- I J V V- , 4 r V-l . I . .. . .i c ' " -ft i ' t ".. V I , . 4H4V 4$ V"w 't; i -4 . .24'. 4 4 . . . - , , i., ... , 4f . - v. " :.r: -'.. . 7rf-' 1 f I.: vs.,.! ... t ...w a. . .. 44 - I tU-4 4-l Mfc 4 4 M L 4 t J4 f M. Jf4Mit4 l Vtl, In ak h ui t M UIT- & 44 ft &4 tUJ af.ULn, Ul tl yVt i IW 1)4 Cnaf . M4 1 Wf 14, f taW iMs, 44 fktl ike aa- 4 4.J afw 10 T9 U tl W(i If m Ut (Uii tm U- ,1.1.11 r4-.ix itiku X N 'tiJt Alt iM tr4 iir U IW Hat. uM llbtfvH W TVV, ' ftlrftjttV or ftlultn i4, Ay htm h J rnm mJ Una t ittruui COWAN. Han 4lwn If, aba 3 buU bW IWrUk font, l IS ol rtcalUUi) 4 ft vWtU ipcik la fit Mpil k itMMrt my fiia 1 4 kUtrt 3 J r 44 xa 4gi i ft rM(li caprMr, l kiri curw Ut hi kp. 4rtrt fti, Ud r InMi - roiiit7, (. C, m Cut ft Wm, nd 9 c1ijmx wL. immJkv I. Bi EJL9. f It. WIT --lloA - Vollct. X 4 U Morptu, UkJUf Mm fifty f Cris 4fiM4 I 4M44 H1JU 4Hlk4Ml i A. II. Krvia or Juha f MdJrnh,ta Morrt:o4,4r lUtf fwwfi 44J ftotct miv b fjuiij la tk UaJ W 44 oActr ht t4Qcupft. A. IL tHWIN. JNO. M DDtHTlI, JUtArlftU Mm4rilCr.T,4MiirJyrronBc, t t4Miel Tovattaj P wrick MaAre. Jotrph ' Orio4 and athem 44rWr4 an4 coocnlrd hy ike aud SuBuct Tovaoemi, 44 Uka inta Iim po I4iii04 Under prrtefiM n 4brlmrtf het frUoH 444n the ITlA of Marcfa k-t, tu Crn4-of b ttK tiboft Bme4 Jftffi Orrtfl, bo fact la taa cafMcky of 4 4lJar." 4i Pr(f ry i aow ia the 17ia year tbcr iCf,! sjJJJe iie, 4bout A feet 4 or S inches hirh, Uvln j built, of yellow complexion, ery Likely, f- nuliv, and ery Iree njtokf n ilie ometimci calli herietf Piny and fia of late pre- leaded ta a7 it.- ahau free Van. Pern tnay ba Kaovi br any one 4bo cotteerary 4ivh kef. by UlTmjr ho haa rmi-ed her, and uf kif.t Inr kcr. aWd behind, who name m Uua. It 1 f, tupiM4r4 that ak4 ia auU, ot eWealed la aofMiMrtof tbeeonntry. -Artjertrm firidirr trhera h4 K ' r'", Information by letter, .directed lathe tibrr:ber, briny; in lirncll ' cHatrictf ot to ilr. lac Fraxier. in Columbia, . - 4 ahaH receWea rrward nf rrrntT-ri 4olbr4r and ir Iht aid Onton ami Pegiry be found to gclber, and apprebeiuleil, 40 tint tlte vilUuie can be brought to justice, ait)' poif or per. ton, to apprrhenJinjr them, ahall receive a re- trr r jy AKSAX, tl7. tt7 tatc of North-Carolina, COt'RT of Phaa and Quarter Sessions, April 1 " the lower atory, and two in the upper : the actsion, 1823.. Henry l)ela.Twth u. Ann C home ia hrye arid convenient, witb a kitchen, Smith, Willia Natl, Jane P. Kail, and Caroline amoke-hmise, eom-housc, ami stal.le, with an . Nail 1 orlgioai attachment, levied on lamb ' excellent garden and back lot, all in )rnod' re. It appcariiifr Ibat the ttcfendants are inhuU'snts pair, I will dispose of the aume on tha mot of aichcr state, OraVrwt, that pubKnim,be!roommo am made irs the Western Carolinian printed indeermThed to remove" tn trie cbuiitrj- next FalT. Salisbury, sbr three months, that unlew the del Salitharp, ,tri726, 1825. 