v I JtLt n. t:i. , I . ss ii in jf m ii .pi.. mmm mm iim VS tb llVfe U S"f Pfiitt, M ' 41 U eiuadg i UmW f,t ' We U hfttte l U eUJ U j j-fvj tvl Bmt t to ti-U sr. we ke ke tpnJ.kya tLrM b Urea, ith ry hUimj tWaiwirsiiae, tka s' !. al fwvpMM U Xf .Af (,' lawatVw ) ke , bt foe Ike we elewi ke tU (pre, ah8 V ttl'f 4 h iM ke Iwicrtie, OTTOMD JtCJDZMT LOTTtMT, Tkt drawing of lM Lollerv took olee . U P .-ptI7i IMjfJJ Jill i Tk fur UI!ti tire drawn, and kick, U thtlr Mtr orders of coaU miImi datirrow) alf lb prlwi In tbe Lotitry, ir the folio log 1 15. 0. 8, 29. TUi ticket latlng eo It It No. II, t f, tH entitled to tke opiiil priit'o giaooOi mm quarter efh wu eoid U JUllgh,butto wbm wt biT not learned Tkt Ute storm Htmi 10 hsvt been e ry dettritciivt U sey plates U ikii suie At Witbligtoei, (Beaufort county) and ibt adjacent country, be tide Immtptt damage done 10 the wheii ind corn crops. by beating tbcra dotn j Jfil of vettel were itrsndcd, df n ethorf t ttv . JSoioe ft their cargoes will be toteKy destroyed Tbf Washington Recorder states, tbn there vert urwerdl of four thousand bar Tfirer furpenttot on brrd of veiscli that were lost. Tb lid was higher tt Ocrscott aod Plymouth, ibin ever Ufufe known. It Ii i!ited lo ibe National JYnrnal of the 27tb AiU. that general court mat tiki wet to kite ataemMrd at ibr. n:t yard In tbal thy, on e Tib Init. (Tbun day bet) tor Ike M,ff ( w. David Pur- iff. Capt. Jimr ron, to act ai Prei Ucntoftbo cojn. Counterfeit Note., on U,e Tank of rirjrinia. ef the denomination of trt dIUr, a beta detected in Bicbmoml, VlrrinU. b(ac Wtl fl H fffttU a Ifti . tlftttne.ly l)r.L.Xl'clt!j Mr AiV bl H b f iounc til m lvjuf. t.f!.oa, nbUh tlittntd to bf Ibo Id !ilof r lib tbf root! jffinJ atttmWt rd Mfmad to rttnltniti Utty t'O Ish jNtikrfic detlrt fop in Mc Rolti CMitlouaoeo f bt Uetalnct of cJiU and fet)loji I.UMf wllcb t mertIM t'roH dtiKf bit otKbtafe! lo onf foootff Diaebirfet 0 nbttrf bf tbf mllinr; accoreanUd f Itb pianUI ni(c, nrW 01 Interludes to Ibi different parti ( tbi cicrdMi lu tb tourt boiiat,- . . lAboyt i.a)otk"A Urge cetrpaof 4 r.r,M Ni. Yutroufb JiaMOaf 4 teo, ifier'tbo Vloti ai remote Jribe fllo ltj reguUr leotlmenli ero drink to, lnnnered o!ib om rood oongi iJ lotiveoing cootinaUon. Tbo com- pinf retired bout 4 o'clock ootbln biting occorrcd during ibo j to mir tbo fcitltt ind hirmonlogi feeling Lkb oeemcd to atloite ttttj mm prewnt. Ibo evenbg, a flail vei gUtP, obUb n mora numeromlr ittcttcfed lhaa my tbi hit taken rlaco in Siliburv for man yearit all clitet and all icti, ponici pjied, and mingled logetber IH that unity of toclal feeling which ought al aji to cbaracterito Rtpublican Free mt.o. , aiOVLII TOitTI. III. Tbo 4th of Julr I7f6 When Amerkini ceaa to bail ith jot out recol lectkHii tnt returning vn of that rlorioui "r m- tMiine ire uim of the free anl tlie home of tbo brae." 2nd. Waihinition, and Mi compatrloti in irmi on laml and ar aea Tbeir beat monumen't are found In the reftil beaxla of their tounifiiven. When we eao to fDtrite tbtir memories mar jut Mcarcn ceaio to protpor 01. 