4 t : i I ft i , 4 V , . ... 1": ' 1 J 4 -1 - W a. i -- , - -pi jf. VJ .n't' -v. J . ' X 5 J- JS ffci i ' I ' v 1 'Jf . U y , or rvna . tbe U tti .f tiU p4f ;! Uff un of IL aMWst iU Tnift'ii iIUim iU!l 1iJ!J p,,n.ilr re ;ooIfl f-f h nit IM baimony and ffd rofff fKiJirt brtoeta the o nations shall "t t Intt ffo.vi J thereby I h n1f ct;t k ' 4 I'fVid ill t,1!tn ler, f nctkf terh sUtlo. 3;lf. If, (aht Indeed, tnwt b tcu1. unfoHaly, y of tk anklet tonUlrxii la lb present Irssty ahal! wit whatever, It It tipftwii vip: a..Lik.i KMrr of in rooirutinjr per ikt t!l erv'tf ' author. any act of I f pH4, nor ? "" r, o forajJalntt of injarlei or damage t, until Oil tM paity ct,otidcfl.i Itself of Unto, hall 6rl panted 10 othtr ttattmeol ltti' tnl h Mm 1 bn thhcr f fttd f urfoftMr JcUf tJ. . 4-M. NviMtigh iM m.if chU!31 hkU, Howir, N comrul. w oytfU atnlnrj tn fomtr tiiuU Wu ,..iL, Mhh D4Kcr Sutcrttcot or 5(iic. mhete'f,oJ 7 PrtUJei. f ! ml probilon of Cbncf ei of iraei r4 lk rnificiluoi U ti- in clchl month to b connl from lb Jt of lb t!;t(iuro he roof, or oooer, In tAih mhtrfU We, lh rienioil Uriel of (he Uniud Sniet of 'Aroenet nl of lh Re puUlc tj CoIomW, 1 inAitAlAlLtXlbtLXtLLU. oar L-onJ four, in lh fori ninth yrr of tht I rule jxn4cflc of lU Uftlted Slatct of Ancri c, tJ the fountcotb of Uut of (b Re public of Colombij. (tttl.) KICRAID C. ATDKR30N, Jr. (tAi.)-rU)KO (ALL. And vberctt (be (be i J Coovemion bit ben Joljr ratiKrd on both pm, end (he rtpeflie ratificitioni of the utne ere eicbtngeu, it iTisMngfon, on (be Iwenlf centh dijr of the prctrnt month, bf Daniel Drent, Chief Cle'k of the We- pattmcut oi Sute,od Joe JUiu 5ala r, L. L. I). FiviJ of the MM Court of Jubilee of the KuDuMk of ColomLu. aiul EoTf EmraorMtaff audUflifcUtPitiUvIapwutU wa-pfTttnid to-tir-Hhe poteDlUrf thereof hear the ftivernoient of ifte t?nltrSTtet of A merit a, orr the part of their reipeclire eorernmenn : . Now, ihererre, be it hnon, that f, Joh Qciuct Adam, Preiirfenr of the United Suica, bare Cauted the aaid Con vention to be made public, to the end ' thai the aime, and every cljue and arti cle thereof, mat be observed and fulfilled with good faith j the Upited Statea and the ci'Uen thereof. In witneia thereof, I hare herennto ct my hand, and cauted the set! of tbo UtiUeS Sta'.ei to . be elTixed. Urine at the Ctif 'of -VMnKtofu ' thia thlrtf firtr dtf of ftfajr, " In the rear of our Lord one thou 1 1, .1 aaod eight hundred, and twen-tf-fivc, end of thoIiulctn dence of the United Sutea ,r tbo fortf -ninth. vc . . . ' JMJWCT AP AMI By the"!rwb?nt r - '" II. Cur; SecreUr of SUte. Full deputationa of Oaagei, Kansaw DeUwares, and Weaa , we learn, had met Geo. Clarke at St. Louii, on the I at in- instant, and bad agreed upon treaty, which waa to hare been aigned the nest day, in which the Oaagea and Kanaai re Itnquiah all their lands to the United Sutea. Their future possessions, we j)reuW"twilt lie Motif Md otef the wes tern boundary bf Missouri. Some diffi culty, we learn, existed at the time, be tween the Osaees, Delawares, aod $haw- neae, which, however, was in the way of speedy adjustment. Aat. Jour. ' The anmml rmo of 3000. bad been awarded, by the $otd of Longitude, to Mr." VVWinbani of East street, KecJ Lion Square, for the best chronometer, it hav- : ing varied one second and eighty five hundredths of a second on its meari daily r-iate 'thmngiilho' twelve.- moniba-. 