55 frndanta appear at the next Court of Pleas and - K. R. 1 also retptest all person who have any j "thwrter'flesnoni to k hetdfor'the counrv of'drmarKla arainst me. to call and receive their -lowty,oiiKry,- at the tottrt4biise"inlAwrehce.f villi, on the first Monday in Julv next, rrplevy and plead to kue," Judgment will be entered Bjfainit'them for the aruountiif Jtbe f ploini iff's demamt, 4th tht properly levied on aul ba condemned and told to his recovery. . . Test 1 JOUN B. MAHTIM.co.e. State of NortJi-Carolinii, tutDBLL rivxrr. COURT of Pleas and" Quarter Session. May term, 1825. Weatky KeynoU and Cfl. te. Robt. Wetmoretindi orieinal attachmeut. la. . Vied on land, and Nathaniel Hobba siimmoned as .rnwtTe :mWjeairrocwMf IKUiCTlun 01 lue loun, umi uuuen tvesimoreiana. ' the-defeiidant, hat absconded, and is not in this state, k is therefore ordered, that publication be IMde for three month Iff the Western CtroJI- niarv sJiat unlets the defendant appear at t lite next court .te be held, at 'the court-house in ' " Statesville," Wtbe in AujjpH nex, judgment entered according 4o hi demandv--3rot7i ; ROB TV bIMOM ON, Clk. 1 . - Wanted to Hire, 1 .1 i.j 1 A NFRO woman, as a .house aervant, .for IL whom a liberal price will be fciven. For further fofinmatkuv apply at this ofnee. . .Ma9iU25. - - ST " i;-u ' v. . . : 4 J J f4.. ,, 1 J V- - . - iiwli I f J I U. I ! iv tiiutnOMOuca. .v. ctMouyj. MMR lit. liM. f ..AHi Val IUmIK K4 4M 4f A44f yM8rt.M fr 44 -M-4m. lfct tWt 4 01 tft li-fc.r. 44 mm tmms 4 Wvi f Tt U Mj k IMhAlt U ! It iKWwt. 1V i 4J rH,J x (4 an lU (U ai tha m ir yfi4 LUmmJ 4h4VW 41 a ftff.of 4lM.k li hUnUft 44 Uk4 4i44 4 4-4 fvHrmUf tb(wlA4. Utm. f44ifc ! 4 ftfn4 M 14 t- (14 U Ca l'ai4rK. 14 AtlrtM o4i U d.l'lr4 4V4 t 14 n, 4j 4N aJt W Uit4 ay tW 1 M'') ao af of 44 of 1S4 rtfUr tki tUt ril 44f 4.lr4 &f UmM K44 U,'Ct kl4 4- UJ a 4Wia 44 Antral 444V4Im. I Am, 1 Wiy IUUh yr 4Mra, a f lew Cr arMos, 14 44 !;! h 4JtMt. 44 4Mf 44 Kl at Tea Do!: pet awa. taa raeroo-a of Ike nmf A atrace oo ita M lvUe Jlf, tt! JoMM fcOlM.tlrt. Am llil. mt-UAM Htltirr.l. HY tifao of a lWt of rrwt la at eieaulM, 47 Htm'.44t Iil4k a4 ticket 4 npuM 19 pil4 1 W, MdMHibf Ar Mil, lU COUftMMM Mt UiavOfV', Mtml Irtof ImmL 4tUr U UmU cC mmI I tare m, t4 Kif U ThILm ri 44 Cub ktomiw nf tne erf ahmu a utit ww frot 4 4kH U Jrr, 4t iHrir prviimKr wDmi mU 4t 4 cv44 4 twe r 44J ! r4 trs. tcli pmn m lUrtmK of pr t ham f , cm r sbmI Wtfa 4w or k4ut Imj AtJ tt 4kk( fc ppljSnf 14 Ck4. 4'OtCt. U. f. CJtLUn LU. TrutUf. Af . I75. : ' - 3if - ftlud Uotsc for : ON lU Tarvhjr U Bar4 Auru4 CMirt actt, 4It ft4-U.U the eoofth ie m m dkchr 8 fad hw.at. (4 lM)The prooenr of H iiba too, Acmi 1 a croLt f aino bmniiIm ill be fivorv r.ift)r bo4 oHW ffwe4 tecMriij. -ff 9, :3 3t'S THY. 4Hb-ribr bere lra4 to infirro bit i-mJ, nd the public in rcneral, that be Lae com-irnJ the 6k IUmmg ttimntm ' SWth, Kortb C'arU'aai hcT tme ba bad, m tb4 ahoetral aoltf, all kineof tnercbvia ae count IWx.k, end BknkU'ork of every Ua-crip. Ituo, ana U bwu reuvuno. . . ftWP ctr.rw. Coach oMakln luilnt88. rrtlfE aubteriSerf betcva tlnf rfa the citi- irrn tif Salidmrr, an.! the rubfe at Irw. that they tvt commeeceJ tha above Ikjiiih-oi m tH of KoMtare,-"- Mw ret, welt huuc L( rth ut wf tLc ji , Wr ibew 4 ill 44 prepared to t if cnte arj Job at their hne of buii acs on the tbtrtrt "atice atxl wM reaonehVr tterm. Ibet Late oa band, ami aillkrea.l'ai iicl and M -k (JK Slllkej!. ftc. . 