4 " it ; t- 4 ' ... . , r ' f- -'t -I at v.?. VaC - r ; v 4 ;? f t" f 1 I. i' .- -' I r . t, Ifcz- 1 ''. 4 '' . Miimm 1 i iu n.i.u'.u vi " ; . . 1 il ..I.X.I.. . I I ...nil I.ITlt I fW. . , ..I ' .V'. . i.. Minut a. ', a lut MrfirvMiiV a sti . s.ci, and tbo, r U w ,V .? jju ltni them Into the belief th tiirptltkmcnl of lU piftf (' . UmOoh) wat a JutulaUe motive r po: IIUCII Bll" -.. leW i.isd"foi,'iiaMrv' for Ihli absndanmtnt or fluty w mi . . ..It. .J t.timm!- ahnulc iMlinU II WS1 T, aril"-, - " - . ti rt.a was tall annulf Ciiin nrM " . I " " , oUiuiirf fSuu."-.TbI,lu iM oi. Br reverent M PPwaa . ."f. r- ..a. l.n.r.K.j i.-rt .kirk eAo n.a la tha orbti - tint M twtvweej V ' lie bt bean ofrn4 the eppoiotracoi o. rppolnimem V 5crtrr ef ! IIcoaIIiIum Wt po!lill btHturt .llTt i..i. -!.. tnr iKa toDtoft rCRMb iKa Inrflffnmikm ton KUU fcl uf VMt ard br Mr. CU ! Mr, I . . i.i.Ma .rr.r. I ba proluct convlctloa Nfort iny Imptrti- iljgrriaih Unlud Sutet. - Bur, fellow dtitto I n X mIib4 tlh brotlnf mr!f lb pcttc clurgti COOvloclnf ro ln l iinwj wr v . . ' i- i.t.i. t uk. ftKa ' . . . . . . . .M . courM of condoctof ibt coaiitloo, wort hu connliudonj but let y ir rtoI ... 1 1. li ..i.ki.i.li.. a ..k.i....t.u Ii u dirfit&ca; i i. .l. I...... r ntrlal.l..Ji. Tk.l. at rouf riftktt h6 hocked at Iba corruption of lh limea, j .. .i.. r.f hi count rt, When Uiprcmd Ibo opinion, thai mco, r AaM. kill mm iouny f oof If R) trc olliberty J that 6iT"do ria yowf aanctUa m Mr.'Clijm dt tud taken plitt, och at wa ortlf equalled m. . I 11.1 I ataleo; hal I had well eonlderJ and wa now fully prepared to deinootfita.' I dA ivi ua court! nbraKli for, if I had txnaetted the moat unlimited command " - - . ... a at 1 . oTibem, I ihould nito cuwamea io uw them on inch an occiiioa. I con5dertd 1 n no tlm to crimp nd urth my tfipatjiAlav. alien tha fandamental Din- clplei of tht, cooitltuiton were about to ' . . . . L ftl t . L . .ill.. t vioiaieo, ana ia wm wi iu imi"i , . .'-fMm(lr defditi tmd d!rui4.Z I fell then. Tellow-eitiiena. M I 700 r a a m . Bow feel, bocauie 1 men nreuw wnai liu aloco been realiuI And what ia it f Aa ct of uwrpitea (retrdinic the ipirit tai prioeiplet of tho Conatitation) more darior and irodoui than that which waa tteropied by Aaron Burr, and which baa ' cooIped hit oamovto infamy. What ar th conceded and vodiaputcd facta oi tba caae f If Mr. Clay kad not been candidate-. If he bad not dnWe and cuatratiedine 1 1 1" ' f-j .w. .u.li ., r rMfL rfitael and Miavuri thirty three la Dumber making bit entire tow one hundred end thirty-two, being one more than a majority of the whole nutn-be-. Ilia thua incontrovertible, that a majority of the People of the United Statea, and the People of fourteen atatea out of twenty four which compoe the Union, preferred Gen. Jackaon, not only to Mr. Adama, but to either Mr. Craw ford or Mr. Adama t tod that Mr. Clay, with no poaitble hope W auccen, waa .foweul the Instrument of preTchtlng - an tlectioa. by tbe. People, end of brin Inr the cjueation lrnoibe Houso of Rf preaehttliHi. ' The fact 'cannot be foo