riTrrrrritLh rnirx,M.) n. iiuii li. im a II iLi wkr. 3? I nflui Li i tolwiifc 2 J ft 4Jl t.U. 10 ft Ut ', !-,, tftn,?. a 3J $ $ , iu 4, to m i uj w, r a . :it rw i pr ltiu.i Ww-,41 taint, 14 lb i taMaao Uft4tJl mUit4t I a fr. m " - - - Cet brUk at II cu, rvr I fJf da. f dH. tee faBt at CJ tJ. SjrHaaHeatWrlee. , ie-r, , tKAKtKrroJf'rMtcri, j ' Colion, I. W4 Uull, ea.!W4 de, 31 la 4J, stt,M sad , M I 11 Wt fiilii la th Lev f IU; -frH, A, rriM cw. 3o ji if. ri. i .,tharoUe IUK 3 a J Mf ""jriTfitUi lrtrpertwrw Jr ' ii ur I U eetvu. park Bh Hette fit H aba, Cffi t'ftnA had be tnovfef eT reh. tf aloaly at iM qwoUtJof the r wr week, nui rrur ri u UiiKf aa rti'etelr received by fc Pf? 7 f 4..L lathe trrke af tM a.cl aa tr4, aad prv'7 heavy imrthtMt were Baadt M the count of that day, awepk-M ltd, tf mB MTtMM p (WW WM BA4 M b iu1 IM Vfk M W awl 31 ij fcf rjikif Mi, U U if. On M mB, m4 vtfj vm MmtrMlr dain( U ttM iMHtfl U t)M ftrrwoa lM hg rtiM tM jwrt, rwl Iwr bl1rt. hick rt ! th W h. Utnf m( Ml cfifiriir boVfen ttixM wuMMta U rtU fxw la ., - CMMMT I. ' Carwnn jotoUiit arHa J-Uf fnd taltl are brttk, al from SO ( 26 ceota. klh a 57 cti. bit Uro jlei for lb ' tt quftlltie' toBdin( T J to II ctMt. Vkmitl: . Tw KVa-roik Citetta mrntlont thl tber h lH4ihilKa FibuK, L. I. a jplewiM cotkction ci wore thm g ttr'MiU of Hfaciotb. . The BSnd rtttortJ tt light. A your mm of Louitiana, bad bac .bliI abooi ten yeartt tiurinf which time he tnartiH ami becama tha utbcr oi tnrec cnuartn Iliinj heard of tba tkill of Dr. Lobatut i &t At I ... l! t. A kilAfi. I f Naw Orlna. at an oculitt. ba batten ed to put blmaelf under bit care, leaving bit wife and children at Baton Rouge. A fotlnlght had tcartel7 elapted when bit aighl an completely rtatortd, and be enabled to go and tet hit trifa and cbil dreo, for tba first time. ""Tttt atata lit tbo WtanwA CecWtlari; on Ibe tOthoritT ofCew:allrol iTowdaflbftt . . . a the U. Slatet natal Oepot it to oe rrmoT d from Tbompton't Itland, ( whlcb bat been tba grate of tome .of our beat and 'brighten teamen) to the taluhiiou town of Penaacola.' Tbtt plaee It not quite cwrenient a rtndei vout for our antiplratictl aquadroo, ei Tbompwn't It land ; but when the healihineaa of the two altuationt it taken Into comiderationt every man l the community will approve the cmmgt highly Uodicial audajiran-. tageou - Singular fact.K cti and rat ire now Ut Ing in perfect Intimact in the. neighbor ing town of Martfnaburg. .. The latter -dull youne;. and riea H nourlthmant from tha Tornvfrlth' nor oit oflapf Ibr. The. bhtory of the acquaintance ia briefly thlttArat'e nest w-a found, witH two youmjtrwa in Rtiajf.4aiea;- ahrown tobe cat i one of them wat instant ly devoured, but the other wat taken up by Putt and conveyed to ber tittene, and has tince been treated with tenderatt care. The rat it of- the Norway tpeciet. - Winchttttr Republic DR. &tMUEL FABlt, LL D. The death ol tbiaeminent acholar, on the 6th ult. it