7 ' . t , , of n-t q .-d.ty M any rvte in lUo placo. l'' ni had hv apply wy; t ilhtit: and they hope by afnrt attrn- ,w rvier iuarC , puu..b palrocsxtf H I ain of any kind i11 be done in a neat and- liartdome t1e. Ordert from a dwtancu I -nr.,.! J MM-, t... 4 tU be jtvaiikfully tataived. an.1 MMkllr.M.'i 'Jffeft&'kt&r cuted, by the public humble renanta. i ... . ' r viper mmMne Voncr In the course Of tw 4 W &i.',Atr, Jnt 9fA. 1R0S. BROWN. 62 ltt, M31 Salisl ?UHKh:er's ly ne:rhbor1 Tfotiae and tJbf Ia the tmm ifi Salisbur)', opposite Mr. Vim. II. home of aniiumnent. in rHilorhord, and p( nrruty . :se house tatwo rtories hieh, ith foiirCre places py 1 arid those who owe me, by booV account or otherwise, will do me a-favor by callins and . .. ..... 1 . - - - --,..'' cuniif meir aci mini!". u. M Statc.otJorth-C CAiAKkVS CWKfTr GOURT offlcaj andJjuarttfr Sessions, AptU Tettn, l25f Alexander T.ltusiel v. Mar. vil Surra 1 oncrinal at tachwent, levied on land It appearing to the court, that. the defendant is not an inhabitant of tbia state, it ia . Ordered, therefore, that publication be made in the Wes. tern Carolinian three months, rivinr notice to defendant tu appear at; our next court of Pleas ami Quarter Sessions, to be held fbr the cUrnj, Cowkffi ivuru, wn uiu ju nvnunj 111 juir near, 10 repic- kU.. :.:.i4 1 , VI UV.lll, VI 111 I W laC JIHllMIIVIIi Will t- a I . . 1 . dc vnicrru ajpunai mm, anu exrcuiion swartica accordingly.. DAS L, COLlMAN, c c. e. PTinter'gfre. f4. - 3mt6 ' MoTITOrlatlm WdVesboro!. tmibe Jth inttt a negro man ho savs hit nirtne it PETER and that he belongs to, George Tub kcraon of Patrick or Henry eourtty in. Virginia. He is bout29 year of age, firefeet ten inches hic;h, blacV complexion, and slender made. The owner is renuircd to come forward, nav .tloMn.a Anil !... k j""1 b ' wit mill hwpt. . - - - - -CHAI!tE4 fUllf &Jmkn --JanelTth, IB:j; 3t67, ,t 4 t ,(t i.l im t oi.tul AJrnwr h it r1,4 rejuttf tit it Lhtx'i'ja fm i to 1K4 )U al 1f. ;.r ,.Tii fthr(e'TtttIf I'.l 11 ttjtf u4 ia tk4 U-utt tt Ixrdi tt lb l( 9 HJif 4.liy tf 4f. Il I UU J ll.al H 414 ! b moU tni mu4tn 4f4rt(U4 ihti kti ten fjt nuf ytirt. f M j-'iUU Inuri l iff m 4 futil t Vljn bluh. T J40f .f lU tl4t lxfJt vtro tt tUf (4 Ir tttifJ frtn q ttrty aur U Ul trfMt 4 bn rpelied, M fctf ptl Mi'i 1V4 ruvk fof JmKilo aa to 4o4f HiM trtrado. Al 4f Lordtitha Ugl4f hu4llm44Ul4- ! Jnxr4 to ! DitMAikni" book, ati4 tter4'II tfii'arCl.l5UM rJn Ibt ifttww U lMB'iil.-Hli iimpl tt mUoc4 ky Let Jtrf, Lord IJlaMMifDUtBt kc t but teri - uia retaona fbr b umi. thi ixtcli c( ika Dutitf of Tk, tbUb kt uU an ikt Catbette qurttlcn, kat txn tHnfcd Ifl fcrt a fttvf It ffrc4 VA 4al ftl 71 by ika Lcodua) Looltellert. Tt t till Ufofi Ptl4mpt, ot iht tubjcrt of lk Cuttomt, 3 fpaj 465 aclt cfPttlttmepl. Actounit fttta til pattl of lh fovnlry rVprt scat lk prticnt if ring tt lh notl ptomUint ihtrt b4tf for ininy yttta. AtlHltU'l coinry nt uicn jucf for ciportitlo to h Uitlittt ColoaJtt, to igpcnrdt !4ar,Kf. Intkt