deeply imprtaaed. The fact ia no leat tnie,'tban In a tingle conteat with Mr. Adama before the People of the United Statea, Gen. Jackaon would bafe obtain ed two-tblrSa of the electoral vote, end burt f eaoceviJun two-thirda of the etatea compowig AintumirT the unioo. HUH . . . !.LI r.ta a auu a o . . f prerentea in. bwng carried fato cfiect, . Eowe Stf the People of those states, fortune, the charm, of dorne.nc telicitt th. kwwn of two thirds of the Peo- and hi. own blood were hi. willing ; .acri the Known . B thfl ,iUI ,n whiCb our father. Qaincf Adamt.'"'litOTtn"vioaniigwB 0f the People; proatitutwg S S'XT'"r'r"7, l.f l. " -The-case-nt m .l!Z YZ that congre", rau "J;: ie, forever unite with the aplentjid lau voted againai . th.wU of ";s" " I rellof lbe i,lt w,r, to form one of the -rf tW7 !.V-. n-inV of tvcal3v.,.. ::WaryUadv,yttW4, .Bum Lw! twainejiOT ymj 1 .1 . .;nr5T of jnembera.-who toiea went in KcorJance with the jtat.obei repreaentodV-in-thUcase there waa no lion to oen. jatw . -amd we tnnat, therefore, t Uon,4o hit own'-aeinan-rww-iiiMvuu rnchkehars will 01 tne peopie, w uuur ai happiness and tranquillity 01 me nauon i.onnnf k diaa-iiUed that Mr. Clav was principally governed by the calculation, that, if General Jackson .hould be now elected, hi. own prospects, aa a western candidate, wwili bs dintfaisfccd j but that t a a at t k.. A,f.m. MrnJi h K r.'"J the M!ihadaWtkniaakMiioni . J.-j il La .!i nt Ihll 4l'li wr . a i lhlanholy eula,' between An ..1 n.a. Ynti ar inertiora. ! eaiMlderatUe lhl c lo ll ue rice fret meit, to diifpi thee bae calcnfaUona, end 'IndWate four aUated "H"',"' . . - . , io1....il. fm .aar toanJenco the psnJtl rlghta end lamita oerf ijjnin 7 w rl , Wlf-I f il l pte iococr uiim-t r 7r - wrxmft, and lb Mfrl f ,.fof I. iku &In imm iki Una f tritor of ih borrld detd. Dot !l ua U 4on ia nunntr lhl Ul,l l Umt Um. vU1lci your rithu iw m.lnt.ln your dijfBllr. Piy rtipeci to kill A . fl hAl Cnllft lh m arawn qui wi ! " , , !...... r IfJji'inr iha Mril Ol been violated, and tba na ol InsriUHMla nnnn ui Ln tha Derton of Andra jICt, in hit ptraoo will you lidiete i ikma tHivnr. inn. d? itji in iiuwui wr i a m a a. nunciailon of Ceneral lack ion aaMa rail itary thieftah but let him know that the Hero who aifei tha republic should not thereby incur the ban 0 proscription and there ia yet virtue enough among you to prefer the nmuipccted purity and unbending integrity of a Patriot,' Hero, and Seaman, to the doubtful morality and deerate adtaqiurc, r a . political gambler.' All that I bate done In thla a-inen hu been done under a firm belief tvi tmm kn In MM, afwl TT rMMff ffHAHtH it at my aanda. - With fcetlnge of tti - ... w wi... ' j - i i - liiita tar lha man any marae 01 connflener you have so frequently evinced towaca me, I remain your fcUow-ciiiMa. . WaiKi? Fth. 23, 1925. J.tCSUX .IS'D Li F4YLTTE. On Wedneedst the 4th nit. General La Farette waa splendidly entertained at A,;(Ttaa 0tana rrtuM. The following are some of the leasts drink on the occaaion, our limits precluding tfie inaertioo of me whole