f.Ic nJ tf Ut pc. lU Jtc;! ire bU . JIJ4'4 M ijtHJ,-nl rn 1 .lunik .tmrilft-mMtf political and nAIum l!xiy be the t.ui vf ihslr 1J Washington end Lefayette, J7 Jr nesuty ikJ Booty, the war Cry f itrj j,ufiiloa 10 ' Dtiuty,tbe wettl word J freemen., Jly Doct Awi i. G. Ktmny, f Tfr- fiesaet ten. TM. rlk end Dot! l'.phnv B'everd--the Crvt boaoms I bit trrf towed villi tbe Joyous anticipation m American Independence. . Dr. Rmsey wee formerly e c Mean o! Mecklenbors; totjnfji psrtlclpaled le or ,t5t'i,iI',r,r7"jtroJE', ni-w pf?n ClurlotJe,, at the declaration of tnd- ' txndeoce ea the memorable 30ik 01 May mmm- fx ft f ..I.J - .. 1 it it, torn lean wae torwarucu m i corn mine from Tennessee. fly IFs. ZWJ, En-Henry Cls Tbe great omtof of tbe vest an able statesman, and Indep adcnt mm 1 BhWldf d by virtuous patriotism, be it ita tvregflsele t the skirts of malice. By Col. r. fl. WtWTbe politics prospects t Henry CIj Ilk the dew ee ft momrtjwv IJh the (mm 0 the rim, like the twbbl U tha fooi-taJe, . - They are gone.,. aad fcmtr. By the Ho. . IF. Oo-rnrr Gen William Davidson, who fell at Cowan ford bravely fihtlni for tbe rights and liberties of his country. liberty. Br CM. Taw. . W Th east President ef the United States Mi? he be the choice of tbt people, and noto - Congress. By I. . Altxvtie, Ew Andrew : Jackson arid Win. J I. Crawford Uir $Uj It bono pt7 - .tvrjrr.tv jzjs socrrrr. Tbt ninth nnff eraar of.lbia ,?o1etr ia txl1 m N-York on the 12'h lnf txi mora crowded aflcadanca iv na nr espetlenced at artf former tnrerlr.. Ilia Excellencr Corernnr Clinton prcU it, aopponed by Mr. Jotlca Thrmwi and Col. yarkkiMmnedUtly arte the fbtln(jwaorfnled, Governor C linton pronounced a mr ablo addrcia, in tl.e -cajrtoof which bo introduced a hiehfy nnitnea euioptum or the iila and rhrc teroftha late Brat Vice-President Gen Blatthew Clark ton. A letter from the venerable Judge Jay, the Prctident of the Aoeletjt apotogtaJng for nM aDaence from are and Infirmity. Lettera were alo raadjfrbmth ?rcsiden of the U. States and aeeral other .dtstlncuithed indWid tala, an'ffnlnjt reaioni for their absence. A fnirobar of eiceDctU addrcsaca were de litered.'lTbe annual Report vaa read by DrVM'Aulayi which apeak of tbe con tinnal advancement of the Bible cauae. and of the Inrteaunn disposition to aid lla operations. A legacy of ft 3000 bad been received in the course of the year from the late Matthew Van Benschoton. Esflrof Flklll, and the Library hadtcen increased by a donation of Or. Marshman's htr, IHutt I n(frnd, that at lh Ut msaiing cf the Coftit(iUlonrs of owr gorid tova of 3ndurj, ihay piw.d a lw t4tlt nt I which, h my epUlon is I tlf aluJary one. Will dat dafcrenf f t that worthy bodr, who have the ruar dlsnshlp f th rlya of the PotUa, I would aabmlt the nvcaaUiyof levjktf a tax tt tor runl aa Ufgt, wblch lnfit the sweats of our tow a ll Is a qrr,lo the ml&dsof manr whkb of the two Is the grastest rtufMoae. Tae doga k la true may aaooy the sweet re pose of aornt of Wf fr4 ciilaens. and ditrortr them In tMtr iitlnd monKoU'oT etudy by thalr facing 1 It Is