1 be Jrita of 200. had been awarded tf Mr. r-Mr Fraiwh, of tha Royal-bawgaT , for" the . iecbnd best chronometer, his ' Kaving va"rief one "second and eighty-five hundredths of . second during the last ' nine months, end- forty-five.,, hundredths pf a second during the last six months on its mean daily rate. "' " "London ia. An elderlr man was lately killed" in Greene County, Tennessee, by a tree fall ing upon him is he waa passing under it. It J is said that few-year ago his houider wavbrokey and otherwhe con liJerably injured, b a limb from the same V'co- - .r'' .... L. t,th la t'. Nfl'f'ft t b( CmiWS Ifc'WuM Mft ji. A mm Iwpni attftt bp' bteaj prenn4 l A'-aa) tftiM more affttlt bfM ko Amifka" b'fl PJW In eaUltc,oyr coontry " a4 the heroes of our nhu a h Amerkan bvms will eweil bieb wUh u ratoUectWa of tUU o fbl 4j ContrarV kw InJkatififll of "t V UMpUri wt 1 borvJaf.Mw !kr T7 ,.!., mtj Bne. TI. nj- YJ.Tu- ao. freher k beanty to the thkk btulUry of tb city, .j .w. mmidiU and NndufaUatf laod- acane of Charlemwn. U iM b h stands the kalleetiljUM M kef 1 1 ill. The flay was -y 1yis of 34 goat from tbo Baff yard. Ad o'Jers hd been ht an early formal) of 'xenW, the whole .... al'it a br tbo uniiersal atirHnf oMts owi popuUtkjUt ! lboovl who bad been pourlnj Into It from all cWtUoa and the number of tbe numerous societies wC were- w frm it place pceflousf dealgoated, to i,J In fk. rrArailon. The troops of the clt, consis!w; of Mveral . reRUneeaK were UesiiTlstctJ . o form fbe escort, aod para4 b the mU, ik rl.ll Droceslo formed In Park ad Beacon streets i and at tea Mock, Ike whole rooted off, ptH mroK0 m.ny of ibi prbclpI rreeta. to tnariea . t ik niecti'.r d order. Tbe member of tbe aetcral KHlcties IJ vora'tbeir diinetlo V' ferent badges were procured for IMM tiliot trili ,irs JL tlaftVelVadelse where fn the retotutiotiary army. From the Jen (rib of tbe proceaktoo, and tbe sinuous course of tbe streets, there was no oppor tunity of vieaing the whole at any one time But by eignt agreed upon, and given on tbe arrival of the hed of the rro cession at Oarlestown Drwe, it was at certaioed that the rer was thea panlng the Old South Sleeting House brine; a distance, following the streets thro' a Kith it passed, of about one mile and a half. . ... - v formed sik and seven abreast. On ascend ing and passing round 'he height called Brreds Hill, which wash fact the site of the American redoubt, and the immedi ate acrne of the blood v engagement on the 1710 of June 177 J, magninrient eye ran along lha procession, aod glanced upon the BoatMif bahnerlbr the seVeraf societies, ana ncn are ties 04 me various masonic order, the burnished arms, em broidered uniforms, and nodding plumes of the officer and aoldieraf end last, though not least, the thousand of well dressed femalea who filled every window andpiattaof Charlestown. Indeed the indawa of every bouse in Boston front ing xhe streets through which- the provi sion moved were filled with ladies, and the streets, throoged with people. Aside from the usual: ponjp of t military and civic procesaion, tbo splemior of -this was mdeh increased by the clothing and em blems of the Masonic fraternity, of whom there were from eighteen hundred to two thousand, arrayed in tbeir various" uni forms and jewels. Arrived at the appointed place, the procession was tormcu into a hollow Quart andU ht .ce,! await. ol Using, the L corner stone el the projected monument were preformed in due and ample form, by tbe M. W. Grand Master and cfficera of the Massachusetts Grand Lodge, as sisted by Gen LarATiTTXtand the Pres blent of the Monument Association, the Hon. Da mil Wisitm. Tbe moment these interesting and impressive ceremo nies were completed, at