ceremony. At four o'clock he waa conducted to the Kaabville Inn, where be partook of an excellent dinner to which he had been j invited by the citiieni of Nashville and in ticinhv. General Jackton omciated aa PretiJeaJ, aaaisted by G. W. Camp- an. a a r t . bell, t. M. Kutledge, J. dommerviiie. and F. Grundy, Esra vice Presidents. After dinner the following; among- other tossts were given .:; icThn-age in which ,wn UeAuspi cloufto the ' reigri of free 'pHncIplei j king are forced to unite against liberty, and despotism is on Ike defensive.- - 9. The Constitution el tne u. aiaies Pamhininr the excellencies, end exclu ding the defects of all other forma of government, it baa promoted tne giory and .bappiots, of America. .1. Tha American taete na Deax an f t lhe mJnlona of desDo- ,k. fnenda of liberty. memo iv..hion. TouVdisting.l.hed Guest-Youth, of our children. ... .Mf A . M jk .- .ir.cikl. Mm. H.h.n rropoMjlb. K.shvilta-Mar.our revolutionary lega- DeTnetual bond, .f union between etery thiwnrthtf Americ 6ar1 brttie American confederacy . a a . - A C ' ; " .i... ",.. w enjoy im w-v " " lfrr r'lwU.- -,. . ... ..iiajmmQijm. - , . .- . . -. , , the arm of the South, anuVth fqen -r"v . , or decay, 6he ia itiu entities 10 our grau- tude for the generous aupport in the day df difficulty and trial. 'r " in Thu Officers snd Soldiers of France, who assisted In ithieving the IridepcD . r . ... aence 01 America. 11 . The Patriot of Greece Strength .1,f. af 111. A Ulw. IU.1I: 'h li t ,Ictor; U tUt isTrhe ftrt vlJan l lwo . I t. ika ailuante 01 a re I aecerity ei we i.rMat eepla, Cetr4 Jackaon, preaMaat ol tba daf-fbe NaUn'a Cuaal Tyranla Me titWwd aim, but free men deQ(ht to do iltHnjoer. . r.iL.n! I j Palta aald ha via OrttWf Ld r wjfeaud. the won irailfyui ' . ika tHoUrloOt DTItldcnt f tVwM an4 Ua tollowUn aaa( t .... i The Ital of Orleans. f..4,i. rank)U.Tt aont of clan U Creac wine anceatora abed in iraperia) luttt on the military and n..M. Lna-Lf. avAt, Lratilr contending arakat karful oddt lor inocpoom. 1 maythaV End amotg Ueir naurea IVaaMnataa. and amnnr ineir Btuei U PayerVi to Uad the. on to victory, to glory. 04 a free internment. Of Ux Ween, of St. uouia ia arm heated end taJlent lenneaaeasiB. ba nis'tal down ike father of liven like e meuntaja: torrent, rolling beck tba tide of war.-; - .1 w R CJ. lf.na.MTlsoihv Dereun bruae-t Je patriarch of Tenneaace, our fellaw-dae who la now present, and . m I ... . 1 . 1 . I . 1. . tnenrsiwAiia man mat eettiea in auar Bi On. Robert Purdy The QfWa and sWf a,W-M- Wh deh Uata the CikU the, a prepared to march without a aigh. II COLOJrtUTiOy SOCIETT. 11. ,.1 raaventlonof the Pro- lest Epiuopajwnun- Vlrrlle, heU at Rkhmooa wee -cmr. 1... Ji..... ... reeeivea ironi in " -gerlof the Colonitailon Society, re-ittsif-lha to recommend to the -coniegatlon. nnder the care of thb CootXtlon collectiona In behalf of the --.