! 'i ? - ' if 1 1 ' : V - t ' I 1 ! -' - ( f if, I I t . M', t l4 t n9 1' r ' t-1 i -p . . hi' 1 'V v . '1 ;-:J'iL ft I ". ,. ! MflMltM imuae tiir. aw.! of iiur, A ip e i ee W "; .' ' J.e, if. 2d. TVaa, Ik a tht idrnnl i tai 3 tarretil aloe.f Wiia.fhll.l , TVoa, ' y aad 4 1 Uy, tA tUa tr If tviy - . Tt 64 ttortaJ 4f. , iumm lent Kit WwtUf dtre-a tbs UU And tosat tk faSaat Ifaviet Wt Wkk wevWg in win trteVd 1 leatetieaN 0 baffling; stot pn , Or onward i4 ttdi rW pit They wk lit fdf pnnWd. . . .1 t" , Jftmi W') avaAet U Mi! fy Shews)! A If A aflaer 1 " 1ijlk tit tares Mtf " " VTWUmmvU wealth aIUm eowrt. Puma thair verP fiaaa port U) fort, ' jfcrt toot, alaal retort. Aom fiM tpwa At tmch'rous sand. Or wrack'J m rocks, M kaaeoea stand Te aura: Dm dpnm skirt tH hk Umi wafting LU U view, llJI BUty I tblMfitlM, WltthUat crew, k4 add eat waraiag aaore. Ob! kappy tWy, wit Croat tat Km, Directed ay tat eVarl vkw, Ax! ay tat tompaes mf Their kilful Mut nU'tWr worm, - v Lade nJ vkh k4 rr, A4 kukl to mImC) kr, Tk7 mek tk kTt mcW ct, Ad firt tkif tJM-r Urfc M Ut, Nor fwt to art tpin. misceu1ne6u8 tUCCCSS U CMMISTLLY M CI !G Ok V. 1T WJorinf tloqarat rriaarkj m tH f. larfr bwrroouiiUbW obtclf fit CbrM' U fcfMM to MtrtcnJ wilk to tit f Amiuft tp f Um CLfUj era, aa4 ki aatMuhinf (urcrw. ! Jpi'U afdwM abHaeka, ttt Ukt t fr U laal Kartk-AaarrkM iUna tlwr vara U. tt4 U tlx coonl of a rrrWw of a rmfl work by lii AUaa, raiiikd Vmtn oa tU CcvpcU.1 The tacceu of the ChrUtitn rtli. gnn, m the firit age of ita growth, be. triumphed in their fate, and glnrious comct a matter of lurpriie, when welly teated the ttrength of their faith, look at the tbtUtckf with i which it had to the1 firmneit of their principle!, and contend, the meam by which thete ob. ! the joyful ho pea of their religion, by a ataclea were encountered, and the fact that thete meant were effectual. - Aa to tha ebitaclet, wbich-oppoted the introduction of chrmiaoity, they Vere formidable beyond what can now caiily be imagined. .Tber eziated In the cnttomt, opiaiont, prejudicea, and perveneneit of theJewt, to whom it wtt.firtt preached, and !a the spiritu al darknettf and moral degradation of the Geotilea. The Jewt had early received the books of Motet at of d vine authorit, and the writinp of the Prophets were contidered no lets tha word of , God, It it certain, that the detceadantt of Abraham tepara ted themtelvea at a very early period from tht rett of the world, were gov erned by laws eateotially different from "other tat'ionsTand became disTinguish- ed by modes of Iife,'and habits' of thinking, feeling, and acting, peculiar to themselves. The demonstrations, which -they had perpetually "before rhem of 'bemg oodrr the spetitt gwd.. f H i ance of the Supreme Being, quickened .u.:. : J- .... I .k. ... mfytheTr privileges, ahdto fiDcy themtelvea auperior to other nations. From numerous intimsttions in their prophetical writings, they had long ex pected the coming of the Messiah. In hi in they were looking for a prince, .. judge; a redeemer, a 4elivcrer4"but it was" from their political troubles, aod their distresses Jss a .nation, from which they fondly imagined he would dcUverjhcm. When Christ appear ed, .IheyTud become a degraded proi vince,. and were suffering under the cruel tyranny of the Romans. Suck was the political condition of . the Jews, such their, national prejudi ces, and such their expectations in re gard to the character of the Messiah, and the objects of his mission. These - Wttt powerful 4abaia(ltav tha 4tr duttion of a religion, like that of Jesus Christ. How wjaujd.jhe people be lieveirw