7 - - - - - ..... . W VOL' V. HAMHUUJtY. JST. C.....TUK)AYt MAY 8, I&25. NO. 250, . - - - - ..J "" rrausara wrtttV Br I'HILO WIIITK;" . V)T tiulta- . a 111 ii'wss" mm tw( n, m mm -.l f . 1 1L. r. . f 3 ill. UUry, ffoMitf. Yfm, II. J HUirh'er howe f enrtruUmrtit, la 3uir lnwe ma fcrvaJs Mtf im tu In tha Lsr Ktt. twtti aaievi house U Ur(t and eoVt. "Hi fc'rhew, moke., tmw, stM?,, M osctBVhrrardeB and back UtwH iaauoii. psh I will dispose of IM aa m lafl mom aTOotMModalSnf tens to the psjthatf, M I aw eWttrwiitfd In renota U tax twntrj Mil bJt Aasa,eamail Ktockof GOODS On hand, which I am ilrtemlned to aril for rook. at reoWd prees 1 IM rones to-u of sow Jht &Wa aWaj, MM Luna, t'm'i, Iklfwar, a d Cud M'W-and v iim by the pllon 1 and triimWr of W initio, not Mnr la be mimcnl4. (irVQKGB MILLtH. ' N. II. I ah request tit jtrttm who have eny IciMiid against to call ami reorivt tit tmy 1 Um who owe i"t by bonk account f ' -.11 a - e . .. ni I yr eiiirrww, w 111 uo m ivt vj mnnj mi Settling thrir accounts f. M. Ulnont Day TO be drw the ISifc day of May, sad by an fW wfc VWar, crJ bjr kitm ptunt nkr, tM Of VmiXtd V ! 1M p!eair 1 prtKirt to tb pW C tM VrM oT th fttute jfUfTj of MntimA. (if fltitf, hI bfuugil out umlcr iucil Act of flic L4(ilUturtf. llizhctt-Friee. 20,0Q0 I)ollari. mnrMr.t 1 Frii of 10.000 w 10.00(7 IMImm. - 5 Prur of 1,000 U 3.000 Dolbf. 4Pmnof ' 500 U 2,00m Ikillirt. tOPfixrtof 100 m 2.WJ X)llr. '30 frim of 0 i 1 JUO iKilUf 50 Pritw of 2 1MW lilr. SOOPrtirtof 10 U 2 TV lUr-. SUOPnuiof ii 1,500 ll!ar'. 10,000 VtUi of 3 is CO XX) DolUn. 10,612 rrixeti 70,000 Donart. 20,000 llckeli ' ff'-tik ! Fritrf 'Mfc'li:i'S,l,BCwrrir"tnd comma!, iwatead of being (cut. tt Jf.' r Drevitir -TV Nnwb win be rnit intooiie htcl M uwial mwl in tft othrr wbrel H be put tha pnf iw the denom nation f To D1!rt, and the drawing to pro mn in the aul manner. . 1 he 10,000 priiei of g2 bu awanUd to the odd or even hiimticri .of the ltte-v ( the ease may be) l. nMwli iif-on the drawina- of the Capital Priie of 7Vfl; 7wurf 7ar that ia toaay, if h 'AjJJM iot!ar pnac hIk'hUI ciwne nut lo an Ctkl Vim. Her, thto tn M ."ma ia the XcM ill be ftititel to a prixc. If the W.UW lo!Jr priae ahmilJ eon out to an 7vca .. JiVm.Y "I w eacli eMiiua to prarT -a CO" ilMfi'mmlmi uri lAaaa tiULug lri !, 3, S, 7, .r 5 ' " Gj F.n XtimbtH4irt lha$e .nn,lT-". 2 ;,rtv- 1 liia mode of drawing not only enable the Commiasioncri n compete the uliule lottery In ONK DHAVMNO, but has the great" advan. tige of di netting tha mH pr'uca regularly to Mry (UtrrniUf nwntr in the tcheme. w that the .holder of two nhareanf ticki-t (one odd and , one'even nirmber)! be-oatiB.tttobtajungJ at leatt one priie, and in tne aame ratio lor any greatrr quantity. ffj" A I ickei drawing a superior prize in thit tthrmr, ia bt aisTaitTao from drawing an in ferior one al'O. 1 he drawing will take placf in the City of Baltimore on Wednesday tne lmnoi ma,iiu will finish on the aame ilav. A Terv ahort pe- riod, therefore, Iritcrvcfting before the lime of I drawing will- arne adventurers at a distance should avail themaelvea of the very superior ad vantages offered bv this scheme, and 'send on their orders withoirt delay they, will .remark, the low rate of tickets the very trifling risk to , pin. f tlmt not btinj tne Blank to a Priz'J and that the capita! prize of "TWatftf ' Tmocsssb Doi.uas, is of a magnitude hitherto unprece dented for so small a sum Invested ahoe all, however, ir the- aTiKTr or oa-mama at hast oaa-ran by th purchase of two tickets . or twa shareii :one odd and one even number) and in the same ratio of certainty In the