announced in the Engiith pa pers. From the year 1710, ( when com menced hie literary career by tbe public: atioo of two aermont,J till Ute period, U (cm uently efcploy bl m fj? political, and theological- wbjectt. Hit Bellendeoua de Stu, and Pa face, kc. and Character of tbe late Mr. I ox, in two t nubliahed under the Via M M . . illiiinflli hed works. He wat celebrated at a Greek tchalari and In his time atoclaed with all tbe great and hi' British contempora- ties, im age w w . . National Journal -ra.. e.n.tnf lnat araa Lafayette, at tbe Masonic festival In New- - Orleans iU..4chented out efJheir plunder. T -TTh Brethren who. ?Meel Uxwmiby tbe nama of Ste :MAete:tJb Ue,W rormw whr directed themv ilBs Preblef-whoke death tloned b-our lasV ai Woolwt-in Jull health, fell dead at the foot of the bed, whUe her brother was addressing her in his list momentt. They were both bun ed in one grave. ' Portland Ta. tm-Mi ft orjuir, imopMMt IW M alaiiftUa im mnmi iuTr. TW m. mi ac a 3 uJ la a-rw'-U. OLnrjf TIMti ffxl M il, MMt aowritaaa la reM Tfm 6ft. vara tawtuma1 4utwnc Ua IM lUr ram, at awf, tr, kM W1W r (a ealUct 9 lba In tbUauta tW aw j M la atbtaaea. It la vB rtaMrr4 bf tM aarvWlnf fv ba MnkiaMtt M tM aula af tba RluiMi. ibal Iboaa aon aa4 MJWU vtucb tr autf ia tmy a4 at pill art!ifs M4 a bap? aM MaaW tlTwl, JT Wuftlitf Mf U Um tbo ba vera rH aoma, aaj ttiMwbiiff and eAmirf iba aalQr 'mm of iboaa ba vra vaminff. lMa rV f aWa pW ara a( a! fhful thmidtt of tba laipofUiit m but of tM traiaf aM omUkoaL of tba "tlawa Lkh tiWd ava'i aouk" TM (nrtlmaa at Cbaprl lift baa at mil colWtod a aMf of tbeaa piwti a4, U ordar la at biia n bk prtrnvortb; tff brs It ha toques 4 of aU IMoa oonoaa M tM Urn pH of lianlkCara&M M aay ftita any iMt or BtJIada of tba dWriptioa abova bmo. lUmU. oo M r a- b iawlra o ta Jract tbai totM foitautor at CUpcl IUL Tm Morn ara aona, of vluca it la ckaroa to abtaia eepiea i n Timoibr Rift, of Kotharbrd Count f Tb Battle rf tbaCofa. Dr the Mfut 'I'be fiattla of Kinj'i Mount i!n. Bv a man In TradtlU nama not bnoajn Ibe Battla ef Ramaour'a Mill. Br a man In Rowan, nana oolnown A Diilont between i Soldier and (MB er; to tba tunc, uanka oi ma uao. Tba followlnr la a apeclmeni be tor all tba writer recollect! of it t - I . .i I .... LUlntf MLIIII. VU we vera encamp'd near ibe aaftinpa of Sftnr. tnfr i Tbe rnata and nnti!toea aroond o A Kor, TM froira in ef h tMy aant; merrily, TM toriet they In tha awampa wer a hint. Bf and rice in tba krttlee on tM Bre wera frying, WklM many a mmt aaUWa U bia Unt lay a dying, Laaaentuig bia kta ia tbe I vampa of Santce. ' " owtcai. " O away vmnt, jnUar, arty A yoa mourn, TM time ia oon enwtinf wMa wa wiil rrtum, . Crowned with fauirtb from the rw bay trea, And ne'er snort return to tba Swampt of Ban. tee. . . . - - Another by John Fleomgham, Etq. of Mecklenburg. He was Committary to the eipedition to Wilmington, in the au tumn of the year 1781, (tince removed near