-V,t fwi.,.. roe taken 09 00 ,the aJjorJulr. orthe Sabbath Immedi- .r.A .rva rm iiiiw Utiy trfKa!h)rrwccediat that day. Th. cU-.nllw The Uovowion accordingly cam. to the resoleuon, thst they had M witnessed, with, deepest emotione of grattrnde 10 nruClko darvaa ofsucccia with which It ha? pleased him to bleaa the efforts" of ,ut Soctat 1 that "ih observe, with V M 9 pleaavn,en lncreatlng Interest In Its proa- Wiljra,7 wii HHinnnra mi w. out li Union, end partUularly In the ualBLallBaaai rl tltaa lavakA " nf TTrrT;aVt6arelbre recommem mis 2i f '"-1 . . ifttraannr exertion in cvnrnuwia , . . ... iraafp to tha charitable and patriotic in - a aLla aaa.1 1 aaa a l.n aWaS this dioceaar" ana wai nw" " t. tka inactive churchet, in pur eusnce of the requeat of the Colonization Society. Tk. Timroln Arricuthtral Sodrty con- i. I Jnrolnion on the 10th ult. and waa tapered wiife an agricultural eaaay, by ... at a a . a . STal .. Mat. HmxiaraaB t alter wnicn ine riouif in M.irkaa and CatlUShoW took DtacCt and the following premiuma were awar oen, 1111 -., T John - Abernathn : Ew.;4br :the besl two borsrplouch, - - -w. B To the aame, for the beat single bone plough, To Anderson TurbyEll, for tbr best Colt, To Maj. L. Henderson, for the beat Mule Colt, To Vardry M'Bee, for tha beat h.eifer talfa'T" To Mrfc Caulter, for the beat Cover let ! Tp Cbl. Ebniel Hoke, for the best quality an largest quantity of Wool, ahorn fron5 abeep being I91b. of nett wool, ... A natVni has lust been oblaintd for "a Coif Irm Gritt AM, by Henry Daily of a aa aa I . 1 WMbingontty, Thia mui win gnna ell kinds-ol grain' fine enough for any and Is. also, calculated to break and grind ears of com, Oil Cake, Plaster, See. bt the nower of one horse, at the rate ot ten bushel, per hour. A apetimeaof lta work has been sent to the tditora ol ik inifdliweneerv--To. aamola Is decis wo -aa to tha pwer-id-pertbrmanca-f . . .11 tnia miu. . , v The. French Arnfy Peace Establish ment h fixed, by ajRoyal Ordinance, for tha vear 1 82 j'. at r're hundred and Aiii- fif tl ll . I Im nt'.''1,fc'aL' '.'..'V. m an. m tiwt ,mn, lianmcni aw. is ma wumjh". - lir-dlgeatd Ifitemrln wnlch- thn-people bear no pari ; Stvanmh Georgian. 'Wficceunta' from StrThomav, "sTate, "thai feiliigencT wm Che re oh the 5th,if piratical treml off Porto Rico, in consequence qf whicbt tbeUi S. tehooner CwrAia immediately went in pursuit. itl. tr o'.l.a.la at. Sarbitta H arhnr. I 1 . . . 1 a bb w ot,.v w - a NEuKU nave been sqj to Captain Robert Hugu- i A whom . nln, of Oswer0, who will break them up, unher inf and remove be matcriala to Olwegn. J .lUvclljTenij.lcloii, ! r.tiLunx M.ti.nt r ; ia a' MW 11-r.b-Jlthe r iirH, TrTl . tUr are lUa M le a-Je a-f g We-. wk TaiUUr. UIUli4M faUaiU S4 MA- fast eiiW. Aaf frrwm eWh.ar t caa rae w umtn - - . Tt.::j u-u. aal J k,-l-a a aiawipuT a -- " uXm"u-. 1 arUh It aw . . . l... 1... 1. a. 1aatal ka lrv aa.a . ; aa iMKfr-ify.U it rurr.e awTl" "''' .... .1. Vm. ka toMbta IN kfof ' tba country br their cHWf .JT" Tj? pa rwwi p U .01 pUaa. la moIUrt, lk4 fl Oa U.rW tt aiMl taaia m ! er huMMia, k not par. 1. .at 1. mi act af rWa at Vtrmm ttailfcWwryhaaaeUfei a4 a lUf auf .Ut we aUl tMJk the fart by tha work .khaUahe turM4e4efeufeopiir wt a . ta-. V... Ii.rnaia aukaerthert. aiHmanr, ht ia years, U a eauple rfpatWasee la rWW- .l:.' -.k.. ia a li.ajafl la atM CM nt toMtaaayparlaf me l?