JiJifflaal CtlftraKcitf. romiu vr ji'tr. At t pull M1inf (tf lb itUlM mrf, 4 rkioft U ll Mart., 0 iM nrb . eMtstteemrtfvmeirta were tt-d M M eWVtng lU pproiUig anniversary Ahie Ud'peadewM, A Mliitle U prvperw. fcavetl another 14 l lb ery prang M dinner, el third e ft eJ kMf IWIL, arpoiattd. A " rWiM4 Wf I QUStfWJ fW th lltk,U r' Ud, Wwd k MMMUd, to Otkm M tV iM Ml tU eecsei. ' , rpJl iU4 l aUlWcbkWlOaV M .rJI'LrtmCttJk'CQMO. TU of Csbarrw Cowiy having boe A4wet h ee.wt f M rWbnIBnM ffl We"! W . .1.1 i J socrV tl action. HtmhJ. that the Me liik.iwi fc iiud trodM th observe. . .MMai to read lb Deelarstiow of Ind. wwde, Ur IL AWaaftder to oVBver the I Cot Jams A. Meo ppiu4 Utarahsl f lb Uy, 4 D"d. CXlem as OrJtrfJ, That th Cptio of the I jgM Infan try b ftjutl o pJs his company m thai day. trdrd, that lb Captain of tb Carelry V rptd ui parad hi company on U eccato t iH Umi lb iw. of w wuwj I - A In iiiia In nroeeiakn. Oa motion, r4rrM, that llM surviving Palri. fa of 7A, rldng in th eoutfy, be particular. W Iwvited U attend and partake of lb fcatiri. tic of the day. rralit i and aorortlnrly, (hy a vU J ttb dinxrfU b fnfwla4 bJom rMMc rrwJM U Jar. and CcnX Paul rfnrr Vk PrKUnt. lln procak U1 aa4at llVlik. On aaoiMMi, MttthU, ihti theaa procdjnp . J.L.BjUlU),ir. We, tk Smdenu ut tori U'JLntt JctJtmv. called a meatinr for the pur mm of making tultatlt arrangement for aa. tka crlrbratioo ol tba lortf Pintn annirtr aarr fif Amrkan Independence : where- udou, FicUri . Fortune wat called to the cbalr, and lha following reanlutiona were adorned, ritt Jamei R. C NeiiU to deliver aa ontlonriuluble to the occa- floarJerefnlah S Uaugh. to read the Declaration of Independence ; Richard E Fortune appointed Prrtidcnt, and 'Tboe, D. Spratt, 1ce Preaideot of the dav- The corom'ttee appolated to draft toan, eoniUt of Meir. Richard E. Fortunei Henry Kfiit, Thoa. D. Spratt, Jamet E. Xrr. Jaan J. Hicklia atut Sml Har frare. Those appointed to preserve or der.dorjntj the celebration, are Aleuts. John McJimiejand JonJf. Ilicjiliat John McJimsef was appointed to deliver otr-rntrodiittoTy aprech, -prtvioot to the delivery of the oration and reading of the Declaration of Independence. Since we hive taken it in'o considera tion to celebrate the 4th of July , the citi seot of Statesville, and ticinhr, are res- Eectfully invited to attend at the court ouse, rtd participate with us in the ex pected celebration. - The cititens of I-awrtncrviJlr, Montpomf ry countr. held a Rieetiiir, a short time since, and etcTCftJnia axragato Air vtrbrttAr -the eoruln; innivemrj of tne UecUraUaa or taac pcsdcooTk . ' ' - - ' jrr.VTO.W and the CREEKS. A writrr in the Cliarlwton Courier of the 28th oh. girrt the flloin)r atatement of facts, reiauve to the treaty with the Creek Indiana : . 44 The following 1 believe to be an hon- n nf aI Tka fftmniiuinn- era went out authorlied to treat with the. proper uthonuei ol tne wnoie creea nation. They could not treat thus, and one of thent went to Waahington to ob tain instructions, which would authorize a treaty with a part of the nation only. Such instructions, the President, (Mr. Jlonroe,) absolutely refused ; but be al lowed Hhe commission to be kept open, and the treaty was renewed. An agree ment for a treaty) waa concluded, with a part of the nation only ; and, indeed, it wuld seem very unalL fiarl-mmott ctr. tainty a minority, in whatever way the au thority tjf the nation may' be 'diitributtd. This treaty waa reported by the commis--sionersi and waa approved and ratified. And lastly , the chiefs who aftned uere j :: murdered.. .. :;;r" r.z : :r: ; Holy Alliance. Account from Milan of the 24th March, state that great pre parationa weroatakinf for the reception of their Imperial Majesties. " their pre sence has attracted vast number of strangera, and severe als bad been hired at high prices. It waa believed tbatiathejaonthot.Mi'yUlllbi0 iRniTbr Itatfi;eprth ft)prwottW meet it Milan. ' There was to be a tamp In the neighborhood, composed of the freiier Jrt f the Austrian troopi In taltaaBi3ontIi0 -teria! Mateitfeiereto visit-Floreiice, but nothing was aid of Iheir going toj Five Dollar BHU oUhe Planters and Mechanics Bank of South Carolina, alter ed to Tens, are in 'circulation in Charlea ton. ' . " jfu: ami, M cur-a kurJiLH. Ws UUsims, U primus U a .ftUi. A. UrmntaiM, cnaMnce tke plUlM at the eoMrwervy bltn Mr. Kr et a4 CUy. We Imri Mr. KrtfJs ktiir entire la ttW MnUr a4 alaJ Mr. t"lr'i ftf' U evf Mit. . van e vhtim eiaatitiia. - e. mttttiSTS aniMUM . TvdtUu m tie nui.r and f tt a eons. bmo a4 knfonn) ijm W at -enm.veuldbneapMn'iMMa. fvw auMeiane pcrj'tcird UtUiort eMt,rlu te&mifrit a atandr4 af witU aaJ aMamrvsat nc eni. turm, uncUrgi&U, Vi a.Ufrtd M tUe 0 of tJniamnMiai'r Kirlt"1-'--' f tl..t.. of lU IjrUiie swt Una wry Kw J gtaMd and rrancn, U acvtr f Uvant mk S tiaiMiard, h ls I r1 evaawo, Inrir March. Tie count of ikua dtffUttlty tUirljr thfaei f. No kmrULIe Oandard eiMsln an two to kick can alf and frwfteirtly re enr i 7. It U tttsoMibl to eot y br wordt only, j an edtQ'iat idea ol etUrnt, wvibl of dimt a. tion i 3. A andrd, hrtlt, 4 0M be mad and drMwicd in mm at euro pUet uxor ding tn IikK all tln wm b4 Mkioncd. In lha im!tipleatinn of eopir, H wooM be re. utuut of iWfpiotil and iftirxfant error Jd not arcur, bcn eWlrr thai, for tl mn part, tbev muat be tot of copiev and Ckeviae tbe vanationa to vbitb matter i ukjvct, both In d. mention and wirit, utvler drTe rent drrree of beat and eoU, and GKtrta prewuret of the at ovMphere. HmI a mj object U not to enumerate the d. leuhir to be eneonnierrd, or tr oboiacle to be overcome, t anal) return from tbi difreioo to the eonaidemtion of weights and meaMrea, aa By a kw of Uiie otsle, entcled preview to tba Amcriean Mevobrtion, and vhirb ia yet in force, it la ordered that na pervm ihU puke one. In trmfirtf;. of any other weight or mcaurr rta re wwiie and wH aeH'ig tv rbe itwnrftrrd fn Vtmcirtti (the kingof Great Britain) errAry wr, and the atatittet of lgUnd in that rate prori. dvd," fcc. The anUrd 4 a txihel (of which there re aereral) in the Knglith eichequrr, a appear frorn areunte neairenent made by akilful and eminent srtitta. differ verv consider ably from each other. For these aiflVreace, no adeqiute rcaoa oan be aaairncd in the per. Whtbtcnr of the materials i tor some of the wUcat standard are Ike Urgeat. But notwitn standing thto diertiy ia the atantUrda of tapa. citv, Ui Winchcater btiakel, a elimler of )" Incbe diarmMer, ami tnchr depth, lia alwaj been recogniied by the Legitttie of tla e eral l'. Bute (except Connect irtit) u the Stan, dard bualicL A meaureof tkeao dimcnaion contains 3I50TV cubical inches. To make a measure of ihit capacity ufTtcieDtlr ac curate for common uae (or for a rnr atandard) with a Cumer scale, would not be difflrult to s kilful artiat. I aay with a Gtmter's wale, for, from the great number of tleae acales cattered over tbe country, and the eaaw with which they may h eonrared ith each Other, and with oth. er measure of rxtrMimt, Ur ai"l an accuracy scarcclf to hate been eipccted.. But here another Afficuhy w to be encounter. ed. Unjfinmtjuf weights