pur- ate of a great wiwibcr of licketn or share. The limita ot an advertisement do not permit f a detail of the various and many advantages in fhi. improved mode of Lottery they will fiaturallv present themselves to the adventurer on examination of the scheme, to a scrutiny of which we Invite their attention, Wuou TickiTS, .'lM?r.T-VH7t 'tipImaaT to be had in the greatett variety of Num bers, (Odd and Even) at " " COHEN'S Wlier ;u the four last State Lotteries, were told the ter!fBe(Mta-wr' 000 dbriafi-2 of 20,000-2 oX 10.000, ..VsidWi no less than Tsir CariTaia of 5,000 dollars, &c. tc. And vim moat e'riTw nm im aota thi at st oTx mci n Asisaiw. TiOiinr.s from' an V rart of tlie United States or Territories, enclosing the ca-ih, or prizfs in any of the' lotteries, (poft paid) will mret-aiir accustomed nromnt attention. Ad- dress to J. I, COII KN, a. Mtimr. Baltitnnrr, April 7, 1825. 2tJ6 feMNraieT0-3 t04 Kilalt'l ilTMIIC4t WKWlH . Vh4 khill mI n limit lo tht 4)a? iUi cf fumrc atil Wk cti prtKrib e m.Uc tuuikfaiU, of rtitr.lfl be nlif ar4 lnaaiUUa earUiif of roan libln Iht clrtla of t! prttanl aroulrt wenti f "Vr tntf wa itKfUMbitlf d(Mt. lb of mi yti m tetvui h our Inairuntciiti of wMrHko thai ma aKciUin ailJ more dccitlva potnii of rrcnibunce TNjr mjr reolrf the lam qui(ion br lha etMenc of mum wDKtt it niw ao luunaantjr conviNuiiir bf tb evidence til anilor k 7er mat Ur open to ut lha tjoquelMnbl ! K't of an, and lnHutff and lntellirnce We mv ate aummar ikroolnfr lit man tie over In mighty tracts, and we mf ace them left naked and colourlcaa after the flush of vegetation liat ditppercU In the proerttt of veart, or ofcen:urif mav trace the band of cultivation preMlinr new apect over tome por km of the planetary auruce. rcrbapa aome Urje city, the metropoJU of 1 mlrbtr empire, may expand Into vUi bl a rot by the poerof tome future tel CK0P. Perhapt the tlaat of tome ob Urrvert bta) Otainrt -y iuU. him to conttrucr the map 01 another world ; and ut lay doo the lurface of it In ail a ft a Hi minute and topical vanenci. t)ut here ia ho ettd of conjecture, and o the men of other timet e leave the full a m l . .a auranre ot wmi we can aiteri witn u.e higheat probabilirr, that yon planetary orl are to many worlJa, that they term ith life, and that the Mighty Being who I . 1 . 4.1... .L! preside In hlh authority over thia acene of gratidcur and aMoniibment, hat (here planted the woishlppm of hit glory. -The dirovrrtaf.a.lence widen the empiie of creaiiofi far beyor! the rimit whkft were formerly assigned to n- i hev give ut lo ace that yon lun, thro ned in his planetary srstem, givet lifrht, and warmth, and the ticiitude of teaaoo, to an eslent of turface, teveral hundreds of timet greater than that of the earth which we inhabit. I hey lay open to us a number of worlds, tolling in their re spective circlet around this vat lumi naryand prove, thai ibe ball which we tread upon, with all ut mighty burden ol leatt of tbem ; and from aome of the moat distant planeta, weuld not occupr a visi ble point in the concave of their firma ment. They let ui know, that though this mighly eanh, with all ita myiiadt of aeopie, were to link into annihilation, there are tome worldt, where an event to awful to ut, would be unnoticed and unknown, and others, where It would be iHifhing more than the diiappearjnce of a little atar which had ceased fioro ita iwinklirr...We thould feel a aentmani rcDresentation. We ahouW learn not to look on our earth at the tmiverteof God, but nne paltry and lnwlgnificant portion of it, that it ft only one of the maOf maiisiom which the Supreme Being hat created