t i"W"'ttrforiipei:ted Alessfohj whose character and "con duct were so 6pposltf to all their an ticipations I Instead of . coming ia .the aplendor.and power of a prince, he ap- a. province proverbial for its poverty and -insignificance,odL from, which it hadJ long been the belief, that no good think could come. He did noth ing to promote their political Aggran disement! he placed before them nt prospects of military glory and con- ff i tu t'ltm front l3ftIir, ht cfcl - I lommnlctl iStm la a'jmit COn,tiooi tUi. at which fciri but ftriidlf hiattA, whit fiffll llioulj Ctpatt rntifj oercoml ihtrtf ChoUlJ t Lx.Vlal'anrC.lfif Yen thia tiit I'mV cit ifforti of humia trUiocn anj Icib Ifr. ta (ha benefit bl thouli it Unpt to rcmovt tUi errJa!Uci ib4 correct tht tlcct of a vortJ iut.k la dfprivltr fad (Urke&cd !ih error f 6hAi!4 vi aut v ihea it, that luccctf wouIJ bt bo!tf byroad th rrftch af batota rrtiUbllitf f liit what A th4 fact? A fc v oltf urf, tfoeda. cited mB, aKo bad ao laowledre of tha world, without pammiga or aid, ithout toy couRtcoaaca from the wiie, or itrcojth from tha powerful, let oat (a accomptiah f revolution mater this ever had been contcaipU. ted. by tbt mart rothailaitle and fonoaata 'coequtror,....a rcroluttofl, whlth bad for ha object, rc the dowafaU of oationa and the gory of coarjuetf, but the peace, harooay, Virtue, eod bappiocti of t:.e whole hu naa race. The preacher of ChriitW aaitj, to all human appearaoce, were abaolutcly the bat roeo, who could be uppoted qualified for ao cftraordjoa rv aa eoterpnae. But thev eucceeded i ireiud!ce and pride ridding before them i the ijnor. ant were eolirhteocd, aod the obatin ate cooriaced i and the rclirioo of Jciui rapidly spread iuelf through out the whole civiliaed world, lb Apoitlee themielvea travelled over many parti of Atta aod Africa, aod to the remote retiooa of Europe. Ooe enerattoa bad Dot paaaed away, be fore churchet were eatabtiahed to all the land of the patriarch!, io Greece, Italy, Ecrpr", and the far distant cauntriet of Ethiopia and thii, by the meaaa we have been oniderin;. Tht epirit of penecutioo breathed its venom the arm T tyranny wai rait ed in anger, and the followert of Jetua were led to tnartvrdom. They aaenhee of their live. And not with. Standing thete appalling obstacle t, thin religion advanced with a celerity al together, beyond any. anticipations which could hive been warrante .k . .! r. V.. 7 Vff fioa ji oeen asncuonea oy me oeiiei, , ... j- e -- ' iuu aupponca oj tac cuicu oi prioccs and governors j had it been promulga. ted by preachers of the highest world- isdom and attainments t had tt A Ittredthcujcanity and encouraged the vices of men j had it appealed to their passions, their interests, their feelitgti even then, -tht brotdatt lati tude of human probability could net er hive encouraged the hone, tht ita succeaa would be ao rapid', extensive, and permanent. - GOOD RULES JUw-D MJir.yn. I. When in company the conversa tion turns on an absent person, and you are Called to express an opinion, al- wayi ifanjy that; iht try ptat.t. :ia standing silent behind you, looking over your shoulder and listening act en livelytowhatyoa say; You will hen speak prudently, and with due regard to his character. II. Aa far as possible, when yu come to oe your own master,, avoii contracting debts, try to do without, tvery . thing yoti cannoi pay : for, and when prudence 'requires the contrac ting of a debt," be panetoal to the day in paying it. Your affairs will never then tret into confusion-you will al ways know exactlyjhowyou atand in the world. III. Set high