Irntof fommorncflth4 I lib of Mty, t nlof maHt ii rrpttl iht inl4 Ui. f'o'J artrr AoriL UH en, i-.n.iujlom Ucro m jo lty 0f37 is-jt.u It. It it lUtd, tl til tnnc'tnera wnicn bate taken tM bt4rn lf.OT6nnel fid kfr. u -iry, ht .win oy ihe mfdlaiitjfi ntVoinf common friendt. MlnUurt Ha4 comtstnlcatcd three re p. pert tt prltitneBt, f conttdm ble lmroninc. from Iho foffiip 4tpn ment. 1 kt frit wat trtaiy tJk Ruv ttUlinr I (Jitpmtd clalmt hlcb eiMed, iiktK44 locortJn Hbta of irjdt and! BitiMiofi In the r'ne. 1 he terond wat treaty between EngUnd and Sveeden. ptotldinu hj lb ettablUh ment 0 the -mtiail tlfl of aeartk for ih more eBcctul wppretlo.t of Ihe ttate trade. The third, the oftkl! duett mm of the ircatv of amity nd com merre Ketvern Dtglmd and ihe United St-itet of La Plata. When Mr. ('annint; laid the latl of ihttt parrt before the koute, Ihtre fre lonj end luod checrt from all tides of ike house. Tho health of ike Kint; of England wni considered lo be In a tery prectrioos -TKeLwHlon iMpere apetki a-rita (hit year lo ike popularly of the Rev. Mr. Irrlne. A Mr. lleown, who preichei in St. Gilea Churchr it lb fashion. il it represented la be, in m.nnar and stria, a strlVmi; centrist to Ihe Scotuih qpovtlc. . ?a!arir cf Judgrt. In the Hie of rommoni on the I6:b, ren. nunn past fd In raise the "tilaties of lheJud;cs, in stead of leaving them to a small fixed siiLrr, and other precarious sources ' he taUrifs of the Judtjct ofthe'RingV Oerh was raised from about- 9Q0Qt to 10.C00 1 t!o-lief-Just ire of 'Common picas to 6000 rMasttr of the Rolls 7000 ; Ch. Huron of the fxrhequer to 7000 : ! ( KiKe'tof from 5000 to 6000 ; and the the ilelMte on the war and marine budget! the min- itler rif marine Staled, that aivrrr VfTnrt nit wasl.kitvivri4rlr4emittei toieTrlwni'."i Speeultic.sic tivbt.. .ad prevent the continuance ol the tlsve i trade- AH tutpttted vettelt were watch- 1 cd sirh.tly ; and whenever any of them eirtrea French hirbours, their ctrgoet were closely examined, and if any thing wat detected by which it could bo in fee- red that they were intended to transport negroes, they were detained, and their raptaint and pirpnetort prosecuted. .The king is entirely occupied with prepara tions for hrt coronation. " It Istinderttood that Do Villele will re quire' no '4oan, -in ,onequeneeof "the adoption of hi measure for the reduction of the rentes. A Parje pope r atea that Ferdinand is willK.L,iwllS.t.P.'2e.JI, independence of Mexico on . condftion thaf hi "Brother . . m r- ' . k : : rf- tno loiant uon-rrrrcisco fle fsuto, shtll be placed on the throne, under the-- pro tection of Spain. M. Vallejo haa been despatched to Milan, on a mission to the Emperor of Austria, with this project. xJ5minmFztm Cocay a lorft - between Segovia and Valltdolid, we learn that a wht who' nouf were Tmind lh utnnm nf tha i" onstitutiorv, and - tome arms, wat tentericed lo 1 fine of 1,000 ducats (90 1 -Iratid td be banished foe a yean The fiscal haa called on the coui t to sentence bim to the gibbet. " At Porr.eix, in Caia Ionia, the friendt of the ATtar afid the ihronileCfi of 4 rich farmer, auapected