also true, that at timet hey are N)d of mttttoo chops i but the owners I am Informed, base generally rcmencraied bwe who bare Suffarad by lbs traflsgrasaionsof the dors. The kegs, also I am told are rather troublesome at limes, la breaking neighbors fences, comml'ilng petty lar ceny on the gardens, com and potatoe- patchaa, he But the ownera of these animals unlike those of the motion ea ters, never think ef paring the dsmsge, nor of even chastising the aggressors for with the addition of the former'e pay ingi they gene rail r add the rod ef corr ac tion, the punishment which is otoslly In Dieted on those guilty of petty larceny. for the sbove res sons, I submit to the cooperation of the voters in the Bor li . m t I -' t (a Wvy aid tas;,to Uatntcf their neat rr pre sentation to procure a law passrd to that elTeel at the ee'.t meeting of the Let-ls liter, msking it imp-Hons on said Com. miioners 10 lew aiij tai, in orooor lion to the UK levied on the dors. a ctTina " TROUBLE jy TUV DOQ.KM.VT.lt The readrr will uerceive, from two communicated crtlclee in this day's pa per that there is IikIvto Wmethinr of a sediuous brcakiag out ansona; e cer tain portion of our population, in conse quence of oar municipal rulers having thought it, enact, during some of their wie eommonings, to ordain and enset" thtft f"ir ioU-tax should henceforth be levied and collected within the pre cincts of the Boron r-h. A neighbor, the other day, in muttering out bis tomplaint, said thar, without attempting to raise a que it ion aa to the authority ef the com missioners to pass the law he coald'at help thinking It was rather Invidious to . .... impose a heavy excise on the hcada of the canine apeciea, when fbclr constitu tional enemies iJrline race suffer- Um I f rl-'S 4t,WS ft':-.ci, was r m t I U'V''i t'- 'j J,-.t, (4 m'.U t-S frt HH4.$ to rt' U a ry turiv-, in ( U the ju ttlUi4 ihM r,iL Tnm a pMu U the warTftHm (3f, C.) A'yir, a pt V, m4 vJ a'al V raUl'j, tWs sa T Uriido OrJeri. tin q. Bf.Tftiua, rs-Ur t-"fl ef m n ,,-.!, l:tlk4VArM.M,ai.wi4. awaU lU e4ef ef Mr. On castiag our am ever tie accotial aitltJtad by the Reglticr of the Off a n$mgi0t, ar ike receipts sad tipendj tares of the corporation taerasfeur at tentlott.wai arrested by U Ulowfog Items which, to vat back-ifttf folks, s somatMng ef 1 twttli 1 From liceiMS te owners of BU Hard -tables II From de. to pawn brokers mon ey-cbsngars and venders of lottery tickets. From do. to owners of carts. wsgons and drays. From do. le owners of heckner carriaaaa , 901 04 From do- te tsvarn-keapers 3.303 69 From de. to sboo-keepers, (wist , we call awTfa) - MU From do. to mailers ef woes and spiritous tknors, 1,030 4) For tat on Dog s I ! ! 