value on your word in all thinrs t be sure you never make a. promise that yon are not morally cer tain of being able to perform. The highest compliment your neighbours can bestow on you will be to say, " his ward good a hit bond you may place implicit faith in what he says.", , f Kjjen bu'eatt'cToJf'coarsti ently with all your other obligations. And alwaye do it cheerfully, gladly, without a wry factor an apology. - But let thoae you oblige see and feel that rerva a i hit wai make you many menas ma ny . who will be ever ready -to oblige, you in turn. V. If you receive an injury, steep at least twelve hours soundly before you make up your mind io what manner to treat it. Then palliate it as much as lo jftti in J Isu ad ei t r i m. reCrct wt'l en tcJ k , n MKt enait ronor rnt,r. anl ajftourtoua la rrrr d to It, I hutrouwiUitaad a 2'xv4ihace el attiiif wtacir. Vli CbOJM Jjr compiay irtion sonr and rntrt t.f vUfue. rrrJir ruLiti, r d icnie. It thai yauf Ota chafac tcr, batiti tad aafaaeri f&ay be form- cuMd i rood anodali latt wJ aave yof anuch trouUej aed ftdtuad la lb cad greatly to four adfastagej trBtifgjwii tkfiflrWttl left one of his folic public it lost to bt puUithed after Mi drsth by itiauct,' Droxner oeusver. Vt Johctow whio ailed biscp'olon f ibia Usicri . IX tlah; c d A icoua drtt! who itcat hU !'( N charging a pop-gawtfiatt'risvwiyj w m cowa.d I who, arald of bis own cud, iefl blf a erowa to hungry Scotch man to draw tha trigger after bis dean. Singular jaet.K beggar wai fauod li one oiour tt recti, a few wcekl lince, aqualid aod filthy apparel, and dead without apparent caute. The coroner, wpoo eiaatlnaUoa of the body, found money'to the amount of about two hundred and i evenly dollar ton a part of which he rud bo doubt wai the cime of hu death. Fourwea wh'Je and one half joei quit ted together, were enclosed ia the M ft a ai ncckclotk sad formed a bird lump immediately ooder the jugular vein, the mat lying on bis aide and occasion, log a direct prctturc oa Tt and probably stopping the circulation of the blood aad occasioning apoplexy. S. T. Statttman. Shortly after the arrival of the ship Crisis In Ne w.York, which appears to have fanned the trim it tht specula. ting fever, a trig little Frenchman ar. rived at our Uodiag io tha Fulton, havinz been diapatched from the know ing onci la New-York to tike ia the flats at Providence and Boston. The little Frenchman had almost rapped his kouckles off upon the top of bis snuff box in hit esgernesi tr reach Provi dence before the despatch, Linnarus f anj at aooo at the boat touched the barf, he tprung on shore and batten ed lot tht &rt sere he arrived at on Water Street. M Monsieur, Sir V savs the little Frenchman, with all the I eagergettkulations of hit country and I trcmUinr ia the anticipation of the ircBWior m i immense profits he was about to real. i . . e ... r I ize Sir: haf yoi vou anee cottanff and kaffi lM Yes !M ",Vel, den, I tak all! vatyouatk.r Rhode Island paper. LIBEL CASE, The action brought by James Prince, aw - Em. of Newburvnort. asrainst K. W. A len. editor of the Newburvnort T " - - - x . 