Buio of Nortli-CaroVuijT, . sfotii tfvtrr. . . k II. ,-, t.Th, WflfUurprelef WMtrwj-l-- ( M i,n4ury, wrutcn rrm, a to; V " f,rM w J brt w. CbrU aM .(,. ajrt wlww w t 4 V,. .A IT aa li i' riTil' ifi r i'i : 4' .11 to: :.u !. tre TIUI m ifr. T urt -ht H J t And hr(.kuf tytt, J - M-. An4 aU. m t-cy i -rti U the tttiU . i . . - --" any v ma, T. UL1 Oifourt WmWt trwth, " WVV I ? frM the. dc r pt VfVT A4 tk lk Aummt i aperkAff agM Cm UB mJ palaces 0tf m, let -Una- Mf tbetnng Mi ax Wfkt U tlifkMK and af Us I Thit faith oWnU from realms above, TUU, this U ;fMM th-eg Wvt ! jjLitrrr-i !. Btenty ltUil nit, lecting good, A lMnig gfoas. that fadeth twdJrnly, A lower that Jk when ah U tht bud, A brittlt ghvst, that brcakcth presently. A leing food, f im f W. "nt A4 (wis ! lotf. w mlru lloa fuuixl, Ai brcAra no cmeM cm iwiu. MISCEUANK0U8. cjft. srocrro.v u xiro rirr.it. It U vR known, UuU Im Ir colony U frtc ' llckt vnkh pUnUd by Ibc kmtncM Col Mtiutyxt Eocitfjr i Um Afric, fc7 Joaaed. tad tfit Vber Uncer for tiin tiw Uu Ihi cirounwUiiet WJ o. to M Ibodtmroent of tb wboio Mtorpn, ba, U k( fill, CpUl Slucktod M icnl oui - . vkk M pooen fro tt .Coemment nd the locietx. t mk W!ir,(n,M"w'H- Uu4 t EaroiKM Ktitrwent, tht Cp roatndo bd hnf htn eoiMcrti by Euro pen u dctintLW pkcc ht cokmjf, but Utt pctplc, vko beU it rd to tbt Cnt Spirit, M prtTtnted" any u!tmnt htrt. It nu uppod, Uwrrfwrc. Ul afl altmp to pur cbtw it wouU b U win. Capt. 8. rwoWed otwhhamliaf, to maka tin cipcHntent lit Achored off tbt Cap In 1821. hating previous - Ij procured m EagUih mulatto bj the name of MJi;.U.aa ,MWJLfTyiL'?!L.y,.T ui; tit principal klnf In iheK parti, ww not fied of hit armtl, and camt down from hu -n. town. 20 mifct in tbt inuriour. pmonv ara w lf that .he Mcook totrlt for aU ' V . . - ur,.-mt h m of tht f-ni h nowci cr. C,( .' ... .'. i:.. .nniit to 'S-a-pn. uicnwiMK rI d. A Mil M WMHHwiwj w'-""o -r-" J . l. .;n .i unhhlir rt rum ana more wwwaw, m - aB thithe thw.bt-bcould.ha iwddenly.r.. - tired with his mtcrpretm m! attendants k-r. ltyr the treaty wratificd. -TUU eonductm-Mttl. -? ZZil. t IndirnaUoo of Capt S. and bt determined that tht treity wbich-e . eooaidered u slready iiually made, hould b fomully ratified by klnj Peter. f Xcm Yk Obttrvtr. He inauired.w says a writer in the Tt.rt r.entineJ.-J of MiUa.iiia inter- .a..r if he-knew theVarto" bis- Ma.f . r not noasible to reicn wimout i gttiae tnrougn tne in- deci,ion, in which, by means of a sub tricaciea of the forest, purposely per- jme preSence of mind, and the rare .1 A n,l made ditticull oi accesa, I ,thJ take of security artainst the - J lv!am. aara man.stealera who vmiicu mm ww .ionullv for the purpose of trading. uvuaiii w r i .1 i t t "Cant Stockton took the resolu- he thus secured on terms of fair pur .''.ii:.; Pr to his caoi- rr.aa-.-ihe only spot, perhaps, on the :naed MdWtnidcd m by Mr. Avres, .(the Society'a new r .li u:.' h,.mr-ter. After nursuinir the beach for few miles. ofrenr. i aou ui - they struck off into the woods, and -:,t little difficulty, threaded" the mazes of deep and ..tangled forest "t-m rlavliffht till about 1 n'lock7 rZd.th. town, to-dhe I .VimrUe of the inhabitanta who trowded "around them by thonsanoV After aome time, king reter appre a uiuuum' tranmnirs.