Pitttburg) and made a song describ ing the incident! of the expedition, to the tuna of " Hold Armttrong man." The following U recollected at deacrib ing tba charge of. our ctrtlry . bt Highland Stole b at Raft Swamp ; rlTbeir taordi they drew - And did rob tbreugb Tbe tory crew, - And bonneta flew, J - Made them fly bcl-er akelter,, . lit mTum mm had aont;, one by a Tennettean about Old Hickorir tna the Creek War, which waa tung in several attam counties in this state before tbe jeteTieaToaolur Elct&mrtlt&ihw' mitted, produced coitiderabla effect. Tbe Cnnd Jury of tha Diatrict Court of tbe United States, (which waa in aeaaion ia MilJedge villa when the outrage waa committed by tha Crecka) baa Bfwaanted tba whole Indian nation, for killing Geo. Mctnroab, and ether chiefs. In anther column, tM reader will find a more detailed account of tM outrage committed by tlt Creekat from which H would teem that a iind of IreTlglddi lmtioii bad no email agen cy m prompting them to commit tbe exceiaea. VTOni d-Periewn, of Berber cntr.'AIr jrinia, h been appointed, by the Prerident of the United Statee, Judge of tha Wertera dutrtct of tht ttateVla) place of Can. John G. Jackron, deceaaed. . Jftf Matt J?.4re.-lt ia aUted in the Charles ton Courier of the Htb iwt. that the wuthern mall carrier, iftet MlffAm from hla aulky. ami cruelly beaten the --hnriakilithe tnaan time, took fright, and ranoff given by GenTJw.lh U m Ani met and lecureTBy an. other mail rider. So theee dcaperadoei were A man bv the nama oi Stewart, ho TO tro -i ..1 I,. ,h nnat .office at Honttromerr, -a' hama hT1' 3 a letter png irough that office, post notes otba :'jjaYClnmirw the amount Of g9,d00 the letter ctainiinf me post twtet waa clirected to S. 8t. John, Jr. Mobile. Stewart, to elude tie pursuit of jtheftlcen, had flad to a swampy from w hich, ua waa anven vj uog. 1U U U-i Jwe.t'j -'-.Jr.. iu'Sc -.M'-rwJ 4at.Wa al Jj ' t la frota ( ,.,u-. ThmiIjmJ!!i U-'.'g a-tt,t, hm11, tttfa, m. kmt Un .W i 4 tm lul ttfmmt, aw f r.(M aU ijmi; f rfnH at "'t 14 Man l f On ajf u k ti rt.-a Mawn4 J-m. M 1 14, U imt aikl j4 af ita aM i U- arM xy d4 a tin ai bkLUuUat tU U U,4 tw vii tMftvi ra.iriff U Wtwara CaaU t4 ttty t.tt;, al ara a at X ,r (M pinn tt Uh M ba bna A a aketU twik tU4 U IM ri'r af cwtf. t4, 4 tM Cb tad If w a aVfivmla, th la Caorraa, M awpf ' M ranary Mfft. awc4 kf 1M aayjnaM aj Nr. Vaw wmjUut ta Mttjra. tt'lMm tafe. rM 4:atnnlaW4 fnila M t. Jwiav iaenjaai4 ta fr, tbww, ia lll at a. aala oaa He tba aiaafan1 af aacrrtary mf W. waa a camLUte. Mai. W to) CnAi af Ct Drayt efrpeMet, "Tba United iMataa arita ef tha Una S'orth Carcitisa. wbkb aailad fof iba if a JUarranaaA a. abort liana mhkurt taadau 14 gvn, with, pant i Jiff ganj-wayi (ot 9 mora a a poena carronaect. Mt rrp & MTtrnr A corrcaponlrnt in the CUtcow himaelf at debarred from readinw la the day by Uiloett, ind as alwayt 'ii. . experiencing ii irrrtuoie orowunett when he takes book at niaht. al. I K ii ao earaaMaa) tA r it .... Cm j:. covcred an aotiiote to this baffllne tetjdrocTi In t'mmen mint, cot throuth the middls an4 placed in dote contract with the tyet. Some mrol. uoury tears are tl courte produced tv ikia rroeai. btt tSe writer affirm dial it leaves the tretllt rcfrtthed nd diapels tbe soportbc hcavineit. F.ut Stone m.t U a.ld tba! s train of flat teed pottcttet all tbe valuable pro- partict of the alooe. 