3rd. The UNION of tbo State Rea red bf tho ImI of Paitioiv cemented-bt rir blood 1 Mae tbo curaei if hate, the blurt of arom," furerer doell upon the wretch who would meditate in ruin. 4th. The KLtTiM new Statei of the Union Legitimate ofliprinir of tho old TMIRTIBK t In liberal principle. and de- oiion to the Union, not leu diktinguithed ban the illuslrioui itock from which ther iprune. Sth. Thd pre tent Adminlitratlon ho Cfeiof Iho American People aro on thm, readf lo applaud or, to Canuro, at CEOSGU e. ik UNITED STJTZS. Wc aro gratified to find, cn peruial of ,tbt Ceorgit poperM0uahojrpQrtif Ujold m.f ir which went 10 echo and auitain Govern or Troop in hit Infljmmatorf declaration! relative; loan Imaginary. fotermr&lling on tho, part of the general government, jn tbo local concert)! of the people of Geor gia; waa laid upon U10 table 1 and to in- 'fr1!?1?1 ei!3 m.,ior',rf lt,e niember al iu Intemporato ityle, and unfounded allegation!, that the Governor'! frieodi direc? not call It op. ikett tVat tr if!i!J ktn'M nj bf tjf ruiImi. I)f Iliiad.of C'ia-Virtue aid lnl!!ijif(f 1 (K I A ktMtda of llf Tbomii Cbamberi, Y.v .',rno ftullviMbo Wiiblngtonof &rj7racr Ua. 0 1 Dr. Join !kti Cn f orf r 1 taie b riao triumpbanl eer Ihf mafiti of bi oncmlei 4 bo ipeedil rtttoetd to command. Up h4r. I. Htek of AKUme Coe 1 roup, and ibo tommltleo lUal sported OA Mi tocietgt I lher , mletaktA Ibi peoplo tim Vlncl4 CorU, from ilivamiri lo IoaliltM, re prTfJ 10 &nmii jree aaUt itmaltf. 7 mr. A.Torrenco Oaf from QCriUt Ut. Hay wbo ba cscUiUi led ao much to the lOWiie 0 it occaUoo, Bf Vr, 5. L. PemndTle wine: of frlendihlpi mif k never bWlfiather. Vf Mr. !:. Cr-C. a. U Kertrto 1 a f . ' mif an nam ever be deir U a repubu caw government, and bit ootUdcidi ban drd down from teneraikm tooencratkin '.nf Mr. A. J. Kellr-Corf. Decatwrr I Dower of tho ocean, wbkhi bad il rxn been plock'd al ao vmlmclf kour, wouhi ever nivo proved wonat to decorate the eolera of libertf . Dr H. II. Ale under, Eao-Imk Me- Ine, of Delaware j an booeai and dinin- gobbed ataiiamew. 1 Dr D. F. Caldwell, FaoOur mera- bl fellow cititrn. Gen. Muntbrt Stokeii oldlcr of tlo RevoJutioo, and la! Senator in Coryrati j active ind tealon in the fotmer, honeit and indtpendent Id the latter. fif Hamilton C. Jonei, tan . the do itical wiadom vf Ale lander Hmiltun ; mav it ever do to ibe feet of American ! evm.. pUl.. f cloui ; daf , -.4 a puiar 01 llama Of Dtrt rr M i'"l If VevTV, fltaiwl t t ta oe i,4 J tVe CWW wair U rM ft-fii. Vo- W MiailMi U.t t a4 l.e t Im'-le dMMM,MbN Ii fcf We Tot ihe yjf,t . Ajiint it, n Ult Itl.ttttTt UFU4IM1U k tae r l t JiOrr, k I wOia. aw Uf tK 4 uTt W. !! AUi.Ur W.ffkt All kv ri. Aaifif , 0. '(Midi tJctfel ttifwa lla I. H!) Joa lliftNr r1r rtn.kf r f a4an PhiI )Ufr fWe faWi Marrt C'aae " W aa, Uwaa . IWtM Maka Callow KfajoH'f Igatmt If, 41 1b Mwati re d..t in f.ffJi rMr4 bad Atlt4 1 fifiU , t,j4 tit f, bi x.t am g ffwa g u l m,. . CKf, w, tmW t 1 jta, lit , llfia. aPaAaaUe.ai. II. , , ' T Nwima vttS4 4 aW of Ue fUiiJmoe. A met Um cowtaio a Itarraa r.f Rai . ' n". (... . r .11 Parunm RrcoUK, TwbUh alTu.di inoiker I graufilagvldoAco f ai. wU-. aoJih- itw fftilgbi. Tbir