639 93 kr. ate. kc. Oir f Caa anv ms mt what JI h tha wrtt prock, per annua-, atha SsCabury Dug 1 ' . .mnn, M.IIHWI-. rra fc.a WmiUm at luvUr-to.f 1K4 rif vU K emcra .v) of tU btin-la ai aeUMad hi lUt iJrU 4t -.UJ, a.r.op , 1 ef aul aa ptnBt Js'Mitnta IU. r-m Amtrw, aM -hM-a m ibt pnt't mtr rWt ee Ms s4Kk t tba hrh im Sd H07 UUh au t, ftse RilndU Ca al tmtK.p k, M HrrUw, (Uk w.3 Sl (X iWUa U art wmmm -mm mm la a tUnwrH ardr a tvsf af aMfcartaMnflft 4 eiKVa M. uy at C:araata ac4 Aa wirae frtvasm. Te SAM brotatpt and ftJUtfal rv-an-a of rha rsToclif tore aad enulpage (Jse troupe lh Hrlr. Oa4a aWas it pfi alt rotnfnMltiaJlt- tfiut'annu kLta h'a tMUAd..u rrgua aaHy return froea tike tmnmnUti tK taLf a. ai brlaafrr te thir moriti ttimtmt, in il aierdr Vm utf mf M itthlnlU atUaUMir Bf I (tM-aU Kctaraa pmiMta se, or att tU day of. nvT 13 atur af Drif. C. Co. f jh Pavido. 1 WASIIINUION ByAUl,C-. 203 00 371 16 OAT TH0U.1.llfnj)0LL1KS Rrws-d is ofTe-rd in last WMbmrton CNorUVCaroruw) llomir, arbkh m -raa rmi- d by itMenptUn amoav S dhitm of Beau, fort camay, for the detjctfO of bin. her, or ir.rm. t.lf atHDor or aotkrt, of the daatmcttoti by of Mr. John Ujft' mill It en that w-roe flapoou vUUia of rinaiiH, ia-'ifkird hy tMHce, and with deril' luras conrpawlfig tie nun of Mr. Uyn, art firoio, U a-i-at, Iws et tcaaira BMlla. ' I CoL trUHam Drartoo hwVcrn rlrcted to Con- greai from Char Wow, by a W anjonty over Maj. Cratla.. wa ware aware w DarTtooV www prenowt So aor Wat fiwblkatM nd ia tended to hara mentioned it la the art.cl tb subject, but, Crooi anma raw-, owuitH it Cotton ia quoted at S4 to 77 cenU in the Cheraw InUllifoiirer of the 2Tlh oh.i FUmt, o I oacon, r m a cewtai conee, 71 to 23, I Kcvcll ij Templcton, T.iilob.t tLiu.iBtrar. RrifWmfl-LT a)-aint their friemb of hudj-y and tba phW. renersnv, that' theytiave tmmrem (bo Ttlbtimr JlnSmmt ia ajftww lbsp,oili for the awrptMo, sitaaiod in M Ut. -stmt door aaith--reat of Mr, I'.. Crita' -tore, Lkevtaa ofpet-ta to Mr. Thowtaa Altaoa! More, and ijiila cooreaient to every aora k Tow a 1 wheta they are beUer artpaad Itaa ever to a-conitaodaio aav rentieatea with Tailr iitr, and ia the ssoat f watt la and aea trot atyle, Aaf pertoa wUhinr to vary fro-a tha prevtMiiiif fhtona of tba different aeaMma, can haa their Caaciaa suitad br einnr aacca- nr fcrrtion. wMff " TrmAHlM hare rwt m ! m coaaidentble trouhle and einerne fur tba mi p. poe of banng a eoraple'o and Uating erttbUH atent ia Uu place, fur which it amirara Us riu. if na bava boea long In waM of. Thrr 'JI be ao McoMity, for the future, of any rent!eaea p-itt'mg tirtmarlrea to the troubla aad iaconre- htrnra of going or aendinr on to other part of the country fur their et-Mainr. when tbey caa be roiuHr aa well aotommodated ar borne. hero they ret their ow aopnort. 1 ne pub kc will pleat to roeolloct, thai ail the ia-eaui. ty aad lawe arceoary ta oar Ixi-ineta, ' not Bar. tmlarty confined to one rt of citirs or twwna that ?ii!xinr iw a ahara 1 and wa flatter our. aaleea- wa U etaahlMh the fet by ta work which aludl b turned oat of oar shop for the future. W hare becon tubatrihera, anmiitlr, fur tea jrs, to a coucd of renticinea m Cbihvkt bbia, who make U a bMneaa to aand the bab on to any part of the t'ritrd Statrst the pUn which they have adopted for that purpose, ia ao complete, tht any perroa amUrsfa-Hling it too. roturhhr, and paaamanr vofEcient inrenoitr and I ptw-tice of cullin, and UVe great aM of patting