7a WA Caiit vilkonU Jading Put B bia anoofkfwl of com man ult into tba tudt, and the colors will rtmain as bright at be lore washing. A If Mkamld htm Tba IcrMitura of Upper Canada have pvel a Uw admit ting printing pretts,aype, and every article made for prioura' a, iw ba Im ported duty free. ' ! Ta ktth hofi br Ihr'Jaturt Ilopt kne all their bna Oavrtir oy eipovore to ibe air and damp. Tbey should ba kept a dry cloe place, ana Jigntiy pnciea Lord Bacoa. on belnr onre stked to drink iha Ka:' boahh, la -aaU ta b.va renlied. that he X90ui drhk fr M$ own health, and pray for that of tbe King " vaaai a cosaccTtnrr rarta. Aa ?ntrTKrn( hrrtxftv cortimnninted to wa -t..i k M. m .n afTactnal mnedv anin Rnjhiry to horaea and eattk that may hare eatea too aauca tram i II in atnpiy io aamimmcr pint of exiled noyra ir. m toon as iac diacorered. He ay; be Km triad iM etperi. ment a number of timet, and always with auc ccaa TO OUR P.iT (tbj: ROSS. Tbia weekt number 260th) af tha Wev . x f : wnl. Cm mitrm tinrm if fl tern iarou, .vii'.-y" i uiu u ii.v vm m. f eatftbiuhment. The eoorit we baira parMeff0Untain'tited1y the Royal rmily.-AH md tbebnmMa anortawa lave exerted! eonUthese- eircumsUhcea teni. tO pr0T Jhe a .! .k- .. .KmJ r.'.n.M ii. in't.V- !-lir-m- of a diiMtltfaction amon? the ductinr the paper jbul Cu.'eniblea ua to' take a retrotpact of our laoora vnn a octree m cu complacency, whkh,1n eortfietion with an exten ded and liberal patronage la a amirce to m of (Tfttttul OMitsUtion aid wiU rematu uerpty impraaad upon aur reoanecUon, a aen u.c feeline incident (otimoa of excitement ahall be bwvU4i eteraad ftrgvaheva. . . . Am'idit the acrrnony of feeltng engenarira by the violent political agiution bich haa juK paaaed by, it wert nin for ua to eipea a aoio of tM tima. . Al though wa were atudloua to allay tha aaperity of ditoufftion, and neutralua the ttternem feeling, which aome people aeemed aolicitout only to thtriih, between the advere partiet, we know that, in puTOingjTe and determinedly, a couwo which we believed tha interest of the peoale and the common wel fare of our country called for, we were no more exempt from the Kttte airrationa andxceaaea, of which aucl Cmet.fnr.atwaya Very prolific than others woo engaged in the diecuwion. Ev. ery memMr of the human family ia abundanuy ! A ,f ika charitable indulrcnce oi hi feb 111 HCCU v. o . -. teremberaranil wa acknowladgavurlctTei debtor to a plentiful share of that indulgent tor. bearance. . N.. that the troubled waters of tbe political lftM,re bwed-iata ttUlnepuntihe.J?!?JH!: tW 'inrlicatea a nam greater poritooV ouTwt and exttacU aa may tend to cnenan uiok f,r.nira. without which civilized aociety loses nnSftlf Ua M-irr- the mitcenajieou de- partment ot our paper, w. "".