decree, After acknow-(K"V4 omp Ud(mg tbal Ibe IjHicaitcrlao ivnem of CtaJ.CM a .1 I - aiutation It la nxu ateedr and affae. fiul for ibo peoftHMlan of publk loMrwe lion, provide! thai tbert ihill bo aitab llihed In ihe capital of each department, a oenwo fAxV. oo the Loncaetaflaai ava. lam, for ibe aopport of which the oecea IVf lurxli ihaU bo provldtd. b prw vlnco ihall aend to th depanmeotil icbool al leett i children, in order that they mif hereafter citend tbo i;itea lo tverf pan of the puWlc. One of ,the 6rt ictt of ibo Conitlto. ttooal ConKrett of Pern wet the pattaRe of a retolu'inn j'me to Dniiear ika 111U of father ar.d Savior a Vrw." The Libentor U lo enior oe roetoallv tbf title of M Preiident of the republic" K X- !f!. . - . . ,m -v uimii, over ana aoova IDCirpaf , art roicd 10 tbo army. 3 llua, ake Mtntlfe tt VH f ji I !. :ji.k4 i)f ti,4l W(a D..'.4 fwerle J 4. MiU tl-aUlH MrOtU " . htt ie Maw8 1 fafW. Wwi. y&ori. ' !uJejCA.'li,'rT bkehr itfld Jre rhaXrf Jn Crr. Jaaapn rM.t;e M-ea. IlKlrf ianwa Vk. Jv4mi Kit'w Jaaaaa rUa t-oxt farle. War rMlia Tritt Tfif Mik rn: RaflMMl tMrriiw r Mr. tifcwkawr t-HrWa OlrmV J-f Gamao iulnofl (.rant. OriaiaNoulikiw. 3 lie rr IlirliU.rli. t jAa Itoff, Jiph lUitaa fno Ihirtirt larW'Wa- Mr. iU, hk itwn. '- Ht rmiiipa hXrf Pt faaeaar f aria PaM r4ce oUfaol IViajM frarwao Waa. rnkM,)f. f'aihartM NWUaaaitBj rtathati ,ky Jaae VT, Ummf. fJifaWilt aaite F.rtie tmiiH AiSMf ;) WiRuiai aiiH Oorfa Miiih Jna II. Iiruih Jalta imiih Tobiaa kraiiH Alaiaadrr atrptn IWmaa Anwioa, JeKn Kirr iJkm fttvat tMliarun taMal W. tM.kri AWtandrr rirwjepoo Joint r. Tattur, 3 Alrf liim Iwwl TomnriAn Tho Bunker', f,U mSumrrt it. it I aid, to be a column of aranite. 2$0 feet high with o circular al.irV.v ,o ,He top, fSTST K'. In coat ii eitiroited, at 71,000 dolUra.. ' juiis wiUJAMbO.v. TU Treawn nf th lfJ crattr (4 AorthXarvliaa. baaw ttalmd tkm Mar. Wax lluotier OrotVaaot1 a kartnrie it, I in tUe placa vf tho Kev. t a, kuUjtk, rtMxwrtL Iiufr. ia it-mi Ue pnAMTty af Rtitlta W'itlta. on, (kcar4 ' a cr.it of nit month wilt be pproai atif rty.' Umiantrattr. fRot3 fur Salt. VDOUT My XXtWytnaOES aUIbe aJ.I on looU) anil l uraUy, ihe tat ami 2nd cta a of AufyuK, ! U Jt.Xurouj-h, N. C. it be. ln th wrtk cf W ilkc i ccunty court M. siowr.s. Jut S. I25. ."tfer Tho houie of.rrpVesetUatlvci adopted a 'cmWiIoji, calling on Gnr. Troop to com (5 in The Americaa Nave C lie nal- riotiam.and galiantrf, it Ixai erected a pillar of national glory, that illuminei the ocean, and 14 Will latt till eternity rocki on in bate." fih. Tho Anpf of the U. State Small n numbrrt, but powerful in apirit, akill and tcicocc. Sth. Our aiiter Republics of South memo I netr valor arxl ievoion to country, prove them worthy of the hh boon of Libert? : may witdnm and litjr r.l priricipfea, illuvrnHe-the ala ul Xhtit future hhtory ?tb. Grcect After tJv Mombtf of agea, ahe a wok um a. K"nt from rett t Cir.1RLKtT(XV.fM2$. The naat week wat one oTauca r.rrral inac. tWity aa to rrwder uimece-ary a pvrmlar de tail. Tlia brrMid ka urr4 when frvW 1-V. en, am! rth the eaornttoo of Cuftwi. thera ' 11 T irtue of a Drrd