ainereni rsrmcriTa torether, (which we boldly aert wa dot can give to their custofaera the different faaiiiona with aa much accuracy and IhU aa taer mta-ain W4wahaia - amy outor lawn ta too uaiiea auics. Knmlnitldiia 4 KnimfcjnT.risxipasofihaJlaf4 I V rJwM tnjt, mfu tha ph'xi t ih Mmt antuaj r U.r pub.ll a .1 rottienro W .neU. (Ua JTAJI of aaa, and rootimit (w l,-rt ditt, Ike aterrioH af Ue S-MtHotloe JJ k ntm.4 Ik wk futtoamy, laoN a a aaaxaor vac,, fto-tKl aJ u)(M-a ality d !) ,rr arawMi, Tkot a tie a-h for further paiM-uul are 1. t)ui4 ta af.pl ht blter.MW A AUntctl to llinv -EKfilcj wtraMa, aa a k-hora aiherml aka Wffl U'etM. 1-4 trsnslstonof h Bble into Chinese, and "7X'y61umea"Trom VRoman CethoH'c Ec clesiastic in the island of Cuba. During tbe-resr,-ihe Sortetyhve printed 23.000 'Testaments, and 300Q Spanish Testa- ments; atd had pnrchised 80O German Testaments and durinjr that period forty-fbtir new Anxiliary Societies, have been' added to this Society. There are now 451- ,., ajir-a. -- . 7j . THE JTAKKKT.1 ratai-ravf Lit, wT 16. Tba late European newa ha caused another tlte in Cotton t tales at 25 a 27 oenta. Bacon H a f. Candles monKL 14 a 15. Coffee, 18a 2J. Com, 60 a 65.- Ftonr, 4) to g5. Iron 5 J a 6, Mohwaes, ST4 a 40. Nitk cot. 7 a 8 1 1 - wrought, 18 20.t sugar, common to prune. J i. sair, Liverpool. WiWi Turk's &c THE CREEK IXDIAXS. The Darlen Gazette of the !0th uh. hu in It tba Wh-wing artide relative to the Creeks. - We art Informed, that at a late rptinj: nf tha f'rka. lh n. Am Ikni irreVAi-a. ed to roam from messuage to messuage, bUj , - rh . d noc r doing all the miKhief they please, oncon- erive one dollar of tbe sun Upulsied to troled by statutory enactments. I pid them by the lar tresty for their n.. . t;v iK Um. ir.,K ...... u Isnd. t nai iney wouia not me war upon the whi'es. nor would thrv ahed a dron nf i- i .t; r ii . 3 I . . . . ' ' . . r so grievously, mis season, irom me oepre- the blood of tho.e who should be sent to dalions of dogs, cats, hogs. kr.. that wq l takelhejr.l-nj .fi.'ni .jV.ni-.. are triad to bear the Commissionera have l I hat if they, were surued out of tfte .L.'t u, .k.i.k.. i..- a. ihisc.a..ihet would die a:., tbe cornea of .m eta m. ins. Tllff)ft)tf .sj!mrirr4it the rmt JL.ti tTffiT. wftf the'.It Mr of Anrrt: aeit, S f tranrporiar,la two korte r. oote weak, the aaad wkirk MV paaarS an kr. back, brt re a a aJrm, It. C. and K nolvUla, Tear t ga by lluatrtiDe, WilktWouvti, A -he court. how, S. C. aa.1 ioatborougn, OreenvJW, aad Uaa4rt"fe, Tmaj. Oioj I anuaa deatrwas to aowtraet, wjl raalearr a- rate propo-ak fnr kmitiitg lh trva- to Hlounta ViD, srd to k'rr-idle, in eat lit foHma-trr fieneral ahoill drtennin to mak cither of ttto-o ptare the terwlntttwfyotwv tf iS ' State of North Carolina, irier" rettrrr. COURT of PUa and Quarter tewiona, Apr J se-aioa, 16ZI. Ibornaa Csplf we. Jf Martia i original attartimaat, levied on on axle aaddt and mim fratbers. It appeariaf to the atUfaction uf the eoiirt,lhat JeM Mull a U not aa iahabitaot of thiaMrte, it la therefor aedereil, that publication