for the accommodation of bia worahippera, and only one o the many worldt rolling in that flood of light which irjjgjqn poura around him to the outer limits of tBelplinelar ijrtteTnr - ' rE y siox list ise u.vrrF.n STATES. An official report made to Congress from the War Department, at the lasiaes tion'of Congreta, exKTbita the following reaulit. Of Half-pay Pensioner!, the total num ber is 2.918, and the annual amount of th, money paid to them, ia 206,664 dol lar. Of Revolutionary ' Pensioners, the total number i '3,127, and the total amount annually paid on that list II 1,242,84? dollars. Of Invalid pensioners, the number it 3,743, and the amount -paid to them is 2,97.000 dollar!. Of Pensionerabn half pay for fire yean (irrietrfuty-ndahenutnberja 202, and the amount annually paid to them ,876 dolUrt. So that the total number of pensioners of the United Slates is 19,990, and the amount annually paid for Pensions is 3,556,388 dollars.,:-.. ... 'KCtKiW " There has recently been poblished in London, in two' thick' volumes, octavo, price 21 shillings, boards, a new Bio sraobical Dictionary of Musicians. It tTOntsTJO includes the lives of the most emineut living muMciwa-- One hundred pounds or wine pints nf rich milk- will make fire pounds of - j butter. A pint of milk, wine measure, weighs a pound", and five pints Wr measure, is equal to six pints wine measure. 19 aaticrlA 4t Act antSwrUing aw leeary a the Tr. eurr so omw a aum rt tsr(,t t tr Wiima i dolWs. or.l4 tVksngr a stock v fo.it a one half par Urrt. rW a eerUia) atock kesr.nj an imarvt tint per eaat. Tl tnattrd if I At 3tke tnJ Ihmt L'fM'"tili tftktU-'ttd State, V Amenta, f .onrrrtt mrmhltd. l hal and he is hertSyaothorlxet to borrow en tirNfort the first day of lanuart , tm (be crtdU of th fJtlied Ktaiet. a sum not esceedlnr twelve millions ftf dollars, at fs'e of intlrest, oavable quaneriy, not eaceeding ur and one .-S, a ft ftau per c en torn per annum,,!, millions wh.of rslmburtable at the plesture of the Government, at any fimi alter the iMrty-firtl die of Ilacember. Ik tk ... "H"" "' anq iwemy ei(tit j and an minions ai any time after the thirty first day f December, in the teen hundred and twenty-nine, to be ip plica, in fddiiwn to the monert wl.rh may b is the Treaaury at the tim of borrowing the same, to nas- off nt .i;. hirgt sue put of the sis ner ni. stock of the t'lited Slates, of the .r one thousand alkin hundred and thirteen. as may oe reoceaauie elcr the first day rinary nest. Ser. Ani trf urt ! shall be lawful for fn Ink of the United States lo lend th said iur, or e7 part thereof; and itla hereby lur Iher declared that it ahal be deemed a good execution of the salt poer to bor row, for the Secretary of the Treasury, with the approbation of lie President vl the United States, lo civs to be ront tuted certificates of sto-k, tlgned by the egu'er of the TteaiWry, or by a 1onv misstoner of Loans, for the whole or any part thereof, ocarina. inure- fwur onS" one Ir terUt"n pr annum, transierraDJe ana mm-1 " .- r- -.J a A bie ataroressKt, and to cause tne sii j cer- tiacatet to be told t Provided, that no stork he aold under par. Sec. 3. And be UfttHhtr tnacttd That a subscription to the amount of twelve millions of dollars of the six per cent, stock of the yesr eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, and the same is hereby, pro posed ; for which purpose books shall be opened at the Treasury of the United States, and at the several loan offices, on open until tbe urtLday Pt uetooer tnere after, for. Such .parts of-the aboveinen tioned description of stock aa shall, on the day of . subscription, ttand on the booka of the Treatury, and on thote ol the several loan office t, respectively; which aubtcription shall be effected by a transfer to the United States, in the man ner provided by law for such trantfera, of the credit or credits standing on said books, and by a surrender of the certifi catcB of the stock so subscribed i Probi ddV-ThaLaJl subscription,, hyjransfr r of UtoifchU.bL cood said twelve millions of dollars authoriieu lit be borrowed by the first section of this act..lv.:i :.':..