of negroism. and the unfortunate man, with a family, consisting of ten individuals, perished. An edict of the archbishop of -Tarra gona ha been published, authorizing the ubluhmeni of t new Inauitition in Spainj composed of a junta of penone ' f r ! f IN (-'.;?.rhM I.Ufc ffluttf W.l H r t lu ,.i.t -n. Act tn-il S tmm il144 tf Jfy , iie I Kit Ml Ll rit'J lhl Iht rvo( I tt nti:!i, ktilnj svJlMnj lo Ue t)pot k4 tlaen tfid prtxit44 In a tJr la ike Ml siJcutft of Ike etnwet tftd iS!,tnhUi of ihe cburtk, wbo iky fwft4 4pft, led rUIa44 llif kMS4; CfUt IJo iib ike tiTty I i i iWilate oerment. t fMTk EotUsk CofttioeauJ Cti A statist kit made propoMk t ike llftntn 0emmeti on wakk a report U to U msdt. It it imposed to rnike the tit of ollf eHI, ! promote tke 1U Stat It tW cUit. li lt inltrnJcJ ta kite le strtntbeett tt ' tlrtrulnirx, Ihe Crt of Tiber orrt of wkUk U 10 Mif tie tttt Rome and tht rQovtk of the ri tr tott ilii etkir Utf tut Rami iiAXk- Crtt(tJTlt Oreti yotrpmnt kite! pre scat 3i4X)ftclif.iadik Hum ker It dYtly Inctctsinr, Couot Mattioe, of Cephaiooltt appointed commistary krenerti of Ike army, kt recclted 30,000 larft pUttrea for the purpose of ntkinf purtkaMt at -iote, wkkk be It dolnf every day without ike aU(bteti obstacle ketnf Ikrowsi In kit way by tke) Britisk roteromenlt wklck permlta tbtm. Seme alarm In been felt in Crtete, U eoote Cjuen of tke tppoaliloa of klaWnet AU 19 nt eiMnauon m cons mm trrps. L.MiOy familica at 5tav terrified at tke r 1 t. 1 j- prepinwRwif again wrat svart airraof sought rt fur e at' Stria. It it aid tke Alaiootct rcfuud to 6M they art tv petted of bain( tome itodtrttaodiiie; itb Ibrahim Pacha, thouk Ikcir chief, A Tetur from Cootntioople of ike 334 April, etstctt that altrmlaf ttewa hid artited from lk More 4. Ibrahim Pacha It in a desperate sit onion t he Is TCrroondet) by th Oreekerwbo art tut icninar to ike 1 pot from all tjttirtcrv The Undint of thit Fgyptlan In Crceca, hit been tbe tly,nal fort levy enpaue. f ba raatura of CtrlaUn eetaeja arrlriitjt from the coatttf consider Ibrahim at ruined." '. , . '. "'. ' . . ... Jtirly Scrloot IrouUea lock place el Trtbiaooda, at tbe beyjinoine; of March. The Pacha bat iott hit too j tbe town it surrounded by the rebellious ik- No ptrticulm of tilt retolt bate been re ceived. An agreement hat been made between the Turkish Government and the Pacha of EyjTpft by wnlch tba latter is to re ceive the rcveDuea of the Morea for $0 y eart, if he can wrest . that country from the Crcekt. ;7ror7 The netrocistion between Porlugsl and tbe Draxiltlt uid to be fin ished, t 1 he Emperor wilt keep the aove rtt?ntTT)f -the BraxJlr duijnr hc fife of kit uther, and continue lo reside at Rw Janeiro. ' ..., COTT0.Y, .;;.;..;::......, It U taid lo b an t"rtained fct. thil the late cxtensnre tpeculjtipnt in the Eng lish Cotton market have been principally hy ihe banker Rothschild, and the mer chants Cropper, Consort 2c O. A Loo don paper remarks that Kot!itchi!d, while he odranrcs Cotton abovt cent per rent. I all Cown with tie tame hand, the funCa of .a)I,Europc $ lo 6 percent, and then ccttin. clear tf. bU Cotton-at