-and behind him was a guard . , r-j:;-..fc'i.ii-i' .null nitk ,,.. .,ot'twcjLy.: Z Tnu8ketsfn4 th tion aeemeo nossesieu I I K. . n m A' -seat "aomewhatraUejd tweaport, ? L.J .:.U t. k.nvk . Vi- Ir.nrrl was turnisncu wmi a " took the right Capt. Stockton sat ntfar j next to him the interpreter ; and Mr. Avres at tne- tnner cxircmny, ..Vinff their seats-, the people vii viv. -" i n at down in succcssivoirclcs around I" ft,..! tfiml to k n7 . I i... PhiUio McDlhlr 7.11 T.JL i7.tWfW ltW. t.p-t etf hlJ ICII Biro wMv-. r oromUc o ... ..,v- UfCip'" v. t- the bin PtUf uoarwf aft , kW r,at SuUU. ETtl to name m ' . ...t.A r,.n tht trt f, Md ",5 r J .. ntil.I l'JIDl nan tui Mtmri wiish - - tome lennh between fctcr oiiw, mymm - .... - - - - BOd. lnl, iod .lured couaiwuocti MKXf iftcr, iUfnVU- ooDulaiioo inruoc cm their feet any, uttered tremeoaeuijcut. annincnv ly Interpreter cried out U Cpt. St too, 4 tU th war cry. ImmedUwf, tcoiible f bii daojtr, bt dre concealed piitol from hu belt, ad ai the king wa ruing put it to blhad. With the other hand he rxInted aooth. cr at ihc head of Millt, and bai bim aii at'.U. Then. bi!e tha weapon In hit right atill threatened hit trembling Mijeity, ne raitea nit ten hit eyei to heaeo. Overawed, the k1t rwintilace aunk UDOO the rroUDO m and the kinff to hit throne. AM watiileot. SttreTy repronchlog Milla KeYv. t fur a moment more ml they would ha murdtrekwij dtuckton oaae mm urtuict ne nor peak',' upon penalty, if he did either, of bcior instantly ebot. Theo beck. oniog to the friendly Interpreter, b Mid to king Peter, with hit character ittick decision, that it was base and dishonourable inn king to forfeit nit promise t and that if he dared to think of making war with him, the Great Spirit would take vengeance on bira and atl bit tftwn 1 that bia peorl in the ship would come and avenge rArfr king; and finaHy, that unless. he and all hie king came hwo to tht short and finished the treaty, the Great Spir it would make bim the instrument pf his Dunishment. Kin Peter was too much surprised at this intrepidity loj doubt the hign cororansion uuutt which Capt. Stockton had acted, and he accordingly promised to ratify the treaty on the morrow, with all his great men. , Early A" nrwwow, t"" the horde could change tbeir minds, Capt. S. ordered Mills to proceed 11- I. .Kin and without rapiu y ww..,. rj- a .aa m avian rm ww I I II II I IklC IIBkU P - -i:7rAtTvenioi be on Denl of bis ule. At evening oc i . . mrhed the vessel. excise., .f -Wj . . cx,ncy of self-corn- i, Oerh.o more exhausting I " , a Lk the cause is past, tnan can oe I j.niM-fvri . ttnrtavated too, as in tnis 00 , w Ami imuoce,. by ? long a nJCb. Ana StbcktOO,- whetl he threw hltrtieinmo y. cot. fctt that he badxomplctcd tbe -VtranrtlrnairY day of niS llli pe txertions of battle in' defending U ttoy on shore, and the auccess- fuj purauit "of pirates on the deep, hQWCVer tl0rious and trying are those which cbaracterixe the pro- i-.tm nfarms. were nothing in ex .:. -mVnt' cbmpartd to thi f rMUa J-mRci itud Intense couriire 0j an tppew to tne proiccuon e lhe Great Spirit, he controlled a I .J . t a, at a Ma fra IUrrounaing crowu b. with this additional glory to hia name. favourable to tne n-volent nuroose of the Colonization . Society. rr- - CURIOSITT. White some wiiii!leiytti; staves in me town 01 iwyu, . .