y SOL. VI.) Ilr Will) WHITE. 1 rka terawev the W."ra . "' f ,"M. i .k. I the 1-d.i-r) V1 J.?2!Z1S !in?Lu IT ' '.a a I. J I II Aitwiv-M w r r.r:' .T.: I ill WiU fcWfl " 1 rr..r- ... " " . ki mVVIV( Vt """" - LnMMUiad for th purooK it town ol "TJ:. . ..ti ri riKU rfvar. onfKulta th tvft Li ZneirUl, la t.ld i mw , of en bundrtd ind 6Af tkouttnd .rukrikt diftetlofi oT Cfjft. bf lh ttvcnl el jutted fof tb wlmlMUm of ,s fine of Obb, IfMnni, IlliiwJi, rd MUtoori. into th Union, on n enoil footinr, wftb lb orlrinil Miiei. Sc 8 if m r ' further ewea, i nil, (or lh immadUle McomplUhment of thil object, tbt PrtiWnt, -tih tht dfieof m the inperintendent of wld roJ whote dtttt Jt hU b timler the 'direction of tk. PrAm. is UUle the nme into tec- tioniof M mor thin ten mileteech i to centrtct for enJ perool?r luperintend the epttAnt end nukine; the wid roed, veil to recelte, diibune, end WthfoWr Kcooot vitb the Trtuury for, ell wrni ofmooejr by Mm receired U virtue of ihn oct. Rr. 3. h it further enacted, Thit the taperinfendent iballnot be intertiied, directly or indlrecUy, in the n oi eny centrecti to to be md bjr him efore- id I Thit hi iHaII, before he ente- ur- th flicbtrj:e of the duliet eojoined bf thit t, eiecute a bond to the United Sutei, with tecuntf, to bo approve, oi hr the Secretery of - tho Trenury, coo dilbned for the f.itbful tlitcharee of bit hniei pretcribH by Ma act t i mi e .k.n kJ-i k. nlTwa dutlnr the oleaiure rll WWIH a w ----- rj ef tbe Preildenti fcnd ihril rcfie at the rito of one thouiand fire hundred aoiun per innam fbr hi erice, during the ime be rniy be emplor e d in the diichtrge J the dutiet required br this ict. Re. 4 And br it further enacted, That the PrrilJent of the United State be, end he U hr reby, au'horited nd ernpowered m nrtnint on ImnartUI end iudicioui perwn,. not beinij thitn of either of the lUtertTifouTf wMih tbe roao, tere ifter-meniioned, hII pm to be a Com, raUtfoner j and, in eae of the deith, re T(foitloni ttfusal to acl, or eny dmbiljty of any each Commiioner, to appoint aBAikr irl hit ttead. who thai) have P"' tr, according fo Ihe proritioni of the act, r milled An act toauthorixe the appoint- rmd therein mentioned." ID Droved May Hifteentih owetbrwaand eigh bttndrad and tventfi to tomplete the eximinatton anq urrey heretofore commenced by virtue af the nrmriiinni of laid act, end to ex tend (he nme to the oermanent teat of Uovemmetit ot the itaie oi miiwuh. . .. . r :. tbe laid road to conform, in al) reipecta, to tha rjrovUions of the aaid recited act, except that it shall pan by the aeat of Government of the States ot Uhio, IDUI- anl, and Illinois f and the aW CominU ioner ani the pertona omployed under nim, shall receive the tame compensation for their ftenrlces. resnectivelv. as is al lowed by the aald recited actr .JPrniVM, Aovwrr.That. the said road shall com mence at Zanesville, in the state of Ohio: iicnce at .anesvine, in tnceiaieo. u. wd to defray the expense thereof, the j j' ti i u- I fwmrmat.,!. tmt-nf-thn annronriation made by the first lection of this act. . H. CLAT, Sneaker Ilonae of