1 Herald, for an alledged libel, came on before udge Liooln, on Friday last at Ipswich. The cause had been tried in the- Common - Pleas,", and damagea recovered, but on opening the cause by plaiotifTa counsel, the Judge un hesitatingly decided that the pulRca. tion was no libel, and ordered a non stusThjv considerable interest in that part of the country, and distinguished coun sel were-employed Messrs. -Saltorr- stall, Moaely, Snilaber and Gross, for plaintiff, and Messrs. Webster, Cum- mings and Marston, for defendant This action has terminated as it should have done t not that we wish to enter Unto the feelings of either party in the se, but when a little newspaper in- Iwiiry'of - ncr-importance or which - is oly a piece of pleasantry or difference of opinion on some local affairs, is tor- I I " . mm tufcd into a suit and theTwductorol a public print harrasscd for it, we are happy to aee such conclusions of such matters, lhese actions, like those loTorcach of promise of marriage, are getting too common in our country. A few days since a man of respecta tle standing in life, called at the office :J a cpunteQor who had been frequent ly engaged in cause's of libel, arid 14-" wi ol slaider against one of . bis neighbors tor tie rouQwing worai sporeo -oi him - Neighbor is a clever fellow but hk tipper story wani a little f!xin ..a.-.wt-i.ii .. kL ....: . uf i - hiiul IUI wia -ar iuji v auuiuti time, MJit was be tiifihWlffl&W The counsellor of course declined bringing an -acuoa oa.. these, writdi The client was astonished ha ex pected to get a thousand or two of dollars for I Was told, said he, that the truth could not be given in evidence. Boston Commercial Gaz. ! it cv.ntj nOIM TTar.tr .1 f ;;ui j f IVl'iM tt fl f ill 1 . .). j h J tnr.l, 1 4 la ir k I. .(w m ibtoi, a lky ra urb mi a i!i1iiri a r a to 11 M im t and Wjr vtO M ! Krl' to Mmriw a t mk ars kul iWr ar tit Wa rJa krfT mm af (wrirf irr to a M wll.li4 W I Wri M-rm ruJa. vUcli ia mi x&k ar i riU-js Ma fjfu U,m la y I I m i Vm In aM tf U ry, Mt mM aVta AV aVy Wtfl, If aa nttv dHak, U la a VaMfutor la k apa 9 anppla Utoaa tia a Utarft Uat vtB aatkr toW affrtitoa, iW H tmt at VrwIkSM all t)M AM fcJut ttka tkka rJtolf aMkrr KM a4w4 thaaa, "An Atiprcnticu wAntcd. T Ms ktat iruka aM U CmnvtA, VUa la take aa Apr" tt Uto tHtnt-gim ad mmlinf bwm. I at vat tat mm t ratoiMd,'aa4 gad lata U1 tw gW (a. Apppty , niiMAU. at. W nxi ajj 3. . Aa4 av nrw lKJf la purthaaa 4 Cam Cwa, ail to ato, aad aKall at aceenvMMU. U4 a 'por. M UMinn a-arrairt IMr tt at tiaM aa rood as any it lt4 Ku, a. Anprr fa tbt aoUrt.b-r, tveatr ai wwik af IaJti7 ami itliM auka eat of Cwicerd. at Ua ruatU . . wiiMAr.Lkr.wjm v anr. Jl&t 4, in. . . 309V . An ApirtTtntlco TO lU CarUIAaMf bualnras la rnlJ ky tht Mihribcr. A youhf nu from 14 lo 10 raara t4 r, of an lew OMOxtoltnr diapot. ikon, ataady WmU, anJ aa infaionm aniad, aril and a rood tUc. ar ho oul OKrt M rood irritiMM. aol Aat a chaaca tt krtro a rood BtochaakU txMra, ty applviof la ftaUt- arr,to a A MX. INUCK. Ml K Utg MtHT. AU) 9, 1SJ5. SI Clock & 'nUi iUpatug. I A ROM WOOLWORTlt Ukra thii atotbod L to acquaint tfit t,utt af ValiatMinr, aad fit a-!ff at country, that ka hu opened a ahop ia llua oIm, m kfainreet. a fcw dwf south of tht Court-llouae, ia tba room a!M!iinf Mr. AltiwnS More i wkert bt ia prepared tt rapair tt kinda U Wtltkn and Chtk. and atrraat (ami to parfom U for IreWa tKNUha. . . , ' ftt hkcoiaa aria rrpur all kmd of tU and mhr rt, hi a neat, cartful maoatr, aod oa i at . m a a i rrrv Khond torn. 11a aoKcto a hare of palronart froai tht pab. m bw kin of boMMat i and owy a fair trial, aa ho wen umrvd that ha coo antiarr aar rcaaoAobls tinrctation. In all Job It tht above bonne. '46 Sa04ro, VI. 16, WIS. Cotton (jinnin. rptlF. aubcrib-r rvprfu!ly Itifunratht mer. X. chanit uf lb town of gaUaburjr, and tha citiien Urn r of hia nvirhhorbood. that ha liaa jmt finiiSed s larjr biiiWinf, 37 by 53, for Cin. ntng f ruin, to run by oater i and that ha is alao oall fixed tor paclijig coUpn lo the htatcit manner, for market, lie aawres Lia friend, oho may