-..... .'.... -...v..; - Sec. 4. Jnd be it further enacted. That, for the whole pr any part of sny sum, which Shall be thus subscribed, credits shall be entered to the respective subscn bers,'who shall be entitled to a certificate or "certificates, purporting that the Uni ted State' 'owe to the holderor tioroera thereof, his, her,' or their assigns, a sum to be expressed therein, eqiul to the amount of the principal stock thus sub scribed, besring an interest not exceeding four and one half ner centum, per annum fvnaakl nllirtr rlw. from 'the thirty -first day of December, one thousand eight I ,rntferrable inf the same manner aa is provided by law for the transfer or the atock subscribed, aiul nhiect to ' redemntloh, at the pleasure of the United StatS.axfollows .one-half at any time after the thirty first day of December, one thousand etgnt nunureu and twenty-eight, and the remainder at any ume after the thirty first day of De cember.in the year one" thousamr eight hundred and twenty-nine t Provided 1 hit nerTeimbursement-ah-U heJ09(!5jexcepl lor the whole amount of such new certifi--t. nor until after at least six months' public notice of such intended reimburse ment. And it shall be the duty bf the Secretary of the .Treasury to cause to be fe-rransferred to the respective sub- etnbf.leseaMW i . . u irinfn nrinnn in amount ui 1110 m" i cates of four and one-half per cent, stock issued to them respectively. -iJCV" -9 wi.nu as jij' - -, -- 'tBralmrT Sec.-5.wfti be H further enacted, l nat .4assS.siKl.''Vf.', I'-?-' t"j.Li.i.-.-..ii.ijr. been, and now are pledged by law for the payment of the 4nteresf,3nd:.br the re demption and reimbursement of th? stock which may be redeemed or reimbursed by virtue of the provisions of this act, shall remain pledged in like manner for the-ptyment 0f the interest accruing on the" stock created by reason of such sub scription, and for the redemption or re- Imliursem'enlef the prifir Ipalof the same And it shall be the duiv of ika. t sloners of the Sinking Fund, to csuse l J tf applied and p.ld, out of Use said fund jaarif, arm every, ytir, men sum and sumt as may be annually required lo dit esrg the inlcrcsl accruing on (he stoc k kick May be r.i4 y alt toe T (M act, ; The isid, Commissiootrs are alto hereby Mtboriced to Bpily, front lime te umc, tucn sum and sums out of tK .l.i fund, as they may think proper, towards reoryming.Df pgrthasf.orfey rtlfiltHjrM mcnt, in conformity with tha i,raiJ.. - .i.i. . - r-- u, inn aci, me princ ip.i or the said stock and such part of the annual sum l i... million of dollar., tested by law In the saw iimmitsUmert, as may be necessa ry and required lor the al'.. .k.n i.. -, , . 7 r-r . "nu onunue appropriated to the parrnen ol interest and re.tr million i.f tiim h..lili J-l.. . . I . j.i. ucwT, until ma whole ol the atock ich m.v be crralrd uml.r ih. provisions of this act. shall hi. ... deemed or reimbursed. Sec. . And be it further enacted. Thai nothing in this act shall be construed in nv wise lo alter, abiidge.or impair the right of those crtdTiora (if lha I'n'if States who ahatl not subscribe to the loan opied by virtue of tfut act. n .BMjfn, Almnh 34, tilt. An Art td su'hvnat the KrjptrrT crpiwiR", and l.lrene to he t'l in lha wnn of Uie President or aecetary of an Incorporated Company, ooning i Ut sm b-t or vtael. 