-Jtad Itatea i the pba kick they ha-e adopttd foe that parIaao eaorpWu, that any penoe aaltfatiJif tt lh rMfVy, w-i adLcket kageowty and practice af ewttiar. aa4 the great ait a p-u.-f an(rrn( fVtM loftuwr, v . A- M. mm la I keif Msloawre tha tirerent laabiwia with aa awich accuracy and ttate ai they caa he got a rhOaJelplua at aay . - tk. t'mA aiataa. apajM, Kkawiaa, a of aa ha jMl ntttraed from ofTa tour to a namoer at larra i-annr towm, and mails it a bauatm U ga tau a - h Tailors' ihopi la each tewe. for the par poM of Wf all 0 infona-uoa poaUU, .0 pertiininr to our husiiveia. We hope, by py. nff thai tttcetkm vhkh our reoiirea, . " .. .on.) 0 oublia tUonac. Wa here rttura acera inanaa w tho hate encouraged in In our una ouiiaea. aun,M.-iMijnt ia tbia blact. WW v.." r We wo-ldbe terygbd toukf ettte bora to the businca, mh9 coma well racoia. avixlcd, and not orer i"ie" 7"" -. Rinltin FROM the subacribers tabk. ta thai county, aa tba rorki of the Ysdata, etar the Surrv Caa. 44 wwlr from HqnUrilW, tb Maio road kad.a from lluata. ii. .- . -.:ti- .k. IW m Uh hat. ai night, a light bar horse, better than U band bit;b, 4 years okl, loiersoiy wu auue, a r.uu nnaM kckiad. but La fureDarU well for- l. .n ...l .n imi mina. hut enr inca 1 rat .a .tM, wm. . raarb, and baa a vary arand carriage a amafl Mar ta bis Ca. with a Mack aaaM ad la.1- . . -i .1 . 1 . . J..k aatka klaCK. mwwtvwirmjvti kih.cs and baa a remarkably Urge tkatkt. The hr aaa alalaa t a lain arbaaa BUM It .V.txtlnder Jmme, a he said b had bee about M'Uketba. rougb awbtU back,' aod tama duara (o a caoip neeuag at Ward'a camp-grouiM, and raw ue horn there 1 and after he went back to Wilkes borough, be said bo-wu coming down to get a horse be had nergmtoed lur.waen oowni u .m. L.ar. atnL. ika knraa. want back, and tai.1 ba bad rot his horse, gave 80 for him, to John L l . .a a a a aai'U . S . S Brunt : he got ine horse tnoa in vmaeaoorougn on tba 191k of Uir. Said James is about 6 feet hirh. weitrhva, he said 168 oooiid: was 29 rears okl, well made, atent quick and pert, brkt aomoWctrd ; has a thick heard, very Uinr, tba hairs being nearly an Inch long on the back of his hands, his hair of a sandy color wear. Via tittle finer r ball half an lttcb. laflaT. but. lb reelusuikhort bis ertt are blue, has-a down loot, and When standing keeps hit mouth half open, and toys his occupation U" leactung school, and that he came from Shelbyvilte: Bed ford couitfy, Wct I'enneM. A reward of thir ty dollars will be' given to any person who will take up tba thiaf ao.i bone, and secure tham so that I can get them or 1 will nay in propor tion u oniy one caa oe got, ami an coarse. jiiii it k 1 j nt 1 . Saaaaai a aV-tJi atmt 31.1823. 