a given signal the welkin, rang with . tbe loud And repeat ed... huzzas of. tbe Assembled, multitude ; for it must be understood, that those who composed the procession, formidable -as it was in length end numbers, formed but a small portion of the assemblage There waa in addition, more than aixty thousand freemert, razing intently, a'nd with throbbing bosoms, upon the solemn spectacle The procession Inert moved a few rods to the rear, on the aide of the bill where the British troops landed to make the attack, where arrangements bad been made for tbe delivery of the. Address of ihe Presidehirfind WTengloQntfrcI- ses of the day, and where seat bad been J ii. i r it. .1 ' - L-1 "TZtTT prowQeq ior iiie genucmen composing the procession, and rore'large number of ldies, forming a sort of semi-am pbitheV tre. On the lower wde pf thls ;warrec; greent'of various kinds, with festoons in teriwined -U.hj viUictyuilftw.ct. Within i thit temple,ppon a platform, were seated, the Governor and othet dis tinguished officers, past and present, se veral distinguished guests Irom abroad, the leading conJ Wit(eeVrnd tbose who weretottke part in the exercise., Qnet- ther aide of the temple were wings, ex tending forward at an angle of about for ty fic dcgTcei, to tbe dUtapce of two leg vi larxirvd MfMM eh, 4 ilcse f I'm I.Udi m ikH there was t iM tv Ut(9 (of r'btr ibte would bsvi i4, it 1 wld base dooe at My sbaoMj pt abwH Cfif en thousand patsies. Ibe tatrtirf commeaxid by 1 hlods. farwfcf. M Patriotle lrTer, by it Ktf . uAtr, cbtplain of C4. fftcol lMllW,M wrn-a hi lie Wt il of Eui Kill. A tcsuuM byr-i, tbtao tot'M rtcri, Vf lU RtfJoba piiriaal, gsiiHlinf 9 tht IVOI f OM Huno'va.i ; . ; ; ' s a 0 m of the Assotittlon, the Hon. Uawh AVm v-.. . pronouicaJ aa 4Jrtsl of moto than hour's kMth,i ktcof wkklilbavi M limetaglte, tveelf k ero olUwaUe for t rtpvur le lay bis rtu! band epoo to tpletuUtod polished performance. A by hi, by i llta i far Iba oeratsnn. wat tbei sung. A coocwdlmf eddres lolk Throni f Craee was offered by lb Rv itc Waler 1 after wbkb an ode was sung. Tke bftrn were lung with great so lemnity, ad ibe effect increased by a excellent kttd Tbe rich swelling tones of OU HioJred, in praficuUr, wcol to the heart, sna bn!kd every botota. -Taw exfrcitet of the battle ground btvlrf been concluded, tke guests and lbo who bad furnished themselves with tubata, were farmed Joti t procession, and moved lo (he summit of Danker' Ril to din. And here a spectacle was ortsented eblcb bwtflltt dticrlptioo. Ab nmg haxf beta erected, provided wilb tablet sued ea!i for between far and five thousand persons, your thousands four bundrs' Plt rM. - good aa cookie tapected considering il f emphuli piosidcdforan army. After the cloi f moved, everal loasis were druklmeripfscd with mu sic, and KVCfalidr written for the oc rati'Hi, by cerumen who bare success ful I v wooed tiietunefol nine. In a word, acr thin: conspired to render this ue ti the most interesting fetes we er attended. Tbe collection of so many ortirors of this hard fought and gloriouJdar, and of aomany revolu tionary hcrdjs, of other and equally bard fought field! Hk recollection of the fee line of. tblfnnmeot, 30 year sgn, and the woodfiM sriea of almost miracles which ha vi tinea that time distinguished our counry, srtd AsionitTted the worlds and the anticipation of the next SO years to come, wer sufficient to attract the t rTTten of evetTTnaii who bad ever letnr rd tg, Kink7 and to fill the snlnd wiib all that wat aolemn, joyful, graceful, aod patriotic- - , ..