k taada ia tl-a VV aetata Care finin fur two mood, that the drfeaUnt ap. pear at our count e court, of pteaa aad nuarter aeattona, to a bodtea for tha county of Knitter, a..!, t rounMuat h, rVoun, on hw 2nd MomUy of July aeit. there an.ltl.ra rrple w, plead or demur, or iudriweat Inal a ill ko .eMered op aria, and the property a teviert on eoadc-Mird areartlmrly, Vrttneat, laaao Craton, clerk of our aaid court, at oVe, tha 3rd MotMlay after tlte 4th MomIsv in March 1S2J. ISAAC CatAI 05, Clt. rrintetafee gifta. State of North Carolina Muneomt ttvnrr. COCNTT Court, Apnl term, Ml. arlfs McDowell . David Greenlee i original tachment, leried oa bnd. It appcarinr to the aatiaf action V the court, that tbe drfenUnf. IitmI tireenlee, ia an inhabitant of am-her forernmmt t Therrfnre, aroWW, that puhltra. tioo he made ia Ik " Uflr- Cwlimm" aue ceaoively for thre weeks notifvitig lb tlefia. dant to appear at the term of aaid court to be held for iiunemabo county, at the Cuurt4iout in Asheville, on the third Monday in June neit, then snd there to pWI, an-wer, or demur to tha plea of the plaintiff, e-herwWe judgment Knal will be entered attain- him aaonlinrlv, 3t6J Tr: JOHN MII.Lr.O, lik. enactment tht'irute part ef our proper- iaa we have no idea tmr corpo ration will atop abort at. the dog-kennel, but will go on and pass ordinances to suppress the yowling of cats, as they have nvv? iyn$ vr.oojcs, etc. ate. tec and prove, themselves the conservatora of their fenres to manure the sou, rather than they wouhfabanden tbe land of their forefathers; " "1 A serious accident happened to Gen. La Fayette on hia passage from Nashville tnluisville. 1 lie Steamboat Mechanic, jhfh Wad been" c Bartered to convey him to ' N Uih ville. and . 1 hrnr 1 1, I jttii tv i lla . the peace, tranquility,' arid good order of! ran on a anag, about 150 miles below the citizens oPthe town, as they ware Louisville, and tunJt in fere minuttt. bound to do long ago. T 5" Lene, "nd 11 ,he psssengera got '' " snores oui, i am aorry to intorm AVe are not certain ich a law haa been rou ,h"1 his romo-r, baggage and fufiert, , o a made: we have vn nothing of it. Uut it may as welt aa that of the other passengers rOa bethe CommiMionen haveatuck it opat the were lo,t, with the eiception of five at 4 court houae, their uul wav of aMW their .-...w. P ' UTC 'K Steel, American, 8 a V. Tobacco, leaf, 4 court-houae, their uual wav of tublUhinm their I tr..nk. a a. riA......, i t. .k. runas. avwaf a-c . . v v wvnaaira,aasisar; uttn uniuai rae aaiai r-ir iea ta loun, about v.tJMrHuljouao, to- the Catholic emancipation bill had A Sat of the CTq)ors frets) Fayetevine, N. C.'j!,K,JfM riment of hie aobriety and diligent I Br an arrival at NewVorBUsh ..W'J? howhX'Lrr' Pl?r " d April have been recei- nvs rn linn m.m .Mr. . k i. . t .iaj, waviricr wiiii inc nil. porta, hu been politely handed us for publics, tion they are aa follows : I -firarrt-HluUr of . lohacco, 471 1 bales, ofi Cotton, 6,5 J3, barrela of Flour, f,43. i caaka of '"eed, ijWyjiiv'w-WArw-.vi--.a..-s;, ,.-. ,.. MaHt.