-.--r: ;.i w.t.wi.aana4h,.L mi tha iirutratjuvlinr rto embelliiTithe roinct, .VMfinrf tha haart--to ruide the wayward im iclinationy-and point Jhe out0 v In the nn html dniBrrflime v.1. ." - ...r kinir.''ik irite'mnerate diacuaaioh,"and nmnAtuhU diiootaiioi) i bat we" iavf calmasd at gmnndj iaaa4 K tbrwrli e'fl aaj . .4 4. 1 m imrrfrB. . HAj mm?, oarKa yikhat. J4b Cm. up, j ef naaAMHarTniaia,4ftiie ! af Oaatg aUdd, Xj at ikt aVr fW. aa IXfir, - - At kU ft m. KmvU -4. aajy, aw ike attain af IM V& bwu JU.e ItaniLnaa. Tmit .1 ik. . fti vara, a aSvt of Svu.!. but fit nj yttri aifotubta JaiftkuM miMimiUm mi N rrankN ewvnty, Abbaana, latthr, SHloT W , Hoaaitt, arad nwardtatvW 1 U hte m, w iwntii'in vwrr, w irw ruir. warn wmww ba rtaMtad rarty ia Iff to Tew Mawa, and waa aa active mAUt ia tM mwai aaMttit tlK toak aUct aAth tba Cbefakea ' iwi,, bata Sajr On. Skr and r.tn. Jack. vk, wkkb watt awdt know a M C. Jaxkaaw ftl tU pU mA af (M laftd l rrm4U. nt aa UJ. A 1 ' . .... ... . . . . wmt wgvmm mm rar im aM4 wntca M b4 BMda rla mM Cm . - --' - J ... . . i afterwarda aamad tba covnty ttwa la UkI M r.nt.i " Umdoa, Marck 7, JUvw Atm rj. aged 15, Annmey titntraj af I'mnfyKanla, prtvmM ta IM KtvaaatifMi. "W ia InadmaMkU. Va aJ.M kU irn;iy, bat canagt ny m ntaxk of bia aU Joaiab Cradan. Van. at tba law wfk' of tbe EftUirt Caainlv Court, lauuaui kiak. ngum, tba lata rrpreaentaUve, ia alio a caa- (Tdiie. 7. rcr rrr y - TVket No- 14JH8, In U MryUnd Htnta l-ot- .... a a. . - . aT a Ury, wlut-h lrw ue nirnew. pnia w tJurntft-l dolUr. rewialptd onauld at Chri't (a luckr aaine.aUr. Claik baling drawn M ban. aWd tWMand dollar priie, a few j-fart alnee iMUtj Oftce o Dartimnrt. On Tbnrtdar last, about one o'clock, tbia place was viiitad by a roost tremen- ilont and cettrurtive nail fiorm, awora- panied with thunder and IiKbtntDg i and one which, in the tize of tbe hailttooat, ia tclilom if ever euuallcd. An almoal loul dettruction of glatt, in the windows rfrMd to tha watt, waa tba immediate coitcqiience. 1 hougn tt iaca oui i aNa a . W ft. . . a or three minutes, the had completely covered the abound. IliUtUr RrnrdeptSth inti, - Trom tba tenor-of the' liirarrlvslt fmm Furo.-. it ii evidenf thai a vert er' tensive and general ttitauection prtvaut .. .-.. K.! "Tk-M ara .III! In tui fnund nntabert who ara eater to exhibit their attachment to tbe Constitution and Cortet even at the ruk of pertonal.talety. Tba nnliea ia vieilant and active in the supprettion of every dangerous indies- tionj and numerous arretit naro oacn mut iii rontanuance. An attempt It I A . - k . -. M.ta In fwttutn lha exigence of a distatltfartion among the oeoDle of Snain i but whether thtt tplrit prevailt to an extent