the imn of t he market la dtaVnr, buy a into u'l the funds 0 Europe at the (urn of ihe Market ro riu." -This, aftf r allf it bax- ardooa bwinetvand the etijtnsts wno tntft in it must be potsesicd of a ton: tiderabre thare of prctcienee 10 hit the, exact time at which fd carry on their cp aV I ft. I a. ded to the' demand for cotton in the mar keta of Europe ; but the rise hat not been altogether the contenuence of t peculation The thortnett of the ttocks in Europe the increased tnd continued demand, pun ciptlly caused by ihe opening of the trade to South America the expected den ciency of the cropa in the placet of pro ductirin.tulTKiently account for the Creased prtcet given for the article the present season. No doubt teems now to be,eateruinedrthi U baa arrived a: lit greatest advance aod the prudent specu lator will guard against a decline, rather lhan Calculate upon an increase in bit galnt. Savannah Geor, other gentlemen composing the" Board of I nternal I m pro ve ment , . accom ponied by ihe State Engineer, arrived in thit town from Newbern last Saturday night, be tween 10 and 1 1 o clock, and left the next morning about sun-ritc-- Ve have learn. edlhut tare obicct which the board have iaieirisiMkm (0 examine the several points where-im provement havt; been commenced,: or where-it-ttas terwrmrtxrsplitXid IS Wite them, in order to report to the next Le- gihlature j and it is thoaghnhstt orilbeir 1 rori in a great measure will rtr pyrd th5cr)u"irtc'f " wfticii - the Tgishtafe will hi future extend to many projected improvements in Canals, Roads, Rive ra, &c. . WaihingtoniM C. Recorder, : Tthe Corporation of Philadelphia have a tu homed the paving of one er Two tirccis oft the Al'Adatn plan-. , ' ; n ut It, :t. huu Jrs, tv' we art euiU,.! 19 tif 1 It ft CUMlidatt lo I tpttHM Pa,, cosiaiy ia Ikt fUntie tf tke Mil CtMrti Astemlly of ikit tisie. - Us. Aadraaa. 4 J CUfluat, ty , mU ", wt t-t4is 14 rr'4 A r ty it t C" t l!t Mil ts.-m, joke 4, t. 44 lata kmtuf t -nmj a a eva&Ute tV IM taasa 4flU. We are arfWiitl it ty, Hat ;avrs Dadt, it a 44dale tt reyrratat rit 44a, U af tie aowM; af I'hUo4 U 1U4 IUm Cuwamta si He am tetrrAatkUT 4 We are atitWud te tay, daat J4ms Cmf. US. Akjander Tartaaea, t. and tm If. ft, t are uz&UU 1 ta ft M cvtaty k te It e tl Cooasoae af tke a Ceaml AsatftLly. Cats. Qo. L DneUasabt t4ftjnlale A 144 i44te, 4itWl tfpta&at, TBI XL JUDOC We tetrsi by 0 gentleman cfirttt tm Rillf,k, that no doubt t listed la ikt mindt of aay one there wbea be left, bet ikit TletM Rff. Tm. tale 1 ludrj of Ube 5tiparior Count of tbitttie, wtnUka Mmlnated to tke Council by the Covsf nor, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the rttlcrtatioA of Jolge BadKeraad tke aomioaUAa) U confirmed by the Cocao. MJ. t'trmrf, ft meftiar of tbt taar4 af Uf. aal l4ip4e4i4t, p4 tWonrtf tLa tot a, i kia wav korne so LineU emiMy, on 1(4 ,x mm, ft vst tk4 intaata af 114) Hurt la ttken a avrvey of tba Itoada 4n4 km, n n, .