- a ft- . aV U aaaaVa. I - nBK me,lMt w.,krvw.sfonnd :n the timber aix inches from the ou - side. .The ue. w pery acmnd excepting tnc -." i trncr. WOItlt " ! " . , .iderable ioy on its release from con- - l'-ria'l.t;" f... ...a f limtll' Had been held so Ion g"m H du- i ranee vue. tut"-': a I ! , &r -TT . Ju. I la" A Paris paper contains the following ar tide : " Sienor Gulmini, formerly Mai- tre de Chapelle to Pope Benedict Utht j:. Utlu in .tha naicrhhnurhnorl nf Par mo. aired 138 vearr. This is the iniliir nr-..i.pr:ir.T.TQ I.VA-X.i. i ' o , iKot stance of a musician having jcachea vn . !UW . I , 1 M.e.Uhere Un" " Afltsi fat nf. aar ar m ro mui taai wmo . Muuum extracted (r.m tbt Looaoi i rr m. .: rnt it trivruea to i ... Lt.X.;.L.M U tritmia tMitW t IntW where U waiapiapuo- aiuW commendattooi on Ktd.wkhi ... , 'it,, , 11. U iht LLcriktior ruiuipa, ana tnt as 1 ceromenl 0) ih Ediwr of tht Mw eum. TkUUa brief bliuy vf .ntfe itttUula remarkable thitaockmiataUahouU I. U..rJrr akr-h6f OOt Ol' U iosrLtd. oux country baa produced. ' I - 1 ' PrfriA' wri. (wool tbanged Id to(u.Aei'..Wtdro;ightloUO() itptayed to U w 00 the bottom of the MisssippJ rivr, ear NaUhet, flat of attota thas tfO pacta wWe, wuicn d ot trtt cfttn found la other .UUI. ( SLlzAlXD iUrrtt ZJTLYO. ' ecD if they eat toy T .V- !fVt.r ihia inly the llghUr IbU Some ctnot elect eupper..atA ccrww In . . : 1 " . .. I f.. bed edmoagmmeoiawiy . tKwboleaieneMOf aolld aupper, woT. ..thinkJt.Mvole, Li. t. fk mnttrnnia I forubl meal amOOgVlddle classes of .tety, WHO nave m larg, . snare . bcalth aa nv. W e caution bad sleepers to beware, how they indulge in the i ' I habit Of Xciting Sleep by taking any I a . L W . J as. ftaaaa. I all injurious to tne siomicn, iuu ucu inconvenient in their effects upon the bowels. Medical Adviser. - J tout macxs... M.: in his " Expeditioo to the Source, of St. Peter's River" ately published, say-" Our horsea ' r i.r. i L. it,. were sometimes cnaicu uj m. A fr kavinff tried many applications, wt found none that succeeded so well hitc lead moistened with milk. Aftta wt bad left the settlements, sweet oil rs used as a substitute for milk. Whenever the application was made io tht early stages of the wound, trr haVefoand U toU vry tfllcAcloua Xjco ounce of white Usd tuftced for the whole-of cmr party, during more than a msnthr A captail at Philadelphia went into a store to borrow a rah to get aome coals togctter, which had been scatter ed on the varf. Tbe merchant look ing roona Uon his dorke, Ar -- a number, b doubt whether they would do. Tne captain took the pun, and observed! I suppose they would not wish to bcauled over the coalt. A ahort time nreTious to the last elec tion, says the New-York Spectator a great irr . r-iinw was seen runninr about the atreets of a nei.hboring vilUge, with hia thumb, in his mouth bawling out M I will eo to the legislature s it is my turn to en. .ni T win ro. He fraeaninr bis op nnnt hs liurl ma like a rascal. - The underttanding was, that I should give him thn ttiDtiort Of tnu town list year, and thi e.r he nromised to star at Aum, and irct hit ' to&n torote for me, and to rae 1 I . .?. I., n.itl Aa pn fUnri, SuC iwwuwoiri i. nrB" kim, -It'a a pbeuef abame, anq . ru oe dirn'd ,H oont go, io u IS my m, ou notr then. AVtwryrit Spectator . It ta" better twbw 4anghed-at than ruined: bettir "to "nave : a wife who. Hke MartiatYWkmuraf hMpcna.ec. Tymogidkrya trothmg, than tore impoverisbedjbjr, one, whose vanity will JriiTxiijbjr ndejwiU'djeiJ iVanWit.