- - ' STT.W rtlXTIXC ME The powert of steam (says Mackenzie in hit experiments in chemistry, printed in London) are becoming more known ' m-m raa.a.wi every day. , tven typography hat re- celved its wonderful aid. The Time, and other rjewtpapers,-have for a long time been printed by clineera impelled by tteambnd-Ataislcd only by thrrt avr who are thus able to do tbe work of . tix ttt men in addition lo the economy in saving manual labor, the otherwise . . . . y.' . ? I.. . waste steam is carnca rounu tne ouiia ings connected with printing office which not only saves a great expense in fuel, but affords tht steady and uniform heat to necessary in a ptinting eatabiiah ment. lowpcre patent steam engine ptintta.n4s.efv.bet pp-tt the same lime. The New Orleans papers of the 1st inst. express great feara of an early visi tation of tbe auamer fever on acco'int o the unusual heavy rains. The Mirror says' Although it is too early by a month or tix rcks, for the yellow fever to make its appearance, yet of other dis eases there are not a few that prove fata in lhi chy- An acquaintance of ours, counusa aeren or rigni lunerais, yester day, and his bbseryitiont did not include the upper burying ground. v-Th greatest mortality is amongst children, many of whom have Mien victims to tbe whoop ing cougn, arc - "AhaTm?hfft RoadB, has lately been publiahed in Lon don by a Mr. Wightman, in which he states that a complete delusion prevails as lo the rate which it would be possible to travel these toads. He contends that (hit velocity" attained bv these-meann cannot half iqual'lhat. which our .heaj il Jitage Cdac hea- now travel t and, that the money which it is proposed to expend on them, will in -most cases be thrown ... PAPERS Ut BffOLAXlKt. Tlw duty-paid 4rth"hTanufa on the paper used for -printing newspa pers in- England, amounra-anrnMllyBtd 2220,600 ; the proprietors of these jour nala. pay Sl,40o,ooo additions! as a tax on the paper they use during the same e'riojd anda duty of 78 cents on every advertTsement, wUcbTta 'paid by the 'ad- vertiser, and wMch yields an annual sum of nearly g 1,500,000. - - ' '.. -j v, x xirmxr .f.tnr.vr. I am B9 at iLIt far fsnid ani ta!y (mpontnl Point, an-) bail wlinened, oltk mitbptare,tmeof lheessmln.tkins!j( jt fl the prftiefib u the tJts. .Tblt fsrenwe.wa nlif iMujifl, Mr,, ei ,,u.tfn psrtkul.r inre4 le te, It wis on U, at (Mt, making ih wf svojcciie vwii-i - iklscoeotryts pirtkularly te be tone". ed. le'emal ImprevemeBtt, I ",i', ndif Coaals, 5rldcsf fcc. md ibe youeg geotJenxa dlspiiytd a very eccu- rate knowledge of alt thote wtjuu and byUllrantert tM,Jt04 their ample detcrlptlona, bkk were " , ' r at aau the great progrtM waica taey bad madarand tbl Imllt'illoA M W' useful to loeJr country. Out It U not on ikk or on that partkw- lar tubjett that lb Cadeta New ijalta at borne, ibey Mtm alway ae on every oc- eaUoniaod It is only aecemry le vltii this lniiiutloa ia order l be convinced ol Its utlUty. Tbeir rallaary appratc and movements are admirtwe, an ai- tbeegb it it a tad affair for a ptrtnl la part with a darUngtottiaJtbotjgbibafa- Iber fefhj aeatibly ibe parting , tad el- though a motber't grief no laogoage caa diKriU yet ibere ltjof iarervV thim-few abort year end tbeir will return ikem a man in every tense of tbe word a mm capable of filling any altuation i Hfe of feeding an rimff freemea to vktory.of .hinioglnihe UaU of Ugislafkw, of lelltrre;notmtlnt end dlreciM ibeeoweMofrlverawevaAla the bosom of retirement, on kis own farm or in hla cMrncwt.ge-from Ibe kaewl- 'Hh tV ?Wlt eoge ne