11 A' it enarted v the Senate and tUuo II Hrfirttmtti'tvri of the United Statei of America in Conrr,,, atiembled, 1 hat .nmlmrA'.l and license! for steam boats or vetselt, owned by any incorporated company, may be issued in. the name of the President or SecreUrjr ol tUCh lorn- Darry? and lhat teth enrol menu and li r ' ' . .. ... .- a-.-., a crnses ahail aao., vaicu v t t by a tale wy snare ocanarct oi any stockholder or stock hiddcis, in audi Lorn- Pnr- . . Sec. 2. .in J he it further etiactrd, 1 nat registers lor steam boats or vessels, ow ned by any iocorporsted company, nuyj be issued in the name of the Piesidetitor Secretary of such Company; and that such retistera shall not be vacated or at fee ted by a tale of any share or shares of sny stockholder or stockholders, in such Company ' 3tC3rjfwt brit further enorted. That, ririorT'lnVdeatnimw of the President of Secretary of any tn' corporated company, owning any steam boat or vessel, a new register, or enrol ment and license, as the case may be, shall be taken out for such steam boat or vessel. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted. That, previously to granting a register, or en rolment and license, for any steam boat or vessel, owned by any Company, the President or Secretary of such Company shall swear or affirm as to the ownership of" sdeh ' stesm-bosror yesselr by-such Company, wTnTiiUrofflgmfmythe Tramt of the persons composing such Compa ny; which oath or affirmation, Shall be deemed sufficient, without redulrtng'the oath or affirmation of any other person interested or concerned in such steam boat or vessel. Sec. I. An4 be ft further enacted, That, before granting a register for any steam 1oat ofTeaswl to w ne4.br, any; itworppi rsted company, the President or Secreta ry thereof, ahall . the best of his knowledge and belief, no part of such steam boat or vessel has been, or is then, owned by any foreigner or foreigners Approved. March 3, 18C5. e-es raon rat' KEWr xTroiswV raaMtn'a ateawac February. Keep on sledding wood till y6i have got a pile just 99 times as big as the Sea-Serpcnt. There are but few things more vexatious than to be obliged to tackle your team in the hurry of haying, or harvesting, in order to "sneak home a grren tree top for fuel, which wonV after all. burn much better thnt an ice island. The cultivator who euffcTOammtTtotome 'about not having n good store of dry wood under cover, may rank with him whose pork barrel is as empty as the head of a dandy- If you do not intend that your wife, daughters, ,C7tx be .aMt, litirj,,,oLc . mounts, and snap at you like a hemlock back-loffvou will split and pile away tome elegant biUess (not- billetdoux) i . , ,. lamb a few rcs; 16Tr:cjt heart "! turnips at this season, it is said, will Uj urel iheam;: Either keep your ptock well, or K'ofaUhem head, sell their hides, and tike a cruise to the Ohio country, for the purpose, of peddling wr. Jcil nutmegs, and oth f r vankce notions. , ' ffATtwAt. TM.tcr Mocitrr. Aranc mcnts art nosy mAhg It Me w.York for th f .rmaiino of a Na tional Iran Sw;ict), to h located in that city anJ the oianigrrs r jpect to obtaia hou f-ir the Society, en the plan nf thcho iC of lie Amrrirsn Hi. WeJSocieiv, .itTU Com m ttee' w pwinutlja ibjuiff lAtotU euljetL, re IMrted, that six printini nrcssM. at least, are now krpt in consunt r anploy bv the Tratr Sodrtlfl