--Tobin, in hia Honey UlooBstyeilo6-1 before marn g a i .uic . son whyhusbW ao soow wish them in heaven afcrwards.w - Full growt eucnmbeta. MB. M Philadelphia, n the 14th ult. at twenty five cents each I ! - , - : icea iruaaa wita w - vr11 ir-Vp- Quarter Uc-awnt to bt U tn eouaiy ti of petrifattioo ieariog no mark! of fujS 111 WkSSTS SoMpUry. at tbt oourtW. In bwtte fiat lie tbousajda of bodlCI, of all aitei wja. of Rkhmond rearton, .n. d.and f? fVh. Tftt of tbt plainl,-. ft. nr from the bul of walnuu to thu of I btr ciuiatn a. a r.., . . u... 4kh have the apoearance oCt wkuwd .nd noU to b- 01 tvO0' ' f vv u uun jgufi Latin ana ibt rt i meal is tit better. viwi plead, anawer or dmur io uie coorniinn . m m nouu n in iwn p wwww. .. n iH.1 irht capa. if they do OOt DUk Wrwiat k wifl bt take pro cWcam at to ,kt publiration bt adt for three montha, auc- I ! u I 8. Jmneba to iwod be- Sm. IAMX. tlLLIbtAN. .. . t. cwi,Vly, in tbt Wertcm Carobnn, rirWif no- first bnbefceir Siomacna IO gw u af51 irJ 6t6t to tbt defendant to appear at tbt roort. haviour bya certain quantity of breaa 1 : -; - r houM B Rockford. on tbt aecond Monday in j -w J Ker. &e. and ro to SfatO 01 AOrtlhVarOlina. AUInt Kit. ad plad or dtrour to aaid aiurh. ail r iirrin - - - - v t - ... u I I a a IA I ...X. - , - . . .tuK ..i wivi.aoa. f.TZS: m4 iatr ci wrr, h W"""H '3 . -. "jj" taUnt Jtch Ointment . 4 M tbt mmI tlTtnJ r-df. . I bi . 1W .)ma uiim w .at P.T Ttnon i". pi . TiL ..twi 1- ! iiiaaH. m4 mi U ltd taw WjJtJ. Ra .ltk t i-.rivi S. T tttntl bf tco pro. cond and 5'.;; iVrf MihwrW tbt Umid luut. Trite gjg 9Wt Trite iff; etnu ptt waa iu www " a , . M ... w. miVi. tiuiaack botof Genuine U tbt JraaUift of tbt aot pwfv T. W. DYOTT. M tt. State of North-Carolina, Aorja coorrr. riOCKT of Fniiy, April ttnn, K3. to tbt jnyartion of tbtwrtJ-rjar. bbabitMt of llua atau, iuctt.w, that publkatXMi bt raaot wr " - . a Uw, and siuiiy to bt Veld for th ewnty of Rowan, ai the eourt-bouat in Salisbury, M tbt 6rtf Mon- pJXrtb Monday in IcpUmber et, ,, . , .7 , Tt - IKl Alet. rOUTApnlTernu 1 SSa-l mum covnrr. A tralnat tht tweotorr . r- i-.i imimkl liicajnood Peanon-CbarksTl Teirsofl apptjin. ted ruardiM of tht infant defen ixunia. ii ap court that Jo- r--, - defcniUja.f j Ai, Mlt- i u therefore ordered. ut tmbrcation bt made in tht eem Caro. ... i n-vft ..Lm Ik. Mul Jit. liman for aix weeka. lat . I aW I I HI " " next court of Law the county of Rowan at tht court houae in SaUabury, on ine m atonday after the fourth Monday in Befrtc k.t uvl nlemd. SMwer. or demur to the ember neit. and pW-d.an.-er, or Mr wo plalnainn win wr f w. r - confciao a to him. SAM1 SILLDJAN, e. w. at AA.'