n.s acquireo, ne w 11 oe souno enjoying life io a superior degree able llJyrn evtrrlncldent MrVetoiHV-ui8tage. Tbe education received here it a com plete on. Tbeir morals are far better! guarded than ia any institution I hive' ever teen, and, In those yeart in wfven pleasure is so very apt to lead her volar- le try, even in apite 0 the tnoti vigi lant parental care in those 'very years they are here kept from the pains which lead to disgrace and death. wtlMtio-rov, ;va S3. The Governor, with the other gentle- men composing ,h. Doard of Internal Imnrevcments. -arrived here on Wednes - day evening laat 5 00 Friday, they went i....,. ik. .1.,. t ,k- rublie Worka. In tbia buaiorea. and in examining ami sounding the channels the 'he Ingres. 01 ruewa 0 the gener.! greater part of Halurday was employed. CflnrVest of Mexko, to obtain a probibi .AVe understand the Board, Mtiafied,of X!JJU?! 5!l the practicability of improving the tiver, "oouen. ane cotton i.nnra, or taa pur and wf ihe tmmeniT"adTant.gts-whlcr of encouraging meaik aaanufic would be the fruit of deepening the cban- !"r" ' hch was expected to nel to as to give free paatage to vessels of dopted. Utrge burthen, are unanimously in favor of a zealous and active prosecutiotrvjf the Works. We are informed thai the Ma-i lneior removing toe muo, wnica aas i Kawaata fAntfatrl !- iaa at waa w J.. a m m. aa,l . - . .... ....7 -y ,nd W,U ""mediately be put in operation, On Sundav niomin? tbe Board left ihia place on their way to Uil Swanshoro'J and Beaufort. . Caie 'far Unorder, j t ATXTTtVlttt, H'NE 30. J7rfiarAey.Tbere cannot ndw be at reasonable doubt of the loss of the Packet celebrated Tippo Saib, has been puthav Sally Havens, which sailed from Philadel- ed in London for 300 guineas, by a dis prison tbe 29th ult. for Wilmington, in tinguished foreigner, to present to tbe this State. - We understand that a letter Duchess d'Augouleme, at ihe approach has been received in town from Mr. Pat- ing coronation of the king of France,, ton, of Philadelphia, the owner, atating . this place, which were shipped on board Advertiser aa an extraordinary feat, that the Sally Havens, have been, picked up two young men of that city named Tomp at sea. We learn that Mr. Benjamin son, on the 20th inst, made tn-o hundrtd If. Talbot, formerly of Providence, R. I. and thirty two horte ihort, well done, be but lately of this place and Wilmington, iween sun and sun, besides going a quar who bad 'been to Philadelphia to supply ter of a mile to their meals. To make himself with printing, materials for the! purpose oi publishing a paper in Wil- mington,' was on his return in the Sally Havens, accompanied by two Journey- "men Printers,' wbota naroea we have not heard; and that a youth, brother to Mr. I Patterson, Editor of the Favetteville Sen- Unci, was also on board, on hi way to thit place. Neither" vessel, "crew," nor passengers, have been heard from aince they aailed. All must have perished in the late destructive gale. St. Louiit'May i3d A gentleman and his family a few days since, ascending the Mississippi on board the steam, boat Kulus futnam,.an unfortunate difficulty took place between biro and his wife;! un willing-lo bear thei frewuAof; the fair, or survivy his happiness, he.determjncd to put an end to the,; unnatural :trif of ove. navinir aeuoeraiciy srnppea on hi coat, he leaped into the river-, was the boat, and never alter teen. Here we ou'd, Aave,tMuroed the married next dav, and gave the world I hw airongcsi prooi oi ner Miacameni to i matr1fifc&l!if '"';' ".i t . V A gold medal, valued at 250, is to be I riven bv the Philadelphia Agricultural Societji .to the person who shall conduct a farm on' tbe largest sea I ''wiiXout the Use of ardent spirits, unless recommend.