-Tone of Iron and steel, 215 1 bush li of salt, 45.4631 bodxheada of atigar and mo- o mercliandiac, 2.074 meamrable goods, 58, W feet. FayetteviU Stntintl. laws which deeply afTect hia proDertv and I li moat vital interat- or in default of ao loungin--1 about the rourt.houie. he ii ilonmed tn m!. I ' "6 ignorant of what are the. laws i, and the exaction I en carried by a majority .of 27 in the of penkWei aml foiffiitiirei for their infctionia House of CommonS. "The annunciation State of NortluCarolina, miLKtt rovurr. VTa have juat received the latest faabioni. I 110 CAT of Pteu aad Quarter Saaaiona. Wiv which are quite different to tho-e of tbe hit I J term, Sh75t art. fa - U'aurh ami F.rtlev. araaon i itiewie, one or ua na juat returned I to me uae of John rmlrr r$. the bem nf Air. from off a tour to a number of lanre nertbem I ander Drown, dee'd. It aoDearinr to the aaiia. towov, anc inaaa n a Dumra to go into a num. I raciion ot tne coopj, that the cleh-ndantL Jamea "ww laHvra a weMa -eea. ror Tftt Don I pnnm, wunam nrown. John Tlmwn nJ rv . poe of gaining' all the information possible, ap. I as Brown,'hes of A. Bfowa, dee'd. are not in. pertaining to rmr boeineaa. We hope, by pay. habitants of tbis atatet it ia ordered, that publi- i uiai aiicnuun ium wir puaine require. I caiion o maus in ine Vteaieni Uaruliniaa fnr to receive an equal aiiare ot public patronage. I ' weeka, that the above drfrndinU appear at We here return our sincere tkanka to thnae I tit next court of pleaa and rjoarter aewioaa to who have encourngrd it in our line of bunncat j he held lor Wilkea fMnty, in the town of since our commencement tn thi place. I wiaeatKro , on the nrtt Monday of Aujnmt We would be very rlad to take on or two I neit. then and there to nlead. nuw.nrH.... L .... "1 I .. . . . '.. ' 1 onram me ounaefw, w no can come well rccora. I oiaerwiae judgment wiU be entered arauvt mennetu inn ikk over niieen rears U, i uem. Jm 0. 1825. , 61. 6t66 -TeU HQB1UIT MARTlXy CM,,.. le, on the lluntivil Stolen- mwiu me suocrioer a stable, m this cetnnre, m the I Forkif the Yadkin, Dear the Surry line, 44 mile from main road leading from Hunts- villa to MockiVnie, on the lfttk of May lart, at !A.rftt . .T high, 4 year okt, tolerably well made, onl State prNprth-Carolina, at0A-j covxfr. C0TJRT of Equity, April term. lff?5. Johe Kvan aad oOvera . Charles DaHon nA wife, Kobett Winston and ethers. It hivinir L .-.- . .. . ". Bern wmiw io ine eourt,- that Uharlpa HI- tftaai a-evaa t t4sa-a jlataVat.J. tai 1. as.!. t . - a . night, a f.ght bay horae, better than IS handa a.J tha court belnr oi;6t Thai ali; hi. .7! J A .1 ",..?-. ft.- . .. . ' . h fle ZJjSTfV' rX'fmXni heir, LwvrLt? uttTrrta?