4ft-- Cotton Ginning. TUB subscriber respectfully Informs the mer chants of tht town of Salisbury, and the citizen farmers of hia neighborhood, that ha has just finished a large bailding, 33 by 52, for Cm- njiif t , to run by water 1 and that he is also well fixed for packing cotton, in the neatest manner, tor market, lie assures Ins mends, who may faror htm With their custom, that ha will have tbeir cotton packed and put up in the neatest manner, and in the shortaattiffle possi ble, and oa tha lowest terms at which it lauoue by others. He also assures those who send cot ton to his Gin, that it will be kept separate from others, so that they Will be sure to get the same cotton they send. He has located and built this establishment, at hia Mill Plantation, two miles from SaHstHirtY JX nsiIER. Fifty Dollars Rewanl. R ANA WAY from my planta tion near Eatonton. Putnam countj', Georgia, about the 20th at a . -a . . f aa S . ot last monin, .a negro iciiow oy tha name of 2A'An about 21 yeitr, old, dark complexion, well mail . rathar mrr theneninmnn 3?aiseaod WJr likalyr Thk fel- town, District of Columbia, and ia probably at tempting to return thither, at'he is aaid.to have Ln a wifa a hn uaa a free woman, and late in the employment of tb Horn Win. H. Crawford in Wiiliinrfon CH tt a housr semn;.siTbt above reward will be paid for said fellow if de lUtMaA m. . nv lnf,.lif,n : WL Ctfl rni aall curing bim in any jail, o I gethim again. UAa 4JW 1 ..UMU stilt. -r ,., ww Wanted to Hire, 1 woman, aa a house servanr, Mr i liberal nrice will he riven. For urination, aoply at thia offica. aV S- ' a aw at 1 aa ta W "i "klff "o W I awLUrb kC.M u.w j fcMsu rna( lb--i l-t4bi4 U -t la tt p. atai4 la Ota.4 waUk -nu-aaaa, a. N Lata at Jvba a-rta Mf jm-n ik.. at . a4 ta tbab alMeStMeakcta. a. 11. .MPi 1., i.so. iffjuuni ra.n-!. YVfAstoba) sVaasis. Uaa.M.a.)rrwi l ta Maftborwagh 4.-kt, 1 Carvliaa, sta lailas sbata , aid Cn 1 1'. e awfa caaw aarrr, thoutiibsadt hr wt-pcaparrtaaMltaagi bite atmk la tua fara; his tww tt what sptil, reawrkahfy fat wVta at M baa, sad Vary rC4UUJ. rp Wat vt. .. I Vax' 1 tka karat had NnliJ . H.V MM. IT' l T V- 7 r . ' ' , blow, e few days before be Was statra, ( , ... a a ' Am ai.. 1. ' 1 . twKca, as ut rc- eya, aa v i p -n weak 1 bt prrfrm4 wtl ta bras rct, shh raihat etasMaly, and sadW ba -M Up vary a vary fc-wrai rrwaaa, j tsaawara, be fiW so mmr ptnoa U s. aWct Iht IbWf, aad artwra lbe bor-,, aa4 r IrdWmatta. U Mrs. Catasria. Blrf, . Martkoreurw dUrkt, awUi Caiottaa, at aO., froas the all Court Mouse. l et CaaarVae jAxti it l.8A.Ur.b1. JUte,!?. 34I 8trnjctl from the HubscriW, OT M wm J, a Bliai T aa JHart. about arsvo ytn ti . a kiiaifiiaiaaMHitTria)iH MCJLall round. I tiorct aha ail m for VytUcouy. Virginia. Aay penoa ui.f . aM. aradina. krf la Baa ia tanaa cauety, ahaO rtci0 a fauubbievird, H .... A km 1. IS.J. f t JX1. bt gtrm for tU I f f ta, Mjr fdaatatioa, II art, frora taw-bury, oa Iba road la tti rord, of Iwa stray 11 M ita aaara. ana anil af linaca kaadid -t loaf avaae aad tad, heavy with foal, about rlnn . . . . a a. a years aid. a lory earraitw waaa root 1 toe war, klb amUina-. aritk a ataaa a. akaut iUrr hands hifh, sit yean old,daops4 rump, bt aorses wu wora. ana btw boib -vim n ra Tba aboaa reward will be rWen. wkbt my bemr aocouatabW for at Her epa. " aaaaaw-aajaa Sa fa a.' AatiLlKJ. 