- ed by. a physician. " l '- m ! irt t"'B Tauf urtrat or rue v.vjnoiruti This lmm ovr f t sn esuat if ftn aid b;f acres an.l f(t 1 Imi'bef frooi Is J 10 Utt-Hb drka ar e Ike center II iret. IkeMtu L. fc nU up of tbe t.wti, ia u.ar.i. fat brlfM te the Ion UM9 40 UtU Tbe ger j,,-.,,!, preseatativet room but, u f , Ut gf) tl M u eofeef. Createsl Ungtbol ibe Um jj,,, ft lbt nortb wing 71 ku rteatest fccisBi j 1 1 gnu wt. f, ttKtn4 Wom 1 1U tW.V loA .. U itl.iMtae. and' f t ft. kl.k,. rWfy of roomt Iwf comeaittte ad eQ. ((r, (onnt(U bb tbe brack a thv rMlon4 IcgWatarfi eej tbe I, 8lJftf Uff t fctrt ki u9ftm cWft ftf tU Vuhti uttt VoUt j,, H .r. Ta (ntfadV of I kit btiiUwr. l9kt9 hM ted, rawaot wt 1 be described to tke ete of ik ims cojgWM MonC Md farl, nirt4(, .jndJj graait tuirt, a. (onUMtn4 is afpareaUf tercet la a on nothing botlWmselvea-Itt laUriark .pj, ipartmeb U wbkb ik itr,hger may easDy lot Umtetf a.tk wt tMiofl & tbe mux U wtt. Q RrtKBllo fnlnd an adequate Ueiaf Mi p,,, fcf rtpublkaaliber.liiy fWtKlftrinc ,h ertt. Tbe groanaa f (h h(jt rt ,4 1 y WPt tB4 embrft nHr tbat, racm Now b lU t t e0Blftitta, ,ktM gf0ndt preaeat ibe .. couth appearance of Umporary sheet (QMk tBpeargBCi of Urn ,dbwWUnhJhtlf 9mmk w 'Rft M br buUdlng. When lb ytrd a tnaierialsKr Shall be rerV ced to itt proper level -sit avenue sjr'. bated itt tbrubbery growing this wf be en of Ibe most delightful promeaaon of toy country. aav-Toaa rvaa The brig Day, Capf. Tunis,' ai r! port, left Gibraltar on tbe 3d ult. Tha rfA Cardingt 74, wit thtn at Algttira. The btig Hespcr left Alcsiraa on the first of May, for this port, having en "" I j w-,.uH . rxrre-lettf ra from Tampicotothe 9,h of May, mentn an application by. " tL riu-T oi-vtists. ' A young man, a hatter by trade, em 11 . .tr p.oycu . o.ni .o reguute a town ,or I htm Afi W minm tul far . In PwaalAWtntntV In ". r operauon, the denuat injured, tbe jaw bone. Ihe unlonuate man was set at work on Thursday, but was tie xed with the lockjaw during the night and died 00- rrrday. A. Y. Cem.Mv. A shaU onca tb. property iofjiie. 84 horse shoes is considered a good days work lor one man. It appears by the latest Madrid dates (that the Spanish Cetcmejit. has sum-T moned all the Generals who have held posts aince-1810 in the Spanish ultra marine province?, to iform a;iqntaor.the purpose of, enquiring Into the catm which have led to the alienation of the public mind from-the mother country- This enquiry conducted in a prrir spirit fifteen "yearsrara mT(rht"havebfea servieable to theRoval "caused What (benefit is now to be-derived from iu it is difficult to perceive. The South Amen- can provinces are irrecoverably lost to the mother countrrthe wilful and par. terse blindness of iipiiiiji us.Uf . Jiunilj ejLbjLi l9ven of ihe privilegea wbicK might: have beta tj4toitd. by. a- limited - concession a lew vetrs aeo. oince . (commencement of the ttrueclo for free- ariten who know not tne mother country, those who have, acted towards them a . J more matemai part, oavan. ver5"' -U -. ' ' , . .. : Mr, Bank, a member of the B"iih parliament, has received from Egypt manuscripr coat written on papyrus, of a portion r Homer's Uiiadj aiseovejred in the" Island of Ekphantinerpy a Ffeflch " - gentleman traveling Van Mr. Banks in Upper Egypt. ' , ' WA . -. r-t 4

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