which may reaaona iv excite the fear of the existing admin- -- - . a . aw " the a.Rr.lvid.WYo-t public prims. v,a. -w- . rat wa XaavM" aaoaaua. Tar. cKEt'jrs.' We are grsiified to learn that the lata hostile movement of the .Creek, is not l.ke to be pursued. Oen. Thompson, of Gwin.t?wPho arrived dava aince, we understand, ttated that QJS who murdered Gen. M'lntosh ireance which twy -nao - pected would offer no furtner rewa- tance to tne execui .... i t-r r'-i.r.ri..a thorabont daylieht on J) rnorning of the rtjnstn twenty and thirty s he stood prepared to address im sailants. . - ... JJlTRTRiM&yCLAX?' .... a!"i ..j..: 17. iheDscket ship r.ni.in Britton, arrivea t New York in 23 days from Greenock. By this arrival Glasgow papers to the 19th tlfatir havw aai.rceivcd comning neSiVaitftrnirihef advancnlhrnltonmm which is an nounced in Utters trom Liverpool m mo I3ih of April. Yesterday an.exprest wat received by . ti.-i-t ' kmiuft hero from LiverpKl, avis tntlranswaioiyb .M'tv ........ ,,,.J..,.il . -ttft,tJf,ht one ot tbe oroners """----purchases at former rates, on which lTd. could now be reatWy obtained-, We an nex tbetoasaq'ion at Liverpool on the ArrWl.JlU. M0atU IfsK, to Ulat ti foiot) were awti.tl.Uff to a(tu!iieft al en s4ar)i tf Id on Bratli t4 I ypl td.anj eaatbar kUda. T bia day w tilrflftta fJ1 1 tH bite triip J handl at a funbtr adnnra of Id. ltt4 and Cgvpiitn, and I-4J. vn all Araeritan da scr)p4UAS. During Ibe week ene'lftj lit HtbAprSi riJ bagt of latlow i re m14 U tba La do market, at a Hie af front ant perm to I 144. per lb. Oe ibe Ilia, there wi iaaiiua ui iae money mtriei, ecatkxud h would appear by mmori of in nfavarai.la najere ttf'tUg ibe de signs of the Haiy AnUaea. tavntt. irail IT. ft4.TM ArAxiJ I CotUMi In wvf nwiH Lai k Wat lrt art it.. nr wrf imwiriif i or,ry acreery fl re rMe aa4 Uias k. f- l,anaa I i-rtfi'mm 1 6-1 I i a 4. j aa uanaaa i raenaaM J7f 4 a V t aaataw4da aw- wm kaJT ihraa Ua-Wt tUnrtit II a (I i tea klni ITralMsl3Mnta; ' TcaltrdftV tM detnaaJ Le Cailm waa m!L erable I ftWtl ana k.n .M of, chk if Kfyvt, gvod iptaiiiy si aitea tbrwa fnh,nf and aetenuaa peMti MadHI lea oanct i Hanla a.na Mara thiwa fuil.M ftad II J-aJ. TM VixhiirWa u eoadderable. The llluitriout Ifamboldt. uvi a Liv erpool paper U tbe preak!ent of, an eaeo cuuon tor opening a commanlcatioo be, tween tbe AlUntie and Pacifle. Tbera are two MtaclalUnt, totally nnaerwvacttd with each other, for opening communlca tlons bctwaen the two Ocmos. The ss- WKla'ion of wbkh Humboldt Is prttldent, proposes to cut ship csnal by the tatb raut of Teheantepect In tie State of Me ilea i tbe other Intcnda ta rturm Jovlar work by tbe Laki Itkaltgua lat tbe Slaia ad nwinaala . SutrS of NohJi-CtroIina, arirjrn rtrtc toewfr. Mn WILLI 4 M rHT.S. Ue of Jarnrf cuwitr. and Hate tf fja, bafh this day InforaW me that aome uto rrpacta have ben xit in eirewlatioa in this neigahmhood. rrlab to bia cntracicr, ana wnira rrpv mrm believed by swny ciima to kia pttjndlc, ThH will crHdr. tlat UtOiam WywrM lived near ma iblrW bb auy m aaia;i. and waa ea Ucmcd u aa hmt, eorrect young man and ui hr a, m infurtnaliun tltrnl. be Irft orr irbW4 with M aama cradtl lhat be bad . Formerly none on aimiiar wtiwri, w tala. JAUtJ COWAK. Ciarf.Hr. Jaf 17. 