ReDresentatWes. JOHN GAlLLAltu, Preaident 'Sc.te pro tempore Approved r JAMES Mmviroir. An Act to alter the terms of the Untricl Court ef tha United States in the Western diitrict -QOirpnia. . I BR it enacted 4y ihe Senate and ttoute kf -J?eAro.e . . - , I W lhjLSw' ' 1iMaajaW''i n of th Wstrftr Coaminnd Ha ICIII19 OI HfJ IrISllll-a wwaa-aaa twaa-. for llSe Weifna IViatrirt of Virpiniia in . . . -"'a saiiiv I w be holden. on the days and at the places Ka..!.r.. I -I- - P4 nl f has tim nA hffM h JAW. ihlll ...u-.rwenuoiica.n-mBiy.a.-u. Jon. nn tha lot MmiiIuI n Mirrh and I AuruiU U Watha fiaa. II -t l a I P...- 1 . I i 11 ninnfij v in Jtnni ainri rvani avtniiaRr i i it .f vltbarg, ) lb Friday f't' b fir4 Monday la April and Beptitnber lnd at lUrktHurf p, on ihe first Heedav ms-, h k ye r , , . . . . '. civil f eAmWI MM par imai war n i n v ni i Ul I V f WHMV pewva. vi m-mwwwmt mm w- nt&dinr In .hher of li Cnm. shall U ill ! mm" B'm p'- " I Tf.f?.7:' aobttn of ti lUvMMry hrmf. Ithi i mi imlttd fcf lb KCooa Mellon J blMlctn, for Uwlnj milltirf UimI ... I.' IK. omcr, Kldim of the nvolutionary ermyi ihall ba enen ded till the fourth of March, one thousand eleht hundred and twentv seven, and the lime for locailns; iba unlocatcd warrant! m tern?? ul1 hf Brtl C" 01 U?' Awwed, March 3, 1IJ5. km Act la uiUkku lb aala tt a BcMn of Land Ihcrria racmioaaj. T E tt enacted tv the Senate and Haute Reftretmtathet if the United Sia'et tf .1 merit a in Canrren anembled, I hat Ihe Secretary of Ihe Treasury shall be, aDd he ll hereby, authorised to cause to be cspoted to public slr. in the tame manner other Lnd of the United States are, the section numbered thirty-four, of the Eleventh Township and Third Ring of Township offered for sale, at Steu benville, Ohioi ami, if not ao sold, the said section shall bo liable to entry in ihe SteubcnvUIe Land Oflice, other land are. Apfmrryj. March 3,1835. Proposals FOR pubRahinr a paper at TorkVJle, South Carolina, to be entitled tht !LcvcLori:nUn by MKKE k JOSIAM HARRIS. Tbe RAtohal department of tha Encyalope- The fnlloa-ina: ill be tha Ai'mom of the Ra -I r. - LM . iMumhiiM . I .i,atftp Ann iUfii Rrlirinn and Moral i Portraitures of eminent characters, aao r.a on ui ana man - - - , ners erljrlnal and aelreted i mnr Poetrr I Elections ami Appotntmrmi, citii, miw Unr, literarr, medical and rlig-iou Aurer- titrweata,- - a - - The arfra-vithe Fwtyclopedia win be Aa n.mjJ . hut mnatiful HiscuaMons of all impor tant questions mar find a place in its ooluatna. Ktlijtt wul Dae a oeience, a area wm um pleaae no one, who lore the Bible. In it, lit tvt UrimUr Dt-oartment. K will endra- our not to loae aught of the improvement! of the a(. .IfncnBurt Wl occupr a cwwiiicruic portion of the work. Tbe Jimmf lit will be, tenerally, limited to lMtrmtur and JgH. ' Ile Encyclopedia wlH Be frubltOied once a week, in tong" primer type, on fina Royal paper, and- wjll contain ifi pajes octaro.