-mim.4 w - ..aajT af tdft Madfer rewdennff at eesa7 & rvernof (aba U, ofT.M'v Presideni af t' Koa-d) tt rsJl lua-athatv 4ftd prtaJt K if CwtncU of Hate, fue t'.e ptirpo cf ckt a appoinlesrnt to tnpf?y tba tsctftey a L. kefwk t4 tbt p tot Cotrrafl iwtf liavri', 44 their Ubara wntJ fll Lea e rtr n. nect ll.at Ihey i0 ay l!t artrntn la tu hrrprottieh tif the bdtit 4 trawort in tbW section of rht se, lnrh h rmwH froaa tMrket, aa.t U4 akvaiitt aJ mn3 tar of it piwhictioria, cai tr. 1 afjt 1 Tv--TbV b.rectttr of the" tank of C$p Fetr, have declared a dividend cf th'r.t per cent for tbe half tear codlog on tie 39th ol June Ust. In notiring ihe late annircraary of ih Declaration of Indrpendence, t per ctive thai msnr of our EiMtoril bieth. ren have fallen into the mistake of atyfute; 11 the ftirik annivtrir.ry. Ihit is iht rnrumchcemeal of ibe fiftieth year of (be Declaration 01 American Incependrnce ; but ihe 4th of Joly past ia only the forty ninik tnnorraary of tha event.'-- - - - xr.w wuitcn. At a meetinr of a number of tht'eitifrni of Salisbury, hi tht eourt-bouae. on aaturday, Ibe tftb inat. the subject of buildinr; a new presbj. ItrUn l.bircb in aaid tfwH broirtit hefre the meetiny;, 4ml dirued at cwnidfTsMa Knjth." Jt as finally reanked. that il is exp. dirnt l erect a new Churcli, aa eoon as' fundt sufneient tt auNrcrlbed. A reeulution u an. spkixmhIv pard by tht meeting, temrinj tlieir acknowledmenttto Mr, ffr&reea TKv.tor brr rmtnificent -donation nf a lot of rrwifd hereon to erect the clmrch. It it contempV ted we understand, to build tha church of brxl, .-.t orJv Jiare time and apace ttifuknt " 111 una mki a ijFtr, iu aiaic,ina 111c urifr ide of U . Stare EnaloeeTfrrflwrKted of Gen. Bernard. Col.Shriver, Maj. Poussia, and Lieutl.-prjTtorT and TtfpICU, "ir'riftJ' in thit place on Saturday last, one. part r via of York'vlilr, Charlotte, 8cev 1 and ihe other.by Greenville, Lincoln, fee. It it ! expected they will leave here thit djv. 1 nrtuay, rue ivin 01 July.; it it ts much a problem with them, at this stse of thrirexamination, a with the rest of us which of the three routes will ultimately" be selected sra the location of the Nations! Road. 444 XEff RELIGIOUS PAPEn. We have received the prospectus A. a Religiout Newsptper, contempltted to be published in the Town of Fayettevi!!e by th. Rev." Robert rfrWbrruoh, tojie eaneoMhe4 AiiSa "Jrdtfrgfik" The " Editor professes to have, for hi object, the difruVvoa of intelligence, the. correction of error, the removal of.pre- jmTIcelreeftram . u ..:.k'. r -j r mi. kiici tailing yi viriUD. j aim irvni.v"v knowledge of his character and qualifies- tiOD, 'however difficult of accomplish ment this philanthropic object may ap pear) we esteem the Ed'tor very compe-teut-to undertake iUsr-s"-,;-; to the great moral MiJityW puMiee? tions or thu nature, no - Christian,' PliilanthToplst, wii! for 1 moment het tate to bear "the most ample - tesumofly? The ; money that Js naid for -Religiu? Newspaperi by the cittfens of worm Ctrolina; is sufficient to sustain two printing establishments and wecroooL be induced to, bf lieveibu onefialf of those who laker these papers 'rotn a distancewouldvery readHy- clppge their eubscrlp'.iori tonne af Aonflr ' J

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