sndTneaaure tone knnwledred to be an object pf primarj impoN tance. Uniformity with what, or whom t 8ure ly uniformity among them, between whom there v intercourse. Accordinr to return made by the Collectors of custom in this stale, to the Secretary of tbe United State, tt appeara thai the bushel oaed at these cuetura bout differ from the Wincbi-ater bushel, and from each oth er i" their capacities are aa follow t That at Edenton, 2160T8 cub, in. Newbern, 2U3.60 do. do. Ocracoke, ' 2111.10 do. do. Washington, 2 1 28.0 i do., do. -.j-- "-- 8357.50 Ave wjM contents In cub. Tii.cdT ,0ic butJiel uedl the.cus-KatSWe'.. torn houses in this stste, C. -Thi aversfje measure i lei than fheWin. Chester busheVby 1 1 TJ etib. In. a diflerenee of 10 biulicl in meaurirr 3000 buthela. In tliii calculation, I have emitted to mcuurcjiscdal PlfHKHttli,baue there muitbc an error in it, for it contain 100 cub. in. more than, any other. . liL MavssUr .WanwpaictlHMVJtaewia-wt 1M .Mil H m wn. bushel being known, these may be easily lounu by iUbdiv'uion. I - may examine the subject" of " weights sT some other time. Suffice it for the pre, ent to observe, that 1728 cubic inches of spring wster, at the temperature of 56 degrees, weigh 1000 ounces, avoirdupois: Consequently 2 1 5'0TV5 cub. in. (the Winchester bushel) eon. tain 77 lbs. 12 oz. Ti drams of the came water. Measures of extent are made to so great a de gree of mathematical exsctnen, that we cannot wiah them nearer perfection for common use. 1 have made these observations, expectlnr thst eome person better esquainted wrJ this subject, will suggest a method by which we may arrive at uniformity o desirable and necessary in weights and measures. METBETES. . Note. The bushel used at the custom, hove. in- Clntrfertoni 8. C.eontaine 41 7i7fg cubical inches.- In Norfolk, Va. the collector of cus toms uses a bushel containing 3 1 27 -i ptr cub. in The extra session of the legislature of Ceer. f'oxcommence4 t MUleslffeville on the 23d ult It would seem from the following extract from the speech of Gov. Troup (which is very char acteristic of the matt) that ti t resdy io ui sou ne ai. "--a- knait thner'nersl o- ernment. Cor. Troup speaks more like an in. JuoiijuXna of a free stste; " """ """ "" ' Since your last meeting our feelingi have been again outraged by officious and impertirit; hf intermeddlings with our do mesuc concerns- ocsiaea sne jxspiuwon oresented f&r th consideration of-the Senate bf -Mf."Rinjt of ' NewYork it understood that tne Attorney-oenerai oi the United States, 'who may be. presum ed to represent his Government faithfully, end to speak as its mouth piece, baa re cently maintained before tlie Supreme jCn-jVt,iCtrtnet fi ll .Jai.f, U w.Uid by tt I a ,a,tt if J'ill any Ut lb t'or. jte,v Wft dicr, le Ji a hil tni'f tn . ogt ctt to ikctnc!'ri f edil!r or Of Oft Kr ,f puUt nd (Utit the uul f.rfto lractk bf K fleMrmat af the Unled Slates If h wjbt. prmdele etlabUsbed whlck il dre not eabtlk fef lisetfi case Is made trtke (hcSupreae Cemtt, and the triectplt f1 OleJ, the set of Congress fallow (rN Sooa, erf ajoo, ibotsLra, th V4l.Suus (;ormmot d.KrJiof ! Nik will tJy Utd ilsefto cerr.lif ln tf fs eiia h, tU destmiW Hff ekbg vaJusUie la ike SotttkiW Cestttry- tnovimeot of I be Ctk ttaxAuii)y nxi.aBdaHUIoat. XirBforiuoelonrSr null Inown yooNswlulioej that tba lublect aball ne4beiccUdbylbm,Uiri at their peril but br ha sacrtd guarantee by the costitutloe we nsver would tvove become parties 10 that kulntrneal Uia taocaeol yo vtruU teH eaake your selves parties to any eonsai ui leai