of Trwt to me rtretjted, will be little dotie in the waf cf booae utrtJ D the cnenin of the J"atl Trade, ' ( l Qauttt. Tru&t &ar. Corn acute, and in food rfjertt. iWarrifV, In tU county on ibe ?Ctk ah. hf Benjamin Hownl,.F(a4. Mr. Jockey Janef Ssatb to alua Ann Hca.1t. ',Z" ... , -. - In Mceklrnhirr)f emintr, nnbe Sth inrt. by llHrh J. ai'C'ain, Tm. lr'. Mlu lllrd, nf Lanca' tcr clitric. s. c. to Mra. Im-nn.h WCain, of wij, be at a credit of tclre mon'tha and bv Mon i dirt Stnkrt ami lUihcl Ii'm ifr, and fur the purpoae'e therein mrmionrj, I ill aapoac to public talr, on the l day of Atguat Mr. lieullr Amhona Hatch iNmjrUa f. llaWn,3. Wincy Jrtar. iUr kiuUr , Jiihn fcuijlit Michird krrr Jamrv Kinradc, 3 )Un Kratlcr fiitiip KrrM liracl Killrlnw, Haq. Grwgt KrUUr i'clar Kent eww'jn fl 9mu John 'ail Mr Wall lltnry C. Wimlr re Jacuh iVeaaer.a , J. V. WtlU, ra-i. j W. W alton ' John T. Welch Hie llrin of Leonard Joarph W illiarftl William Wert lUrrta Touna;. MWlitO, RI KVM. f. W. t litlttrs . Rr.MAIMNU in I ha Po-t OfCca at Conrortt, N. ran.l.rw. on tiara I at tlay of Jul), 18.J. W itliarn Anlrei. John licke writ, at the cwurt-novar In wilkatboro', twa revcraJ Iraett of land, aUioioiaf tka " arU ., ano i) ire on tbe V ad kin rWtr and Coh crok, contiimnr, In all, ahemt one thousand JtCttaVThf .! aredptrablr, a wrB on aceoM e ike.larye nnantiry nf vaVal7e1oir froumia men Bur embrace, aa Uieir pronmity V tbe flounihing viUaf e of U ilknboro'. 1 hey two yeara. Such pcrannt aa are dciirtme of wir chaainf, can we aaid landa on or before the day of aaie, by applying to 0. Biokr. - . IX f. CALDWELL. To.. , Pt. - WW M -m. KMHI Wlia I " v.. -i..jn ina marcu .01. tier .ipirii, majr tne tram- be founded hit declaration! again! the, pie io pircei the Crescent o beVorpnEV general government. Accordingly, the:0, n$ P,,rit ,ne banner of Freedom Cor. transmitted a me.,., infnrl .w ln 0 00 h,H 04 her c,"'c part of hii rwmff.But It 018 excellency, as those who do not, to fiod that ht bai produced nothing like cv wence nothing but bald amnion. It turn! out worio than we ctpected, for the Gov. Wo did not think that all was the niero vaporing of a disordered imagina tion. But ao it ii. . . i-..-1'BEEMEJirs FESTirJZ--- . The 49tK anniversary of tho Declara tion of American Independence, was cel ebrated in. Ud town iav purauaneo of pre vious arrangements) on Monday the 4th instant. A procession was formed in Ihe grove & It JkaVAAIBaA AaulLaH I- - k- tiv iiu ft jiVwTUVTIllTv UOUI IT T7 vIOCK mm CapirCilea1' companv of Salisbury Light Infantry in front, thr clergyman of tho Jay, tho orator of tho day, th reader of thd Declaration of Independence, and PrtJEf thr wmmlttee ofarringemenu, immediately following; next caino a large id brilliant collection 6T Ladies, succee ded by the rest of the committee of ar Rgements,nd a numerous train of cit- Hens. In this order the srocessl lanL lOtlv Agriculture, Manufactures and much surprize those who wish to justify! Commcrte Tbo three Rreat Interests of our country t mutually dependant on each other for support and existence thr aforementioned countr At the hoiie of