3t64 laXamit.Uon. a Knsr.WiL J()r.. friaciDalsoftbe.Xm f fwKmrn rmtr MmJrm a.ai QjfwTwL iltfcni k. Mkni ik.i tti arm! annua Eiainio-uaa their pupils will commence o" Wedne-iiy iW 4u.k t 1... .t rnriliaua for three ditk TV excrciars of the matirutioti will be rewntd tsr week following, there being a aumraer vaea-i J mmA tuiiua aiit dullari oer aravoa, Tboas who wUh for further partiruUrs art ft OjJw Muf, li-J- - 31&3 Tot Sole; :: ; MT tlouae and Lot la tht low ,( taXra. acocaita McM aw k l Staurhtert boue of eatertaiamcm. a lemlly aeViborhood, and rood aocicit' tU houas is two rtoriet hirh. with wr fire r'n in tlaj lower story, aad two ta tba rpper : iU house hi larre and convenient, wi'.h a kHcV smoke-ltouae, cora-Oouaa, ana sui.k, r eirellent garden and back lot, all in rood wim', t ttnll .li.rvnu J tka HIM on thfl BXXl accommodating terms to the purchaer, 11 1 w determined to remote to the country next b- -Abo.a smsll ' Stock of GOODS On hsnd, which I am determined to aril fur wit, a .JaMhl. mmm thr"rooY eonsiat of m Dr CtJ44 alao, soma Ciaa, Chtaa, Dclf-atR, and Oun Powtler ami Wine by the gallon; a number of other article, not aeecstory to V enumerated. CEORGE HILLEI. &j-ittr, .fn72o, 1825. M w-n- t ilm nnnHt aH nenonawbobatassi demands sgainst meT to ciB and rrcrtre tbr pay 1 and those who owe me, oy jsook scctu or otherwise, will do ana a favor h-c--W linj ttieir account. ..?. YiStatti of a'Wex.lioiK, Atctl THE aiibscriber having qualified ss execu tor of the lost w ill of Alexander Lot late of Rowan coanty, dee'd. at the court i a a ii . ' I --..aiHr pleaa and quarter sessions lor tne -u held 00 the third Monday of November b-t-notice ia hereby given, that all person! hrir tan.n1a arainat the said estate, are rcquircdta present them for payment, within the tune V serine a oy uw. .. ..... JAMES I. LONG, Exttt. -Jfcc724Tt854. 40 "Han wtornvs hnROtt the sunscriber, on the tn on- . ... r . apprentice boya, by the names 01 .ni rk.,4.a VimKinh the former w between 18 and 1 years of age t and tM Wtr about VHI rars uvet were oova j"a hatting business, and majrpfobably attempt w workAlt paraona ara ibr-iddea loJ." r . I .. I will not D etiner 01 fiiem un my wwiw) - a a 1 1 l. r ...i;.. aknilt Ku any acuta UI incur .vutiavtii5 .,- , .v . r ,j r.n. ,k anhncnbefi worm ur KUlu waa uiaaiiia "'" ...... I house after the above lads kmnncnhmiW thff- sttempt to tode.Jt.lhe persons ra...aBw 1 give it, wifl pleax give uifortnatin n. - a-t.awi.ai-a.aa)rHa.af. t Q - -- J 6,1825. 3t64r MR: WILLIAM WYNENS, late of Jafp 1 CbuhrV, " arid State of Georritv hsth 0 . - v . 1. . nm4a hare been- put ia- circulation this ;nehih.booaor relative wM'eJtamctw-r" f DCllCTCO OJ jnitWJ gUMCiw -v f ,i 1 1 j . s ".r.M-u .n4 wssas- 1 near me aurimr uu aiar in u'S" j teemed aa an honeit, correct young maD aft so far ai my information eweaa-, "?' , neighborhood, with tins same credit that he w . formerly done on similar occ-sions, tvwit ' urn, CUrktitfMas 17, 1825. -t6f L PI

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