$Vl'" hr Wttliaas'irard and Way bio medT racks wtfl. and will trot anma. but r.n I -,;r. vam: ir ... i - . . . . ' rt-rin-bleftce , widr k Tifacl mane and tail- William I. IMhon, do notWaide withlTtbT mam th.n, tad thick- a dark, or rather bkek, hmits of tha rtate. it U therefore or-lere4 that atrrak down lus back i lep black to h,. knees, publication be made for aix weeks, auccewvelv and haa a remarkably large AarV. 1 ne horse in the Weatem Carolinian printrd at SaEaburr' was stolen by a man whoae runK- ia JtennaW reqaeatinr the above named aidow and bein at Jam, aa he tud s he had been about WUkeabo. law of aaid Charlca Dalton, to appear at our the first intelligence he ha of their existence. J of the . , , cheers, i ne rage ror improvement is ?o great at thia j House. result waa : received with loud ?7. . the opposition, side of tbe CHARLESTON PRICES, Mas K. . Cotton &V Itlaad, 60 to 87, etainc-i do. 35 1 4j Maine and 8antee,-55 to 60 j ahort ata. fWtS XT' :m.r Whiakejr .-SJ8 a SOt Baeon, i Hams ' aJ, Lard, 9 a 11 1 Bagging, hmdee and lnveniesv(42inch,26ar?8 -"icof. fee Prime Green, 20 a 21 , Inf. to rood. 17 a 19. North-CtIina Bank Bills, 2 j a 3 per cent. dia.1 Newbern and Cape Fear do. 3 a 3J per TenpaXrgTa nen nana xooies 7 ay per cem. ai. C(n. During the first three days of the psi weelt conwderablo aale were tnaiis itl rp- taiida predicated upon the reported advance off aJ vertises tortwS wird f iirkiea, (a cock and Cottons in Liverpool the principal sales Were made in middlirtp to. good at '7T to 28 cent,' and sevemi lots or prime reached 30 cents i the lat ter half the week; the market became flat and buyers would not meet holders in their demanda -vety liWe was. done. Sea aaadf and San. "f-ra have been more in demand, and sales of the former were effected a h igh as 87 J cents t and las laner, ran woi. kt-e royaHe vee-onHhe1 20tb,- serve that Mr. Rush attended, and it ; not mentioned that be took leave. . day, that we aho-ild, not marre) if sn effort were soon made to naturalize and domesticate the snake and toad in the climate of Ireland, which have hitherto been thought less congenial thsn llre.and wateru Indeed, the ingenuity of man haa wrought harmony and fitneaa out of iricon gritona'epp than these. An effort is now to be made, it seems, to jm prove the breed" of wild tiirkiet and 'pvuum ! and "reclaim" them from the nn-eemhr and mid inatinct with which naturo appears as care- tV pn tte blh bcforft esub. niinf , ana psxtoi an account boox. The oner The boiler of the steam-boat Hudaon bnnt on fhe J4tb ult while the beat was laying at the i NeTyork t3hor.4& pieitpsrri'cre on board, but only one was injured. Mn.4. .KiU .J . ' . . . . -I'Kr ai wir ""! --'"- u kauic u'in iu a tamn next uourt Ot Knillf tr K hnbl.a rA CI meettnr at Ward's camtveround. and uw the I i-.n). .fw .. . . i V " .i , . , " . . ... i - . " uiei,umi.iiwiii in ijcnnan. horaetherei and after he went back to WUkea. ion. n. ih. IA u.a.. -n .u. j.w ." .. . fc' I' IKd be-W,!J ,minn-! l September neat, and make thenuelve. rJdea .horse ae had banramed for 'When dowm .be I to Lh mlt. ih.U. .).. - :n i ..Lr STV hack,ad raid eonfeaao, and the cause set down for hearbr n,n r "! .T' 8.8. 'b,.him ,0 John " PHt M U them- P 7 from minotea. 