Mr. Wiilaira Viatx, in Lin foln Cfiint on IhtT.d int bjr M F. Ilrevard, T-. Mr. John Itarrkin to Mieahaney Johmton, all of Lincnln conn'r. Alao, on the tame ilar. at Jamct II. HouateVe, IX). Iredrtl county, by James Jt. Ilutu'on, Fan. Mr. Jeaaa Bilry of Lin. ottln, U Uia Sally UWko-wf Mrekh-nbnrjr. A ho, the week preceding, at Mr. Clem. NanU'a, Mecklcnburj county, by JJ. W'. lavtlaon, Caq. Mr.' Henry Jolinaloa to Mia Nancy Nanta, daut'oltr sf the fir atmed gentleman. Al n, . i i mi' r i , ' at vonn I on)nn,i uq. unrotiTooirrrror r -, - - - - j-k- i..J--fJi ' iLnJ 4 l0 he enamnir year, and otUr nc : ' -:r,:VJ :';:""Vo"t: r- . r bunea. trwaacted. A rtneral ,ttende t I'll? Vf MllaUIIw, 141 1 fj Ul a CW.csissf 0, J 1 tlftll-M I I . i , . i ipictfully aolicited. . t . T ' .1 n . . n k - a . I PJmm Ibnlel DtackVcUlcr Jacob Doaton Daniel Bradford. Hir C-r.j.lr.11, 2 Moart CUy. Hrnry Dolon f Alaiander Darton IJiMWh f. oby laaac Dana. John 0. Tennr. John Ooudi..an Oorgx iAMxifBin f'rancit (.lata laaac t.r-. John Hall IredclJ Coiintv Uibto .Society. rrillF. annual meetinf; of thr aocicty will be X in Statrirille on Momby the firt ilay of A . . . a- ".. . . Aiiginx. a cncoure will he delivered on the neiaMAri bv the Ker. Jame StafTonl of Thvaiira. .;. tepaat wjll.be prKPtd.,f'fliccri ("rfxlfrrt Lipe. Jame K. Mnrtjan Abigail Mnrraww Rji-liard Mart in John M. M Mcr Jamrt McClain Natbl. Montrrlb. Joeph Nirwler, Henry C Owen, Samuel Purriane John II. I'liifer. . I'armenio Rofjers Marjvet Reed John W, Keed. Jacob Stirewalt to M"i AIo, hy John F. Brevard, Eafl. W. larrtel Atkin: ton.., late of Virginia, to Mi I'ttny Faulkner, daiif(hternt Mr. Nichoua Faiincnei, or uncnm Cotiaty. Alao, by John Abernathy, FX, air. Aaron llafrer ti Mi-a Louricna S. Steely, daugh ter of Lovick Steely, Ehj. all of Lincoln county. proceislon mo- ved down Cross toiam-street, thence diyrging;"up:M the court house; when the companv defiled to the and left, and entered the court-bouse t the north-west and south-east doors at the same time. Thn Ra. Mr. Stafford P?.ned ihe.semcei by deiiijut and fer- Dtmaroguet would clevite the.one on the ruins of the others Slatttmtn would af ford equal and fust protection to all. I Jth. NeYth Carolina A ? amendment of her Constitution, a steady prosecution of her public works, the adoption of a iu dicioua ayatcm of Public School, will in lure her prosperity at borne, leipect and honor abroad 1 2th. The University, and other Sem inaries el Learning in the Slate The true nnnenes of Freemen : Knowledge is the best sale-guard of Ireedom : Liber ty and light, art the twin ofTspiings of Heaven. a . if r a istn. ijur fair countrv women : ! It M A P aMvw" IH4iy, 4)vdf CrM' ments be mbdntu and vittue : when m at: roms, like Cornelia, may they be enabled to point to their offspring and say, " these ara r t a lawaawmlaa vaivwiil JV Will nun, inr Ivt, Mr. MiLea Mo Li-In tbe 21 rear of hi gr, aon of Capt. Thomae Mull, of this place. On Tueaday, the 28th n. Mr. Robert lackey, aen. in the frth year of hi a-e, an old Revolu tionary Soldier. The deceased had been a man of uncommonly robiitt constitution, and