-'iK3. OtM .. ..SUto of Nortli Carolina, MvrmroD eounrr. COURT of Tlea and Quarter Seanona, Apnl Kon, 1823. Thocnu Caplt w. Jet Martin: original attachment, leried on one aide tdd!e and aome feather. It appearing to tbe mtiafaction uf the court, that Jeae Martin not an inhabitant of thia atate, it ii therrloreoruereu. tbat publication be made in the Wejtetn Caro- UniwI for two montha. that the defendant .p- pear at our county couij oi piraa ami v L..;. , K KoUrn for the count V of Ituther- tha mnri JinuBe in Rtftherfordton; on tlie 2nd Mo.Klay orjuiy rn, tnere r - t. - try, pleadr dmtir, c4- jadfwat final, -ill be enteretl up againn,nu tne prvjr 7 l.l. ISAAU LKAHi . . . . . n m- r'Tt ww. . - rrintcry fee g3. State of North Carolina, -JtrwoaM Jvtr. 1 7cwelTw?aid Wreenfcer original at- tachment, lerietl on land. It appe,annp to the ...;-r.rt;on of the court, that the defendant, that tK dcFemUnC U inhabitant of another refore. .rJSU th.t public- eTWenTar.aWaauc. David wcenice. u rovernment x Thereft L. 1 ri; f7e three week., notifvinr the defen V ." .t tha term of said court to be in Aaheril e. on the third Monaay in june new urmur iu i judgment I 3t Test i JOHN MILLER. Cttv I ; State of North-Carolina, wiLtis covsrr. COURT of Pleas ami Quarter Sessions, May term. 182J: ad. Ja. Waugh and Finlcy, to the tise-of John rinley t-t. the heirs of Alex ander Brown, dee'd. It appeanng io uic : sntis- facti6n6f the wmrtrtht theetendawa, n.A.n Will'i.m Rrown. John Brown and ! Thorn- u Brown, heirs of A". "Brown," dee'd. are -ftOt lb habitanta of this state; it it ordered, that publi ...tinn h made in the Western. Carolinian for .; weeka. that the above defendants appear at the-next court of pteatwwl q-at- teawMM 4 k. VaU far V ilKca couniy, in mc wwu Ikesboro-. on the fij.ondayA t8wtf W iJUMt-irTrTI l J 1 thtfwsJiiitoita SenT 6166 TlAHPnT UIDT1K Vb Rtnta ftilNorth-Carolina. i-iMHOWV"- ' " - svnnr eovsrr. 1 UPEMOR Court of Law, pring torm, 1825. r.h.rles Steeldlan v. Jo?cph Prichard: Ju- r.T.tfi3ffirrnt i James HudrDeth. eamishee. Ottered br the court, that unless the uctenaani mnd reolevies. and pleads to this case k ika iiTt rourt. a iuderoenL pro confesso, will be entered u? against him -, and that adver tisement be made accordingly, in . the Western Carolinian, for three months. :. . fat, r. ymLuiMSf d.,. rrice.ady.S4. . 3tat63s; t m u ut auMm 1- :: a U. curt tf noRi uM t...- n rvftaa. ltf not n. lUin IU Eatiu nf lh . IbmMt ordmd, U.4 Mblcatioa bt a-tt far s wa.attmrttljr, U lU Wifn lroUfuM pliH at JW, rvoiM tbt aWt naiMd wido 4lmn few of taid tbaiUt ibtu, w app v at ar Mil Oirt Of rrtf to at Mua. Catf afuaU. at tbt to-H-boa U Cttma, to, m tbt 3d Mbf , -H -irpMfob Mil. and vkt UIWVU UtWau,brwiiUMittwtilboUbftpv . tmiJtmtm. M1 lb tvauM art dtrwa vJt ftcanf " iU Tr t JOM H. BLUM, a. s. 8Ute of NortU-Carolliia, jrojrrcojritr twrr. COUIT of Mta and Quarter lwpat, April rawon, IIU. Umrj DcUrnoOi v. Aan C. Bmitb, Wilbt Nan, Jant r. ana tr. lint R.MOTKinl ailacbmrit,WrtedonWMU. It appcariaf tbat tbt dcfendanU art InhalMtaM. of anotitcr atat, (Jnlrt4, that publtcatMM U L. u iKa tt'plmi Carollnlaii, prlattd in plaim.i levied on will bo re core ry. MABIIN.t. c.c. rAnti fee . - Zmti r- State or Kortli-Carolma, tottr 9P0tr. ft OUST of Tk td Quarter ttw-looa. thy J Atonoa. A- li. I&Ui