- Thos each subtcriber will he annuallr, a rohtme contain- 812 pare. Each" mimber' will be' folded, atiuhed and coremL An Index will aceomna ny the bat number of every volume. The term will be row Dollars pW annum, pa)-aUe in advance. Notes not at par in their repec- mit at thtr drnrreiated vahie. cTr Peraona who raav have cbanre of sub- aeription parwra, will pleaae retail, lha papara, atvtf torward the namet ot woaenoera aa aoon aa they are obtained. .All communieatlona to be addr-wed, " Ed- it on Encyclopedia," Yorkviiie, 3. C Jbril 2i 4t61 - i - mA niMHtL (ihlna Merchants. Country 1 Storekeepers, and dealers In Glattware. a w a a.. 20,000 (fross Apotnecaries- viais; isr 000 do. Patent Medicine do. s 1 000 do. Cologne-water bottles ( 1200 do-. Mustard and Cayenne bottles ; 700U aozen yuan bottles 5000 do. hal talon do. 3000 do. Washington and Eagle pint flasks ; 300t) 00. La rayeuo anu uaic uu. u. , 3000 do. Dyott and Franklin do. do.; 200i : ,. - , . .... - -kiit do. Ship Franklin and Agrulul. do.; S000 fo.ksiorted Eade,.. Ice do. I . 1 900 . do- COmmonJlbOoOOOOagle, Cornucopia, &c half pint. 4500 do. Jars, assorted, all aizes ; 5000 do. druRffists, and confectioners' ihow bottles I 5000 do druojtisty packine bottles, assort, sizea ; 3000 do. sactd bottles, gro. Jtopper j k,,i.. . fifw, a t)Ufr bottles ( 5000 do. demijohns, diner I . - a. . .a am With a variety of other l.iass n are au oi wnicn waaaarv nw n naav iuu mm arrawii in w iih.ii WiHilactSrait atThrTttlaAh m.n.hin i. NWItlilfPfrl KW.1L MH 111 millT OI Ult by" tV w. DOff- varner of orctmu anu nuirni, . wwunjin.i i . .. o I u ... Di..j.fjiL.M - i frra or 4 firstte vial biowervwiii meet! Uhwnsunt employment and good wage, by applying BS aDOVe. . . 1 . I 'e. throughout the United State who I . . m n i ..... .. ,n I Editor, throughout United SUte, who I 100C ... Ttf I jtnnrrn. i. ia.t.i. ' wvw n i BAUSDUnr, N. C.....TlT5ATi JC.xi; TnV fluAe. 1 f..7i it JL fuMf. ft4'1 1' il,urwi U-t Tlr; ' - Ik lb Ww.r Karr. ead I P vpP'r . tM r. UlfMUL Orm.MIW BStf sua"! rard,. Uk fc. Ja toad r. Jrttrminait tn nrnmrt lit 1h rrnlT tr I-" -Ktock of GOODS rv. f - J- kUA. cUaa. CaJaa. D,-wr. andCaa PfwoVr-and Wl-aj af the pMaa i and a aaaoar tf rUHf aniciet, awf nrca-aary m m rmtmerattd. (.EOatUB MIIXEI. KB. I alia rvqaaat all persona wU have ay wnfic iWir revu. "ltvlfiist ftTnrYaVo TilEMbacriber havinr Utely rwieivWfro-a Mr. AUea Ward of fhiladalphW, IbjhaUa tea of tha m..h-aial mJYlt ?" - - ---a . atenta, tfca new-t ana ' Faililonabfi Clotlrn made, that he ia prepared to eieoi all or-lrra in bis line f bnanta, In a aptrnil a ailr a, anv in tbe place, til orders fronja diatanc will be apecdily eircutrd. and ctotng furvar. drd to any arction of the cwiatry. I THOMAS WJKtOI. .airy. .tfrtf U, 1S.J. , 33 VAnON W0OLWOKT1I lakes t.. mrtbod In iMmiinl Ika rtiifrM td HaJafiir Lt the adjacent country, that he bas optnr .1 abop m this place, on Mai-rtrect,'e lew drum aantlt of tha- CcMitdloaae, ia tba raosa adinf Mr. AITuonl atorei wmrra he la rupandfn -rpair all kinds of WueKn and CiteU al Warrant them to perforaa well foe twelve laonih . 