had aU most uniformly enjoyed good health, until with in a few weeka before hr deeeaee, when be be fran to complain of a difficulty of reiDiration. He, however, continued to move about with hi .1 . uauu iibj, n it ii wu very uiicorgrniin ior one of hie ere and on .ihe day of hUckajJk. bal vtitted aeveral of the neigfbbon at their hetnee. He waa atrain walkincr on a visit to the hooac of hi ao, 4n ewrtpany-a-rth an ai?qusiiirjrnTe71i'en he wu fuddenly arrested by the hand of death. A be walked, he wu observed to Hagfter; he Wi cautrht and aupnorted until be could be laid comfortably on the ground, wbn be almost im mediately expired. The followins; ire all the volunteer towti we have been enabled to collect, .'a ware abeant hroro UieTubleben tie vohtnleert. wertdrtHili'i and, coniequently, sotne of them may have esca ped us. t; By B. F. Caldwell, EiriiJohn Mar alni'rthlefstte usefulness. By Mr. P. Newton De Witt Clinton, grand master of engineers in the U. S. ; nis vaoras ot internal improvement have no equal in any country. Bf Mr. M. Fi." Revell The voters of North-Carolina ; in future elections may the v distinffuih bet ween x andklatcs wbo mt prayer; the Deeliritloti cf Indepen; have the love of count ry. atiieari, andj Slnirmlh SuluO, IH23. ten A correanondent of the U. S. Gazette, state that a Mr, Magee, tight fttt tutu iuclut high, from the eoiiifVy of Tyrone, Ireland, has arrived in that city. (And ia to be exhibited, we aiippoae.j Prince Mural hal arrive! at Near. York, in w owsj Hetpar, from Cette, TvfenW DoWara iltViuttV. RAN aiay from the auben her, (livinr abmit five mile weat of Lincohiton,) on the 26th nay or mar, nrgra oaj namcu bII.I ahout SO yeara or t, dark complexion, about five feet aix or eight inchra high, eyt coniIrrably sunk in hi head: be hii no other particular marks except a arar on the inaide of hit Irft thigh, occasioned by the cut of a knife, and several large warts on hi face ; he had on ( hen last seen in the neigh borhood) blue broadcloth coat and pantaloon j he wu raised in the nciehlvirhood of Peter. burg, in Virginia, and it ia probable that he ia rvweto-eet back arajfK - Ihe above reward will be-given by me, to any onw that w4J deliver j k: . .' l ; ...,.. I nun w me, or iu .jei.n JlinVMl anyjuii tQ.UiliJ i can gci mm again. viiakl.c.9 sikill. Jutv 4 A, 1825. 4tf)9. Iioci. John P. Havnes Jane bhina Margaret P.. llama. Daniel Speck. orge Krirlcr Jahie IT. Wbite." kichard King. . John Vowman. tK D. RTOItKK, r. V. REMAINING lo lie .Office Lexington," Da vid on county, N.C, July Jet, 18 Ji. John' Bittinf nn Hiinngt w'iluTm Uuticr. or Green Maiee, 3 Kemp Carey Brantly Coggin FJi Coble. Margaret Daniel. Kev. W ilie Clli Richard Kilt. Jacob ajobbli:. Johri T.xmeltmair Meuben Holme. Ilajnblin Jordan. n. D. ROl'NSAVILLE, P llerry Mikel Amoa Mrera, Andre Myers. Jordan Panah lMac Pyne. John Hichard .Nthan Wiley, rfonn rimmon Jacob Sink V. MlLLaktMiftviLLEtJUVl 33. Gen. Gainea had a meetintr iih the ehirfa of me ttjciiui illume- -u inoua opnnga n the 20th inat t but nothinr wtifctorv wit ef. TflE Copartner-hip heretofore, existing be tween ihe mijiicriber, under