furor him with their cnatoHt, that kt will hare their Cotton packed and put up ia the neatrat manner, and in the aliorteat lima poaat. ile, and oa tha loarcat termt at which it it dune by ohvra... II aJaoaaaurra thoaa who tend coU ton to hit Cin. that it will be kept separate from other, ao that they will be tare to t the aame cotton they arad. He ha liicatcd and buih thii ettibluditnent, at hia Hill PUutation, two milea t from P.htrv. . JA 1ISIIEU. nVraW 18,1824. - 79 .! nut .. t a tAnani k tYWkl ntu YattOtltS r . atasr. fTIIIK anbarj-iber having' commenced the t J manufacture .ofJVial.BJlU?i Afc on . an eitennrc acnle. n enabled to atiDtirv aav oiian- firy of the foUowiny-dcaeription of Apothcra-j net and oilier. fil Ware : Apothccaricr Viak, from One das. to ounce. - Pstent Medicine Vials, of every dcacriptiot. bTfire'Iottle, a ith rround itoppcra, from halt pint to one gallon. Specie Bottle, with Ucqitered covers, from half pint to tao rallom, Druer' I'ackinr Bottk. wide and narrow mouths from half pint to two gallon. Aci.l Bottle, with ground atopper. Carboy - Demijohns, from one quart to two gallon. Cfrnfcctionert fchow Bottle, k preserving do. Pickling and Preserving Jar, atraight and turned overtop, from half pint to one Quart and half gallon bottlei. -vVahingtwr, I a Fayette, Franklin, ship Franklin, Agricultural and Vonic, Cor nucopina, American Eagle, and common ribband Pocket Flask". "Slitter trarer, Muitarffhnd Cayehhe" Pepper Bottle. Snuff, Blacking and Ink Bottle. With every othef description of YiaT and Bot tle made to order on the moat reasonable term. : r. we- proTtt N. E. corner of Second A Race Streets Philadelphia, Oct. 12, 1824. 34tf F,ditora throughout the United State who to advertise for T. W. Dvott by the year, U please insert the above lill forbid, 3tate of Nortli-Carolina, " COtJUT of Equity, Spring term, 185. James 1mt t. Jacob FUher and hi children and aon4n-law Jiweph Batea, Jeae Jtiulen and Ho. pearing to the Mtwf.ction of the Court, that Nathaniel Ghftrryj4a.Bt c4ibabilijt of this t.t ... th-OertiL therefore, that nublication he made in the Western Carolinian for we:VJ that the raid Nathaniel Gadberry appear at the heKuttot-hdfoTaid cmiotyrM the court-houM in Saliibury, oft the first Monday after the fourth Monday in September next, and plead, aniwer, or demur to the complainant's bill, to it will be taken pro confeMO, a to him. 6t59 SAM'L. SfLJJMAN, c ar. f Jpril 19$, l25e Printer's fcey g5. .1 LOTTEtlY Iy.l l""'! "1 wn(tMk U it ij (.aIM, . 5'1T!CltrTn,ATf.ir.ACM r rim t,VAa TO Jt t MIX if 1 fHa 4 fJ dalUa (a fUttot a4 rt,-- 1 a. r,ij t.w i a t,jD (i.ia faard anj Cta t 2 X.. fUaffaa4laUl.i S I i. KMl Bktoa4) . ' it aa 3 a. K (aMaf fa ' 4, I oa. klj fWtoJLUr.) U Ji A Aa. 19 (tare UCr Wwrk TWt a I 4 f i iBnnop CraJk) . ia , a I. a 19 da, fJ (Mai,) U li il aW.R4 4CajJUtUaJ).4.. i no, kj tt) b a JV 1 kl .At.U((. W ' j X dt. R) (ISM Atoa4 VTl w . v than) U tui 431 Jo. 1 Tka vTare, Jtttlnr, IW a. 191 ; - RJOTJ '44 Commhtiomn, ky letter, faaUff ptii. U,k Um bm , or tram iWr . w I Ai,4-.r,. at.w.iu. rM,i i lalMbgrr, ToftuJW at Laaoalrri tht bbdirt Uk It ff Uto priars aa act tortb It tie acAtaw, tKiry dart aTtaf lAt rraalnf, or Kfuad Um f to pfeaafrar tkkvta. titntUd Um Kfcrftat a&alt tw( at drawn. .mr.ts KrxwwL, ia. aovn. Vi. B. rmlanatarv fland CtAt ran U kj tia CommtMaawra. 