11 tlkMna will tanairallkaaJacif C'Uk.1 aiTiwr war-, m a neat, careful auaavacr, and uaJ very liberal term. He aolicitt a ibafe of patrooara rrom tnr putt-1 lie, in hia Kne of bwairwa. and oaly ak a fair a a t I La mmmmm. Mlaaafaa aaaaf I trial aa he feeh aaanred that ha caa aanaf, any reawmable evpertation, la all jobs in ihe aSote buamcaa. I to I suatmry, rm. An Apprentice TO tha Oai Jaf..e haaaaaa ia atai W (A (QtMcribar. A youaf man from 14 to 16 vears of are, of an aceommodatinr dirpori- tion, steady habit, and aa ingeniout mind, will nnd a rood place, where be win meet wa good treatment, and have a eKanea to laam a good anaclaaaical bualocaa, by applylnir la JUlia bury, lo 8AM1 LtKDKR. Lane mmu Oi jttAtrr. Mag 9r 1825." . ST " Cotton,. Cinninz. THE subacriber respectfully informame mer. M. enanta ine towa a, oaiiaoiiri', rltin bmmof hia nirhb4,oiML that he baa juat finialied a large building, 32 by 53, for Ca. ajxf CaMva, lo run oy water i jmi inu ne m alao a ell Axed for packing cotton, in tbe neatest manner, for market. He aaaures his friends, who may favor him with their euatom, that ha t? .,-. A-.jajkl.fc.J .111 M.lfl Hfl. ,afl k will ua.e lucir ccniun pacacu aiiu pui ( . nM,Ma minnpr. and in the ahorteat time Doeai- ble, and on the lowest terms at which it ia done by others. He alao aawrree thoae wno aerxi cot ton (6 bis Gin, that It will be kept aeparale from otbera, ao that they will be sure to rt the eame cotton tlvey aead. He haa located aid baih thin .... ' a . ...a . . I eatabliahment, at bis Mill Plantation, two miiea from Saliabury. JA: FISHER. frc 18, 1034. 2S Fifty Dollars Rewanl. RAVAwXTfrom my planta tion near Eatonton, Putnam county, Georgia, about the ?0th f but month, a negro fellow by the name of MRlfRY. about 21 year, old, dark complexion, well mad , rawer over tne common is, and verv likelv. Thia fel low Waa prchaaed laat December-in George- town, Uiatna Ot lOiumuia, anu pruuauiT tempting to return thither, aa be is aaid to have left a wife wbo was a free woman, and late in the employment of tba Hon. Wm. J. Crawford in Waahingto'n City, as a house servant.' The above reward will be paid for aaid fellow if de- 1!ar.aat On oviaw Oar ITt nUntatinn. or R20 for 16. III v a. I d VA IW aaw aaw j -- mf .curinir him in any jaU, to I get him awOo... mm" ... - .i . ana sj a BIlAnTPn flbaUI Oa OriUII I Sal Jt 10 1825. . : . 3t62 , tJN the atn inst. irom me aibacnber in Sababiiry, a chemut colored orae, tolerably large, 7 or a .mm A hlitifl rt nna ve. AH hi. (t white, and it branded on the left mm" J ahoulder with an B, and something elae not re. collected. Any person who will return aaid horse to tbe suWriber in SIiury,"r rivtrtsji formation where he can be found, ahull be well raeomnemad for hia trouble and etpenaea.. . STEPHEN COWAN. Sokaftarv. Jlfov 20. 1825. 3(61 jlSstiivtCnOA TBI Hl?