he fdllowirg resolution, on the 15 bfSeptemberil777. u Resolved, that' a eommandcr'of the horse be appointed, with the rank of a have created a chasm such as this coun try would have flt for a century.' CeswacAien.a.Tbe.VMhrngton. City. Gaxetterin nolicinar Mr. Dwiebt'a obiee- lion's lo Gen. Jackson, in consequence of tne measures adopted by him to ave bis country, sayst ' u The editor of tbe Daily Advertiter might as well complain of tbe firemen for pulling down a house to save' a whole street from conflagration, aa to exclaim against Gen. Jackson for adopting the means necessary to repulse the British from tbe AliaaitsippL .Had tbe.enemv St into N. Orleans with his " Beauty and aoty? Mr. -Dwight, perhaps, would have thought Gen. Jaokaon much better qualified Jbr the Presidency." ...The reader. mill be able lo form Jdsaprthiwealtb, of -Aew.yiriiid.tho rapid growth which it is now takine.be ..'as. ... " . ? in witowingparatTraprrrwhrerrwppwst one or the paper printed iq that city. t ircyaajc.-.vve are . warranted in saying, that next summer, more houses, stores, kc. will be built in this, city, than ..... t . a at ccr .wa t.nown to oe erected in one tea- f r.ant.in s.mm,. W u IUa ic- r T - 'qnSoroshrgeworks are alreadyomijoy RoVffof Ruisl t o loin i Nonhfr-''--- mefrcedandenrMwrrmisonsrin "IrvMnrrhefialn u'lttl ...J.. ' it.: i '. . I temnteri to detail the fi-nt nf h v...x.i:. 1 ,nn r, ...-Jiu. Ll.ru!ruii!JLU.' . r '"wr--nw W nive nA, U-rnulJ. I'!iim,.,. BiT.vvar,.. tia t . . . -M ... , ' met witn no countenance Irom his own creucnce " count rv men, and jt. wai by tbe assistance ' Creene. Ilia work was prepared with great la- uf other countries that h wa enabled to- bor, and iaaued forth to the world in solid qtiar.j rVJs' VJKwfiZ& ibttPth PillaakiV i, luckT, 5 t Tennessee, It FoteiKQ La KUr4U Countries, fi ; Vpaccounted for, 6. AH the representative from North-Carolina are natlveaoftbe State, except two Mew,. H tV. L'nRnoriut Jnhn T yinu- U t....i. r ,v. "T .u"""lvre ratnoi iniorm us mar lre native orrirrinla.' ' o dount that ten thouiund mechanics, in The Run at Castle Garden, New-York. hjch announced the result of the Presi- imiial eledion, was taken from Spain by 1. t r w . , . ilM Count ruusfn Perbaji nomter of tany static;": who -SaiM 'detail the e-enM of the Kevolulion- a 'Q.jompktej!y' iaffelVfniny. i Judge Jtthtiion in Ills lifij of Cen. prosecute it to a glorious result. Who knows. out Captain Symmes' project may ancefrom France by England and i terminate in. aimilais manner m,rf.r f;; from England by America. I eijjn patronage f Wat. Jour. to' form I but it fell still-born frhm the.pte-4nrt if it baa attracted notice, it has been more on account f its malignant perverrion of truth, than farits intrinsic merits; Iungeuicr,. " The ballots being tikeu, Count Pul- asai was elected." i. - On the next day after the battle of Brandy wine, 12th of September, the a' my rested ibout Chester; on the 13th, it passed " th iitui;:hv" Phlladelpliiar; and "pro ceeded as far as Cetmatitown I on me next day, it re crossed the .Schuylkill, "'' niBltedonhe- Lancaster toatfbbotlt wfcst-' w then called the Warren layertij . Pn. bft l 6ihi Pulaakrt JndftfaOgHble' M from-axompWe tac,. most interesting un. od4igblyrelHttble to PulaskrOL. this fad, our biographer TJ'ldge Johnson does not seem 1,0 have betn apprUed; norr'ndeed, doea he appear to have pv iaesed:oy - accurate Jc nowiyJW.' J "4tv- octurencea ol toa'Haf.--r--' Coimt-J,JW, wiuVbla legionrWsi flrjlcred k Ftb Carolina 'TiTtlieryea'e ir?9i"and wW" irrealTv tiirnimentkl in aiilnirtheeirofCluTiet- rnv - After the enemy , bad retreated from Ch'arieaton,' t'ount PubMkV'iw gia, where he concerted, with Count IiE-tirj. pl4nto-eapftiwflaTftnrmh,;then In powessiw of the British On fherHth ef October, 1779 -tbe assault was made on Savannah, by the com bined force of Franee atl 'Amctica. In that attempt, 'Coont Pulaski received a avivcUbo KM- ' X