1S. 37 rosr-onicr: dkpartment.j oii Mam. ins. PROPOSALS wiHb received at b CeweraJ PvH Office, until the let day of Anguat eit, for traiportine,Ui two borva atafea, wwot) a aek, tlte mail which Sow naaaea aw bono back. between BaVm, It. C. and KnowEe,- en. to go by fluntwine, Wilkeawirb, A -be eowrl. Mue, rt. C. and Joaebomgh, rvewiBa, aad Dandrklf f, Tana. 6iJ Frmx a drairaua to contract, will make erpa rate "proptiaJa for Bmlringthe terrtce to Viaunte ville. and ta Kofemifle, In case the fortmaatei' Oenerml ahoultf detervotae to mala either of the piaeta tM Urgtiaating point of tba route. Committed to the JaW OP Davidaoa tmtnty, om the 2th af Xareh Uat, a rrre maa, named BOIi. The owner i, reaue4ed tteomt forward, prove property, pay cbargea and take hire away. JAwM WISEMAN, Shtrlf. Lexington, May 271. -3t63 Fifty Dollars Reward. T AN A IT AT from myplanla. JL1. itoo neacXaaorduo, Putnani county, Utorgii, ioiri the Wtn "af aaat aAootb,a neevo 4t.Qow by' ibe name of BtJfBT, about 21 years old, dark comptctiMi,Jrrl .made, rather over the common n .ml v.ffv liltfv. 'Iit. f.-L. row was yiwrcbaaed. bat December in Ceorffa. lemotinr to rtiunr ki--, u Bi.hhr at. left a wife who wja free ?&Jy tbe employment of ma lion. m- -"r io Walinitoa r,tr, at a ho-taa rvat -Tbaj .hovw rewatd wiU ba vadr aaidfebow 1 .rxrraa ....,,. or J ae- BlVCTTU IV Hl aa . coring him i-any j.- X'ffirJL Jlfay 10 1825. 3t63 attttttYdT Stolen DM the 5th Inst, from the aiibcriher m Sariabury, ache nut colored rear, tolerably Jarge, ( or 8 vrsraold. blind of oneeve, all . -,k;. .nd i, braiuiea on ine jciv . i :.k a mru anrnz-thintr elae not re- mouKjcr win. ; 7 ., ewllocted. v Any ptno; who wiU retUp, aaid horse to tbe aubaeriber in Sh'bry. or eive n- formation where he can ne seaino, an-u om wC SaKthnry, Ma, 20, 1 825. 3tg -Vantnd to Hire. A whom a liberal price will M riven. For further information, apply at Una office. May 9, 1821. " .JState of prtli-Clinfj, v-fr i'WfeW-i'i U Wl4 mPmwmi!Mizasit flOCRTof Meat ami Quarter aViaioha, May i i tarn,, t hjh. taties Keynojua sua obt. H ertmoreland t original attachment, b vied on land, and Nathaniel Honor aommonea aa raniiahee In tbb ewe. It appearing io tne est. . fiction ofthe court, that Robert Weatmbreland, the defendant, haa abacondeo, andyia not in ima ttatekia theiehweoedered, that publication bo made for three "'nionlbs in the mm Xirc wniM4baAwks,ih ne it conn io oo eiu i . Maleaville, on the 3d Mornla) in Augurt nekt, J 1 J m la mil P. tit the nlaintin will have i iudrment entered according to his demand. - ax 1 L .. t. 'V '

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