bf the country that thrir operations in general are eitcndiogj and that if they were all united in a National JostituJan, enjoy inr the local advantages' that citv. free of rent, a'nd of course able to furnish supplies of Tracts at a very cheap rate, a muih larger number of printing presses, and a number little If any lest than the number now employed hv the American Bible Society. wilL doubtless, with the Divine blessing, be brought into constant anion. The American Tract Society, at Botton, at already cridutly contemplated reeling a house in that city, for a supply ef the country with Traeti. ul Ke vm doubt, that New v -a - it ..,.. civc the National Society Convenient . j . .1.- : tt - accommcKiaiionst me iwviciy ton will relinquish her design, and receive her supplies of Tracts from the Society in New-York." 1 if cost oi a ot and house is estimated at JS20,0OO. Of thit sum, upwards ol 12,OOU have been subscribed, snd a commitieer has' Wen appointrd tn aoltcit further aubacripnooa. I'ttvtJtnct uaz . , It is. proved by many observations, that the Uvtlof theVa m"ut have been at aome ancient prriod, higher than it is at preset t. This can be easily ac counted for, if we consider that water heated must be more expanded than the aflid earth. If we suppose, with Moot, de la Plait, that the averag depth of the aea is 96,000 feet, ami assume the dilation of the earth to bo equal to that of glass, we find that at at temperature of aOfl.niigTs- ,J?e would be-XXXeetirgtbjtfrHtt present, that it vroufd Vovef-ISoIt of tne secondarr mountains. ThemelteJ masses shrink during their cooling. If this happens in large masses, cavw ties garnished with crystals mult re- suit, geodesic. Partley If after having bruised some sprigs of Parsley in your hands, you attempt to rinse glasses, they will snap or auddenly brek. Tondon saner of March-14, says,; General !. Fayette has sent from Ameri ca to the Committee in London, appointt . ed to manage the sub?criptiohs for tho Foreign Refugees, the following sum j 200 dollars for nalives of France, 200 dollars for Spaniards, and 200 dollars for Italians. An Act to establish the city of lludon and. the city ol I roy, in tue rate or new Tort, now doinham, In the state of Maine, and l ai'port, in the state of Ohio, ports of delivery, Slid to abolish Ti paham as a port of delivery. BR tt enacted bu the Senate and lloutr of Kefiretrntotivrt of the United Statet r,f America in Congreu attemblrd. That the city of Hudson, and the city of Troy, iri the state of New-Yorkflfewdoinbam, in the district of, Bath, in the state of Maine, and Fairport, In the district of Cuyahoga, in the state of Ohio, be, and the sarna are hereby, severally, made a port of delivery.- Sec. 2. And be itfurthtt enacted, That the port of delivery established at Top sham, in ibe state of Maine, be, and, the. tame is hereby, abolished. ArtMvadt-MaJch-JU28g5, An Act authorizing the establishment of a Navy Yard nd Depot, on1 the cosrt of Florida, in the Gulf of Mexico. BE it enacted by the Senate and Houte of Betiretentativtt of the United Statet: jerJca j CongretieMtrdyhtt iha President of the United Statoa be, ana h ia hereby, authorued loeiecr-jnor purchase a aite for a Navy Yard and De pot, on tbe coast ef Florida', in the Gulf of Mexico, and to erext-uch buildings, ndiidiv he may judge necessary for the accortf- modatTon and Supply of V' s,,,e' mseJs,of. wr jn that quarter; and that the sum of one hundred "Thousand dollar be appropriated for effecting that object, out of any moneys in. the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated. .Approved, March i, -I , 1