whboui n t coorst70o wui novo pny so from the movot the Geral Govern ment shall wake thai nsewtiveat ' M If Ihk matter be la 111. U J or wo-4f It be a ain, we M Implore tU forgivceaeof it to rirrwe it, we ask not either their sympathy ir aUtaoce il may be our pkysusl wmkne it Is our morsl arengtb. If, Uae f Creeks sod Komsns, the moSMat we etase be mss. ter we are alsves we tfxtcefon minis ter like the modem lulUrl to the luiury end pleasure of our maste poets, pain tors, muslclsna and aculptts we nay be the moral qualitiea herVvee, which ,wouiU ruase us Uir pi is Verse the gran deur of a great empire, wouk'be ttone We would atsnd stripped ti desolate under a fervid sun aod upon igenerous soil, a mockery te ourselves, ! the y contrast of what, with little firmness and fvcsigbt, we miM have ben. I en treat you, therefore, most earnetly, now that il is not too late, tf atcp fth ) and having eihaustad Ike artrwrnen, to ataod by your arm. An what tien I TUZ CM EE IXDfJSt It appear to be an established fa, tkat & M'lntosb wu bribed to tell the sqntry tf the Creek te the tnited Statea, J tkm se has f4ca a victim to the fury wkioii Vt earrifkc; J the interest of hi tribe asepired ataonf the l diaaa. Il anoenrs that a krre majsritr of the nation was opposed to -ttf tbN land in Georgia, and removing beycJ tba kiiippi. MTntoab was aware of the ndfvpoi,' f th tribe to remove i and the fcrfriture of kie W wu tbe consequence of bis tiithJcsneie to bis people. - LLLCTlOMEXBLVt. We are glad; (and it nuat g UdiLa th bear! of every American pbilanljropwt,ih tie cor nipting practice of treating profusely vstla tplr itout liquor during the electronoering aeaaon. i becoming so generally reprobated, thst tt hu slresdy been greatly lessened, and rourt soon bt entirely discountenanced. ' As one smong tbe msny proofs of th truth of the above observation, the Cmfld Jury of Franklin county, at the late aprmf term of their county court, made a presentmevt on the nub. ject, eonchiding with tbe foDowirsr resolmiorn : Hetohvd, thereore, wnines)rVt-That it is the sense of this Grand. Jury, that the course practised by Candidates for the LeRiltnre, for several weels before el eetions, of buying and profilely giving way spirnotis mjuars, mu ngt i is called, is a moat denlorabli injure to fmoral ami society, and In its cjnsequences ia calculattd.ta destroy the ry basis of Republicanism, by putting it out of the pvwv (; prudent man of small prop- nf T JiBfiWhTt Wt1iftne"eyjT'T rtfrtf while the rich man alone on support the expense of electioneering." Retotvtd, unanimously, That as individ uals we will discountenance the practice and to thia end, we mutually pledge our selves, each to the other, upon our words and eacred honor, that we will support no candidate who may hereafter fallow the practice of attending public gatherings of the peoplerespecially (br a few week be fore elections), end there profusely bujipg and treatinr with apiritoua liquor. Reiotvrd,vnanimovity', That as a part of the people, et friends to our Republican Institutions, as friends to morality and good order, in society we:. do sincerely and humbly entreat and solicit our fellow citizens to unite with us In checking end oplio&irTlliirbaBkful practi&e. Signed by oil the ie fury. alWaaaa Bjejeaa Mr. William Albertttjn, late editor and pro prietof of the Elisabeth City Btnf, hu relin quiahed the estabUAmesb tolu aOo, Benjamin aivt The paper. kaslarted te a-roval size i ana rrur,iar additions) rerMeaa to patrons, and increased profiutiW proprietor. A mafThy Qiemme time last year, after having defaced the good people of .New Brunswick (N.iUaey) out f sboutrg8000, decampedf -wety to. New-York, caused an, afiecting account of bis own death, b drowning, to W publislledsn the'Evening Post, the more effectually io iicck the pursuit of the suffering New Bran4bkra' shipped aboard a vessel bound to LetrW ie. Tand-wh'ere he was arrested laWly, and wiU be brought back, to be dealt witi ss directed by the laws in iucb case rosde and provided. J,,LJ P, T. U ansiM I hs t Ws.