-,anbrwber''bav5n rniilified U MMtt iwi ul tin? lliav .III Wl nn..mi.i .wiiji RbiWIlowAn coan . . . .t , niMfl .iwi mitt... a.unna mr me sun minrri K"- ' ueia on uie xnira nonuav 1- notice ia hereby riven, that M peB0aa.fi.vmg laaava.aaai aaata.aao a-Rat mmX aatttaitit- flM PMIIIirM III I " pren mm payment, wau n e . pro present them i -riK1 kv latv : :JAME I. WTNO. Erffe. Jr. 1H74. ' nr? - ' aim f, f i, Slate of iVorth-Carolina. ejtjitei eavtrr, rtOt'KT af Ma a4 CnaHf faaalona, Apt 3 M aavaa I IBM at AaWMaea.W W. . - - lit tarri V"' attaafci.aa, U,U4 Ml Ud H aftataf U atat cowrt, UuMmmi. i VaUaaiil af th.a ataUw M kt f4 ik., iw aieatiaa ha aaaile La lb V) Wra (kroLaUa ttwaa aapaH finf atk U wi4 tff-taa4 M ipptae aa our awu vmn w, fVM d Quart? IkaaW-aa, to ba bU tU ewmtr wT Canta, tb OiK ke la Cm et, on f M Hand-rUlaty weft, a reple. ry, plr4 V Uar. OtawW-Jrwra wW he aaaa4fia4 hU, ad s--j4hi awarded aer-mUriv. I AK'L. COLCMA!, t, f . Printer's fey. U. M . Btato of JN'orth-CaroIina. tp-tw covwrr. C0UIT of E7, April term, IKS. Alex ander rWf and Abralksta R. Jones ve. Jaaayh Pearan.pharWs . Praraon, Richmond M. Praravn, UU W. Pearann, Joha ). PearnMi. haa Crown at iaeh hi wfo, U liUm a Rratie and Els h wife, rlaabeth Paaraoa, widow of Rklraond Peaao. Jan. dee'd. and her children Intra A. and Parah P Peawav- (1anB VrKia intxanU-il mtrtlian raadrflU Lt of tha l'nt dXra-Uata, Ktcbmontt, O.W. John, Lett and narak Prafvm. It apptarina lo tha Miflftioa of the court that Jenh Pvaf- an one of Ihe deiVadaaita in tbU raae, b m4 aa Mhabrtant of thtw Hate, A U tbvrrfore ordcrrd, that pwbbrotHHibe nu.tefor rit weeks m the t avern Caolimia that tha aaal Jowp.t Trar. Km ae and aprarat tne im r,..t la ba held tor tU Catinrf of Koaan, at tk.....rfJu.lu ia MairMirv. on the Hr Mvtv .1.. .n. ik. .TuuMh Mondar ia H otrmbrr neat. and pleadier or demur lo tbe complainant'. kill .Jkrram it will be taaea pro enmrrw a w him. SAMt.llliJMAN.e. a s State ofTCorth-Carolinv - $r.wne cavurr. e-tOt'llT of Eo.iiV. April Terra, lt?5. AVx I ; Krdiitt. A.Imr. of J. A. Praraon. dee'd. apinal the eieetitora and heir at law of rUrhtmmd Pvra hak K. 1'caraon appoi. . t . m r a a. ted riairUan or the warn nriemuma. n ap. peannf to tlie aaufaction of the court that Jo L immua. ana ol the defcndaAtA. ia not an inbabiUnt of ltd, ttate. ft la therefore ordeied. thai mtbUaJton be made ia Ibe Weatent Caro- NViin fur aii weeka. That unleaa the aaid Jo- arpi, praraon apjn-ar at he neat court of Ij and Fuitr. to be held for tbe rouaty of Roa a at. . a ! a I' t a.., at aepu praraon appear at he neat court of MW at tha mip, hnina ia Haliahttrr. on the Aral Monday after the fourth Monday in ettember nv, n.l . !.... tr ftiMr f A ik CATA. plainant'i bill of complaint, It will be taken pro comcaso aa to Dim. 8A.MT. 81LUMAN. e. a. a. State of North-Carolina, ATOjrrtojrxtr covnrr. nOCRT of Pleaa and Quarter Sea-ion,, April J aeaalon, I87J. Henrr Ueta.noin f. Ann v. Smith, H illia Nail, Jane . Nail, and Caroline p.. Nail, original attachment, levie,! on randa. r flnMrln, rht tha defandaala aa inbahitanta of another state, Ordmt, that publication be made in the Western Carolinian, printed in VaJiabtiry; for three montha, that wile the de fendant appear at the nest l.oun m riea ana Quarter Ke,iona to be held for the county of Montgomery, at the cnurt-boMe in Lawrence wills, on tbe 6 rat Monday in July next, replevy and plead to bue, judgment will be entered againrt them for the amount of