41 Slate of Norlh-Carolina, Aroif tcoAf i ar fottr. COl'tT of fWaa and Qoartar laailoaa, Apr!) aeattoa.1835. lUatr LVk.TVxa rr. Am C. laiith. WUU ttX JM r. KUT.ahd fVoC, C laf r vnrinoi 'atocJtaett Irriad aa Wotk. It apMriic U.4l Uto dtfcadaaW alf inhaUtaiKi f aaoUW atato, OMrrM that puUaUoa ka twde It tha YTeatert CaroCiUaa. ftriaud to ' aWtr?, Air tkr mondia, tbal un&- tha d- fctaaata appear at tit aast Court of rkaa aaj Quarter Rcmm tt la kUl for tke count r of MonTroawry, at tb court boint la Laartkea- I Wra, at IM trat SlaMajr in JUlr U, rrplerr " It r-oa, hitcmeiri -iH at ratem I them Tor amount T lTf plyntUT) I o.nn. nu um propny mtaa oa.Ui at coudcibaed and tokl lohia recovary. Teat i JOHN t. MAliL'C.te.r. trlirteri Ira. 24. ."f3ot4i State of North-Carolina, ttotrcomtr eoawrr. COURt of rieaa and Quarter Saadona, April aeaaioo. 1I2L. Henry IfeUmtxa m. Aaa C. Smith. WUlia Nail Jan f. Nail, and Cam. lit Nalt i original atuehmenr, levied en knvk, h appeanna; that the defendaati are liibabitaaU of another atate, OaWod, that pubUeation ba made it tho WtJlert .CaronaiatV pqoled m 9ahbury, for three months; that tnleaa tha dr. frnd-iito appear at the next Court of Pleat and Quarter fcfaiwna to bt held for the county of Montgomery, at tha eovrt-how In Lawrence 1llr, on lha 6nt Monday i July aert. repkrv . and plvod So-'iiaue, jtidrment wiH be cntrrei sninrt them fr tha amount of the plaintjff'i demand, aad tht -property levied On will be condemned trvd sokl to luaraooverv. Teat i JOHN B. MAKTlM.e.c.c. PrinterVfce, gt. 5mt6? State of Nortli-Cnrolina, novrcoRtr eovntr." aflOrjin of Mea. and Quarter Rta-tort, Ar'J v7 arioiri8r3rtarnam Kirt; admnmrratar-- or Nathan Cnathon, ft. tbt heir uf Tiatlua " Cawthon t retiUop. It appearing to lha aati factioh of the eotrrtthat John fawthon,'8am1. Swarineiu and Ktiiabeth bis wife. Chriftobber awthon-nd Natluwr Gawthon, reside witbout the limit of tun alatc, jt-k;Xa-drr4 by Uht court, that oublicatino be made In Uic Weatem Carolinian for three weeks that the said defen dant appear at the next county court to be held tor the county of Montgomery, at the court bouve in Lawrtncevills, on the tret Monday in jury nest, and plead, am rr or dew or, ether wrehe petition 4 iU be taken pro cxkoo u to them, ahd heard tt parte. - .JUILN iVM.VHll-'M.l.U. Printer's fee. gt 25. - Stit State of North-Carolina, Bvscoms forwrr. c.1; OURT of Pleaa and Quarter Sevions, Janu- ry term, 1825. Athan A. McDowell u. Samuel J. Murray t Original attachment levied. Acltappaarfng totWaJ Waclionof Hie court, i that the defendant u not an inhabitant of thii atate. it h therefore ordered AvjBOUiC that putt. licttinn be made for three month, ioceaiel' in the Western Carolinian, printed at 8Jibur) that, the .defendant .appear at a Court tf PM and Quarter Meiaion. to ba held for said County, at the court-house iit Aaheville, oa 3rd MomUy in June next, then and tliero blead. anatrer or ilemiir, or judgmant final will ba entered gaiiwt Jtm, accor.Ung to tht plaintitt soemano..,; -1 TerJSOrMtLLKHrerer. ..... price dv, S4. ;- Smt6J - - Stite.of North-Carolina, 4wtvs tovntr. (OURT of 1'leas aitd Quarter Seasons, April , leraa, 18A.AltxtsdcrTrtuaael ;i B.iim. nrtmn.l jttanhnwnt. levied laod . '.. . ........ .t.r- ...i !. tAfnL I not an innaoiiantoi mi wate, n , therefore,' that publication be made .itlhtw.S tern Carolinian three months, firing" ,"t,( rf i-.id defendant to appear at our next courtoi PltMaVulir aeuntv CjibOTrasj-atrtBR tamn norpo: cord, on the 3d Monday in July next, to repij-p vv, pieid 6r demur, othcrwiae judgment wuj be. entorod agaiuat him, and execution awartic? aeeordiiHrly fLEalAc.1.. K Printing of every description, PKOMTPLY executed at this office, tn i i ttyl" of workmanship cirrespoMing ln, inc improvemtnta tfthet"Sc;

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