-i'v (X. C.) UttmUf, a (-L-lt I ti't" t1,t st slrVt (Mpwd af lb cever B b,J Utm II, 4a, Pat, Trl l .) U tbe Mil Conges sf ike Vn44 ret.. T. If. IHB. U U ea.Ute. A divkUnJ f for per lent, on ike f Hal of tk Hate Bank KortkCartSna, kaa be cteelarei for the bat ail month, wkkk de paysUe at ike prmaiej beak ee Mon-Uy.tke etfc M.an-I sttie acytralbrao. bbealA days tWeefle, 1 M etiuat Of Wama'U, M th.1 atate. gat a pwbKe (toner, oo ibe 2Hk eh. te rfsaj Ml kr, rVpmiou lekh oVpsrtgr, tbirge oVs'Arsire from the I'niud tat U CH Be pul&e of CatiamsU, at wbkb abvul $0 gtmle ave ware ft. At lU last term of the Superior Court for IWlifai eosay. M tbk slate, a citd mi, tgory Wftsoktr sdnunisirstor, w a detiiWd mf of Im pUot.ff, ene dUUw damages wlxk kad beediWe ftati in aourri lb cU sad eipee ars of uit wrre e4imud at to itumtU aW Lnf bb t there's a gtoriou aalMtactioe ia go ing te lie I " AdmJret't" eststie effual.in Wok I belter U manoscrtpt rtiaa it would in po vd tbe fol lowing turn of It, verb, ei bt. Oh t lovely Martha may a youth, tMtrird by beur, wrged by truth Ih-oiot the secret of a breast, U'boae ancbiou apim cannot rest. New we so much diJ.k to beeome tbe d. v,ger tA Mcervtt,M Oiat we cannot censrni to disturb tlut hich serm once to bae r paartl In the - breast" s. - j k- T appear rcsUi UlKlrr any luruxr wwcmsnsi n -' THE RALEIGH ,lt. Failed to arriv on TuewUy lat i by this mail, mort f wir pspen and krten from tl anrth and east are reeied. cor.soue nrfy tw failure i tbe aourc of s good desl of disap pointment nd vesalion to our citiiene. Its nonmval last week wu the more provoking, a tUr wss a clcsr sky over head, and a eom oleie Bowfinc tircen under foot. We are told, Lioevcr. that -r W.ter (which appear much an to the tran-portation of lb maiV the tint .Va wst to tbe march of Pba raohandlbe Kgtptian luat) wusoneikd,lbat tt could not be lurded. ...... . TJIE 3Ui,KET - t iTraviua, jcs 2, Cotton, ?S a 77 cent. rWon, fa7J. Can dles, mould, 14 SIS. Coflre, 18 a 2J. Corn, 6i70 lou,4). Iron, 6. Molavsr, :7 a 40. Nail, cut. 7 a i wrourht, II a 20. bu er. comnon to prime, 9 a : 1. Salt, liverpool, 10 a 90 1 Turk'i Islaml, lie. 70 a 7 J. Steel, American, 8 s 9. Tobacco, leaf, 4 a 3. Ubxrytr. CILUlLZSTaX f BICES, M U3. Cotton, S. Island, 60 to K?, slainrdilo. 33 1 43 1 Maine and Santcr, 33 to 63 j aliort st pie, 23 3X tv-Wbskry SI o-tOr-Bacon. 6a7 llama, I a 0, Lard, 0 II t Bagging; Dundee and Inverness, (42 Inch,) So a 29 Cof. foe Prime Green, rvi a 21 Inf. to rood, 17 a II. KWlh-Caroboa Bank Bills, 2 a 3 per cent dit. Newbern and Cape I'ear do. 3J a 4 per cent. u. i ueorria uu. i i n per cent. ui. Darien Bank Note 7 a 9 per cent. di. Csi. During the patt week, up to Friday Upland vu extremely dull andaalea could not be e fleeted at less than one cent per pound re duction on previous rate i holders beinr unwit ling to submit to this, very little waa done. rhe accounts received by the .fWiAyir, gave new Lfe to tbe .market on Triday morning, and several Iftbueanir bsg' cb'angadhai-.ffi, 'chiefly ior export, at .0 a cents, princtpallv at a. 29 cents for