the plaintiff 's demand, and the properly levied OB will be rpfklrnwn .04,1010, 10 1U rreovery. , , Teat 1 JOHN B. MAKii,e.e.t. Printer'a fee, gt., 3mt6'J State of North-Carolina, ' ' "vueoMntiVTT'7:r:'l ' COURT of Plraa and Quarter 5eaims, Jsno iry term, 1825. Atban A. McDown t. Samuel J. Murray t Original attachment levied, kc. tt appearing to the ..tafactlon of the court, that the defendant h not an Inhabitant of this State, it la therefore ordered by court, lliat pub- bcatieiv basaaile-lua UicrajDaauu, aicctMircij, in the Weatem Carolinian, printed at Raliabury, that the defendant appear at a Court of Plea and Quarter Seaaiona, to be held for aid county, at the. court-house in Aaheville, on 3rd Monday in June nest, men and there plead, anawer or demur, or judgnrnt final will be entered against him, according to the plaintiff 'a demand. Tsat, JNO. MILLER, e. e. C Prire alv. 3mt62 State of North-Carolina, Jitr covvrr. COURT of Tlesi' imT Xluarter 8 WonVMay sevion, A. I). 1825 1 Nathan Cbaffin v. Joseph Sater: judicial attachment, levied on land, 81c. Jt appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that the defendnntin thU'caaa is not with in the limitaofthii atate.it i therefore ordered, that puklit atioii be made for three.months, sue cesMveh, in the Wertcrn Carolinian, giving no tke to the defendant to appear at the court house in Rockfurd, on the ,eeond Monday in Aiigutt neat, ami plead or demur to Mid aRacbT ment, otherwiae judgment will be rendered again him for aaid plaintiff's demand. Wit nea Joaenh William, clerk of aaid court, at office, the second Monday of May, A. p. 1825. 3mt71 JO. WILLIAMS, e. c. State of N6rth-Ciir6liiia7 ..litnai cauurr, L-.. COUItT of Plea and Quarter nesaions, May term, 1825. Wastley Reynolds and Co. vt. Robt. Westmoreland: original attachment, le- onlaml, and SitFanief Hobbs Wmlfioned M' gamiahea ia thisa-i... .ft anpeajing. to the 1 aat- IIu.iiuii wi ilia iwiit - ftbe-afeiioimVbaii atate, it ia therefore ordered, uuw punucauvn u made for three montha in the Weatem Carols ,r. , 7i j Liani amwar at the the defendant tper at the neil COIIFl fO H UCH1 l tllw vvua-ww, : ,U J Ml. In Anenrf neat. " have juogmeni enTereff.pcOTrmnK w '"''2 ' a , . a a- .1 a o I, ! j Jamaml jmU4 KUS i a u.,t .ia (NO. I5I I iMrirl ntfe li aooiethia in alrkaeaa iKal brtlil down the end of manhood 1 Wheyt tnt( triojl it life in licknft atMl jearwtadeiicy-- . m a a ' V J I sr ho that raa pined in wrsry or o in i ha aeeleet and lonriinf J of forttpl land bat ha thou r hi of tHe mothef. . I it .1 a. tha looked 00 hia tiiH JLoaJ,H. lh u amnmhrt! hi tnllow? anrl-idmUllUrei toll b1ptfneitf Oh! thm it 4 eodetriog tendcrnrti 10 tne love 01 mother to ner ionrth trncenai an other alTcctiont of the heart. It ! neither to t chilled by clhshncil nof daunted by danpr,' nor weakeoed bt orthifttnc ii, nor itinr a oy mgnu tude, She will itrrihce every com fort to hi convenience I he tt ill ur render every pleasure to hie enjoy mem t she will dorr to his fame, and exult to hi prosperity J and, ifidrer tty overtake him, he win M uearcr v her br miifoTiune t and II flitRrate aa tie upon hi name, he will tlll bve and cherish him and 11 au tne wona caat hlm off, she will U ill the worli to him. .! jrjrtr cbutukr. 