uu uMin JopU taurt JwKcul attachment, fcrn-d oa kc. H aptKannf to tbt attraction a U rJuXth the irfendent bi tbU eM W not itb- arain bim foe a-id plaintiff demand. Wi'. KiSff;eWrkfa-Menrt.H , WILLI :AMc. - jmlll u. State of North-Carolina, itiD.ii tovurr. COCRTif HslJ nd Quarter Seaaions, My V term, 18337" Tertley BeynoHi and to. v. Kobt. Wetmoreland : oririnal attachment, k- .ed on land, and Nathaniel Hobo wmmoneo aa -..v. ., thla r.v . It anoearinr to the tat. i Oonoftht court, that Mooen ntiw-u. mi him e w . . tht defendant, baa abaconoeo, ami . . . . . . .i.- made for three moniha tht VVerfern taml. nian. that unteat the defendanj appear at the ne it court to be .held at tht court houac m 8uteUe. cm tht 3d Monday i-Aujw nest, nd blead or demur, or tha plalnUft wiU hare ludTmeirt entered sccord'mr to bit demaivl. ! mtr. BOBT,MONT0N,CIk. State of North-Carolina, eiBjtncs eovrr. COURT of Heu and Qturter 8eionii April Term, 1825 : Alexander f. Ruatel w. VUr. i - ... -. .l.rhm.nl. U.irit on land. ' "ri' tl?th, eoortt th.t the defcndaW W W-PPJ ,2bHant of thU atate. it la Or"-. publication be made in the W h lnerc!,on:,1 " . ,K. natke to r .. ... miri of . in3 Qaarttf SciShnwrto be heW -foe tj 1 rJ ,t tle Court.bou in O- . (hj 3)l MonJ v in July MXU ,0 rep.c TY. wtesd or demur, otherwiao utlpneni w . ' i . l: . n.l ...mi.Win awarded UAN'U COLtUAN, c c. c. Printct'i fee. 8- 3uit6M Stato of North-Carolina, M9ffto9MBr 9Vrr.: - . ui i 1 1....... Viu.inni Afinl t.tUUUlW.tW aim -r"-t kinum: lBSJ-.Heimr Deta.noth . Ann Ct i q-.:.. w.itu M.ll Jan. H. Nmll. and Caroline t Nail, original attachment, .cried .m Und. It appe.rinp that tbt attendants art Inhabitant of another atate. Onfcro that pubWc.tKit be made in the Weern Carol.n.an. printed m - Saliabu7. for thm months, tn.t . un ; .e fondants appear at Ue next t-oun w rir p.,........,,, - : - ..... demand, and the property levied on will pnndemned and told to hi recovery. Test i JOHN D. MAHTIW, eel- Printer's fee, g. 3mt6tf State of North-CaroUna, iuscoMBMcoviiril'. COUBTor Pleas .rttlQuarter-Sewiona) J"- rytaruit lff?5.. Aftn A. McDowell lw. SamuelJ. Murray Original attachment levied, &C. nspptngtotliewtnfactititrtUcoWU. that the defendant is not an inhabitant of tnis aUte. it is therefore' ordered by court, that . pup- L . 1 f... ).. ainnthL MIICCeSSlVelTt lalC. il l uikeivi viuvi ' " l r-..:. Cir tKraa mollthl. SUCCeSSl"1! W 1 m 4ho Wtttoni CMoUouMM-ruited g. of Ithat tbt defemlantapnw ' rJZ. " t . s- www. ... J demur, or judpnent final will be enteredagainst u.i.nr,l.i. Ml I. It llllllH '1 I WmUU. aad Ut a4kw ti w """r, "if,. Willitin II. U-U tl fiaff U h-. ba Palion. VtUtna Dab. I " 4 "'m a 1 1 1 1 - m .... ivn '.Mil I VB. i r r5rpsdv.'st4. smtot-1- I An Apprentice "' ""- a '1 . nrvn ,y nanrhfakinv busmeso rs wanreu j w w -o rr , the subscriber. A ung ma t trom i ai t .A litt Mion, I find uuu m fy I F . - j . . .nt ti.v- a rhsnre to learn " .l k.innpn hv nnlvinC 10 " bW to SAM'L. LANnt.K. Ccuc A on J ' - TkhI. JNO. MlL.l.e,tt. I years of ageTtf 1 atcoitina.W J:., steady niiaits, ana n mgeniou. u"" .-. . sn,l nl.cp whertt he will meet wit t them. ' . advanced age -t

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