Ruddling to. very good i tome very prime lots, in square bales, vere sold at 32 cents, and the rsme quality in round bag at 30, s Si centr In the afternoon of Friday, the d. mand aubaided in some mesaure, and continued alaek on Saturday vtil! factors continue firm in their demand, and no further decline at pre- cm is imicipaicu. ilTarrfrt, Mr. Morse, llr. Landey K. White, of Iredcn county, to Miss Rebecca Fletcher, daughter of the Bev. James Fletcher. At his residence in this county, about 5 miles from this place, on w edneedav, tbe 8th instant, Capt. Mn Hon ard, in the 73th year of hit age. He waa a staunch whig snd a soldier during the struggle of our rather ior a political existence, from 76 to 13 1 he buckled on his armor, and bared hi breast to tbe storm of war that howl ed through, our country at that gloomy aud por tentoss period. Thin are those men, from whom we inherit the bletsitip of republican in at itstiona, dropping into the grave i and toon we may, with melancholy truth, exclaim, in the Ian gtage of diviiuty, M Our fathers, where are tieyi'L . P. In Mecklenbnrg county, on the 29th uk. Mr. Samuel JIarrit, vm of the oldest and moat res peetabbr-inhabrtarrtsof said county. He died !.L. o.i r l . . A . i: : i m the 87th year of his age, after a lingering sick nessof five weeks and four days, lie diedaa a christian, supported by an unshaken and well grounded hope of eternal blisi and happiness. He hu left an a red widow, many ions and daughters, and a large eh-cle of friends and neighbors, to mount then irreparable loss. lie . I. - I . ..iMMriJa s.;tv. He died, as he lived, much beloved by all who knew 11m; Mark thi jpertect man, ittd behold the uprightj' fw that man ia peace.. . -t In Lincoln count V, very luaaeniy, on ne i jih u1t.ihe Bev. Daniel Asbury, in the 64Vh year of hit'tges- - - - i--- - AvTiak of Satldle-Uags 1Y7AS fuund on therbench- hefure the iu-j ff scriber"! store, early on Wednesday mor ning, the 24th ult i they contain articles of clo ing, and psrt of an sccount book. The ow ner is deVd to owll, pav for thi advertisement, and take them away. MICHAEL BROW N. ln. 1 a ftteue d.n4 at 1rwrUt, fson. it u alt. ( rhe TTi a be 4 Mr, tnl.n si ym Cenese. ad Utd4 asm.. if I Ibare le ef tax ibtii fm there be In. tondeJ l preeeed ! tjyte fiti.burgi a from r.('4ifr h as ! k 0 uk h Lrn tim of ib lake, and ptui de ibe Bw . iota eaai. t. L sj 1 - - t i' . . a of AlsbwMe. CWmrwf C Clsr Is a rMdt nurpar, ss a f aavswuse t iiorer" fwews sao emrtbere tUrtrtrt a thai si si a Ibe swsl Congrei, s ppMio4 te Ibe oM mennert rv.l H1 , ri. ft .. R, Balk, . auitse. f t r, ' aw m. m ax F . ltrrrtv. lam I Inn nor, ia rff r- naurvr, wrriH so vM Onvsmwevno t-gntnm w wi lle a owe 4 ike Jw.!g of ike luper CoWV ki w arched by b taretbrnry, It e Ir sre thst tbr 3'g has resigned, with e vkw of frMinung ibe prwrttee of lb law in rbo supresn iun, and in co"l m ue supw ing esMintwa, and will fur thai porwwae, cslab. bafa bsmntf ut lbs cty. MfjUur. ralvlo Willey, k'sq hsi been f hosen United States Senator from Connect! cut, In place or Air. Mnmsn, whose tern of service eapircd at the last srs- sbft. Several ineffectual attempts bad been made, the two branches of tbe LeeUlaiure di treeing Us their nomina tionsthe Mouse adhering to Mr. WU- Icy, and the Senate to ilr. Iamani the senate at length concurred in the election of Mr. WUley. The IndianspoU Gnette give an ac count of singular phcoomenon which Arprll- About I o'clock, a. m. heavy sound, like a discharge of artlllerv, wis hesrd, apparently descending from the Meavcr.a. This wis