11 Her beauty wa astonishing. She . "L.L wa ajuat ana proper netgnt ner com plexion fair, but not pale j bloiimioj but not ruddr. Her eye were lively, without any indication fcf pride or too- ceil. Her whole ahape wa o nneiy proportioned, tht amongtt other wo men. ahe a&Deai'd with orerior digni- iv, yet free from the least degree of J a M II . brmalitvoralTecuuon. in wiiing,m daacinf. or in other exertie which) diipliy the perton, every wotioa wt elegant nod appropriate, Her ejti ment were alwiy jutt and triliog. and have furnihed material for ome of my onnct 1 he alwijr poke at the proper time, and alway to the pur. poc, o that oothityj could be taken away. Though her retnarit were, krea and, nointrrl. rrt tKcv wer j ara tempered as not to give offerer. Iter undemanding wa mperior to her sex, but without the appearance of -arrogance or preiumption and ehc avoid- ed an error too common arroi Bo rneo, who, when they think tli.-rruflvei anstiDDortable. To recount ill her excellcDcie would far exceed mv lim its, and I abail therefore con lu lc with afErmine that there wat nothlK' that could be deiired in a beautiful i-rd ac complished woman, which was not ia aa a-fawa her moat abundantly tound. buca wa the idol of Lartngo de MeJH. . - - - SlXtiViJt FJICT - 'The Warrenton paper states, that ia the celler of a gentleman of that place. . L. . Maktt. .iMiltin.ll mm ft a) ucn a ihii niuku ,umimi m m m wa taken" and Irpt In poelou by eat, " until ahe brought forth her litter of young mrueri in the midst of which the egg remained, until it notch ed a beautiful and fine white chkl , et4-all oLirhich .were found nev ted together by tome member of the" family, who accidentally discovered them.M - ALUM. Ahm is found in 10 or 11 state, ia mall quantities. It h u been discov ered in bhemeld, Leyden, tooway, and Ware, in Massachusetts. In Sheffield, pounds of it can easily be collected, nearly as pure aa that of commerce. It occur in several coun ties in Ohio, where it is collected and used for dying. In Arkansas, there ia an , acclivity, .: where "the obser ver, on removing a ew loose late under his feet, will dTcovef "the up-" per surface bianh608an"dT6nT6f - mmt a a alum." Alum ore occur at cape Sable, in Maryland, where 120 tons of alum have been made in a year. 'k rnooir black man on his" refiirn front a ' -- r journey, was informed by his master, that nit who saran naa Dcen aeaa inrce week ; he erected a monument over heXiPn;hichths T lie Sary, C.Udgo. wife, 7 ;:. ;7.. - -f 'Cmlwlorytrm like he life 7;'; ril"6arV--4ia tree' week' m-r..rXudg-Ma&aiell uai ao. ' - - aakaaaaaaBaBaMaaaaaaaaa . Mr. Clay Secretary . of Stale, left Washington for Kentucky on the 1 4th ult. on visit to his family, and to make ar rangements for removing them to thexity of.ybjingjionv......l...A ... '..1,:. 1 1 1 1 a I: t f, ! 4 S; f t; X 1 1; f tl iS'ftllftlW'fJi

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