the firm of J!lrmr U Jtk, it Uii day ditaoKed by mu tual consent. .. AILpeiaom indebted to ua are re- quested to eotue forward, and make immediate payment ; and those who have any demands, will present them tor payment I k. bwrinet of the firm will be settled by Ezra Allemong, who ia authorized to make act- tlementa and grant discharge. KZKA ALLKMONG, flEQHGB LOCKaW - Um. A way IJVROM the aubKriber, on the 3d of April lea, an apprentice boy, bound to me, abmit 17 veara of nee, by name .Mnrr Smith. wiD o-ir five cent rew ard for aaid boy. All persons ara forbidden to trust him on my account, u 1 will not pay any debta of hia contrctint-. Jkt tha same time 1 forwkrri all person from harboring hirn, giving him meat or drink," or emptoyihg ' ' widbny: JOfl.V BL'RKHART; '' " June 30, 1S2J. , If Rook lWnAltig Itaneft8. Ill IB subscriber bega leave to inform hia . friends, and the public in general, that ho ha commenced the Bvtk Binding fiuiinet in Salfin. ftortn t.arnlinii uheru may ba had, en maye cbiitjnuo To liti pre on the 2ith, j om kl.l. u . , . luiui.wRinrf noijiearo., . llio Creek Arent. Col. Crowell. hu meen suspended i and the anecial ir nt of thd a-ov. ernmenf,''Maj. Andrewa.'li direharging,jt4nipo.. rariij-, me utiue or Indian Agcm. ' Gov, Troup, in compliance with a remiVtion from Gen. Gaines, haa ordered all the voltnW-r corpa of infantry and cavalry' attached to ttie 4th. 3th. 6th and Tth Division, to hold the aelvea m-readintM to marn it i aumteJ warning. ; . 1 SoMurfiJUs 1, 1823. 65 EZILV ALLEMONG ' Retnrn hii mtwtmneerethankjtn the public m general, u wrura, imi norm inem 1 Stock of Merchandize of Allemong fk Locke, which it now vifry'com. plete, havinir rlmt received a fresh itinnlv from Charleston, andhich he oilers tbr -nil ipn- tne most reasonable terms at the atandtormerly occupied -Allemong k Locke, at the north corner of the coort-b"tc. The favort of tbo'e who patronize him will be thankfully acknowl edgecWthey may depend, that every exertion qn UU part wr!l be med to give general satisfaction. the shortrtt notice all kinds of merchants ac count Books, and Llank-Work vf every deicrit. lion, and n!4 book rebound. s . DAVID CLEVEI. Salem, June lOfA, 1825. 3n,75 State of Nortli'Cnrolina, 'e'flJkllPafffftJt fctftft'Jj?sw1wwTiveaflSl(i' COURT of Ph-a and Quarter Sessions, April session, 1825. Henry Dela.nolh v. Ann C. . Smith, Willi Nail, Jane P. Nail, and Caroline Kv Nail rortgrti,! attathnwtc leyied.-nn -lands. It appearTng that the defendanta ate inhabitants of anoUMSiutate rGdttidA.9)bteiii)a o made in the Western Carolinian, printed in SalUbury, furtbree.nmrrU, tliat .unlcjs the cVtn . . fenduhta appear at the next Court of Pleat and ifuarter Bornon to be h ld.Jor the county of Montifomery, at the court-house -in Lawrence vills, on the first Monday in July next, replevy and plead to iwue, judgment will be entered again-t thamt Cir the amount of the pIsititYfT's dcmannVandthc pripcMy Itvied on will be condemned and "Sold to his recovery. ' Test r-JOMN B. MAR I IN, C. c. a. Prioter'aftevgji ntft .-4 -5 ...1

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