followed by some thing Like discharge of musketry, firing in defile and in regular succession. An intermission of moment theo look plsce, which was auccceded by long snd distinct roll, aa correct as the !! of drum, and accompanied by aomelhing like a feu it Mt. 1 he sounds sre si id io have been heard in towns fifty mile a apart and the evidences of the fad are sisted to be some ol the most retracta ble citizens of IndieruK . . Ae'j JoHr , THE undersigned, commissioners appointed by the County Court to insprct, and reject nr accept, the new Bridge serosa Uie souiii l ml kin. hairr yesterday viited th Bridge, feel . . ' . .i i , . i . . . it grstineo in announcing io me puunc tuai u win be completed by the Vnd day July. On that la), the t omnuevoner will ipm meet fur th purpose of receiving tl Bridge from Mr. Jf, the contractor i when, it is Hope, rillt as many of rb rtltaena sf ll. ecnin ty si can ipsre time from tbeir accustomed a0. ca' ions, ill assemble there to tee whether tbeir rJlf)ny lUteeo cfuajiJrrdIn erecting another uacless ikeleton of a Bridge, or judiaonary ex pended on a fabric that will adorn the county, facilitate tbe immense intercourse between the fertile section of country above, and that below the river, and long stand s monument of the Jiublic spirit that caused its erection, and of the iuthfuliica and skill of our fctlow-cilUca who built it. Altrn C. Harbin, John MVIcltand, DavWl MT.uire John linn, Swti 9, 1105. r63 John Beard, jun. Rnbt. Macnamara, . John Scott, DaoT. Ileirer, CasnmsMsnert. - Art ViWtYciTr6si; WAS left in the Cmirt-Houe bnSundav! before lit. the 3th IWt. a new deep blue silk Umbrella, with an ivory handle. W hoever has it In possession, will please return it to the iubcnbr, snd receive the thank of its owner. SAMUEL LEMLEY. Salisbury, 9, 1823. 3l64 THE aubscribers beg leave to inform the cki. .... , fil!HktiMr .nit Ka tMikTl a, I.m. tbaS uey awre-wvwencw Unr atxrre tiusuiras in the town of Sslwbury, on Main street, next house north-tast of the Jaih where they will bo prepared to execute any Job in their fine of buet. nees, or the shortest notice and most reasonable tcrmi. 1 bey hare on band, and will keep, Paw neland Stick Gigs, Sulkejs, f?c. of a nest quality as any ever made in the place. Any kind of Carriages can be had by applying to the subscriber: and they hooehv atrict stu.n. tion to business, to receive a aliare of publ'i patronage. Rcpsrrsof any kind will be done In a rsi and handsome tyU. Orders from a disfaneo will be thankfully received, and faithfully exe. cuted, by the public's humble servant. wx:srr & BROWN1.' Saliiburv, Jim 9th, 1823. 62 I?K0M theiubacrilicr on th4thf Derember . last,' an apprentice brrv bound to me bv hi father to lesm the Taylor's trada, about ! 9 or 20 years of sge, by the name of Fnuikhn Alex, andct j he ia of a small statue, fond of pUving hussel-cap, drinking drams and idleneos i making petty Uades rather than attend to his business : thU 4o-oifrAajrtHh fill Hbfif 1 SI! JJ T.. a rrsrsrd of two dollar, and alt Tearonante- expense,-rrTorrgetrTrrrne jail or (Jfncdi. tht;fc:sv same time I forewarn all persons frorn harboring bun, giving him -meat or drink, or en-ploying lu'm either at his trade or any mlher busmen, under the severest penalties and puHihintnt of m,miiz3xoKSmi s. ' Concord; June 2, 1823. 2l63 . CominiUetV4ii.le:Jft--i OF Davidson .county,, on the 2b i)f March Ust, a negro man, named HOB. The owner... i i requested to come forward, prove property, pay charge and take him away. . J A MKS WISEMAN, Sheriff, Lexington, May 27th. '3t02,