5 Brunt the rot the horse shod in Wi keahnratio-b Riiu vt . iruj .,.... . on the 10th of May. Said Jamea la about 0 Vet 71' "-'. high, weighs, ai be aaid 168 noundsi wai 29 1 State of Nnrtll-fTnt-nlinn rears old, well made, atepa quick and pert, vvr JirhtmmlertedrhMthikh.ehWI thliilra being nearly an inch long on the back It UV f Qrte!: 5ia, April of bia hand., lia bki? rfeatTS. .,0,!l..,J25A jrehrllmOlnU- his little linger nailahalf an inch long, but the- JfV V "!' 'V"Je ''M ?A rest of hi. hails Short , his eves are blue. haa . HM fc W-fWAm-ni. leid n land. .Uad.g keep, bi 1? dowaJookyand wham - , ! . , 1. 7- . , .-; . : . :j iif iivji h4lf open, and -ava hia occupation i. tearhin, w Vrri that publication b. achool, and that he came from Shelbyville. Bed- ? r t r .We9ter" Careltnaan, printed in ford county, West Tennesse. A reward of thh-. h?? hr three month., that links, the de. ty dcato U be given to any peraon who will ffllt Montgomery, at tha cowrt-boseo in Lawrence. A pair of Saddle-Bags faculty. WrrStinfiS . .. . . r. emor ot tne American Farmer. hen) for Gen. La Fayette s the General ia de. airotia of taking a pairof wild turkies to France, (where, we presume, they are almost unknowB) for his own use on his estate at La Cringe. ia desired to call, nav for thla advertiaarneat, and take them away. . . MICHAEL BlWNi - Sahfbury, June M, 1825; , 3t83 ; Committeil to ie OF David-on county, eo. tbe 24th. of klarcV last, a nerro man, named BOB. -Tbe owner Mr, Skinner also advertisea for a male and l,.rqu ertcd,n f(rd-PvPPerty,pay female 4 opo-itim, at the request of George Washington La Fayette, who. wishes. to take charges and take, him awar. JAMFS Vt ISEMAN, Sheriff. Lexingtm, May 27M. .t6 J take up tbe thief and. a-, "d aecur them ao that I can act OT I Will pay in prOOOr- :a l - r j.A gon ir wnrone twi-iie rou hki an cnarre. BwmcJLC.JUaZlrli2Sr 4toe- State of North-Carolina, , .. .. ttBcriBWBvac tovirrr. " county, and State of Georgia, bath this day mfcmed tne that some faha reports have been put tn circulation in thia neighborhood, relative to his character, snd which report- are believed by many good citizens to hia prejudice. dical att; This will Certify, that William Wynens lived j Ordere yille, on. the firrt .Morula v ia Julu. neit. mdIkku. . ami plead t iasue, pdgmm will be ehtered againet them tiMf the amount or-tn plaintifr'a demand, and" tbe nnrpBrtv lertadTWrrllt'lie'" coademnedand sold to km laati JUIU B. MAKTIN.c.c. e. . Printer's fee, g4. " 3mt6? State of North-Carolina, - """'"'""'""irMrTojrrx SCTEHiort Court of Law, Spring term, 1825. Charles Strelmanvr, Joeph Prkharri "jiuc - near rfie durint- bis stay in. Georgia, and wu es teemed as akonet correat young man, and so far as my-mformation extendi, he left our neighborhood with the same credit that he had formerly done on similar occaaioos, to visit this state. JAMK3 Ct)WAN. , aflr;.'ee,.Vfly17ia?y. ' J M2 ttachment (Jviea lltidrpeth, garnialiee. !d by the court, that unless the defendant appear, and replevies, and pleada tolhisca-o by4W-eeewrte3 will-be entered up against hirer and that adver. (itement be made accordingly, in the Western. Carolinian, Sot thro month. J-.J , - Test, J. WlLUAMS.jon. e, a. e. frice adv. 4. 3uit62

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